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#222 : Après un long sommeil (1/2)

O'Neill se réveille dans une cellule cryogénique, dans ce qui serait le SGC près de 80 ans dans l'avenir. Quand les commandants de la base l'interrogent sur le passé, O'Neill se doute que les choses ne sont pas ce qu'elles semblent être...


4.67 - 6 votes

Titre VO
Out of Mind

Titre VF
Après un long sommeil (1/2)

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France





Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Jonathan Glassner et Brad Wright

Réalisé par : Martin Wood

Apparitions : 

Suanne Braun (Hathor)

Samantha Ferris (Dr Raully)

Teryl Rothery (Dr. Janet Fraiser)

Tom Butler (Major Général Trofsky)

222 - Après un long sommeil


Dans un labo, un homme est sorti d'un caisson cryogénique : il s'agit de Jack. Une scientifique, le Dr Raully, lui dit qu'il se trouve au SGC. Le Général Trofsky l'informe que le reste des Sg-1 est mort et qu'ils sont en 2077.

Un peu plus tard, Jack retrouve ses esprits. Le Général lui indique qu'il a été renvoyé par la Porte dans cet état. Il décide alors de lui faire visiter les installations, où beaucoup de choses ont changé : il y a désormais 28 équipes Sg à la base et 10 dans les colonies. Jack raconte alors ses souvenirs de sa dernière mission. Le général lui propose alors de servir de cobaye à une nouvelle technologie.

De retour au labo, le Dr pose sur la tempe du Colonel une technologie Tok'ra qui stimule la mémoire. Un hologramme apparaît, et Jack se souvient des Nox. Les souvenirs de cette mission (cf. « Les Nox ») s'affichent. Puis il pense ensuite aux Asgards, au vaisseau de Thor (cf. « L'œil de Pierre ») et à sa rencontre avec eux (cf. « La cinquième race »). Puis il se remémore la mission de sauvetage d'Ernest Littlefield (cf. « Le supplice de Tentale »). Mais les souvenirs de Jack commencent à être saturés et le Dr recommande qu'il se repose.

Le Dr et le Général se dirigent alors vers une autre salle où ils sortent le Dr Jackson de la cryogénisation. Le général le rassure.

Puis dans une autre salle, ils réveillent le Capitaine Carter et lui sortent le même discours qu'à Jack. Une fois remise de ses émotions, le Dr soumet Sam au même test que Jack. Carter montre leurs ses souvenirs de ses souvenirs où Sg-1 a détruit les vaisseaux d'Apophis (cf. « La Morsure du Serpent »).

De son coté, Daniel subit le même interrogatoire et se souvient de l'attaque de Sokar (cf. « La Colère des Dieux »), d'Heru-ur (cf. « Secrets ») et d'Hathor (cf. « Hathor ») qui avait pris le contrôle du SGC. Daniel comprend ensuite que tous ses amis sont morts.

De son coté, Teal'c se réveille à l'infirmerie du SGC, entouré de Janet et d'Hammond qui ne savent pas où est le reste de l'équipe. Le Général explique que Sg-3 et Sg-7 n'ont retrouvé que lui sur la planète. Teal'c se souvient alors de lors de leur mission, ils ont rencontré des gardes Horus et des gardes Serpents. Teal'c demande l'autorisation de retourner sur la planète pour chercher Sg-1, mais Hammond refuse car les autres équipes n'ont rien trouvé. Il décide alors de retourner sur Chulak, mais le Général refuse à nouveau.

De son coté, Jack entend le Dr et le Général parler en Goa'uld. Il décide alors de s'évader.

Sur Terre, Teal'c repart sur Chulak, au grand désespoir du Général.

Dans l'autre base, Jack se faufile dans les couloirs et découvre qu'il est dans une base Goa'uld. Il erre dans les couloirs. Soudain, il est pris d'un atroce mal de crane quand il voit les Jaffas. Il parvient à retrouver Carter. C'est alors que la mémoire de Sam montre l'accident de la sphère (cf. « Message dans une Bouteille »). Jack la prévient de la supercherie. Ils s'échappent alors vers la salle où Daniel se tient. Ils l'informent aussitôt de la situation. Tous les trois se dirigent alors vers la salle d'embarquement. Là, ils s'aperçoivent que tout est factice. C'est alors qu'Hathor apparaît. Elle leur explique qu'elle reconstruit son armée et qu'elle les utilise pour obtenir des informations sur les Asgards, la combinaison ouvrant l'iris… les membres de Sg-1 ne disent rien. Elle leur annonce alors qu'elle peut obtenir les informations voulues en leur implantant une larve Goa'uld.



Salle, apparemment au SGC :


Homme : Début d’inversion cryogénique.

Femme : Commencez l’inversion… Activité du cerveau en augmentation… Ouverture du caisson. Tout va bien colonel, vous êtes au centre de commande. Tout va revenir à la normale. Non, n’essayez pas de parler colonel ! On a tout le temps.

Homme : On est ravi de vous voir réintégrer le monde des vivants. Je suis le général Tovski et voici le docteur Vangham.

Docteur : On peut essayer de répondre à certaine question qui vous trottent dans la tête en ce moment.

Général : Première chose, j’ai le regret de vous informez que tout les gens de votre équipe… le docteur Daniel Jackson, le Capitaine Samantha Carter, et un Jaffa nommé Teal’c… ont trouvé la mort.

Docteur : Et pour être franche, j’imagine que tout les gens que vous connaissiez sont certainement tous mort.

Général : Vous savez colonel, on est actuellement, en 2077.





Docteur : Comment vous sentez-vous ?

Jack : Déphasé.

Général : C’est compréhensible, vous avez été mis en hibernation cryogénique pendant 79 ans.

Jack : Comment ?

Docteur : C’est une bonne question mais on espérait que vous nous le diriez.

Général : On vous a renvoyé dans cette base en état de cryogénie, ça n’a put être fait que par des gens évoluaient… Votre supérieur de l’époque, le général Hammond et un certain docteur Fraiseur, ont estimé que si on ne vous ranimez sans la technologie appropriée on risquait de vous tuer… Ils vous on mis au frigo en attendant l’époque où la technologie serait suffisamment avancée pour vous ranimer en toute sureté.

Docteur : Colonel est-ce que vous avez une idée de ce qu’il s’est passé sur cette planète ?

Jack : Non je n’me souviens pas… Général, je préférerais ne pas répondre, à d’autres questions. Je voudrais me remettre sur pied tout doucement.

Général : Bien sûr, très bonne idée colonel. Je serais ravie de vous montrer les nouvelles installations. Vous pouvez le déconnecter de ces appareils pendant au moins un certain temps docteur ?

Docteur : Pour une heure ça ira, mais il faudra lui refaire une injection de sérum pour régénérer ses tissus.

Général : Bon je vous le ramène dans moins d’une heure.


Couloir - Apparemment au SGC :


Général : Ça a beaucoup changé.

Jack : Ça fait du bien de se retrouver chez sois… Combien avez-vous d’équipe actuellement monsieur ?

Général : Sur Terre 28 et 10 autres occupent de lointaine colonies.

Jack : Alors on a fini par y arriver… On a réussit à peupler d’autres planète.
Général : Affirmatif.

Jack : Général… Qu’est-il arrivait à mon équipe ?

Général : Ça s’est mal passé.

Jack : Oui, ça je sais… Ils n’ont jamais put retrouver la porte ou ils n’ont pas survécus au processus de décongélation ?

Général : Leurs corps ont été renvoyés mais ils étaient déjà mort… Je suis désolé colonel, c’était il y a très longtemps.

Jack : Pour vous peut-être.


Apparemment salle d’embarquement :


Général : Alors colonel, avez quelques souvenirs de ce qu’il s’est passé lors de votre dernière mission ?

Jack : J’aimerais bien en avoir… Je me souviens qu’on nous a laissé entendre que la planète sur laquelle on allaient été gouverné par un Goa’uld… mais je ne me souviens plus de ce qui s’est passé après le passage de cette porte.

Général : Pour quelle raison pensez-vous qu’un Goa’uld vous aurez sauvé et réexpédié ?

Jack : Ça ce n’est pas dans leurs habitudes.

Général : On a pensé que ce qui vous on sauvé, on commencé par repousser les Goa’ulds avant de s’occuper de vous… On aimerais savoir qui a put faire ça.

Jack : Mais moi aussi mon général.

Général : On a une nouvelle technologie qui peut vous rendre la mémoire… on aimerez faire un essai si vous y consentez.

Voix : SG1 préparez vous pour l’embarquement.

Jack : Bien sûr.

Général : On aimerez commencer immédiatement… Les planètes que nous connaissons sont en guerre avec les Goa’ulds, et, franchement on en a besoin… j’ose espérer que celui qui vous a aider il y a 79 ans peut encore nous aider aujourd’hui.

Jack : Hum…


Salle, apparemment au SGC :


Docteur : Cette technologie est un cadeau des Tok’ra.

Jack : Ah on est toujours amis avec eux ?

Général : Ah oui, ce fut très bénéfique comme alliance.

Jack : Mais pas vraiment d’un grand secours pour les colonies on dirais.

Général : Non.

Jack : Hou ! Mais… Qu’est-ce que c’est que ça ?

Docteur : C’est fixé colonel, ça y est… ça vous feras plus mal.

Jack : Oui bah espérons-le… Ouh !

Docteur : Comme les Tok’ra l’ont expliqué cet appareil stimule les centres de mémoires de votre cerveau et augmente leurs capacités. C’est comme une sorte d’accélérateur de pensé, et quand il est relié à l’engin qui est ici il projette ce que le cerveau est en train de voir sous forme d’hologrammes.

Jack : Magnifique.

Docteur : Tout ce que vous avez à faire c’est vous concentrer et guider tout les souvenirs qui remontent en surface.

Jack : Comment je dois faire ça ?

Docteur : On va vous aider… On dira que c’est comme… une version très moderne de l’hypnose. On a introduit un très léger sédatif dans ces tubes et vous devriez commencer a en ressentir les effets.

Jack : Ah oui ?

Docteur : Très bien, alors on y va. Commencer par vous concentrer sur les races ou cultures lors de vos voyages et qui pourraient avoir la capacité de vaincre les Goa’ulds et vous maintenir en état d’hibernation.

Jack : Les Nox je crois.

Docteur : Les Nox médicalement étaient-ils vraiment avancés ?

Jack : Ils pouvaient ressusciter leurs morts.

[Flashback : Les Nox ressuscite un des leurs]

Général : Et ils pouvaient aussi se rendre invisible ?

Jack : Pas seulement eux-mêmes.

[Flashback : Un Nox montre une cité invisible dans le ciel]

Docteur : Colonel O’Neill, ce sont les Nox qui vous ont sauvé ?
Jack : Je ne me souviens pas.

Docteur : Et bien s’ils ont la possibilités de se rendre invisible, ça pourrait être une arme très efficace contre les Goa’ulds.

Jack : Probablement… Mais ils ne l’utilisent pas comme ça. Les Nox ne se battent jamais même quand il faut se défendre.

Général : Croyiez-vous que quelqu’un d’autres pouvait se déferre des Goa’ulds ?
Jack : Les Asgards…

[flashback : Le char de Thor téléporte tout les Jaffas présent sur une planète à bord de son vaisseau]

 [flashback : Jack rencontre des Asgards qui lui disent que les humains seront un jour la cinquième races]

Jack : Ils appartiennent à une alliance.

[flashback : Ernest montre à SG1 la salle de conférence des chefs des quatre planète qui ont écrits sur les murs]

Docteur : Il commence à saturer, laissons-le se reposer.

Général : Merci colonel… Bon travail… On reprendra plus tard.


Salle, apparemment au SGC :


Général : Tout va bien Docteur Jackson, vous êtes au centre de commande. Vous êtes en de bonnes mains.


Salle, apparemment au SGC :


Général : Celle-ci a du Naquada dans son système alors il faudra augmenter les doses… Tout va bien capitaine Carter, vous êtes au centre de commande, on va vous reprendre en mains.

Sam : Et les autres ?

Docteur : Je crains qu’ils n’aient eu moins de chances que vous… Je suis désolée.


Docteur : Alors ? Comment vous sentez-vous capitaine ?

Sam : Ça va. Ça fait un peu mal, croyiez-vous que ça soit vraiment nécessaire ?

Docteur : Il est important qu’on sache qui est assez avancé pour faire ça.

Sam : Pourquoi ?

Docteur : Parce que toute personnes qui détiendrais ce genre de technologie pourrait-être le meilleur des alliés contre Apophis.

Sam : Apophis ? Il n’est pas mort ?

Docteur : Mais bien sûr qu’il l’est on veut simplement stimuler les zones de votre mémoire qui sont concernées par votre combat… Ça peut nous aider dans nos prochaines batailles.

Sam : Très bien alors… on s’est souvent battus contre les Goa’ulds. Dîtes-moi, comment avez-vous vaincu Apophis ?

Sam : On s’est dirigé vers ce que l’on croyiez être leurs bases, mais on s’est retrouvé sur un vaisseau mère.

[flashback : SG1 arrive sur un vaisseau]

 [flashback : Sam et Daniel voient des Jaffas monter à bord de planeurs de la mort]

[flashback : Jack fait explosé les générateurs de champs du vaisseau avec une grenade]

[flashback : Jack, Sam, Bra’tac et Teal’c sortent du vaisseau de la mort avec des planeurs avant qu’il n’entre en collision avec l’Al’kesh le plus proche et n’explose à cause du C4]

Docteur : C’est très impressionnant capitaine, la fin d’Apophis.

Sam : Et bien le commencement de la fin oui… C’est force avait tellement décliner qu’un autre avait fini par l’achever.


Salle, apparemment au SGC :


Général : Si ce n’était pas Apophis, qui était cet autre Goa’uld ?

Daniel : Et bien on a le choix entre beaucoup d’entre eux… Sokar.

[flashback : Menace de Sokar au SGC]

Daniel : … Heru’ur.

[flashback : Jack détruit le dispositif Goa’uld placé dans la paume de Sokar en lançant un couteau]


Daniel : … Ensuite bien sûr il y a Hathor… Elle a bien faillit réussir à nous convaincre.

[flashback : Hathor fait de Jack le premier de ces nouveaux Jaffas]

[flashback : Sam brule toutes les larmes Jaffa dans la baignoire d’Hathor lorsque celle-ci s’en prend à Jack]

Général : Ça ne va pas ?

Daniel : Ce n’est rien c’est juste que… J’ai besoin de savoir exactement ce qui est arrivé à mes amis.

Général : Je vous l’ai dit… Ils ont été renvoyés par la porte. Ils étaient déjà mort c’est tout ce que je sais.

Daniel : Qu’est devenu le général Hammond ?

Général : Je suis ravi de vous apprendre qu’il a vécut jusqu’au bel âge de 93 ans.

Daniel : Alors tout les gens que j’ai connu par le passé sont mort ?

Général : J’ai bien peur que oui.


Infirmerie, SGC :


Janet : N’ayez crainte, tout va bien. Vous êtes au centre de commande Teal’c.

Général : Content de vous revoir Teal’c.

Teal’c : Général Hammond.

Janet : Doucement, doucement.

Teal’c : Où est le reste d'SG1 ?

Général : Bonne question, nous avions espoirs que vous nous le diriez.


Général : Ne vous voyant pas revenir, nous avons envoyé les équipe 3 et 7 à votre recherche… Ils vous ont trouvé à côté de la porte des étoiles, il n’y avait aucunes traces du colonel O’neill, du capitaine Carter et du docteur Jackson. On présume qu’ils ont été capturés.

Janet : Vous n’avez aucun souvenir de ça Teal’c ?

Teal’c : Si, il y avait des troupes d’Horus et des gardes serpents… une association très inhabituelle.

Général : Au service de quel Goa’uld ?

Teal’c : Ça je n’en sais rien… général Hammond ? Je retourne sur cette planète immédiatement pour trouver des réponses.

Général : Je ne peut pas vous laisser faire ça Teal’c.

Teal’c : Général Hammond, je ne resterais pas ici à ne rien faire pendant que mes amis sont en danger sur cette planète.

Janet : Teal’c vous êtes resté inconscient pendant trois semaines.

Teal’c : Ça ce n’est pas possible. Ma constitution m’aurait permis de me réveiller bien avant.

Janet : Vous viviez à peine Teal’c, vous souffriez de graves lésions internes.

Général : Le docteur Fraiseur à pratiquement passé ces trois semaines à vos côtés. Je suis convaincu que c’est grâce à son acharnement que vous êtes encore en vie.

Teal’c : J’ai une dette envers vous docteur. Général Hammond, permettez-moi de retourner sur cette planète pour retrouver mes amis. Si leurs corps n’étaient pas à côté du miens, c’est qu’ils sont  prisonniers.

Général : Si ils sont prisonniers ils ont quitté depuis longtemps cette planète. Nous avons envoyé plusieurs sondes, et nos meilleurs équipe de secours n’ont retrouvé que de la terre rousse. Il n’y avait aucune traces de vos amis, et ils ont put les transporter dans n’importe laquelle de leurs forteresses Goa’ulds. Ce serait comme chercher une aiguille dans une gigantesque meule de foins.

Teal’c : Peut-être, mais je dois essayer.

Général : Teal’c, je comprend votre désir de vouloir tout faire pour sauver vos amis, mais je ne peut pas encore gaspiller d’autres ressources dans cette recherche. Je suis désolé, requête refusée !

Teal’c : Si le peuple des Tau’ri n’a plus aucun espoirs pour retrouver SG1, alors c’est avec un grand regret, que je vais quitter ce monde et retourner au près de mon peuple.

Général : Vous voulez dire que vous allez quitter la Terre ?

Teal’c : Oui, c’est exact.

Général : Je ne peux pas vous laisser faire ça Teal’c, il n’en est pas question.

Teal’c : Général Hammond, je vous informe officiellement et respectueusement, que je vais devoir prendre congé de la Terre. Désormais je ne suis plus sous votre commandement.

Général Hammond : Je ne peux pas vous laisser faire ça, vous représentez trop de risques pour notre sécurité !

Teal’c : Général Hammond, je mourrais avant d’avoir divulguais une information concernant ce monde. Je pense que vous le savez.

Général Hammond : Oui je le sais.

Teal’c : Je partirais dans une heure.


Salle, vaisseau Goa’uld :


Jack entend le général Tovski et le docteur Vangham parler en Goa’uld. Il arrache sa perfusion et met K.O l’homme qui le surveille avant de prendre ses habits.


Salle d’embarquement, SGC :


Voix : Chevron 4, enclenchait.

Militaire : Garde à vous !

Voix : Chevron 5, enclenchait.

Général : Teal’c, vous me manquerez.

Teal’c : J’ai appris énormément de choses avec vous, soyez-en remerciait.
Voix : Chevron 6, enclenchait.

Général : J’ai aussi appris pleins de choses à votre contact, alors comme ça nous sommes quitte.

Voix : Chevron 7, enclenchait.

Général : Prenez-bien soins de vous Teal’c… Allez-y.


Couloir - vaisseau Goa'uld :


Jack découvre que l’endroit qu’il croyait être le SGC est un vaisseau Goa’uld. Soudainement, il s’effondre à terre sous la douleur que lui provoque sa tête.

[flashback : Jack zat deux Jaffas]

Il se relève et découvre une autre partie du SGC. Il trouve la salle où est retenu Carter et assomme l’homme qui la surveille avec un objet avant de se diriger vers son second.

Jack : Carter ! Carter !… Carter !… Chut !

Sam : Je vous croyez mort.

[flashback : Un artéfact propulse Jack contre un mur et lui transperce l’épaule]

Jack : Oui… ces trucs ont la mauvaise habitude de se déclencher au moment où on s’y attend le moins. Ne cherchez pas à comprendre.

Sam : Ils ont dit que…

Jack : Ce sont des Goa’ulds Carter.

Sam : Daniel et Teal’c ?

Jack : Je ne sais pas encore… mais vous pouvez marcher ?

Sam : Les drogues ont dut m’empêcher de ressentir les effets du Naquada.

Jack : Mettez ces vêtements.


Couloir - vaisseau Goa’uld :


Sam : On se croirait à la base. C’est tout à fait comme…

Jack : Ne pensez pas à ça, ça va réenclencher le processus !

Sam pousse un cri, Jack porte sa mains a sa bouche et l’entraîne derrière un pilier pour la cacher en la maintenant contre lui au moment ou deux gardes Jaffas et les deux imposteurs arrive dans cette partie du vaisseau. Ils finissent par partir.

Sam : Il n’y a pas un moyen de les enlever ?

Jack : Je ne sais pas en tout cas le miens est bien enfoncer.

Sam : Oui vous avez raison, les arracher brutalement pourrait causer des lésions au cerveau.

Jack : Oui ce serait dommage.

Ils restent un moment collés l’un contre l’autre avant de repartir.

Jack : Ah on s’y croirait !


Salle, vaisseau Goa’uld :


Jack : Daniel !

Daniel : Je n’y comprend rien ils disaient…

Sam : Ce sont des Goa’ulds Daniel.

Daniel : En quelle année on est ?

Sam : Nous n’avons jamais changé d’époque.

Daniel : Alors c’était un canular ?

Jack : Oui, on peut appeler ça comme ça.

Daniel : J’ai d’autres questions mais ça peut attendre.

Jack : D’accord.


Couloir - vaisseau Goa’uld :


Jack : Très beau décors en tout cas.

Sam : Cette façade fait sans doute partie d’une plus grand installation Goa’uld, remplie des troupes d’Horus et des gardes serpents.

Daniel : Les troupes d’Horus et les gardes serpents ? Ça fait une drôle d’alliance ça non ?


Salle d’embarquement - vaisseau Goa’uld :


Daniel : Je n’ai jamais vu cet endroit aussi désert.

Sam : Ils pensent que nous sommes toujours inconscient et qu’ils n’ont pas à donner le change.

Jack : C’est du toc.

Daniel : Je ne comprend pas qui aurait put avoir passer assez de temps à la base pour pouvoir reproduire ce genre de détail… Vous ne croyiez pas qu’Apophis… ?
Hathor : Silence !

Jack : Oh ! Et moi qui espérait ne plus jamais te revoir.

Hathor [à Daniel] : Mais il faut bien dire… que tu me manqué mon bien aimé.
Sam : Daniel évité de respirer son haleine.

Hathor : Croyiez-vous qu’on se serait donner autant de mal si vous n’étiez pas immunisé contre ce genre de choses ?

Jack : Hum ?

Hathor : Aimez-vous nos gardiens ? On est arrivé à les attirer par ruse. Il vienne des avants postes de nos ennemis.

Daniel : Ouais… alors on est immunisé…

Hathor : Nous reconstruisons patiemment nos forces avant que les grands maîtres sache qu’on est en vie. Mais ça s’avère difficile qu’en on agit avec une connaissance limitée des états de l’empire.

Jack : Laisse moi deviner la suite, c’est juste une hypothèse. Peut-être que c’est là qu’on intervient, c’est ça ?

Sam : On sait plus de choses que vous.

Hathor : On est près à vous offrir une existence luxueuse comme serviteur à notre corps royal en échange d’informations. Rejetez nous et vous n’aurez pas à vous réjouir de l’alternative.

Jack : Ah, tu sais… tu devrais vraiment faire quelque chose pour ton haleine.

Hathor : Comment peut-on contacter les Asgards pour acquérir leurs connaissances ?

Jack : Va voir du côté de Roswell, c’est un petit bled dans le Nouveau Mexique.

Hathor : Qu’elle est la combinaison de chiffres permettant d’ouvrir l’iris de votre porte des étoiles ?… Si vous nous donné pas l’information que l’on désir, nous avons d’autres moyens pour la récupérer. Une opportunité, c’est présenté d’elle-même, comme ça, par le plus grand des hasards… Notre ami que voici a besoin d’un hôte ou d’une hôtesse. Dîtes-nous lequel d’entre vous voudra le porter ?




Out of Mind

Fade in on a smoke-filled pool. Out of the smoke, suspended by cables, rises a cylindrical tank, the contents obscured by fogged glass. The tank is lifted over the railing to rest in front of a sprawling console. Behind it stands a dark-haired woman in a white uniform, who is guiding the tank's trajectory. As the tank is securely locked in place, camera cuts to a man in his forties, wearing an unfamiliar military uniform.

Man: Begin cryo-reversal.

Woman: Beginning reversal.

She slides up a control lever, checks the readout screen, and types at the keyboard with one hand while moving a circular control with the other. Cut to a readout screen, which reads "BRAIN ACTIVITY: INCREASING."

Woman: Chamber opening.

As the uniformed man watches, the top lid of the cryogenic chamber slides back to reveal an unconscious O'Neill. He opens his eyes and lets out a choked gasp, but can't manage to speak. The woman hurries over while an assistant takes the console.

Woman: It's okay, Colonel O'Neill. You're in the SGC. (checks his pupillary reaction) You're going to be fine. (checking pulse) No, don't try to speak, Colonel. Give it some time.

The uniformed man comes up beside her.

Man: Welcome back to the land of the living, Colonel. I'm Major-General Trofsky, this is Dr. Raleigh.

Raleigh: Maybe we can try to answer some of the questions that are weighing heavily on your mind.

Trofsky: First of all, I regret to inform you that everyone on your team - Dr. Daniel Jackson, Capt. Samantha Carter, and the Jaffa named Teal'c - are all deceased.

Raleigh: As a matter of fact, I imagine everyone you knew is probably gone now.

Trofsky: You see, Colonel, the year is now 2077.




SGC Medical Lab. Trofsky, Raleigh, and an assistant are leaning over the console in the background, Raleigh tapping away. O'Neill is lying in the foreground. O'Neill, who is unconscious again with a couple of tubes hooked up to an apparatus in his shoulder. He opens his eyes again, slightly more alert than before. Cut back to the console.

Raleigh: How are you feeling, Colonel?

She moves to stand beside the bed again, as does Trofsky.

O'Neill: Just confused.

Trofsky: Understandable. You've been in cryogenic hibernation for almost 79 years.

O'Neill: (reaches up to touch the tubes) How?

Raleigh: That's a good question, Colonel. We were hoping you could tell us.

She turns and walks back to the console, leaving Trofsky to explain.

Trofsky: You were sent back through the Stargate already frozen. We're guessing by some advanced culture. Your CO at the time, a General Hammond, and a Dr. Fraiser, felt that to thaw you without the proper technology would probably kill you. They put you in a deep freeze until such time as the technology was developed to safely revive you.

Raleigh: Colonel, do you have any idea what happened to you on that planet?

O'Neill: No, ma'am. (to Trofsky) General... I'd prefer not to answer any more questions. Walk around a little, get my bearings.

Trofsky: Of course. Good idea, actually. I'd be happy to show you the rest of the facility. (to Raleigh) You can disconnect him from these machines for a limited time, can't you, Doctor?

Raleigh: About an hour or so. But he needs the rheumatic infusion in order for his tissues to recover properly.

Trofsky: I'll have him back in less than an hour. (He disconnects the tubes from O'Neill's shoulder.)

Corridor in the SGC

Intercom: SG-14, debriefing in five minutes. Level 6.

Trofsky and O'Neill come around the corner. O'Neill is wearing an SGC uniform, still camouflage, with a slightly different design than the uniforms circa 1999. They stop in the middle of the corridor as O'Neill glances around.

Trofsky: Hasn't changed much?

O'Neill: There's no place like home.

A white-suited assistant comes up to Trofsky and hands him something. Trofsky takes the data pad and signs it. O'Neill moves away, still taking in his surroundings.

O'Neill: How many SG teams are there?

Trofsky: (handing back the pad) 28 here on Earth, another 10 occupying offworld colonies.

O'Neill: So we finally did that, huh? Colonized other planets?

Trofsky: (catching up to him) Affirmative.

O'Neill: General - what happened to my team?

Trofsky: They didn't make it.

O'Neill: I got that. They didn't make it back through the Gate, didn't survive the thawing process, what?

Trofsky: They were sent back... but they were already dead. I'm sorry, Colonel. It was a long time ago.

O'Neill: Maybe for you.

He turns and walks down the ramp. Trofsky sighs and follows.

The Gate embarkation room. The door slides open for O'Neill and Trofsky. No one else is there. O'Neill looks around and wanders up the ramp towards the Stargate as Trofsky speaks behind him.

Trofsky: So, Colonel. Do you have any recollection of what happened on your last mission?

O'Neill: I wish I did, sir. I remember intel suggesting that the planet we were going to was ruled by a Goa'uld. But I don't remember anything after we stepped through that gate.

Trofsky: Can you think of any reason why the Goa'uld might have saved your life? Sent you back?

O'Neill: Certainly not their M.O.

Trofsky: We feel whoever did help you was able to beat back the Goa'uld in order to do so. We'd love to know who could do that.

O'Neill: So would I, sir.

Trofsky: We have a new technology that might help you remember. We'd like to give it a try... if you feel up to it.

The door slides open to admit a pair of SG team members, suited up to go.

Intercom: SG team 2, prepare for embarkation.

Trofsky nods at the team members, then turns back to O'Neill expectantly. O'Neill finally turns to face him.

O'Neill: Sure.

Trofsky: We'd like to get started right away. Our outpost planets are at war with the Goa'uld, and, uh -

He pauses, glancing at the team preparing behind him.

Trofsky: - frankly, we're losing.

O'Neill frowns and looks down at the floor.

Trofsky: I'm hoping whoever helped you 79 years ago can help us now.

Grimacing, O'Neill turns and walks down the ramp.

The medical lab. An assistant hands Dr. Raleigh a black box with five small cylinders in it.

Raleigh: The technology was given to us by the Tok'ra.

O'Neill: We're still friends with them, huh?

Trofsky: Oh, yes. It's been quite a beneficial alliance.

O'Neill: Just not much help in the outpost colonies, I take it?

Trofsky: No.

Raleigh reaches up and presses one of the cylinders against O'Neill's temple. There is a sharp hiss, and O'Neill jerks back.

O'Neill: Ow! What was that?

Raleigh: It's okay, Colonel, it's in. That's all the pain you'll feel.

O'Neill: (reaches up to touch it) What a shame.

She pulls his hand away, waving a small tool over the device to calibrate it, then attaches a thin wire to the device.

Raleigh: As the Tok'ra explain it, this device stimulates the memory centers of your mind and then amplifies it. (She guides him to lie down on the table) Sort of like a capacitor for thoughts. And when it's hooked up to this device here, it projects what the mind's eye is seeing holographically.

She goes back to the console as Trofsky moves to the foot of the bed.

O'Neill: Beautiful.

Raleigh: Now all you have to do is focus your thoughts and... guide the right memories to the surface.

O'Neill: How do I do that?

Raleigh: We'll lead you through it. It's kind of like a... high-tech version of hypnosis. We've introduced a very light sedative through those tubes, and you should be feeling the effects now.

O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

Raleigh: Great. Let's get going. Start by concentrating on what race or culture you can think of from your travels that might have the technology to - defeat the Goa'uld and cryogenically suspend you.

O'Neill: The Nox did.

Raleigh: Okay, the Nox. Were they medically advanced?

Behind Trofsky, a holographic "screen" slides into existence: first the vertical frame slides up, then the horizontal. Cut to O'Neill.

O'Neill: They could revive their dead.

On the screen. An image appears, a scene from the episode "The Nox." We see the Nox performing the ritual over Nafrayu and fading into visibility.

Trofsky: They could make themselves invisible?

O'Neill: Not just themselves.

Back to screen. Antaeus and Nafrayu are standing with SG-1.

Antaeus: Before you go, O'Neill, there is something I should have you see.

He waves a hand, and we cut to full-screen flashback as SG-1 turns to see a high-tech, futuristic floating city appear in the sky behind them.

Antaeus: Fear not.

A landscape image of SG-1 and the Nox standing on the hill looking at the city in the distance. The Stargate appears beside them. Cut back to the lab.

Raleigh: Colonel O'Neill, was it the Nox who sent you here?

O'Neill: I don't remember.

Raleigh: Well, they had the technology to make themselves invisible. Could be a very powerful weapon against the Goa'uld, could it not?

O'Neill: Probably. But they'd never use it in that manner. The Nox wouldn't even fight in self-defense.

Trofsky: Can you think of anyone else who could have defeated the Goa'uld?

O'Neill: The Asgard.

A full-screen flashback, scene from "Thor's Chariot." SG-1 is standing in a field, and O'Neill is turning away. Daniel nudges him, and he turns back around. Cut to the three Goa'uld ships sitting on the hill. Above them, the clouds are darkening and shifting as something breaks through the cloud cover above them.

Cut back to SG-1. O'Neill removes his sunglasses.

O'Neill: Oh, my.

Back to the Goa'uld ships as a massive spaceship emerges from the clouds.

Daniel: Ladies and gentlemen, I think this is... Thor's chariot.

Teal'c: An Asgard mothership. I have heard them described in Jaffa legend.

Behind them, the Jaffa guards begin to back away. It is to no avail, because seconds later, a white beam sweeps over them and they vanish. O'Neill turns to see that the Asgard ship is emitting the beam, which courses over the ships and the valley below, sweeping up Jaffa and Goa'uld alike. Teal'c is not targeted. Soon, the Goa'uld and even their ships are gone, and the Asgard ship lifts back into the clouds.

Back to the lab. Dr. Raleigh and Trofsky exchange looks.

Back to the screen, which now shows a scene from "The Fifth Race." We see a Stargate opening and O'Neill falling through, landing not-so-gracefully at the bottom of several steps.

Full-screen flashback. As O'Neill sits up, the camera pans up to show two Asgard standing in front of him. Cut to a wide-angle shot of a long white corridor, where a number of Asgard are milling about. Cut back to O'Neill, who recovers from his surprise.

O'Neill: You're the Asgard. Thor's race. Right?

Asgard #1: You have heard of us.

O'Neill: Nothing but good things.

Asgard #1: We have studied your race closely.

O'Neill: What did you learn?

Asgard #2: That your race has great potential.

O'Neill: Great potential. That's good.

Asgard #1: Understand this. There was once an alliance of four great races in the galaxy - the Asgard, the Nox...

O'Neill: Met them.

Asgard #1: ...the Furlings...

O'Neill: Don't know them.

Asgard #1: ...and the Ancients, the builders of the Stargates.

O'Neill: That's a pretty heavy group.

Asgard #1: Your race has much to prove before we can interact on that level.

O'Neill: Look, you all seem to be quite wonderful... people. You folks should understand that we're out there now. We might not be ready for a lot of this stuff, but we're doing the best we can.

One of the Asgard extends a hand. After a pause, O'Neill takes it and gets to his feet.

Asgard #2: You have already taken the first step towards becoming the fifth race.

Close-up on O'Neill, in the medical lab.

O'Neill: They're part of a - an alliance.

Full-screen flashback, from "The Torment of Tantalus." Katherine, Ernest Littlefield, and SG-1 are standing in a circular room with gray stone walls and five columns protruding from the stone, each covered with lettering of a different language. An object in the center of the room is covered by a tarp. Ernest pulls iit back to reveal a power source, which begins to glow. Around the chamber, the columns light up, the lettering illuminated in the stone.

O'Neill: What is this place?

For answer, Ernest hands Daniel his journal, opening it to a page and indicating a place to start.

Daniel: (reading) 'I believe this room was some sort of meeting place where four alien races, denoted by the symbols and distinctive writing on the wall, gathered, possibly to share knowledge or discuss relations like a United Nations of the stars. Katherine agrees.'

Katherine: You're right. I would have.

O'Neill: (looking at the power source) This looks familiar.

Ernest: Touch it.

O'Neill does so, and a bright beam of light shoots up from the rounded top. O'Neill jumps back.

O'Neill: Wow!

Above them, a series of floating globes appear, in a multitude of colors, sizes, and combinations.

Katherine: It's beautiful!

O'Neill: Daniel? Does this mean anything to you?

Daniel: Well, if this was a mecca of sorts, an alien United Nations, this has to mean something.

O'Neill points at one of the groups of spheres.

O'Neill: I know this.

Katherine: Of course! High school chemistry.

Daniel: One proton, one electron - hydrogen.

Katherine: Beryllium. Sodium.

Ernest: Silver. Iron. Barium. Xenon.

Daniel: Of course! How do you ensure universal communication? You reduce the method of communication to the most basic elements of everyone and everything that exists in the universe. Jack, this is a true universal language.

Back at the lab. O'Neill suddenly jolts. The screen starts flashing incoherently, and alarms go off. Dr. Raleigh hurries to his side and disconnects the wire. The screen fades out and the alarm goes quiet.

Raleigh: He's had enough. Let's let him rest.

Trofsky: Thank you, Colonel. Good work.

Raleigh presses a few buttons, and a blue liquid begins to run through the clear tube attached to O'Neill's shoulder.

Trofsky: We'll resume later. (He and Raleigh exit the lab.)

In another SGC corridor, Trofsky and Dr. Raleigh enter another chamber. It's a repeat of the opening scene, with another cryogenic chamber being lifted from a pool of smoke. The assistants guide it onto the platform, and Dr. Raleigh goes through the motions on the console. The lid opens to reveal Daniel Jackson, who gasps and opens his eyes, disoriented and confused.

Trofsky: It's okay, Dr. Jackson. You're in the SGC. You're going to be fine.

Repeat of the same procedure with another cryogenic tank. As Dr. Raleigh guides it to the platform, Trofsky speaks.

Trofsky: This one has naquid in her system, so keep her a little more dosed.

The procedure continues, only this time, the tank opens to reveal Capt. Carter, already awake and coughing violently. Dr. Raleigh checks her pulse, pupil reactions, et cetera.

Trofsky: It's okay, Dr. Carter. You're in the SGC. You're going to be fine.

Carter: SG-1?

Raleigh: I'm afraid they didn't make it. I'm sorry.

Carter only manages to moan at that.

SGC Medical Lab. Fade in on the readout monitor, with the words "BRAIN ACTIVITY: INCREASING" flashing. The camera pulls back to show Carter sitting up in bed, covering herself with the blanket and fingering the memory device in her temple.

Raleigh: How does that feel, Captain?

Carter: Aah! It hurts a little.

Raleigh: Well, it's important that we know who would have the technology to do this.

Carter: Why?

Raleigh: Because, Captain Carter, anyone with that kind of technology would be a valuable ally against Apophis.

Carter: Apophis? Isn't he dead?

Dr. Raleigh glances up sharply, hesitating.

Raleigh: Well, of course he is. We're merely trying to stimulate the region of your memory that involves doing battle with the Goa'uld. It might help us in our current battles.

Carter: Okay, well, we did fight the Goa'uld a lot.

Raleigh: Tell me how you defeated Apophis.

The screen rises up, showing scenes from "Within the Serpent's Grasp" and "The Serpent's Lair."

Carter: Well, we gated to what we thought was their home base, but we ended up on a Goa'uld mothership.

Cut to full-screen flashback. SG-1 is in the cargo hold of the ship.

Daniel: A sarcophagus.

O'Neill: Oh, great. More snake heads. Teal'c, any idea which one's in here?

Teal'c does not answer, and stares out the window. Carter and Daniel follow his gaze.

O'Neill: Teal'c?

Carter: We're not on a planet, are we?

Teal'c: That is correct.

Cut to a view of the window over their shoulders, where a star field and light streaks that indicate hyperspace travel can be seen. Camera cuts back to face the team.

Teal'c: It appears we are on a Goa'uld transport vessel.

Carter: And that jolt was -

Teal'c: Hyperlaunch.

Cut back to the view of the window. Cut to the SGC lab, where Carter pauses, remembering.

Flashback again, this time a view of one of the corridors of the Goa'uld mothership as a group of serpent guards march past. Cut to Carter and Daniel, hiding between the partitions, and back to a shot of the corridor as the remainder of the guards pass. When they are gone, Carter leans out of the hiding place, checking to see if it's clear. She turns and heads in the direction the guards went, and Daniel follows.

Cut to another corridor. The guards march toward and then past the camera before Carter peers around the corner, gun at the ready. She and Daniel slip around the corner, and we see that Daniel is carrying a pistol.

The view shifts to their perspective, the glider bay where the serpent guards are climbing into their respective Death Gliders.

Cut to Dr. Raleigh, who watches with interest.

Flashback. O'Neill and Bra'tac are leaning over a railing on the ship and looking down. Teal'c and Carter join them.

Bra'tac: Shield generators are far below.

Cut to a shot of the shield generators far below them.

Bra'tac: There, in the very bowels of the ship.

Cut back to Bra'tac and O'Neill. As Bra'tac speaks, O'Neill reaches inside his vest.

Bra'tac: We'll climb down several decks, through the length of the ship. Then, taking our weapons, we must -

He breaks off as O'Neill pulls out a grenade, pulls the pin, and drops both over the railing. Cut to a view above and behind SG-1 as the shield generators explode.

Cut back to the lab, as Carter remembers something else.

Flashback, in the glider bay of the Goa'uld mothership. We see Teal'c and Carter being lifted into a Death Glider, with Teal'c in the pilot's seat. Bra'tac and O'Neill are in the one beside it, and the Gliders close up with their passengers inside.

Exterior shot of the ship. Cut to the C4 explosive attached to some part of the ship, and zoom in as the timer reaches 1 minute and 13 seconds. Cut to the bridge, where Apophis, realizing what is about to happen, activates the transporter to allow himself and Klorel to escape.

Cut back to the timer. 29 seconds are left. Cut to exterior shot of the ship again.

Cut to the glider bay, where the two "borrowed" Death Gliders are being lowered for launch. Cut to O'Neill and Bra'tac's Glider, with Bra'tac piloting and O'Neill in the back seat.

O'Neill: Our time is up. We have got to go!

Cut to Carter and Teal'c, then O'Neill and Bra'tac, as the two Gliders are launched out of the ship. A second later, the two ships explode, the force of the blast knocking the Gliders off course. Neither of the Gliders are caught in the blast, however.

Back to the SGC lab.

Raleigh: Very impressive, Captain. The end of Apophis.

Carter: Well, the beginning of the end, yes. His forces were so weakened that another Goa'uld eventually got him.

Cut to Trofsky, who is questioning Daniel in much the same way.

Trofsky: So if it wasn't Apophis, what other Goa'uld could it be?

Daniel: Well, there seems to be a lot of them.

As he remembers, the screen reforms behind him.

Daniel: So-kar.

Cut to a flashback from "Serpent's Song." So-kar has projected an image of a face using a concentrated particle beam onto the iris, in order to communicate.

So-kar: People of the Tau'ri.

Cut to reaction shots from above the embarkation room, then back to the closed Gate.

So-kar: You have taken what is mine. For this you will be destroyed.

Back to the lab.

Daniel: Heru-ur.

Flashback again, from the episode "Secrets." Jack, having just come through the Gate on Abydos, opens fire on Heru-ur. The bullets bounce off of the Goa'uld's energy field harmlessly.

Heru-ur: You dare challenge me?

He opens his hand, aiming the ribbon device at O'Neill. O'Neill pulls a knife from his belt.

O'Neill: I was thinking about it!

With that, he throws the knife, which penetrates the field and stabs right through the ribbon device - and Heru-ur's hand - causing the device to short-circuit.

Heru-ur: You will pay for this insolence!

Cut back to Daniel, remembering.

Daniel: And then of course, there was Hathor. She almost succeeded in doing some pretty big damage.

Cut to flashback from "Hathor," with Hathor speaking to O'Neill.

Hathor: We must praise you, and gift you a great honor.

O'Neill: Yeah, I'm sure that would be just great, but not right -

He breaks off as she parts her lips to release a wisp of pinkish gas, which O'Neill unwittingly breathes in. Instead of finishing his sentence, he can only stand there, entranced, as Hathor opens his shirt to reveal his bare chest. After a moment of appraisal, she steps back and removes her wrap to reveal a glowing orange stone placed over her navel. Stepping to embrace him, she presses the stone against his midsection, causing it to glow with an even fiercer light. As she does so, O'Neill slumps against her, suddenly drained.

Hathor: Do not worry yourself.

O'Neill's face contorts in pain, but he cannot break away.

Hathor: You will enjoy the rich rewards that will come of what we are giving you. You will cherish the good health and long life that goes with being...

The pain becomes too much for O'Neill, and he lurches back, falling against the wall.

Hathor: (in Goa'uld tone) Hathor's first new Jaffa.

O'Neill looks down, and the camera pans down to show the criss-cross incision of the opening of a Jaffa's pouch newly made in his stomach.

Cut back to Daniel, as he remembers something else.

Another flashback from "Hathor." Hathor is sitting in a steaming tub of water swarming with hundreds of Goa'uld larvae, immersed up to the waist. Daniel, still under her spell, kneels beside the tub. She has abandoned using a "normal" human voice and speaks in the tone of a Goa'uld.

Hathor: We demand that the woman you call Carter be brought before us so that we may gain retribution.

Camera pans back to show that two armed soldiers are guarding them.

Daniel: Captain Carter does deserve to be punished, my queen, but she does not know what she is doing. I beg of you to show mercy.

Meanwhile, Col. O'Neill, completely healed and in control of his senses, creeps around the corner from one of the side entrances. Carter appears at another entrance. Both are out of sight of Hathor.

Hathor: She deserves no mercy from us.

Carter crouches, getting ready.

Hathor: She will make amends with her death.

Carter and O'Neill exchange glances, and O'Neill nods. They stand up at the same time and open fire at the guards, nailing them with tranquilizer darts. They collapse, leaving Hathor and Daniel unguarded.

Carter: I don't think so.

Hathor opens her hand, firing the ribbon device at Carter. The shockwave knocks Carter off her feet, sending her flying backwards into a wall. Hathor turns to O'Neill, who suddenly looks unsure of what to do.

Hathor: You have failed us, our love. You will not fail us again.

With that, her eyes glow white, and she lifts the ribbon device, aiming it at a stunned O'Neill. But before she can use it, Carter gets to her feet, pistol in hand, and starts firing repeatedly at Hathor. Most of the shots bounce off metal, but Hathor slumps anyway, sinking beneath the surface of the pool. A reddish glow appears beneath the surface, and suddenly flames ignite on the surface of the liquid, covering the pool with a blanket of fire. The larvae are being boiled to death.

Daniel: NO!!

A few larvae, caught on fire, spill out of the tub, twitching and wiggling on the floor as they are burnt. Carter and O'Neill pick up their weapons and rush to save the unconscious guards.

O'Neill: Get these airmen out of here! Daniel, let's go! Move it!

He manages to pick one soldier up by the collar and drag him out of range of the fire. Daniel remains standing in front of the flaming tub, stock-still, unmoving.

Cut back to the lab. The memory ends, and the screen dissolves.

Trofsky: What's wrong?

Daniel: Nothing. I just - I really need to know exactly what happened to my friends.

Trofsky: As I said, they were sent back through the Gate. They were already dead. That's all I know.

Daniel: What about General Hammond?

Trofsky: I'm happy to report he lived to a ripe old age of 93.

Daniel: So... everyone I ever knew basically is gone.

Trofsky: I'm afraid so.

Daniel looks dismayed at this news.

Close-up of Teal'c, lying unconscious on a medical bed. He opens his eyes and looks around, confused.

Dr. Fraiser: It's okay! It's okay!

Cut to Dr. Fraiser - it really is her - standing beside his bed.

Fraiser: You're in the SGC, Teal'c.

We pan back from the bed to see that Teal'c is lying in the sickbay of SGC, present-day. General Hammond and Dr. Fraiser are standing at his bedside.

Hammond: Good to have you back, Teal'c.

Teal'c: General Hammond.

Abruptly, he sits up, stricken as he recalls prior events.

Fraiser: Easy! Easy!

Teal'c: Where are the rest of SG-1?

Hammond: Good question. We were hoping you could tell us.

Close-up on Teal'c. From the look on his face, he doesn't seem to know.

Cheyenne Mountain Complex, present day. Cut to sickbay, where Teal'c has finished dressing and picks up his jacket from the bed.

Hammond: When you didn't return, we sent SG teams 3 and 7 after you. We found you lying next to the Stargate, but no trace of Colonel O'Neill, Captain Carter, and Dr. Jackson.

As Hammond speaks, Teal'c puts on his jacket, a look of grim determination on his face.

Hammond: We assumed they were captured.

Fraiser: You have no memory of this, Teal'c?

Teal'c: I do. It was a mixture of Horus and Serpent Guards. A very unusual combination.

Hammond: Serving what Goa'uld?

Teal'c: That I do not know. General Hammond, I will return to the planet immediately to search for the answers.

He moves past Hammond purposefully at that.

Hammond: Can't let you do that, Teal'c.

Teal'c stops in his tracks at those words, and turns, confused.

Teal'c: General Hammond, I will not remain idle while my friends may be in danger on this planet.

Fraiser: Teal'c, you've been unconscious for three weeks.

Teal'c: That is not possible. My symbiote would have awakened me long before the period of three weeks.

Dr. Fraiser shakes her head at that.

Fraiser: You were barely alive, Teal'c. You had substantial internal injuries.

Hammond: Dr. Fraiser spent most of the three weeks at your side. It was her refusal to give up that kept you alive.

Teal'c bows his head in deference to the doctor.

Teal'c: I am in your debt, Dr. Fraiser. General Hammond, permit me to return to this planet to search for my friends.

Hammond and Fraiser exchange worried looks.

Teal'c: If their bodies were not found by my side, then they are prisoners.

Hammond: If they're prisoners, they're long gone from that planet. We sent out UAV's, balloons, our best rescue teams... and found nothing but scorched earth. There was no trace of them. They could be moved to any Goa'uld stronghold. You'd be searching for a needle in a very large haystack.

Teal'c: Perhaps. But I must try.

He turns away, but the General follows.

Hammond: Teal'c! I understand your desire to do something, anything, for SG-1. I feel the same way. But I cannot expend any more resources on this. I'm sorry. Request denied.

Teal'c: If the people of the Tau'ri have given up hope on SG-1, then it is with great regret that I must leave this world and return to my people.

Hammond: You mean you want to leave the SGC?

Teal'c: That is correct.

Hammond: I can't let you do that, Teal'c. I won't let you.

Teal'c: General Hammond. I hereby respectfully inform you that I must take my leave of the SGC. (removing his jacket) Therefore, I am no longer under your command.

He lets the jacket fall to the floor, and starts to walk away, but Hammond blocks his path.

Hammond: I can't allow you to do that. You're too great a security risk.

Teal'c: General Hammond, I would die before willingly divulging any information pertaining to this world. You know that.

Hammond: Yes, I do.

Teal'c: I will depart in one hour.

He turns and walks past Hammond, leaving sickbay. Helplessly, Fraiser and Hammond watch him go.

The "future" SGC medical lab. O'Neill is lying on his cot again, seemingly asleep. As the camera pans down, however, we see that the drugs are not getting into his system; he has looped the tube around and has it clenched in one fist, cutting off the flow of the drug. He opens his eyes as someone speaks nearby.

Voice: Tel ma qui. Mak tel'ah!

Cut to the entrance, where Trofsky and Raleigh are speaking in a completely alien language - which sounds suspiciously familiar.

Raleigh: Rok cri no, mak'tau!

With that, Trofsky turns and hurries down the hall, with Raleigh right behind him. But O'Neill has heard all that he needs to. The orderly, unaware that the patient is awake, makes some notes on a clipboard and taps at a console, turning his back to O'Neill. Slowly, O'Neill reaches up and disconnects the tubes sticking into his shoulder. He winces as they come out, but there is no other noise and the orderly does not notice. O'Neill sets the apparatus on his chest, close to where it would be if it were still connected. He starts coughing a bit, just enough for the orderly to hurry over to check. Seeing that the tubes are disconnected, he reaches to hook O'Neill back up - only to have the patient grab his head and knock it against the table. Unconscious, the orderly slumps to the floor, and O'Neill rolls off the table. Throwing the wires away in disgust, he starts to remove the unconscious man's uniform.

SGC, present day. In the Gate embarkation room, the Stargate is being dialed out. Camera pans across the room and down the ramp.

Intercom: Chevron 4, engaged.

Camera reaches the entrance, which slides open to reveal Teal'c, carrying his staff weapon and wearing a long robe. General Hammond is already there, waiting for him. The soldiers in the Gate Room stand at attention.

Soldier: Ten-hut!

Intercom: Chevron 5, engaged.

Teal'c moves to stand before General Hammond.

Hammond: Teal'c, you will be missed.

Teal'c: I have learned much from you, General Hammond. And I thank you.

He bows his head respectfully.

Intercom: Chevron 6, engaged.

Hammond: I've learned a lot from you, too, Teal'c. So we're even on that account.

Intercom: Chevron 7 is locked.

Hammond: Take care of yourself.

In the background, we hear the sound of the wormhole opening. In a gesture of respect, Teal'c makes a fist with his right hand and lays it over his left breast. Hammond, in turn, salutes him, and all the soldiers assembled follow suit. Teal'c lifts his hand up to salute as well. Breaking the salute, Teal'c nods to Hammond, turning and walking up the ramp. When he reaches the wormhole, he stops for a few moments, then steps through. The wormhole fades out, and the soldiers stand there, looking at the now dormant Stargate.

Hammond: At ease.

He turns and walks away.

The "future" SGC. O'Neill, still pulling on the last of the orderly's uniform, stumbles around a corner. He passes through several corridors unseen and unmolested - he is the only one roaming the halls. Reaching into a pocket of the uniform, he pulls out a keycard and slides it through the access slot beside the elevator. The elevator doors slide open, and O'Neill steps through - and stops short. Instead of the gray steel of the back wall, he finds himself staring at a pair of heavy bronze double doors. As the elevator doors slide shut behind him, O'Neill pockets the keycard and approaches the double doors. They slide open at his touch to reveal the interior of a Goa'uld vessel. He steps out, taking in the similarities to Apophis' ship, and the doors slide shut behind him. A pair of guards in full battle armor appear down the hall, and O'Neill hurriedly ducks behind a pillar, moving around it as they do so as not to be seen. They pass him by unnoticed. He watches them go, and then heads the way they came. Another corner. A Serpent Guard heads down the hall, unaware that O'Neill is hiding behind a pillar. When the coast is clear, he makes his way again, but something triggers the memory device still in his temple. He nearly falls over in pain, catching himself against a pillar as the device lights up, triggering a flashback.

A "The Serpent's Lair" flashback. O'Neill and Bra'tac are trading fire with a pair of Serpent Guards.

It's over quickly, and O'Neill manages to get to his feet and approach a new set of double doors. They slide open to reveal another false elevator, identical to the last one. Stepping out of the elevator, O'Neill jogs down the corridor. After a few turns and a few steps, he reaches the fake medical bay where Carter is lying, being checked over by an orderly. While the orderly's back is turned, O'Neill sneaks into the room and picks up a heavy canister. He steps up behind the orderly and strikes him in the back of the head with it, causing the other to fall on top of Carter. O'Neill
shoves him to the floor and tries to rouse Carter.

O'Neill: (whispering) Carter? Carter.

No response. Realizing she's probably doped up, O'Neill reaches over and disconnects the tubes. Carter stirs, blinks, and does a double take when she sees who's leaning over her.

O'Neill: Carter.

She grabs his arm and opens her mouth to speak, but O'Neill shakes his head and hushes her.

Carter: (whispering) I thought you were dead.

Suddenly, the memory screen reforms in the room. O'Neill turns to see a flashback from "Message in a Bottle."

Flashback. One of the barbs from the device O'Neill and Teal'c have just set down shoots into the floor. The two men jump back, alarmed, as another metal barb shoots into the wall.

Carter: Get out of there!

Another barb flies out, narrowly missing Teal'c, who manages to dodge in time. O'Neill is not so lucky; the next barb pierces his shoulder with such force that it punches right through, pinning him up against the wall.

O'Neill: Arrgh!

Carter dashes into the room, followed by several other officers.

Carter: Colonel!

O'Neill lets out a strangled gasp.

Carter: It goes right through his shoulder into the concrete.

Back to the medical bay. O'Neill disconnects the wire attached to Carter's memory device, and the flashback ends.

Carter: Whoa.

O'Neill: (whispering) Yeah. These things have a nasty habit of going off when you least expect it. Try not to think too much.

Carter: (whispering) They said -

O'Neill: (whispering) They're Goa'uld, Carter.

Carter: (whispering) Daniel? Teal'c?

O'Neill: (whispering) Don't know yet. Think you can walk?

Carter nods. She sits up halfway, still disoriented.

Carter: (whispering) Drugs must have prevented me from sensing the naquada in them.

There is a pause, and both of them are suddenly acutely aware that she's not wearing anything beneath the blanket. O'Neill glances at her bare back uncomfortably.

O'Neill: (whispering) Trade clothes with that guy.

O'Neill and Carter, both wearing the stolen uniforms, come down the stairs and into the hallway, checking to see if there is anyone around. No one else is there.

Carter: Sure looks like the SGC.

The double doors leading off the fake elevator. They slide open, and Carter and O'Neill step into the corridor of the Goa'uld ship.

Carter: Wow. This looks just like -

O'Neill: Don't think about it! You'll set that thing off.

He's too late, though, and she cries out as the memory device is triggered. O'Neill grabs her, putting a hand over her mouth and dragging her behind a pillar just in time to avoid being spotted by the guards who come down the hall at that moment. Leading them are Raleigh and Trofsky. They enter the fake elevator, and O'Neill takes his hand off
Carter's mouth.

Carter: Can't we take these things off?

O'Neill: I don't know, you tell me. Mine's in pretty deep.

Carter: Yeah. Pulling them out could cause some nasty collateral damage.

O'Neill: Yeah, we don't want that.

They pause for a moment, considering what this means, then turn and head down the hallway. Cut to yet another fake elevator. O'Neill and Carter step into yet another false SGC, identical to the other two. They move down the various corridors, only to find that everything is exactly the same.

O'Neill: What the hell?

Still perplexed, but following their knowledge of the layout, they proceed down the hallway out of the shot.

Close up of Daniel, unconscious on a medical table.

O'Neill: Daniel. (nudging him) Daniel!

Daniel stirs and blinks in surprise. Camera pans up to show Carter and O'Neill at his bedside. O'Neill is holding the tubes that were hooked into Daniel a moment ago.

Daniel: (rubbing his forehead) I don't understand. They said -

Carter: They're Goa'uld, Daniel.

Daniel: What year is it?

Carter: 1999, most likely.

Daniel: So this is all a... hoax.

O'Neill: Big hoax. I'd say so.

Daniel: I have more questions, but that can wait.

O'Neill: Yeah. Come on.

They help Daniel sit up, and then the scene shifts to the corridor, a few minutes later. Daniel is wearing an SGC uniform. Carter and O'Neill check around corners for Goa'uld. Finding none, they hurry around the corner, and Carter opens a side door - only to find a blank wall behind it.

O'Neill: Damn cost-cutting.

Carter: This facade is obviously part of a bigger Goa'uld facility.

Jack opens another door down the hall, only to find another blank wall.

Carter: Complete with Horus and Serpent Guards.

She checks a third door - same result.

Daniel: What? Horus *and* Serpent? That's kind of an odd alliance, isn't it?

At the door of the embarkation room. A buzzer sounds as the door slides open to admit O'Neill, who hurries up the ramp, followed by Carter. Daniel looks around curiously.

Daniel: I've never seen this place so deserted.

Carter: Guess they figure they don't need to keep up the act if we're unconscious.

O'Neill kicks at the Gate.

O'Neill: It's fake.

Daniel opens the weapons locker, only to find it's empty. He shuts it again, perplexed.

Daniel: I don't understand. Who would have spent enough time on the base to be able to reproduce it in this kind of detail?

Carter and O'Neill exchange looks, the truth beginning to dawn on them.

Daniel: You don't think Apophis -

Voice: Silence!

A portion of the wall beyond the Stargate begins to ripple. Carter and O'Neill turn to see Hathor step from the rippling air. She strides past them down the ramp.

O'Neill: Oh, I was SO hoping never to see you again.

The door behind Daniel opens, and he turns to see Trofsky walk in, armed with a zatnicatel. Raleigh enters from the other side, flanked by four Serpent and Horus Guards. Hathor stops at the bottom of the ramp, standing in front of Daniel.

Hathor: We have indeed missed you, our beloved.

She strokes his cheek possessively.

Carter: Daniel, don't let her breathe on you.

Hathor: Do you think that we would have gone to these lengths if you were not already immune to that poison?

Carter turns and looks at O'Neill. O'Neill merely shrugs.

Hathor: Do you like our guards?

She moves behind Trofsky as she speaks, putting a hand on one of the guards' armored shoulders.

Hathor: We managed to lure them from the remote outposts of our enemies.

Daniel backs away a few steps. Hathor strokes the guard's armor, then paces back behind Trofsky as she speaks.

Hathor: We are quietly building our forces before the System Lords even know that we are alive. But doing so is difficult when we have limited knowledge of the current state of the Empire.

O'Neill: Let me take a guess. It's just a wild guess, but... that's where we come in, right?

Carter: We know more than you do.

Hathor: Perhaps.

She turns away from the guards and strides up the ramp towards the three of them.

Hathor: We are prepared to offer you a life of luxury as servants in our court in exchange for information.

She passes Carter and Daniel, and stops at O'Neill.

Hathor: Deny us, and you will not enjoy the alternative.

O'Neill: You know... you really should something about the breath.

She frowns, but does not rise to the bait.

Hathor: How do we contact the Asgards so that we might ally with their forces?

O'Neill: Try Roswell. Little place in New Mexico.

Hathor glares at him, then, seeing that snide remarks are all she'll get out of O'Neill, moves to Carter, rubbing the remote beneath Carter's chin.

Hathor: What are the secrets of numbers necessary to open the barricade protecting your Stargate?

Carter merely looks at her, betraying nothing. Scowling, Hathor lowers the remote and turns away, walking down the ramp.

Hathor: If you will not give us the information that we desire, we have other means of retrieving it.

She snaps her fingers, and a Jaffa steps out from behind the guards. Hathor strokes his chest as she continues.

Hathor: An opportunity has presented itself at a most fortuitous time.

Turning so that they cannot see his pouch, she reaches into the Jaffa's pouch. He makes a face, but does not indicate pain in any other way. When Hathor turns to face SG-1 again, she holds a writhing, squeaking black serpent - a fully matured Goa'uld symbiote - up for the team to see.

Hathor: Our friend here is ready for a host.

She lowers her arm, smirking at the three humans.

Hathor: Tell us... which one of you shall it be?

Cut to Daniel, then Carter, then finally O'Neill.



Kikavu ?

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