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#508 : La tombe


Lors d’une mission sur une planète inconnue qui semble ne pas avoir été explorée depuis des millénaires, Samantha Carter découvre un paquet de cigarettes russes... De retour au SG-C, ils apprennent qu’une équipe Russes est porté disparue et qu’ils vont devoir faire collaborer avec les Russe afin d’enquêter sur cette disparition.


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The Tomb

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La tombe

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Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Joseph Malozzi et Paul Mullie

Réalisé par : Peter DeLuise


Earl Pastko (Colonel Zukhov)

Alexander Kalugin (Major Vallarin)

Jennifer Halley (Lieutenant Tolinev)

Vitaliy Kravchenko (Lieutenant Marchenko)

 Garry Chalk (Russian Colonel)

508 - La tombe

Sur une planète extraterrestre en ruine, Daniel tente d'ouvrir l'entrée principale d'une sorte de pyramide. Sur la porte sont gravés des glyphes babyloniens que Teal'c ne parvient pas à déchiffrer. O'neill demande si ces symboles peuvent aider Daniel à ouvrir la pyramide. Daniel précise que ce n'est pas une pyramide mais une ziggurat et que l'ouvrir sera d'une grande difficulté. Les inscriptions gravées sur la porte, un dialecte mort, prouvent que personne n'est venu ici depuis trois mille ans. Carter n'en est pas si sûre du fait qu'elle a découvert un paquet de cigarettes vide de marque russe à côté de la porte.

Sur Terre, SG1 fait un rapport de leur découverte. D'après Carter le programme porte des étoiles russe a commencé il y a trente-sept jours et la planète P2X-338 ne figure pas sur leur liste de mondes à visiter. Le général Hammond leur montre un dossier traitant d'une équipe composée de trois militaires russes et d'un archéologue qui auraient disparu de P2X-338 quelques jours avant la désactivation définitive de la porte russe. D'après Daniel, l'archéologue, Alexander Britzski est un expert de la Mésopotamie. Teal'c pense que cette équipe voulait s'approprier des technologies extraterrestre, tout comme Maybourne. Carter signale qu'ils n'auraient pas pu survivre à la chaleur caniculaire de la planète, mais Daniel suggère qu'ils auraient pu s'être cachés dans la ziggurat. Hammond informe alors SG1 qu'une équipe russe va leur être adjointe pour aller chercher les disparus, ce qui n'enchante pas O'neill qui préfère que SG1 y aille seule.

Dans son bureau, Daniel travaille sur les symboles gravés sur la porte de la ziggurat, tandis que O'neill et Carter se disputent. D'après O'neill les russes vont les trahir à un moment, mais Carter pense qu'il faut travailler avec eux. Daniel pense alors pouvoir ouvrir la porte de la ziggurat. Il annonce que d'après les travaux du docteur Britzski sur cette inscription ce temple était destiné au Goa'uld Marduk et que Babylone signifie la «porte des Dieux». C'est alors que le téléphone sonne. Puis, après avoir raccroché le téléphone, Daniel annonce que les russes sont arrivés.

En salle de briefing, les Russes attendent SG1 et Hammond qui font alors leur entrée. Le colonel Zukhov présente alors son équipe au général : le major Vallarin, et les lieutenants Machenko et Tolinev. Après avoir présenté SG1, Hammond invite les russes à s'assoir. Daniel commence à faire un exposé sur les travaux du docteur Birtzski en Mésopotamie. Ce dernier a découvert, il y a deux ans, des tables de pierre couvertes de glyphes babyloniens, à l'exception d'une série de sept symboles qu'il n'a pu déchiffrer. Ce sont les coordonnées de P2X-338. Mais le dossier n'a jamais été publié.
Cependant O'neill remarque qu'il y a deux ans les russes n'avaient jamais vu de porte des étoiles, mais Daniel répond qu'ils avaient le DHD découvert par les Allemands en 1906 et emporté par l'Armée Rouge à la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale. Ce qui fait que lorsque les Russes ont mis sur pied leur programme Porte des étoiles, ils ont ajouté P2X-338 à la liste d'adresses apportée par Maybourne. Daniel ajoute que les tables faisaient aussi référence à l'œil de Tiamat, un bijou donnant à Marduk des dons de magie très développés. Un des russes demande alors à Daniel s'il a réussi à ouvrir la porte du temple. Daniel répond que les symboles sur la porte sont une sorte de code à déverrouiller pour entrer. Hammond met fin à l'exposé de Daniel et informe O'neill qu'il leur donne le feu vert pour partir.

Dans un couloir menant à la salle de la porte, O'neill et le colonel Zukhov comparent leur armes. Une fois la porte active, O'neill fait partir SG1 en premier puis Zukhov ordonne à son équipe de traverser la porte. Puis ce dernier et O'neill commencent à se disputer pour savoir qui dirige la mission, mais Hammond met fin à la dispute en leur ordonnant de traverser.

De retour dans la ziggurat, O'neill commence à s'impatienter lorsque Daniel parvient enfin à découvrir le code pour ouvrir. Il dit que c'est un texte racontant la création du monde par Marduk, mais qu'une partie de ce texte est en désordre. Daniel presse alors trois symboles sur la porte et celle-ci s'ouvre aussitôt.

Les Terriens pénètrent dans les couloirs de la ziggurat qui ne semblent pas très stables. Ils arrivent alors à une intersection. Zukhov propose d'aller à gauche avec son équipe tandis que SG1 ira tout droit. O'neill insiste alors pour que Teal'c aille avec les russes. Zukhov ordonne alors au lieutenant Marchenko d'aller avec SG1. Plus loin dans les couloirs, SG1 découvre le squelette d'un soldat russe qui a apparemment été dévoré.

L'équipe russe poursuit l'exploration des couloirs et débouche sur une salle dans laquelle il y a un sarcophage. A ce moment, O'neill prévient Zukhov de leur découverte, et lui conseille d'être prudent. Zukhov prévient ensuite O'neill qu'ils ont découvert un sarcophage qu'ils s'apprêtent à ouvrir. O'neill le leur interdit mais Zukhov n'en tient pas compte. O'neill décide de rejoindre Zukhov à la salle du sarcophage. Teal'c tente de convaincre Zukhov de ne pas désobéir à O'neill, mais c'est peine perdue.
Puis, alors que le colonel fait le tour du sarcophage, il appuie par mégarde sur une dalle piégée et la ziggurat commence à être instable. Ils mettent alors les voiles vers la sortie, rejoins un peu plus loin par SG1. Lorsqu'ils arrivent devant la porte de sortie, ils constatent avec effarement qu'elle est en train de se refermer. Le lieutenant Marchenko se lance dans l'ouverture mais la porte se referme sur lui, tuant le pauvre homme. Puis un éboulement se produit, cachant la vue de la porte aux terriens.

De retour dans la salle du sarcophage, O'neill fait passer un savon au colonel Zukhov qui a désobéit à son ordre. Ce dernier répond que leur mission consiste à explorer minutieusement les lieux, et que n'importe qui aurait pu déclencher le piège. O'neill signale qu'un homme est mort par sa faute, mais Zukhov répond qu'en Russie on tient toujours compte des pertes éventuelles. Carter s'interpose en disant qu'il faut chercher un moyen pour sortir de la ziggurat.
Daniel propose d'ouvrir le sarcophage, mais Carter remarque qu'on a essayé de sceller le sarcophage au chalumeau. Daniel ne voit aucun dispositif d'ouverture, mais O'neill l'ouvre de force. Ils découvrent alors le squelette de Marduk. Teal'c pense que le sarcophage a peut-être mal fonctionné, mais Carter remarque sur les os des traces identiques à celles du soldat russe, le Goa'uld a été dévoré lui aussi. Daniel se demande alors où cette créature se trouve en ce moment. Puis, accroché au mur d'un des couloirs, une étrange créature sort de son cocon.

Tandis que Daniel étudie des inscriptions sur les murs, Carter annonce qu'ils n'ont que cinq jours de réserves d'eau. Le lieutenant Tolinev demande alors comment ils vont sortir, et le major Vallarin propose de faire sauter la porte. Mais O'neill et Zukhov ne veulent pas prendre le risque que la ziggurat s'effondre sur eux.
Jack demande alors si Daniel a trouvé quelque chose, mais ce dernier répond que tout ce qu'il a trouvé est que Marduk était un tel tyran que même ses prêtres se sont rebellés et l'ont enfermé dans son sarcophage avec une créature qui l'a dévoré vif. Marduk est mort, mais le sarcophage a conservé la créature en vie jusqu'à ce que les russes l'ouvrent. Cette créature est donc sortie et a tué les russes, mais seul un corps a été retrouvé. O'neill met fin à la conversation en ordonnant de fouiller la ziggurat du sol au plafond pour trouver une sortie. Daniel veut rester ici pour continuer à lire les inscriptions sur les murs, et O'neill fait des équipes d'exploration. Teal'c avec Zukhov, Carter avec Tolinev et O'neill avec Vallarin.

Les trois équipes se séparent et chacun part de son côté. C'est alors que Carter découvre le cocon de la créature. A ce moment, la créature passe derrière Tolinev qui se retourne, mais ne voit rien.

Teal'c et Zukhov découvrent le squelette du docteur Britzski avec son équipement et ses effets personnels. Teal'c prévient O'neill de leur découverte, et Zukhov ajoute qu'il a trouvé le carnet de route du défunt. O'neill lui ordonne de l'apporter à Daniel, ça pourrait bien l'aider. Alors que Teal'c explore avance un peu dans le couloir, Zukhov récupère les plaques de Britzski et l'œil de Tiamat, qui était dans son sac.

De leur côté, Carter et Tolinev entendent à nouveau la créature. Cette dernière est juste au dessus de Tolinev et lorsqu'elle s'en aperçoit, la créature lui bondit dessus, forçant Carter à ouvrir le feu. Lorsque O'neill et Vallarin entendent les coups de feux, ils se précipitent vers Carter, rejoints par Teal'c et Zukhov. Tolinev semble en état de choc et O'neill ordonne de la ramener à la chambre principale. Carter signale qu'elle a senti le symbiote de Marduk qui est dans la créature.

Dans la chambre principale, Carter pense que la créature a injecté à Tolinev une sorte de venin. Elle va faire tout ce qu'elle peut pour la maintenir en vie, mais il faut la ramener à la base le plus vite possible. Daniel intervient et signale que selon le journal du docteur Britzski, il est arrivé la même chose aux autres.
Ce journal explique que le chef de l'équipe disparue a été tué par le venin de la créature, et que les deux autres militaires sont morts dans un effondrement. Britzski a mis fin à ses jours en avalant une pilule de cyanure. Zukhov veut faire sauter la porte de sortie car le temps presse, mais O'neill répond que ce sera leur dernier recours uniquement. Soudain Daniel découvre un croquis de l'œil de Tiamat dans le journal de Britzski. O'neill demande alors aux russes s'il y avait quelque chose d'autre avec les affaires du docteur, mais ils répondent qu'il n'y avait que son matériel.

Dans le couloir où Tolinev a été attaqué, Teal'c et Carter découvrent du sang appartenant à la créature. O'neill leur conseille de rester sur leur gardes.

Dans la chambre principale, Daniel demande des nouvelles de Tolinev, le major Vallarin lui répond que son pouls faiblit. Soudain il entend un bruit dans le couloir, et décide d'aller y jeter un œil et ordonne à Daniel de ne pas bouger.

O'neill et Zukhov arrivent à un cul de sac. Ce dernier tente une nouvelle fois de convaincre O'neill de faire sauter la porte de sortie. Mais Jack répond qu'une explosion suffisante pour faire un trou dans la porte fera s'écrouler la ziggurat sur eux. Zukhov répond que Tolinev doit recevoir des soins d'urgence, mais O'neill reste intraitable. Ils font alors demi-tour.

Dans un autre couloir, Carter et Teal'c s'aperçoivent qu'ils sont déjà passés par ce couloir. Puis une créature tombe aux pieds de Carter. La créature est morte et le symbiote n'y est plus. Carter pense que le symbiote a trouvé un nouvel hôte.

O'neill et Zukhov entrent dans une salle étrange, lorsque Carter les informe qu'ils ont découvert la créature morte. Elle leur dit aussi que le symbiote pourrait être en Daniel, Vallarin et eux deux. A ce moment là, les deux colonels se pointent leurs armes l'un sur l'autre. Voyant que Jack ne répond pas, Carter l'appelle à nouveau. O'neill leur ordonne alors de se rendre dans la chambre principale pour vérifier si Vallarin ou Daniel n'ont pas le symbiote.

Tandis que O'neill et Zukhov se suspectent l'un l'autre, le major Vallarin récupère une arme de poing Goa'uld dissimulée dans un trou d'un des couloirs.

Carter et Teal'c arrivent dans la chambre principale où Daniel les informe qu'il a fini de traduire une partie des glyphes du mur, mais à ce moment là Teal'c pointe son arme sur lui, ce qui surprend Daniel. Mais Teal'c ne ressent pas la présence d'un Goa'uld en lui. Carter lui dit de poursuivre et Daniel leur explique que Marduk avait l'habitude d'apparaitre dans les tréfonds de son peuple chevauchant un rayon de lumière. Sam comprend tout de suite que ce sont des anneaux de transport et Daniel ajoute qu'ils sont dans cette salle.

Le major Vallarin rejoint O'neill et Zukhov dont leurs armes sont toujours pointés l'un sur l'autre. Zukhov dit qu'il soupçonne O'neill, mais ce dernier répond que ce pourrait tout aussi bien être le major. Vallarin acquiesce et projette en arrière O'neill grâce à son arme de poing. Zukhov ouvre le feu sur le Goa'uld, mais il est protégé d'un champ de force. Le Goa'uld exige alors que Zukhov lui remette l'œil de Tiamat, mais le colonel fait semblant de ne pas savoir de quoi il parle. Le Goa'uld lui dit qu'il sait qu'il a reçu l'ordre de ramener l'œil de Tiamat à ses supérieurs. Mais Zukhov nie avoir reçu de tels ordres. Le Goa'uld le frappe, ce qui projette à terre Zukhov.

Dans la chambre principale, Daniel trouve la plateforme des anneaux. Carter veut prévenir O'neill mais Daniel fait remarquer qu'il faut s'assurer qu'il n'a pas le Goa'uld. Soudain, Teal'c découvre les cristaux de contrôle des anneaux.

Le Goa'uld examine le P-90 de Jack, disant que c'est une arme capable d'infliger de grandes souffrances si ce n'est la mort. Il menace de s'en servir contre O'neill, mais Zukhov décide de lui donner l'œil de Tiamat. Mais au lieu de lui donner l'œil, Zukhov lui lance une grenade qui explose, mais qui cause l'effondrement du plafond, enterrant Zukhov et le Goa'uld.

Teal'c, Daniel et Carter ont senti le tremblement de terre dû à l'effondrement. Et Sam contacte O'neill pour l'informer qu'ils ont découvert des anneaux qui les conduiront dans un autre temple à quelques kilomètres. Puis quelques minutes plus tard, O'neill les rejoint dans la salle principale.

Dans la salle principale, l'équipe est prête à partir, mais le Goa'uld les rattrape disant qu'il aura sa revanche un jour. Mais Carter déclenche à ce moment un détonateur relié à une énorme dose de C4 et d'explosifs russe. Puis les anneaux sont activés et la charge explose, détruisant la ziggurat et tuant le Goa'uld.

De retour sur Terre, le lieutenant Tolinev, remise de ses blessures, termine son rapport au colonel Checov en salle de briefing en présence de O'neill et de Hammond. Checov leur dit que Tolinev a corroboré la version de O'neill, mais elle subira un autre entretien à Moscou où elle parlera plus librement. O'neill dit que la cause de l'échec de la mission sont les ordres qu'a reçu Zukhov. Checov signale que la version de O'neill est déjà l'objet d'un débat public a cause du fait que SG1 est revenue sain et sauf et qu'un seul membre de l'équipe russe est revenue, et blessée qui plus est. Il ajoute que le mieux à faire est de considérer que chacun a fait des erreurs et qu'il espère que cela n'affectera pas de possible missions communes dans le futur…

The Tomb


NOTE: Remember, there's a snake head in this one, when the voice echoes, it's a Goa'Uld talking, and I scribe it in caps.

We open with some ancient ruins.

JACK: (Walking in, to Danny) Hey! I thought you said this was the main entrance.

DANNY: It is. We just ... need to find a way to open it.

TEAL'C: I do not recognize the symbols.

DANNY: It's Babylonian. (Touching the wall) It's incredible.

JACK: What is?

DANNY: well, unlike Phoenician Unebrite cutinform, these characters are pictograms rather than representations of unique sound symbols.

JACK: Does it say how to open the pyramid?

DANNY: Ziggurat.

JACK: Huh?

DANNY: You said "Pyramid". It's a ... a ... ziggurat.

JACK: Yeah. Open the door.

DANNY: Well, it might not be so easy. I'm gonna haveta go back to Earth for a reference.

JACK: How hard could it be?

DANNY: Very. It's a dead language, and I doubt anyone's even stood here for 3,000 years.

SAM: I wouldn't be so sure about that.

JACK: What ya got there?

SAM: An empty pack of cigarettes ... they're Russian.




SAM: The Russian stargate program was only up for 37 days. Now, we've seen their logs, and the lists of planets they've visited, and P2X-338 was not one of them.

TEAL'C: Perhaps they deceived us.

HAMMOND: At the moment, all they're admitting to is that there may have been some unauthorized use of their gate.

JACK What's that supposed to mean?

HAMMOND: (passing out reports) This is Major Valentine Korinski. He was serving under Colonel Zackalav at the base in Siberia. It now appears that he was also taking secret orders from certain hard-lined elements in Russian Army Intelligence. He disappeared 6 days before we were called in to deactivate the Russian gate.

SAM: And they think he went off world.

HAMMOND: (Pics of soldiers are show ... Peter DeLouise alert! He's one of the pictures) Along with 2 other officers and an archeologist name Alexander Britski.

DANNY: I know his work ... he's an expert of ancient mispotania.

JACK: Why would they go behind Sokalov's back?

TEAL'C: Perhaps for the same reason the NID conducted off-world operations without the knowledge of Stargate Command.

DANNY: TO steal Alien Technology at any cost.

SAM: And, well, why 338 instead of some other planet?

HAMMOND: That is yet to be determined.

DANNY: If they went thru the gate before everyone at the Russian base was killed, they could still be out there.

SAM: It's doubtful they could have survived this long. The planet's surface temperature averages 135 degrees fareingheight... in the shade.

JACK: Shade? I don't remember shade.

DANNY: They could have taken shelter in the temple.

JACK: (Sarcastically) Oh, so they figured out how to open the temple?

DANNY: I'll ... figure out the door.

TEAL'C: Should they not have attempted to return by now?

SAM: Not without exposing their operation. They could still be waiting for some kind of signal.

JACK: She's got a point, Sir. The Russian commando's could be pretty hard-core. They'd wait forever before they'd violate mission protocol.

HAMMOND: I'm aware of that Colonel. That's why I'm gonna allow a second Russian team to accompany you back to the planet.

JACK: Excuse me?

HAMMOND: It's going to be a joint mission. Full disclosure. Full cooperation.

JACK: May I ASK why ... Sir?

HAMMOND: The Russians have been pushing for more direct involvement in the Stargate Program for quite some time . We've been resisting, but in this particular case, it might be useful to have them on board.

JACK: Yes. Well, General, You know I'm a big fan of the Russians and ... international relations are a big hobby of mine, However, I ... do believe that SG-1 should handle this one ... *ALONE!*

HAMMOND: Decisions been made, Colonel ... they're on their way.

JACK: Yes, Sir.


He's typing in his computer, Jack and Sam walk in.

SAM: ... because we have an agreement, Sir.

JACK: Yeah, you see them holding their end of it?

SAM: well, have we?

JACK: (A moment of silence) NO!

SAM: If Thor's ship hadn've crashed into the ocean, we never would have told them about the stargate.

JACK: Hey. (Raised voice) Who's side are you on?!

SAM: I'm just saying we should at least TRY to work together.

JACK: Carter, when you go thru that gate, you gotta know your team members are watching your six.

DANNY: Actually in Russian, they'd be watching your schist.

JACK: Huh?

DANNY: Which I suppose are neither here nor there.

JACK: Have you figured out howe to open that pyramid yet?

DANNY: Ziggurat. and, yet, I think I have. In order to expedite matters, the Russians emailed me the notes of their archeologist, Doctor Britski. The temple is dedicated to the Babylonian God, Marduk.

SAM: And Marduk was a Goa'Uld?

DANIEL: Well, it seams likely. The word 'Babylon' literally means 'gate of the gods', so if there was a connection, it wouldn't surprise me. (Phone rings, Danny clears his throat, and answers it) Hello? (Silence) Yeah, OK. (Hangs up phone.) The Russians are coming.

A man pours himself a cup of coffee and says something that sounds negative in reference to the coffee.

OTHER MAN: (Older)(Heavy accent) (In reference to the stargate) Nice view.

YOUNG MAN: (Heavy accent) Oh, yeah. Colonel.

Hammond and SG-1 walk in, there's a woman standing at attention.

HAMMOND: Good morning, Gentlemen.

JACK: And Ma'Ham. There's a ... Ma'Ham , Sir.

HAMMOND: (To everyone) At ease. (To older man) You must be Colonel Zukov(Just Colonel from now on).

COLONEL: It's a pleasure to meet you, General Hammond. Allow me to introduce Major Vilarri (In reference to the coffee drinking young man, who will be called Major from now on), and Lieutenants Marchica (A man, will be called man from now on) and Tovenue. (The woman who will be known as woman from now on)

HAMMOND: Welcome to Stargate Command. This is Colonel Jack O'Neill, Major Samantha Carter, Doctor Daniel Jackson, and Teal'C.

COLONEL: The FAMOUS Colonel O'Neill. (They shake hands) I believe me have a mutual friend.

JACK: We do?

COLONEL: Doctor Svelana Markov. She spoke very highly ... of all of you.

HAMMOND: Before we proceed, perhaps you'd like to get some rest ... maybe something to eat?

COLONEL: We took the precaution of eating before we came.

MAJOR: What Colonel Zukov means is we'd like to get to work as quickly as possible.

HAMMOND: Very well. (All sit with the exception of Danny) Doctor Jackson?

DANNY: (He dims the lights, and puts up a map of Earth.) 2 years ago, Doctor Alexander Britski began an excavation near Rafa in Southern Iraq. He found several stone tablets engraved with Babylonian cuneiform, and one with a set of symbols he didn't recognize ...

The symbol for Earth is clearly visible. (The pyramid with the circle above it)

SAM: Gate coordinates.

DANNY: In fact the coordinates to P2X-338. Doctor Britski had no idea of their significance, but someone must have recognized something, because the results of the dig were never published and the whole thing became classified.

JACK: Wait a minute ... two years ago, the Russians haven't even SEEN a Stargate.

DANNY: Yeah, but they DID have a DHD. The one discovered by the Germans in 1906, and taken by the Red Army at he end of the second World War.

SAM: So, when they finally got their program up and running, they must have added P2X-338 on the list of addresses supplied by Colonel Maybourne.

JACK: That doesn't explain why they didn't just send a regular team.

HAMMOND: Did Doctor Britski say why they singled this planet out?

DANNY: Along with the coordinates, the tablet included a reference to something called the 'Eye of Tiament.' It was a large jewel of some kind which supposedly endowed Marduk with great magical ability.

JACK: THAT wouldn't be why your people wanted to keep this all (Whispers) *Quiet*?

COLONEL: Need I remind you, Colonel, that the United States has operated the Stargate in SECRET for YEARS with the expressed PURPOSE of obtaining Alien technology?

JACK: That was before we had an agreement to share information.

COLONEL: You took it upon yourselves to represent the interests of the entire planet without consulting anyone. You exposed the world to countless dangers.

JACK : AT least we delt with it. It only took you folks what ...a month ... to find something you couldn't handle?

HAMMOND: Gentlemen, Please. We seem to be going a little bit off topic.

MAJOR: Doctor Jackson? What about the entrance? Can you get us inside?

DANNY: Yeah ... (Quietly to himself) Yeah ... (Louder, to group) ;) The engraving on the door are ... are ... some kind of ... code ... it's like a ... gient combination lock ... it's just a matter of activating the correct symbols in the proper sequence.

HAMMOND: I have utmost comfidence in your abilities, Doctor. (Looks @ Jack) You have a go.

JACK: (After looking at the Russians) Swell. (Forced smile)

COLONEL: (Walking in the hallway) Is that the P90, Colonel?

JACK: Fifty round horizonal clip, 900 Armer-piercing rounds per minute. Feel the weight of that sucker.

COLONEL: impressive. But I prefer the Russian Sestavam 85.

JACK: Those are made in Yugoslavia, aren't they?

TECH: Chevron 7 locked!

JACK: SG-1 ... move out!

SG-1 moves out. The Colonel gives his people orders in Russian, and they leave.

JACK: What was that all about?

COLONEL: I was just wishing them the best of luck.

JACK: Right . look, Zukov, let's get something straight here . I'm the ranking Senior Officer on this mission.

COLONEL: It is a joint operation . and we are of equal rank.

JACK: Which means you should appreciate the need for a clear chain of command.

COLONEL: Of course!

HAMMOND: Colonel? Is there a problem?

JACK & COLONEL: (Together) No, Sir!

JACK: (Walks up to gate, and hits it) After you! (The Colonel walks thru the gate, Jack gives Hammond a fake smile, and walks thru) IN THE ZIGGERAT (Everyone is hot, and bored waiting for Danny to open the door)

JACK: (Beat) Daniel .

DANNY: Just about there.

JACK: (Rubbing his head) You said that an hour ago.

DANNY: (Rather sarcastically) Hey, look, if you wanna give this a try, be my guest.

JACK: (Claps hands) Carter, break out the C-4.

DANNY: Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, wait . WAIT! (Closes his book) I think I got it! It's uh . it's the standard retelling of Babylonian Creation Myth. Marduk salys the winged serpent Tiamanti in 2, He . used half of her to create the sky, the other half to create the Earth.

MAJOR: How does that help us, Doctor Jackson?

DANNY: Well, you see? Some of the text has been deliberately placed out of order. Only a Priest of Marduk would be able to spot the inscrepricies. Here . (Presses stone) here . Presses stone) and . here . (Presses stone, and the stone moves, making a loud noise.) The tomb begins to open, showing the inside view of the tomb looking out at the teams. Rocks are falling in the doorway. It's very noisey and takes about half a minute to open.

JACK: Nice job. They walk a little ways all you see is the flashlights, and falling debree.

SAM: This doesn't seem very stable.

DANNY: It's over 4,000 years old. The reach a fork. (That's a road that splits in two directions ;))

JACK: Which way?

DANNY: I don't know.

COLONEL: We should split up. You take your team down here . We'll go down there.

JACK: All right, but Teal'C goes with you. (A couple seconds silence) For your own protection.

COLONEL: Than perhaps you should take Lt. Marcheckle . for the same reason.

JACK: (Not to happy with the suggestion) Fine! . Move out. They walk a little way, Sam stops.

SAM: Colonel . The outline of a booted foot is seen, sitting down against the wall.

JACK: (Cautiously) Identify yourself. (The Russian guy I assume says 'Identify yourself' in Russian) (The light is shown on the body, and it's a skeleton) AWWW . (Sam checks the dog tag on the body) (To Russian) This one of yours?

MAN: Da.

DANNY: If these men disappeared just 10 months ago, how could one of their bodies completely decompose so fast? Close up of the body is shown. The skull clearly has scratches and teeth marks. (If I could see them on the ASF, they were clear as day on the big screen! ;))

SAM: It didn't decompose. This skeleton is covered in tiny teeth marks.

JACK: Something ATE this guy?

SAM: Stripped the flesh right from his bones!

MAN: (Russian) Bojomoy. (That's what it sounded like)

DANNY: You can say that again. The Russian team is shown walking thru the halls. They come into a big room with a Sarcophagus right in the middle of it.

TEAL'C: It appears to be a sarcophagus. Back to SG-1 . The Russian covers the skeleton with his jacket.

JACK: Zukov, this is O'Neill.

COLONEL: What is it, Colonel?

JACK: We found one of Kirinski's men . he's dead. Exercise extreme caution.

COLONEL: Understood. We found a sarcophagus. We'll investigate.

JACK: Negative! Hold your positions till we get there. (Seconds later) Zukov respond. ZUKOV?! The Colonel curses in Russian, then shouts an order. The other 2 Russians move toward the sarc.

JACK: Dammit . fall back.

TEAL'C: You are disobeying a direct order.

COLONEL: I trust Colonel O'Neill won't take it personally. The colonel walks up to the sarc, and steps on the rock below it. It crunches. He curses in Russian. The walls start to shake, and he shouts orders in Russian. They all run, screaming toward the fork from earlier. They meet up with SG-1 at the fork, and continue running toward the tomb door. The male Lt. , the one that went with Jack, Danny and Sam, runs screaming toward the door. He's trying to get out .

JACK: (Screaming ) GET OUT OF THERE!!!!!!!! The woman screams his name, and he is shown being crushed in the door. She ruins toward him, being stopped by Jack, who holds on to her. The door closes on him, trapping the rest inside the tomb. The woman bows her head.


DANNY: Interesting trap . doesn't really PROTECT the Sarcophagus, but it DOES lock you in with it!

JACK: (To Colonel) I told you to hold your position!

COLONEL: The mission requires that we thoroughly explore the area.

JACK: I gave you an ORDER!

COLONEL : Someone would have set off the trap eventually. (Coldly) It's just as well.

JACK: One of your OWN men is dead! (Quietly) Where I come from, that tends to make a commander just (Yelling) A LITTLE UPSET!!!!!!!!

COLONEL :Where I come from, Casualties are expected.

JACK: (Disbelieving) What?!

SAM: (Looks at Jack) Colonel, we still need to find a way out of here.

DANNY: Shouldn't we . open this first, see if there's no one home?

SAM: Teal'C, have you ever seen anything like this?

TEAL'C: Indeed I have not.

SAM: It's like someone tried to seal the sarcophagus from the outside.

DANNY: (Holding up a blowtorch) Kirinski's team must have cut it open with a blowtorch.

JACK: Open it up.

DANNY: (Walks to side of sarc) There's no krystal, there's no, uh . button to open it.

JACK: Oh, for crying out loud! I'll do it myself! (They all pull the doors apart manually) Pull! (All the men grunts and struggles; Sam raises her gun) (They open it, and a SKELETON is shown) So much for Marduk!

COLONEL: I thought a sarcophagus could keep one alive indefinitely!

TEAL'C: Perhaps it malfunctioned.

SAM: (Looking closely at the body) Yeah, but I don't think that's what killed him. These bones exhibits the same marking as the skeleton we found. Whatever killed the Russian soldier killed the Goa'Uld as well.

JACK: How'd it get in there?

SAM: I don't know.

DANNY: (Looks around) The better question is . where is it now? A cocoon is shown on the wall, with a leg coming out of it. (Uh-Oh!;))


Danny's looking at a wall reading it.

SAM: Sir, we've got a problem.

JACK: (Sarcastically) We've got a lot of problems, Carter . can ya be a little more spacific?

SAM: We can stretch out our food rations, but our water is limited to 5 days.

JACK: We won't be here that long.

WOMAN: (Heavy accent) So, now, what do we do?

MAJOR: We can use plastic explosives to blast a hole in the entrance.

JACK: (After giving him a look) (Sarcastically) Yeah, we could do that . and also bury us under a ton of Ziggerat.

COLONEL: The Colonel is right, Major. The time has not yet come for such desperate measures.

JACK: What about this writing . any mention of a back door?

DANNY: No, this portion of the text just talks about the final fate of Marduk.

JACK: I think we know the final fate of . Marduk.

DANNY: Well, apparently, he was such an evil tyrant, that his own priests rebelled against him. They sealed him in the sarcophagus, and placed some thing in there with him. There's no direct translation, for the word, but I assume it's the reference to the creature that . ATE him.

SAM: Are you saying he was eaten alive?!

DANNY: The sarcophagus would have done it's best to continuously KEEP him alive, so . it probably would have taken a while!

Sam looks discusted.

WOMAN: Bojomoy. (Same word as the other Lt. Said)

JACK: O-Kay! That's officially the WORSE way to go!

TEAL'C: It would seem his fate is very well deserved.

DANNY: Marduk would have died eventually, but . the creature must have stayed alive in the sarcophagus until . Major Kerinski and his team came along.

SAM: They let it out; it killed them.

COLONEL: We've only found one body.

JACK: All right. Here's the deal . We're gonna search this place top to bottom. We're looking for a way out, and the rest of Kirinski's team. Everybody GOT that?!

DANNY: I'd like to uh . stay and finish this translation. It might be useful.

JACK: Fine! The rest of us will pair off . Teal'C, you're with Zukov, Carter with Tolinov, Major, you';re with me. Danny goes back to the wall. Zukov and Teal'C are shown walking down a hallway. The ladies are shown. Sam shines her light up on the wall.

SAM: Hold it. I got something.

WOMAN: What is it? Sam shines her light up at the empty cocoon.

SAM: Looks like some sort of cocoon . it's empty. (Something is seen crawling behind the woman on the wall. The women turn) What is it?

WOMAN: I thought I heard something.

COLONEL: it's Britski.

TEAL'C: (Into Radio) Colonel O'Neill?

JACK: Yeah? Go ahead.

TEAL'C: Colonel Zukov and I have found additional skeletal remains. Along with equipment and personal items.

JACK: Any sign of . a creature?

TEAL'C: (Looks around) Negative.

COLONEL: Colonel O'Neill, this is Zukov. I have what appears to be Britski's personal log.

JACK: all right, take it back to Daniel, have him take a look at it.

COLONEL: Very well. Teal'C turns to leave, and The Colonel finds the Eye of Tiamint. He pockets it.

TEAL'C: (From corridor) Colonel Zukov?

COLONEL: Coming!

Back to the ladies.

WOMAN: There it is again.

SAM: I don't see anything.

WOMAN: (Creature's Point Of View is shown as she approaches it) It's around here somewhere. She ladies shine their lights on the wall. The creature's point of view is shown again as the woman shines the light directly on it. He eyes widen as the creature screeches, and attacks her. Machine gun fire is faintly heard.

JACK: (Walking) Daniel? Report!

DANNY: It's not me!

JACK: (Running) Carter?! What's your situation? (The run toward the gunfire sound. The woman is shown sitting against the wall, while Sam continues to shoot her gun. Jack taps her shoulder.) Carter?!

SAM: (Stops shooting) I'm all right.

MAJOR: (Kneeling at the woman) What happened?!

SAM: The creature attacked us.

MAJOR: (She has a bad wound on her neck) I think she's going into shock.

JACK: Get her back to the main chamber . Teal'C? (Teal'C picks her up.)

SAM: Sir, it's still alive.

JACK: well, we'll kill it.

SAM: No, that's not what I mean . I sensed a presence.

JACK: What are you talking about?

SAM: The symbiote . The Goa'Uld symbiote . it's still alive. It's inside that thing. (Sam looks at the woman's neck) The creature must have Injected her with some kind of venom. Her body's shutting down.

MAJOR: What can we do?

SAM: Well, I've given her a shot of epinephrine . That should buy us some time. If we don't get her back to the SGC soon, she's not gonna make it.

DANNY: She's right. The same thing happened to the other team according to Dr. Brintski's journal. The creature escaped when they opened the sarcophagus, attacked Major Korinski, he was dead within 2 hours.

JACK : Any mention of what happened to the others?

DANNY: 2 people died when a passageway collapsed, and . the last entry reads: 'I'm all alone now, there's no escape . only one course of action remains .'

MAJOR: A cyinide pill. They were given to all Russian Stargate Personnel.

COLONEL: (Jack grins at him) Colonel, we no longer have a choice . we

HAVE to use the C-4.

JACK: We're not done searching yet, Colonel.

COLONEL: Lt. Tovinofa is running out of time!

JACK: I'm well aware of that, Colonel. But, we're not gonna risk any more lives until we've exhausted our options.

DANNY: Hey, take a look at this . it's a sketch of an artifact Doctor Britski found inside the sarcophagus . he thought it might be the "Eye of Tiament".

JACK: You guys find anything like this with the journal?

COLONEL: There was nothing but old equipment and spoiled rations.

DANNY: Then, where is it?

MAJOR: Colonel, Surely the recovery of this artifact is no longer a priority.

JACK: It never WAS a priority. This was SUPPOSED to be a rescue mission.

TEAL'C: It would appear there's no one left to rescue.

DANNY: Well, I wouldn't say THAT. The teams apparently split up again. Sam and Teal'C are together, and are walking down a hallway. They come across some blood.

SAM: It looks like blood.

TEAL'C: Indeed.

SAM: Colonel O'Neill, this is Carter .

JACK: Yeah, go ahead.

SAM: Sir, Teal'C and I found traces of blood . I think I may have wounded the creature.

JACK: Well, won't it's SNAKE fix it?

SAM: (Shares a look with Teal'C) Well, it depends on how bad the injury is, Sir.

JACK: All right . stay sharp.


Danny's studying the text. The Major is checking the woman.

DANNY: How is she?

MAJOR: HE pulse is getting weak. (He hears chittering from the snake) You hear that?! (He hears the noise again, and cocks his gun) Wait here.

DANNY: (Rather sarcastically) Yes, you go down the dark hallway alone . and I'm wait here in the dark room alone.

The major goes down the hall. He hears more noise, and jumps. Snake's Point Of View is shown looking at the Major. The Colonels are shown reaching a dead end.

COLONEL: Dead end.

JACK: Yeah.

COLONEL: Colonel, we both know there's only one way out of here.

JACK: Any blast big enough to put a hole in that door, gonna bring the whole thing down on top of us.

COLONEL: I'm willing to take the chance.

JACK: Yeah, well, I'm NOT!

COLONEL: What about Lt. Tolinova?

JACK: I thought Casulties were to be expected.

COLONEL: It's obvious you're not capeable of taking the necessary risks.

JACK: Well, we take risks . we just don't hand out cyinide pills . And we don't leave our people behind. Back to Sam and Teal'C. He finds a florescent marker that was laid down earlier.

SAM: Is it me . or have we been down this passageway before?

TEAL'C: Indeed we have.

SAM: (Signs) This place is like a maze.

TEAL'C: Perhaps we should return . Something hits Sam in the back, she gasps, and moves, and it falls to the ground.

SAM: It's not moving . I'm not sensing anything.

TEAL'C: Nor am I.

Teal'C bends down, and pokes the creature a couple time, not getting a response. Teal'C then, cautiously turns the creature over, and taking his knife, guts the creature, looking for a snake, and finding none.

TEAL'C ( Sighs) There is no symbiote inside this creature.

SAM: Could've left the body when it realized it couldn't heal the wound.

TEAL'C: The symbiote could not survive for too long under these circumstances.

SAM: Unless it found a new host.

They share a look. Back to the Colonels. It appears that they found a bundle of equipment.

SAM: (Over radio) Colonel O'Neill?

JACK: Go ahead.

SAM: Sir, we found the creature . it's dead.

JACK: That's good news.

SAM: Only problem is the symbiote's no longer inside it.

JACK: That's a bit disconcerting.

SAM: Sir, as you know, Teal'C body is incapable of sustaining a symbiote as long as he's carrying a larval Goa'Uld. And he doesn't sense a presence in me, so . That leaves Daniel, Major Vallarin and . (The

Colonel's look at each other) well . (They point their guns at each other) the two of you, Sir.

JACK: Drop your weapon.

COLONEL: I don't think so.

JACK: I KNOW it's not me.

COLONEL: And *I* know it's not ME.

SAM: Colonel? Please respond.

JACK: (NEVER taking his eyes of the Colonel ) Get back to the main chamber . check on Daniel and Vallarin. We'll see you there in a bit.

(The Colonel continue to look at each other)

SAM: Roger that, Sir.

JACK: I'm not kidding, Zukov . I'll shoot you.

COLONEL: This is beginning to make sense.

JACK: IS it?

COLONEL: If you were the Goa'Uld, you might not want to leave without finding the Eye of Tiament. It would explain your reluctance.

JACK: And if you were the Goa'Uld and were stuck in this DUMP for 2,000 years, you MIGHT not think of anything except getting out of here. Which would explain why you're willing to take such an . insane risk.

COLONEL: It would seem we have a problem. A hand is shown pressing the wall, opening a chamber. It's a Russian, cause SG-1 are in desert uniforms. It's the Major. Daniel is looking at the wall.

SAM: Daniel?

DANNY: (Still looking at the wall.) Hey, guys, I just finished translating this section . (He turns, they cock their guns) Whoa! (Hands up! ;) ) Hey! What's up?

TEAL'C: I do not sense the presence of a Goa'Uld.

SAM: Me neither.

DANNY: (Sarcastically) Well, thank you.

SAM: (Putting her gun down) What were you going to say?

DANNY: I was gonna say I just finished translating a section of the text . it says Marduk used to emerge from his temple, and appear amongst his people riding a beam of white light.

SAM: The ring transporter?

DANNY: Yeah. There's a good chance it might be right here ... In this room.

MAJOR: Colonel Zukov?

COLONEL: In here. The colonels still have their guns aimed at each other.

MAJOR: What is this?

COLONEL: In my mind , Colonel O'Neill is a Goa'Uld.

JACK: (Sarcastically) Don't be an idiot, Zukov. It could just as well be him.

MAJOR (In Goa'Uld voice) /MARDUK: VERY TRUE, COLONEL! He uses his ribbon device on Jack, sending him across the room. The Colonel starts shooting at him, and he puts up his shield deflecting the bullets.

JACK: (Holding his head) Oh, Man!

MARDUK: (Slowly walks toward the Colonel, his eyes flash) WHERE IS THE EYE OF TIAMENT?

COLONEL: I don't know what you're talking about.


COLONEL: I have no secret orders. The snake punches the colonel.


DANNY: Yep, it's here.

SAM: We gotta tell the colonel.

DANNY: No, not until we're sure he's not a Goa'Uld.

SAM: Teal'C, what are you doing?

TEAL'C: We must find a means by which to operate the rings. (He finds it) Back to the colonel and the snake!


He points the gun at Jack, who's still lying on the ground.

COLONEL: Stop! I have the eye.

Jack and Marduk look at him.


JACK: What are you doing?

COLONEL: I'm sorry, Colonel. I was acting under orders.

JACK: Don't give it to him . don't!

COLONEL: No one else will die because of me.


Colonel: Take it!

The Colonel throw a grenade at the snake, pulling out the pin first. Uh-Oh. (Remember kids, this snake has been in the tomb for several thousand years, so he doesn't know about grenades . guess what he's gonna do next! ;)) (He! He!) He looks at the grenade, and drops it . BOOM! It blows up. ;) In the Colonel's face. Debree starts to fall over both Russians, Jack moves out of the way. The tomb starts shaking.

DANNY: What's that?

SAM: (Into radio) Colonel O'Neill? (Jack looks at the pile of rubble . more of the ziggerat falls) (Sterner) Colonel O'Neill?!

JACK: Yeah, I'm OK.

SAM: What happened?

JACK: The Goa'Uld was in Villarin. Zukov just took him out with a grenade.

SAM: Sir, we found a ring transporter. Daniel says it'll take us to another temple a few miles from here.

JACK: All right. I'll be there in a minute.

Jack's walking into the main chamber. Teal'C is behind him. Teal'C voice scares Jack. ;)

TEAL'C: I do not sense the presence of a Goa'Uld.

JACK: Oh, good! And I'm fine by the way . thanks. How's Tolinov?

DANNY: She'll be OK if we can get her out of here soon . How's Zukov?

JACK: He didn't make it. One thing left to do here .

Marduk's hand is shown.

JACK: All right. All set. Let's go!

They get in the ring transporter space.

MARDUK: COLONEL O'NEILL?! (He's all screwed up, limping, looks like his arm is twisted. ;)) I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!

JACK: You know, your guys all ways say that!

Sam's grinning. She presses the remote. Marduk looks at the wall, it has a whole bunch of C-4 is rigged up to a timer that she just set off. It has 8 seconds left on the timer. He watches them go , and the C-4 explodes.


A Commander is saying something to the woman in Russian. She says something, then salutes him, and turns to leave, stopping at Jack.

WOMAN: Colonel?

He looks at her, and she kinda smiles, then leaves.

COMMANDER: Lt. Tovinov coaberates your story.

JACK: So, she's telling the truth.

COMMANDER: She will be debriefed again of course, once we're back in Moscow where she can speak more freely.

JACK: Yeah, I'm sure you'll get her to say whatever you want.

HAMMOND: Colonel, this isn't the time.

JACK: General! Zukov's secret orders put us all in jeopardy. I want that put on record.

COMMANDER: (Angrily) Your opinion is already a matter of public record , Colonel. So is the fact that your entire team survived where only ONE Russian soldier made it back alive . BARELY!!

JACK: Yeah, well if your people understood the concept of "Chain of Command", NONE of this .

COMMANDER: (Interrupting) NO! We are agreed! YOU were in command! We also know WHICH lives you were willing to sacrafice!

HAMMOND: We regret the lose of lives, and offer our condolences to the families of your officers.

COMMAND: (Sarcastically) And I'm sure you also regret this Eye of Tiament was buried along with Colonel Zukov never to be recovered!

HAMMOND: Yes, we do.

COMMANDER: (Softer) Perhaps it is best we both admit we made mistakes.

JACK: It'd be best if you just admitted you screwed up.

COMMANDER: I will pass that sentiment along, Colonel.

JACK: (Sarcastically) Yeah, please do.

COMMANDER: I'm sure this will have no bearing on our future participation.

JACK: I wouldn't count on future participation if I were you.

COMMANDER: Well, I would. (OOH! Something's up! I know it! ;))


Source : Stargate Fusion

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