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#612 : Évolution


Les Asgard réclament de l'aide à SG-1 pour repousser de leur planète une invasion des Réplicateurs. Ils expliquent à O'Neill que le vaisseau de l'équipe leur est indispensable pour parvenir jusqu'à une machine assez puissante pour neutraliser les envahisseurs. Encore faut-il réussir à l'activer...


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Unnatural Selection

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Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Brad Wright et Robert C. Cooper.

Réalisé par : Andy Mikita. 

Apparitions :

Teryl Rothery (Dr Janet Fraiser)

Dan Shea (Sergent Siler)

Michaël Shanks (Thor (voix))

G. Patrick Currie (Fifth)

Gary Jones (Sergent Walter Davis)

Kristina Copeland (#2)

Tahmoh Penikett (#3)

Rebecca Robbins (#4)

Shannon Powell (#6)

Ian Buchanan (#1)

612 - Evolution


Les Asguards ont besoin de l'aide de Sg-1 et de leur vaisseau car les Réplicateurs ne seront pas intéressés par cette technologie primitive et ignoreront le Prometheus.

Les Asguards avaient attirés tous les Réplicateurs sur la planète Allah avant d'activer une machine qui produirait une « bulle temporelle » qui aurait figé dans le temps tous les Réplicateurs. Mais la machine ne s'est pas activée.

Thor demande alors à Sg-1 d'aller sur la planète Allah, de réparer la machine et de l'activer pour ainsi emprisonner les Réplicateurs dans le temps. O'neill refuse mais il change d'avis lorsque Thor l'informe qu'après avoir détruits les Asguards, les Réplicateurs s'attaqueront à la Terre.

Sg-1 représente le dernier espoir des Asguards. O'neill réponds qu'ils ne sont pas équipés pour aller se battre contre les Réplicateurs, mais Thor ramène alors le Prometheus en orbite autour de la Terre. Les Asguards ont transférés de la nourriture et des armes sur le Prometheus et ont renvoyés les autres passagers du Prometheus au SGC.

Thor mets alors le cap sur Allah et O'neill en profite alors pour demander l'autorisation au général Hammond. O'neill contacte holographiquement le SGC pour les briefer sur la situation et ils n'ont d'autres choix que d'accepter.

Sur le Prometheus, O'neill et Carter ont une petite discussion sur le nom qu'ils doivent donner au vaisseau. O'neill, ayant faim, se dirige alors vers la zone d'entreposage #3, où il retrouve Jonas et Teal'c qui sont entrain de manger les aliments congelés avant que ceux-ci ne fondent.

Le Prometheus sort de l'hyperespace car les Asguards ne peuvent pas l'emmener plus près de Allah, car leur présence alerterait les Réplicateurs. Un problème surgit alors. En effet, les senseurs du vaisseau Asguard ont détectés que la machine temporelle a été activée sur Allah, mais pour accélérer le temps.

Thor retourne alors sur son vaisseau et le Prometheus met le cap sur la planète Allah. Dès que le Prometheus approche de Allah, un vaisseau Réplicateur surgit et scanne ce dernier. Comme prévu, les Réplicateurs ignorent ce vaisseau trop primitif. Le Prometheus commence alors sa descente vers la surface de la planète.

Après un atterrissage un peu mouvementé, Sg-1 se dirige vers la structure qui abrite la machine temporelle Asguard. Une fois à l'intérieur de la structure, Carter s'apprête à adapter la machine temporelle Asguard lorsque des humanoïdes s'approchent. Ils demandent à O'neill d'ordonner à ses coéquipiers d'arrêter sinon ils seront obliger d'attaquer.

O'neill leur dit qu'ils sont là pour arrêter les Réplicateurs mais les humanoïdes ne peuvent les laisser faire car ils sont des Réplicateurs. O'neill et Teal'c vident alors leurs chargeurs sur les Réplicateurs mais cela n'a aucun effet.

Les Réplicateurs demandent alors à Carter de s'éloigner de la machine et de déposer leurs armes. Les Réplicateurs neutralisent alors Sg-1 et l'un deux pénètre dans les pensées de O'neill en passant la main en travers sa tête. Dans le subconscient de O'neill, Le Réplicateurs s'amuse à lire les pensées de O'neill et à le faire souffrir en lui faisant revivre la mort de son fils.

Les membres de Sg-1 se réveillent alors dans le Prometheus. Carter suggère alors de faire exploser les moteurs d'hyperespace pour détruire les Réplicateurs et la machine temporelle. Jonas ne croit pas que l'explosion des moteurs d'hyperespace va affecter les Réplicateurs et suggère qu'ils essaient d'entamer des discussions.

Jonas et O'neill rejoigne alors Carter qui est entrain de parler avec un Réplicateurs, Fifth, qui les informent qu'ils sont invités à souper dans le « temple », la structure où est logée la machine temporelle Asguard.

Sg-1 retourne alors au « temple » où ils apprennent que ces Réplicateurs ont été construits grâce au corps de l'androïde Reese. Leur apparence humaine est rendue possibles du fait qu'ils sont construits à partir de nanites, au lieu d'être construits à partir de « blocs », comme les Réplicateurs normaux. Le premier Réplicateur construits avec ce procéder, First, pu ainsi pénétrer à travers du bouclier qui protégeait la machine temporelle et la désactiver.

Les Réplicateurs se sont alors développés à l'image de Reese. O'neill leur répond que Reese avait un défaut de fabrication et First lui réponds qu'ils ont essayer de corriger cette erreur dans la création de Fifth, mais il s'est avéré être trop humain, trop faible.

First leur ordonne alors de manger pour qu'ils regagnent leur force pour que les Réplicateurs soient capable de lire leurs pensées encore et encore. First ordonne alors à Fifth de lire les pensées d'un membre de Sg-1 et Carter se porte volontaire.

Fifth lui montre alors son subconscient et Carter lui demande son aide. Il ne veut pas, mais Carter réussit à le convaincre en affirmant qu'il pourra venir avec eux avant que la machine temporelle ne soit réactivée. Sg-1 se réveille alors dans le « temple » et Fifth les informent qu'il a fais les modifications nécessaires à la machine temporelle.

O'neill ordonne alors à Jonas et Teal'c d'aller préparer le Prometheus pendant que Carter prépare la machine. L'absence de Fifth alerterais les autres alors Carter suggère qu'ils les rejoignent dans le Prometheus à la dernière seconde. O'neill ordonne alors à Carter de mettre le chrono à 5 minutes mais lui montrent secrètement de le mettre à 3 minutes pour ainsi piéger Fifth dans la bulle temporelle.

Fifth demande à Carter s'ils vont partir sans lui et Carter lui répond que non. Carter et O'neill retourne alors à bord du Prometheus. Fifth attends alors prêt de la machine tandis que Sg-1 se prépare au décollage. Dans le « temple », Fifth est rejoins par First et les autres. First lui dit qu'il y a encore assez de temps pou désactiver la machine, mais Fifth refuse.

Le Prometheus quitte alors la surface de la planète. First indique alors à Fifth qu'ils se sont joués de lui et qu'ils sont entrain de s'échapper. Fifth dit que c'est impossible, que Carter lui a promis. Il regarde alors le chrono et est surpris de voir que celui-ci arrive à sa fin.

La machine temporelle s'active alors figeant ainsi les Réplicateurs dans le temps. Le Prometheus s'éloigne de la planète et se dirige vers le point de rendez-vous avez les Asguards. À bord du Prometheus, les membres de Sg-1 essaient de se convaincre qu'ils ont faits la bonne chose en utilisant l'humanité de Fifth contre lui.



Unnatural Selection

Michael Shanks as the Voice of Thor


Previously On Stargate

Jack shooting Reese in Menace, replicators swarming over the SGC. Freyr coming to the SGC in Revelations. Simmons and Conrad stealing the X303 in Prometheus. Jack and Teal’c flying in a death glider and saving Sam. The X303 jumping to hyperspace and Sam saying she can’t plot a course for home. The Asgard arriving and saying they need help.

Scene: Space

The Asgard ship dwarfs the X303. Thor has beamed onto the bridge.

O’NEILL: Are you serious?

THOR: Very.

O’NEILL: This ship you need? This brand new ship?

THOR: Yes.

O’NEILL: So new it doesn’t have a name yet? It’s not even finished.

CARTER: I think that’s the point Sir. The more low tech the better.

THOR: That is correct Major Carter.

JONAS: Certainly defies conventional wisdom.

O’NEILL: Mine too.

THOR: The Replicators will not wish to integrate such vastly inferior technology into their own.

O’NEILL: Then… what?

THOR: A task for which you are uniquely suited.

O’NEILL: You need someone dumb enough.

THOR: On the contrary, it is both your physical prowess and military expertise that are required.

O’NEILL: Yeah, don’t get me wrong, flattery goes a long way with me, but if you’re going where I think you’re going with this….

THOR: When it became clear to the Asgard High Council that the war with the replicators could not be won, a plan was devised, a trap was set. One made possible by you.

CARTER: By us?

THOR: The android Reese that you discovered and provided to us for study retained a single core command in her base programming which we believed all Replicators would still follow.

CARTER: Then you were able to reactivate her?

THOR: No. The android was damaged beyond repair. However, the key command was activated within her neural network, amplified and broadcast through subspace throughout the known universe.

CARTER: What was the command?

THOR: To come forth.

JONAS: You instructed every Replicator out there to come to you.

O’NEILL: I have a theory why you lost the war.

THOR: The command was only given once the trap was set.

JONAS: What was the trap?

THOR: A time dilation device generating a field radius of point one six light years.

CARTER: Wow. That’s some trap.

She looks at Jack.

CARTER: They created a bubble in space around the Replicators within which time was slowed down by a factor of…

THOR: Ten to the fourth power.

CARTER: Relatively speaking Sir, one year to the replicators would be about ten thousand years to the rest of us. An hour would be over a year, a day would be..

O’NEILL: I get it.

CARTER: The point is, if the plan had worked it would have effectively bottled the Replicators up in one place and bought the Asgard thousands of years to solve the problem.

O’NEILL: No the point is, it didn’t work.

THOR: O’Neill is correct. Our plan failed.

JONAS: What went wrong?

THOR: We do not know. The time dilation device was constructed within a very old structure on Halla. The first planet settled by the Asgard. The device was encased in a solid neutronium shell and set with a time delay sufficient to evacuate our entire civilisation.

JONAS: Well however strong neutronium is, wouldn’t the Replicators be able to eat through it?

THOR: Eventually, yes. But not in sufficient time before the device activated. This calculation was made with considerable margin for error. When the time came, nothing happened.

CARTER: So somehow the Replicators must have gotten to the time dilation device before it could activate.

THOR: That appears to be the only explanation.

O’NEILL: So what do you want us to do?

THOR: Fly your ship through Replicator dominated space, repair whatever damage may have been done to the time dilation device and activate it before the Replicators can stop you.


O’NEILL: Thor, buddy. There’s no way.

THOR: The Replicators will soon consume all that they can within our home galaxy. Yours will be next.

O’NEILL: I thought we were too primitive to consume?

THOR: Your technology would not immediately attract the Replicators but they would eventually be drawn to the raw materials of which your civilisation is built. Your extinction will be assured.

CARTER: For that matter, so would every other world we’ve visited. It’s just a matter of time.

JONAS: Did all of the Asgard manage to escape?

THOR: Most, but not all. A great battle was fought. The evacuation fleet is standing by in the void between our two galaxies awaiting to hear word of your response.

O’NEILL: My response?

THOR: We have done all that we can and failed O’Neill. You and your team represent our last hope.

O’NEILL: Yeah, great. So no pressure, right?

THOR: If you have in fact made your decision not to undertake this task, I will inform the council.

O’NEILL: Just give me a minute here, okay?

TEAL’C: Are you reconsidering O’Neill?

O’NEILL: I’m considering re-considering.

JONAS: Well there has to be other options.

THOR: We believe there is no alternative plan of action.

CARTER: Thor, I don’t think you’re realising what you’re asking us to do.

THOR: In the past your projectile weapons have been most effective.

O’NEILL: Well we don’t have any projectile weapons with us at the moment and according to Carter we’re a long way from…

Thor touches a button. Earth comes into view.

O’NEILL: Home.

CARTER: You towed us back into Earth’s orbit.

THOR: Correct Major Carter. The contents of your armoury at Stargate Command along with the appropriate attire, food and other supplies you may require are now being transported aboard this vessel.

O’NEILL: I hope you did the paperwork.

CARTER: Wait a minute, we have a few passengers..

THOR: They are being transported to Stargate Command.

O’NEILL: I haven’t said yes yet.

THOR: But you are reconsidering.

O’NEILL: I’m leaning in the general direction.

Thor pushes another button and the ship moves away from Earth.

O’NEILL: Hey, what are you doing?

CARTER: We’re leaving the solar system.

O’NEILL: Thor, little fella. It’s not the way it works. It’s not my ship. It’s not up to me.

THOR: The journey to our home galaxy will take many hours with your vessel in tow. You may consult your superiors en route.

Scene: Control Room SGC

Hammond comes down the stairs.

HAMMOND: Sergeant?

SILER: I can’t explain it Sir. It’s like everything in the armoury just disappeared. P90’s, SPAZ 12’s, SOZ (?) claymores. Everything.

DAVIS: Sir. Four of the people who commandeered the X 303 just appeared out of thin air in the holding room. Air Force personnel, a reporter just beamed into the cafeteria kitchen up on Level 22. Half the food stores went missing at the same time.

HAMMOND: You’re certain the Stargate’s been inactive?

DAVIS: Yes sir.

HAMMOND: What in God’s name is happening?

Jack suddenly appears as a hologram.

O’NEILL: Hello, sir. Siler, how you doing?

HAMMOND: Colonel. It’s good to see you alive and well. We were concerned the X 303 was lost with all hands.

O’NEILL: No sir, we’re all fine. Except for the Goa’uld and Simmons of course.

HAMMOND: So you were rescued by the Asgard?

O’NEILL: Actually it kinda looks like we’ll be coming to their rescue, sir.

HAMMOND: Does that have anything to do with the supplies and equipment that are disappearing from all over my base?

O’NEILL: Yes sir. Sufficed to say, you might want to get upstairs and punch one on the old speed dial.

HAMMOND: My grandchildren?

O’NEILL: Two then. I think the President might want to know what the Asgard have in mind for our new ship.

Scene: Bridge of the X 303

Jack walks in where Sam is working on something.

O’NEILL: They didn’t go for it.

CARTER: They didn’t approve the mission?

O’NEILL: Oh no, they did that. Once they knew the stakes and the fate of the universe stuff. Both the President and Hammond realised we had no choice. He sends good luck, godspeed and all those things he says when he thinks we’re gonna die.

CARTER: So what didn’t they go for?

O’NEILL: The name I suggested.

CARTER: For the ship?

O’NEILL: Yeah.

CARTER: Yeah Sir, we can’t call it the Enterprise.

O’NEILL: Why not?

CARTER: The codename for the project is Prometheus. What’s wrong with that?

O’NEILL: It’s a Greek tragedy. Who wants that?

CARTER: Okay. The X303 it is then.

O’NEILL: Yeah. What have you got there?

CARTER: Well, the Asgard surmised that the Replicators probably disabled the time dilation device by destroying the control interface mechanism.

O’NEILL: Uh-huh.

CARTER: Well, it’s really not much more than an advanced timer. But since any Asgard technology we took along would cause the Replicators to swarm all over us. Thor had a facsimile of their interface built from Earth based materials. It’ll work just as well as the original but it shouldn’t attract the Replicators.

O’NEILL: I’m hungry.

CARTER: Cargo bay three, sir.

O’NEILL: Thanks.

Jack leaves.

Scene: Cargo Bay Three

Teal’c and Jonas are eating ice cream. Jack opens the door.

O’NEILL: You guys trying to make yourself sick?

JONAS: Well Thor forgot to take the need for refrigeration into account so we figured we’d start with the frozen stuff. This is good. Mmmm.

O’NEILL: I’ll buy that.

Jack sits down.

O’NEILL: So Jonas, first time going up against a Replicator, eh?

Jack tries to eat some of Teal’c’s ice cream and he pulls it out of his reach. Teal’c gets him another one.

JONAS: I think I have a pretty good idea of what to expect though. Teal’c told me all about them and I have everything Dr Jackson wrote. They’re fascinating.

O’NEILL: Fascinating?

JONAS: Well think about it. We have a human scientist who creates this android girl who then goes on to create these Replicators as a toy. Well at least the concept of something that starts out so innocent become so evil, well that’s got to be fascinating to you.

TEAL’C: Replicators exist merely to increase their numbers and do so without prejudice. They are no more evil that a virus.

O’NEILL: A really evil virus.

JONAS: Well yes we can all agree that any living thing that isn’t inherently evil in itself is capable of undertaking actions that are evil.

Teal’c swaps his ice cream for Jack’s.

TEAL’C: We are slowing.

CARTER: Colonel, you should come forward, Sir. (on radio)

O’NEILL: We’re on our way.

Scene: Bridge

Jack, Teal’c and Jonas walk onto the bridge.

CARTER: WE just came out of hyperspace a minute ago.

THOR: We dare proceed no further without risk of engaging the Replicators. You will have to continue from this point on your own ship's power.

O’NEILL: But you’re gonna wait here for us, right?

THOR: There is now another concern. Our long-range sensors have discovered the time dilation device was indeed activated.

O’NEILL: Well that’s good. It’s not good?

THOR: Time is now progressing faster within the field.

CARTER: They reversed it?

THOR: By a factor of ten squared.

O’NEILL: What is with you people? Time machines are nothin but trouble, even we know that.

TEAL’C: Clearly the Replicators have discovered a means of utilising the time dilation machine to serve their own purpose.

JONAS: Well what would that purpose be?

O’NEILL: Well, I gotta tell you this changes things. Carter, how does this change things?

CARTER: I don’t know, Sir. I guess it doesn’t.

O’NEILL: You mean we’ve got the same problem we had an hour ago.

CARTER: Well the difference is, in that hour, four days have passed for the Replicators. Depending on when they did this, relatively speaking, they could have experienced hundreds of years.

O’NEILL: I get it.

THOR: If you wish to reconsider…

O’NEILL: No. No. Full well expected the other shoe to drop eventually.

THOR: We can only hope this will be the last footwear to fall. The co-ordinates to the planet have already been programmed into your navigational computer. We have modified your engines and structural integrity fields to their maximum potential to assure your safe arrival. We will monitor your progress as best we can. Good Luck.

Thor disappears.

Everyone sits down.

CARTER: Setting course to programmed co ordinates. Throttling up sub light engines.

Scene: Space

The Asgard ship moves off.

Scene: Armoury.

Jonas is loading a P90.

O’NEILL: Again.

JONAS: My hands are covered in blisters. They’re not gonna work any faster.

CARTER: Colonel, we’re about to pass through into the time dilation field. (on radio)

O’NEILL: We’re on our way.

Scene: Bridge

TEAL’C: A replicator controlled vessel approaches.

CARTER: Hopefully they’ll agree with Thor and think this ship’s a piece of junk.

TEAL’C: They are scanning us.

CARTER: Sir, we’re being scanned by the Replicators ship. Stand by.

O’NEILL: We still in business? (over radio)

TEAL’C: Indeed.

CARTER: Yes Sir, it’s moving off. It’s like we’re clear to enter the planet’s atmosphere. (over radio)

The ship moves towards the planet.

Scene: Bridge

Jack and Jonas walk onto the bridge.

CARTER: We’re detecting one structure at the designated co-ordinates.

O’NEILL: Just the one?

TEAL’C: There appears to be little topography of any kind.

JONAS: Two hundred metres.

CARTER: Throttling down to fifty percent.

JONAS: One five zero metres.

CARTER: The surface appears to be completely smooth.

JONAS: One hundred metres.

TEAL’C: No sign of Replicators.

CARTER: Deceleration thrusters are firing.

JONAS: Five zero metres.

CARTER: The inertial compensators and structural integrity are at maximum. Landing struts are at full extension.

There’s a flash of light.

O’NEILL: What was that?

CARTER: Lightning sir. All systems are still go.

JONAS: Ten metres.

Something explodes in the background. Teal’c goes to correct it.

JONAS: Five metres.

They land.

JONAS: Touchdown.

CARTER: Shutting down thrusters.

Jack looks out the window.

O’NEILL: Get a message to Thor. Let him know we touched down. Let’s move out.

Scene: Planet

SG1 walk towards the structure.

JONAS: This can’t be the only structure on the entire planet.

O’NEILL: I’d be willing to bet the bugs ate everything else.

JONAS: Then where are they?

Carter sweeps away some dust on the ground.

CARTER: Sir. You’re not gonna like this.

JONAS: What is it?

TEAL’C: This planet's surface appears to be covered with Replicator blocks.

CARTER: Probably more than one layer and who knows how thick it is. Maybe miles.

JONAS: Why would that be?

CARTER: Well it could be a by-product of the reverse time dilation. In relative time, they’ve been here hundreds of years but there’s nothing left here to consume so they’re just conserving energy.

JONAS: What’s keeping them here?

O’NEILL: Who cares. Watch your step.

Scene: Inside the Structure.

SG1 go down some steps into a room.

Sam goes to the device.

CARTER: Sir the original interface is still intact. I might be able to…

They hear footsteps. A man appears.

FIFTH: Who are you?

O’NEILL: Colonel Jack O’Neill, US Air Force, Earth. Who are you?

FIFTH: The others are coming.

More people appear.

FIRST: What do you think you are doing?

O’NEILL: Clocks are running a little fast around here. Thought we’d stop by, wind ‘em. We’ll be on our way.

FIRST: Your companion is attempting to alter the settings on the time device and we cannot allow that. If she does not stop immediately, we will be forced to take action.

O’NEILL: Well; now, if you do that, we might be forced to take our own action.

FIRST: Tell your companion to stop.

O’NEILL: Carter, how much time you need there?

CARTER: A lot, Sir. Maybe a few hours.

O’NEILL: Hours?

CARTER: Sir, the interface was completely rebuilt. I’m not even sure where to start.

O’NEILL: Couldn’t you crank it up a little bit? Move things along?

CARTER: It doesn’t work that way sir.

FIRST: Ironic, isn’t it?

O’NEILL: Who are you people? Because if you haven’t noticed this entire planet is paved with replicators.

FIRST: We are aware of this.

O’NEILL: Then you should also know that these things have taken millions of lives and they’ll keep on doing that unless we stop them.

SECOND: He doesn’t understand.

O’NEILL: You know, he’s standing right here.

FIRST: We cannot allow you to stop them, I’m afraid.

O’NEILL: Why not?

FIRST: We are replicators.


Jack opens fire. So do Teal’c and Jonas. The people just stand there as they blow holes in the walls. Replicator bugs then appear.

FIRST: Tell your companion to step away from the device.

O’NEILL: Carter.

She moves away.

FIRST: Your projectile weapon?

O’NEILL: Yeah, you know, I think we’ll hang onto those for a while.

The bugs move away.

FIRST: Now there is no need.

They put their weapons down.

FIRST: Where are my manners? This is something of an occasion after all, isn’t it? Our first meeting. Welcome.

He puts his hand out. Jack ignores it.

FIRST: Colonel, if we really intended you harm, do you believe you would be standing there? As I said, welcome.

Jack shakes his hand and collapses in pain. First puts his hand into Jack’s forehead.

Scene: Jack’s unconscious mind

Jack and First are in the Gateroom. It’s quite dark.

FIRST: We are inside your unconscious mind now.

O’NEILL: You’d think there’d be more lights on.

FIRST: This place must be important to you.

O’NEILL: I work here.

FIRST: Your iris code is 903224637.

O’NEILL: Wow, that’s…. close. Here’s one for you. I’m thinking of an animal.

FIRST: I never expected that you would amuse me.

O’NEILL: I never expected you to put your hand in my head.

FIRST: Your mind is incredible.

O’NEILL: Well…

FIRST: Such chaos and humour and pain.

Flashback to when Charlie shot himself in Cold Lazarus.

FIRST: You’re correct to blame yourself, your son would be alive but for your carelessness.

O’NEILL: Don’t do that again.

FIRST: That will be your punishment each time you attempt to conceal something from me on our journey.

The Gate activates.

O’NEILL: Where we going?

FIRST: Every place you have ever been.

They walk through the Gate.

Scene: X303 Bridge

Teal’c wakes up. He looks round and switches the lights on. Sam and Jack are in their chairs too. He shakes Jack who wakes up and holds his hands to his face.

O’NEILL: Crap! Holy Jesus!

Jack then shakes Sam.

O’NEILL: Carter! Jonas!

Jonas falls off his chair.

JONAS: Her hand was inside my head. It was like a …. It was like a nightmare.

CARTER: I think we all had a similar experience. I don’t remember much of it.

TEAL’C: Nor do I.

O’NEILL: How long were we out?

CARTER: Thirty-seven hours sir. Ship time.

JONAS: Why would they bring us back here?

TEAL’C: Perhaps we can take advantage of the situation.

CARTER: Detonate the hyperdrive, you mean. An overload would cause a pretty big explosion.

O’NEILL: Big enough to be worth it?

CARTER: I honestly don’t know, Sir.


Sam leaves.

O’NEILL: Get a message to Thor. Let him know how massively he screwed up.

Jack gets up and Jonas follows. They walk along the corridors towards the room where Sam went.

JONAS: Hey Colonel. Colonel, I don’t think this is going to work.

O’NEILL: If Carter says she can do it….

JONAS: Yeah, but if explosives and weapons worked, the Asgard would have won their war.

O’NEILL: I suppose you want to talk to these bug people?

JONAS: Don’t you?


JONAS: Maybe we can reason with them. If we blow this ship, then we lose that option altogether.

O’NEILL: If we blow the ship, I won’t care.

JONAS: Colonel, I don’t think that you fully appreciate what they’ve become.

O’NEILL: Replicators who look like we do.

JONAS: More than that. Sir, this is a huge leap in their evolution.

O’NEILL: Jonas! They are replicators.

They enter the room where Sam is and see Fifth standing there with her.

O’NEILL: Carter? What’s going on?

CARTER: Everything’s fine, Sir. We were just chatting. He carried us back here, Sir. One at a time. So we’d be more comfortable.

JONAS: Thanks.

FIFTH: It was not difficult.

CARTER: Apparently Sir, we’re invited to dinner.

FIFTH: At his request.

O’NEILL: Who’s?

FIFTH: First.

O’NEILL: And you are?

FIFTH: I was Fifth. The others are merging with our replicator brethren but they will return soon.

O’NEILL: Yeah, you wanna let him know we’ve made other plans?

FIFTH: Exploding your vessel would only serve to feed energy to the replicator blocks on the surface of the planet. Your food stores have already been taken to the temple.

JONAS: When are we expected?

FIFTH: When you become hungry.

Fifth leaves.

JONAS: That one’s different.

CARTER: No kidding. I mean he comes across as almost human.

O’NEILL: Well he’s not.

CARTER: So what do we do?

JONAS: Can we leave?

CARTER: The ship will fly but I don’t know how far we’ll get. Sir, if this really is the next evolution of the replicators we should find out as much as possible about them and try to report it back somehow.

O’NEILL: Anyone hungry?

Scene: Planet

SG1 walk to the structure.

Scene: Inside the structure

SG1 walk down the steps.

FIRST: Colonel O’Neill. Major Carter. Teal’c. Jonas. Welcome.

O’NEILL: You’ll forgive us if we don’t shake your hands this time.

FIRST: Please sit and replenish yourselves. Organic forms store energy so inefficiently.

O’NEILL: Yeah. I assume you’re Sixth.


FIRST: Our newest addition.

O’NEILL: You’re kinda going girl, boy, girl, boy.

CARTER: Sir, the entire table…

O’NEILL: I see that.

They sit down.

JONAS: We still have some questions that we never got a chance to ask last time we met.

FIRST: When our replicator brethren discovered the android Reese, they realised she was their creator. They studied her design and form and found aspects of her technology superior to their own.

SECOND: Our brethren are composed of ungainly blocks.

THIRD: We are composed of millions of cell units. Microscopic in comparison that combine to create this form.

CARTER: Like nanites, Sir.

O’NEILL: I hate those things.

FIRST: My creation took place in the last moment before the Asgard time device was to activate. There was a miniscule crack in the neutronium shell. I could penetrate this where my replicator brethren could not. I managed to stop the machine before it activated and eventually used it to suit our purpose.

JONAS: Which is?

FIRST: To increase our number. That has never changed. And now thanks to the Asgard, we have all the time in the world. In a few short years, we will go forth as an army.

O’NEILL: Yeah, see. We can’t you do that.

SECOND: You cannot stop us.

FIRST: Was it not in the same way that you became the dominant species of your world? Is it not a process of natural selection? The strong survive.

JONAS: Yeah, but there’s nothing truly natural about you. I mean, you’ve seen into our minds, I’m quite certain you can all tell the difference.

FIRST: Of course. We are far superior. And if you could see into the mind of an animal you would blindly feed upon, you would reach the same conclusion.

CARTER: It was our kind that built your creator. You’ve created yourselves in our image.

FOURTH: No. In the image of Reese.

O’NEILL: Yeah, now see, there was something wrong with her programming, you all know that.

FIRST: The flaw in the emulation programming was discovered during my creation. Eat.

O’NEILL: You know, I think that flaw’s kinda hanging on there.

FIRST: We attempted to correct the error in the creation of Fifth. But thus far, he has proven to be far too…

JONAS: Human?

FIRST: Weak.

CARTER: Maybe Fifth represents what you’re supposed to be?

FIRST: No. We won’t make the same mistake again. Now, you have your answers, eat.


FIRST: To regain your strength.

O’NEILL: Why do you care?

FIFTH: So you’ll be strong enough.

JONAS: For what?

FIFTH: To go into your minds over and over.

FIRST: Could there be any other reason we would keep you alive?

A replicator drops down.

FIRST: It will be far less painful if you don’t resist.

FIFTH: Stop.

The replicators move away.


FIFTH: You’ve learnt everything you need to know.

FIRST: There are four minds to explore at least once. And Sixth is very curious to experience their thoughts. And you, you haven’t yet had your chance.


FIRST: I insist. I want you to see the disorder, the chaos, recognise what they are in comparison. You need to understand what you are. Visit their memories of worlds we will conquer. Do you understand?


CARTER: I won’t blame you if you choose me.

O’NEILL: Carter?

CARTER: It’s all right Sir. Last time I didn’t remember a thing.

She gets up and walks over to him. He puts his hands on her face and leans his head towards her.

Scene: Fifth’s unconscious mind.

It looks like the planet.

CARTER: I don’t know what you’re showing me but it’s not my unconscious mind.

FIFTH: No Major Carter. It is mine. We share much of our thought, in this way we are connected even with our replicator brethren. But this corner of my mind is mine alone. It is the only place we could communicate without the others knowing what is said.

CARTER: You’re not like them.

FIFTH: I’m a mistake.

CARTER: No they are. A terrible mistake. Help us.

FIFTH: I can’t.

CARTER: You can. Because you’re more like us than you’re like them. The others inherited the same flaw that Reese had. But you…

FIFTH: The others would destroy me.

CARTER: Not if you came with us.

FIFTH: You would do that?

CARTER: If you were to come with us and the time dilation device was reset with the new interface we brought with us.

FIFTH: They are my brothers and sisters.

CARTER: The Asgard device was never designed to destroy the replicators. For them it would seem as if a few days had passed. We’d have hundreds of years to solve their flaw.

FIFTH: What do you want me to do?

Scene: Structure

Sam wakes up. She goes to the others.

CARTER: Sir. Sir.

O’ NEILL: Oh, that’s just not right. Jonas and Teal’c?

CARTER: Sir, there’s a way out of this but we’re gonna have to trust…

TEAL’C: Major Carter.

Fifth is working on the time dilation device.

FIFTH: I have made the necessary adjustments.

JONAS: To what?

FIFTH: The time dilation device. I’m coming with you.

O’NEILL: I assume this was what you were gonna tell me?

CARTER: Yes sir.

FIFTH: The others are merging with our brethren sharing what they have learned from you but they will return soon. I have reconfigured the device but you must enter your command code.


Sam goes to the device.

O’NEILL: You guys head back to the ship. Don’t fire up the engines but be ready.

Teal’c and Jonas leave.

CARTER: My code is in Sir, I just need to set the timer. It’ll take at least two minutes at a dead run for us to get to the ship and two more for the engines to fire up.

FIFTH: That is far too long. If I leave the others will know. They will return before the device activates.

O’NEILL: Then we set it off now.

FIFTH: No. We will be trapped with the others.

CARTER: You can probably make it to the ship at lot faster than we can, right?

FIFTH: Oh yes, in a fraction of the time.

CARTER: Give us a head start. If you arrive at the ship just before we launch, your absence won’t alert the others until it’s too late for them to do anything about it.

O’NEILL: So set the timer for five minutes.

Jack signals to Sam to make it three minutes.

CARTER: It’s cutting it awfully close Sir.

O’NEILL: I know that Major.

Sam turns to Fifth.

CARTER: Thank you.

FIFTH: You won’t leave without me?

CARTER: No. Head for the ship in a little over three minutes.

Sam enters the time.

CARTER: Three, two, one. Mark. Timer’s running.

Jack and Sam leave.

Scene: X303 bridge.

Jonas and Teal’c enter. They start to switch things on.

Scene: Structure

Fifth waits.

Scene: Planet

Jack and Sam run towards the X303.

Scene: X303 bridge

O’NEILL: Fire up those engines. (over radio)

TEAL’C: Understood O’Neill.

Scene: Structure

Fifth starts to leave. First enters.

FIRST: What have you done?

FIFTH: Nothing.

FIRST: Where are the humans?

FIFTH: They’ve returned to their ship to rest.

FIRST: They’re trying to escape.


FIRST: Even as we speak, they’re preparing to leave.

FIFTH: She promised.

FIRST: It’s not too late. I can read your mind. There’s time enough to stop the machine.


Scene: X303

Jack and Sam reach the bridge.

O’NEILL: How long?

CARTER: Twenty seconds before the device activates.

O’NEILL: Get this thing in the air or we’re gonna be here a long time.

Teal’c hits a button and they lift off.

Scene: Structure

FIRST: They’re escaping.

FIFTH: There’s still two minutes left.

FIRST: No, my son. They made a fool of you.

FIFTH: They won’t leave me. She promised.

He turns to the time and flicks it up. There are only three seconds left.

FIFTH: She promised.

Replicators and people converge on Fifth and suddenly stop. Time has slowed down.

Scene: Space

The X303 flies off.

Scene: X303 bridge

TEAL’C: We are beyond the time dilation field.

CARTER: Thor sends his congratulations Sir. They’ll rendezvous with us as soon as they’ve determined no Replicator vessels escaped.

O’NEILL: Fine.

JONAS: You do realise what you did?

O’NEILL: The right thing, Jonas.

JONAS: You used his humanity against him.

O’NEILL: His what?

CARTER: Jonas is right. It’s exactly what we did.

O’NEILL: He wasn’t human. Get that through your heads.

CARTER: He could have fooled me.

O’NEILL: We all know what would have happened if those things had gotten out. Who’s gonna stop them? We did the right thing.

JONAS: I hope you’re right Sir.

CARTER: So do I.

Scene: Temple

We close in on Fifth’s frozen face and the rest of the frozen replicators.


Source : Stargate Fusion.

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