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#622 : Pacte avec le Diable


Les troupes d'Anubis s'apprêtent à débarquer sur la planète Abydos. La résistance s'organise grâce à Daniel Jackson dont l'esprit se matérialise auprès d'O'Neill. Il le prévient : si Anubis met la main sur la pierre «l'?il de Râ», dissimulée dans une pyramide, il disposera de toutes les pièces lui permettant d'être invincible. Une fois sur place, Jonas, Carter et O'Neill fouillent la pyramide pendant que Teal'C tente de retenir les Jaffas qui viennent d'atterrir. L'équipe SG-1 s'empare de «l'ile de Râ» avant d'être prise au piège : la Porte des Etoiles est condamnée...


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Full Circle

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Pacte avec le Diable

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Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Robert C. Cooper.

Réalisé par : Martin Wood

Apparitions :

Michaël Shanks (Daniel Jackson)

Alexis Cruz (Skaara)

David Palffy (Anubis)

Gary Jones (Sergent Walter Davis)

Michael Adamthwaite (Her'ak)

Vince Crestejo (Seigneur Yu-huang)

Brad Kelly (Jaffa)

Sean Amsing (Tobay)

Darryl Scheelar (Abydonian)

Terrance Leigh (Abydonian)

Ahmad Sharmrou (Abydonian)

Rene Van Hullenbush (Abydonian)

Veena Sood (Aîné D'abydonian)

Mike Roselli (Jaffa)

Ernest Jackson (Jaffa)

Shawn Stewart (Jaffa)

John Ulmer (Jaffa)

622 - Pacte avec le diable


Sur Abydos, Skaara s'approche en courant d'une tente. A l'intérieur se trouvent 5 femmes, Skaara leur confirme qu'Anubis est sur le point d'attaquer Abydos. Elles décident que Kasuf doit emmener les femmes et les enfants dans les cavernes mais Skaara leurs rappelle que Anubis est bien trop puissant et quiconque le combattra sera tué.

Pendant qu'ils discutent, Daniel apparaît et leur annonce qu'ils ne sont plus seuls maintenant.

Au SGC, Jack marche en direction d'un ascenseur, alors qu'il descend, l'ascenseur s'arrête brusquement. Jack tente d'obtenir de l'aide grâce au téléphone de secours, il entend une voix derrière lui qui l'appelle.

Jack se retourne et voit Daniel qui commence à lui expliquer qu'Anubis est sur le point d'attaquer Abydos, qu'il recherche l'œil de Ra probablement caché dans la pyramide. Il y a 6 yeux, tous très puissant mais quand ils sont employés ensemble, leur puissance est multiplié par 10.

Anubis possède 5 des 6 yeux et recherche actuellement le dernier. Jack qui est resté silencieux et n'en croyant pas ses yeux commence à lui demander comment çà va depuis son ascension. Daniel rentre alors dans son jeu, ainsi ils se mettent à papoter (une scène très comique) Jack lui précise l'ironie que Daniel vienne lui demander de l'aide alors qu'il est maintenant un être puissant et grand.

Daniel lui rappelle qu'il ne peut pas les aider, que même lui parler est une violation des règles de ses semblables et qu'agir l'est encore plus. S'il les aidait, Oma Dessala l'en empêcherait tout de suite.

Dans la salle de briefing, Jack explique tous au sujet d'Anubis et de l'attaque d'Abydos au reste de l'équipe et Hammond. Jack leur dit que c'est Daniel qui lui a révélé l'information. Carter semble incrédule, Jack leur explique que ce n'est pas la 1ere fois qu'il lui a parlé.

Teal'c leur dit qu'à lui aussi, Daniel a déjà parlé (« Changeling ») mais qu'il n'a rien dit comme Jack car il n'était pas sur de ce qu'il avait vu. Carter semble très choqué et déranger par cette annonce. Jack explique que Daniel ne sait pas où se trouve l'œil de Ra.

L'équipe Sg1 arrive sur Abydos et est accueillie par Skaara qui les conduit dans les catacombes où il a passé beaucoup de temps avec Daniel. L'œil de Ra y est très souvent mentionné sur les murs mais ils ne l'ont pas trouvé.

Un énorme vaisseau spatial arrive alors en orbite d'Abydos, pendant ce temps les abydossiens se préparent à combattre avec Teal'c. Dans la pyramide, Jack et Skaara parlent de son futur mariage et Skaara lui demande d'être son témoin sous le regard amusé de Carter.

Teal'c parle avec un abydossien lorsque des planeurs de la mort ainsi que d'autre vaisseau Goa'uld arrivent en direction de la pyramide.

A l'intérieur, Jonas essaye de traduire les murs mais il n'y a aucune indication d'une chambre secrète. Les vaisseaux Goa'uld commencent alors à attaquer mais les armes terriennes n'ont que peu d'effet.

Jack qui entend les explosions s'énerve et appelle Daniel qui apparaît aussitôt. Jack lui demande de faire quelque chose pour les abydossiens mais Daniel ne peut pas. Daniel élude cette remarque de Jack puis s'approche d'un mur en expliquant qu'il croit qu'il y a une chambre secrète derrière.

Jack et Skaara laisse Daniel, Jonas et Sam chercher cette chambre secrète pour aller aider Teal'c qui essaye tant bien que mal de repoussé les chasseurs Goa'uld.

Sam demande à Daniel d'utiliser ses pouvoirs pour aller voir ce qu'il y a derrière ce mur mais Daniel ne veut toujours pas utiliser ses pouvoirs. Jonas essaye d'ouvrir la chambre en appliquant un faisceau de lumière sur ce qu'il pense être la clé mais Daniel fait remarqué que l'œil est rouge.

Sam s'approche alors et envoie le laser rouge de son arme dans la fente ce qui provoque l'ouverture de la chambre.

Les abydossiens, Teal'c, Jack et Skaara sont maintenant repliés dans la pyramide, alors qu'ils combattent les Jaffas d'Anubis, Skaara est touché par une lance Goa'uld.

Dans la chambre secrète, Daniel voit une tablette et explique que ses semblables sont les Ancients, il le suspectait depuis quelque temps mais n'en était pas sur. Daniel explique que les Ancients étaient des humains vivant très longtemps avant nous qui avaient évolués. Ils ont été éliminés par une peste très rapide évoluant dans la galaxie. Beaucoup ont appris à faire leur ascension, les autres se sont éteints.

Soudain Daniel leur dit qu'ils ne doivent pas perdre cette tablette qui parle d'une ville perdue puis disparaît dans une boule de lumière. En cherchant Jonas et Sam découvrent un compartiment secret renfermant l'œil de Ra. Alors qu'ils se dirigent vers la sortie, Jack, Teal'c et Skaara qui est gravement blessé les rejoignent car ils ne peuvent plus contenir les Jaffas. Tous vont ensuite se cacher au fond de la pièce alors que beaucoup de Jaffas envahissent les catacombes.

Jack attrape l'œil de Ra et lui applique un pain d'explosif et explique à He'rak, le chef des Jaffas, que s'il ne les laisse pas partir librement il fera exploser l'œil de Ra.

Sur le vaisseau d'Anubis, He'rak transmet le message de O'neill et Anubis lui répond que s'il n'obtient pas l'œil de Ra, il détruira Abydos. Daniel apparaît alors à Anubis. Daniel lui dit que s'il touche à Abydos, il le tuera mais Anubis lui répond qu'il sait qui il est et qu'il n'en a pas le pouvoir.

Par contre Daniel ne sait pas qui est Anubis qui s'approche de Daniel et lui montre son visage : Anubis a subi lui aussi une ascension.

Dans les catacombes, Skaara commence à délirer puis fait son ascension sous l'œil de Jack.

Sur le vaisseau, Anubis et Daniel se menacent toujours lorsqu'une dizaine de vaisseau Goa'uld sortent de l'hyperespace et se placent autour du vaisseau d'Anubis. Yu, le commandant de la force des seigneurs Goa'ulds unifiés apparaît alors sur l'écran et menace Anubis de la détruire s'il ne lui donne pas l'œil de Ra puis Yu disparaît de l'écran.

Daniel le menace de plusieurs choses et parvient à un accord avec Anubis : Daniel lui livre l'œil de Ra en échange de la sauvegarde d'Abydos. Daniel réapparaît alors à Sg1 et est surpris d'apprendre que Skaara a subit une ascension et comprend alors que Oma Dessala l'observe mais n'en s'en inquiète plus.

Daniel explique à Sg1 que Anubis a appris à faire son ascension mas que les Autres ne l'ont pas accepté. Ils ont essayé de le renvoyer mais cela n'a pas marché et maintenant Anubis est une forme d'énergie. Son masque noir est une sorte de bouclier qui le maintient dans sa forme actuelle, il est coincé quelque part entre l'existence humaine et l'ascension.

Malgré cela Anubis reste extrêmement puissant. Daniel explique à Jack (car Carter ne lui a pas expliqué) que les Autres sont en fait les Ancients, les créateur des portes des étoiles. Cela explique la maîtrise de la technologie antique par Anubis.

Les Jaffas commencent alors à s'approcher d'eux et Daniel explique à Jack qu'il doit remettre à He'rak l'œil de Ra car il a passé un marché avec Anubis, Daniel pense que la tablette est beaucoup plus importante que l'œil de Ra. Il pense que Yu et Anubis vont se combattre pour l'œil de Ra et s'affaiblir.

Ainsi pendant ce temps Sg1 pourra, grâce à la tablette retrouvée dans la chambre secrète, rechercher la ville perdu des Ancients, où se trouve de puissante armes qui donneront à la Terre un énorme avantage contre Anubis. Jack s'approche alors de He'rak et lui remet l'œil de Ra.

Ensuite tous les Jaffas partent laissant Sg1 et Daniel seul dans les catacombes.

He'rak remet l'œil de Ra à Anubis qui actionne aussitôt la transformation de son vaisseau en position de combat puis le combat commence dans lequel un bon nombre des vaisseaux de Yu sont détruits sous la puissance du vaisseau d'Anubis. Les attaques des vaisseaux mères n'ont aucun effet sur Anubis qui possède un puissant bouclier qui absorbent toutes les attaques de Yu.

En quelques minutes la flotte de Yu est totalement anéantie.

Sur Abydos, pendant que Carter compose les coordonnées de la Terre, Sg1 remarque les vêtements des abydossiens vident, ce qui signifie qu'ils ont fait leur ascension.

Anubis s'apprête à attaquer Abydos malgré l'accord passé avec Daniel quand celui-ci apparaît. Daniel va pour attaquer Anubis quand il est aspirer par derrière puis disparaît. Oma l'a empêché d'attaquer Anubis car c'est interdit.

Anubis enclenche donc son arme en direction de la pyramide d'Abydos lorsque Jack s'apprête à passer la porte, il voit ainsi que la planète est attaquée. Aussitôt sur Terre ils essayent de recomposer le code d'Abydos mais la porte ne s'ouvre pas.

En salle de débriefing, Jonas explique qu'il pourra déchiffrer la tablette qui parle de la ville perdue mais avec l'aide de Daniel. Sam s'inquiète pour Daniel car s'il n'a pu sauver Abydos c'est peut-être qu'il n'est plus vivant.

Plus tard Carter réessaye d'ouvrir la porte vers Abydos qui s'ouvre à sa grande surprise. Sg1 se rend sur Abydos et trouve la pyramide intacte mais vide, dehors, ce trouve un groupe de personnes. Skaara s'approche d'eux et leur explique que Anubis a détruit la pyramide et que tous ont été tués par le souffle de l'explosion.

La mort est seulement le commencement de leur voyage. Oma les a tous aidé à faire leur ascension. Skaara n'a pas revu Daniel et ne sait pas ce qu'il est devenu. Soudain toutes les personnes disparaissent et Skaara leur dit que le Stargate restera ouvert jusqu'à ce qu'ils partent puis lui aussi disparaît.


Full Circle

Scene: Abydos

Skaara runs along to a tent.

ELDER: Skaara, join us. You know why you are here?

SKAARA: Then it is true?

ELDER: There's not much time. Kasuf will take the women and children to the caves of Kalima where they will be safe.

SKAARA: No one will be safe anywhere. How can we even hope to defend ourselves against a Goa'uld as powerful as Anubis?

ELDER: Our lives are meaningless if we don't stop him from finding what he seeks here. You must rally all those capable of fighting.

SKAARA: All those willing to die.

DANIEL: All those who must not fail.

SKAARA: Daniel?

DANIEL: You won't be alone.


Scene: SGC Corridor

Jack walks to an elevator and swipes his card. He enters and inserts his card by the buttons and presses for Level 28. The lights suddenly go out and the elevator stops. Jack picks up the phone.

O'NEILL: Hello? This is C.. Hello?


Jack puts the phone to his ear again.

DANIEL: Jack. Hi Jack. Jack, Abydos is in trouble. Anubis is on his way. He's after the Eye of Ra. I have that replica Catherine gave me, it looks like this. Now I'm pretty sure the real one is located in some secret chamber in Ra's pyramid on Abydos but I'm not sure where exactly. According to legend there were six Eyes including those held by Apophis, Osiris and Tiamat among others. Each is powerful on its own but to use them in combination increases that power ten fold. Recently, Anubis has managed to track down five of the six Eyes and only needs Ra's to complete the set. He's looked everywhere Ra used to hang out except Abydos; now he's on his way there.

O'NEILL: I'm sure that was an aspirin I took this morning.

DANIEL: Jack, it's really me. It's me, you have to help, you have to find the Eye of Ra before Anubis does. Keep it, hide it, destroy it, whatever, it doesn't matter, we don't have much time.

O'NEILL: Hey Daniel, how you doing? Long time. How are things on the higher planes?

DANIEL: Hey Jack, long time no see. How you doing?

O'NEILL: Fine, just fine.

DANIEL: How are the knees, the back? Everything's..

O'NEILL: Oh you know, kind of weather contingent actually.

DANIEL: So what's new?

O'NEILL: Ah actually a funny thing happened to me, today, I'm riding an elevator and an old friend of mine, someone who never calls, never writes just shows up and tells me all about this very important and apparently urgent mission that needs my attention.

DANIEL: You gonna help or...

O'NEILL: Wait; let me tell it, it's good. You see this buddy of mine, this pal, this chum has ascended to a whole new level of existence. Do you see the irony? He's asking for my help and he's this great and powerful being.

DANIEL: Jack, we've already been through this, I can't actually do anything.

O'NEILL: See, I'm still not clear on that.

DANIEL: The Others have rules; just talking to you is a violation.

O'NEILL: What like jay walking, double parking, what?

DANIEL: The point is, taking action that changes human existence, that's a big one.

O'NEILL: Let me ask you this. Have you met any of these Other guys?


O'NEILL: Well how do you know they're any kind of a threat?

DANIEL: Well good, that's a good one. As it is, Oma's an outcast because she believes helping people ascend is our duty.

O'NEILL: And that's okay?

DANIEL: Technically, no. But she does it anyway. Those of us that follow her are walking a very fine line.

O'NEILL: Why don't they try to stop her?

DANIEL: I don't know.

O'NEILL: You don't know?

DANIEL: No I don't know. All I know is what Oma has taught me. Ascension doesn't make you all knowing or all powerful. It is just the beginning of the journey. The point is, if I were to help you, if I were to take any action to help you, Oma would step in and stop me herself to avoid drawing the wrath of the Others. If they wanted to, they could stop everything she's been trying to do for a long time.

The lights come on and the elevator starts moving.

DANIEL: I can't jeopardise that.

Scene: Briefing room

Jack, Sam, Teal'c, Jonas and Hammond are there.

O'NEILL: Obviously we can't match forces with Anubis but apparently the Abydonians are willing to back us on this one.

HAMMOND: Colonel, how'd you come by this intel?

O'NEILL: I didn't say?

HAMMOND: No you didn't.

O'NEILL: Daniel told me.

JONAS: You saw Doctor Jackson?

O'NEILL: Actually, it's not the first time.

CARTER: Is he all right?

HAMMOND: What else did he say?

O'NEILL: Whoa, wait. You guys don't think I'm nuts or anything like that?

TEAL'C: I too have recently see Daniel Jackson.

CARTER: Really?

O'NEILL: Why didn't you say something?

TEAL'C: Why did you not?

O'NEILL: Well to be honest, I wasn't quite sure it was really happening the first time.

TEAL'C: Neither was I.

JONAS: Did he tell you where we could find the Eye?

O'NEILL: Uh, he doesn't know.

CARTER: He doesn't know?

O'NEILL: I know. Personally I think this whole ascension thing is a bit overrated.

HAMMOND: That's good enough for me Colonel. If Dr Jackson is right, we have to find that Eye before Anubis does.

Scene: Abydos SG1 come through the Gate. Skaara walks in.

SKAARA: O'Neill.

O'NEILL: Skaara.

They hug.

SKAARA: It is good to see you.

CARTER: You too.

JONAS: I'm Jonas.

SKAARA: Good to meet you.

TOBAY: We are prepared to do whatever you ask.

O'NEILL: Appreciate that. Teal'c, set up a perimeter, I want to know the second we have company. Any idea where this Eye thing is?

SKAARA: I will show you.

They walk through into a different room lighting torches as they go. They come to some steps and walk down.

SKAARA: This is as far as the catacombs go. Daniel and I have spent much time here.

O'NEILL: No Eye's?

SKAARA: The Eye of Ra is mentioned many times on these walls.

O'NEILL: Just so we're clear, it's not a real eye? It's a kind of jewel or something.

SKAARA: We have never been able to find it.

Scene: Orbit above Abydos

A massive Goa'uld ship exits hyperspace.

Scene: Abydos

Teal'c has set up a perimeter and they are outside the pyramid waiting.

Scene: Ra'a Pyramid

O'NEILL: So you seeing anybody?

SKAARA: Maybe.

O'NEILL: Really? Is it serious?

SKAARA: We are betrothed.

O'NEILL: Trust me, that's serious. Congratulations.

SKAARA: Thank you.

O'NEILL: I assume my invitation got lost in the mail or..?

SKAARA: I wanted to ask you to sha'loki. To stand beside me.

O'NEILL: During the ceremony right?

SKAARA: Yes, yes.

O'NEILL: I'd be honoured.

SKAARA: Will you becoming to my wedding alone?

Sam walks up.

O'NEILL: I assume Carter's invited too?

SKAARA: Of course. Will you becoming together?

O'NEILL: As in?

CARTER: Friends going to a wedding.

O'NEILL: Yes, sure. Jonas?

Jack walks off and Sam and Skaara just smile.

Scene: Abydos Teal'c and Tobay are waiting.

TEAL'C: Is there something you wish to ask me?

TOBAY: You are a friend of Daniel Jackson?

TEAL'C: Indeed I was.

TOBAY: Skaara says he is not dead. He is now a God.

TEAL'C: A God he is not.

TOBAY: Is he not powerful?

TEAL'C: That remains unclear.

TOBAY: Daniel once brought freedom to my people from the false God Ra. He has asked us to fight; we will fight in his name. Die for his cause if we must. Skaara says Daniel will protect us, watch over our families.

TEAL'C: I am unsure of what you have been promised.

Alkesh and Death Gliders can be seen in the distance.

TEAL'C: But if you are not prepared to die, you should not be here.

They raise their weapons as the ships pass over them.

Scene: Ra's Pyramid

Jonas is reading something.

O'NEILL: How you doing there, son? We don't have all day.

JONAS: I know. Believe me I know. But there's nothing. Just a lot of talk about the power of Ra, the size of his domain.

O'NEILL: Big domain?

JONAS: There's no mention of a secret chamber where he keeps his most valuable possessions not that I would expect that.

O'NEILL: Right.

Scene: Abydos

The gliders and alkesh are firing on the Abydonians. Teal'c and the Abydonians are firing back with little success. Even Teal'c's rocket launcher is absorbed by the shields of the Alkesh and the gliders are small enough to manoeuvre out of the way.

Scene: Ra's Pyramid

TEAL'C: (Via radio) O'Neill, we are under attack! Ground forces have landed. We will not be able to hold them off for long.

O'NEILL: Roger that. You heard the man.

JONAS: I don't know what to tell you. I mean if Dr Jackson was here..

O'NEILL: Oh he's here. He's definitely here. Trust me, he's here. Son of a bitch. Hey, where are you? We're only doing this because of you.

Daniel appears.

DANIEL: Jack, it's here.

CARTER: Daniel.

DANIEL: Sam. Jonas.

JONAS: Dr Jackson.

The roof shakes.

O'NEILL: You hear that?

DANIEL: I can't do anything about that, you know.

O'NEILL: I don't care. Do something or we walk. Right now.

DANIEL: Remember that fine line we were talking about?

O'NEILL: Cross it.

DANIEL: Okay. I always thought there might be a secret chamber here. This section talks about how Ra draws his power from the sun.

TEAL'C: (Via radio) O'Neill, we cannot hold our position.

O'NEILL: (Over Radio) Fall back to the pyramid. You guys do your stuff, I'm gonna go help Teal'c.

SKAARA: I will come with you.

They leave. Sam, Jonas and Daniel look at the wall.

Scene: Abydos

Teal'c is moving everyone back.

TEAL'C: Fall back. Fall back!

They fall back and a glider comes for them. Teal'c fires his rocket launcher and the glider explodes as it hits the ground. Two Abydonians fall but Teal'c keeps running.

Scene: Ra's Pyramid

CARTER: Ah, can't you just zip into the wall and see if there's something on the other side?

DANIEL: It's complicated.

JONAS: Some kind of trigger for a secret door. Rays of the sun will reveal all. Rays of the sun, there's no sunlight. Think any light will do?

DANIEL: It's possible.

Jonas gets out a torch and shines it on the jewel in the wall.

CARTER: Maybe you need to focus it a little?

JONAS: Yeah.

Jonas gets out a magnifying glass.

DANIEL: Is that my stuff?

JONAS: You weren't using it any more.


Scene: Abydos

Teal'c and the Abydonians have reached the pyramid as jaffa come pouring over the hill.

Jack and Skaara meet Teal'c.

O'NEILL: How many?

TEAL'C: Many.

O'NEILL: Carter? (Over radio)

CARTER: Sir, we're working on it.

O'NEILL: Work faster.

CARTER: Yes sir.

Scene: Pyramid

JONAS: I thought we were on to something.

DANIEL: You are.

JONAS: It's not working.

DANIEL: It's red.

JONAS: What is?

DANIEL: The rays of the sun on the fresco (sp) are red. Sam?

CARTER: Yeah. Jonas?

Sam focuses the laser sight on her P90 on the jewel and the door opens.

JONAS: Sweet.

They go in and look around.

Scene: Gateroom of Pyramid

Jaffa enter and are fired on. A chunk of rock is taken out near Jack. The man in front of Skaara is killed. More jaffa ring into the middle of the room. Most of the jaffa are taken out by Jack but one manages to fire on Skaara who goes down. Teal'c provides cover fire for Jack who goes to check on Skaara.

Scene: Secret room

Daniel is looking at a tablet.

CARTER: Daniel what is it?

DANIEL: I'm an Ancient.


DANIEL: Not me, but the Others like me. They're the Ancients.

JONAS: This is written in one of the oldest dialects of the Ancients.

DANIEL: I mean I always suspected but I never really knew for sure.

CARTER: What does it say?

DANIEL: It says the Ancients evolved from a race of humans that lived long before us. They were wiped out by a plague that was sweeping across the galaxy. Many learned to ascend, the rest died out. I have to go.

CARTER: Where?

DANIEL: I'll be back. Don't lose that tablet; it talks about a lost city that's more valuable than anything.

CARTER: Daniel?

Daniel turns into a glowy ball again.

Scene: Pyramid Gateroom

The Stargate engages.

O'NEILL: Teal'c!

Teal'c retreats towards him.

Scene: Secret room

Jonas and Sam are rummaging through everything.

JONAS: What if it's not here?

CARTER: Maybe there's a secret compartment?

JONAS: A secret compartment inside a secret chamber?

CARTER: Why not?

JONAS: Why not?

Jonas picks up a metal object and starts tapping walls. He comes across one that sounds hollow.

JONAS: Right here. I don't see a latch or a jewel like in the other door but there's got to be some way to open this.

CARTER: Yeah, stand back.

Sam fires on the wall with her P90.

Jonas retrieves the Eye of Ra and they leave the chamber. Jonas picks up the tablet.

CARTER: (Over radio) Sir, we got it.

Jack, Teal'c and Skaara come down the steps to meet them.

O'NEILL: Too late.

TEAL'C: We cannot hold the Gateroom. Anubis dialled the Stargate preventing our escape.

O'NEILL: We got jaffa on our ass. Where's that Eye?

JONAS: Right here.

Jack gets some C4 out of his vest pocket.

JONAS: What are you going to do with that?

O'NEILL: I'm gonna see how much Anubis wants that Eye in one piece.

The jaffa come down the steps and wait. Jack finishes attaching the C4. Another jaffa comes down the steps.

HERAK: Surrender or die!

O'NEILL: What?

HERAK: Surrender or die!

O'NEILL: I was just gonna say the exact same thing.

HERAK: O'Neill of SG1.

O'NEILL: Hey, how're you doing? You'll have to forgive me, I'm terrible with names. What..

A staff blast is fired.

O'NEILL: Jeez!

HERAK: I am Herak.

O'NEILL: Congratulations. Failing upwards I see.

HERAK: You have no choice.

O'NEILL: Actually I do. I've got the Eye and about a pound of very powerful explosives stuck to it. Give us clear access to the Gate or I'll blow it up.

HERAK: Yourself along with it?

O'NEILL: What's your point?

HERAK: I will speak with my master.

O'NEILL: Yes, you do that. Don't forget to tell him you screwed up again.

Herak leaves.

JONAS: Is it really necessary to further antagonise him?


CARTER: Would you really do it?

O'NEILL: Sure, why not?

TEAL'C: O'Neill. Skaara is in need of medical attention.

SKAARA: I have failed you.

O'NEILL: Ah stop it.

Scene: Anubis' Ship

Herak walks in and bows.

HERAK: My Lord. The humans from Earth and the one named O'Neill have found the Eye of Ra. We have them trapped. But he says if we do not grant them free passage he will destroy the Eye.

ANUBIS: He will give you the Eye of Ra or I will destroy Abydos.

HERAK: Yes my Lord.

Herak leaves.

DANIEL: You won't touch Abydos.

ANUBIS: And how will you stop me?

DANIEL: I can. And I will if one more person down there is hurt.

ANUBIS: You can do nothing but stand there and utter empty threats because I know what you are.

DANIEL: If you know what I am, you know very well I can wipe you from existence.

ANUBIS: I know you who are Daniel Jackson, but you know not who I am.

We see his face start to light up and his face appears. He is an ascended being.

Scene: Pyramid

Herak comes back.

HERAK: O'Neill, can you hear me?

O'NEILL: Yeah.

HERAK: Anubis commands that you turn over the Eye of Ra immediately or he will destroy all of Abydos.

O'NEILL: Tell him to go ahead. He's not getting the Eye.

Jonas looks at Jack.

O'NEILL: He's bluffing.

JONAS: We don't have much of a choice. If we blow up the Eye he's going to destroy Abydos anyway,.

O'NEILL: He's just as likely to attack after we give it to him.

JONAS: Maybe not.

O'NEILL: He's a Goa'uld.

SKAARA: O'Neill.

Jack goes to Skaara.

Skaara starts to talk in abydonian.

O'NEILL: What's he say?

TEAL'C: He speaks of a bright light. Of giving up. Of releasing something.

Skaara looks at Jack. His eyes close and he dies. He suddenly turns into a bright light and ascends.

The jaffa outside look puzzled at the bright light. Jack looks down at Skaara's clothes.

Scene: Anubis' Ship

ANUBIS: With a wave of my hand, I will bombard the surface. You can try and stop me if you choose.

DANIEL: What makes you think I won't?

ANUBIS: Your words mean nothing. Take action if you dare.

Daniel walks towards the viewing screen where Goa'uld motherships exit hyperspace.

DANIEL: Maybe I won't have to.

Yu appears on the viewing screen.

YU: I command the collective forces of the System Lords.

ANUBIS: You've finally managed to rally them against me.

YU: You will hand over the Eye of Ra or face destruction.

ANUBIS: I will consider your most generous offer.

Yu disappears.

DANIEL: You won't survive that many motherships.

ANUBIS: They are not attacking because they fear me.

DANIEL: Maybe I'll tell them you don't have the Eye. And they can beat you if they strike now.

ANUBIS: Do you know that for a fact?

DANIEL: Maybe I'll deliver the Eye of Ra to you. If you give me your word you won't harm the people of Abydos. Ever.

ANUBIS: So be it.

DANIEL: That's a promise I'll hold you to no matter what.

Scene: Pyramid

CARTER: Sir, you're not considering shooting our way out?

O'NEILL: No. Anubis must really want that thing in one piece if his boys have held off this long.

DANIEL: He does.

CARTER: Where were you?

DANIEL: Busy, busy.

O'NEILL: Hey, thanks for Skaara. I assume he's okay.

DANIEL: What are you talking about?

TEAL'C: He has ascended.


O'NEILL: That wasn't you?

Daniel closes his eyes.

DANIEL: Oma's here watching me.


DANIEL: And I don't care any more. Anubis is one of us.

O'NEILL: What?

DANIEL: He's partly in some bastardised way.

CARTER: Daniel, what are you talking about?

DANIEL: The Goa'uld Anubis used to be figured out how to ascend.

TEAL'C: He was believed to have been dead for quite some time.

DANIEL: The Others didn't want him.

JONAS: That's understandable.

DANIEL: They sent him back. At least they tried, but not all the way.

CARTER: What is he now?

DANIEL: He's still some form of energy, that black mask is a shield, it's keeping his form intact. He's stuck somewhere between human existence and ascension.

TEAL'C: Why have the Others allowed him to remain that way?

DANIEL: I don't know. Maybe they couldn't exile him completely?

O'NEILL: Maybe they just don't care?

DANIEL: Maybe you're right. Either way he's still very powerful.

CARTER: It explains his mastery of Ancient technology.

O'NEILL: How's that?

DANIEL: Jack, the Others are the Ancients. The original creators of the Stargates. You didn't tell him?

CARTER: Uh, no.

Herak and his men move forward.

O'NEILL: All right look, just bottom line this for me, will you?

DANIEL: There's a fleet of System Lord Motherships surrounding Anubis, I warned them about the Eye and what it can do.

O'NEILL: Nice.

DANIEL: Turn it over.

O'NEILL: What?

DANIEL: I made a deal with Anubis, you turn the Eye over, you go free and the people of Abydos remain unharmed.

O'NEILL: You made a deal with Anubis?

DANIEL: I'll make sure he keeps it. The Goa'uld are going to fight it out over the Eye and hopefully destroy each other in the process but even if they don't, while they're licking their wounds, you're gonna find the lost city of the Ancients.

O'NEILL: The lost city?

DANIEL: Didn't tell him about that either, huh?

CARTER: Daniel found a tablet talking about a lost city.

DANIEL: Where there are powerful Ancient weapons capable of giving you a big advantage over Anubis.

O'NEILL: Do you know where it is?

DANIEL: No, but I'll help you find it. Jack, nothing will happen to the Abydonians, the most important thing right now is for you to get out of here with that tablet. If Anubis gets his hands on it and finds the lost city before you do, it's all over. He already has a huge advantage over you because of what the Others have done or rather failed to do.

O'NEILL: You gonna kick his ass?

DANIEL: If I have to.

O'NEILL: Can you?

DANIEL: We'll see. Nothing will happen to the people of Abydos.

Scene: Pyramid

The jaffa are still waiting.

O'NEILL: Coming out!

Jack walks up to Herak.

O'NEILL: I assume you know about the part where you don't kill us?

HERAK: As much as I would like to.

Jack hands over the Eye.

HERAK: Jaffa Kree!

The jaffa all leave.

O'NEILL: Well spank me rosy. Let's book.

SG1 leave.

Scene: Anubis' Ship

Herak enters the bridge with the Eye of Ra.

HERAK: My Lord, the Eye of Ra.

Anubis gets up and takes it.

A weapon on the outside of the ship activates.

ANUBIS: The ships weapons are now fully powered.

Yu appears on the view screen.

YU: Your time is up.

ANUBIS: Of that you are gravely mistaken.

The ship fires on the other Motherships who fire back. There are at least ten motherships, three of who explode. Anubis' shields absorb the blasts.

Scene: Abydos Gateroom

SG1 have made it to the Gateroom.

JONAS: Sounds like a hell of a battle going on up there.

We then see lots of clothes just lying on the floor.

Scene: Anubis' Ship

Herak is watching the ships outside explode.

HERAK: They are retreating.


HERAK: What now My Lord?

ANUBIS: Now I will destroy Abydos.

Scene: Abydos Gateroom

Sam is dialling the Gate.

Scene: Anubis' Ship

Anubis raises his hand to activate the weapon.


Herak fires on Daniel and it passes right through.

ANUBIS: Stop me, if you can.

Herak kneels behind them.

Daniel raises his hands and they glow.

ANUBIS: Strike me down. Do it now or I will destroy Abydos.

Daniel raises his hands and directs the energy at Anubis. It appears to be blown back as Anubis raises his hand to defend himself.

DANIEL: No! Don't do this.

Daniel is spirited away.

Scene: Pyramid Gateroom

Sam, Jonas and Teal'c step through the Gate. Jack is about to go through.

Scene: Anubis' Ship

Herak looks frightened.

HERAK: You are indeed all powerful my Lord.

ANUBIS: What you just saw was not my doing. However, this is.

He activates the weapon. It focuses on Abydos. A beam of energy is directed at the pyramid.

Scene: Pyramid

Jack is just about to step through the Gate. He turns and sees what looks like electricity.

Scene: Abydos

The pyramid is blown up and the energy wave radiates outwards.

Scene: SGC Gateroom

Jonas, Sam and Teal'c are waiting at the bottom of the ramp. The wormhole fritzes.

JONAS: What was that?

Jack comes through and the iris closes. The room shakes as Jack walks down the ramp.

JONAS: What just happened?

O'NEILL: Abydos was hit.

CARTER: You saw it?

O'NEILL: I felt it. Just before I came through.

Sam leaves the Gateroom.

CARTER: Sergeant, call up a full Gate diagnostic. What have you got?

DAVIS: I'm working on it. A large burst of energy was transmitted through the wormhole just after Colonel O'Neill came through.

O'NEILL: Carter?

CARTER: We're lucky they closed the iris when they did Sir. A massive energy wave followed you through the wormhole.

O'NEILL: Redial.

DAVIS: Yes sir.

HAMMOND: Welcome back SG1. What's happening?

CARTER: Seems there was a large explosion on the planet just after we left Sir.

HAMMOND: Is that possible?

O'NEILL: Unfortunately, Sir.

CARTER: We're dialling Abydos now to see what happened.

DAVIS: Chevron 6 encoded. Chevron 7 will not lock.

HAMMOND: Briefing room.

O'NEILL: Yes sir.

Scene: Briefing room

CARTER: The only thing we can assume is that Anubis didn't keep his deal with Daniel.

O'NEILL: That's a shock, eh?

TEAL'C: And that Daniel Jackson was unable to prevent Anubis from destroying Abydos.

HAMMOND: Which leaves Anubis in possession of a powerful weapon that has given him clear superiority over the System Lords.

O'NEILL: We don't know any of that for sure, Sir.

JONAS: What we do know, is that we have to find the city that's described on that tablet.

HAMMOND: Can you translate this?

JONAS: Oh yeah. It will take some time but Dr Jackson did offer his assistance.

CARTER: I'm not sure we can count on Daniel for anything any more.

HAMMOND: Why not?

CARTER: Well Sir, he would have done everything in his power to protect the people of Abydos. If he was somehow prevented from doing that then....

Scene: Gateroom

The Gate is dialling.

DAVIS: Chevron 5 encoded. Major, if you don't mind me asking, how many times are we going to dial Abydos before you give up?

CARTER: Until a Tok'ra with a ship flies over the planet and tells me there's no one left alive.

DAVIS: Chevron 6 encoded. Chevron 7 locked.

The wormhole engages.

Scene: Hammond's Office

Sam and Jack are there.

CARTER: The MALP shows the pyramid is intact. No evident damage.

HAMMOND: What about the explosion?

CARTER: I don't know Sir, I can't explain it.

O'NEILL: I'd like to go Sir, make sure the people are okay.

Hammond indicates they can.

Sam and Jack leave.

Scene: Abydos Pyramid

SG1 step through. There's no sign of any damage.

Scene: Village

SG1 come over an incline and see the village and all the people. A couple of boys are playing football.

JONAS: I guess everybody's all right.

Jack sees Skaara and walks over to him.

O'NEILL: Skaara.

SKAARA: O'Neill.

O'NEILL: What's going on here?

SKAARA: Anubis destroyed the pyramid. Everyone was killed in the blast.

O'NEILL: They don't look dead to me. But then neither do you.

SKAARA: Death is only the beginning of one's journey.

O'NEILL: That sounds familiar.

TEAL'C: What of Daniel Jackson?

SKAARA: I have not seen Daniel.

CARTER: Do you know if he's okay?

SKAARA: I do not know. One named Oma did this.

O'NEILL: All of you?

SKAARA: I wish you well O'Neill. You will not see me again. At least not for a while.

O'NEILL: Take care.

SKAARA: Do not fear. You will find your way.

A football rolls in front of Jack. He bends down to pick it up.

O'NEILL: What do you mean by that?

As he gets up all the people and tents are gone. Skaara takes the ball off him.

SKAARA: The Chappa'ai will remain until you leave.

They all turn around and see the Stargate in the desert, not in the pyramid.

When they turn back Skaara is gone.

O'NEILL: Let's go home.

They turn and walk towards the Stargate.


Source : Stargate fusion.

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