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#710 : Les Amazones


Tombée dans une embuscade, l'équipe de SG-1 est sauvée par un groupe de guerrières Jaffas. Ces dernières leur demandent ensuite de les suivre en leur réclamant de l'aide. En effet, ces femmes sont dépendantes des symbiotes et souhaiterait le soutien de la Terre pour en obtenir. SG-1 leur propose alors un substitut : la Trétonine...


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Les Amazones

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Les amazones

Les amazones


Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Christopher Judge.

Réalisé par : Peter F. Woeste.

Apparitions :

Simone Bailly (Ka'lel)

Teryl Rothery (Dr Janet Fraiser)

Nikki Smook (Nictal)

Jolene Blalock (Ishta)

Nigel Vonas (Ryk'l)

Cory Martin (Jaffa)

Kimberly Unger (Infirmière)

Julie Hill (Gintra)

Elizabeth Weinstein (Emta)

Christine Adams (Mala)

Kathleen Duborg (Neath)

Kirsten Prout (Ny'sa)

710/ Les amazones

Tandis que sur une mission de P3X-955, Sg-1 est attaqué par des Jaffas du Seigneur Goa’uld Moloc. Soudainement, six femmes guerrières Jaffas arrivent et éliminent les Jaffas.

Mala, la leader de cette petite équipe d'amazone armée, recherchait Sg-1 et souhaite que Sg-1 les accompagne par la Porte des Étoiles dans leur repère nommé Ha'ktyl (mot qui désigne "la libération" pour les Jaffas). Sur place Sg-1 rencontre Ishta, la belle et grande prêtresse de Moloc. Avec l'aide d'autre femmes guerrières Jaffa, Ishta a secrètement sauvé les filles Jaffa nouveau-née, qui sont condamnées à mort par Moloc. Ishta et ses secondes, Mala et Neith, expliquent qu'elles emploient leurs privilèges de prêtresse pour utiliser la Porte et ainsi tendre des embuscades aux patrouilles Jaffa de Moloc. De cette manière elles récupèrent des symbiotes Goa’uld pour leur jeunes filles sur Ha'ktyl. En effet à l'âge du Prata (la puberté) les jeunes filles Jaffas doivent prendre un symbiote sans quoi elles tombent malade et meurent. Les femmes d'Ha'ktyl demandent à Sg-1 de les approvisionner en armes et en provisions pour pouvoir ainsi continuer leur lutte. En retour, elles offrent leurs services et leurs connaissances.

Sachant que Teal'c utilise avec succès la drogue Tretonine ("La Reine") pour survivre sans son symbiote, Carter leur propose cette drogue comme une alternative. L'idée est insupportable pour Neith, dont sa jeune soeur, Nesa, s'approche de la puberté. Teal'c convainc finalement Ishta que la Tretonine vaut la peine d'être essayer et elle demande alors des volontaires pour l'accompagner sur au SGC pour tester cette drogue. Mala insiste pour prendre la place d'Ishta car leur chef ne peut prendre ce risque. La guerrière nommée Emta et deux d'autres Jaffas partent avec elle.

Tandis que Carter, O'neill et les 4 femmes Jaffas retournent sur Terre, Daniel Jackson reste sur Ha'ktyl pour transmettre les nouvelles sur les essais de Tretonine grâce à la radio du M.A.L.P. Pendant ce temps, Teal'c et Ishta deviennent de plus en plus proche.

Daniel dit à la jeune Nesa que la Tretonine peut la sauver. Cette conversation exaspère Neith, qui après une discussion avec Ginra et Ka'lel défie Ishta pour le contrôle de Ha'ktyl. Teal'c essaie d’arrêter le combat quand Daniel arrive avec de mauvaise nouvelles: Mala n'a pas réagit à la Tretonine, et est morte. Les 3 autres femmes sont en bonne santé, mais maintenant Ishta est méfiante et sacrifiera Teal'c et Daniel si les 3 femmes ne reviennent pas du SGC. Ishta et Neith partent alors tendre une embuscade à une des patrouilles de Moloc pour procurer un symbiote à Nesa. De son coté, Nesa a décidé qu'elle ne veut pas de symbiote, elle ne permettra pas à quelqu'un d'autre de mourir pour qu’elle puisse survivre.

Les femmes gardant Daniel et Teal'c obéissent aux voeux de Nesa et les conduisent sur la planètes où Ishta et Neith prépare l'embuscade. Alors que Neith s'apprête à récupérer un symbiote sur un Jaffa mourant, elle est grièvement blessée par un tir de lance Jaffa. Son symbiote est trop endommagé pour la guérir. Teal'c convainc Ishta d'aller au SGC avec Neith et Nesa. C'est leur seule chance de sauver Neith et Nesa.

Nesa prends la Tretonine avec succès et convainc Neith qu'elle doit elle aussi en pendre, si elle veut survivre pour apprendre à Nesa comment être une grande guerrière. Avec les femmes d'Ha'ktyl maintenant libérer de leur dépendance aux symbiotes grâce à la Tretonine, une nouvelle alliance est forgée entre les femmes Jaffas et la Tauri.

Scene: Alien Planet
We see a lone Jaffa walking through a wooded area, unarmed.

O'NEILL: \"All right, hold it! Right there!\"

Jack comes out from behind a tree behind the Jaffa, his weapon raised. We hear more
guns cocking and see Sam coming at the Jaffa from his left, weapon raised and then
Daniel coming at him from his right, pistol raised.

JACKSON: \"Hi.\"

RYK'L: (hands out at his sides) \"I am Ryk'l of the Goa'uld Moloc.\"

Teal'c comes at him from the front.

RYK'L: \"Shal kek nem ron.\"

TEAL'C: \"I, too, will die free, brother.\"

Teal'c takes his hand in the Jaffa greeting.

RYK'L: \"Teal'c of the Tau'ri? Your legend precedes you. Thank you for meeting me.\"

TEAL'C: \"We have been told that there are a great many here who believe in the dream
of freedom for all Jaffa.\"

Just then, a staff blast hits Ryk'l from behind. Staff shots go whizzing by SG-1 as they
run for cover behind some rocks and start returning fire. Bullets are flying and staff
blasts whizzing. We see Jaffa coming out of the woods, attacking and being hit by

There are a great many Jaffa, but suddenly they are being mowed down by staff blasts
from behind SG-1. In the smoke filled area, the source of the new blasts cannot be
SG-1 stops shooting and a tentative silence follows.

O'NEILL: (to Teal'c) \"More rebel Jaffa?\"

TEAL'C: \"There is only one way to be certain.\" (after a few seconds he shouts) \"Shel
kek nem ron!\"

At first there is no reponse. All SG-1 can see is smoke.

TEAL'C: \"Shel kek nem ron!\"

SG-1 all turn their attention to the smoke, raising their weapons as they hear
footsteps. Two female Jaffa step through the smoke carrying staff weapons at their

MALA: \"Warriors of the Tau'ri, we mean you no harm.\"

Then, as SG-1 watched in stunned silence, several more female Jaffa come to join the
first two, all carrying staff weapons.

MALA: \"Please, come with us.\"


Scene: Sam Alien Planet
The female Jaffa are still waiting for an answer from SG-1. Jack mulls over his
response as a death glider flies over head.

MALA: (to Neith) \"Shak krek tel kree.\"

Neith leaves and another Jaffa takes her place standing next to Mala.

MALA: (to SG-1) \"The Stargate will not be accessible for long. We must hurry.\"

We see Neith go to Ryk'l and remove his symbiote. She places the symbiote in what
appears to be a metal pot with a lid. SG-1 look on with some trepidation.

JACKSON: \"What is she doing?\"

MALA: \"There is no time to explain here. Please, come with us.\"

NEITH: \"Kel ma lek?\"

MALA: \"Cree shak nel.\"

NEITH: \"They're outsiders.\"

MALA: \"They are SG-1 of the Tau'ri.\"

O'NEILL: \"Hey, what's goin' on?\"

TEAL'C: \"This one believes we should return to her planet. That one does not believe
it will be wise.\"

MALA: \"Please...we knew you'd be here.\"

TEAL'C: \"How?\"

MALA: \"Our intelligence network runs deep with in the Jaffa of Moloc. We came to ask
for help. I promise you will be safe.\"

JACKSON: \"Well, they did save us...\"

Scene: Hak'tyl
We see the female Jaffa exit the Stargate with SG-1 in tow. There are female Jaffa on
horses and others waiting for their return.

MALA: (turning back to greet SG-1 as they arrive) \"Welcome to Hak'tyl.\"

JACKSON: (quietly to Teal'c) \"Independence?\"

TEAL'C: \"Liberation.\"

MALA: \"Our dwellings are this way...please.\"

O'NEILL: \"Uh, you know, we really should call home first. Let the folks know where we
are. It's past our curfew.\"

MALA: \"By all means...\"

Jack nods as Sam and she heads to the DHD.

NEITH: \"Why have we brought them here?\"

MALA: \"Because that was our mission.\"

NEITH: \"Why was I not told?\"

MALA: \"Because we knew you would disagree. Go ahead, tell Ishta of our success.\"

Neith leaves the group again as Sam dials Earth to let them know of the change in
plans. Later, we see the group, Jaffa and SG-1 walking .

O'NEILL: \"So, Teal'c...who are they?\"

TEAL'C: \"My knowledge of the Goa'uld, Moloc, is limited. However, I am unaware of
any Goa'uld that would permit his women Jaffa to be warriors.\"

JACKSON: \"They seem to be well trained.\"

TEAL'C: \"All females receive training. They are expected to defend their home world
with their lives when their men are called to battle.\"

JACKSON: \"Can't help but think of the ancient Greek Amazon mythos.\"

O'NEILL: \"Yes, me too...\"

JACKSON: \"They were, um, female warriors who, occasionally...captured men from
other tribes in order to mate with them. They would often, um...would sometimes
remove their right breast so they could more easily fire a bow and arrow.\"

O'NEILL: \"I see neither bow nor arrow...\"

JACKSON: \"No.\"

O'NEILL: \"Wait...you don't suppose that's why they want us, do you? I mean, you know,
the three of us?\"

JACKSON: \"You t- to mate with? No, no...I don't think so...\"

O'NEILL: \"Well, because you know me...I'm all for helping people.\"

*Okay...this next line...not sure who said it. I've listened to it quite a few times. I think
it sounds like Daniel, but the CC says it's Carter. I don't know how much difference it
makes either way. Still...*

JACKSON: (somewhat laughing) \"Oh, God...\"

Later, they are led into a camp. There are many more women and children in the
camp. The younger one run to take comfort from the older women.

MALA: \"You must forgive them. For many of the young, this is the first time they've
seen men.\"

A blond woman emerges form one of the dwellings. (For those of you who watch
Enterprise, this is T'Pol.)

MALA: \"This is Ishta, our leader.\"

Ishta descends the steps from the dwelling to approach SG-1. Neith emerges behind

O'NEILL: \"Well, howdy, ma'am...it's nice to meet you. I heard so...actually, I've heard
nothing about...you.\"

His voice trails off as she ignores him and walks straight to Teal'c.

ISTHA: \"Teal'c...of Chulak...former first prime of Apophis. The Shol'va who has
become a legend.\"

O'NEILL: (to Daniel and Sam) \"That's a bit thick, don't you think?\"

TEAL'C: \"I am no legend. I fight as any true-hearted Jaffa for the freedom that we
deserve.\" (He bows his head slightly and she does the same in response.) \"This is
Daniel Jackson, Major Carter and Colonel O'Neill.\"

She walks down the length of them, stopping just in front of Jack.

O'NEILL: \"Hello...\"

ISHTA: (addressing them all) \"I have asked you here so that I may propose an

O'NEILL: \"Well, that's a fine idea. We should sit, talk, nosh...\"

TEAL'C: \"No alliance can be formed between the Tau'ri and those who would steal
symbiotes from their brother and leave him to die.\"

NEITH: (anger apparent in her voice) \"He was no brother of mine. Just a murderer of
innocent children.\"

ISTHA: \"Shel kree!\" (Neith stops immediately and SG-1 feels the tension in those
surrounding them.) \"There is much to discuss.\" (She looks to her side and a young
girl comes over to stand with her.) \"This is Syn'ac. This morning, she laid on her death
bed. She reached the age of Prata three days ago.\"

O'NEILL: \"Hmm?\"

JACKSON: \"Puberty.\"

O'NEILL: \"Ah.\"

ISTHA: \"Without the symbiote we procured this morning, she would be dead now.\"
(Once again, she looks to her side and another young girl comes to stand with her.)
\"This is Nesa, younger sister to Neith. She is next to reach the age. Without a sybiote,
she will die...as will all our children.\"

Later, we see Sam, Neith, Mala and Ishta in one of the dwellings sitting on the floor
around a low table.

ISTHA: \"Thirty years ago, Moloc decreed that only male children would be allowed to
live. Only they could strengthen his armies and lead him to victory in the war of the

CARTER: \"Well, aside from the obvious immorality, that doesn't make sense. How do
you sustain a population of any gender without women?\"

ISTHA: \"The Jaffa lifespan is longer than humans. This could go on for a hundred
years. Any female child is to be sacrificed in the ceremony of fire, immediately after
they are born.\"

CARTER: \"They're burned to death?\"

ISTHA: \"Yes.\"

Outside, the men are standing around, observing. Daniel is opening a food bar with
his teeth.

O'NEILL: \"Well, this is...odd.\"

JACKSON: \"Maybe they just feel more comfortable talking to Sam...\"

O'NEILL: \"Why? Because we have penises?\"

JACKSON: (considers what Jack just said, chokes slightly and turns to Jack, offering
his newly opened food bar) \"Powerbar?\"

O'NEILL: \"Yeah, thanks...\"

Back in the hut with the women.

CARTER: \"So, how did you start bringing them here?\"

ISTHA: \"As a temple high priestess, part of my duty is to keep record of births...and to
preside over the ceremony of fire itself. I could not sit back and watch my sisters be
murdered and do nothing. As high priestess, I, along with my seconds, Mala and
Neith, are allowed relatively free access to the Chappa'ai of the worlds under Moloc's

CARTER: \"No one outside this camp knows you're doing this?\"

ISTHA: \"No. Our duties require us to attend to many missionary matters on various

CARTER: \"So you offer the parents of these children a chance for their daughters to

ISTHA: \"All but a few Jaffa under Moloc worship him religiously. Not even the parents
can be trusted. The children have to be spirited away, secretly, for fear we'd be
reported to the imperial guard.\"

MALA: \"It is punishable by death to even question the laws of a god.\"

ISTHA: \"Over the moons we have succeeded in saving many from their birthright of

CARTER: \"So you want our help to overthrow Moloc?\"

ISTHA: (surprised) \"We may have underestimated you.\"

CARTER: \"We've gone after Goa'ulds before.'

ISTHA: \"Moloc is very powerful. His armies are vast.\"

CARTER: \"We have our ways...and some very powerful allies.\"

ISHTA: \"Forgive us, but our immediate goals are somewhat less ambitious.\"

NEITH: \"It is an ongoing struggle to procure the symbiotes needed for our young to
survive. We've lost many of our warriors in these raids. It has been said your weapons
are formidable.\"

MALA: \"We also require sustenance. Food and supplies among our growing
population are scarce.\"

ISTHA: \"We are proud warriors. We offer you our services and our knowledge in
return. We have an extensive intelligence network among the Jaffa under Moloc.\"

CARTER: \"What if I were to offer you an alternative?\"

MALA: \"An alternative to what?\"

CARTER: \"To your reliance on the Goa'uld.\"


Scene: Hak'tyl
Sam has rejoined SG-1 to brief them on her meeting with the leaders of the female

JACKSON: \"Tretonin?\"

CARTER: \"We've had success with it so far.\"

O'NEILL: \"On all two test subjects...\"

CARTER: \"It hasn't been easy. Jaffa won't willingly give up their symbiotes, despite the
fact it could ultimately free them.\"

TEAL'C: \"Jaffa believe they will be weaker without them.\"

JACKSON: \"Centuries of Goa'uld brainwashing...\"

O'NEILL: \"Will these women do it?\"

CARTER: \"They're thinking about it. They've suffered some horrible atrocities at the
hands of the Jaffa who serve Moloc. It's easy to see why they don't have a problem
killing a few of them to survive.\"

TEAL'C: \"A Jaffa is taught it is more noble to die than to kill another.\"

CARTER: \"Teal'c...these children have been genetically altered to depend on symbiotes
and then had all access to them taken away. Their guardians believe this is the only
way for them to survive.\"

TEAL'C: \"Then they will have to see that there is another way.\"

Teal'c begins to walk in search of Ishta.

O'NEILL: \"Give 'em the old Teal'c charm...\"

Later, we see Teal'c walking in the woods. He comes upon a totem of sorts. It is a
construction hanging from a tree. He moves closer to study it.

ISTHA: \"It means 'courage'. Each design represents an ideal that no warrior should
ever forget.\"

TEAL'C: \"Impressive that I did not sense your approach.\"

ISTHA: \"Is not stealthiness one of the first talents taught to a Jaffa soldier?\"

TEAL'C: (turning to face her, smiling) \"With varying degrees of success.\"

ISTHA: \"You wish to talk me into succumbing to this...experiment?\"

TEAL'C: \"Indeed.\"

ISTHA: \"Come, walk with me.\"

As they walk we see other symbols similar to dream catchers hanging from various
tree branches.

ISHTA: \"Have you really the belief that this...tretonin is our way to freedom?\"

TEAL'C: \"If it is successful, it may be the first step. For as long as Jaffa require
symbiotes we will continue to be enslaved by the Goa'uld. The benefit the symbiote
provides is not a Jaffa's true strength. And we, as a people, must begin to realize that
sacrifices must be made if we are to ever truly be free.\"

They walk further and come to a clearing. There many symbols hanging from the
surrounding trees and there are racks on either side of the narrow clearing that hold
wooden practice staffs. Teal'c props his staff weapon against one of the racks.

Ishta turns and faces him a few yards ahead.

ISHTA: \"This is where I come to kelnoreem.\"

TEAL'C: \"Much of our tradition and our way of life have been designed to instill our
dependence on the Goa'uld.\"

ISHTA: \"You believe it is wrong that we kill Jaffa merely that our children would live.
But what is war for but the preservation of our children? We do not engage the
defenseless or the weak. We always fight with honor and those that die do not die in

TEAL'C: (irritation growing) \"One day you will come across a Jaffa scout party that will
not so easily be ambushed.\"

ISHTA: \"Then you doubt our abilities? Is that what this is about? You speak of
progress and shedding of the old ways and yet you still think a woman needs your
protection.\" (She walks over and picks up two wooden practice staffs. She throws one
to Teal'c. ) \"May your limbs be more nimble than your tongue...for your sake.\"

Ishta takes off her cape and Teal'c removes his jacket. She attacks first and for a time
he is defending her with one hand. She becomes more aggressive. He knocks the staff
from her hands and as she falls, she sweeps his feet from under him. He lands on his
back. They both kip back to their feet and start again. She uses her feet as she now
has no staff. She grabs his staff and pushed it against his chest.

ISHTA: (through clenched teeth) \"Do not hold back, you will only anger me further.\"

Teal'c shoves her and she does a back flip - a couple of them as he moves forward.
On the last flip, she picks up her staff and comes up blocking his advance. She gets in
a few more licks before he grabs her staff with his, flips her over his back and turns
her around to pin him to her, her back to his chest, the staff weapons holding her
across the shoulders.

TEAL'C: (also through clenched teeth) \"You have proven yourself a worthy adversary.
Now, hear me. If you say no to Tretonin, it can only mean you have an unquenchable
thirst for bloodshed and revenge. And that does not serve those who follow your

ISHTA: (a sudden revelation comes to her) \"I sense no symbiote in you.\"

TEAL'C: \"You are correct.\"

Ishta finds a sudden burst of strength and takes Teal'c by surprise as she grabs both
staffs and flips him over onto his back.

ISHTA: (angry) \"You take this drug yourself and yet you conceal it! Your actions betray
your words.\" (She walks over and pulls down one of the hanging dream catcher
symbols. She throws it at him.) \"That one means 'pride'.\"

She walks away and Teal'c watches her, then looks at the symbol he holds.

Later, back at the camp, Ishta is addressing her followers and SG-1.

ISHTA: \"No longer will we need to lose our sisters in battle. No longer will our
daughters be dependant on symbiotes. Teal'c...had taken the drug. He stands here
before you as evidence. I am asking for four volunteers to travel with me to the Tau'ri
to test its effectiveness.\"

After several seconds when no one steps forward...

O'NEILL: \"Is that a pin dropping?\"

MALA: (stepping forward) \"You must not go.\"

ISHTA: \"Mala, I have made my decision.\"

MALA: \"Hak'tyl needs you. You are our leader. I will go in your stead. It is my right as
Kin'dra. You cannot say no.\"

ISHTA: \"You are brave and true.\"

Another Jaffa steps forward.

J1: \"I too will go.\"

Two others step forward. Ishta smiles. Then she looks at Neith and Neith casts her
eyes down, not wanting to look at Ishta. Ishta walks to stand in front of Neith. Nesa is
at Neith's side. Ishta looks at Nesa.

ISHTA: \"Nesa is of the age...\"

NEITH: \"She is a child.\"

ISHTA: \"I'm told it's not without risk...but if there is one among us...\"

NEITH: (cutting her off) \"Never! That you would even consider this is an affront to all
of us.\"

ISHTA: \"Your words are disrespectful.\"

Neith turns, touches Nesa's shoulder and walks away with Nesa following her.

ISHTA: \"I cannot force her hand.\" (Then she returns to the four volunteers.) \"I wish you


Scene: SGC - 'Gate Room
Sam and Jack come through the 'gate with the four volunteer Jaffa. General Hammond
is at the base of the ramp to greet them.

HAMMOND: \"Dr. Jackson? Teal'c?\"

O'NEILL: \"As Teal'c would say...undomesticated equines couldn't drag him away...\"

CARTER: (smiling at his antics) \"The leader of the Hak'tyl wanted to learn more about
the rebel Jaffa.We figured we could send updates on the progress of the tretonin
treatment to Daniel through the MALP.\"

O'NEILL: \"Kind of a P. R. thing, sir.\"

Hammond nods slightly and then turns his attention to their visitors.

HAMMOND: \"I'm General Hammond. Welcome to Earth.\"

The four nod slightly in greeting.

Meanwhile, back on Hak'tyl, Teal'c and Ishta are getting to know each other better.
They are walking together in a field.

ISHTA: \"When you rose up against Apophis, did you leave behind someone that you

TEAL'C: \"My son and I have been reunited. He had become a great warrior, traveling
with my mentor, Bra'tac, spreading word of our cause.\"

ISHTA: \"And what of his mother? Does she sit at home pining away for her hero?\"

TEAL'C: \"She is dead.\"

ISHTA: \"I am sorry, Teal'c.\"

TEAL'C: \"You could not have known. She died last year when her symbiote matured
and was unable to procure another.\"

ISHTA: \"I see...\"

Meanwhile back in the SGC Infirmary, the tretonin treatments are underway.

MALA: \"What of my symbiote?\"

FRAISER: \"It's being sustained. We've developed methods of keeping the symbiote
alive for some time. As far as the tretonin...finding the right amount is going to be
somewhat trial and error. We'll keep increasing the dose until we get the desired

Mala nods her understaning. Janet smiles at her and then leaves Mala and Sam alone
to check on the others.

CARTER: (pulling up a stool to sit by Mala's bed) \"You're very brave.\"

MALA: \"Not so much as you think.\"

Back on Hak'tyl...
Teal'c and Ishta are still walking.

TEAL'C: \"The rebellion that I have helped fuel has caused the Goa'uld to mistrust the
Jaffa with their young.\"

ISHTA: \"You are making a point?\"

TEAL'C: \"I am speaking only of Drey'auc. She refused to take the life of another Jaffa,
even to preserve her own, no matter what their beliefs may have been.\"

ISHTA: \"What are your memories of her?\"

TEAL'C: (smiling) \"She could be as fierce as the wind...or as gentle as the sunshine.
And she never feared to be either.\"

ISHTA: \"You still love her.\"

TEAL'C: \"I will always have a place in my heart for her.\"

Back in the SGC Infirmary, Sam and Mala are still talking...

MALA: \"You are close to Colonel O'Neill...\"

CARTER: \"Yeah...I like to think we have a special relationship.\"

MALA: \"I hope to, someday, have a special relationship...\"

CARTER: \"Oh! No, no...it's not like that...\"

MALA: \"Like what?\"

CARTER: (fumbles for words) \"W...ye...we aren't, you know, I mean, we don't...\"

MALA: \"I was speaking of the mutual respect you share.\"

CARTER: \"I knew that...\" (She clears her throat.)

Back on Hak'tyl, the walk through the meadow continues.

ISHTA: \"I am from a world unlike yours, Teal'c. Where women aren't held in such high
regard. My husband was a warrior of high station in Moloc's imperial guard. I was but
one wife of many...still, as temple priestess I was afforded many luxuries to make up
for my mistreatment.\"

TEAL'C: \"What has become of your husband?\"

ISHTA: \"He was killed in battle against a rival Goa'uld.\"

Back in the infirmary...

MALA: \"I was once a temple handmaiden. I fell in love with a young palace guard. Our
relationship was forbidden because of our station. When it was discovered that I was
to have his child, Moloc sentenced my beloved to death...and sacrificed our daughter
before my eyes.\"

CARTER: (closing her eyes and shaking her head) \"I'm so sorry...\"

Back in the Hak'tyl meadow...

ISHTA: \"When will the Goa'uld thirst for conquest and bloodshed end?\"

TEAL'C: \"When they are all dead.\"

Back in the female Jaffa camp, Daniel is watching several of the children playing. He
notices Nesa sitting by herself.

JACKSON: \"Are you okay?\"

NESA: \"My sister says I shouldn't talk to you.\"

JACKSON: \"You don't have to...\" (He takes a seat beside her.) \"I'll just sit her for a
while.\" (After a few seconds...) \"I'm Daniel.\" (She looks at him and he looks straight
ahead.) \"I wasn't talkin' to you.\"

NESA: \"Who were you talking to then?\"

JACKSON: \"No one. So how are you?\"

NESA: (sighing) \"I feel tired.\"

JACKSON: \"Who you talkin' to?\"

NESA: \"No one.\" (Daniel tries very hard not to smile.) \"What are those on your face?\"

JACKSON: \"Uh...they're called glasses. They help me see better.\"

NESA: \"Why would you need to see better?\"

JACKSON: \"Because my eyes don't see as well as they should.\"

NESA: \"How do they work?\"

JACKSON: \"Here...\" (he takes his glasses off and puts them on Nesa's face.)

NESA: (squinting and taking the glasses off) \"These make your sight worse.\"

JACKSON: \"Yeah, well, they work differently for different people.\"

Daniel put his glasses back on.

NESA: \"Perhaps you are need of a symbiote.\"

JACKSON: \"Yeah...I-I'll just...stick with the glasses.\"

NESA: \"Neith has told me that your people do not approve of our use of symbiotes for

JACKSON: \"Well, it's a little more complicated than that. I just think that there's a
better way...\"

NESA: \"Neith does not want me to participate in your experiments.\"

JACKSON: \"I know.\"

NESA: (looking rather sad) \"Soon, I will require a symbiote...\"

JACKSON: \"You don't sound very happy about that.\"

NESA: \"I will become a great warrior like Neith.\"

JACKSON: \"You know, you can do that without a symbiote.\"

NESA: \"I can?\"

JACKSON: \"Hm-mm...but, uh...you didn't hear that from me.\"

Later in Ishta's dwelling, she and Teal'c are seated on the floor beside the table. The
room is lit with candlelight. Ishta pours liquid from a pitcher into a cup for Teal'c.

ISHTA: \"Have you nothing to say?\"

TEAL'C: \"I have spoken more in two days than I have in many years.\"

ISHTA: \"And so you are done?\"

TEAL'C: \"Perhaps I should take my leave.\"

Ishta looks down for a second, disappointed in his response. She stops him as he
begins to leave.

ISHTA: \"Thoughts of your wife still linger. That's understandable. But she's been gone
now for over a year. There is no sin in taking comfort in another lonely soul...if you

She reaches up and kisses him. They continue to kiss as the scene fades to the SGC

Mala is not doing well. Sam and Janet are discussing her condition.

FRAISER: \"Mala's the only one not responding. Her white blood cell count is way down.
If this keeps up, she'll go into sepsis.\"

CARTER: \"What can you do?\"

FRAISER: (shaking her head) \"Continue to increase the tretonin levels...but she's
already at double the dose that's working in the others. I want to move her to

Sam nods.

FRAISER: \"We had no guarantees going in. Some would say an 80% success rate isn't
bad in a trial like this...\"

CARTER: \"Not in the minds of the Jaffa...\"

FRAISER: \"We're not done yet. We haven't even begun to explore the reasons why it
might not be working in Mala.\"

CARTER: \"We need this to work.\"

FRAISER: \"I know.\"


Scene: Hak'tyl
Daniel is awakened by a charged staff weapon pointed at his head.

JACKSON: \"Morning...\"

NEITH: (angry) \"You had no right to speak to her!\"

JACKSON: \"I'm sorry.\"

NEITH: \"I saved her from her birthright and it will be the symbiote I procure that will
save her once again. I have already lost two sisters and I will not lose another one.\"

JACKSON: \"Okay, okay...you lost two sisters...I'm sorry.\"

NEITH: \"Ishta was able to save me, but she couldn't save the next two girls sired by
my father. He was a Jaffa stationed high in the imperial guard. I swore that when I
came of age, no more of my sisters would die. When I heard that my mother had
given birth to yet another female, I knew what I had to do.\"

JACKSON: \"Well, you should be proud of that.\"

NEITH: \"My father discovered the ruse Ishta and I used to keep Nesa away from the
fire. I had to kill him so we could escape.\"

JACKSON: \"Well, don't you want to give Nesa a chance to live free of the Goa'uld?\"

NEITH: \"Not...your...way.\"

She deactivates the staff and backs out of the tent.

Back in the infirmary, Mala has been moved to an room by herself. Sam is standing
next to her bed with a mask on her face to protect Mala.

MALA: \"You have moved me away from the others because you did not wish to
frighten them.\"

CARTER: \"The truth is, you're not doing so well. You're more susceptible to infection
in your condition.\"

MALA: \"How are the others responding to treatment?\"

CARTER: \"Good...very good.\"

Suddenly, Mala closes her eyes and starts making a wheezing sound as alarms go off
on the equipment monitoring her condition.

CARTER: \"Janet?\"

Fraiser comes over and starts checking her over. A nurse joins them.

NURSE: \"Her B. P. is 60 over 40...\"

FRAISER: \"Give her a bolus...\" (Janet looks at the monitors.) \"We have to put her
symbiote back.\"

MALA (grabbing Sam's arm) \"Do not.\"

CARTER: \"If we don't, you could die.\"

MALA: \"This must work if my people are to be free. If I continue to be enslaved by the
Goa'uld I carried, I am as good as dead...please...\"

Mala loses consciousness.

Back on Hak'tyl, Neith has gathered the Jaffa together for an announcement.

J2: \"You challenge Ishta?\"

NIETHAMMOND: (taking off her cape) \"She is no longer fit to lead us. She consorts
with Teal'c. Her judgment has been clouded.\"

J3: \"Our sisters have risked their lives for the experiment. Do you see no benefit if it

NEITH: \"Even if the tretonin works, it merely places our dependences on the humans
of Tau'ri...\"

J3: \"Whom you also do not trust.\"

NEITH: \"Who is to say their intentions are pure? Their leaders are men. They wish to
sap our strength with this drug.\"

J3: \"We are safe here at the moment. But if Moloc ever learned that we were behind
the raids on his Jaffa...\"

NEITH: \"Our freedom lies in dominance over the Goa'uld. We must fight so that we
may use their symbiotes to our advantage. Only then will we control our own destiny.
I wish to know...if I am to challenge Ishta's leadership, who will follow me?\"

Suddenly another Jaffa comes into the group.

J4: \"Neith! You must come quick...it is Nesa...\"

Back in the infirmary, Janet is preparing to put Mala's symbiote back.

FRAISER: \"I'm not waiting any longer.\"

Janet snags the little snake out of its tank. She put it back into Mala. Sam grimaces
and looks up to Jack and Hammond in the observation room. He shares her distaste
for what has had to happen.

CARTER: \"How long before we see some improvement?\"

FRAISER: \"Not long, I hope.\"

Mala starts convulsing.

FRAISER: \"She's coding. Let's start CPR. Let's intubate. Give me 1 milligram epi. Prep
for defib.\"

Back on Hak'tyl, Neith is visiting Nesa, who is lying on a bed, not feeling well.

NEITH: \"Be strong, sister. I will not fail you.\"

Neith leaves her sister.

Next we see many of the female Jaffa running or riding horses toward the same spot.
Teal'c and Daniel encounter them while they are talking together.

TEAL'C: \"What is happening?\"

J5: (as she rides by on a horse) \"Neith has claimed joma secu!\"

CARTER: (over comms) \"Daniel, Teal'c, this is Sam...come in?\"

Daniel hears it as he is running after Teal'c (delayed because of distance).

JACKSON: (into his radio) \"Yeah, go ahead Sam. It's me, Daniel.\"

CARTER: \"We have some bad news.\"

JACKSON: \"Uh, things aren't going that well here either. What-what's up?\"

CARTER: \"It's Mala...\"

The scene jumps ahead and we see Neith fall onto her back, with a charged staff
weapon pointed at her head.

TEAL'C: \"Ishta! Ishta!\"

ISHTA: \"You dare interfere? She challenged me, it is my right!\"

TEAL'C: (whispering) \"It is your right to grant mercy.\"

JACKSON: (yelling as he runs in from behind them) \"Excuse me!\" (he stops, a bit out of
breath) \"Look, I know this is not a good time for this, there never really is for
something like this...\"

ISHTA: (cutting him off) \"Speak!\"

JACKSON: \"Mala's dead.\"

ISHTA: (stunned) \"Wha...\"

JACKSON: \"I'm sorry...\"

ISHTA: \"How?\"

JACKSON: \"The t-trentonin wasn't working...when they tried to reintroduce her
symbiote...Look, I just want you to know...the other women are fine.\"

NEITH (from her position on the ground) \"See what your weakness had brought? Nesa
is in need of a symbiote!\"

Ishta pulls the staff back and leans on it.

ISHTA: \"And she shall have one.\"

Ishta reaches down and offers her hand to Neith. She pulls Neith up and Neith takes
the staff from Ishta. Neith leaves and Ishta starts to follow, but Teal'c blocks her path.

TEAL'C: \"Do not make this mistake. Moloc will not allow this to continue.\"

ISHTA: \"You give me no choice.\"

TEAL'C: \"How many warriors have to die?\"

ISHTA: \"Our sisters in your care will be returned safely or the two of you will be
sacrificed. Cree sha mel lak!\"

She tears herself away from him and Teal'c and Daniel find themselves surrounded by
armed female Jaffa.


Scene: Hak'tyl
Daniel and Teal'c are being held in one of the Jaffa dwellings. Teal'c is pacing as
Daniel watches.

JACKSON: \"Look, I know you wanna stop Ishta and the gang, but even if we could get
outta here, we don't know where they went.\"

Suddenly, J3 comes in flanked by two others carrying staff weapons.

J3: \"Come with me.\"

She leads them into Nesa's dwelling.

J3: \"She insisted.\"

NESA: \"I do not wish for someone else to die so that I might live. I do not want to take
a symbiote.\"

Daniel walks over and sits on the edge of her bed.

JACKSON: \"Did you talk to your sister?\"

NESA: \"She would not listen. It is my right to decide, is it not?\"

JACKSON: \"I'm not sure. It should be.\"

NESA: \"What happened to Mala?\"

JACKSON: \"We don't really know. We do know it was partially a reaction to her own
symbiote. It shouldn't happen to someone who was never implanted.\"

NESA: \"And the tretonin worked on others, did it not?\"

JACKSON: \"Yes.\"

NESA: \"I wish to try it.\"

JACKSON: \"Okay.\"

TEAL'C: \"Do you know where Ishta and Neith have gone?\"

NESA: \"No.\"

J3: \"I do.\"

Teal'c bows to Nesa and then he and Daniel follow J3 out of the tent.

Next we see Ishta's forces picking up weapons in an area where battle has taken

ISHTA: \"Sel ma-ka nee!\" (then she says to Neith) \"We have been fortunate here this
day. More have died than needed to.\"

NEITH: \"We saved the life of my sister.\"

Ishta looks at Neith and then walks over to a fallen, bloody male Jaffa. She pulls a
knife out of the back she is wearing.

MJACKSON: (with difficulty) \"Shel kek nem ron.\"

Ishta stops, horrified by what she was about to do.

NEITH: (puzzled by her inaction) \"Is the symbiote too near maturity?\" (When Ishta
doesn't answer, Neith walks over and kneels beside Ishta.) \"What is wrong?\"

ISHTA: \"This Jaffa has the same wish for freedom as do we.\"

NEITH: \"Then he should not have fought along side those who follow Moloc.\"

Unseen by the arguing females, a male Jaffa a short distance behind them is regaining

ISHTA: (grief-stricken) \"How many others...that might have been our allies have we
killed this day?\"

NEITH (taking the knife from Ishta) \"I'll do it myself.\"

Just as Neith is raising the knife to plunge it into the young Jaffa, she is hit by a staff
blast from the recovering Jaffa. She slumps forward and Ishta cries out in shock.

ISTHA: \"No!\"

She has stood up and is pointing her staff at the Jaffa, who is pointing his staff at her.
He charges his weapon, but before either can act, the male is hit by a zat. Ishta sees
that it is Teal'c who has zatted the Jaffa and she quickly returns to Neith.

JACKSON: \"You okay?\"

ISHTA: \"She is severely wounded. Her symbiote is damaged as well.\"

Ishta takes the knife back and is about to plunge it into the wounded Jaffa when
Teal'c grabs her hand.

TEAL'C: \"Ishta...you have a choice...\"

She looks at him in anger and then drops the knife and allow him to comfort her.

Later in the SGC Infirmary, Jack and Sam are watching from the observation room as
Janet works on Neith. Ishta and Teal'c are in the room with her.

FRAISER: \"I don't know how much longer I can keep her alive. If we're going to
administer the tretonin, it's now or never.\"

TEAL'C: (to Ishta) \"You must speak to her.\"

Ishta moves to stand beside Neith's bed and leans down slightly to look into her face.

ISHTA: \"Neith...\" (Neith's eyes flicker open) \"Your symbiote is dying.\"

NEITH: \"You must procure another.\"

ISHTA: \"No...those ways are over.\"

NEITH: \"You sentence me to death.\"

ISHTA: \"I ask you to choose life.\"

Neith turns away defiantly. Ishta closes her eyes and accepts defeat.

ISHTA: \"She will not listen to me.\"

Just then, Daniel and Nesa come into the room.

JACKSON: \"Well, maybe she'll listen to her sister.\"

Nesa walks to stand were Ishta was seconds before.

NESA: \"Please, Neith...\"

NEITH: \"You betrayed me.\"

NESA: \"No...you betray me. Since before I can remember, you have taught me to
believe in our freedom. You said you would do anything so that you might protect
me. One day, I will be a great warrior like you. But I am not yet. I still need you. I have
chosen to live free. You must choose to take the tretonin, if you are to continue to
teach and protect me. Please...I do not wish you to die.\"

Neith reaches up and touched Nesa's cheek and smiles a little. Nesa bends down and
gives her a hug.

Scene: SGC - 'Gate Room
Neith, Nesa, Ishta and J3 are standing at the bottom of the ramp across form SG-1.
The 'gate is dialing.

NESA: (to Daniel) \"Will you come and visit?\"

JACKSON: \"Yes, of course.\"

NEITH: \"My sister's developed quite an affection for you.\"

NESA: (embarrassed) \"Neith...\" (She nudges her sister.)

Daniel smiles and looks at Teal'c who has a large grin on his face.

ISHTA: \"We are grateful to our new friends. On behalf of the Hak'tyl, I'd like to express
our thanks.\"

CARTER: \"Our medical team will be checking in on a regular basis. Make sure to take
note of any symptoms that could be side-effects of the tretonin.\"

J3: \"You have trained us well in the use of the medicine.\"

ISHTA: \"And the food and supplies you've provided will go far.\"

O'NEILL: \"Well, if there's anything else you need...anything...just give us a call. Send
us an e-mail.\"

ISHTA: (once again she is ignoring Jack and has eyes only for Teal'c) \"Just that not too
many moons go by before we see you again?\"

O'NEILL: \"Don't worry I'm sure we'll be in...\"

Jack stops talking as Teal'c lays a big one on Ishta.

O'NEILL: \"...touch?\"

Sam and Daniel take a hint and turn to leave the room. Neith and Nesa start up the
ramp toward the Stargate. Jack takes a final look at the pair and leaves the room too.
Ishta pulls herself away from Teal'c and starts up the ramp. Halfway up she turns
back and gives him a little bow. Then she turns and continues on through the 'gate.
Teal'c continues to look after her even when she is gone. And the scene fades out.


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