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#716 : La Fin de l'Union


Des équipes SG sont envoyées sur le site alpha attaqué par les super guerriers d'Anubis pour tenter d'évacuer les blessés. Mais la porte est couchée... les soldats d'Anubis ont déjà fait beaucoup de dégâts. Seule solution pour détruire les vaisseaux Goaul'ds : envoyer une sonde équipée de missiles. Le Pentagone décide à ce moment de mener une enquête car il aurait eu des fuites d'informations au sein des membres de l'équipage. Pendant ce temps, le major Samantha Carter parvient à s'échapper avec le prototype de la seule arme capable de tuer les soldats d'Anubis avant leur arrivée.


3.8 - 5 votes

Titre VO
Death Knell

Titre VF
La Fin de l'Union

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Peter DeLuise.

Réalisé par : Peter DeLuise.

Apparitions :

Dan Payne (Soldat Kull)

Carmen Argenziano (Jacob Carter/sel'mac)

Gary Jones (Sergent Walter Davis)

Dan Shea (Sergent Siler)

Eric Breker (Colonel Reynolds)

Sebastian Spence (Delek)

Mark Gibbon (M'zel)

Nels Lennarson (Major Green)

Sam Macmillan (Lieutenant Glenn)

716/ La fin de l'union

Jacob est énervé car il ne retrouve plus ses marques sur le nouveau site Alpha. Il est inquiet car la menace d’une attaque d’Anubis est omniprésente. Samantha essaye de le rassurer en lui disant que l’arme mise au point grâce à la source de vie (cf. « La fontaine de Jouvence ») est terminée. Soudain l’alarme résonne : le site est attaqué par les Goa’uld. Un soldat leur indique que l’évacuation vers le site Bêta a commencé, et qu’il est urgent de partir.

Au SGC, Hammond informe le reste de Sg-1 sur la situation. La base envoie une sonde MALP sur le site Alpha. Il leur dit qu’il y a une centaine de disparus. De l’autre coté de la Porte, la sonde tombe sur son flanc. La caméra montre que la Porte a été renversée face contre terre, et que l’ouverture du passage a creuser une cavité. Hammond autorise Sg-1 à partir sur le site Alpha.

Une fois sur place, Jack, Daniel et Teal’c constate les dégâts : un immense cratère se trouve à l’emplacement exact de la base. Teal’c pense que l’autodestruction en est responsable. Une fois l’autre équipe Sg sur place, chacune se sépare pour explorer les environs à la recherche de survivants.

Sg-1 ne trouve rien de fort intéressant parmi les décombres. Teal’c aperçoit une armure d’un « super soldat » d’Anubis. O’Neill prévient aussitôt Sg-3 de la menace. De son coté, Sg-3 trouve un groupe de survivant. Green informe Reynolds qu’il n’a pas connaissance d’autres survivants dans les environs. Reynolds prévient Jack, mais il lui annonce que le Major Carter est toujours portée disparue.

Quelques temps plus tard, Jack contacte le SGC. Il demande de l’aide pour relever la Porte. Hammond lui envoie Sg-11 et 21. Jack lui dit qu’il continue à prospecter la région à la recherche d’autres survivants.

Sg-1 trouve Jacob Carter sous un tronc d’arbre. Teal’c le dégage. Jacob les informe que ceux sont les « super soldats » d’Anubis qui ont attaqué le site. Il donne à Jack un prototype d’arme pour les tuer, mais elle n’est pas totalement efficace, et de surcroît elle est presque vide. Daniel lui porte les premiers secours. Jack demande si il sait ou est le Major, mais son père ne sait pas si elle est toujours en vie.

Pendant ce temps, le SGC reçoit les blessés. Hammond demande des nouvelles à Jacob qui lui dit que Selmak va arranger ça. Puis il lui demande comment Anubis a eu vent du nouveau site Alpha. Jacob raconte qu’un des soldats d’Anubis les a poursuivis dans la forêt. Cependant, Jacob pense que l’ennemi a lui aussi survécu à l’explosion. Il dit aussi que Sam a avec elle une arme plus puissante que celle qu’il a remise au Colonel O’Neill. Jacob pense qu’en tirant un missile d’une assez courte distance, le soldat devrait pouvoir être facilement vaincu.

En salle de débriefing, Hammond interroge tous les survivants, quelques soient leurs origines, sur les évènements. Le Major Green commence à raconter son histoire : il était au mess quand l’alarme a sonné. Un Alkesh a attaqué et la Porte des Etoiles s’est renversée, puis les « super soldats » ont attaqué la base. Le Général lui demande alors d’établir une liste de toutes les personnes ayant franchies la Porte 48 heures avant l’attaque.

Sur la planète, Teal’c repère des empreintes de pas : celle de rangers du SGC. Il pense qu’elles correspondent à celles du Major. Les autres sont celles du soldat d’Anubis. Ils décident de suivre les traces.

A l’infirmerie du SGC, Daniel prend des nouvelles de Jacob. Puis il raconte sa version des faits. Le laboratoire tremblait à cause des explosions. Il devait télécharger les plans de l’arme dans le cristal de mémoire, et effacer le disque dur de l’ordinateur. C’est alors qu’un soldat les attaqua. Jacob lui tira dessus une fois avec le prototype, mais le soldat se releva. Il lui envoya une deuxième décharge, et l’ennemi tomba à terre. Lui et sa fille partirent vers la forêt, suivi par le soldat. Jacob pense que le but de cette attaque était de trouver le prototype.

En salle d’embarquement, Siler finit de préparer l’UAV, équipé de missiles. Hammond ordonne alors son lancement. Davis informe le Général que le chef des Jaffas est prêt à être débriefé. Il se rend en salle de débriefing pour l’interroger. Le chef des rebelles accusent les Tok’ra d’avoir trahi l’alliance. Il pense que la Tok’ra avait un espion chez Olokun, le dernier Goa’uld attaqué par Anubis. Hammond l’informe qu’il est possible que les Jaffas partis sur la planète d’Olokun aient pu, sans le vouloir, révéler la localisation du site Alpha à Anubis. Hammond l’autorise à rejoindre le site Bêta pour en apprendre plus sur ces Jaffas.

Sur le site Alpha, Hammond contacte O’Neill. Ce dernier l’informe qu’ils suivent une piste vers l’est, dans les collines. Le Général les informe qu’il envoie une sonde pour explorer la zone.

Pendant ce temps, Sam, gravement blessée, ce cache derrière un talus pour éviter le « super soldat » qui la piste.

Dans son bureau, Hammond reçoit la visite de Jacob. Ce dernier demande des nouvelles de sa fille, et le Général essaye de le rassurer. George lui demande alors si il y a un espion Tok’ra dans les rangs d’Olokun. Jacob répond par la négative, mais Hammond dit que les Jaffas affirment le contraire. Soudain la Porte s’active : le chef des rebelles Jaffas est de retour. Il informe Hammond qu’un seul de ses Jaffas est revenu de la planète d’Olokun. Les autres sont tous morts.

De son coté, Carter fuit toujours le soldat d’Anubis. Elle se pose contre un arbre pour se reposer et soigner ses blessures. Le « super soldat » lui ère dans la forêt. Il repère des traces de sang et les suit, mais elle mène au cadavre d’un soldat terrien.

Au SGC, Hammond interroge Delek, de la Tok’ra. Ce dernier pense que les Jaffas sont responsables de l’attaque, mais le Général l’informe du point de vue des Jaffas. Delek refuse alors d’avouer si la Tok’ra avait un espion dans les rangs d’Olokun. Il remet en cause la franchise des humains vis-à-vis des Tok’ra. Hammond lui dit alors que les pertes humaines sont importantes et qu’il compte lever le voile autour de cette affaire.

Sur la planète, Sam se désaltère auprès d’une rivière, quand le « super soldat » l’attaque. Elle se jette derrière des troncs pour se protéger, puis elle fuit dans les bois.

Selmak rejoint Delek dans ses quartiers du SGC. Il lui demande des éclaircissements sur cette histoire d’espion. Delek lui révèle alors que la Tok’ra a envoyé un espion sans le consulter car le Haut Conseil pense que son hôte est trop influant.

Dans le bureau du Général, Jacob confirme la présence d’un espion dans les rangs d’Olokun, et que le contact avec lui est perdu. Jacob lui dit que la Tok’ra refusera d’admettre qu’ils sont à l’origine de cette fuite. Hammond lui demande d’aller sur le site Bêta pour agir en médiateur.

Sur le site Alpha, Sam repère l’UAV. Elle essaye d’attirer son attention, mais le soldat d’Anubis tire sur l’engin qui s’écrase. Samantha se cache alors sous des branchages pour éviter l’ennemi. Reynolds prévient O’Neill que la sonde a été abattue dans son secteur. Jack décide de se rendre sur place.

Au SGC, Jacob rencontre le chef des rebelles Jaffas. Il lui demande de l’aide pour empêcher que la situation sur le site Bêta ne se dégrade. Jacob essaye de le convaincre qu’ils doivent s’allier car depuis que l’alliance est formée, beaucoup de chose ont changé. Mais le chef rebelle se méfie car Selmak ne parle pas au nom de la Tok’ra.

Sur l’autre planète, Sam arrive vers les débris de l’UAV. Elle décide d’utiliser les missiles contre le « super soldat », en bricolant un peu le système.

En salle de réunion, Hammond a organisé une réunion entre les trois camps pour tempérer la situation. Mais le ton monte. Le chef des Jaffas reproche à la Tok’ra d’avoir tué des milliers de Jaffa sans leur avoir laisser le choix de rejoindre la rébellion. Delek accuse la Tauri d’avoir envenimer la situation.

Sur la planète du site Alpha, le soldat arrive dans le champ de tir de Carter. Après avoir essuyée quelques tirs, elle lance le missile. Une énorme explosion se produit. Jack et Teal’c repère l’endroit et s’y dirige. Samantha ne voit plus le soldat. Elle s’assoit près d’un tas de terre, mais le « super soldat » en ressort vivant. Teal’c lui tire alors dessus pour attirer son attention. Puis Jack tire avec le prototype. Sam lui remet la batterie modifiée et O’Neill parvient à tuer le soldat. Puis il la prend dans ses bras pour la réconforter.

Sur Terre, en salle de réunion, Delek félicite Hammond d’avoir retrouvé le Major. Puis il explique que la Tok’ra désire se retirer de l’alliance. Les Jaffas en font de même car il considère qu’avec cette entente, ils ont échangé un maître contre un autre. Daniel ne comprend pas cette attitude.

Jacob rend visite à sa fille à l’infirmerie. Il lui explique que l’alliance faiblit et que leurs rencontres vont être moins fréquentes. Cependant, il essayera de renouer le dialogue entre leurs deux peuples. Puis il quitte la pièce.

Alpha site.

DAD: (Anxiously) Where's the matrix crystal?

CARTER: Next to the primaries.

DAD: I can't find anything in here, I had a system back at the old Alpha

CARTER: The location of the old Alpha site was compromised when Anubis
used his mind probe on Jonas. You didn't really wanna' hang around there
did you?

DAD: I just want to be able to work as efficiently as possible. Anubis'
drones are kicking the crap out of the System Lords and we're next. This
prototype should have been done weeks ago.

CARTER: It's done, it's just not finished.

DAD: Interesting distinction.

CARTER: We only got Telchak's device a month ago, I'm surprised we were
able to come up with something so quickly.

DAD: In its current configuration, the weapon is only 70% effective at
countering the reanimation technology.

CARTER: The power unit you were using hasn't been properly calibrated,
this one will be better.

DAD: Maybe.

CARTER: Have you not had your coffee this morning?

DAD: Selmak doesn't like coffee.

CARTER: You gave up coffee for your symbiote? I didn't know that.

DAD: We never talk anymore, Sam.

An alarm goes off all over the Alpha site, a soldier rushes in through
the door.

CARTER: Lieutenant Glen, what's happening?

GLEN: We're under attack, we just picked up Goa'uld ships entering the
atmosphere. Colonel Riley has ordered an immediate evac to beta. We're
bugging out right now.

SGC gate room, the gate is open and some technicians are preparing to
send a MALP through.

O'NEILL: What happened?

HAMMOND: Approximately 20 minutes ago, the approach of Goa'uld ships
prompted the evacuation of the Alpha site.

JACKSON: Sam was doing research there.

HAMMOND: She and Jacob were working on a weapon to neutralize Anubis'
new soldiers. At the moment we have no idea what happened to either of them.

O'NEILL: How many people got out?

HAMMOND: Casualty reports are still coming in from the Beta site, but at
least 90 people are still missing including the base commander Colonel

O'NEILL: I thought the location of the Alpha site was secret.

JACKSON: They'd get there in a Tokra ship, it's a completely new address.

TEAL'C: Yet evidently, somehow the Goa'uld have discovered its wearabouts.

DAVIS: Chevron seven locked, wormhole is stable Sir. No radio chatter.


DAVIS: Yes Sir.

The MALP goes through the gate.

DAVIS: MALP is on route, receiving MALP telemetry. Sir, my instruments
are telling me that the MALP is on its side.

HAMMOND: Do we still have camera control?

DAVIS: Yes Sir.

JACKSON: If the Stargate was knocked over and is lying face down on the
ground, then the event horizon would have excavated a cavity underneath
it. The MALP came through, and fell into the hole.

HAMMOND: There is no way to know if the DHD survived the attack.

TEAL'C: If we were to bring an alternate power source we could ...

JACKSON: Dial up manually.

HAMMOND: But you could possibly be under enemy fire.

O'NEILL: We'll be fine Sir, the gate dug the perfect foxhole.

HAMMOND: You have a go, good luck Colonel.

O'NEILL: Thank you Sir.

On the Alpha site, the gate deactivates and Jack, Teal'C and Daniel come
out of the hole with ladders. The distruction is bad.


TEAL'C: This destruction does not appear to be the result of an aerial

O'NEILL: Single radius blast.

TEAL'C: Possibly from a self destruct to prevent the Alpha site from
falling into enemy hands.

Later, they meet up with Reynolds team.

O'NEILL: So we'll split up, search for survivors.

REYNOLDS: Who could of survived this?

O'NEILL: Start with the treeline there.


O'NEILL: Move out.

Jack, Daniel and Teal'c are walking through some of the aftermath,
Reynolds's team are doing the same some distance away.

TEAL'C: O'Neill.

O'NEILL: What have you got?

TEAL'C: This is the armor of one of Anubis' drones.

O'NEILL: Reynolds.

REYNOLDS: Go ahead.

O'NEILL: Be advised, we may not be alone here. One of Anubis' goons
might have been on the planet when it blew. Use extreme caution.

REYNOLDS: Understood.

Back with Reynolds team, the team hears some strange noises and goes to
investigate. They find some survivors hidden in some bushes.

GREEN: Colonel.

REYNOLDS: Major Green, you alright?

GREEN: Fine Sir, we've got some serious injuries here.

REYNOLDS: Any other survivors in the area?

GREEN: As far as I know, we're the only ones Sir.


O'NEILL: Go ahead.

REYNOLDS: We found twelve survivors but they're not in good shape.

O'NEILL: How bad?

REYNOLDS: Some can walk, but most need immediate medical treatment.

O'NEILL: Major Carter with them?

REYNOLDS: (Looks at Green, who shakes his head) I'm afraid not.

SGC, Jack is communicating with the gate room.

O'NEILL: SG3 is going to need a little help to get the gate back up.

HAMMOND: SG's 11 and 21 are assembling now Colonel, I'll be sending them
through momentarily. Unfortunately that means a delay before I can send
any more resources to help with the search.

O'NEILL: Getting the wounded out is our first priority Sir.

HAMMOND: I agree, but if there are any other survivors out there they
may not have alot of time.

O'NEILL: Understood Sir, we'll keep trying.

Alpha site, Jack and the others are still searching. They spot Jacob
trapped underneath a fallen tree.

O'NEILL: Jacob!

Teal'c lifts the tree up off of Jacob.

DAD: Anubis' drones..

O'NEILL: We know.

DAD: Take this. (He hands them the insert he and Sam were working on)
It's not a hundred percent, but it's all we've got. It only has a few
more shots. Sam has a fully charged power unit.

O'NEILL: Where is she?

DAD: I don't know. I don't even know if she's still alive.

SGC Gate Room.

HAMMOND: How are you doing?

DAD: It's nothing Selmak can't handle.

HAMMOND: Jacob, we need to know what happened out there. How did Anubis
get the location to the new Alpha site?

DAD: I have no idea, I was with Sam when the self destruct went off. One
of the drones was chasing us into the forest. George, if I survived the
blast.. you know that thing survived as well.

HAMMOND: What about the prototype weapon?

DAD: I gave it to Colonel O'Neill. But it's only semi-effective in its
current configuration. The upgraded power unit was with Sam.

HAMMOND: And we have no idea of where she is.

JACKSON: She's still missing.

HAMMOND: Is there anything else we can use against these drones?

DAD: Their armor is impervious to energy weapons and regular firearms
are useless.

JACKSON: What about the drones that were killed in the blast?

DAD: Kinetic energy.. an explosion of that size. They can't ignore physics.

JACKSON: So if there was enough kinetic energy..

DAD: There would have to be alot.

HAMMOND: How about a missile?

DAD: That might do it, if you get close enough.

HAMMOND: Seargent Siler, prepare a UAV with UCAV specs.

SILER: Yes Sir.

Briefing room

Hammond is sitting down at the table, Major Green is standing before him.

GREEN: Am I in some kind of trouble here Sir?

HAMMOND: The fact the location of the Alpha site has been compromised
indicates that we have a serious breach in security on our hands here.
The pentagon is demanding that I launch a formal enquiry immediately.
Just tell me what happened son.

GREEN: To tell you the truth Sir, I'm not entirely sure myself. I was
still at chow when the alarm went off, by the time I made it to the
command center Colonel Riley had already ordered the evacuation.

HAMMOND: What happened to the Stargate?

GREEN: It was hit by a bomb. We were cut off, that's when the drones
landed in scout ships. They took everything that we threw at them and
they just kept coming.

HAMMOND: So Colonel Riley ordered a self-destruct?

GREEN: He knew there was some sensitive material on the base Sir. He
stayed with the device so the enemy wouldn't have a chance to disarm it.
He told the rest of us that we had one minute to make it to the
treeline.. I should have stayed with him.

HAMMOND: You were following orders Major.

GREEN: Yes Sir.

HAMMOND: Can you tell me if there was any unusual activity at the Alpha
site in the last few days? Any unschedule gate activations or
unexplained signals?

GREEN: No Sir.

HAMMOND: What about the Jaffa and the Tokra?

GREEN: Well they haven't been getting along very well, there's nothing
unusual about that.

HAMMOND: I want a list of all personnel. Humans, Tokra, Jaffa.. who've
come and gone to the Alpha site gate in the last 48 hours.

GREEN: Yes Sir.

Alpha site, Teal'c and Jack are still searching for survivors.

TEAL'C: Footprints.

O'NEILL: Standard issue from the SGC.

TEAL'C: Indeed. The depth of the imprint if consistent with someone of
Major Carter's size.

O'NEILL: There's another set over there.

TEAL'C: They seem to be much larger, perhaps a drone.

O'NEILL: Yeah..

TEAL'C: Do you believe that this prototype weapon will be effective
against it?

O'NEILL: We'll jump off that bridge when we come to it.

SGC Infirmary

Daniel is sitting next to a bed. Jacob is on the bed, his leg is hurt.

JACKSON: So, how's the leg?

DAD: It's getting there, slowly but surely.

JACKSON: Oh' yeah, slowly. The way you heal it'll probably take a day.

DAD: You didn't come here to ask me about my leg, you want to know what
happened to Sam.


DAD: The base was under attack, we could hear the explosions getting
closer and the sound of scout ships approaching.

Flashback To Assault On The Alpha Site.

GLEN : We have to leave now.

CARTER: Just give me a second.

DAD: We had to download the weapon design into the matrix crystal and
wipe the computer memory.

GLEN: You have the prototype!

DAD: We can't leave this information for them to find.

GLEN: How much longer?

CARTER: Finished.

A series of energy shots come through the door and kill Glen instantly,
Sam and Jacob take cover as a drone bursts through the door. Jacob
stands up and shoots it once with the prototype weapon, it falls to the

DAD: It worked!

The drone stands up once more.

CARTER: Not good enough.

Jacob shoots it again and it falls down for good.

DAD: Let's get out of here.

End of flashback

DAD: The Stargate was hit, we couldn't get out. So we ran for the hills.
The drone followed us. If Sam is still alive, it's still after her.

JACKSON: She could just be hiding, waiting for a chance to go back
through the gate.

DAD: Out of all the rooms on the base, why did it come to that lab? Why
did it chase us as opposed to anyone else?

JACKSON: You think it knew about the prototype?

DAD: I think that was the whole reason for the attack. Somehow Anubis
knows that we may have the only weapon in the galaxy capable of stopping
his soldiers.

JACKSON: And Sam has the design.

DAD: That thing won't stop until it finds her.

Gate room.

HAMMOND: Seargent Siler, report.

SILER: Ready to go Sir.

HAMMOND: Well done, I want it airborne now.

SILER: Yes Sir.

DAVIS: General, medical reports that the leader of the Jaffa survivors
has been cleared for debriefing.

HAMMOND: I want to speak to him immediately.

DAVIS: Yes Sir.

Back in the briefing room, Hammond is talking to the Jaffa leader.

M' ZEL: I do not understand why I am being questioned.

HAMMOND: We need to determine exactly what happened.

M' ZEL: If you wish to know who betrayed the secret of your base, I
suggest you ask the Tokra.

HAMMOND: Why do you say that?

M' ZEL: They are without honour.

HAMMOND: They're your allies.

M' ZEL: Then why will they not help us?

HAMMOND: What are you talking about?

M' ZEL: Even as we speak, Anubis is moving against the system lord
Olakon. His drones are slaughtering the Jaffa that stand against them.
They are dieing for a hopeless cause.

HAMMOND: What does that have to do with the Tokra?

M' ZEL: We believe that they have a spy in Olakon's higher ranks. One
that could get close enough to assasinate him.

HAMMOND: The Tokra keep us apprised of their ongoing operations , I have
no knowledge of any spy in Olakon's ranks.

M' ZEL: Then they are lying to you as well. With their master dead, the
siege would be over and Olakon's Jaffa would be free to join our movement.

HAMMOND: The gate logs show that a group of Jaffa left the Alpha site
less then 24 hours before the attack. You sent your own people didn't you.

M' ZEL: Yes.

HAMMOND: Have they reported back?

M' ZEL: They have not.

HAMMOND: If they were captured by Anubis..-

M' ZEL: No Jaffa would succumb to torture.

HAMMOND: Anubis doesn't have to resort to torture. He has technology at
his disposal that will simply allow him to read a prisoners mind.

M' ZEL: Her'uur was killed, I was forced to pledge allegiance to
Apophis. The slayer of my master became my master. So it has been for
all Jaffa for many thousands of years. But now we can choose to fight
our oppressors, we can choose to be free. I ask only that the Jaffa who
serve Olakon be given that same choice. If you allow me to go to the
Beta site to speak to the other survivors, I may be able to discover
what happened to the Jaffa that we sent.

HAMMOND: Very well.

Alpha site

Jack and Teal'c are still searching.

HAMMOND: Colonel O'Neill.

O'NEILL: General.

HAMMOND: Status report.

O'NEILL: We found tracks Sir, they could be Carter's.

HAMMOND: What direction?

O'NEILL: East, up into the hills.

TEAL'C: The higher ground is a more defensible position.

HAMMOND: Understood, I'll have the UAV fly a search pattern in that
direction. Over and out.

Alpha Site, Up in the hills.

Carter is sitting in some shades nursing an injured leg. A drone is
walking towards her, she lays close to the ground as it turns in her
direction. It walks past after some time.

SGC, Hammond's office

Jacob walks in and taps on the door. Jacob walks in with a crutch in
his right hand, he is limping slightly.


DAD: Any news on Sam?

HAMMOND: Not yet, but we have a UAV airborne and all available SG teams
are searching.
I don't know anyone tougher or more resourceful. She'll find a way out
of this.

DAD: How's the investigation going.

HAMMOND: I need to talk to you about that. Do you know anything about a
Tokra operative within Olakon's ranks?

DAD: No.

HAMMOND: According to the Jaffa, you have a spy in his inner circle.

DAD: They're mistaken.

PA: \"Unscheduled Offworld Activation\"

M'Zel comes through the gate.

HAMMOND: Did you learn anything at the Beta Site?

M' ZEL:Of the Jaffa sent to recruit rebels from Olokans army, only one
returned. The fate of the others is unknown.Anubis has won a major
victory. Thousands of Jaffa have been killed and many of Olokans
commanders captured.The Tokra spy among them....

DAD: That's impossible. If we had someone on the inside I would have
known about it.

HAMMOND: Are you sure?

Sam is running through the trees.She has an injured leg.She stops by a
tree to apply a tourniquet to the deep gash. The super soldier is
picking up a trail of blood.He comes across a body, but it isn't Sam.

Briefing Room.

HAMMOND: Thank you for your co-operation in this matter Daleg.

DALEG: I do not see the need to continue this investigation General. The
Jaffa have as much as admitted responsibility.

HAMMOND: All we know for sure is that some of the men they sent to
recruit rebels from Olokans armies didn't return.

DALEG: Because they were captured in Anubis' latest defensive.It is the
most logical explanation.

HAMMOND: According to the Jaffa, a Tokra spy was also captured.

DALEG: We both know that Jaffa intelligence is not always as reliable as
it should be.

HAMMOND: So your saying you haven't got an operative in Olokans ranks?

DALEG: I am unable to discuss such matters at this present time.

HAMMOND: The terms of our alliance dictates full disclosure.

DALEG: In matters of joint concern.

HAMMOND: The security of the Alpha Site is a matter of joint concern.

DALEG: But the disposition of our operatives has no bearing on the Alpha

HAMMOND: So you claim.

DALEG: You have allies among the other nations of this planet do you not?

HAMMOND:Of course.

DALEG: Do you always practise full disclosure?

HAMMOND: We gave you shelter when you had nowhere else to go.

DALEG:Because you needed us. Just as you brought us Telchak's
re-animation device because you needed our help to develop a weapon
against Anubis' drones.But you were not always so forthcoming. There is
for example your program to build and design hybid ships using Goa'uld
technologies. A program which the Tokra feels extremely unwise.

HAMMOND: We need those ships for the defense of Earth.

DALEG: So you feel it is none of our concern.You see General it works
both ways. You ask us to trust that your headlong pursuit of
technologies that you don't understand poses no threat. But you fail to
offer. But you fail to offer similar consideration when it comes to our
policy on using covert operatives.

HAMMOND: Let me ask you something. How many Tokra from the Alpha site
are still unaccounted for?

DALEG: Five.

HAMMOND:You know how many people I'm missing? Sixty-four. Believe me
when I say I'm going to get to the bottom of this with or without your help.

Sam is still trying to elude the Super Soldier. She stops to drink some
water from a lake. She's clearly exhausted. The soldier is on the
opposite side and starts firing. She heads back into the trees.

DALEG: I've been expecting you.No doubt you've spoken to General Hammond.

DAD: He say's he asked you if we had a spy in Olakons inner circle.

DALEG: Yes he did.

DAD: He asked me the same question.Of course I told him no, because only
the High Council could make a decision like that, and since I'm on the
High Council, I would know about it.Wouldn't I? Or is there something
you wanna tell me.

DALEG: If you have a concern, you can take it up with the council yourself.

DAD: Who do you think you're talking to?

DALEG: An interesting question.It seems I am talking to a human host.

SEL'MACK: (Bows his head) Make no mistake. I am still Sel'mack. And I
was a leader of the Tok'ra, before you had even taken a host.

DALEG: Maybe you've been a leader too long. The Tau'ri are unlike other
humans in the galaxy. Their will has not been eroded by thousands of
years of slavery.This can be a valuable asset, but it can also make them
dangerous. Particularly as hosts.

SEL'MACK:Jacob Carter has had no more influence on me than any other host.

DALEG:There are those of us who would disagree. You have allowed
yourself to get too close to these people Sel'mack.Your true loyalties
are in question.

SEL'MACK: Do you speak for the entire council?

DALEG: You still have your defenders. Although their numbers are

SEL'MACK: So you did meet without me, and you did send an operative.

DALEG: And if you had known, would you have told General Hammond?

SEL'MACK: They have a right to know.

DALEG: We knew you would feel that way ...which is precisely why you
were not informed.

Jacob meets with Hammond.

HAMMOND: So Deleg admits that this spy has gone missing.

DAD: Yes.But the Tokra will never acknowledge that he could have been
responsible for what happened at the Alpha Site. Tokra operatives have
orders never to allow themselves to be taken alive.

HAMMOND: What about a sarcophagus.

DAD: They take special precautions to ensure that the brain is not left
intact.No revival is possible.

HAMMOND: This is all assuming the man wasn't taken unawares.The system
isn't foolproof. But they won't admit that.The truth is, I don't think
you'll ever find out for sure who was responsible for the leak. It could
have been the Tokra or the Jaffa.It could have been both. Look,I've
helped you as much as I can with this investigation but right now I'd
like to get back to the Alpha Site and join the search.

HAMMOND: I need you here.

DAD: George I already told you, I'm out of the loop.They don't trust me
anymore, they think my emotions are clouding my judgement. Which is a
little ironic considering that I'm wasting all this time while my own
daughter is out there being hunted by that thing.

HAMMOND: We have our best people on this Jacob. They will find her.

DAD:What am I supposed to do in the meantime?

HAMMOND: I just got a report from the Beta Site. The Jaffa are blaming
the Tokra for what happened.There have already been several
altercations. If I can't get the situation under control, I have orders
to expel them all.Our alliance is falling apart.I need someone to bridge
the gap, someone to be the voice of reason. I need you.

Sam spots the UAV in the sky and uses her watch to reflect the sun on
the UAV, revealing her position. Just as the sun is catching on her
watch, the super soldier sees the UAV, and shoots it down. Sam hides and
he walks by her.

Not far from Sam's position, Sam is paged thru the radio.

RADIO: O'Neill

O'NEILL: Go ahead.

RADIO: A UAV has been shot down in your area. It's four clicks away on a
heading of three two zero degrees from your present location.

O'NEILL: We're on it.

Jacob summons M'Zel.

M' ZEL:Why have you asked me here?

Jacob nods at the guard to leave and he does.

DAD:You know what's happening at the Beta site?

M' ZEL: I do.

DAD: We need your help to put a stop to it before it get's out of hand.
You're a leader amongst the Jaffa.They'll listen to you.

M' ZEL: And what would you have me say? That they must continue to bear
the arrogance of the Tokra without complaint? That they must be
subservient to those that would sacrifice so many of their brothers?

SEL'MACK:(Dad bows his head) For thousands of years, the Jaffa have
been dependant on the Goa'uld because they need symbiotes to sustain
them.But now there is a substance called Tretonin which can free the
Jaffa from this dependance.

M' ZEL: I'm aware of the significance of Tretonin.

SEL'MACK: Are you also aware that countless millions of Tokra symbiotes
died in it's development? Including our beloved Queen, Ageria? The Queen
from which all our lineage can be traced.

M' ZEL: I was not.

SEL'MACK: For the first time, the Tokra have fought side by side with
the Jaffa and the people of the Tauri and it has made a difference. More
system lords have fallen in the past seven years than in the 700 years

M' ZEL: It is true that together we are strong.

SEL'MACK: And divided, we will die.

DAD:We cannot let the alliance between us end.

M' ZEL: Your words are wise, but my time at the Alpha Site has taught me
some bitter lessons.I suspect that you do not speak for all the Tokra.


M' ZEL:Until the others feel as you do. Reconciliation may not be possible.

Alpha Site

Sam finds the UAV. She Maguyvers it, removeing part of it and taking
the missile, placing it on top of the wing.

Briefing Room.

HAMMOND: Gentlemen, we've asked you here together because we need your
help to stop the situation at the Beta Site from getting out of hand.

DALEG: I'm not sure what you expect the Tokra to do General.We've
suffered a number of unprovoked assaults.

M' ZEL: Unprovoked? You refused to help us and thousands of Jaffa died

DALEG:Assassinating Olakon was never an option.

JACKSON: Why not?

DALEG: We had no way of knowing how many Jaffa would join the rebels. We
could have been delivering an entire army into the hands of Anubis.

M' ZEL:They deserved the right to choose. Instead they were slaughtered.

DALEG: We have been fighting the Goa'uld for thousands of years. You
have no right to question our methods.

JACKSON: Because you were alone for thousands of years. You have allies now.

DALEG: And what good has it done us? In the few short years we have
known the Tauri, your tendency to provoke direct confrontation with the
Goa'uld has resulted in the deaths of more Tokra than the previous 100
years combined.

DAD: I hate to admit it George, but he's got a point. When a human or a
Jaffa dies in battle, more are born to take their place. The same can't
be said for the Tokra.

DALEG: Our Queen Ageria from whom all Tokra are spawned is dead.Our
numbers are dwindling. This alliance may simply be something we cannot

The Super Soldier approaches Sam's MacGuyvered UAV, and she ducks down.
Seeing her, he starts firering. She sets off the missile which hits him
and explodes. Jack and Teal'c hear the noise and set off running. An
exhausted Sam sits on the bank. Looking too much like \"Carrie\", the
Soldier's hand comes up through the dirt and he takes aim. Teal'c and
Jack arrive just in time and start firing, to no avail. Sam hides behind
a rock and is joined by Jack.

O'NEILL: Carter I need the....

She hands him the new weapon.

O'NEILL: Thank you.

He places it in his gun and fires.Two shots take the soldier out.

Jack (To Teal'c): Cover him.

CARTER: Is it?

O'NEILL: Yeah, he's dead.....Right Teal'c, he's dead?... (Teal'C kicks
the soldier, then nods) Yeah, he's dead.You wanna get up?

CARTER: I just need to rest for a minute.

He looks at her as she tries to catch her breath. She looks exhausted.

O'NEILL: Come here.

He puts his arm around her, and she melts into him, resting her head on
his shoulder. The camera pans out on them, and Teal'C is seen looking
down on the dead SuperSoldier.

Briefing Room

DALEG: First of all we'd like to congratulate you on the recovery of
Major Carter.We're glad to know that she is safe.

HAMMOND: Thank you.

DALEG: I have spoken to the High Council with regard to the situation at
the Beta Site.The Council believes the best solution is for the Tokra to

JACKSON: Is that really necessary?

DALEG:If this partnership were to continue, you would insist on full
disclosure of all our covert operations, would you not?

HAMMOND: I'm afraid that's non negotiable.

DALEG: In that case we must refuse.Secrecy is our only weapon.It's all
we've ever known.

M' ZEL: The Jaffa too will be leaving.

HAMMOND: I don't understand. With the Tokra gone...

M' ZEL: We are not leaving because of the Tokra. We are leaving because
it is what we must do. On your base, you dictate the terms, we must
consult you before we take any action. There are those among us who feel
we simply traded one master for another.

HAMMOND: We're not trying to tell you what to do. We simply think it's
important to co-ordinate our efforts.

M' ZEL: Unlike the Tauri or the Tokra. The Jaffa are still learning what
it means to be free.In order to do this we must have our own bases.
Train our own leaders, build our own communities.We must do this for
ourselves or it would have no meaning.Only then can we be equal partners
in any alliance.

JACKSON: I'm sorry, this is nuts! My friend almost died out there so
that we could get a weapon capable of stopping Anubis' soldiers. And now
we're finally in a position where we can really make a difference, and
you wanna walk away?

DALEG: I'm sorry Doctor Jackson.

M' ZEL: This is how it must be.


Sam wakes up to find Jacob sitting there.

DAD: Howdy kid. You were asleep for a long time.You gave me quite a scare.

CARTER: I'm sorry.

DAD: Jack told me what happened. I'm proud of you.Look Sam, I may not be
able to come around as much for the next little while.

CARTER: What do you mean?

DAD:Things kind of got screwed up while you were out there.The alliance
is in trouble.

CARTER: I don't understand.

DAD: You don't need to know the details right now.Let's just say we're
going our separate ways for a while.If I stay with the Tokra, I can at
least try to mend some fences.

CARTER:You sure?

DAD: I'm not ready to give up on this just yet.

He kisses her.

DAD: Don't worry, I'll be back eventually.

CARTER: I'll miss you.

DAD: I'll miss you too.Bye.

Kikavu ?

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