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#718 : Héros (2/2)


Une équipe SG1 vient de partir pour aider l'équipe déjà présente sur le site alpha. Breitman veut absolument les suivre pour les filmer mais l'accès à la Porte des Etoiles lui est formellement interdit. Il les accuse de vouloir museler la presse. Il trouve les témoignages qu'il a recueillis ennuyeux et il lui manque des images poignantes où ces hommes et ces femmes risquent leur vie. Mais une des équipes revient et le journaliste réussit à voler des images de blessés. Le Dr. Janet Fraser décède ainsi qu'un autre soldat, Simon Wales. Breitman apprend que le Dr. Jackson a enregistré une cassette des derniers mots de Simon avant sa mort et souhaite la visionner.


3.5 - 4 votes

Titre VO
Heroes (Part 2)

Titre VF
Héros (2/2)

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Première diffusion en France


extraits sur Amazing grace

extraits sur Amazing grace


Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Robert C. Cooper.

Réalisé par : Andy Mikita.

Apparitions :

Teryl Rothery (Dr Janet Fraiser)

Gary Jones (Sergent Walter Davis)

Robert Picardo (Agent Richard Woolsey)

Brad Kelly (Jaffa)

Julius Chapple (Simon Wells)

Christopher Redman (Aviateur)

Tobias Slezak (Sergent Dale James)

Mitchell Kosterman (Colonel Tom Rundell)

Saul Rubinek (Emmett Bregman)

Adam Baldwin (Colonel Dave Dixon)

Katey Wright (Marci Wells)

Jim Byrnes (Documentaliste)

Christopher Pearce (Jake Bosworth)

Christopher Sayour (Jaffa)

Mike Desabrais (Jaffa)

Terrance Morris (Jaffa)

Brad Loree (Jaffa)

Martin Szlavy (Jaffa)

Efosa Otuomagie (Jaffa)

Steve Mcmichael (Membre De Sg-5)

John Ulmer (Membre De Sg-5)

Sharon Simms (Membre De Sg-5)

Tony Morelli (Membre De Sg-5)

718/ Héros (2/2)

Dans le couloir, Emmett demande pourquoi ces caméramans ont arrêté de filmer. Rundell lui explique que Sg-1 est parti en mission. Emmett demande des précisions. Il se dirige vers la salle d’embarquement. Il croise le Dr Fraiser qui ne peut pas lui répondre. Les soldats l’empêchent de passer.

Quelques temps plus tard, Emmett et ses techniciens effectuent les premiers montages du documentaire. Il effectue une autocritique sur son travail, et mélange les interviews. Il n’est pas satisfait car personne n’a parlé concrètement des missions et du but de ce programme.

Sur la planète, le combat entre les humains et les Jaffas fait rage. Janet réclame du temps pour soigner les blessés, mais la position des soldats est fragile. Jack repère un Jaffa sur son flanc. Il se dirige vers lui, mais un tir de lance Goa’uld le touche. Il tombe au sol et Sam va le voir.

De son coté, le Sergent Davis fait visiter la salle d’embarquement à Bregman. Soudain la Porte s’active. Rundell amène Bregman et ses hommes dans le couloir. Le journaliste saisit la caméra. Il la laisse pendre à son bras, l’objectif vers la porte pour filmer ce qu’il se passe. La caméra montre une personne sur un brancard. Rundell repère que la caméra n’était pas éteinte et l’arrête.

Quelques temps plus tard, Emmett interroge Sam dans un couloir. Mais cette dernière n’est pas en état de parler. Elle a les larmes aux yeux et elle s’énerve contre l’équipe de tournage. Emmett s’énerve car l’armée ne veut rien divulguer et fait un monologue sur la liberté d’information. Il se retire au mess. Là, il demande au balayeur si il sait quelque chose sur le programme. Ces assistants arrivent et l’informe que deux personnes ont été blessées. L’un d’eux révèle qu’il y aurait un mort. Rundell les rejoint et dit qu’O’Neill serait la victime selon les bruits de couloir.

Quelques temps plus tard, Hammond reçoit la visite d’un certain Woolsey il a été envoyé par le Sénateur Kinsey pour enquêter sur les raisons de l’échec de la mission de Sg-13. Woolsey lui explique qu’il est là pour évaluer le SGC, et qu’il compte sur sa totale coopération.

Hammond rejoint ensuite Samantha dans son laboratoire. Cette dernière lui explique que selon l’agent Barrett du NID, Woolsey est neutre. Elle lui demande que faire et le Général lui dit de dire la vérité. Il l’informe qu’une cérémonie aura lieu mercredi matin et qu’il aimerait qu’elle dise quelques mots. Le Général lui avoue que cette mort le chagrine énormément, puis il se retire de la pièce.

Woolsey commence par interroger le Major Carter. Il lui explique qu’il est là pour découvrir la vérité sur cette disparition. Il pose les mêmes questions au Major et au Dr Jackson. Mais malgré les réponses, l’agent du NID continue à croire que cette mission a été bâclée du début à la fin. Teal’c lui ne répond pas aux questions. Il essaye d’intimider les membres de Sg-1, en vain.

Emmett rejoint le Dr Jackson dans son laboratoire. Il vient lui demander des éclaircissements sur les rumeurs. Puis le journaliste lui demande si il a ramené des images de la planète. Daniel se souvient alors de la mission. Il était avec Janet pour sauver Wells. Ce dernier a voulu adresser un message à sa femme, et Daniel le filma. Puis Daniel se lève, et saisit la caméra sur son bureau, et envoie paître Emmett. Ce dernier lui raconte alors une anecdote d’un collègue photographe qui a caché longtemps une photo soldat qui s’est fait tuer. Mais un jour, il a vu la photo d’une autre manière et l’a divulguée. Emmett lui explique alors que c’est ce qu’il veut montrer : des soldats qui protégent les civils. Puis il sort de la pièce.

Hammond rejoint Woolsey pour lui donner un témoignage écrit : son rapport de mission. Woolsey explique qu’il donnera son rapport au Président dans une semaine. Hammond hausse le ton et lui dit qu’il devra être aussi passionnant que son rapport sur les finances du SGC. Woolsey tente de se justifier et le menace d’emprisonnement.

Dans un couloir, Rundell explique au Général qu’il a perdu le journaliste. Hammond lui ordonne alors de s’en débarrasser.

Bregman part dans le bureau du Général pour obtenir des explications. Hammond lui explique que ces ordres viennent de ses supérieurs. Bregman veut téléphoner au Président, mais Hammond l’en empêche.

Quelques minutes plus tard, le Général va voir Daniel pour lui prendre le film qu’il a tourné. Il lui avoue que devant les méthodes du NID, il a changé d’avis sur le reportage.

En salle de réunion, Jackson remet la cassette à Bregman. Il l’amène à son technicien et ils la visionnent. Il voit alors Wells parlait à sa femme et souffrir le martyr. Puis ils voient le Dr Fraiser être touchée. Rundell les informe qu’O’Neill et Wells sont vivants, contrairement au Dr Fraiser.

Sam rejoint Jack à l’infirmerie. Elle dit que le gilet semble être au point, mais Jack lui répond qu’il n’a pas suffit à Janet. Il demande alors des nouvelles de Cassandra. Sam lui dit qu’elle parlera à la cérémonie. Elle lui avoue aussi qu’elle a eu peur qu’il décède dans cette mission. Il la prend alors dans ces bras pour la réconforter.

Daniel, quelques temps plus tard, va à l’infirmerie pour prendre des nouvelles de Wells. Il prend de ses nouvelles et lui demande pour quand est l’accouchement. Wells lui dit qu’il se sent responsable de la mort de Janet, mais Daniel lui dit que le seul responsable est le Jaffa qui a tiré sur elle.

Dans son laboratoire, Sam est en larme. Elle essaye d’écrire un discours pour honorer la mémoire de Sam. Teal’c la rejoint et lui remet alors le discours qu’il aurait prononcer à sa place.

De son coté, Emmett va en salle d’opération. Comme il ne trouve personne, il fait demi tour, quand le docteur Jackson lui parle. Emmett lui explique qu’il ne compte pas utiliser la vidéo. Daniel trouve ça dommage. Il lui raconte alors que c’est dans cette pièce qu’il est mort, et que Janet a tout fait pour le garder en vie. Il se sent redevable et dit à Emmett que ce film montre qui elle était vraiment. Emmett reprend la cassette et s’en va.

Le jour de la cérémonie est arrivé. Tout le personnel est présent. Sam prononce son discours. Elle cite toutes les personnes qu’elle a sauvées durant son service au SGC. L’équipe de tournage filme la scène.

Une fois le documentaire terminé, Bregman le montre au Général qui le trouve très bien. Il le félicite et reconnaît ses torts. Il lui dit que ce film sert de complément aux lettres de condoléance adressées aux familles. Emmett en profite pour lui demander un petit service. Daniel, lui, rend visite à Wells. Sa femme vient d’accoucher d’une petite fille qu’ils ont appelé Janet. Daniel lui remet un petit ours en peluche.

Enfin, Jack se soumet à l’interview de Bregman.

We begin with the opening scene of the Stargate being viewed through a camera from the briefing room, there are technicians working on it. Camera zooms out. Christopher Judge's voice over: Previously on Stargate SG-1.

TOM: General Hammond, sir.

Scene: Entering Hammond's office.

TOM: This is Mr. Bregman.

HAMMOND: No one around here wants to be part of your reality show.

BREGMAN: The President of the United States invited me here to do this.

Scene: Opens in corridor. Tom is talking to Emmett.

TOM: Look, Mr. Bregman. As far as I'm concerned you are strictly to document what is going on.

BREGMAN: I know.

TOM: Not to pursue anything that might be prejudicial to Air Force personnel.

BREGMAN: Why don't you call me Emmett, ok?

Scene: Another corridor.

BREGMAN: Colonel! *Jack stops and turns.* You know I'm going to get you on camera sooner or later even if all I get is a series of you avoiding getting got.

O'NEILL: I hope shots of my ass serve you well.

Scene: Off world

DIXON: Well, I'll be damned. *we get a shot of an ancient city*

Scene: Dixon and Wells.

WELLS: That's my unborn son sir.

Scene: Vilinski comes running.

VILINSKI: Take cover.

Dixon blows the wall to hell, it collapses on top of the thing and the is made into a huge pile of rubble.

Scene: Daniel in Sam's lab.

JACKSON: Well, after it engaged shields and weapons it activated a long range communicator.

Scene: Staff weapon blast hits wells; Bosworth starts firing in direction of firing shots.

BOSWORTH: *on radio* Taking fire. *scene moves back to Dixon* Wells has been hit.

Scene: Janet and Emmett in commissary.

FRASIER: Are you flirting with me.

BREGMAN: Aha ... well.

AIRMAN: Excuse me ma'am you're required in the ready room immediately.

Scene: Corridor

BREGMAN: That's why we're not allowed to film these on-going activities because every time they open that gate there is a chance that something could go cataclysmically wrong.

Scene: SG-1 come down the corridor geared out.

JACKSON: It's all because I wanted an aerial survey.

CARTER: It took me to long to work out the probe sent a transmission.

O'NEILL: None of that matters now

*Film crew watch. Christopher Judge's voice over: And now the conclusion.*

*Scene opens on same corridor. We can hear the gate being dialed. Emmett comes round the corner and walks to the crew.*

BREGMAN: What's going on? I thought you guys were scheduled to get shots of the gate.

SHEP: We got bumped again.

DALE: Something's up.

BREGMAN: What do you mean?

TOM: Something big.

BREGMAN: What happened?

TOM: You just missed SG-1 headed toward the gate room full gear.

BREGMAN: What ... you got it on tape?


TOM: It's unauthorized it's an ongoing act ...

BREGMAN: Ongoing activity I know ... but SG-1.

DALE: Yes.

BREGMAN: Dr. Jackson said he wasn't due to go off world for another couple of days. What's changed?

TOM: I don't know it happens all the time.

BREGMAN: You said it was something big.

TOM: Something big happens all the time.

BREGMAN: Something's happening right now.*An SG Team comes into view, rushing towards the gate room, full gear* what's this? *Emmett follows them.* Follow me. Let's go. What is this? ... Come on, err. Fraiser?

Janet rushes past headed for gate room also in full gear.

FRASIER: Sorry. I have to go.

*Two SF's stop Emmett from entering the gate room*

TOM: You're not allowed Mr. Bregman and you know that.

BREGMAN: I just want to ...

Scene opens on Sam in her lab being interviewed. In a few moments we see the film crew are editing the footage.

CARTER: Yea there are days when you feel the pressure. I'm trained to handle it.

BREGMAN: With all due respect Major *we see Emmett in a suit* How could anyone be trained to handle an alien encounter when the stakes are ... what I'm told is correct ... the stakes could be the survival of the planet.

CARTER: I think it's important to remember that, It's not just about this planet ... countless humans through out the galaxy people who originated right here on earth have been enslaved for thousands of years. We're taking the fight back to the Goa'uld on their behalf.

BREGMAN: So how do you think the American people are going to react ... the world is going to react when they discover that a war, an alien war, has been waged without their knowledge.

CARTER: I don't think that that's ... that's for me to ... erm ... are you suggesting that we shouldn't be doing this?

BREGMAN: No I'm not saying we shouldn't defend ourselves, I'm simply asking your opinion Major.

CARTER: I ... I don't think that's for me to ... ah ... ah.

*Moves to Emmett and Dale who are editing the footage*

BREGMAN: No stop it right there.

CARTER: I don't know. *stopped*

BREGMAN: This is ... erm ... not her fault, see I backed her into a corner ... and I do not want this to look antagonistic so.

DALE: So lose this.

BREGMAN: Well ... I don't know ... Just skip ahead to err ... after the apology. *keyboard tapping* There. That's it.

BREGMAN: *On screen* Major ... one day the secret will all come out how do you think the people of the world are going to react?

BREGMAN: Much better way of asking the question.

CARTER: I honestly don't know ... I hope they can appreciate everything we've been through ... what it all means for our continuing existence. In light of that I hope that they will understand why the people in charge chose to keep it a secret as long as they have.

BREGMAN: *On screen* is it difficult to keep the secret?

CARTER: Yea ... of all the things I do around here ... in many ways that is the hardest ... sometimes you look at what's going on, here on earth and it ... I ... It makes you want to scream, you want to tell people it is so much bigger than what they think.

BREGMAN: And stop it right there and go right to Dr. Jackson saying whether I was right ... and your going to put me into the Carter half, especially the line: is it difficult to keep it a secret.


BREGMAN: All right.

JACKSON: Whether I was right or not doesn't matter ... especially given the scope of the truth.

BREGMAN: *On screen* and the truth matters to you.

JACKSON: To everyone I hope.

BREGMAN: *on screen* what truth Dr. Jackson for the people here on Earth or are we talking about another planet.

JACKSON: We're talking about people here. People on other planets are no less human. People who have had their freedom reserved. People who are being forced to worship false gods and master in enslavement.

BREGMAN: But what about the people here on earth. Are they entitled to the truth ... do you think?

JACKSON: Is that what this is about?

BREGMAN: *on screen* This. I'm not in control of when this airs ... do you think this should get out?

BREGMAN: Glad I cut to that.

BREGMAN: *on screen* If it were up to you?

JACKSON: Well that's a complicated issue.

BREGMAN: *on screen* No I'm asking you. Dr. Jackson do you think that people on earth should know about this, right now?

JACKSON: What do you think would happen?

BREGMAN: *on screen* I think that people don't care much about what I think.

BREGMAN: Okay cut that line. Nobody cares that nobody cares what I think.

BREGMAN: *On screen* I haven't done what you've done, Dr. Jackson. I think people care what you think.

JACKSON: Well, I think it's a relative question and it depends on your point of view.

BREGMAN: *puts his head in his hands* oh just stop it ... this is terrible.

DALE: Really ... because I think this is pretty interesting stuff ... you know you did a good job at getting to express their true feelings.

BREGMAN: Yak, yak, yak, yak. It's a bunch of talking heads is what it is.

DALE: Personally I could watch Major Carters head talk all day.

BREGMAN: We need pictures, we need images to tell the story ... what these people are doing here, good or bad, makes the lunar landing look like we were testing our toes in the ocean. And what have we got to show for it ... yak yak yak ... nothing. Where's the equivalent shot of shepherd playing golf on the moon ... we don't have it. Unbelievably boring.

*Scene opens on a shot of an officer running across the field. Shots and staff blasts are being fired. We see images of Alkesh and gliders moving across the sky. Lots of explosions. Jack firing and moving to a position by Dixon behind a rock firing on oncoming Jaffa.*

DIXON: Hi Jack. Thanks for coming.

O'NEILL: I was told you said there was six Jaffa. Where did you learn to count.

Dixon kills two Jaffa, then Teal'c another. We see Sam firing and then an Alkesh coming by for another shot.

DIXON: Ships didn't start coming down ‘til it radioed you were through the gate. *Teal'c kills one, Jack another* something tells me they're throwing this party in your honor Jack ... got those clips? *Jack passes spares.*

AIRMAN: *On radio* Colonel O'Neill our position is being compromised. We're not gonna be able to hold the gate for long.

O'NEILL: *on radio* It doesn't matter we're not gonna be able to hold this position for that long. *Jack goes back to firing.*

FRASIER: *on radio* Colonel I need more time to stabilize this patient, he can't be moved yet.

CARTER: Sir we got to fall back.*firing*

*Grenade launched at Jaffa. Jack sees a Jaffa moving through the trees to his left. Jack gets up to go for him when a staff blast hits him square in the abdomen. Slow motion from here on. Blast knocks Jack.*

CARTER: *real slow* Sir! *gets up* Teal'c looks over, but continues to fire. Jack hits the ground, slow just beyond him we see the Alkesh coming round again ... He's out. Eyes shut not moving. Still slow motion we see more Jaffa being shot as Dixon looks over to Jack, Sam rushes to his side as time returns to normal. He's still not moving and we can see the smoke moving off him.

Scene: Gate room, film crew recording. Emmett being shown everything by Davis.

BREGMAN: That's a 50-caliber right? You could really shake things up if you didn't know what you were doing.

DAVIS: No actually our guys are trained to use that kind of ...

BREGMAN: I'm just kidding ... What is this ... Could you get a shot of this? *Two consoles in the corner.* What is this ... could you explain how this operates?

DAVIS: Sure ... err ... our guys like to play a little space invaders when there's not much going on.

BREGMAN: Ha-ha. Very funny.

DAVIS: No ... obviously I'm kidding ... err ... certainly. It would be completely inappropriate for any airman to play video games while on active duty.

BREGMAN: Yeah I got it, can we move on?

DAVIS: Sure.

BREGMAN: OK what's this?

DAVIS: Err ... right over here ... is the manual override for the Iris.

BREGMAN: Are you kidding now ... is that a joke?

DAVIS: No I'm serious.

BREGMAN: How does it err ... *Gate activates. Red light goes ... you know the drill*


BREGMAN: What does that mean?

TOM: We're gonna have to leave now.

BREGMAN: No ... no keep shooting.

*Dale puts down the camera, but Emmett grabs it*

DALE: I can't do that sir.

BREGMAN: I can do it.

HAMMOND: Remove that camera crew! Now!

Moves the Camera to show Hammond and then all the SF's that surround Emmett.

CARTER: *on radio* we are under fire and have serious casualties, sir. We're coming in hot.

DAVIS: Receiving SG-1s Iris code sir.

Emmett is being moved out of the room still looking over blast doors shut.

HAMMOND: Open the Iris.

TOM: This way sir.

HAMMOND: Medical team to the gate room.

Emmett out, the camera down still on facing behind them. We see the blast doors open as the med team walks through ... Someone's on a gurney which is rushed passed. (There's a lot of conversation over this.)

TOM: Clear this area.

Tom notices the Camera's on turns it off.

BREGMAN: Sorry about that. *throws the camera at dale* Here take the damn thing.

Scene: Corridor. Film crews there Dale messing with the camera and Emmett keeps peeking down the corridor.

DALE: In future sir ... could you leave the camera work to me.

BREGMAN: Yeah alright I'll leave it to you. *we see Sam coming down the corridor being escorted by two SF's* Okay here I'll leave it to you here she comes. You turn it on lets go. Dale looks at Tom.

BREGMAN: Don't look at him we're cleared to shoot here. Just follow me. *Rushes towards Sam* and bring that ... bring the sound. Major ... what happened.

CARTER: Please. *Holds her hand up to him, she's crying*

BREGMAN: Now I know that at least one person was injured back there. *still moving* and all I want to say is.

CARTER: Look, leave me alone and shut that damn thing off. *Dale shuts off camera*

BREGMAN: *Tries to follow Sam, but SF stops him* Look, I just want to say how sorry I am. *Looks at the other as Dale switches off the light on his camera.* Why is that camera off? You don't know what you're doing here ... maybe I know what I'm doing here. These people are risking there lives for us. I want to see what they're going through even if they don't want us to and I want other people to see it. What do you think they're doing out there ... protect and defending secrecy! That's a word of Mau and Stalin and secret police, secret trials ... secret ... secret deaths. You force the press into the cold and all you will get is lies and innuendo and nothing. Nothing is worse for a free society than a press that is in service to the ... to the military and the politicians. Nothing. You turn that camera off when I tell you to turn it off. You think I give a damn what you think about me? You serve the people ... So do I! *Rushes past the crew and other people, followed by silence, Tom and crew go after him*

Scene: Emmett in commissary and there is a janitor.

BREGMAN: Hey ... How you doing? ... Don't suppose you know anything about what's going on ... all I can.

*Janitor leaves as Dale and Shep enter*

SHEP: There are multiple injuries; at least two people were hit with staff blasts. *both sit down*.

BREGMAN: How do you know?

SHEP: There was a fire fight of some kind apparently one of the teams got ambushed ... so they sent in SG1, SG5, Fraiser and a medical team to extract them.

BREGMAN: Someone from the original team must have been badly hurt or Fraiser wouldn't have gone in at all.

DALE: One of the nurses says there was a casualty.

BREGMAN: Casualty ... someone die? *Dale nods, as Tom enters*

DALE: She wouldn't say who.

BREGMAN: Well Carters a seasoned officer she wouldn't be crying unless ... *they all look at Tom who looks grave.* I mean we hear someone may actually have died ... what have you got.

TOM: O'Neill.


TOM: No, I heard O'Neill was on a gurney ... took a blast ... he's not moving.

Scene: Base entrance three ordinary cars enter.

Scene: General Hammond's office. Knock on door, Enter Tom followed by Mr. Woolsey.

TOM: General Hammond sir. Mr. Woolsey

WOOLSEY: General. *Handing Hammond a file.*

HAMMOND: I already know these orders originated from Senator Kinsey's office. Why don't you tell me the rest.

WOOLSEY: As chairmen of the intelligence oversight committee, Senator Kinsey has asked that I review your command decision regarding the recent attempted rescue of SG-13.

HAMMOND: Attempted?

WOOLSEY: As I understand it there were several casualties sir. I'd hardly call it a success.

HAMMOND: My command decisions are reviewed by the Chief of Staff of the Air Force and the President of the United States. As of yet I haven't even filed a preliminary mission report. When I do you are welcome to read it.

WOOLSEY: I have been authorized to begin a full investigation into the matter as part of a larger examination of S.G.C.'s strategic policy that the committee is preparing for the president. I have enclosed a list of interviews I will be conducting and materials I will require. I expect your full co-operation. *leaves Tom holding door for him.*

TOM: General.

Scene: Sam's lab. Hammond enters.

HAMMOND: How are you holding up?

CARTER: I'm okay, sir.

HAMMOND: Did you talk to agent Barrett?

CARTER: *Nodding* He said as far as he knows Woolsey is clean. But he did say he's as sharp as they come. He's got an MBA and an LLP from Harvard. He was a lead council for the Army Corp of Engineers for 10 years, and later sat on the defense policy board. He was asked to resign last year when it was disclosed that he had financial ties to a large corporation that had been awarded over $800 million in private sector defense contracts by the Pentagon. He's been with the N.I.D. since then. Barrett faxed me this internal N.I.D. memo Woolsey recently wrote ... I think you should read it. *Hammond looks through file* What do we do, sir?

HAMMOND: Just tell the truth.

CARTER: *Nodding* Yes, sir.

HAMMOND: There's going to be a memorial service on Wednesday. I think it would be appropriate if you said a few words.

CARTER: *Swallowing back tears* Yes, sir. *Hammond moves to leave* Sir. *He stops* How are you holding up?

HAMMOND: You try to tell yourself that every man and woman under your command means the same to you. Each has to be equally valuable if you're going to make the kind of decisions that affect their lives the way I have to. But you can't help it. You get closer to some people *Sam nodding, fighting tears* you never want to lose anyone.*deep breath*. yup *Hammond leaves*

Scene: Interrogation room. Woolsey's looking at files. SF opens door: enter Sam.

WOOLSEY: Have a seat, Major. Let me explain why I am here.

CARTER: I know why you're here. *Sitting*

WOOLSEY: *Walking over, starting video* I believe classified military operations require oversight.

CARTER: This isn't the first time we've been scrutinized by the N.I.D..

WOOLSEY: I know the stakes around here are always high, but there were serious casualties in this instance. Someone of great value to this program is dead.

CARTER: I know that, don't you dare think anyone is taking it lightly.

WOOLSEY: You're a seasoned combat officer and this is not the first time you have lost a close colleague *going and pouring himself a glass of water* and I doubt it will be the last. I just want to make sure that it wasn't *walking over* avoidable in this case, despite what you might think, the only reason I'm here is to get the truth.

CARTER: Did you have a question.

WOOLSEY: *Close up on his face* Oh yes a few ... What made you think it *walking around ... Daniel.* was safe for SG-13 to remain on the planet.

JACKSON: It's not really my call.

WOOLSEY: *camera following him as he moves round table.* But you though it was worth risking the lives of an SG team, to get an Arial survey of these ruins? *pans on Sam*

CARTER: The device was damaged, it took a while to get a proper interface and the memory crystal contained an enormous amount of information.

WOOLSEY: So you would have me believe that this was an acceptable risk?

JACKSON: This is what we do.

WOOLSEY: Make bad decisions.

JACKSON: Yeah it's easy to predict the score when the game is over, and if we had found powerful weapons in those ruins capable of defending the planet from the Goa'uld, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

WOOLSEY: But you didn't and we are. *Daniel nods* I fact If there had been powerful weapons in those ruins they would now be in the hands of the Goa'uld. The fact is that this mission was botched from the beginning to the end.

CARTER: We don't just leave people behind. You can't ask airmen, soldiers ... Human beings to risk their lives without backup, without knowing that we would be there for them.

WOOLSEY: You yourself have been asked to go into combat where you knew there was no back up. That is always a possibility on any mission through the Stargate is it not? *Sam stares obviously pissed* And please Major, none of us like to admit it but we all know that there are military situations in which the life of one human being had to be considered an acceptable loss.

CARTER: That wasn't the case here.

WOOLSEY: No in this case, it was just dumb luck that there wasn't many more lives lost.

CARTER: *a little louder* I would say it was skill, training and fortitude.

WOOLSEY: Based on your expertise in Goa'uld tactics, was it not reasonable to conclude that this was an ambush? *Pans onto Teal'c who remains Silent* While you are not an official member of our military and not eligible for court-martial, I shouldn't have to remind you that you are expected to follow the orders of your superiors.

TEAL'C: As I was doing on the day in question.

WOOLSEY: If you fail to testify here today, *leans down revealing Daniel* I will have you jailed until such time that you do.

JACKSON: *Picks up mic* You fire me, you throw me in jail, you do what you want. *Throws mic, gets up and leave*

Scene: Daniel's lab ... he's writing on his computer. I think it's his mission report, and he looks close to tears. Emmett walks in.

BREGMAN: Dr. Jackson.

JACKSON: Yeah ... It's really not a good time now.

BREGMAN: I just been hearing bits and pieces, I was just hoping you might be able to confirm some of it.


BREGMAN: *Looking at video camera, bloody finger print on it* Did you ... ?

*Pointing at it* Daniel looks up and over, we get a flash as he remembers what happened on the planet opening on wells and Bosworth.


BOSWORTH: It'll be alright Simon hang in there alright buddy will be home before you know it. *Sounds of gun fire.* OVER HERE! *Daniel and Janet come running* Man down. Over here. They're here. There's a lot of blood coming from underneath him. *moving* I'll cover you from the ridge.

FRASIER: I'm Dr. Janet Fraiser. Can you hear me?

WELLS: *Gasping out, muffled, pained breath* Yeah ... hurts so bad ... I can't move ... can't feel my legs ... I think it went right thru me! ...

JACKSON: *Trying to keep his mind occupied so he won't think of the pain* What's your name?

WELLS: Senior Airman Wells ... Simon Wells ... *Panicky* Am I gonna die? ... (Gasps)

FRASIER: Not if I have anything to do with it. (To Jackson) OK, we need to roll him over, and stop the bleeding ... OK? (To wells) Simon, you hanging in there? (Simon moans) OK ... easy ... (To Danny) All right on three ... one ... two ... three ... *Wells screams out in pain as the docs turn him onto his back*

JACKSON: *Calming voice as the Airman gasps, and pants, in SERIOUS pain!* I'm Daniel Jackson ...

WELLS: I know, I know ... SG-1 ...

JACKSON: (Shares a look with Janet) OK, you're gonna be fine ...

WELLS: Son of a bitch ... he came out of NOWHERE! Shot me in the back ...

JACKSON: (Again keeping his mind off of the pain) Let's talk about something else right now, Simon ... What's going on at home right now?

WELLS: My wife ... she's pregnant ...

JACKSON: (Keeps glancing at Janet, keeps Wells' eyes and mind on him) Yeah?! This, uh ... this your first? ... congratulations ...

*Janet does something to Simon, and he screams*

FRASIER: That's good! At least you felt that!

SOLDIER: (Over radio) Colonel O'Neill! Our positions been compromised! We're not gonna be able to hold the gate very long ... *Lots of shouting is heard thru the radio*

FRASIER: (Into radio) Colonel! I need more time to stabilize this patient ... he can't be moved yet ...

WELLS: You can't help me! Leave me!

FRASIER: Nobody is going anywhere ...

WELLS: I can't believe I'm not gonna see my son!

JACKSON: OK, just stay focused, stay focused ... (You can see his hand all full of blood, he was holding the bandage over Wells' wound) So, it ... it ... it's a BOY you're ... gonna have?

WELLS: (Pants) Tell me the truth ... I'm not gonna make it, right?

JACKSON: (Holding up the IV bag) You're gonna be fine ...

WELLS: Doctor Jackson ... (Panicky) Please! Please! Just let me tell my wife! Let me tell my wife that ... (Screams in pain)

JACKSON: (Shares a look with Janet) OK, OK! (Hands the IV to Janet, and gets his camera)

FRASIER: Got it ... breathe, Simon ... It's ok, Simon ...

Daniel is shown getting the camera ready.


JACKSON: (Getting up from his desk, grabbing the camera) I said: 'Now's not a good idea.' What part of that didn't you understand? (Puts the camera on his desk, turns to look at Emmett)

BREGMAN: You got something on tape, didn't you?

JACKSON: Get out, get out.

BREGMAN: Okay, I will ... all right.

*Emmett goes to walk out, stops and turns in Daniel's direction*

BREGMAN: You know ... I once did a piece on this war photographer, his name's Martin Kristofsky. For six months he was with a unit in Vietnam and the day before he was schedule to leave. The day before ... he's out with the unit and it was just a routine patrol or so they thought but suddenly, the Lieutenant pulled him down and Kristophsky hadn't intended to take a picture at that moment but his hands were on the camera and he hit the ground so hard that it just went off. The picture captured the Lieutenant getting shot in the head and Kristophsky said to me, \"Well that bullet would of hit me, should of hit me.\" And he never showed that picture to anyone. Not for 25 years, but 25 years later he got up one morning and he looked at that picture and he saw something that wasn't horrific and he decided to tell the story because he realized that he hadn't accidentally taken a picture of a man dying. It was of a man saving his life. The picture I'm making, that I'm trying to make is about what you people do every single day. Under extreme circumstances that no one can even imagine and I don't know what happened out there, I'm sorry about whatever it was and if you did tape something of it ... that's not gonna change what happened. What it will change is how you feel about it.

*Emmett turns around and now walks out of the room*

Scene: Interrogation room. Hammond enters, throwing a file at Woolsey.

HAMMOND: I've prepared a written testimony.

WOOLSEY: This is your mission report.

HAMMOND: I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone.

WOOLSEY: Well then ... I guess I'm done.

HAMMOND: Then you'll be leaving

WOOLSEY: The president will have my preliminary report by the end of the week.

HAMMOND: I'm sure it will be every bit as interesting as your memo on the economics of the SGC.

WOOLSEY: I won't bother asking how you got that.

HAMMOND: What was the dollar value you attributed to an SG team member?

WOOLSEY: You know damn well I wasn't pegging the value of a person's life. It is a cold hard fact that it costs millions of dollars to train these men and women and that is a fraction of the funds being subverted by the Pentagon for this operation. *standing* I think it is reprehensible that the tax payers of this country are paying enormous sums of money to wage a war they know nothing about and are getting little if anything in return. If the Stargate's existence were public knowledge and your actions were being judged in the court of public opinion.

HAMMOND: You're the one suggesting that sending a rescue team worth 27 million dollars to save the life of one man is a bad business decision.

WOOLSEY: You're putting words in my mouth.

HAMMOND: You said it in black and white and I don't think you would dare do such a thing if this wasn't a classified operation. The president has asked a documentary team to get to the truth of what is going on around here. Why don't we just go down and give them the whole truth as you see it, Right now.

WOOLSEY: *Closing his files glaring at Hammond* That memo is classified, this investigation is classified, and if you so much as utter even a hint of either I'll see you are put away in a cold dark place for the rest of time. *leaves*

SCENE: Corridor, Tom bumps into Hammond.

TOM: General.

HAMMOND: What is it, Colonel?

TOM: Security caught Mr. Bregman trying to access the infirmary sir. He claims he was lost but I have shown him all around this Complex.

HAMMOND: Get rid of him.

TOM: Sir? Have our orders changed, sir?

HAMMOND: Toss him out on his ass, Colonel. *Walks away*

Scene: Film crew packing, Tom watching. Emmett walks in.

BREGMAN: What's this ... What's going on?

TOM: Mr. Bregman sir, General Hammond has ordered you off the base.

BREGMAN: No, no he can't do that.

SHEP: He is a general.

BREGMAN: You stop packing. *Walks out*

TOM: Keep packing.

Scene: Hammond's office. Davis there. Emmett walks in.

HAMMOND: You have one hour to get off my base and out of my sight forever.

BREGMAN: Whose authority?

HAMMOND: My superior.

BREGMAN: You think I stepped over the line. I don't. I just want to make a phone call.

HAMMOND: Call whoever you want on your way out, there's a payphone in the service.

BREGMAN: actually I'd like to borrow your red one.

HAMMOND: You have some nerve Mr. Bregman.

BREGMAN: *Moving towards phone* that's what my mother used to say.

Hammond gets up grabs phone . *Emmett walks out, after stare off!*

Scene: Daniels lab. Hammond walks in.

HAMMOND: I've been ordered to turn over the tape ... Look, I'm not happy about it either. I could fight it, the tape could get lost or accidentally erase, these things happen. But, I'm not going to do that. I had that little weasel of a man thrown out of here, but in light of the N.I.D.'s latest investigation I'm starting to think maybe that there should be a record of what goes on here beyond the classified reports.

JACKSON:And you trust Bregman to portray that?

HAMMOND: At the moment I have no other choice.

SCENE: Briefing room. Daniel walks in, slams the tape down on the table, walks out ...

Scene: Film crews room. Dale working on computer Emmett enters.

BREGMAN: Hey ... Hey *throwing Dale the tape* I got the tape ... put it on.

Dale put in the tape, Emmett sits next to him. Tom enters with some files.

TOM: Preliminary mission reports have been de-classified.

BREGMAN: Just a minute.

*On tape*

JACKSON: OK, you tell her yourself. *Camera on Wells*

WELLS: I'm so sorry about this ... love you so much *in pain* God I just, I just wanted ahhhh ahhhhhhh. God! God shut it off! Shut it off, I don't want her to see me die ... Please God. *Shep moves over to see*

FRASIER: *moving into screen* Simon, Simon! Look at me you are not going to die, OK? I did not come all the way out here for nothing. Now we've stemmed the bleeding. We're gonna get you to a stretcher. We're going to get you home with your family in no time ok? Now you hang in there airman.

WELLS: Yes Ma'am

*Sound of staff blast, bright flash of light shoots past the screen as it hits Janet square in the chest the force throwing her back with a cry*

WELLS: Oh god what happened *sound of gunfire* is she hit?

*Image moves to Janet*

BOSWORTH: I got him.


BOSWORTH: You're clear Dr. Jackson, sorry but.

Cameras been flung aside.

JACKSON: I need a medic! Fraiser's been hit I need a medic.

WELLS: Is she ok?

JACKSON: Sierra Gulf Niner ... aghh I need a medic!

Dale shuts it off.

TOM: *Reading report* O'Neill's alive, so is Airman Wells. Dr. Fraiser didn't make it. *Leaves*

SCENE: Infirmary, Sam enters.

CARTER: Sir heard you were up and around.

O'NEILL: Yeah ... err. *pulling down his t-shirt* still a little tender but they said I could go home.

CARTER: We're lucky that staff blast hit you where it did. That new vest inserts works well.

O'NEILL: Didn't help Fraiser much.

CARTER: *breathing in* no

O'NEILL: *after a moments silence, gets up to get his shirt* How's Cassie?

CARTER: She's a strong kid, she survives ... you know.

O'NEILL: Yeah *pulls on shirt.* you speaking at the memorial?

CARTER: *nodding, deep breath* sir ... I ... I just wanted to say. *licking lips * when you were lying there I ... *fighting back tears* I'm really glad you're okay. *Sam crying now but trying to stop looks away. Jack moves closer, slowly, and she glances at him.*

O'NEILL: C'mere.

*Jack Pulls Sam into a hug, which she returns, him turning his face into her neck*

Scene: Daniel walks into infirmary.

WELLS: Doctor Jackson.

JACKSON: Hey. Please, just call me Daniel. So I hear you're gonna make a full recovery.

WELLS: So they say.

JACKSON: You talk to your wife?

WELLS: Yeah.

JACKSON: Everything's ok?

WELLS: Yeah.

JACKSON: I never asked you when she was due.

WELLS: A couple of weeks. They say I should be out of here by then.

JACKSON: That's great.

WELLS: Yeah.

JACKSON: I just wanted to see how you were doing, so ...

WELLS: She's dead because of me.

JACKSON: No, no. She's dead because a Jaffa shot her. She was doing her job. The same way you were doing yours when a Jaffa shot you.

WELLS: I can't make it feel right.

JACKSON: It wasn't right. Nothing about it was right. But it also wasn't your fault. *Sam's crying in her lab when Teal'c walks in*

CARTER: Hey Teal'c. General Hammond asked me to speak at the memorial service.

TEAL'C: I am aware.

CARTER: I don't know what to say, nothing seems good enough.

TEAL'C: I believe you should only speak from your heart.

CARTER: I gotta go pick up Cassie.

TEAL'C: Major Carter. I have pondered what I would say were I given the chance.

CARTER: Really?

TEAL'C: But I believe it would be best if it came from you. He hands her a piece of paper. *She reads it and smiles. They hug.*

*Emmett goes looking for Daniel in the infirmary. It's dark and Daniel is sat on the floor*

JACKSON: Over here.

BREGMAN: Oh. I was told that you might be in here Doctor Jackson.


BREGMAN: I just came back to give this back to you. He puts the tape on the bed.

BREGMAN: I'm not gonna use it.

JACKSON: Wait ... I want you to. You know I died in this room? Ascended. Doctor Fraiser did everything she could. I mean, she went three days without sleep. Even in the end she didn't wanna let me go. I owed her a lot more than I ever gave back. I thought a lot about what you said about Kristofsky. I think this shows what Janet Fraiser was all about.

BREGMAN: Me too.

JACKSON: I want other people to know.

He hands him back the tape.

Scene: The memorial service. Jack, Teal'c and Sam are on the right, while Daniel, Hammond and Walter are on the left. The last post is played and Sam goes to the podium.

CARTER: Janet Fraiser was an extraordinary person. She was kind and funny and talented. Above all, she was courageous. Try as I might I could not find the words to honor her, to do justice to her life. Thankfully I got some help. While words alone may not be enough, there are some names that might do. We often talk about those that give their lives in the service of their country, and while Janet Fraiser did just that. That's not what her life was about. The following are the names of the men and women who did not die in service, but who are in fact alive today because of Janet.

Major Samantha Carter
Doctor Daniel Jackson
Colonel Jack O'Neill
Sergeant Connie Smith
Major Ian Hewles
Senior Airman Simon Wells.

Hammond is in his office with Emmett watching the film.

\"Our armed forces have turned the tide of world wars. Young men and women from our great country's four corners have humbled history's worse times. We carve our thanks in stone. We stamp it into metals. We carefully tend to the vast fields where the men and women who gave their lives for our freedom now lay. More than ever in our history, we cannot fail to pass these stories of courage to the next generation. We must capture their imaginations while paying tribute to all those willing to die for the preservation of our way of life.\"

HAMMOND: It's a shame no-one's ever going to see it.

BREGMAN: Really? You don't think it's a little sentimental.

HAMMOND: No, it's good.

BREGMAN: Well that's a relief. Hearing that from you of all people. Especially given how you felt about what I was doing. I mean I understood how you felt, but still.

HAMMOND: I'm a big enough man to admit when I'm wrong. I'm glad you stuck with it.

BREGMAN: That means a lot to me sir.

HAMMOND: I've written a lot of letters to the next of kin. Nothing ever seems like it's enough. They deserved more. This is something more.

BREGMAN: Thank you sir. Um, there is one thing General that's still missing, that could make a difference.

*Daniel goes to Wells' house clutching a teddy bear*

WELLS: Hey, come in. Daniel, this is my wife Marcy.

MARCY: Hi, I'd love to give you a hug, but ...

WELLS: This is my daughter.

JACKSON: She is beautiful.

MARCY: Thanks.

JACKSON: I guess the ultrasound was wrong huh?

MARCY: Yeah.

JACKSON: What's her name?

WELLS: Janet.

JACKSON: That's nice.

*Jack sits in a chair ready to finally give Emmett his interview*

BREGMAN: OK, Tom. You ready?


BREGMAN: OK. First question.


Kikavu ?

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