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#720 : Lutte de Pouvoir


A peine a-t-il pris ses fonctions que le nouveau Président des Etats-Unis, Henry Hayes, apprend à sa grande stupéfaction l'existence du très secret programme "Porte des Etoiles". Tandis que depuis sept ans, Hammond, à la tête du SGC, gère les luttes de pouvoir intersidérales qui menacent la terre, Hayes va devoir arbitrer le procès d'intention que son vice-président, Robert Kinsey, intente à Hammond et son équipe. Mu par une énorme soif de pouvoir et soutenu par le N. I. D. , Kinsey brigue le contrôle sur la Porte des Etoiles. En brillant avocat de la défense, le général Maynard, Chef de l'Etat Major, s'oppose aux perfides accusations de Kinsey et de Wolsey, auteur du rapport contre le SGC. Tourmenté par un cas de conscience, le scrupuleux Wolsey finit par changer de camp.


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Lutte de Pouvoir

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Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Joseph Mallozzi et Paul Mullie.

Réalisé par : Peter F. Woeste.

Apparitions :

Robert Picardo (Agent Richard Woolsey)

Ronny Cox (Vice President Robert Kinsey)

Colin Cunningham (Major Paul Davis (flashback))

William Devane (President Henry Hayes)

Jerry Wasserman (Stan)

Holly Dignard, Mikka Dargel (Sara)

James McDaniel (Géneral Francis Maynard)


720/ Lutte de pouvoir

C’est le premier jour de travail pour le nouveau Président des USA. Son assistant l’informe des dernières nouvelles du monde. Puis il l’informe que le directeur du comité des chefs d’état-major l’attend dans le bureau ovale. Le Président entre dans la pièce, salue le militaire, se pose sur un canapé et enfonce ses pieds dans le tapis du bureau. Le directeur lui parle alors d’un programme top secret. Le Président lui répond qu’il a déjà eu le briefing top secret, mais ce dernier lui dit qu’il s’agit d’autre chose. Il lui explique le principe du programme Porte des Etoiles. Le Président croit à une blague pour son premier jour, mais Henri est sérieux.

Dans son bureau, Kinsey fait un point avec sa secrétaire sur ses rendez-vous. Le Président entre furieux dans son bureau et lui demande des explications sur le programme. Le Président est stupéfait d’apprendre que son vice-président, Kinsey, était déjà au courant. Fidèle à lui-même, Kinsey critique le programme et désire renvoyer tout le personnel du SGC.

Le soir même, le Président continue son briefing avec le militaire. Il lit les rapports de missions de Sg-1 et reste incrédule devant les exploits de l’équipe. Il essaie de le convaincre que le personnel de la base est le plus compétant pour cette mission. Le militaire explique que Kinsey veut maintenant contrôler la Porte des Etoiles (cf. « Secret d’état » où Kinsey expliquait vouloir donner le contrôle de la Porte au NID). Le militaire explique que grâce à Thor, la situation a été sauvée.

Le lendemain, Kinsey reçoit Woolsey (cf. « Héros ») dans son bureau. Woolsey explique qu’avec son rapport, des têtes vont tomber.

Quelques temps plus tard, une réunion est organisée dans le bureau du Président. Sont présents : le directeur du comité des chefs d’état-major, Kinsey et Woolsey. Ce dernier présente ses conclusions sur la gestion du SGC. Le Président exige des preuves pour remplacer les militaires du SGC, si cela est nécessaire. Woolsey commence alors son exposé. Il débute par l’incident où Janet perdit la vie (cf. « Héros »). Le Général prend alors la défense d’Hammond, mais Kinsey en rajoute une couche sur l’incompétence de ce dernier. Woolsey poursuit son exposé, mais le Président lui demande d’aller droit au but. Woolsey commence alors par l’insubordination de Sg-1 en racontant comment ils ont franchit la Porte il y a cinq ans et demi, alors que cette dernière était fermée (cf. « Dans le nid du serpent »). Mais le Général explique que sans eux la planète aurait été détruite. Puis il prend d’autres exemples (cf. « Expérimentation Hasardeuse »). Pour les défendre, le Général explique qu’ils étaient sous l’influence d’une technologie extraterrestre. Woolsey rebondit alors sur les fois où ils ont été sous l’influence d’une technologie inconnue. Il commence par le Major Carter (cf. « En service », « L’entité »), suivi du Dr Jackson (cf. « Vaisseau Fantôme », « Zénith »). Puis il vient à parler de Teal’c et remet en doute sa loyauté. Il termine par le Colonel O’Neill (cf « La cinquième race »). Woolsey insiste alors sur le danger qu’ils représentent. Il préconise d’établir de nouvelles règles et de prendre en main le SGC. Le Président demande alors à faire une petite pause. Kinsey s’énerve contre lui car il estime qu’il prend la défense de Sg-1, mais le Président remet les pendules à l’heure.

Une fois la pause finie, Woolsey reprend son exposé. Il parle alors des divers engins ramenés par la Porte (« cf. « Hallucinations »), ainsi que des risques qu’ils prennent (cf. « Le Vengeur »), mais aussi des décisions d’Hammond, notamment quand il ordonna de laisser l’iris ouvert malgré les tirs des ennemis. Puis il remet en question les priorités de Sg-1. Il explique que deux amis du Dr Jackson ont été choisis comme hôte. Puis il passe à la relation entre O’Neill et Carter. Kinsey rebondit en expliquant qu’ils ont des relations inappropriées, et utilise la disparition d’O’Neill (cf. « Paradis Perdu ») pour le prouver. Le Président les remercie.

Plus tard, Woolsey rejoint Kinsey dans son bureau. Ce dernier le félicite de son travail mais Woolsey estime que la réunion ne s’est pas très bien déroulée. Mais Kinsey est confiant sur la décision du Président. Puis il lui dit qu’il a choisi le bon côté, et qu’il parviendra à ses fins de quelque manière qu’il soit.

Dans son bureau, le Président reçoit le Général. Le Président lui explique qu’en faisant preuve de dureté avec le SGC, le grand public lui apportera son appui quand le programme sera révélé au grand jour. Le Général lui expose alors pourquoi le SGC ne doit pas subir de modification. Il lui explique qu’une attaque est imminente : celle d’Anubis. Il explique que pour l’instant, il fait la guerre avec ses semblables (cf. « Pacte avec le diable ») mais que cela ne va pas durer. Il lui parle alors des « super soldats » (cf. « La fontaine de jouvence »). Il lui révèle alors qu’il y a un moyen de le battre : retrouver la cité des Anciens. Il lui explique qui ils sont (cf. « Instinct Maternel »). Il lui dit que grâce à la tablette découverte sur Abydos (cf. « Pacte avec le diable »), Sg-1 est sur le point de retrouver cette cité et de sauver la planète. Mais le Président lui explique qu’il ne peut pas ignorer les recommandations de son vice-président.

Au Pentagone, Woolsey va voir le Général. Il lui explique qu’il soupçonne le vice-président de malversations. Le Général lui demande alors d’obtenir des preuves de ce qu’il avance.

Quelques temps plus tard, Hammond reçoit la visite de Woolsey au SGC. Ce dernier lui explique alors qu’il a des doutes sur les motivations de Kinsey. Il lui dit qu’il pense que les opérations illégales du NID se poursuivent et que Kinsey aurait des liens avec eux. Il lui explique qu’il pense qu’il existe des preuves, et que le Général les détient. Hammond lui remet alors une disquette obtenue par Jack et Maybourne (cf. « Réactions en chaîne »).

De retour à Washington, Woolsey va voir le Président et lui fait part de ses doutes sur le vice-président. Il lui remet alors la disquette d’Hammond et quitte la pièce.

THE WHITE HOUSE. The newly elected President of the United States,
Henry Hayes, is walking through the corridors of the White House towards
the Oval Office. Beside him is his Chief of Staff.

CHIEF OF STAFF: The Nike dropped eight percent last night, and the yen
continued its freefall. Also the President of Togo was deposed about six
hours ago. He managed to get a plane to Nigeria; now he's calling for
American troops to help restore order.

HAYES: This is my first day.

CHIEF OF STAFF: Yes, Mr President. The New York Times is about to launch
an investigation into voting irregularities in six southern states. I've
got Teddy on it.

(The President looks at a bust of President Lincoln, then glances at the
three people following silently behind him, all holding files.)
HAYES: Stan, who are these people following me?

CHIEF OF STAFF: They work for you, Mr President. Also there's a storm in
the Atlantic about to hit the coast of Maine. They're expecting gale
force winds and twenty inches of snow.

(The President bends down to look closely at a bust of President
Kennedy. He straightens up and looks at himself in the mirror above the
bust, then straightens his tie. Then he glances again at his silent

HAYES: Shouldn't I know who they are?

CHIEF OF STAFF: Yes, Mr President. Emergency management teams are
standing by, but we've scheduled a call to the governor for ten o'clock
so that you can pledge your support.

(The President takes another look at his entourage.)

HAYES: They're not going to follow me around all the time are they?

CHIEF OF STAFF: No, Mr President.

HAYES: Good. (The three people finally move off. The President and
Stan enter the outer office of the Oval Office. His aides stand.)
Hello. (He turns to someone he finally recognises.) Holly. (He grins
hugely at her.)

CHIEF OF STAFF: The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is waiting for you in
your office.

HAYES (peeking into the office, then turning to speak quietly to Stan):
*He* knows it's my first day, right?

CHIEF OF STAFF: Yes, Mr President.

HAYES: Good. (He and Stan walk into the Oval Office where General
Francis Maynard, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is waiting
with an aide.)

HAYES: Francis. (He shakes Maynard's hand, then sits on one of the sofas
and starts to take his shoes off.)

MAYNARD: Mr President. We need to talk, sir. It's important.

HAYES: Guys! Let me enjoy the moment. (He finishes taking his shoes off
and walks over to stand on the circular rug in the middle of the Oval
Office bearing the seal of the President. He wiggles his toes delightedly.)

MAYNARD (after a beat): The moment is over, sir.

HAYES: Right. Stan, thank you. (He turns to Maynard's aide.) Thank you.

(Stan and the aide leave. Hayes and Maynard sit.)

MAYNARD: Mr President. I'm here to bring you up to speed on a program
we've been running out of Cheyenne Mountain for the past seven years.

HAYES: I've already had my top secret briefing.

MAYNARD: Yes Mr President, but not this. (He hands him a folder.) Mr
President, for the past seven years, the United States Air Force has
been sending teams to other planets by means of an alien device known as
a Stargate.

HAYES (laughs): That's funny. That's very funny. My first day. This is a
joke, right? I have a great sense of humour. I didn't know that you had
one, but this is good because we're finding out about each other. (He
gets up and walks over to his desk.) Now I have to call the ex-President
of Togo, and when I'm done, apparently the rest of the world is coming
to an end.

MAYNARD: The ex-President of Togo will have to wait, sir. This is not a

(The President looks at him for a moment.)

HAYES: The United States Air Force has been sending people to other planets?

MAYNARD: Yes, sir.

HAYES: For the last seven years.

MAYNARD: That's correct.

HAYES: By means of an alien device?

MAYNARD: Known as the Stargate.

(The President sinks into his chair, closes his eyes and sighs.)

THE WHITE HOUSE. KINSEY'S OFFICE. Vice President Kinsey is talking
with his secretary, Sara.

SARA: Senator McKnight is requesting we move your meeting to next week.

KINSEY: He's trying to duck me. Doesn't wanna commit on the crime bill.

SARA: What shall I tell him?

KINSEY: Forget it! The son of a bitch came in on our coat tails. Now
it's time to pay the piper.

(The door bursts opens and President Hayes storms in. Sara stands

HAYES (to Kinsey): What the hell were you thinking?!

SARA: Mr President.

HAYES (to Kinsey): Why didn't you tell me?!

KINSEY: Sara, would you excuse us for a moment, please? (He ushers her
out of the room and closes the door.) I take it you've just been briefed
by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs on our new reality.

HAYES: Not only do I find out that the Air Force is engaged in
interstellar travel, but I also find out that my running mate knows all
about it!

KINSEY: I was under a special executive gag order.

HAYES: Since when?!

KINSEY: A little over six years now.

HAYES: That's unbelievable!

KINSEY: Mr President, I realise this is a little overwhelming right now,
but what you really need to know is that the Stargate is being seriously
mis-managed. It's urgent that we act now.

HAYES: What are you talking about?

KINSEY: I have desperately tried to maintain some proper control and
accountability, but the oversight in place is completely inadequate. The
military, specifically the personnel directly involved in the SGC, need
to be replaced immediately. Now, I have several recommendations regarding...

HAYES: Whoa, Bob, hold on here!

KINSEY: Mr President, why do you think I was ordered to keep quiet? This
was a deliberate attempt by the military, and the previous
administration, to drive a wedge between us, because they knew I was
gonna come after them. We need to stick together on this.

HAYES: For God's sake, Bob, think of the magnitude of this!

KINSEY: For God's sake is right.

HAYES: Oh come on, Bob! If you want me to buy into your holier than thou
position, you've gotta convince me you're right!

THE WHITE HOUSE. THE OVAL OFFICE. It's now the evening, and President
Hayes is still going through SGC files with General Maynard.

HAYES: Hosted alien dignitaries. Acquired alien technology. Travelled
back in time?! Did they really blow up a sun?

MAYNARD: As I understand it, sir, yes they did.

HAYES: It's gotta look awfully good on the old resume, hey?

MAYNARD: Yes, sir. They've done some pretty amazing things.

HAYES: You sound like a fan, Francis.

MAYNARD: Well, I can't help but appreciate the number of times they've
saved this world.

HAYES: Some people think this world wouldn't have needed saving had we
left well enough alone.

MAYNARD: Well, you can't deny what's out there, sir. The enemy would
have come for us anyway. We need to be prepared and no matter what
anyone says, the people at the SGC have done the best job anyone could
under the circumstances.

HAYES: You don't trust the Vice President.

MAYNARD: He obviously has his own agenda.

HAYES: I know he tried to shut 'em down when he was at Appropriations.

MAYNARD: Well, frankly, I think the Vice President knows as well as
anyone else, it's too late for that. If he didn't six years ago, he
certainly does now.

HAYES: What does that mean?

MAYNARD: He clearly doesn't want to shut the Gate down anymore. He wants
to control it.

(Flashback to \"Disclosure\".)

KINSEY: We have a civilian agency known as the NID. Now its mandate has
been to keep an eye on top secret projects like the Stargate program,
and has done so from the beginning. I propose that we give this
organization direct control of the Gate, effective immediately.

(End of flashback)

MAYNARD: There's only one reason he wanted them to give control to the NID.

HAYES: Because he was about to become Chairman of the Intelligence
Oversight Committee.

MAYNARD: Which would put the NID and the Stargate in his back pocket. He
had the ambassadors eating out of his hands. It was only because of some
extraordinary intervention that it didn't work.

(Flashback to \"Disclosure\")

Thor beams in.

BRITISH AMBASSADOR (nervously): Hello?

THOR: Hello. I am Thor, Supreme Commander of the Asgard fleet.

KINSEY: Commander Thor, my name is ...

THOR: Senator Kinsey. O'Neill suggested I send you to a distant planet
for your actions here but I am reasonably certain his statement was in jest.

KINSEY: I'm sure it was, Commander ...

THOR: *Supreme* Commander. It is the opinion of the Asgard High Council
that Stargate Command should be left in the very capable hands of
General Hammond and his team. And while our continued friendship with
Earth is not contingent on that, it is preferred.

(End of flashback)

HAYES: I wonder why he wants it so badly. I mean, besides his belief in
his divine right.

MAYNARD: I don't know, sir.

HAYES: Not that that's not enough, but I get this feeling that there's
something more to it.

MAYNARD: Yes, sir.

HAYES: That rogue element at NID that he took credit for taking down
last year...

MAYNARD: We've never had any proof connecting Senator Kinsey to anything

HAYES: I'm starting to get a bad feeling about where some of that
campaign financing came from.

MAYNARD (reproachfully): Mr President.

HAYES: ... Did I say that out loud?

THE WHITE HOUSE. KINSEY'S OFFICE. Mr Woolsey is escorted in to see
Vice President Kinsey.

KINSEY: Ah, Mr Woolsey. I hope my confidence in you has not been misplaced.

WOOLSEY: You have my word, sir. Once I've finished presenting the
evidence, the President will have no choice but to follow your
recommendation and clean house at Stargate Command.

THE WHITE HOUSE. THE OVAL OFFICE. General Maynard is shown into the
room. The President, Kinsey and Woolsey are already sitting there waiting.

MAYNARD: I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Mr President, but I was just
wrapping up a meeting with the Joint Chiefs when I got your message.

HAYES: Francis, I thought you'd want to sit in on this one.

MAYNARD: Thank you, sir.

KINSEY: General, I don't believe you know Richard Woolsey. For the past
several months he has been working with the NID conducting a thorough
investigation of all Stargate personnel. I've asked him here to kindly
present us with his findings.

MAYNARD: If this is a discussion about the competence of those running
the SGC, shouldn't George Hammond be included?

WOOLSEY: Unfortunately, sir, General Hammond is part of the problem.

MAYNARD: George Hammond is a highly decorated officer, a thirty year
veteran with the United States Air Force, and while that may not carry a
lot of weight over at the NID, it still means something to certain
people in this town.

WOOLSEY: This isn't a trial, General. Although it certainly wouldn't
surprise me if it came to that.

HAYES: Let's stick to specifics here. If these people need to be
replaced, I wanna see evidence.

WOOLSEY: Thank you, Mr President. (He takes out the first of many files
that he has brought with him.) The most recent incident was less than a
month ago. General Hammond ordered an off-world rescue operation despite
ample indication that he was sending his people into an ambush. As a
result, a very valuable member of Stargate Command was killed, Doctor
Janet Fraiser.

MAYNARD: Sending your people into potentially dangerous situations is a
natural consequence of military command.

WOOLSEY: Maybe so, but ignoring evidence of an enemy trap is at best
foolish and at worst criminally negligent. General Hammond admits his
responsibility. His own report is essentially a confession.

MAYNARD: All that proves is that the man had the guts to own up to his

WOOLSEY: Unfortunately in this case, mistakes can lead to compromising
the entire planet. I've uncovered a mountain of evidence implicating not
only General Hammond but his first-line team as well.

MAYNARD: Those people are heroes.

KINSEY: We have no intention of minimising the accomplishments of either
the General or SG-1. Their respective achievements speak for themselves.
But intermittent successes cannot excuse ongoing misconduct.

WOOLSEY: Over the past seven years, SG-1 has shown a disregard for
military authority. They have compromised national security and
exercised extremely poor judgement in the performance of their duties.

HAYES: You should be on my speech writing team! Come on, cut the crap,
will ya? As crazy as it sounds, we're sitting around here talking about
people who are fighting aliens, right? Could we please be specific?

WOOLSEY: Yes, sir. Let's start with insubordination. Approximately five
and a half years ago the Gate was shut down. The SGC was under orders to
suspend all offworld travel pending a full review. SG-1 chose to ignore
those orders.

MAYNARD: And in the process they managed to head off an invasion.

WOOLSEY: Nonetheless they were guilty. And it was by no means an
isolated incident.

(Flashback to \"Upgrades\")

Under the influence of the alien armbands, Sam appears in the Control
Room and injects a tech sitting at the control panel. Jack and Daniel
do the same to two other techs while Sam types rapidly on the keyboard.
The Gate starts to dial up and doors close nearby, preventing anyone
from getting to the Gateroom or Control Room. The blast doors close
over the Control Room.

CARTER: Let's go.

(Sam, Jack and Daniel trot into the Gateroom. As the Gate whooshes,
Teal'c comes into the Gateroom.)

TEAL'C: O'Neill!

O'NEILL: Not this time, Teal'c.

(The three of them run through the Gate at lightning speed and knock out
all the Jaffa on the other side before running off.)

(End of flashback)

MAYNARD: They sabotaged a mothership the Goa'uld would have eventually
used to attack Earth.

WOOLSEY: They used the Stargate against the direct order of a superior

MAYNARD: You can't hold them accountable for that. Read the damn mission
report. They were under the influence of an alien device.

WOOLSEY: Yes of course. Which brings us to the alarming frequency with
which members of SG-1 have fallen under alien influence. (He opens
another file.) Major Samantha Carter: implanted with a Goa'uld symbiont;
then two years ago her body became host to an alien virus.

(Flashback to \"Entity\")

Sam, possessed by the entity, arcs lightning into the ceiling. Jack zats
her and she collapses to the ground.

(End of flashback.)

WOOLSEY (opening another file): Daniel Jackson: fell under the influence
of alien technology on numerous occasions. Had his body play host to not
one but twelve alien psyches simultaneously. Most interestingly of all,
apparently died and according to the report, evolved into a higher being.

(Flashback to \"Meridian\")

In the isolation room, SG-1, Hammond, Fraiser and Jacob watch as
Daniel's body ascends.

\\(End of flashback.)

WOOLSEY (opening yet another file): Teal'c, an alien. Former soldier of
the Goa'uld. Now possesses full security clearance at our most secret

MAYNARD: He earned that trust.

WOOLSEY: Yes, that trust almost cost SG-1 dearly when he rejoined the
ranks of the System Lord Apophis.

(Flashback to \"Enemies\")

O'NEILL (greeting Teal'c on his return): Buddy! (He and Teal'c hug, then
Teal'c steps back and aims Jack's sidearm at him. The Jaffa with Teal'c
point zat guns at the team.) Whatcha got goin' here, Teal'c?

(Apophis walks around the corner.)


(End of flashback).

MAYNARD: He'd been brainwashed by the enemy.

WOOLSEY: Yes. Like his fellow team members, he too has shown a
vulnerability to alien influence. Which finally brings us to the team
leader, Jack O'Neill. (He opens another file.) Infected by alien
contagions a half dozen times; experimented upon by extraterrestrials
another half dozen times. Had his memories manipulated on numerous
occasions. Had the entire repository of an Ancient alien database
effectively downloaded into his head.

(Flashback to \"The Fifth Race\")

Jack looks into the Ancient device. It changes shape, and Jack backs off

O'NEILL: Whoa!

(The device morphs again and grabs Jack's head, forcing him to look
through it. He sees lights, and there's a buzzing sound. Moments later
it releases him and he falls to the floor.)

CARTER: Colonel!

(End of flashback)

WOOLSEY: Not long after this incident the Colonel began exhibiting
strange behaviour: speaking an alien language, demonstrating super-human
intellect. As it turns out, he was undergoing some sort of
transformation as a result of the knowledge he had absorbed. Were it not
for the timely intervention of another alien race, he would have been
lost to us.

HAYES: How these people maintain their sanity is beyond me. I'm having
trouble just sitting here listening to it.

WOOLSEY: That, Mr President, is exactly my point. How can we trust these
individuals to protect our planet after everything they've been through?

HAYES: Well they seem to be handling it very well.

WOOLSEY: But who's to say they are completely free of these influences?

MAYNARD: They're routinely checked and cleared by medical professionals.

WOOLSEY: We can no longer allow the Pentagon to look the other way. The
number of times the members of SG-1 have been compromised should have
warranted at least a reconsideration of their offworld status. Transfers
to less decisive positions. A couple of sick days, for God's sake!

HAYES: The first time I heard about this, I couldn't believe what I was
hearing. I try to imagine myself doing what these people have been doing
for the last seven years, and quite frankly I don't think any of us can
really understand what they've been going through, no matter how many
files we read.

WOOLSEY: All the more reason for intensive scrutiny. If new protocols
and standards of conduct need to be established, this is where it has to

HAYES: What do you say we take a break?

MAYNARD: Yes, sir.

(Maynard and Woolsey leave the room as Hayes goes over to his desk.
Kinsey waits until Maynard and Woolsey have gone, then storms over to
the desk.)

KINSEY: You can't possibly be taking their side.

HAYES: I need time to absorb this, Bob.

KINSEY: We may not have much time. The longer those people...

HAYES: Relax. All I'm saying is, at the moment I'm going to give them
the benefit of the doubt. I need to know more.

KINSEY: I think you know all you need to know and that includes why
you're here.

HAYES: I'm here, Bob, because the people of this nation elected me to
run their country, not the whole damn galaxy. And this is my office,
Bob, not yours, no matter what you may think you did to make this
happen. And don't you ever for one second forget that.

KINSEY: Yes, Mr President.

HAYES: Let's take a break.

THE WHITE HOUSE. THE OVAL OFFICE. The meeting resumes.

WOOLSEY: According to the military, Stargate Command is our first and
best line of defence against potential alien threats to this planet. If
that's true, we should be very, very concerned. Time and again General
Hammond and SG-1 have demonstrated shockingly poor judgement, placing
themselves, the base, this very planet in jeopardy. The decision to
bring back suspect technology through the Gate has precipitated a number
of crisis situations. For the most part they've been dealt with within
the confines of the SGC. However, last year, the effect of an alien
device broke containment and found its way into the civilian population.

(Flashback to \"Sight Unseen\")

(At Vernon's gas station, Vernon puts some money in the cash register
and goes to pick up a sandwich. He snatches his hand back as he sees a
huge insect come out of it.)

VERNON: Ugh! Son of a ...

(Jack is driving along while speaking to General Hammond on a headset.)

O'NEILL: Sir, I have reason to believe an individual I came in contact
with has breached the quarantine.

(Near Vernon's garage, a car is veering all over the road. The driver,
half-hysterical, can see a giant slug-like creature sitting on the hood
with a huge mouth sucking at the windscreen.)

(End of flashback)

MAYNARD: The situation was taken care of, a cover story was created and
the civilian population was none the wiser.

KINSEY: Well, I for one would like to know how many more times we're
gonna have to clean up after these people.

MAYNARD: They have a mandate to acquire offworld technology, and that
entails necessary risks.

WOOLSEY: And how would you define 'necessary'? Only a few months ago,
General Hammond allowed the testing of an unproven computer virus that
infected and shut down our entire Gate network, leaving us open to a
potential planetary assault.

MAYNARD: You can't hold Hammond responsible for that! It was a Goa'uld
modification of the virus that caused the problem.

WOOLSEY: In other words, General Hammond effectively gave the Goa'uld a
weapon to use against us.

MAYNARD: Like the President said, you can't even begin to understand
what their jobs demand of them.

WOOLSEY: Maybe not, but I would like to think that it includes common
sense and the willingness to set aside personal feelings in the heat of

HAYES: What are you referring to, Mr Woolsey?

WOOLSEY: An incident three years ago when General Hammond allowed
emotion to override established Gateroom protocol.

(Flashback to \"Chain Reaction\")

The iris opens and powerful staff blasts come through the Gate, punching
holes in the walls.

HAMMOND: Evacuate the Gateroom. (into radio) Colonel O'Neill, we're
taking fire. Report. Colonel O'Neill?


HAMMOND: Give them some more time.

(SG-1 finally come through the Gate. The iris closes behind them.)

(End of flashback)

WOOLSEY: General Hammond's decision to wait for SG-1 worked out in the
end, but I can't help but wonder if he'll be so lucky the next time. The
members of SG-1 have similarly suspect priorities, and no wonder. (He
opens yet another file.) Not one, but two people that Doctor Jackson had
close personal relationships with were taken as Goa'uld hosts. Teal'c's
family and associates among the ranks of the enemy Jaffa make him an
easy target for Goa'uld retaliation and manipulation. And both Colonel
O'Neill and Major Carter have demonstrated an alarming tendency to let
interpersonal relationships cloud their decision-making process.

HAYES: They have a right to their feelings. Unless of course you're, uh,
suggesting some kind of inappropriate relationship here?

(Woolsey starts to shake his head negatively but Kinsey interjects.)

KINSEY: Inappropriate, yes. (Woolsey looks up, startled.) That is
exactly what he's suggesting. It's difficult to come away from these
reports without the distinct impression that there is a lot more going
on between Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter than simple friendship and
respect. For example, there was an incident last year in which Colonel
O'Neill went missing.

WOOLSEY: Based on a report filed by one of the scientists on the mission
in question, Major Carter's behaviour was erratic at best.

(Flashback to \"Paradise Lost\")

At the ruins, Sam is is talking to Doctor Lee.

LEE: Major, this technology's unlike anything we've come across before.

CARTER: I know.

LEE: We have no reference, no way to interface.

CARTER: I'm working on it, Doctor. As you should be!

LEE: Right.

CARTER: Excuse me? Where's Colonel O'Neill? I don't see him, do you? Did
you guys find him while I was gone? (Lee begins to walk away) *I* say
when we're done here!

(End of flashback)

MAYNARD: That's it? That's your evidence?

KINSEY: Oh I believe there's a lot more to this than we've been told.
Well, of course I hardly expect them to incriminate themselves in their
own reports. (Woolsey looks dubious about Kinsey's accusations.) But we
can all read between the lines.

HAYES: Alright, I've heard enough. Thank you, gentlemen. Thank you, Mr

WOOLSEY: Mr President.

THE WHITE HOUSE. KINSEY'S OFFICE. Kinsey is pouring himself a drink
when his secretary opens the door.

SARA: Mr Woolsey is here to see you, sir.

KINSEY: Send him in. (Woolsey walks in.) Would you like a drink?

WOOLSEY: No thank you.

KINSEY: That was nice work today, Richard.

WOOLSEY: Really? I got the distinct feeling it didn't go so well.

KINSEY: Ah well. It doesn't matter.

WOOLSEY: It doesn't?

KINSEY: Nah. The President's gonna come around.

WOOLSEY: I didn't get that impression, Mr Vice President. In fact I
clearly sensed that he was siding with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.

KINSEY (laughing): Today was a formality. Don't get me wrong, the job
you did was vital. The President has to appear to be hearing both sides,
considering his position. He'll see things my way eventually.

WOOLSEY: And if he doesn't?

(Kinsey chuckles again, more ominously this time.)

KINSEY: Things happen.

(Woolsey looks perturbed.)

WOOLSEY: What is that supposed to mean?

KINSEY: It means you chose the right side, Richard. One way or another,
I promise you, I'm gonna win this one.

(Woolsey looks away, now very concerned.)


MAYNARD: Mr President.

HAYES: General. I take it you're here to make a case for the defence.

MAYNARD: I'm not gonna get into a point/counterpoint.

HAYES: Look, it may very well be that Hammond and SG-1 have done their
very best under difficult circumstances, but there's a political aspect
to the Vice President's position that makes a lot of sense.


HAYES: A lot of people know about the Stargate. We can't keep it a
secret forever. When it finally comes out, we're gonna be in the fight
of our lives. We'll need the public's confidence.

MAYNARD: And you think cleaning house at the SGC now shows you're in

HAYES: You disagree?

MAYNARD: I think there's time for that still, sir, but for the immediate
future, I'm here to let you know what you're up against. And why we need
Hammond and SG-1 right now, more than ever.

HAYES: Have a seat and fire away.

(They sit down.)

MAYNARD: The System Lords have proven themselves to be formidable
adversaries, and yet despite our obvious disadvantage we've managed to
hold our own, Maybe even take them down a notch or two. We've been good
and we've been lucky. But I'm afraid that could change. There's a new
Goa'uld in the mix.

HAYES: I take it you're referring to the one who calls himself Anubis.

MAYNARD: He's more powerful than any of his predecessors. He came to our
attention a little over a year ago when he tried to take out Earth with
an asteroid, and then used our own Stargate as a weapon against us. We
thwarted him both times. Since then he's redirected his attention to his
rivals, waging a year long war against the Goa'uld.

(Flashback to \"Full Circle\")

Anubis sits on his throne on board his mothership.

YU (voiceover): YOUR TIME IS UP!

(Anubis' new super-weapon destroys the Goa'uld fleet.)

(End of flashback).

HAYES: Well, that's good for us. Let 'em fight amongst themselves.

MAYNARD: The problem is ... when he's through with them, and it's only a
matter of time, he'll come gunning for us, and when he does, we'll be
facing a whole new threat.

(Flashback to \"Evolution\")

The super-soldier pushes its way through the forcefield and then walks
on. The SG teams and the Jaffa all open fire but have no effect. The
soldier stops and raises its arm to fire at the Jaffa in front of it.
Several of them are hit. Then it attacks the SG teams. Jack grabs a

O'NEILL: Fire in the hole!

(A massive explosion surrounds the super-soldier but several seconds
later, it emerges unscathed out of the smoke and dust.)

(End of flashback)

HAYES: A super-soldier.

MAYNARD: Not just one. He's got a whole army.

(Flashback to \"Evolution part 2\")

Hundreds of super-soldiers kneel before Anubis.

SUPER-SOLDIERS: Hail Anubis! Hail Anubis!

(End of flashback)

HAYES: If that's true, I can't imagine how having Stargate-1 on the
front line's gonna make one damn bit of difference when the time comes.

MAYNARD: Anubis may be incredibly powerful, but he's not invincible.
There is a way to take him out.

HAYES: How's that?

MAYNARD: By finding the lost city.

HAYES: You'll have to forgive me, Francis. I'm not up to speed, I've
only gone through about a third of those files.

MAYNARD: The Gate system was built by a highly advanced race of aliens
known as the Ancients. They died off millions of years ago, but it seems
they haven't disappeared completely.

(Flashback to \"Maternal Instinct\".)

A glowing Ancient comes out of the robes of the monk and floats off.

(End of flashback)

MAYNARD: They've evolved into higher life forms.

HAYES: Well, will they help us?

MAYNARD: No, sir.

HAYES: Why the hell not?

MAYNARD: It's beneath them. They won't involve themselves in our affairs.

HAYES: So where are you going with this?

MAYNARD: Last year SG-1 made an amazing discovery on a planet called Abydos.

(Flashback to \"Full Circle\")

DANIEL: You're gonna find the lost city of the Ancients.

O'NEILL: Lost city?

DANIEL (to Sam): Didn't tell him about that either, huh?

CARTER: Daniel found a tablet talking about a lost city.

DANIEL: Where there are powerful Ancient weapons capable of giving you a
big advantage over Anubis.

O'NEILL: Do you know where it is?

DANIEL: No, but I'll help you find it.

(End of flashback)

MAYNARD: Hammond and SG-1 are close to finding the lost city. Let them
do their job, sir. Let them save this planet one more time.

HAYES: I wish it were that simple.

MAYNARD: I'm not sure what you mean, sir.

HAYES: The Vice President may be a pain in the ass, but I can't just
ignore him.

MAYNARD: You're the Commander in Chief. It's your decision.

HAYES: True, but if I cross him on this one... well let's just say that
I haven't viewed all the angles yet. Is there anything you haven't told me?

MAYNARD: No, sir.

HAYES: Then as far as I can tell, Hammond and SG-1 have done an
extraordinary job under very difficult circumstances. But in doing so
they've made some mistakes, they've made some enemies, and frankly I
don't know if I can protect them.

THE PENTAGON. NIGHT TIME. In a dimly-lit office, Woolsey waits
nervously. General Maynard is shown in.

WOOLSEY: General.

MAYNARD: Mr Woolsey.

WOOLSEY: Thank you for meeting me.

MAYNARD: I take it the Vice President doesn't know about this.

WOOLSEY: No, and I'd like to keep it that way.

MAYNARD: What do you want?

WOOLSEY: I want to warn you. I think the Vice President may be involved
with people capable of... well, anything. I believe they may have
attempted assassination at least once before as a means to get what they

MAYNARD: Do you realize the seriousness of what you just said?

WOOLSEY: Yes, sir. Look, no matter what you might think of me, I
consider myself to be a man of integrity. I took the job with the NID
because I strongly believe in civilian oversight of top secret military

MAYNARD: Mr Woolsey...

WOOLSEY: I don't have any proof, sir, but I'm starting to question
whether those to whom I have dedicated my allegiance are as honourable
as I had hoped.

MAYNARD: You're a resourceful man, Mr Woolsey. If you think there's
proof out there, find it. (He leaves.)

S.G.C. HAMMOND'S OFFICE. The phone rings.

HAMMOND (into the phone): Hammond. ... Show him in.

(Woolsey is escorted into the room.)

WOOLSEY: General.

HAMMOND: This must be important for you to have come all this way.

WOOLSEY: I know you have no reason to trust me, General. That's why I
felt I had to come here in person.

HAMMOND: Sit down.

WOOLSEY (sitting down): I take great pride in my work, General. My job
demands meticulous research and, above all else, impartiality in its
execution. My aim is to present an airtight argument, a point of view
for consideration by those I serve, with no personal agenda whatsoever.

HAMMOND: Get to the point.

WOOLSEY: I stand by my case against you and your personnel, despite what
I'm about to say to you.

HAMMOND: I hope you don't expect that to gain my respect.

WOOLSEY: You recall the assassination attempt on then Senator Kinsey?

(Flashback to \"Smoke and Mirrors\")

Slow motion of Senator Kinsey walking to his limo. The cross hairs of
the scope focus on Kinsey. A gloved finger squeezes the trigger and
Kinsey is hit in the chest. The public scream and dive for cover. Secret
service men brandishing weapons converge and begin looking in all

SECRET SERVICE MAN: The Senator's been hit! He's been hit!

(End of flashback)

WOOLSEY: And later gained notoriety for bringing those responsible to

HAMMOND: I can only assume you're going somewhere with this.

WOOLSEY: Let's just say I've recently come to believe that those behind
the rogue element of the NID have not entirely been eliminated. In fact
they may be stronger then ever and Vice President Kinsey may still be
tied to them.

HAMMOND: They tried to have him killed and then he tried to take them
down. That seems unlikely.

WOOLSEY: At the time, something must have made Kinsey a liability. But
after the assassination attempt failed, the opportunity presented itself
to propel Kinsey onto the presidential ticket. That could have been
enough to motivate a reconciliation.

HAMMOND: Either way, I'm not surprised by any of this, Mr Woolsey.

WOOLSEY: Well I'm sorry to say that I am, and I want to do something
about it if I can.

HAMMOND: Like what?

WOOLSEY: Like present evidence, if there is any, connecting Kinsey to
illegal activities involving those behind the rogue NID.

HAMMOND: What makes you think evidence like that exists?

WOOLSEY: Because you're sitting right there.

HAMMOND: I'm sorry?

WOOLSEY: Three years ago you left SGC, supposedly retired. I'm guessing
you were blackmailed.


WOOLSEY: And then you came back. Nothing about that ever made any sense
to me. I want to know why, how. You've got something on Kinsey,
something I can use.

(Flashback to \"Chain Reaction\")

MAYBOURNE (working on Kinsey's computer): That's it, we're in. I'm
downloading now. Kinsey's online activities connect him to NID actions
over the last year and a half, including the secret operation I ran out
of Area 51, the involvement with the Russians and the threats to Hammond.

O'NEILL: You're a piece of work, Kinsey. You try to shut down the SGC,
you make this big speech about how much you hate secret organisations
and then you jump in bed with the NID. What is that?

MAYBOURNE: I'm done. (He starts to pocket the disc but Jack holds out
his hand for it.)

KINSEY: What are you going to do? Take down the whole NID?

O'NEILL: No. Here's the deal. Get them to reinstate Hammond or this disc
goes to the press.

(End of flashback)

WOOLSEY: You've got connections, General. You must know what's going down.

(Hammond thinks about it for a moment, then opens his desk, takes out an
envelope and hands it to Woolsey.)

HAMMOND: That's not the only copy.

(Woolsey takes a disc out of the envelope.)

WOOLSEY: Why haven't you given this to someone before now?

HAMMOND: I didn't know who to trust. I still don't.

(Woolsey pockets the disc and leaves without a word.)

THE WHITE HOUSE. Woolsey is waiting in the outer office of the Oval
Office. The phone rings and an aide answers.

AIDE (into telephone): Yes, sir, right away. (She hangs up and speaks
to Woolsey.) The President will see you now.

WOOLSEY: Thank you.

(The aide escorts Woolsey into the Oval Office, then leaves. Woolsey
approaches the desk where President Hayes is sitting.)

WOOLSEY: Thank you for seeing me, Mr President.

HAYES: Is there something that you wanted to add to your report, Mr Woolsey?

WOOLSEY: Yes, sir. (A look of anguish crosses his face but bravely
continues.) As I'm sure you're aware, the NID does not exactly have a
spotless record. For several years, a group of rogue agents operated
inside of its ranks. They were acting on behalf of a cabal of
international business interests intent on acquiring alien technology
for their own profit.

HAYES: One could only hope.

WOOLSEY: Mr President?

HAYES: I know they're out there, Mr Woolsey. What I'm saying is, one
could only hope that money was their chief motivation. However, I doubt
the type of person who's behind this is short-sighted enough for that
given what he must know. In light of the new reality that Stargate
presents, there are aspirations beyond mere financial greed. That could
be much worse.

WOOLSEY: I agree.

HAYES: You're here to tell me that the Vice President is still in league
with them?

WOOLSEY: If these people are as powerful as we both think, it does make
one wonder what the Vice President could have possibly offered them in
exchange for the price on his head.

HAYES: Obviously the full control of the Stargate program that the White
House affords.

WOOLSEY: The Vice President brought key financing to your campaign
victory. I just hope it didn't come at too high a cost. (He takes the
disc out of his pocket and places it on President Hayes' desk. He then
turns and walks to the door before turning back to face the President.)
I also hope history one day shows that I tried to do the right thing.

HAYES: Whose version of history, Mr Woolsey?

(Woolsey nods ruefully and leaves the room. The President looks down at
the disc lying on his desk.)

Kikavu ?

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