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#812 : En Détresse


Malgré le refus catégorique de O'Neal, Daniel embarque à bord du Prométhée sur les ordres du Général, déterminé à partir à la recherche de la mission Atlantis. Au cours du voyage, il croise un Alkesh Goa'uld abandonné et intercepte un message de détresse d'une femme provenant du navire à bord duquel un terrible affrontement avec les Jaffa a fait rage. Le général envoie une patrouille de reconnaissance qui se fait duper par un guerrier Kull qui s'infiltre sur le Prométhée. Ce dernier réussit à vider le vaisseau de son équipage, désormais prisonnier de l'épave Goa'uld, excepté Daniel, rapidement neutralisé par l'intrus. En réalité, ce guerrier se révèle être une femme, Vala, dont le but est d'utiliser le Prométhée pour évacuer son peuple d'une planète occupée par les Goa'uld. Pendant ce temps, le général Hammond fait preuve de bravoure en risquant sa vie pour s'enquérir de cristaux d'énergie afin de réparer le vaisseau ennemi saboté. A bord du Prométhée, Daniel est suspicieux quant aux réels objectifs de Vala.


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Prometheus Unbound

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En Détresse

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Daniel and Vala's fight, part 1

Daniel and Vala's fight, part 1


Daniel and Vala's fight, part 2

Daniel and Vala's fight, part 2


Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Damian Kindler.

Réalisé par : Andy Mikita. 

Apparitions :

Claudia Black (Vala)

Ellie Harvie (Docteur Lindsay Novak)

Gary Jones (Sergent Walter Davis)

Eric Breker (Colonel Reynolds)

Don S. Davis (General George Hammond)

Morris Chapdelaine (Tenat)

Dan Payne (Super Soldat)

Christopher Pearce (Bosworth)

Geoff Redknap (Alien)

812/ En détresse

Dans les couloirs du SGC, Daniel essaye de convaincre Jack de le laisser partir avec le Prométhée pour rejoindre la cité d’Atlantis, en vain. Ils se dirigent vers le bureau d’O’Neill. Là, assis dans le fauteuil, ils voient le Général Hammond. Ce dernier vient chercher le Dr Jackson ainsi que le Sergent Harriman pour la mission vers la galaxie de Pégase.

Le lendemain, Daniel a rejoint le Prométhée. Hammond l’accueille à bord. Ce dernier lui confie qu’il a décidé de diriger cette mission car l’action lui manque un peu.

Pendant que le vaisseau file en hyperespace, Daniel briefe le personnel de bord sur la cité d’Atlantis, quand le Dr Novak l’interrompt à cause de son hoquet. Cette dernière contredit les théories du Dr Jackson.

Une fois l’exposé fini, Novak rejoint Daniel dans un des ascenseurs du vaisseau. Elle s’excuse de l’avoir contredit lors de la réunion. Ils parlent de son hoquet persistant, quand soudain une alarme résonne. Daniel se précipite alors sur le pont du vaisseau. La, Hammond lui explique qu’ils captent des signaux de détresse. Le Général décide alors de modifier la trajectoire du Prométhée pour aller voir ce qu’il se passe.

Une fois sur place, l’équipage voit deux vaisseaux Goa’ulds dans l’espace : un vaisseau cargo et un Al-kesh. Le Colonel Reynolds pense qu’il s’agit d’un piège. Hammond décide alors d’envoyer un message au vaisseau. N’ayant pas de réponse, Georges envoie une équipe en reconnaissance.

Une fois à bord, Sg-3 commence l’exploration du vaisseau qui semble désert. Ils trouvent des traces de tirs sur les murs, ainsi que des corps de Jaffas. Mais alors qu’ils se dirigent vers le pont, l’équipe entend les anneaux de transports s’activer. Un super soldat d’Anubis vient de pénétrer à bord du vaisseau terrien. Le soldat tire sur tout le personnel avec un zat, mais Daniel réussi a lui échappé. L’ennemi arrive jusqu’au pont supérieur du vaisseau. Pendant ce temps, Jackson rejoint l’armurerie pour prendre une arme capable de le tuer.

Pendant ce temps, à bord de l’Al-Kesh, Sg-3 continuer de réceptionner l’équipage du Prométhée. Puis ils se dirigent vers le pont du vaisseau Goa’uld. Hammond constate que le Prométhée part, mais ils ne peuvent pas les suivre car tous les systèmes sont hors service.

A l’intérieur du Prométhée, Daniel poursuit le super soldat. Il parvient à le localiser et fait feu, mais son arme est inefficace et le super soldat le zat.

A bord de l’Al-Kesh, Hammond demande au Dr Kovak de réparer le vaisseau. Le sergent Harriman leur indique que les systèmes secondaires sont opérationnels, mais que le vaisseau cargo est lui aussi en mauvais état.

A bord du Prométhée, Jackson se retrouve ligoté sur un siège. Il essaie de dialoguer avec son ravisseur, mais ce dernier se montre peu bavard. Puis le soldat lui dit qu’il a transféré le reste de l’équipage à bord de l’Al-Kesh. Daniel lui dit alors qu’il ne lui sera d’aucune aide. Le soldat lui répond alors qu’il le trouve attirant. Daniel est gêné par la situation. Le soldat retire alors son casque et le visage d’une femme apparaît.

Quelques minutes après, la femme lui explique qu’elle voudrait envoyer un message, mais Daniel lui répète qu’il ne connaît rien à ce vaisseau. Il essaie de lui expliquer qui il est, en vain. Par hasard, la femme réussi à activer les systèmes de communication. Elle envoi un message à un certain Tennet de Volan, de la part de Vala (son prénom), en disant qu’elle a réussi à se procurer un vaisseau. Pendant ce temps, Daniel essaie tant bien que mal de se défaire de ses liens.

A bord de l’Al-Kesh, Novak essaie de réparer les cristaux endommagés. Reynolds suggère alors d’aller chercher ceux du vaisseau cargo, mais Hammond se porte volontaire pour cette mission.

Dans le Prométhée, Vala ne réussi pas à lancer l’hyper propulsion. Elle demande le code à Daniel. Ce dernier refuse et Vala utilise une arme contre lui. Puis elle le soigne grâce à une petite bague qu’elle tient au creux de sa main. Jackson la soupçonne d’être un Goa’uld, mais Vala lui explique qu’elle fut un hôte.

Pendant ce temps, à bord de l’Al-Kesh, le Général Hammond se prépare pour aller chercher les cristaux du vaisseau cargo. Une fois dedans, il suit les instructions du Dr Novak pour récupérer les cristaux. Mais sa progression est difficile car l’air n’est pas très respirable. Une fois les cristaux pris, il se redirige vers les anneaux de transports. Mais il s’écroule avent d’être dans la zone de transfert, amis il parvient à y déposer les cristaux. Les anneaux de transport s’activent et le Colonel Reynolds vient le récupérer. De retour à bord de l’Al-Kesh, le Général met du temps pour retrouver ses esprits.

Pendant ce temps, le Prométhée file toujours dans l’espace. Vala examine les cristaux pour la propulsion de l’engin. Elle parvient à activer l’hyper propulsion, mais Daniel la menace d’un zat. Puis il se dirige vers l’ordinateur pour annuler l’hyper propulsion, en vain car Vala a changé les codes. Elle lui dit alors qu’elle a volé le vaisseau pour sauver le reste de son peuple. Mais soudain le sonar détecte un Al-Kesh en approche. Daniel choisit alors de les contacter. Mais Vala en profite pour se battre contre lui. Après un échange plutôt musclé, Daniel finit par prendre le dessus grâce à une ruse. Pendant ce temps, l’Al-Kseh du général Hammond essaie de contacter le Prométhée en vain. Il décide alors de tirer sur le vaisseau, mais ce dernier fuit en hyperespace.

A son réveil, Vala se retrouve dans une cellule. Daniel essaie alors d’obtenir les codes pour stopper l’hyper propulsion, en vain. Daniel cède alors et lui offre à manger. Pendant le repas, elle lui explique qu’il y a dix ans, les Tok’ras ont déclanché une rébellion sur sa planète et qu’elle était l’hôte du Goa’uld qui régnait sur ce monde. Aujourd’hui, ils sont sous le joug de Camulus (cf. « New Order »). Mais les survivants ne se sont pas soumis et sont partis vivre sur des lunes qui n’avaient pas de Porte. Mais comme Ba’al est devenu le maître de Camulus, c’est ces Jaffas qui les pourchassent. Une fois le repas fini, Daniel la ramène en cellule.

Une fois sorti de l’hyperespace, Daniel reçoit un message de Tennet. Daniel lui répond et obtient les coordonnées pour atterrir.

Quelques minutes après, le vaisseau se pose sur le plancher des vaches. Dans sa cellule, Vala essaie de fuir en vain. Il essaie alors de parler via la caméra de sécurité au Dr Jackson, mais ce dernier n’est plus là. Daniel est parti à la rencontre d’extraterrestre. Il se présent comme étant Han Solo. Les aliens lui montrent alors du naquadah. Ils veulent le vaisseau en échange, mais Daniel refuse. C’est alors que des planeurs de la mort attaquent le Prométhée. Daniel zat les deux aliens et fuit à bord du Prométhée. Une fois à l’intérieur, il libère Vala. Le vaisseau décolle sous le feu des planeurs. Une fois dans l’espace, un second Al-kesh apparaît et fait feu sur les autres vaisseaux Goa’ulds : il s’agit du Général Hammond.

De retour à bord de son vaisseau, le Général Hammond décide de retourner sur Terre pour réparer le Prométhée. Mais soudain l’alarme retentie : Vala s’est enfuie avec l’Al-Kesh.

SGC. LEVEL 27. Jack and Daniel get out of the elevator.
DANIEL: C'mon, Jack!
O'NEILL: Still no, Daniel!
DANIEL: It doesn't even have to be on a permanent basis!
O'NEILL: I didn't let you go in the first place – what
makes you
think I'm gonna change my mind?
DANIEL: Because ... (He pauses, struggling to come up with a reason.)
O'NEILL: Can you *try* to do better than that?
DANIEL: Because they're gonna need somebody who can translate
Ancient – I'm the most qualified person left on the planet
for the
O'NEILL: Which is *exactly* why you're gonna stay right here.
DANIEL: Because I'll quit!
O'NEILL: Why don't you just hold your breath? You
haven't done
*that* in a while.
(They reach the door to Jack's office and stop at the sight that
greets them. General Hammond is sitting in Jack's chair. He
the chair round to face them.)
O'NEILL (delighted): General!
HAMMOND: Jack. I let myself in – hope you don't mind.
O'NEILL: Absolutely not! Welcome.
HAMMOND: Thank you.
O'NEILL: Miss the chair?
HAMMOND: Actually, I do.
O'NEILL: Want it back?
HAMMOND: As a matter of fact, I do. My new one just isn't the
O'NEILL: That's not *exactly* what I meant.
HAMMOND: Doctor Jackson – nice to see you again.
DANIEL: Likewise. We miss you around here, sir. (Jack looks at him
indignantly.) So, to what do we owe this pleasure?
HAMMOND: I came to ask if you'd be interested in joining the
to Atlantis.
O'NEILL and DANIEL (simultaneously): You did?
HAMMOND (to Jack): He's the most qualified person on this planet,
the mission commander needs someone who can translate Ancient.
(Jack looks round at Daniel, who tries unsuccessfully not to look
DANIEL: Really?!
O'NEILL: With all due respect, sir, I think you should tell the
mission commander that I need Daniel right here.
HAMMOND: You just did.
O'NEILL: I did ... I did? You, sir?
HAMMOND: Yes. (He stands up.) Request denied. Doctor Jackson,
you're with me. (To Jack) I'll have the chair shipped to
Washington. You can requisition a new one.
O'NEILL: I'll do that, sir.
HAMMOND (to Daniel): We leave tomorrow. (To Jack) Oh, and I'll
taking Walter too.
(He leaves the room. Jack looks round at Daniel, who glances at him
and then looks away, clearing his throat in a rather embarrassed way
before leaving the room as well.)

NEVADA. PROMETHEUS BASE. Daniel comes on board Prometheus and walks
along a corridor to meet General Hammond.
DANIEL: General!
HAMMOND: Welcome aboard!
(They shake hands.)
DANIEL: Thank you, sir – again.
HAMMOND: My motives were purely selfish, Doctor Jackson. We
heard a word from the Atlantis expedition team since they first
left. We have no idea what we're going to find in Pegasus. Your
knowledge and expertise will no doubt prove invaluable.
DANIEL: General, if you don't mind my asking ...
HAMMOND: Why am I going?
DANIEL: Well, you could've chosen anyone to command this mission.
HAMMOND: Y'know, I sat back and watched you people go on a lot of
adventures over the years.
DANIEL: It's just that I thought that, when you were replaced at
SGC, you were sort of bucking for retirement.
HAMMOND: And then I led Prometheus against Anubis' fleet.
DANIEL: Got your dander up!
HAMMOND: That's why I took the job as Head of Homeworld Security

and then this opportunity came along. Well, the President put me in
charge, so I could choose anyone I wanted to lead the mission.
DANIEL: So why not choose yourself?!
HAMMOND: Like I said, I sent a lot of people into action over the
years. More than a few didn't come back. I'd like to see
this one
through personally.
DANIEL: We've never left anyone behind, sir.
HAMMOND: And we're not going to this time.

SPACE. Prometheus is in hyperspace. In Prometheus' briefing
Daniel is talking to various personnel, including General Hammond and
Sergeant Harriman.
DANIEL: Last recorded MALP telemetry from Atlantis indicated an
enclosed space with viable life support.
(A young scientist, Novak, walks to her seat, hiccuping as she goes.
She mutters "Stop it!" to herself as she takes her seat.)
DANIEL: Now we're going on the assumption that the expedition
found the lost city and was able to set up a base of operations there.
(Novak hiccups noisily.)
NOVAK: Sorry.
HAMMOND: Doctor Novak?
NOVAK: The Asgard hyperdrive is functioning at one hundred percent,
HAMMOND: Thank you. (He turns back to Daniel.) Doctor Jackson?
DANIEL: I'm sorry – what-what was I saying?
NOVAK: Oh, you were assuming the lost city is at the other end of
this field trip. (She hiccups.) Please ignore me.
DANIEL: It's hard to.
HAMMOND (to Novak): You disagree, Doctor?
NOVAK: Well, as far as we know, the Atlantis team found another
outpost like the one on Antarctica. It could be on a moon, or at the
bottom of some deep, dark ocean. (She hiccups.)
HAMMOND: Which is why we're going. If they're trapped and
help ...
NOVAK: If they're even alive at all. (She hiccups.)
DANIEL: As for why they've been unable to make contact with
hopefully it's just a matter of being unable to locate a viable
HAMMOND: Using information collected from the Ancient outpost on
Earth, Doctor Jackson and his team have pinpointed our destination in
the Pegasus galaxy.
DANIEL: Which is here. (He indicates the location on a map. Novak
hiccups noisily.)
NOVAK: Damn it to hell! (She takes a glass of water off the table,
turns her chair around, leans forward between her knees and noisily
slurps water from the far side of the glass. Walter tries to hide
his smile, while the others look awkward or annoyed.)

LATER. Doctor Novak walks towards an elevator. Daniel is already
there and swiping his card through the reader to call the elevator.
DANIEL: Doctor Novak.
NOVAK: Doctor Jackson.
DANIEL: Daniel.
NOVAK: You can call me Lindsey. Um, sorry for contradicting you in
the briefing.
(The elevator arrives and they get in.)
DANIEL: Oh, no, don't be. I mean, you were right – the fact
that we
haven't heard from the Atlantis expedition since they left is a
sign. (Novak hiccups.) Tried holding your breath?
NOVAK: Oh, God, I've tried everything!
DANIEL: Yeah, it doesn't work for me either.
NOVAK: It's been like this since I was a kid. (She hiccups. The
elevator arrives at its destination and they get out.) It, er, it
comes on when I get scared, but this is the worst it's been since
PhD presentation. I mean, I don't really do well in stressful
situations. I guess that's why I turned down going to Atlantis
first time.
DANIEL: Well, I'm sure you're gonna be fine. General Hammond
you're, er, you're very good at what you do, so ...
NOVAK: Oh, thank you!
(Alarms sound. Novak hiccups.)
NOVAK: What's that? What's wrong?
DANIEL: I don't know.
(He hurries off. Novak holds her breath for a few seconds, then
realises that she ought to be somewhere.)
NOVAK: OK. (She too hurries off.)

BRIDGE. Colonel Reynolds is standing at the front of the Bridge,
looking out the front windscreen. He turns and walks away as Daniel
comes in. Hammond is in the big chair, with Walter sitting beside
HAMMOND: We're picking up what sounds like a distress call.
DANIEL: Where are we?
HARRIMAN: We're still well inside the Milky Way.
HAMMOND: Play it back.
HARRIMAN: Yes, sir. (He activates the playback. A woman's voice
be heard. What she says is broken up with many gaps.)
WOMAN'S VOICE: Help ... require assistance ... have failed ...
power to ... Repeat, stranded in ...
DANIEL: She sounds human.
HAMMOND: What do you think?
DANIEL: Well, as much as I hate to delay this trip, I think we have
to check it out.
HAMMOND (to Walter): How far away is it?
HARRIMAN: The message is originating just over fifty light years off
our designated route. We could be there in ... twenty minutes?
HAMMOND: Set a course.
HARRIMAN: Yes, sir.

SPACE. Prometheus comes out of hyperspace. Up ahead, two ships are
HAMMOND: Set shields at maximum. Arm weapons.
REYNOLDS: Looks like an al'kesh and a cargo ship.
HARRIMAN: Scans indicate they've suffered significant damage.
distress signal is originating from within the al'kesh.
HAMMOND: I don't understand. A human distress call from a
ship – that makes no sense.
REYNOLDS: I agree, sir. It could be a trap.
DANIEL: Look, I know this looks suspicious but what if there was an
uprising on board one of those ships? There could be human
prisoners in need of our help.
HAMMOND (to Walter): Open a channel.
HARRIMAN: Yes, sir. (He activates comms.)
HAMMOND: This is General George Hammond of the Earth vessel
Prometheus. We're answering your distress call and standing
ready to
assist you.
(There's no reply.)
HARRIMAN: We can transport a portable sensor unit on board to
determine life support viability.
(Hammond nods his agreement.)
REYNOLDS: General – an al'kesh is potentially a valuable
ship. Even
if there are no survivors, we need to determine if it's
If it is, we should salvage her.
HAMMOND: Take a team.
REYNOLDS: Yes, sir.

AL'KESH. Reynolds and three others ring on board. They check
the immediate area.
REYNOLDS (into radio): Prometheus – this is SG-3. We are on
(The team moves into the corridors.)
REYNOLDS (into radio): General, we're seeing some energy weapon
(The team moves on. After a while Reynolds sees a dead Jaffa lying
on the floor.)
REYNOLDS (into radio): We have one Jaffa – KIA.
SG TEAM MEMBER: Sir, over here!
(Reynolds hurries to see what his team mate has found, then activates
his radio again.)
REYNOLDS (into radio): Make that four Jaffa. Looks like these folks
had a little onboard fire fight. Still no sign of life. We're
heading to the Bridge.
(They hear the sound of the transporter rings activating and hurry
back towards the ring room.)

REYNOLDS (over radio): Prometheus, someone just activated the ...
(His transmission ends.)
HAMMOND: Colonel Reynolds, say again?
HARRIMAN: Sir! Our rings just activated.
(At the Prometheus ring room, the doors open and a super-soldier
comes out.)
HAMMOND: Security team to level four ring room. Visuals onscreen.
(Walter calls up the ring room camera but there is nothing but static
on the screen.) Seal it off.
HARRIMAN: Controls are not responding, sir.

AL'KESH. One of SG-3 is trying to get the ring transporter
Reynolds comes over to him.
AIRMAN: It's no good, sir. The rings will not activate.

HAMMOND: Security team, report.
HARRIMAN: All shipboard communications are down.
HAMMOND: Initiate emergency lockdown.
HARRIMAN: I can't, sir. It may be possible from the engine room.
HAMMOND (to Daniel): Go.
(Daniel and a couple of technicians hurry out of the room.)

CORRIDORS. Daniel and his team enter a corridor and see the super-
soldier up ahead. Daniel dives out of the way as the super-soldier
turns and fires a zat gun, taking down the other three people.
Daniel stays in hiding as the super-soldier clumps away, then looks
cautiously round the corner at his downed colleagues. Hearing the
super-soldier firing its zat at some other people, he runs off.

AL'KESH. The rings activate.
AIRMAN: That wasn't me, sir.
(Reynolds looks at what has been transported in.)
REYNOLDS: Let's get `em out of there.
(He and his team run forward and we see that several members of the
Prometheus crew are lying on the floor, unconscious.)

PROMETHEUS BRIDGE. The door opens and the super-soldier walks in.
Hammond, Walter and the other crew stare in horror as it raises its
zat gun.

PROMETHEUS CORRIDORS. Daniel makes his way to the Armoury, takes
down a Telchak rifle and adjusts the chip in it. Picking up a bag of
weaponry, he heads off.

AL'KESH. Reynolds and his team have just finished dragging their
unconscious crewmates off the ring circle when the rings activate
again. SG-3 raise their weapons. The rings lift, and standing there
are Hammond, Walter and two other crew members.

AL'KESH BRIDGE. Hammond and Reynolds come onto the Bridge. Out
front windscreen, they see Prometheus power up and fly away.
HAMMOND: Can we pursue?
(Reynolds sits in the pilot's seat and tries to activate some
REYNOLDS: Engines are offline. Controls are unresponsive. The
weapons are offline too, sir. It looks like we're dead in the
(Walter hurries in.)
HARRIMAN: General. I just did a head count. Daniel Jackson is still
aboard Prometheus.

PROMETHEUS BRIDGE. Daniel carefully makes his way onto the Bridge.
The super-soldier is standing with its back to him. Daniel raises
his rifle and fires, but the blast has no effect. The super-soldier
turns toward him. Daniel fires again, still with no effect. The
super-soldier raises its zat gun.
DANIEL: Oh, crap!
(The super-soldier fires. Daniel cries out in pain and falls to the

AL'KESH RING ROOM. Hammond goes over to Novak, who is sitting on
floor holding her head.
HAMMOND: Are you OK?
NOVAK: Oh, I feel like my head's gonna explode – but on the
side, I think my hiccups are gone! (She hiccups, then rolls her eyes
before turning to Hammond.) What do you need, sir?
HAMMOND: I need this ship operational – now.
NOVAK: Yes, sir. (Reynolds helps her to her feet.) Thank you.

AL'KESH BRIDGE. Walter is in the pilot's seat, trying to get
controls to work. Hammond comes in.
HARRIMAN: Near as I can tell, we're lucky that the life support
systems are still working, sir.
HAMMOND: How much time do you figure we have?
HARRIMAN: That's hard to say. I've got some secondary
online, including some short range sensors, sir. Scans of the cargo
ship indicate that it's in worse shape than this al'kesh.
(He looks
round at Hammond.) Strange, isn't it, sir?
HAMMOND: That a Goa'uld super-soldier would go to all this
trouble to
keep us alive?

PROMETHEUS BRIDGE. Daniel is unconscious in the commander's
tied by his wrists with plastic tethers. He wakes up, tries to move
and realises that he can't. He looks over to the super-soldier,
which is standing with its back to him and looking at some screens.
DANIEL: Hey, how's it going? (The super-soldier ignores him.)
it's just you and me, huh? (It still ignores him.) It's a
strange, isn't it? See, that weapon I shot you with should have
killed you. What's even stranger is you guys usually don't
prisoners, either. I mean, it's, uh, kinda kill first and ...
trails off and thinks through what he was about to say.) No,
generally just about it – just the killing. I'm just gonna
talk to
myself here for a while, `cos you're not gonna talk to me and
Not that you guys are very talkative, but, uh ...
(The super-soldier finally turns towards him. Its voice sounds like
a Goa'uld.)
SUPER-SOLDIER: You may prove useful.
DANIEL: OK, now we're gettin' somewhere. Where's
everybody else?
SUPER-SOLDIER: I transported them onto the al'kesh.
DANIEL: Well, you kept the wrong guy, `cos I don't know
about the ship.
(The super-soldier walks towards him.)
SUPER-SOLDIER: But you are very attractive.
(Daniel coughs.)
DANIEL: What?! (The super-soldier walks closer.) Hey, big guy,
I'm flattered, really I am, it's just that, uh, you're
not my type.
And I'm more than a little disturbed that I might be yours.
(The super-soldier lowers its head and starts to take its helmet
off. Daniel flinches away, closing his eyes.)
DANIEL: Woah, no, don't! You don't have to do that!
Don't! Don't!
(The super-soldier takes its helmet off, revealing an attractive
human woman with long black hair. Daniel opens his eyes. The woman
smiles at him.)
VALA: Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you.
DANIEL: Thank God.
VALA: Much ... I hope.

LATER. Vala is taking off the super-soldier armour. She is wearing
a black close-fitting catsuit underneath.
VALA: I wish to send a long range transmission using the
communications systems.
DANIEL: Sorry, don't have a clue.
VALA (walking towards him): You lie.
DANIEL: In general? Uh, no. Yes. Well, I try to be honest but, you
know, occasionally a little white one slips out every now and
again ... (Vala slaps him hard around the face.) Ah! Ow!
VALA: Shall I kiss it better?
DANIEL: Um, no. Just don't do it again. Hey, look, even if I
what it is you wanted me to do, what makes you think I'd tell
How the hell do you think you can steal a ship when you don't
how it works?
VALA: I got the sublight engines going.
DANIEL: Yeah, so you did.
VALA: You really expect me to believe you don't know how your own
ship works?
DANIEL: OK, look. My name is Daniel Jackson. I'm an
a historian. (Vala goes to the seat beside him, sits down and starts
trying to activate the controls.) I study ancient cultures –
histories of the past, ancient civilisations. Have you heard of
Earth? Tau'ri?
DANIEL: OK. Well, we were on our way to rescue a few friends who are
trapped in ...
VALA: I really don't care.
DANIEL: Look, this really isn't necessary ...
VALA (interrupting): Can I have this ship? "No." OK.
over. (She slams her fist down on the console. The console beeps
and a message comes up saying: "Communications System:
Oh. (She turns to Daniel.) Here we go. (She activates the comms.)
Tennet O'Voran. Tennet, this is Vala. If you can hear me,
respond. ... (Unnoticed by her, Daniel has managed to reach down and
pick up a long piece of metal which may help him to sever his
bonds.) I've managed to procure a vessel bigger and better than
I hoped for. Tennet, if you get this message, I apologise for the
delay and will meet at the designated co-ordinates in one day. Vala
out. (She turns to Daniel.) Now, about the hyperdrive.

AL'KESH. Novak and Reynolds are working on a crystal bank.
takes out a crystal as Hammond comes in.
HAMMOND: Colonel. Doctor.
NOVAK: I've re-routed remaining power to shields and life support
the time being, but as far as the engines go ... (She shrugs.)
REYNOLDS: The control crystals for both sublight and hyperdrive
engines are totally fried.
NOVAK: Looks like they were deliberately sabotaged.
HAMMOND: Can they be repaired?
NOVAK: In a word, no. We need new ones.
REYNOLDS: I was thinking about that cargo ship, sir.
HAMMOND: Sergeant Harriman says life support over there is minimal

barely enough to sustain one person for a few moments.
NOVAK: And if we don't get new crystals ... (she hiccups) sorry.
REYNOLDS: I'll go, sir.
HAMMOND: No, I'll go.
REYNOLDS: Uh, with all due ...
HAMMOND (interrupting): Colonel, someone took my ship. I want it

PROMETHEUS BRIDGE. Daniel is covertly attempting to slice through
the tether holding his right hand while Vala tries to get the
hyperdrive working. A message comes up on the screen saying:
VALA: Access is restricted by a code.
DANIEL: Yeah? Too bad.
(Vala turns to him. Her left hand is still encased in a piece of
the super-soldier's weaponry. She shoots him in the left
leaving a bad burn. Daniel cries out in pain.)
VALA: That hurt?
DANIEL: Uh! Yeah!
(Vala opens her right hand to show a small Goa'uld device
attached to
her fingers.)
VALA: I can fix it.
DANIEL: I don't know the code!
(Vala stands up and walks over to Daniel. She sits on his lap and
holds the device near to his wound. The device activates.)
VALA: There. Feel better?
(Daniel looks at the hole in the sleeve of his T-shirt. Underneath,
the burn is completely healed. He looks up at Vala.)
DANIEL: You're a Goa'uld.
VALA:. No – but I was once a host to one.
DANIEL: Which would explain the naqahdah in your blood that lets you
use Goa'uld technology.
VALA: And how I can quickly learn to fly this rather primitive ship.
DANIEL: Yeah, so primitive one would wonder if it was worth the
VALA: Well, in this case, it's the size that matters. (She
looks down at Daniel's groin.) Actually, pretty much in every
(Daniel blinks. She looks into his eyes again and speaks pleadingly
to him.) Tell me the code. (She reaches out and gently strokes his
arm through the hole in his T-shirt.) Please.
DANIEL: Don't-don't know it.
VALA: Fine. (She gets off his lap and walks away, turning to gaze at
him for a moment before leaving the room. Daniel looks bewildered.)

AL'KESH RING ROOM. Hammond is gearing up to go over to the cargo
ship. Walter and Reynolds are watching him.
REYNOLDS: How much time will he have?
HARRIMAN: I'm guessing a few minutes. Maybe less.
REYNOLDS (to Hammond): Sir ...
HAMMOND: Not another word, Colonel. (He steps into the ring
circle.) Do it now.
(Walter steps forward.)
HARRIMAN: General. Godspeed.
(Hammond nods, and Walter steps back again.)

CARGO SHIP. Hammond rings on board. He activates the light on his
rifle and heads off. He rounds a corner, coughing and struggling to
breathe. On the al'kesh, Novak contacts him over comms.
NOVAK: General? General, can you hear me?
HAMMOND: I'm here in the engine room.
NOVAK: Open the third panel down on the centre column.
(Hammond opens the panel.)
NOVAK: You want the blue one. It should be located at the centre of
the panel.
(We see Hammond's view of the panel – his vision is already
He sees the blue crystal and takes it out.)
HAMMOND: Got it.
NOVAK: One panel up, you should find a clear one.
(Hammond opens the panel but, unlike the previous one, this one is
not illuminated and the colours of the crystals are obscured by the
dimness of the light.)
HAMMOND: It's hard to tell. The light in here's ... (He
off. On the al'kesh, Reynolds looks at his watch anxiously. On
cargo ship, Hammond takes a crystal out of the panel.)
Something's ... (He trails off again, and falls to the floor.)
NOVAK: General, can you hear me?
REYNOLDS: It's only been two minutes.
NOVAK: There was a firefight on board. If the life support is not
cycling the air ... (She trails off as she realises something.)
NOVAK: Staff blasts give off carbon dioxide. In a small enclosed
space ...
(Walter turns and runs for the ring room.)

CARGO SHIP. Hammond stumbles into the ring room. On the verge of
collapse, he tosses the crystals into the ring circle before passing
out. The rings activate and the crystals are whisked away, but in
their place is Colonel Reynolds. He grabs Hammond and starts to drag
him into the ring circle.

AL'KESH RING ROOM. Walter runs into the circle, grabs the
and hurries out of the circle again, handing the crystals to Novak.
A technician activates the rings, and Reynolds and Hammond are
transported back in. Hammond is lying on the ground, unconscious.
REYNOLDS: General. General. Sir! (He unzips Hammond's jacket
puts his ear down on the general's chest.)
HARRIMAN: Is he breathing?
(Reynolds looks up at him, unsure.)
NOVAK: He may need mouth-to-mouth.
(Reynolds stares at her in horror. She gives him a "get on with
look. Reynolds tilts Hammond's head into the correct position,
pinches his nose. Just as he is reluctantly lowering his face down
towards Hammond, Hammond takes a breath, then starts to cough.)
REYNOLDS (relieved): Oh, *excellent* waking up, sir! Good job on the
crystals, too.
(Hammond reaches up, grabs Reynolds by the shoulder and drags him
down so he can speak weakly in his ear.)
HAMMOND: Get the ship moving.
NOVAK: What did he say?
REYNOLDS: He said, "Get the ship moving."
(Novak hiccups, then she and Walter hurry away as Reynolds helps
Hammond to his feet.)
REYNOLDS: C'mon, General, let's get you up.

PROMETHEUS. Vala is in a compartment of the engine room studying a
bank of crystals. After some thought, she pulls one out and the bank
makes a noise. She leaves the compartment.

ENGINE ROOM. A screen shows the message, "Hyperdrive course

plotting." Vala turns away from the screen.
VALA: Much better.
(As she walks past the doorway we see that Daniel is there, holding a
zat gun on her.)
DANIEL: Lose the weapon – move away from the console.
VALA: I liked you better tied up.
DANIEL: Against the wall. Lose the weapon.
(Vala takes off the super-soldier weapon from her left hand.)
VALA: This suit will still absorb zat blasts.
DANIEL: What about your head?
(Vala walks over to the wall, then turns and holds her arms wide.)
VALA: So, you should probably make me take it off.
DANIEL: I think we'll turn the ship around first.
VALA: I dunno. If *I* had me at gunpoint, that wouldn't be my
DANIEL: Yeah, well. (He walks over to a console and types. The
console beeps in a negative sort of way. He turns to Vala.)
goin' on?
VALA: I rewrote the access codes so I'm the only one who can use
navigation systems.
DANIEL: Undo it.
VALA: Listen – hundreds of lives are at stake. I'm trying to
the last of my people and this ship is their only hope.
DANIEL: Maybe if you'd mentioned that off the top.
VALA: Would you really have helped?
DANIEL: Look, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, we
were *also* on a rescue mission.
(The console beeps warningly. Daniel looks at the screen.)
VALA: What is it?
DANIEL: A ship just appeared on our radar. It's an al'kesh.
VALA: This quadrant is crawling with Goa'uld vessels. Chances
it's not your friends. I made sure that ship was fully disabled
you showed up.
DANIEL (typing on the console): We'll see.
VALA: We have to raise shields and arm weapons.
DANIEL: I'm gonna try and hail them first.
(As he walks towards another console, Vala kicks the zat gun out of
his hand, then punches him hard in the face. Daniel puts his hand to
his face as Vala stands ready, her fists held up in front of her.
She tries to punch him again but he blocks her and punches her on the
nose. She puts both her hands to her nose, doubling up with the
VALA: Oh! Oh! Oh! You hit me!
(Daniel rolls his eyes and bends down towards her.)
DANIEL: You hit *me*!
VALA: Yeah. You know, we could just have sex instead.
(Without warning, she punches him again, then kicks him hard in the
stomach, sending him flying across the room. She runs across to him,
sits on top of him and grabs him by the ears, hauling him to his
feet. He cries out, trying to pull her hands off his ears but
eventually resorts to grabbing her hair and pulling on it. He
manages to push her against a wall. She finally lets go and ducks
down out of his grasp just as he swings a punch at her, which smashes
through an electrical panel on the wall. Sparks fly and Daniel
grasps his fist in pain. Vala, crouched on the floor in front of
him, grabs a small fire extinguisher and slams it up into his groin.
Daniel freezes, grunting in agony. Vala punches him back against a
console, then punches him again, sending him flying backwards over
the console.)

AL'KESH BRIDGE. Hammond comes onto the Bridge to talk to
and Novak.
REYNOLDS: Feeling better, sir?
HAMMOND: Yes, thank you.
REYNOLDS: We just caught up with Prometheus.
HAMMOND: Nice work!
REYNOLDS: It was all Novak, sir.
(Novak smiles proudly, then hiccups.)
HARRIMAN (in the pilot's seat): They're not responding to our

PROMETHEUS ENGINE ROOM. Daniel crawls round the side of the
console. Vala, who was standing on top of the console, jumps down in
front of him. He turns and crawls in the opposite direction. Vala
jumps onto his back, wrapping her thighs around his neck. Daniel
manages to get to his feet and stumbles backwards. Vala grabs onto a
strut on the ceiling and continues squeezing her thighs around his
neck. Daniel manages to force her legs apart and get out of her
grip, then turns towards her. Still hanging onto the strut, she
kicks him hard and he falls on his back. She drops to the floor and
jumps on top of him, her knees either side of his waist, and leans
VALA: Are we done?
(Vala grabs his head and hauls him up into a sitting position,
strokes his cheek gently, then kisses him passionately. Daniel
pushes her away.)
DANIEL: You're a fruitcake!
(Vala headbutts him savagely. Daniel's eyes cross and he slumps
to the floor. Vala gets off him and goes over to the console and
starts typing. A few seconds later a zat blast hits her and she
falls to her knees, turning to look at Daniel, who is up on his knees
aiming the zat at her. She collapses unconscious. Daniel
deactivates the zat and tries to catch his breath.)

AL'KESH BRIDGE. The crew are looking out of the window at
HAMMOND: Weapons?
HARRIMAN: Online. We are in range.
HAMMOND: Target the rear thrusters. Take out her sublight capability.
(A hyperspace window opens in front of Prometheus and she flies into
it, disappearing from view.)
REYNOLDS (stating the bleedin' obvious): She just jumped into

PROMETHEUS. BRIG. Vala regains consciousness lying on the floor of
a small room with little in it except a toilet. She sits up.
VALA: Ow! (She looks down and realises that she's now dressed in
jumpsuit. She looks around her prison.) Oh, that's just great!
(On the Bridge, Daniel is watching her on the screen as she clambers
to her feet.)
DANIEL: I see you!
(Vala looks around the cell and sees the camera in the corner. She
walks towards it. Daniel waves at her image.)
VALA: Did you have fun taking off my clothes?
DANIEL: It was your idea.
VALA: No, *I* meant when I was conscious – you know, so I could
distract you and kick you in the head.
DANIEL: I kept my eyes closed the whole time.
VALA: I'm sure you did. (She squats down for a moment, still
the after-effects of the zat blast. Daniel reaches out towards the
screen and pinches his finger and thumb repeatedly over the image of
her head, continuing to follow her head on the screen as she stands
up again.)
DANIEL: So, where we goin'?
VALA: I told you – to save my people. Can you please let me out
DANIEL: Ohhhhhhhhhhh, no.
(Vala wearily sits down on the toilet.)
VALA: Y'know, I haven't eaten in days.
(Daniel rolls his eyes.)
DANIEL: Could you please tell me how to access the navigation
VALA: It isn't very nice, you know, starving a prisoner to death.

Come on, Daniel, you've seen me naked. The least you could do is
cook me dinner.
(Daniel takes his glasses off, sighs, and rolls his eyes again.)

PROMETHEUS COMMISSARY. Vala is sitting at one end of a long table
with various items of food in front of her. Daniel is sitting at the
other end holding the zat gun on her.
VALA: Aren't you hungry? (She tosses an apple towards him. He
doesn't try to catch it, and it hits the table and then rolls off
onto the floor.)
VALA (indicating the food): Thank you. You know the Tok'Ra?
VALA: Ten years ago, a Tok'Ra incited a rebellion on my planet.
people rose up against the ruling Goa'uld, and once the Jaffa had
been overcome, the Goa'uld was captured alive, tortured, and
for days on end. I was host to that Goa'uld at the time. The
didn't understand that it was the symbiont that had ruled over
so harshly. I guess the Tok'Ra felt responsible. He rescued me,
removed the Goa'uld symbiont, nursed me back to health.
DANIEL: You said your *people* are in trouble now.
VALA: Well, it was only a matter of time before the forces of another
Goa'uld showed up – a System Lord named Camulus. (Daniel
That's when the Tok'Ra disappeared. People still refused to
surrender; Camulus ordered that they be wiped out. We controlled
several ships: troop transports, cargo ships, al'kesh. Many
were saved, flown to an inhabitable nearby moon in the system. The
ships made several trips before most of them were intercepted and
shot down. Camulus never knew there were any survivors, so we were
safe. Only problem was, the moon didn't have a Stargate.
DANIEL: So you were trapped.
VALA: We only had a few ships left – not enough to relocate
again. It wasn't a problem: Camulus seemed to have little
in the other planets in the system. He left behind a small force to
guard the Stargate. We used the ships to keep appraised of what was
happening and to steal supplies and technology wherever we could.
DANIEL: You know that Camulus is gone now? He was beaten by
VALA: And Ba'al's forces are searching every inhabitable
world in
Camulus' territory. His ships are everywhere. It's only a
matter of
time before my people are found.
DANIEL: So you got desperate and tried to steal that al'kesh.
VALA: It was damaged in the firefight. I was hoping one of my ships
would answer my distress call. I'm sure you can imagine how
lucky I
felt when this ship showed up – it's big enough to rescue all
people and take them to a world far away, free from the Goa'uld.

BRIG. Daniel has escorted Vala back to the cell. She walks inside.
VALA: You don't have to lock me up.
DANIEL: Uh, I think I do.
VALA: What difference is it going to make? This ship is
automatically flying to my homeworld. You can't stop it.
DANIEL: Well, when I get to your planet I'll just explain the
situation to your people and maybe there's something we can work
VALA: My people – they're not gonna trust you. You have to
let me
talk to them.
DANIEL: No. (He closes the door and walks away.)
VALA: Daniel! (She turns away from the door.) This is bad.

LATER. Prometheus comes out of hyperspace and flies past a large
planet towards a smaller one. On the Bridge, Daniel sits down in the
commander's chair.
TENNET (over comms): Vala, this is Tennet. We have you on our
(Daniel activates comms.)
DANIEL: Uh, yeah. Hi!
TENNET: Where is Vala?
DANIEL: She's here; she's just ... indisposed at the moment.
TENNET: She did not mention she was working with someone.
DANIEL: No, I guess not. Look, I realise I owe you an explanation.
It's a bit of a long story, really.
TENNET: We will hear it in person and inspect your vessel.
DANIEL: That's good, `cos apparently we're coming in for
a landing.
TENNET: We will meet you at the designated co-ordinates.
DANIEL: Okey-dokey. See ya there.

PLANET'S SURFACE. Prometheus lands. Two people are waiting for
but we don't yet see what they look like. Once the ship is down,
people pick up a large crate and walk towards her.

BRIG. Vala is trying to hotwire the door. As she connects two wires
they spark and electrocute her. She cries out in pain and storms
away from the door, realising that she's not going to get out.
VALA: OK. (She walks to the camera and addresses it.) You want the
truth? I'll tell you the truth. Daniel, are you there? (We see
Bridge – the commander's seat is empty.) I hope you can hear
The planet we just landed on is not my homeworld. Whatever you do,
you must not go out there.
(On the Bridge, we see another camera screen. It shows Daniel
walking out to meet the two people.)

PLANET SURFACE. Daniel, dressed in some of the super-soldier's
armour and holding a zat gun, approaches the two people.
DANIEL: Hi, guys!
(For the first time we see the two people. They're not human,
have long tentacles coming from the back of their heads.)
TENNET: Who are you?
DANIEL: Uh, the name's Olo. Hans Olo.
TENNET: Where is Vala?
DANIEL: She's inside.
TENNET: We will only do business with Vala.
DANIEL: "Business". Yeah. That figures. Not that I'm
surprised or
anything. I don't look surprised to you, do I?
DANIEL: It's just I was expecting some refugees in need of
to another planet – human sort of refugees. Not that there's
anything wrong with you guys that I know of.
SECOND ALIEN: We have the naqahdah.
(Tennet opens the lid of the crate to show Daniel its contents.)
TENNET: Refined weapons grade.
DANIEL: Ooh, that's nice!
TENNET: This was the price we agreed upon. This ship is impressive
in size but we cannot ...
DANIEL: OK, you know what? Seriously, there's been a big
misunderstanding. I don't care what you've got – I'm
not gonna sell
you the ship, so ... (The aliens draw their weapons. Daniel raises
his zat gun.) OK, you know what? That is not necessary.
TENNET: We had a deal! We must have this ship!
(Just then, two gliders soar over Prometheus, firing at the ship.)
TENNET: Goa'uld gliders! (To Daniel) Fool! You were followed!
DANIEL (to himself): Of *course* we were! (To the aliens) OK, you
know what? I'd love to stay and chat but ...
(He fires at the second alien, who goes down. Tennet fires at Daniel
but his armour absorbs the blast. Daniel zats Tennet, then runs back
towards the ship.)

INSIDE. Daniel runs towards the Bridge as the ship takes heavy
fire. Panels are sparking everywhere. He reaches the Bridge and
jumps into the pilot's seat. On the camera feed from the brig,
walks over to the camera.
VALA: Daniel? What's going on?
DANIEL: We're being attacked by gliders. Tell me how to access
ship's systems.
VALA: Let me out and I'll help you.
DANIEL: You've gotta be kidding me!
(Vala shrugs dramatically.)

BRIG. Daniel opens the door to the cell. Vala has a huge grin on
her face. He lets her out of the door, holding a zat on her.
DANIEL: Let's go. No funny stuff.
VALA: What did you do with my buyers?
DANIEL: Oh, we'll talk about that later.
VALA: And the naqahdah?
(When Daniel doesn't reply, she stops walking.)
DANIEL: *Move!*
VALA: Do you have any idea what that is worth? (Daniel hoists her
over his shoulder in a fireman's lift and starts to run towards
Bridge.) Oh, watch out! Argh!

BRIDGE. Daniel runs in, puts Vala down and runs for the weapons
console as she runs to the pilot's seat and activates some
VALA: Alright, raise our shields.
(Prometheus takes off, still being fired on by the gliders, although
their attack is now being held off by the shields.)
DANIEL: What are you waiting for? Let's go into hyperspace.
VALA: I can't – it's not working. We've already
taken too much hull
damage. We have incoming – al'kesh. Arm weapons.
(Prometheus heads into space, still pursued and being fired on by the
gliders. More gliders join the attack. Two al'kesh also fly
the ship.)
VALA: Shields are failing.
(On Daniel's screen appears the message: "Tracking ... target
locked." Prometheus begins firing, taking out one of the
However, weapons impacts on Prometheus begin to have an effect
again. Panels blow out all around the Bridge.)
VALA: Aft shields are down. We are almost out of weapons.
(As one of the al'kesh flies towards Prometheus, it is blasted
out of
the sky.)
VALA: What just happened?
DANIEL: An al'kesh just took out one of its own.

HAMMOND: Nice work, Sergeant. Target the second al'kesh. Fire
HARRIMAN (smiling proudly): Roger that, sir.
(Hammond's al'kesh pursues the other one and blasts it to

HAMMOND (over comms): Doctor Jackson? This is General Hammond. Do
you copy?
(Daniel, picking up his zat gun, runs over to the central chair
beside Vala and activates the comms.)
DANIEL: General! It's me! Good to hear your voice, sir.
HAMMOND: Likewise. You alright, son?
(Daniel looks across to Vala.)
DANIEL: *We're* fine, sir.
HAMMOND: Are we clear to ring aboard?
DANIEL: Stand by. (He deactivates comms and turns to Vala.) Unlock
the system. (Vala hesitates.) Those gliders likely retreated to a
nearby mothership. We have to get out of here now. Unlock the
(Vala nods, activates some controls, then nods to Daniel, who
activates the comms again.)
DANIEL: You're all clear, sir. (He sinks back in the chair.)
VALA: What're you gonna do with me?
DANIEL: I'm not sure.
VALA: Look, Daniel, whatever happens, I just want you to know ...
(Daniel turns to her and zats her into unconsciousness.)

LATER. The al'kesh is preceding Prometheus as they head slowly
towards home. Inside Prometheus, Hammond and Daniel are walking
along a corridor, following by Novak.
NOVAK: We managed to get the shields and hyperdrive back online.
However, there was significant hull damage. I wouldn't recommend
long journey in hyperspace.
HAMMOND: I'm afraid we have no choice but to return to Earth.
DANIEL: How long before the ship's ready to go again?
NOVAK: Hard to say.
HAMMOND (to Novak): It's good work, Doctor, both here and on the
NOVAK: Thank you, sir! (She starts to walk away.)
DANIEL: Hey! (Novak turns back to face him.) Hiccups are gone, huh?
(Novak stares in amazement, realising it for the first time.)
NOVAK: I didn't even notice! I guess I was having too much fun!
HARRIMAN (over comms, as alarms sound): Security team to level four.
The prisoner has escaped.
DANIEL: Ring room!
(He and Hammond hurry away. Novak looks nervous for a few moments,
then realises that her fear hasn't brought her hiccups back

BRIDGE. Hammond walks over to Walter.
HAMMOND: Status?
HARRIMAN: Security Team One unresponsive. The rings on level four
just activated, sir.
(Near the level four ring room, security guards are lying unconscious
on the ground. The ring transporter can be heard activating in the
background. Daniel comes along the corridor, walks into the ring
room and finds several unconscious crewmembers lying inside the ring
circle. He picks up a radio and speaks into it.)
DANIEL: General Hammond? SG-3 was just transported here. She's
the al'kesh.
(Seen from the Bridge's front windscreen, the al'kesh starts
to fly
away from Prometheus.)
HAMMOND: Lock weapons on its engines.
HARRIMAN: Aft thruster is targeted.
(Daniel runs onto the Bridge.)
HARRIMAN: Target is ...
(Just then, the al'kesh goes into hyperspace.)
HARRIMAN: It's gone, sir.
HAMMOND: Can we track it?
HARRIMAN: No, sir. Our long range scanners are being scrambled.
(Daniel gazes out the windscreen.)
DANIEL: She's good.

Kikavu ?

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