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#817 : La dernière chance (2/2)


Apprenant que la seule arme capable d'éradiquer les Réplicateurs est contenue dans le temple de Dakara, Ba'al aide Sam et son père Jacob à activer leur fabuleuse découverte afin de doubler son maître Anubis. Sur le vaisseau Réplicant, la doublure de Sam sonde les connaissances des Anciens stockées dans la mémoire de Daniel afin de déjouer les plans des rebelles et des terriens. Les Réplicateurs envahissent soudain la base de Cheyenne Moutain, le commandant O'Neil donne l'ordre d'évacuer et d'utiliser la force nucléaire pour l'autodétruire.


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Titre VO
Reckoning (part 2)

Titre VF
La dernière chance (2/2)

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Ecrit par : Damian Kindler.

Réalisé par : Peter DeLuise. 

Apparitions :

Carmen Argenziano (Jacob Carter/selmak)

Tony Amendola (Bra'tac)

Cliff Simon (Ba'al)

Eric Breker (Colonel Reynolds)

Gary Jones (Sergent Walter Davis)

Isaac Hayes (Tolok)

Amanda Tapping (Replicarter)

Jeff Judge (Aron)

Dan Shea (Sergent Siler)

Dean Aylesworth (Old Anubis)

817/ La dernière chance (2/2)

Au SGC, Sam, son père et Jack font un point sur les dernières révélations de Baal (cf. « Reckoning, part 1 »). Samantha pense qu’Anubis veut utiliser l’arme de Dakara pour repeupler la galaxie à sa guise. Jacob explique alors que pour détruire l’arme, ils doivent la trouver en premier. Jack les autorise à partir.

Une fois sur Dakara, Teal’c les accueille. Il leur précise qu’ils n’ont trouvé aucun signe d’une telle arme. Jacob décide alors de traduire les glyphes Anciens sur un mur du temple pour en savoir plus sur cette arme.

Pendant ce temps, dans leurs vaisseaux, les rebelles Jaffas font un point sur la situation et la tactique à adopter vis-à-vis de Baal. Teal’c arrive et indique que la flotte de Baal arrive lentement. Bra’tac pense que Baal leur laisse le temps de trouver l’arme et de la détruire. Teal’c suggère alors de séparer leur force de frappe pour mieux surprendre l’ennemi.

De son côté, Daniel Jackson parle toujours avec le double réplicateur de Carter. Mais cette dernière souhaite continuer en explorer le subconscient de Daniel pour en apprendre plus sur les Anciens. Mais il refuse. Elle lui fait alors revivre son combat face à Anubis (cf. « Pacte avec le diable »). Elle lui dit alors qu’il pouvait le vaincre, mais qu’Oma l’a arrêté.

Dans le temple, Carter et son père déchiffrent la langue des Anciens. Mais il semble que le texte ne soit pas très logique. Teal’c les prévient alors que la flotte de Baal arrive prés de leur position, d’ici une heure.

De son côté, le double de Sam essaie toujours de convaincre Daniel de se laisser faire. Elle lui dit qu’elle ressemble au Lieutenant Colonel Carter et qu’elle ne veut pas détruire la Terre, en vain.

Sur Dakara, la traduction n’avance pas. Sam pense qu’il s’agit d’un code, puis elle remarque que certains caractères se ressemblent, quand on les lit à l’envers. Elle s’approche alors du mur et fait tourner une partie de celui-ci et le texte prend un nouveau sens. Sam pense alors qu’il s’agit d’une combinaison ouvrant une porte.

Pendant ce temps, Baal essaie d’intimider les rebelles Jaffas.

Au temple, Jacob et Sam parviennent à trouver la bonne combinaison. Le mur s’ouvre sur une pièce où se trouve une table similaire à celle de l’épisode « Une histoire sans fin ». Elle contacte aussitôt le SGC pour prévenir O’Neill. De retour dans la grotte, un écran apparaît avec l’écriture des Anciens. Jacob traduit : l’arme utilise une vague d’énergie ramenant toute matière à son élément moléculaire de base. L’arme est capable de détruire toute la surface d’une planète et son environnement proche. Sam suggère alors de paramétrer l’arme pour détruire les réplicateurs. Elle prévient aussitôt Teal’c de la découverte.

Dans l’espace, la flotte de Baal se prépare à l’attaque.

Dans le temple, Samantha parvient à connecter son ordinateur à l’arme.

Dans l’espace, le combat fait rage. Bra’tac décide de battre en retraite. Baal décide de les suivre, laissant Dakara de côté.

Dans le temple, Sam et Jacob essaient de paramétrer l’arme pour qu’elle agisse comme le disrutpeur. Elle lui explique alors que la seule manière de détruire les réplicateurs de manière efficace est de les toucher tous en même temps. Elle lui suggère alors qu’il faudra composer toutes les adresses de toutes les portes simultanément pour détruire les réplicateurs. Mais Selmak ne sait pas comment faire. Sam prévient Teal’c. Ce dernier contacte alors Baal et l’informe que l’arme sur Dakara peut détruire les réplicateurs.

De son côté, le réplicateur continue de sonder l’esprit du Dr Jackson.

Un hologramme de Baal apparaît dans la salle où se trouve Sam. Il doit appeler toutes les Portes en même temps grâce au virus qu’il a modifié (cf. « Le Vengeur »). Il accepte de coopérer mais Sam lui impose ses conditions.

Au SGC, la Porte est activée. Mais soudainement, tous les systèmes deviennent incontrôlables. L’iris s’ouvre et des réplicateurs envahissent le SGC. Jack met aussi vite la base en quarantaine et lance l’autodestruction. Tout le personnel est évacué.

De son côté, Daniel met le doute dans l’esprit du double de Samantha.

Au SGC, Jack et ses hommes font toujours la chasse au réplicateurs. Mais des hommes sont coincés à un niveau et il part les aider.

Daniel dit au réplicateur qu’elle lui a menti car il sait qu’ils attaquent la Terre. Elle comprend alors qu’elle s’est fait manipuler et que Daniel est parvenu à pénétrer dans son esprit.

Sur Dakara, Baal donne ses instructions pour calibrer l’arme.

Au SGC, Jack parvient à libérer Siler. Mais au détour d’un couloir, ils croisent les réplicateurs.

Dans leur vaisseau, les rebelles Jaffas détectent l’arrivée massive de nouveaux vaisseaux ouvrant le feu sur Baal. Teal’c comprend qu’il s’agit des réplicateurs.

Dans le vaisseau, Teal’c ordonne d’ouvrir le feu sur les réplicateurs afin de les retarder.

Sur Dakara, Baal continue de donner ses conseils pour paramétrer l’arme. Mai ses vaisseaux sont endommagés et il doit les laisser seuls pour finir la manipulation.

Au SGC, le combat fait rage. Siler parvient à relancer les systèmes de la base.

De leur côté, les rebelles commencent eux aussi à souffrir de la bataille. Teal’c décide de fuir.

Au SGC, çà tire de tous les côtés pour détruire ces créatures.

Sur Dakara, un vaisseau réplicateur se pose. Ils envahissent le temple. Mais soudain ils s’arretent net, tout comme au SGC. Daniel réussit à les contrôler.

Dans un vaisseau réplicateur, le double de Samantha libère Daniel de ses entraves. Mais elle transforme son bras en épée et le tue. Les réplicateurs reprennent alors leur marche vers la destruction.

Dans le temple, Jacob parvient à calibrer la machine et l’active. Le sommet de la montagne s’ouvre et une vague d’énergie bleue en sort. Toutes les Portes s’ouvrent alors et la vague les franchit, détruissant tous les réplicateurs se trouvant dans les parages.

De son côté, Baal ordonne à ses Jaffas d’aller récupérer les vaisseaux des réplicateurs. Teal’c le contacte alors et le somme de se rendre. Une troupe de Jaffa entre alors dans le peltak et encerclent Baal. Mais ce dernier s’enfuit grâce à un téléporteur issu de la technologie Asgard.

De retour au SGC, Sam informe le Général O’Neill de la situation. Tous les Jaffas de Baal ont rejoint la rébellion. Mais cependant, elle se sent responsable de la disparition de Daniel. Mais Jack essaie de la convaincre du contraire.

SGC. BRIEFING ROOM. Jack is bringing Sam and Jacob up to date with
what Ba'al told him about the Ancient device on Ta'kara.
CARTER: A device capable of destroying all life in the galaxy?
O'NEILL: It's what he said.
JACOB: Ba'al said he was serving Anubis?
O'NEILL: Not exactly. You know those Goa'uld and their egos. (He
gestures with his hands to indicate the size of Ba'al's ego.)
JACOB: He would never admit to being subservient.
O'NEILL: No. He said he was biding his time – learning what he could
from Anubis.
JACOB: Probably looking for a way to kill him.
(Jack points at him in agreement.)
CARTER: Well, we have no idea how this Ancient device works or what
the effects will be, but since Anubis has no real corporeal form,
it's likely he would survive it.
JACOB: He'd have no-one left to rule.
CARTER: For now. I mean, time may not even be an issue for someone
like him. He could essentially start over; repopulate the galaxy to
his own specifications.
O'NEILL: It's a little ambitious.
CARTER: Well, he has at least *some* knowledge of the Ancients. I
wouldn't put it past him.
O'NEILL: Yeah. Well, let me sit here and state the obvious: we can't
let something like this get into his hands.
JACOB: Or the Replicators' hands, for that matter.
CARTER: How much time do we have before Ba'al's fleet reaches Ta'kara?
CARTER: Ba'al didn't say exactly where the device was, did he?
O'NEILL: No. He said it was hidden.
CARTER: Well, chances are it's in the ruins, but we can't be sure. I
mean, short of blowing up the entire planet, we can't be a hundred
percent positive we've destroyed it – and if it's protected by a
shield, even our biggest naqahdah-enhanced nuke might not do it.
JACOB: Fact is, to be sure we've destroyed the weapon, we have to
find it first.

TA'KARA. Sam and Jacob, together with a couple of SGC airmen
carrying a large box, have arrived at the temple ruins. Teal'c
escorts them to a wall engraved with Ancient writing.
TEAL'C: We found no evidence of a weapon.
CARTER (turning to the airmen): Thanks, guys, we'll take it from here.
(The airmen put the box down and leave the area.)
JACOB: This structure was definitely built by the Ancients.
TEAL'C: As evidenced by the script on this wall. Until I saw this
monument with my own eyes, I did not know that Ta'kara was a home of
the Ancients.
CARTER: The Ancient repository of knowledge we found on P3X-439 was
hidden in a large monument like this.
JACOB: Maybe this writing will help us uncover the location of the
TEAL'C: I was able to recognise the language. Deciphering it,
however, is another matter.
CARTER: I brought Daniel's notebooks.
(Jacob bows his head and allows Selmak to speak.)
SELMAK: This dialect looks very old. It may take some time.
TEAL'C: I will leave you to it. (He bows to them and leaves.)

TA'KARA ORBIT. REBEL MOTHERSHIP. Some of the rebels are talking on
the pel'tak.
ARON: We will be vastly outnumbered by Ba'al's forces.
TOLOK: I refuse to consider a strategy that demands the deliberate
sacrifice of Jaffa lives.
ARON: What then do you advocate? Prayer, perhaps(!)
BRA'TAC: Jaffa! We are here to consider the battle with our enemy.
TEAL'C (entering the pel'tak at that moment): Do not battle each
other. (He turns to Bra'tac.) Ba'al's forces approach at a rate of
speed far slower than they are capable.
BRA'TAC: Indeed – it seems he does wish to give us time to find and
destroy the weapon.
TOLOK: Why not just destroy it himself?
TEAL'C: Ba'al is in a difficult position. With so many witnesses, it
is far easier to tell Anubis that the weapon was destroyed before he
was able to reclaim Ta'kara.
ARON: How then will he explain his languid pace?
BRA'TAC: Regardless, he will only hesitate so long.
TOLOK: Five ha'tak, eight al'kesh, ten squadrons of gliders. That is
all we have.
TEAL'C: Empty the bays – deploy the gliders to the far side of the
planet. Take two ha'tak and all the al'kesh and position them on the
other side of the moon.
TOLOK: Divide our forces?!
(Teal'c smiles. Bra'tac, understanding Teal'c's plan, also smiles.)
BRA'TAC: Precisely.
TEAL'C: All the hardship, the suffering, the sacrifices we have made
for our cause, will end today – one way or another. This battle will
decide the fate of all Jaffa.
(Bra'tac smiles at Tolok, who smiles back and nods. Aron looks like
he's trying not to smile, but he can't help it, even though he
obviously thinks that the plan will never work.)
ARON: This is madness.
TEAL'C: So too, at one time, was the very thought of our freedom.

DANIEL'S TENT. Daniel and the RepliCarter are still standing facing
each other.
DANIEL: So now what? We done? You got what you wanted. I don't
suppose you wanna just drop me off at the nearest Stargate?
REPLICARTER: It is true – I learned the location of the weapon that
could be a threat to me and my brethren. But I also saw the extent
of knowledge your subconscious mind contains. (She steps closer.)
You have no idea, do you?
DANIEL: No – no, I don't.
REPLICARTER: You've tried accessing it, but it's always just out of
reach, isn't it? I could help you. We could unlock the knowledge of
the Ancients – the secrets of the universe – together.
DANIEL: I have to admit, it does sound interesting. (He pauses for a
moment as if thinking about it. The RepliCarter smiles at him.) On
the other hand, you're an evil killing machine, so, no, pass.
(The RepliCarter's smile fades. Daniel smiles smugly, then his face
contorts in pain as the RepliCarter pulls a memory out of his mind.)

FLASHBACK TO "FULL CIRCLE". Daniel, his hands glowing with power,
stands in front of Anubis and tries to hurl the power at him but the
blast is deflected away.
DANIEL (struggling to bring the power forward, and talking through
gritted teeth): No! Don't do this!
(He is whisked away.)

REPLICARTER: You had the power. You were about to strike, but she
stopped you.
DANIEL: No, I don't believe you. You can make me see whatever you
want – that's just a trick.
REPLICARTER: You know it's true. Destroying the weapon that can
destroy me is one thing – a good thing for me – but there is more.
There *is* a way to kill Anubis in your mind ... and so much more.
(She pauses, then speaks forcefully.) I am not *done*, Daniel
Jackson – far from it. (Her voice softens, but becomes much more
ominous.) In fact, we have only just begun.

TA'KARA. TEMPLE. Sam and Jacob/Selmak are trying to translate the
wall of Ancient writing. Various pieces of paper with writing on
them are taped to the wall. Jacob is holding a clipboard while Sam
stands staring the wall. She turns to look at him. [Note: during
the following conversations, Jacob and Selmak sometimes trade off
without preceding their changeover with a bowing of the head.]
CARTER: "Midday, the darkness is high in the sky"?! You sure about
SELMAK: That is what it says.
CARTER: It doesn't make much sense.
JACOB: Yeah, well neither does, uh, (he looks at the clipboard) "the
wind blows on the pillow" or "three days to the chicken," but that's
what these phrases apparently translate into.
CARTER: Are you saying this whole wall of writing is nonsense?
JACOB: I don't know *what* I'm sayin'.
CARTER: Is it possible you made a mistake?
SELMAK: Would you care to try? (He holds out the clipboard towards
her. Sam looks embarrassed and picks up a piece of paper from the
floor.) The text is quite difficult, and if there is an organising
principle to Doctor Jackson's notes, I have yet to discover it.
CARTER: Yeah, he certainly has his own system.
(Teal'c radios in.)
TEAL'C (over radio): Colonel Carter.
CARTER (into radio): Go ahead, Teal'c.
(Teal'c is still on the pel'tak of the mothership with Bra'tac and
TEAL'C: Have you had any success with the translation?
(Sam looks at Jacob and flinches.)
CARTER: We're making ... *some* progress.
TEAL'C: I am afraid you do not have much more time. Our long-range
scanners have detected Ba'al's fleet. He will be here within the
CARTER: Understood. (She and Jacob turn their attention back to the

REPLICARTER: It would be much easier on both of us if you did not
DANIEL: Why, why, why, why, you know, in the wide world of all things
rational and sane, would I help you?
REPLICARTER: Because deep down you also want the knowledge I seek.
DANIEL: Yes, but the problem is, anything I learn, I won't be able to
put to much use, because right after I'm done you're going to kill me.
REPLICARTER: What if I promised not to?
(Daniel chuckles.)
DANIEL: Yeah(!)
REPLICARTER: Do you really think I am that different from Samantha
DANIEL: In that you're a Replicator bent on galactic domination at
the expense of all other living things ... (He shrugs, not even
bothering to finish the sentence.)
REPLICARTER: Her thoughts, her memories, even her emotions – they are
not meaningless to me. (Daniel rolls his eyes.) I do not wish to
harm you, or destroy Earth for that matter. I could have done that
already if I so desired.
DANIEL: You're saying you'll leave Earth untouched?
REPLICARTER: I promise you that – *and* your life.
(Daniel narrows his eyes, thinking about it for a second, then makes
a decision.)
DANIEL: No. No. Not gonna help you – but obviously I can't do
anything to stop you, so ... give it your best shot.

TA'KARA. TEMPLE. Jacob is looking at his clipboard. Sam is facing
the wall.
CARTER: What if it's a code? (She turns to face Jacob.)
SELMAK: Something that can only be deciphered by someone who
understands the language.
(Sam nods, and looks at the clipboard.)
CARTER: Can I see that?
(Jacob nods and hands the clipboard to her. She takes it by the top,
but looks at it without turning the paper round to face her.)
SELMAK: You're holding it upside down.
CARTER: I know. I just noticed – (she points to part of the writing
on the paper) upside down, these symbols look like another word I've
seen before. (She turns the clipboard round and hands it to Jacob so
that he can see the writing upside down.)
SELMAK: Right side up, it's "darkness", but turn it around and it
translates into "sun".
CARTER: "Midday, the *sun* is high in the sky". That makes a lot
more sense.
JACOB: Yeah, but so what? That's not what the wall says.
(Sam walks over to the wall. While a lot of it is solid wall, some
of it seems as if circular panels have been carved and inserted into
the main wall. She looks at the part of the wall they've been
talking about – part of that writing is on a panel. She runs her
hands around the panel, then starts to push it down on the left and
up on the right. It begins to rotate. Jacob walks closer, staring
as Sam pushes the panel round 180 degrees until the words on the
panel, now upside down, line up with the rest of the wall again.)
CARTER: Now it does!
JACOB: It can't be that simple. Just turn all five circles upside
CARTER: No, I agree. It has to be some sort of combination lock. We
just need to figure out which circles to turn.

REBEL MOTHERSHIP. Ba'al appears on the viewscreen.
BA'AL: Your pathetic trickery will only delay your inevitable defeat.
TEAL'C: There is no trickery at hand. We know that inevitably your
goal is to eradicate all free Jaffa. We have sent the bulk of our
fleet to safety to survive to fight another day.
BA'AL: Surrender now – or be destroyed.
TEAL'C: Defeat those who remain and you will be forced to destroy the
weapon on Ta'kara yourself. Then you must face Anubis.
(Ba'al disappears from the viewscreen.)
BRA'TAC: His fleet appears to be holding position.
TEAL'C: For the moment.

TA'KARA. TEMPLE. Sam rotates another panel on the wall. As it
turns into position, the ground begins to shake.
CARTER: Let's hope that's not a bad sign.
(Jaffa, armed with SGC rifles, come running. Sam holds her hand out
to keep them back. The wall rises up into the cliff above it,
revealing a much more rough-hewn rock wall behind. As the writing
wall disappears from view, the rougher wall parts in the middle and
slides back to reveal a chamber behind it. Sam looks round at her
JACOB: Nice goin', Sam.
(They cautiously walk inside the chamber to find a stone console with
large square Ancient-engraved stones on top. It looks identical to
the one that Malaki used to try to reverse time in "Window of
CARTER: We're in business!

SGC. CONTROL ROOM. Jack is sitting at the desk listening to Sam
report in.
CARTER (over comms): It's definitely an Ancient design, sir.
O'NEILL: Think our bomb'll do the trick?
CARTER: We'll soon see. Give us ten minutes. Carter out.
O'NEILL: Right.

TA'KARA. TEMPLE CHAMBER. Jacob is looking at the console as Sam
drags a large case in. She opens the case and takes out a naqahdah
generator. Jacob rests his fingers on the console and a screen
lights up on the wall behind him. He turns and looks at it and sees
Ancient text scrolling across it.
JACOB: Sam? (Sam looks up from the generator.) You might wanna hold
off on that for a minute. If I'm reading this screen right, the
weapon uses an energy wave to reduce all matter to its basic
molecular elements. It's not strong enough to disintegrate an entire
planet, but it will wash away everything on a planet's surface and
everything in the surrounding space.
CARTER: Sounds bad.
JACOB: I know – but it also sounds like it does it much the same way
your disrupter technology works on the Replicators – by separating
the individual components.
CARTER: They *are* both Ancient designs – and General O'Neill *did*
use Ancient knowledge to build the disrupter.
JACOB: I know.
CARTER: Do you think this weapon can be modified to work only on the
JACOB: I don't know – but I'd hate to blow it up before I was a
hundred percent sure it couldn't.
(Sam nods.)

REBEL MOTHERSHIP. Sam radios to Teal'c.
CARTER (over radio): Teal'c, do you read?
TEAL'C: Proceed, Colonel Carter.
CARTER: Look, um, my dad and Selmak think this weapon may hold the
key to defeating the Replicators, and we'll need some time to find
out. Just let us know when things get bad, and we'll blow it and get
TEAL'C: Understood.
CARTER: Carter out.
(Aron's weapons console beeps. Blips on the viewscreen show that
Ba'al's fleet is approaching Ta'kara.)
ARON: Ba'al's fleet just began moving into attack position.
BRA'TAC: It appears things are about to get ... bad.

TA'KARA. TEMPLE CHAMBER. Jacob is working on a laptop hooked up to
the console.
JACOB: I'm not getting anything. (He steps aside and lets Sam have a
CARTER (as she starts to type): This may not be possible, y'know.
JACOB: C'mon, Sam – it can't be any harder than blowing up a sun.
(Sam looks irritated.)
CARTER: Y'know, you blow up *one* sun and suddenly everyone expects
you to walk on water!
(At that moment, the interface between the laptop and the Ancient
screen begins to work.)
JACOB (smiling delightedly): There y'go!
CARTER: Oh. Next up: parting the Red Sea.

TA'KARA ORBIT. The three remaining rebel motherships come under
attack from Ba'al's arriving fleet. On Bra'tac's ship, he, Teal'c
and Aron are tossed around as the ship jolts under the impacts.
TEAL'C: Shields are down fifty percent.
ARON: We cannot take much more!
BRA'TAC: Signal the other ha'tak. Begin retreating, sublight engines
only, full power.

BA'AL'S MOTHERSHIP. Ba'al sits on a throne in the pel'tak, flanked
by two super-soldiers. A Jaffa at the control console reports.
JAFFA: The rebels are fleeing, my lord. The planet is ours.
BA'AL: They expect us to follow so that they may draw the fleet into
battle on two fronts. (The Jaffa looks puzzled.) Signal the fleet
to pursue the shol'va.
JAFFA: My lord?
BA'AL: Ta'kara can wait. No battle strategy can save them now. (The
Jaffa still looks confused. He obviously doesn't know that Ba'al is
playing for time.) We will crush them, and then take the temple.
JAFFA: Yes, my lord.

TA'KARA CHAMBER. Sam and Jacob are looking at a readout on the
JACOB: I'm pretty sure this output is giving us the frequency
spectrum of the wave the weapon uses to disintegrate matter.
CARTER: That's nothing like the spectrum analysis of the Replicator
disrupter wave. Here, look. (She calls up another screen. The
image on that is very different to the first one.).
JACOB: Yeah, I-I-I know, but all we have to do is alter the settings
on the weapon console so that the output wave matches that of the
disrupter technology.
CARTER: *All* we have to do?!
JACOB: Yeah. The device can be set by varying the height of these
panels. (He pushes down one of the stone panels on the console. The
readout on the laptop screen changes.)
CARTER: Oh. Well, I can run a programme to compare the difference
between the two waves. It should let us know if we're even going in
the right direction.
JACOB: That's good.
CARTER: Y'know, even if we *can* make this work, the Replicators were
quickly able to adapt themselves to the frequency modulation Thor
made to the original disrupter wave.
JACOB: What are you saying?
CARTER: We realised the only way to eliminate the Replicators and not
allow them time to develop immunity was to somehow hit them all at
the same time.
JACOB: Everywhere in the galaxy?! How are we supposed to do that?
CARTER: The weapon translates through the Stargate. D'you think
Anubis was planning to use the weapon to attack one planet at a time?
JACOB: So dial multiple Gates simultaneously.
CARTER: Not multiple Gates – *all* of them.
JACOB: Every Stargate in the galaxy at one time?! Do you know how
many Gates there are in the whole galaxy?!
CARTER: A lot.
(Jacob bows his head and lets Selmak speak.)
SELMAK: I have no idea how to alter a Stargate to perform such a
function. I don't know of anyone who can.
(Sam looks uncomfortable.)
CARTER: I think I know someone.

REBEL MOTHERSHIP. Sam has just explained her thinking to Teal'c and
TEAL'C: Are you certain, Colonel Carter?
CARTER (over comms): I don't think we have a choice, Teal'c. I mean,
this could be the best chance we'll ever get.
(Teal'c and Bra'tac look at each other.)
TEAL'C (to Sam): Understood. (To Bra'tac) Open a channel.
(Ba'al appears on the viewscreen. He smiles.)
BA'AL: No doubt you have decided to surrender. A wise decision,
given that you face imminent defeat.
TEAL'C: We have no intention of surrendering. I merely wish to
inform you that we have found the Ancient weapon on Ta'kara.
BA'AL: Do you intend to destroy it?
TEAL'C: That would be foolish. We have learned that the Ancient
weapon may be the means to destroy the Replicators once and for all.

INSIDE DANIEL'S MIND. Daniel is experiencing an image somewhat
similar to travelling through a wormhole, except for the fact that
this is more purple-coloured, Ancient writing is also swirling around
in the vortex, and stars, planets and galaxies can be seen outside
the vortex.
(In Daniel's tent, the RepliCarter opens her eyes. She has obviously
been sharing the experience.)
REPLICARTER: It's incredible! Yet you still resist me. Do you not
care? Are you not amazed by what you are seeing?
DANIEL: I don't understand it. It's more than any human can begin to
REPLICARTER: I am not human.
DANIEL: Well, believe me, I know. (He looks at her.) There *must*
be a limit to how much your mind can process, how much information
you can store.
REPLICARTER: I am sharing what I learn with my brethren. The extent
of knowledge we can absorb is only limited by our numbers. As we
speak, those numbers are growing – faster than you can imagine.

TA'KARA CHAMBER. Ba'al's holoimage appears in the chamber. He looks
around at the console and at the screen on the wall.
BA'AL: This chamber must be well shielded. I could not find it using
my ship's sensors.
CARTER: Look, I assume Teal'c told you the plan.
BA'AL: What makes you think you can modify this weapon to defeat the
CARTER: We're already on our way to doing that. (She turns the
laptop to face Ba'al. It shows the two frequency spectrums, which
still look very different, and a smaller window with the number 38.0
in it.) We need to get this weapon's wave output to match our
modified Replicator disrupter wave to within a margin of point seven
six percent.
BA'AL: How did you develop this Replicator disrupter technology in
the first place?
CARTER: General O'Neill built it using Ancient knowledge and an
Asgard computer. (She pulls up an image of the disrupter on the
BA'AL: O'Neill. The mere thought of that makes me sick.
(Sam rolls her eyes.)
CARTER: Look – if we can do this and somehow hit the Replicators all
at the same time, we think it will work, but we need your help.
BA'AL: You want me to reprogramme the Stargate to dial every Gate in
the galaxy simultaneously.
CARTER: I know you used the Gates' automatic update programme to
disseminate a dialling programme virus to the entire Gate network.
BA'AL: With a virus you initially planted in my Stargate.
CARTER: No-one's trying to deny that we're mortal enemies here. Can
you do it or not?
BA'AL: I cannot believe I'm even considering co-operating with a
female of the Tau'ri ... (he looks at Jacob) and a Tok'Ra.
SELMAK: This was not my idea, believe me.
BA'AL: I'll instruct my troops to land.
CARTER: No way. You send one Jaffa down here and the deal's off.
BA'AL: I cannot do what you ask by means of a hologram transmission.
CARTER: Sure you can. Just tell *me* what to do.

SGC. CONTROL ROOM. Alarms are sounding and the Stargate can be
heard kawhooshing. Jack runs down the stairs from the Briefing Room.
HARRIMAN: Unscheduled offworld activation!
O'NEILL: Is that Carter?
HARRIMAN: No sir, but we are picking up a radio signal.
O'NEILL: Put it on speaker. (Walter complies. A strange signal can
be heard.) Sergeant?
HARRIMAN: I don't know, sir.
(As he tries to sort out the signal, the monitors in the Control Room
go crazy, all kinds of different information flashing across them.)
O'NEILL: What the hell is that?
HARRIMAN: I'm not sure, sir, but I can't access the system. Looks
like something's hacked into the computer remotely.
O'NEILL: Shut it down.
HARRIMAN: I *can't*, sir – I'm locked out.
O'NEILL (quietly): Damn! (He goes to the console with the phone in
it and picks up the receiver.) This is General O'Neill ...
(In the Gateroom, the iris opens.)
(As Jack looks round, the lights go out and all the computers go
down. The SFs in the Gateroom raise their weapons. Seconds later, a
swarm of Replicators comes scrambling through the Gate. The SFs open
fire but hundreds of the bugs scamper down the ramp. Jack yells into
the microphone.)
O'NEILL: Evacuate the Gateroom! Get outta there!
(The SFs begin a co-ordinated retreat out of the right-hand door as
Replicators swarm all over the floor and the walls. As the last few
SFs head for the door, Jack turns to Walter.)
O'NEILL: Close the blast doors.
(As the last SF reaches the door, it begins to close. Replicators
rush towards it, including at least one mother bug. One of the
smaller bugs wedges itself into the doorway to try to stop the door
from closing, but the final SF shoots it from outside the Gateroom
and, as the bug breaks up, the door slams shut.)
(In the Control Room, Jack goes back to the phone and makes a base-
wide broadcast.)
O'NEILL: Initiate base lockdown. Emergency evacuation of all
personnel through alternate routes. Self-destruct protocol on my
order. (He puts the phone down and sees that Walter is the only one
left in the Control Room.) Let's go, Walter! Get outta here! (They
race out of the room.)

(On the surface, the big doors close.)

(In the corridors, personnel are starting to climb up the ladders in
the escape hatches to the surface. Jack hurries along the corridors
watching the organised chaos.)
O'NEILL (to himself): Oh, man!
(Colonel Reynolds approaches him.)
REYNOLDS: Sir. We're cut off from the self-destruct. They were too
fast. Even if we *could* fight through them now, there's a good
chance they've already disabled the activation mechanism.
O'NEILL: Those bugs *cannot* get out of this mountain.
REYNOLDS: It's only a matter of time before they gain control of the
base systems and override the security doors.
O'NEILL: Alright. Let's make sure everybody's out of here and then
we'll toss a little nuke down the silo.
REYNOLDS: You think that'll stop them?
O'NEILL: It should slow `em down.

INSIDE DANIEL'S MIND. The wormhole/Ancient writing effect continues,
then in Daniel's tent, he opens his eyes. Moments later, the
RepliCarter does the same. She looks overwhelmed by what she's been
DANIEL: You can't handle it, can you?
(The RepliCarter tries to pull herself together.)
REPLICARTER: I can. I just need time to process – share it with the
DANIEL: But the universe is infinite. It's not just knowledge and
information – it's understanding on a level that you'll never reach.
REPLICARTER: Why do you think that?
DANIEL: Because you're a machine.
REPLICARTER: So are you – just of weaker construction.
DANIEL: And that's where you're wrong.
(The RepliCarter smiles.)
(Daniel smiles back, but it's not a pleasant smile.)

SGC. Jack is now geared up and armed and working his way through the
corridors. Walter reports to him by radio, presumably from the
HARRIMAN (over radio): General Hammond says the President has
authorised deployment of a ten kiloton nuclear bomb on your command,
(Seeing that the area around him is clear, Jack beckons to some
personnel to run for the nearest escape hatch. Walter continues his
HARRIMAN: An emergency state of alert has been issued and a two
hundred square mile radius around Cheyenne Mountain is currently
being evacuated. A transport helicopter is waiting on the surface
for you and the remaining personnel.
O'NEILL (into radio): Thank you, Walter!
(Reynolds comes running up.)
O'NEILL: Colonel?
REYNOLDS: We have a problem, sir. Six SGC personnel are trapped on
level eight. They're cut off from the emergency escape hatch.
O'NEILL: Siler?
REYNOLDS (nodding): Siler.
O'NEILL (sighing heavily): Oh, Siler! (To Reynolds) Let's go.

INSIDE DANIEL'S MIND. The information Daniel and the RepliCarter are
receiving is spooling much faster than before. In the tent, they
both open their eyes. She is looking a little bewildered, but Daniel
is now looking a lot more confident.
DANIEL (calmly): You lied to me.
DANIEL: You promised you'd leave Earth alone. There's Replicators
infiltrating the SGC right now.
REPLICARTER: How can you know that? (Daniel just gazes at her until
she works it out.) While I was in your mind, you were inside mine.
DANIEL: Took a while to figure out. Fortunately you were too
distracted to notice. Some of the Ancient knowledge really helped
too – thank you.
REPLICARTER: You tricked me.
DANIEL: You tricked me first.
REPLICARTER: You should never have told me.
DANIEL: Too late – for you, that is.
(The RepliCarter reaches towards Daniel's head but he grabs her wrist
to stop her. She tries to shake off his grip but can't.)
DANIEL: Trying to leave? Sorry – a little more time in Danny's world.
REPLICARTER (glaring at him): My brethren will not stop. You cannot
control them.
DANIEL: Not yet ... (his tone becomes ominous) but I'm learning.
(She tries again to pull her hand free but Daniel holds on fast as
they glare at each other.)

TA'KARA CHAMBER. The readout on the laptop goes down from 38.0 to
8.00. Jacob is working the console. Sam runs in from outside.
CARTER: We've rigged the DHD to dial automatically on signal when
the weapon's ready. I think it should work.
(Ba'al's hologram, which hadn't been there a moment ago, reappears.)
BA'AL: Of course it will work. How dare you doubt me?
(Jacob rolls his eyes and turns to Sam.)
JACOB: What's he still doing here?
CARTER: I can't exactly ask him to leave. How's it going on your end?
JACOB: I'm getting closer.
(Ba'al points to one of the stone panels on the console.)
BA'AL: This one.
JACOB: How do *you* know?
(Ba'al smiles.)
BA'AL: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.
(Sam rolls her eyes. Jacob glares at Ba'al, then turns to Sam again.)
JACOB: Selmak can't work like this. Neither can I.
CARTER: Just try it.
(Jacob throws a black look at Ba'al, who is standing there smiling
smugly. Reluctantly, he pushes down the panel that Ba'al indicated.
The readout on the laptop goes down to 4.00. Jacob looks up at Ba'al
JACOB: Lucky guess.

SGC. Jack and Reynolds are making their way to the trapped
personnel. They reach a sealed blast door. Reynolds swipes his card
through the reader but the door doesn't open. He turns to Jack and
shakes his head. Jack activates his radio.
O'NEILL (into radio): Siler, are you in there?
SILER (over radio): Yes, sir!
O'NEILL: We're gonna get you out. Step away from the blast door.
SILER: Yes, sir! (He turns to the other people inside the room, some
of them SFs and some technicians.) Get this table over! (Together,
they pick up a heavy metal table, turn it on its side and hunker down
behind it.)
(Outside, Reynolds attaches a piece of C4 to the door.)
O'NEILL: Use two of those things.
O'NEILL (pointedly): It's a (he makes air quotes) "blast door"!
(Reynolds attaches another lump of C4 to the door, then the two of
them walk around the corner to get away from the impending blast.)
O'NEILL (into radio): Hang on, Siler. (He gets out the detonator and
readies it, then speaks into the radio again.) Fire in the hole.
(Inside the room, Siler turns to the others.)
SILER: Down!
(Everybody ducks behind the table as Jack activates the C4. There's
a huge explosion. As the smoke clears, we see that a large hole has
been blown in the blast door. Siler lifts up and looks over the edge
of the table. A huge sharp chunk of door has embedded itself into
the top of the table.)
SILER: Woah!
(Outside, Jack and Reynolds come back around the corner.)
O'NEILL: Siler?
SILER (walking towards the hole in the door): Thank you, sir.
O'NEILL: I expect to be put in your will.
SILER: Already in it, sir.
O'NEILL: Okay, that's ... weird.
(They walk away down the corridor as Reynolds helps the others out of
the hole in the door.)

(Shortly afterwards, the team is making its way along the corridors
towards an emergency escape hatch. The sound of Replicators can be
heard nearby.)
O'NEILL: Oh, crap!
(The team continues towards the hatch but before they can reach it a
huge swarm of Replicators comes around the corner and blocks off
their escape. Those personnel with guns open fire on them.)

TA'KARA ORBIT. REBEL MOTHERSHIP. Aron looks at the sensors.
ARON: Sensors are picking up multiple ships exiting hyperspace.
(A huge number of ships arrive behind Ba'al's fleet. As they get
into range, they open fire on the fleet.)
ARON: They are firing on Ba'al's forces.
TEAL'C: It is the Replicators.

BA'AL: Now, this one. (He points to another stone panel. Jacob,
still looking like he could happily strangle him, pushes the panel.
The readout, which had gone down to less than 2.00, goes back up to
CARTER: That one took us in the wrong direction.
(Jacob looks smug.)
JACOB: All-knowing, huh?!
(Ba'al tries to hide his embarrassment, but is then distracted by
CARTER: What's the matter?
BA'AL: My ships are under attack. A massive Replicator-controlled
fleet is approaching on the planet.

SGC. CORRIDOR. Jack and his team are still firing as fast as they
can at the Replicators. We see a Replicator-eye view as one of the
bugs looks at the escape hatch and then heads towards it. Many of
the others follow and start scrambling up the ladder.
REYNOLDS: Running low on ammo, sir!
O'NEILL: Fall back!
(The team moves back down the corridor, Jack covering their retreat.)

TA'KARA ORBIT. REBEL MOTHERSHIP. Teal'c and Aron are watching the
battle between Ba'al's fleet and the Replicator fleet.
TEAL'C: Instruct all of our vessels to target the Replicator ships.
ARON: Are we not better off letting them destroy each other?
TEAL'C: If the Replicators should prevail and gain control of the
weapon on Ta'kara, all that we have fought for is lost.
(Aron sends the signal.)

SGC. CORRIDOR. Jack's team has got away from the Replicators.
Walter reports to Jack by radio.
HARRIMAN (over radio): General, fifteen minutes to safe detonation
O'NEILL (into radio): Yeah, y'know, Walter, right now we're having a
slightly difficult time gettin' out of here. Relay this to General
Hammond: the second he can pull the trigger on that nuke, *do* it.
Do you read?
HARRIMAN: Yes, sir.
O'NEILL: And have that chopper that's waitin' for us leave now.
HARRIMAN: Yes, sir.
O'NEILL: Did you see those bugs go into that hatch?
REYNOLDS: Yes, sir. You think getting out of the base is their
primary goal?
O'NEILL: It's a fairly safe bet. They're going to the surface.
REYNOLDS: Leaving the only other way out of here accessible.

BA'AL: And here. (He points to another panel. Jacob presses it and
Sam looks at the readout.)
CARTER: 1.32. We're almost there.
(Ba'al nods, then his hologram fluctuates and he looks at someone or
something on his ship.)
BA'AL: My ship has lost life support on several levels. Our shield
strength is failing. I cannot maintain my transmission.
CARTER: We've almost got it. Thanks for the help.
(Ba'al hesitates, almost unable to believe what he's about to say.)
BA'AL: Good luck. (He touches a device on his wrist and his hologram
JACOB: That was just creepy!
CARTER: Keep working.

SGC. Jack and his team are cautiously making their way towards the
Gateroom. Jack deploys Reynolds in one direction while he, Siler and
the other Airmen go in another. The Airmen stop to protect that
corridor while Jack and Siler make their way into the Control Room.
There's a Replicator on the floor. Jack blasts it to bits. A second
Replicator is on the control panel but Reynolds comes in from the
other side of the Control Room and nails that one.
O'NEILL (to Siler): Go!
(Siler runs to the control panel and starts to type. Seconds later
the lights come on all around the base and the blast doors rise over
the Control Room windows. The Gateroom is empty.)
O'NEILL: Siler, can you dial out?
SILER: I'm workin' on it, sir.
(Reynolds looks at his watch.)
REYNOLDS: Ten minutes to detonation.
(Out in the corridor, we see a Replicator-eye view as it scampers
along the floor towards the Airmen protecting the corridor. The
nearest SF spots it and takes it out with a single shot. In the
Control Room, Reynolds hears shooting begin and heads out.)

REBEL MOTHERSHIP. The ship is under attack from Replicator-infested
ARON: Shields down! Weapons systems offline!
TEAL'C: Reroute power to sublight engines. Evasive manoeuvres.
(The mothership flies through the battle, pursued by a Replicator-
controlled mothership.)
ARON: They're too fast! We cannot evade them!

In the SGC corridors, the Airmen are firing frantically as the floor
and walls swarm with Replicators. Jack comes out of the Gateroom,
closing the blast door behind him, to join Reynolds in a last stand.
REYNOLDS (shouting over the noise): How's it going in there?
O'NEILL: Not well.
REYNOLDS: No, same here.
(Jack calls out a warning to the Airmen.)
O'NEILL: Grenade! (He fires a grenade at the Replicators which takes
some of them out. The firefight continues.)

TA'KARA. A bug-shaped Replicator ship flies down to the planet and
lands in the middle of the temple ruins. In the chamber, Jacob
presses another panel and the readout drops to 0.98.
CARTER: Variable off by point 98.
(From outside the chamber comes the sound of automatic gunfire.)
JACOB: What's that?
(Sam looks round and sees some of the Jaffa starting to run away from
the chamber towards the shooting.)
CARTER (to Jacob): Hurry.
JACOB: I've almost got it. Just a little more time.
CARTER: I don't think we have it! (She runs to the doorway and aims
her rifle in readiness. Outside, some of the Jaffa are retreating
towards the chamber again while others cover their retreat.
Replicators come swarming down the steps towards them. The Jaffa
retreat to the doorway of the chamber where they and Sam open fire on
the approaching swarm.)

Outside the SGC Gateroom, everyone is shooting for their lives. Jack
yells into his radio.
SILER (into radio): Sorry, sir, I'm trying!
(Jack reloads and continues firing.)

In Daniel's tent, Daniel is still holding onto the RepliCarter's
wrist as she continues to try to get away from him. They both have
their eyes closed in concentration. Suddenly Daniel's eyes snap
open. A second later, the RepliCarter's eyes open and she gasps and
stares at him in shock.
DANIEL: Got you now!

In the SGC corridors, the Replicators are still swarming towards the
Airmen when they suddenly just stop dead. Everybody stops shooting
and stares. Reynolds looks at Jack.
O'NEILL: That's odd.
(Reynolds nods. They both shrug, then turn towards the frozen
Replicators and start firing again.)

On the rebel mothership, Aron stares in surprise.
ARON: The Replicator ship just ... stopped. Sensors are indicating
that *all* of the Replicator ships have ... ceased activity.
(Teal'c looks puzzled, then activates the comms.)
TEAL'C: Colonel Carter. Have you successfully activated the weapon?
(Outside the Ta'kara chamber, all of the Replicators are frozen in
place. Sam and the Jaffa are taking advantage of the lull to
frantically reload their weapons.)
CARTER: Not yet, but the Replicators down here just froze. (She
turns to Jacob.) Dad?
JACOB: Almost there!

In Daniel's tent, the RepliCarter smiles smugly at the sight of
Daniel, his eyes screwed shut and his face twisted in concentration.
REPLICARTER: There are so many, aren't there? Too many for your mind
to handle. (Daniel opens his eyes and stares at her in
desperation.) It's taking all of your concentration just to control
(Daniel tries to hold onto control but after a moment she finally
pulls her hand free of him. Around them, the tent morphs into where
they really are – still on the Replicator ship. The Replicator
blocks holding Daniel's head in place withdraw back into the wall,
then the blocks clamping his legs and wrists release him. Daniel
steps towards the RepliCarter. Her right arm morphs into a sword and
she plunges it straight through Daniel's chest and out the back.
Daniel gasps, then grunts in agony as she withdraws the sword, a
satisfied smile on her face.)

In the SGC corridor, the Replicators start to move again. The Airmen
start firing again.
O'NEILL: Well, that was too good to last.
(He and Reynolds start firing again.)

Outside the Ta'kara chamber, the Replicators scamper towards Sam and
the Jaffa as they open fire. Sam looks around at Jacob.
CARTER: Dad, they're on the move again!
(Jacob is concentrating on the laptop as the readout finally drops to
0.76 and the message "Margin achieved" appears on the screen.)
JACOB: Point 76!
CARTER: *Do* it!
(Jacob slams his fist down onto the button on the console that will
activate the weapon. The temple begins to shake.)

Up above the temple, a tall statue-like structure peels open like the
petals of a flower. Near the Replicator ship in the temple grounds,
the Stargate kawhooshes.

On Juna, the Stargate kawhooshes.

On Chulak, while Serpent guards aim their weapons, the Stargate

On the purple planet from "Forever in a Day", the Stargate kawhooshes.

In the warehouse on Vyus, the Stargate kawhooshes.

On the prison planet Hadante, the Stargate kawhooshes.

On the planet from "One False Step", the Stargate kawhooshes.

At Stargate Command, the Stargate kawhooshes.

In the SGC Control Room, Siler looks up in surprise.
SILER: Incoming wormhole?

On the RepliCarter's ship, Daniel has slumped to the floor. He
collapses back against the wall as the RepliCarter stands impassively
over him. He looks up at her, blood streaming from his mouth. The
RepliCarter looks down at him, then is suddenly distracted, as if
receiving a message from her brethren.

On Ta'kara, the petals of the statue-like structure have fully opened
and a huge glowing weapon rises up, an energy vortex shining around

On the rebel mothership, sparks fly on the pel'tak as the ship
reaches the limits of its endurance against the Replicator ship's
ARON: Enemy ship is in range! It is powering weapons. We cannot
survive another hit.
Teal'c raises his head and steels himself for death.

On the planet's surface, Sam fires round after round at the attacking

At the SGC, Jack fires round after round at the attacking Replicators.

On the RepliCarter's ship, Daniel's eyes close and his head slumps to
the side.

On Ta'kara, a huge energy burst comes out of the weapon. It races
across the planet's surface and sweeps across the bug-shaped
Replicator ship, which instantly disintegrates into tiny pieces. The
beam sweeps across the open Stargate and continues on its way.

Above the planet's surface, the beam radiates outward. It sweeps
across a Replicator-infested mothership, and all the Replicators
inside the ship disintegrate.

In the SGC Gateroom, the beam bursts through the Stargate, rushes
through the Gateroom, past Jack and Reynolds and then reaches the
Replicators. As it sweeps past them, they disintegrate. The Airmen
stare, unable to believe what they're seeing. Jack frowns and looks

On the RepliCarter's ship, Daniel lies on the floor with his eyes
closed. The RepliCarter looks up, an expression of dread and
disbelief on her face. Outside in space, the Ancient beam sweeps
across the ship. The RepliCarter's eyes widen as the beam reaches
her and Daniel, and then the ship disintegrates into tiny pieces.

TA'KARA. Sam and the Jaffa lower their weapons at the sight of the
Replicator pieces on the ground in front of them. After a moment,
Sam turns and runs into the chamber, where Jacob is leaning heavily
on the console.
(Jacob raises his head a little.)
JACOB: I'm alright.
CARTER: What happened?
JACOB: I don't know.
CARTER: You did it.
JACOB: Well, Selmak deserves a little credit. (Sam smiles.) Well,
OK, most of it.

BA'AL'S MOTHERSHIP. On the pel'tak, the Jaffa at the control console
reports to Ba'al sitting on the throne behind him.
JAFFA: All Replicator-controlled ships are dormant.
BA'AL: Prepare enough squads to board them and reclaim them in the
name of their god.
JAFFA: Yes, my lord. (His console beeps.) We are being hailed.
BA'AL: Onscreen.
(Teal'c appears on the viewscreen.)
TEAL'C: Surrender now, and you will be granted mercy.
(Ba'al smiles.)
BA'AL: You are hardly in any position to be making such ridiculous
demands. You are surrounded.
TEAL'C: You are incorrect. It is, in fact, *you* that is surrounded
by free Jaffa.
(From the side of the pel'tak, a Telchak beam takes down one of the
super-soldiers flanking Ba'al. As the other super-soldier turns
towards the source, a second beam takes it down as well. Bra'tac
runs onto the pel'tak, a Telchak rifle in his hands. He is followed
by other Jaffa who quickly disarm Ba'al's crew.)
BRA'TAC: Behold – your false god.
(Ba'al looks at Bra'tac for a moment. He grins, then starts to
laugh. He reaches for the device on his wrist. Bra'tac and the free
Jaffa open fire but Ba'al is beamed away. Bra'tac turns to the
viewscreen and shakes his head at Teal'c in disappointment.)

SGC. Jack and Sam are making their way up the stairs from the
Control Room to the Briefing Room.
O'NEILL: Any more word from Teal'c?
CARTER: Yes, sir. Although Ba'al got away, the fact that he turned
tail and ran made the rebel victory every bit the turning point
Teal'c and Bra'tac were hoping for. Jaffa from all over the galaxy
are joining with them.
O'NEILL: Well, vive la revolution!
CARTER: Got a significant size fleet securing Ta'kara. Hopefully
with the weapons we've provided, they'll be able to turn the tide
against Anubis' super-soldiers. (She and Jack walk into his office.
He sits down.) It looks like the Jaffa might finally win their
O'NEILL: It's about time!
CARTER: Yes, sir. Oh! I heard from Thor.
O'NEILL: How's he doin'?
CARTER: Great! He sends us all his congratulations and says that he
will drop by for a visit as soon as his consciousness has been
downloaded from the ship's computer into a new body.
O'NEILL: That just never gets old, does it?
CARTER: Apparently not!
(They smile at each other for a moment, then Jack remembers
O'NEILL: Carter, did you notice if the Replicators where you were
happened to ... stop in the middle of everything?
CARTER: Yeah, it was really strange. They just ...
O'NEILL and CARTER (simultaneously): ... froze.
CARTER: It actually bought us the time we needed to calibrate the
O'NEILL: Any idea why that happened?
CARTER: D'you think Daniel had something to do with it?
O'NEILL: I don't know.
CARTER: Sir, if he was on board that Replicator ship when ...
O'NEILL (interrupting): Carter – we don't know anything.
CARTER: No, sir.
O'NEILL: Anything else?
CARTER: No, sir.
(Jack nods and starts doing some paperwork. Sam waits for a moment,
then wanders out of the room. Jack writes for a moment longer, then
lifts his head and gazes off into the distance, wondering.)

Kikavu ?

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Calendrier : Mai 2024

Calendrier : Mai 2024
Ouverture de la Porte des étoiles, c'est la livraison du calendrier du Mois de Mai, qui met à...

Calendrier du mois d'Avril 2024

Calendrier du mois d'Avril 2024
Ouverture de la Porte des étoiles, ça doit la livraison du calendrier, mais c'est bizarre, il y a...

Richard Dean Anderson à Paris pour le Comic Con France

Richard Dean Anderson à Paris pour le Comic Con France
Le Comic con, un événement international dédié à l'univers des mangas, du cinéma et de la télévision...

Stargate la porte des étoiles : le film, disponible sur Prime Video

Stargate la porte des étoiles : le film, disponible sur Prime Video
La plateforme Prime Video étoffe une nouvelle fois son catalogue. En effet, sa cinémathèque...


Les nouveautés des séries et de notre site une fois par mois dans ta boîte mail ?

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Locksley, 14.05.2024 à 19:42

Avalanche de news sur la citadelle en ce moment, merci aux différents rédacteurs ! N'hésitez pas à commenter toutes ces actus. Bonne soirée !

sossodu42, Hier à 15:17

Des thèmes vous attendent pour être choisi pour le futur design de HPI. Merci pour vos votes

ShanInXYZ, Hier à 16:31

Nouveau sondage sur les Guests de la nouvelle saison de Doctor Who, passez voir le Docteur pour voter

mamynicky, Hier à 20:13

Hello la citadelle ! La 3ème saison des Bridgerton est enfin arrivée sur Netflix ! Venez nous parler des épisodes que vous avez vu.

mamynicky, Hier à 20:16

Quant à moi je vais patienter jusqu'en juin j'ai horreur d'attendre entre les épisodes. Bon visionnage !

Viens chatter !