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#820 : Retour vers le Futur (2/2)

Après que Sam ait découvert l'emplacement de la 1ère porte des étoiles en Antarctique, la seconde, normalement basée en Egypte, ne s'y trouve plus en raison de l'échec de la mission SG1. L'équipe à nouveau reconstituée, le général Hammond et le docteur McKay l'envoient à bord du contrôleur temporel chercher Teal'c puis remonter à l'époque des pyramides pour modifier le passé afin de sauver le futur. Durant la fuite de Teal'c pour échapper au joug d'Apophis, le faux dieu Go'auld, Daniel est assassiné. Mais la troupe le retrouve en Egypte, où il fomente une rébellion Jaffa contre Rhâ, décidé à emporter avec lui la porte des étoiles en cas de fuite.


4.25 - 4 votes

Titre VO
Moebius (part 2)

Titre VF
Retour vers le Futur (2/2)

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Première diffusion en France





Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Robert C Cooper.

Réalisé par : Andy Mikita. 

Apparitions :

Peter Williams (IV) (Apophis)

Jay Acovone (Major Charles Kawalski)

David Hewlett (Dr Rodney Mckay)

Don S. Davis (Géneral George S. Hammond)

Alessandro Juliani (Katep)

Benjamin Easterday (Commandant Jaffa De Ra)

Sina Najafi (Garçon Égyptien)

Christopher Pearce (Bosworth)

Rob Fournier (Mansfield)

820/ Retour vers le futur (2/2)

Dans un couloir du SGC, Sam et Daniel essayent toujours de convaincre le Général Hammond de les incorporer dans une équipe SG. Mais ce dernier refuse toujours. Ils arrivent alors devant un ascenseur et quand les portes s’ouvrent, Jack en sort. Ils se dirigent tous en salle de briefing où Jack retrouve Kawalksky. O’Neill accepte de faire partie de la mission. Jackson insiste encore une fois et Carter les prévient du danger.

Quelques temps après, Jack se trouve devant le Puddle Jumper. Carter lui explique qu’il est le seul à pouvoir le mettre en route, grâce au gène des Anciens. O’Neill s’assoit à l’intérieur et se concentre pour faire voler l’engin.

Quelques temps plus tard, en salle d’embarquement, toute l’équipe se tient prête pour partir. Hammond leur fait un dernier briefing, puis l’équipe part à travers la Porte en utilisant le vaisseau, vers Chulak.

Une fois de l’autre côté, Jack pose le Puddle dans la forêt. L’équipe part explorer les environs. Mais soudain, Jack pense avoir détecté quelque chose dans les bois. L’équipe se met à terre, et ils sont alors attaqués par une troupe de Jaffa.

Ils se réveillent dans la prison de Chulak. C’est alors que Teal’c fait son entrée. Daniel essaie de parlementer avec lui, en vain. Il le saisit par le col et l’amène devant Apophis. Là, le Goa’uld l’interroge, en vain. Il décide alors de le torturer en utilisant le bracelet Goa’uld.

Pendant ce temps, dans la cellule, Jack et le reste de l’équipe fait le point sur la situation. Carter pense que malgré certaines similitudes, cette ligne temporelle peut être différente de celle de la vidéo, et suppose que Teal’c ne va pas forcément se retourner contre Apophis. C’est alors que Teal’c arrive avec la caméra et demande à ce qu’on lui passe les images. Ainsi il apprend tout ce qu’il s’est passé dans l’autre ligne temporelle.

Quelques temps après, Daniel est ramené en cellule. Une fois les gardes partis, l’équipe s’équipe de ses armes, rendues par Teal’c, et s’enfuit de la prison. Mais une fois dans les bois, ils se heurtent au prima d’Apophis. Ce dernier tire sur Daniel et leur explique qu’il était devenu l’hôte d’un Goa’uld. Il explique aussi qu’Apophis a envoyé des vaisseaux vers la Terre. Soudain, Jackson se relève et tire sur les soldats, mais Jack et Charles ripostent et le tuent. C’est alors que l’équipe est prise sous le feu ennemi. Ils s’enfuient tous vers le vaisseau. Kawalksky meurt en voulant assurer les arrières de l’équipe. Le reste de l’équipe s’enfuit en Puddle Jumper. Mais alors qu’ils fuient vers la porte, des planeurs de la mort les prennent en chasse. Carter suggère alors d’utiliser la machine temporelle pour fuir dans le passé et rejoindre l’époque où l’autre Sg-1 a visité l’Ancienne Egypte.

Une fois dans le passé, Jack décide d’agir pour que tout redevienne normal. Il pose le vaisseau dans le désert et décide de se rendre au village le plus proche.

Une fois au village, un certain Khetep les accueille. Il parle anglais et semble connaître les membres de l’équipe. Il les amène dans une tente et leur explique qu’ils se sont déjà vus. Il leur dit qu’ils sont venus il y a 5 ans, mais que la rébellion a échoué. C’est alors que Daniel Jackson fait son apparition. Daniel explique alors son histoire. Carter lui explique alors que dans sa ligne temporelle, la rébellion s’est bien déroulée, mais que Ra est parti avec la Porte. Un enfant entre alors et donne l’alerte : les Jaffas de Ra arrivent. Daniel cache l’équipe avec lui dans un souterrain rempli d’arme. Ils élaborent alors un plan : voler la Porte à Ra.

Samantha et Jack retourne au vaisseau pour tester le bouclier d’occultation. Jack essaie de le faire marcher, en vain.

Pendant ce temps, Daniel et Teal’c coordonne la rébellion et élaborent un plan d’attaque.

Dans le vaisseau, Carter bidouille quelques systèmes. Jack entame la discussion et lui dit qu’il la trouve attirante. Mais elle lui répond qu’elle est plus attirée par Daniel. Quelques minutes après, Jack repère une patrouille de Jaffa. Il essaie de rendre le Puddle Jumper invisible et réussit. Mais alors que les Jaffas passent devant le vaisseau, ce dernier redevient visible. Ils ouvrent alors le feu. Sam et Jack se dirigent vers la partie arrière du vaisseau. Jack appelle Daniel et Teal’c à la rescousse et Sam embrasse le Colonel.

Pendant ce temps, à l’extérieur, Teal’c s’avance vers les Jaffas pour les convaincre de se rendre, en vain. C’est alors que des centaines de villageois apparaissent derrière les dunes et encerclent les troupes de Ra.

De retour à notre époque, l’équipe visionne la cassette pour voir si il existe des différences avec la ligne temporelle. Comme tout est juste, Sam décide qu’ils ne doivent pas agir. Jack amène le ZPM au laboratoire.

L’équipe se retrouve autour du lac de Jack en train de pécher, quand soudain un poisson bondit de l’eau.

SGC. LEVEL 22. Alt-Daniel and Alt-Sam are following General Hammond
along a corridor.
DANIEL: Look, the only reason you *have* the Stargate is cos of us!
HAMMOND: I'm aware of that.
DANIEL: I'm a linguist! By all accounts, your team may need one.
CARTER: And what if something goes wrong with the Gate on the other
HAMMOND: Neither of you have had any military training whatsoever.
Have either one of you ever even fired a weapon of any kind?
CARTER: Well ... unless you count launching a rocket.
HAMMOND: Look, I'm sorry. (He reaches an elevator and swipes his
card through the reader.) Your expertise may be needed some time in
the future, but for now ...
DANIEL: Well, can I ask who *is* going?
(The elevator doors open and reveal Jack O'Neill standing inside.)

BRIEFING ROOM. Hammond leads Jack, Sam and Daniel into the room.
CARTER (to Jack): I don't understand. What made you change your
(Four airmen are sitting at the table with their backs to the new
arrivals. One of them swings around in his chair and we see that it
is Major Charlie Kawalsky. He smiles, and he and his colleagues
O'NEILL: That's "Colonel", Major.
KAWALSKY: You're retired.
O'NEILL: I *was*.
DANIEL: I take it you two know each other.
O'NEILL: Yeah, we served together a long time ago.
KAWALSKY: Ah, it wasn't *that* long ago.
HAMMOND: Major Kawalsky has been assigned to assemble the team that
will go through the Stargate.
O'NEILL: And you knew I couldn't say no if he was involved.
KAWALSKY: Oh, come on, Colonel. You don't owe me anything.
it – you've gotta be a little curious: travelling to a
planet – through a wormhole!
CARTER (smiling): I know *I* am!
KAWALSKY (to Hammond): Sir, with all due respect – what are they
still doing here?
HAMMOND: I'm not sure. (He turns to a couple of airmen who had
accompanied him and the others into the room.) Airmen, please
escort ...
DANIEL: Wait-wait-wait-wait-wait-wait-wait. We were *all* on that
KAWALSKY: That tape had nothing to do with it. Jack
O'Neill's one of
the best I've ever served with.
CARTER: *You* may not care that this timeline is a direct result of
tampering with the past, but you have to acknowledge that the tape
said the planet you're going to is enemy territory – an enemy
that is
*way* more advanced than us technologically.
O'NEILL: What's your point?
CARTER: You're literally walking into a totally alien situation
outmanned and outgunned.
O'NEILL: Do we have a choice?
(Sam looks round at Daniel, but neither of them has an answer for

LAB. Jack is standing looking at the Ancient time ship. Sam and
Daniel join him.
CARTER: We've only been able to activate the interior lights and
dialling computer, but according to the tape, you have the gene that
can make this ship fly.
O'NEILL (cynically): And travel through time.
DANIEL: Well, presumably you don't *have* to do that if you
want to.
(He walks around the ship to the rear and then walks inside, Sam and
Daniel following him. He walks to the front of the ship, looking
around as he goes, and reaches the pilot's seat. He looks round
O'NEILL: What do I do?
CARTER (gesturing to the pilot's seat): Sit down.
(Jack sits. Daniel takes the co-pilot's seat and Sam stands in
between them.)
O'NEILL: Now what?
DANIEL: You're supposed to have the ability to fly this thing.
CARTER: With your mind. (Jack takes the controls and wiggles them
but nothing happens.) Try not to think about the past.
DANIEL: Or the future.
(Jack rocks his head in a "Yeah, right!" kind of gesture,
then closes
his eyes and concentrates. The lights on the console come on.
Outside, technicians and SFs turn and stare as the engine can be
heard powering up.)
DANIEL: Oh, you *so* have to let us go with you!
CARTER: *Please!*

GATEROOM. The time ship has been moved into position facing the
Stargate. Jack, Kawalsky and his team, together with Sam and Daniel,
all dressed in green camouflage, walk alongside the ship to face the
Gate. Kawalsky and his team are already wearing hard helmets. Sam
and Daniel are carrying theirs.
KAWALSKY: Put those on.
(Sam and Daniel do as they're told. Jack makes a big deal of
out a green cap and putting that on. Daniel looks round at him.)
DANIEL: How come we have to wear these and you don't?
(Hammond comes in.)
HAMMOND: OK, people. Let me remind you: this mission's recon
Do not engage the enemy. I'm allowing the use of this ship
of the obvious tactical advantage it provides you. Under no
circumstances is it to be used to travel through time, understood?
O'NEILL: Yes, sir.
HAMMOND (quietly, almost to himself): Never in my life would I have
imagined giving *that* order! (He walks over to Jack, nodding
towards Sam and Daniel.) Are you absolutely certain about them,
(Jack looks at the two of them, then turns back to Hammond.)
O'NEILL: No, sir!
(Hammond looks at Sam and Daniel, then turns to Jack again.)
HAMMOND: Good luck – and Godspeed. (He leaves the room.)
KAWALSKY: All aboard.
(The team board the ship, Kawalsky taking the co-pilot's seat and
Daniel sitting behind him. Sam sits behind Jack. The other three
airmen sit on a bench in the rear of the ship with the time device.)
O'NEILL (to Kawalsky): Hey – watch this! (He dramatically
puts his
hands onto the console and it lights up. He takes his hands off
again in a triumphant gesture. Kawalsky raises a hand in a "not
bad!" gesture. Jack turns to Daniel.) Oh, by the way – you
have the address to get us back home, correct?
O'NEILL: Good. Dial it up.
(Daniel stands up and steps forward to the dialling device. He
pushes the first symbol, and the Stargate immediately starts to
spin. The chevron clunks, and the Gate spins on. In the area which
we know as the Control Room, Hammond and McKay are watching.)
McKAY: I give this no more than a fifty:fifty chance of working.
HAMMOND: Well, according to the tape, it worked for eight years.
McKAY: Hmm.
(In the ship, Daniel presses the Point of Origin symbol, then pushes
a button at the bottom of the dialling device which must be the
equivalent of the big orange button on a DHD. The Stargate
kawhooshes. Everybody stares out of the windscreen in amazement.)
(In the Control Room, Hammond and McKay are also staring.)
McKAY: Well, I'm certainly glad it's not *me* going through
uh ... thing.
(Inside the ship)
O'NEILL: Any idea what to expect?
CARTER: Not really. According to the tape, we're going to be
demolecularised, transmitted over two thousand light years through
subspace, and then, uh, rematerialised on the other side.
KAWALSKY: I did *not* need to know that!
(In the Control Room, McKay bends down to a radio.)
McKAY: Gateship One, you're go for launch.
(Jack turns round to the others with a look of disgust on his face.)
O'NEILL: "Gateship"?!
DANIEL: Well, it's a ship, it goes through the Gate, so ...
(Sam nods in agreement.)
O'NEILL (unhappily): Alright.
(In the Control Room, Hammond has a similar expression to Jack's.

McKay notices.)
McKAY: What? It's a ship that goes through the Gate –
it's a
Gateship! Well, *I* thought it was clever.
(In the ship, Jack takes hold of the controls. Daniel screws up his
face nervously. Sam does likewise. The ship lifts off the ground
and flies into the wormhole.)


CHULAK. The ship shoots out of the wormhole. As soon as it clears
the Stargate, engine pods deploy from either side of the ship. The
ship flies away from the Gate and over the forest.
O'NEILL: Well, that was cool!
DANIEL: I didn't feel anything.
KAWALSKY: Doesn't even feel like we're pulling any g's.
CARTER: This thing must have inertial dampeners.
KAWALSKY (to Jack): See any enemy troops when we came through?
O'NEILL: No, but that doesn't mean we weren't detected.
CARTER (looking through the windscreen): Is that a city?
(We see that the ship is approaching the city of Chulak.)
O'NEILL: I'm gonna set her down in those trees.

SHORTLY AFTERWARDS. The ship has landed and the ramp lowers.
Kawalsky's men run out with their rifles raised, checking out the
area. Daniel and Sam follow.
DANIEL: Wait a minute – I thought the reason why we brought the
was so we didn't *have* to walk.
CARTER: We can't just fly into an alien city. The mission is
recon, meaning undetected.
(Jack pushes his way between them.)
O'NEILL (in a harsh whisper): Meaning *shut up*!
CARTER: Sorry.
KAWALSKY: Connor, Mansfield, guard the ship. Cosworth –
you're with
us. C'mon, move out! (He and Jack head off.)
DANIEL (to Sam): Why'd we have to park so far away?!
(Sam chuckles as they follow. Cosworth walks behind them.)

FOREST. Jack and Kawalsky are leading the others.
KAWALSKY: Seriously, why *did* we bring them?
O'NEILL: Oh, I dunno. I guess I had a gut feeling.
KAWALSKY: Like Peru?
O'NEILL: Alright, that didn't work out so well.
KAWALSKY (chuckling): Sierra Leone? Uganda?
O'NEILL: Alright, look – maybe the better question here is
why'd you
invite me on this dog and pony?
KAWALSKY: Well, let's just say I prefer my good instinct over
O'NEILL: Yeah.
(As they continue to walk along, Daniel points out something to Sam
in the trees, perhaps a bird. Jack suddenly stops dead. He raises
his clenched fist, then gestures downwards. He, Kawalsky and
Cosworth squat down. Sam and Daniel stop and stare, then slowly do
the same.)
DANIEL: What's with the ...? (He mimics Jack's gestures,
adding a
few of his own for good measure.)
(The airmen look around cautiously. Suddenly a round device flies
out of the trees and lands in front of them. They have no idea what
it is but we recognise it as a Goa'uld stun grenade. It is
Jack stares at it for a moment, then realises what it might be.)
O'NEILL: Ah, sh...
(The grenade emits a bright light, and everyone is knocked
unconscious. Jaffa run out of the trees and bushes, aiming staff
weapons at them.)

PRISON CELL (the same one that SG-1 were held in in "Children of
Gods"). Jack, Sam and Kawalsky are sitting on the floor leaning
against the steps just inside the doors. Cosworth is sitting and
leaning against the wall near the doors. Daniel is lying on the
floor deeper inside the cell. His glasses are gone. He wakes and
sits up.
DANIEL: Hello? Anybody there? (We see his point of view as he looks
around. His vision is very blurred and he can only see vague shapes.)
CARTER: We're all here.
DANIEL: Where are we?
KAWALSKY (sarcastically): It looks like a prison cell.
DANIEL: Anyone seen my glasses?
CARTER: I think they must have taken them. (We see that she
have her glasses either.)
DANIEL: Why would they do that?
(Sam shrugs. At that moment they hear approaching footsteps. They
all get to their feet and face the cell doors. We see the legs of
two Jaffa approach and take position either side of the doors. The
doors opens and a third pair of legs walks into the cell. This Jaffa
is wearing a cloak. He stops at the top of the steps and we see who
it is.)
CARTER (who must be long-sighted and so can see better than Daniel
can): Teal'c!
(This version of Teal'c is wearing a Jaffa cap on his head, so he
well be bald underneath.)
DANIEL: From the tape?
TEAL'C: If you know my name, then you know enough to fear me.
O'NEILL: Look, I know that this might sound a little crazy, but
TEAL'C: Who are you?
(Jack starts to speak but Daniel interrupts.)
DANIEL: Hi, uh ... (He walks forward, bumping into Jack and working
his way around him to approach Teal'c.) Uh, uh, we're from
Tau'ri. Uh, we call it Earth. You see, we found this tape, um,
the past. You see, apparently, we're (he gestures at the others)
part of a team – um, the four of us (indicating Jack, Sam,
and Teal'c), not the two of them (indicating Kawalsky and
We're called SG-1. Now, we used this time device to go back in
past, and we screwed up the past and changed the future. See,
not supposed to be still Apophis' First Prime. Um, the Jaffa are
supposed to be free and, um, (he lowers his voice so that the other
Jaffa can't hear) we know that you think the Goa'uld are
false gods.
(Teal'c backhands him to the floor. Sam, Kawalsky and Cosworth
to help him.)
O'NEILL: That wasn't necessary!
TEAL'C: Speak of such blasphemy again and I will kill you where
O'NEILL: Look, I know this is a lot to throw at you all at one
and you've gotta put up a little show for the boys here, but the
is, (he whispers) we know the truth.
DANIEL (hauling himself to his feet and bracing himself with one hand
on Jack's arm and his other arm around Jack's shoulders): You
it's all on the tape. Uh, you have to see it – it's, er,
um, (Jack
pushes Daniel's hand off his shoulder) it's, it's in a
– it's in a
camera that, um, um, you took from the bag that you took from me.
(Teal'c walks towards him.) If you bring it to me, I can, I can
you how it works and we can ... (Teal'c grabs him by the neck of
jacket and starts to march him out of the cell.) Sure, we could, we
could go and see it over at, uh, wherever you wanna go.
(Teal'c marches him out of sight. The other two Jaffa, who have
aiming their staff weapons at the team, back out of the cell and the
doors close.)

SHORTLY AFTERWARDS. Teal'c, still holding Daniel by the neck of
jacket, marches him into a throneroom and stops. Daniel squints at
the hazy sight of someone sitting on a throne in front of him.
Teal'c shoves Daniel to the floor at the bottom of the steps
lead up to the throne.
TEAL'C: Kneel before your god.
DANIEL: Kneeling! (He straightens up and we see that it is Apophis
sitting on the throne. This alt-version has a beard.)
APOPHIS: Who are you?
DANIEL: Name's Daniel Jackson. Uh, if you give me back my
eyeglasses, I could actually see you.
TEAL'C: He claims he is of the Tau'ri.
DANIEL (quietly): You weren't supposed to tell him that.
APOPHIS: The Tau'ri have no chappa'ai.
DANIEL: Oh! Sorry, guess I was wrong. I'm sure your information
correct and ... In fact, I'm usually quite wrong, quite
actually. To be honest with you, I'm insane. (He grins at
APOPHIS: Speak! (Daniel says nothing.) Bring him. (Teal'c
Daniel to his feet and marches him up the steps, pushing him to his
knees again in front of the throne. Apophis stands and walks forward
to face Daniel.) I think there is much you can tell me.
DANIEL: Well, if you wanna know about the early settlements of
Mesopotamia, I am somewhat of an expert ...
(Apophis raises his hand and actives his ribbon device. Daniel
grunts in pain.)

PRISON CELL. Cosworth is trying to get a smaller door in the rear of
the cell open but fails. He turns to Kawalsky, who is standing at
the main doors, and shrugs.
CARTER: It's been over an hour.
(Kawalsky looks across to Jack, who is leaning against the main doors
with his chin propped up on one of the links that makes up the doors.)
KAWALSKY: Maybe you shouldn't have said anything.
O'NEILL: All I said was, "This is gonna sound a little
CARTER: While there are obvious similarities, our timeline is
different from the one in which Teal'c came to believe that the
Goa'uld were false gods.
O'NEILL: Are you saying this guy might not turn?
CARTER: It's possible.
O'NEILL: And you're telling me this *now*?!
(Sam cringes.)

THRONEROOM. Apophis is still holding Daniel in the grip of his
ribbon device. Teal'c watches impassively as Daniel grunts in
agony. Finally Apophis releases his grip and Daniel slumps to the
TEAL'C: This one is strong.
APOPHIS: Leave us.
(Teal'c bows and starts to walk away. Daniel pushes himself up
his hands and looks up at Apophis.)
APOPHIS: You *will* tell me all that you know. (He activates the
ribbon device again. Daniel groans. Teal'c looks back, his face
little more concerned now. He looks thoughtful, then leaves the

PRISON CELL. Jack and Kawalsky are still leaning against the main
doors. Sam is sitting on the steps but she gets up and walks to the
doors as they hear approaching footsteps. Teal'c comes to the
and looks at them.
O'NEILL: What's goin' on?
(Teal'c holds up the video camera.)
TEAL'C: Show me.
(Sam steps forward and takes the camera. She opens the screen and
activates the camera. Daniel's voice can be heard as she turns
screen so that Teal'c can see it.)
DANIEL (onscreen): Um, Teal'c, you should say something.
(Teal'c stares at the screen as his alternate self, with hair and
wearing a pale robe, steps into view.)
TEAL'C (on the screen): The Jaffa are free. False god that he
Apophis is long dead. A new medicine, tretonin, has liberated us
from our dependence upon symbionts. The Jaffa have risen up as
brothers and sisters and defeated the Goa'uld.
ALT-TEAL'C: What trickery is this?
CARTER: It's not a trick.
TEAL'C (on the screen): You have a son, Rya'c, who is now
married and
a strong leader among the newly-formed Jaffa nation. If all these
things have not come to pass, you must believe that the present in
which you now live exists only because the past has been mistakenly
altered. It must be restored.
(Sam shuts off the tape and closes the screen down.)
CARTER: Please. You *have* to help us. The reason we came here was
to get you so we could go back in time and fix things.
O'NEILL: That's not true. (Sam turns and stares at him.
Jack looks
at Teal'c.) We just wanna get out of here. Now, if you can help
we'll do our best to help you.
TEAL'C: I cannot free you.
O'NEILL: What about our weapons, our vests? Can you get us those?
(Teal'c looks at him, considering his request.)

LATER. The doors to the cell open and a couple of Jaffa drag Daniel
in by his arms and drop him down at the top of the steps.
O'NEILL: Easy, easy! (The Jaffa turn and leave.) Get outta
(The doors close.) Pissants! (He squats down to Daniel and puts his
hand on his chest.) Hey.
DANIEL (with his eyes still closed): I didn't tell them anything.
O'NEILL: Good for you! How're you feelin'?
DANIEL (weakly): Not so good really.
O'NEILL: Sorry. (He gestures to the others, who run to a corner
the cell. Jack hauls Daniel to his feet.) Maybe this'll make
feel better.
DANIEL: Argh! (He shakes it off and he and Jack head down to the
others, who have collected their vests from where they had hidden
them and are putting them on. Cosworth hands Daniel's vest to
How'd you ...?
CARTER: Teal'c. He brought us the camera. I showed him the tape.
DANIEL: I don't think he can be trusted.
O'NEILL: He gave us our weapons back, that's a good start.
CARTER: He's gonna meet us on the way back to the ship.
(Kawalsky is attaching a piece of C4 to the smaller door. Jack hands
a pistol to Daniel.)
O'NEILL: Safety off, point and shoot. (Daniel takes it and lifts
It's now pointing at Jack, who pushes it down again.) Not at me.
(Cosworth hands a pistol to Sam.)
CARTER: I don't really like guns.
O'NEILL: Neither do I. How do you feel about explosives?
CARTER: Those I like a little better.
(Kawalsky returns from the door.)
O'NEILL: Let's go. (They move away from the door and take
Jack takes out the detonator and nods to the others. Sam puts her
fingers in her ears. Jack presses the button and the C4 explodes.)

FOREST. The team are running through the forest, returning to the
time ship. Jack speaks into his radio.
O'NEILL: Airman? This is O'Neill.
(Either Connor or Mansfield replies.)
AIRMAN (over radio): We were starting to get worried.
O'NEILL: We're on our way. ETA ten minutes.
(Ahead of them, Teal'c steps into view. He points his staff
at the team and activates it. Everybody stops and the airmen raise
their weapons. Sam briefly raises her pistol but then lowers it
O'NEILL (to Teal'c): We've gotta get goin' here.
We've got a whole
battalion on our asses.
(Teal'c fires, shooting Daniel in the chest. The others stare in
disbelief. Kawalsky raises his rifle but Teal'c deactivates his
staff weapon and lowers it.)
O'NEILL: What the hell was that?
KAWALSKY: Shoot him, Jack. Let's shoot him and get the hell out
O'NEILL (to Teal'c): Why'd you do that?
TEAL'C: He was a Goa'uld. Apophis implanted him with a
symbiont in
order to gain access to the knowledge in his mind.
O'NEILL: How do you know?
TEAL'C: I can sense it. Your friend did not give in to torture.
KAWALSKY: He's lying.
O'NEILL: Why would he lie, Kawalsky?
CARTER: If he wanted us all dead, why aren't we surrounded by
right now?
KAWALSKY: We *will* be in a few seconds if we don't get the hell
of here now – and I'm not taking him with us.
TEAL'C: Apophis has ordered a fleet of ha'tak vessels to the
CARTER: He's sending ships to Earth?
TEAL'C: The symbiont implanted within Daniel Jackson was a spy
intended to accompany you. Apophis now knows what Daniel Jackson
knew. He knows that you came in a ship. He knows that the
Tau'ri is
a threat.
KAWALSKY: How the hell do we know you're not a spy?
(Lying on the ground, Daniel suddenly raises the hand with the pistol
in it and shoots Cosworth twice in the chest. He then sits up and
fires twice more at the others. One of the bullets hits Teal'c
the arm. Jack and Kawalsky turn and open fire on him. Daniel sinks
back to the ground, his eyes open and staring. After a moment, they
CARTER: His eyes glowed!
(Kawalsky runs back and checks that Daniel is really dead this time,
then goes over to Cosworth to check his pulse. He looks round at
Jack and shakes his head.)
KAWALSKY: He's dead.
(Staff blasts start to come out of the trees behind them. Jack turns
and fires in their direction.)
O'NEILL: Go! Go!
(The others run off as Jack continues to cover them. The team races
through the forest towards the time ship, staff blasts going off all
around them. Just as they reach the ship, one of the airmen who had
been guarding it gets hit by a staff blast. It's clear that
are firing from all directions, not just from the direction that the
team came. Teal'c and Sam run inside the ship. Kawalsky turns
covers the path they just came down. Jack runs to the entrance of
the ship and fires in the opposite direction. From inside the ship,
Teal'c fires his staff weapon out to the rear and Sam fires her
pistol. The other airman is taken down by a staff blast.)
O'NEILL: Kawalsky!
KAWALSKY: Go! Start it up!
(Jack runs into the ship as Kawalsky and Teal'c – and Sam to
a lesser
extent – continue to provide cover fire. Jack jumps into the
seat. A staff blast impacts the wall near to where he's sitting.

Kawalsky turns to run to the ship but is shot in the back by a staff
CARTER: Kawalsky's been hit!
TEAL'C (to Jack): Go!
(Jack activates the control that raises the ramp. Teal'c
firing at the approaching Jaffa until the ramp protects him. The
ship lifts into the air, then the engine pods extend and the ship
flies off. Inside, Sam sinks down onto a bench, shocked by what
she's just been through. Teal'c turns to look at her.)
TEAL'C: Are you injured?
CARTER: No. I-I've just never seen anyone killed before.
and Kawalsky ... (She notices the wound in Teal'c's arm.)
Oh my
God! You've been shot!
TEAL'C: It will heal.
O'NEILL: Alright, we've got some problems here.
(A blast impacts the ship. From outside, we see that the ship is
being pursued by two death gliders. Jack flies the ship erratically
in an attempt to avoid the blasts coming from the gliders. Sam comes
forward to the co-pilot's seat and stares as the blasts that
hit the ship explode in the forest in front of them. Teal'c sits
down behind Sam.)
TEAL'C: Gliders.
O'NEILL: I can't shake `em, either.
(More blasts impact the ship, causing explosions inside.)
TEAL'C: The Gate will be well-guarded.
O'NEILL: You know somethin'? I don't think we're
gonna make it to
the Gate.
(Sam looks round at the time device in the rear of the ship, then
looks at Jack.)
CARTER: There *is* a way out. (To Teal'c) Was there a Stargate
this planet five thousand years ago?
TEAL'C: I believe so.
(Sam looks at Jack. As he returns her gaze, she nods encouragingly
to him. He closes his eyes and concentrates. After some moments,
the time device lights up. From an outside perspective, the ship is
flying away from the gliders in daylight. A moment later, it is
suddenly sunset and the gliders have gone.)
CARTER: I think you did it!
TEAL'C: What has he done?
CARTER: I think we just travelled back in time.
O'NEILL: Check it out – dial Earth.
(Sam dials the co-ordinates on the dialling device.)


EARTH. The time ship shoots out of the wormhole and into a desert
area. Two pyramids are nearby. Both have a mothership parked over
CARTER: Well, this is definitely ancient Egypt!
TEAL'C: Those ha'tak vessels bore the mark of Ra.
CARTER: He ruled on Earth during this period.
TEAL'C: It is likely we were detected on exiting the
O'NEILL: Well, no ships on our tail, but I think we'll
CARTER: You're saying you're onboard with trying to fix the
O'NEILL: Well, we *did* kinda screw up our timeline, didn't
CARTER: Well, the only way to stop the invasion on Earth is to make
sure that it never happens.
O'NEILL: Yeah – remind me how we do that, again?
(Sam has no answer.)

LATER. The time ship has parked out in the desert. Jack, Sam and
Teal'c come outside.
O'NEILL: Alright – here's the plan. We make contact with
the locals.
TEAL'C: And then?
O'NEILL: That's all I got so far.
(The team starts to walk.)
CARTER: Uh, any idea what time it is exactly?
(Jack looks at his watch.)
O'NEILL: Three o'clock.
CARTER: Uh, sorry, I-I kinda meant what year.
O'NEILL: Well, you and Daniel said there was some kind of a
CARTER: In 2995 BC.
(Jack turns to her with a mock look of shock on his face.)
CARTER: Colonel.
O'NEILL: Kidding. And call me Jack, willya?

EGYPTIAN TENT VILLAGE (the same one we saw in Part 1). As the team
walks into the village, a young boy runs to his father in alarm.
BOY: Mari'be! Mari'be! Mari'be!
(The man scoops the boy up into his arms.)
O'NEILL: Hey! It's alright, folks, we come in peace,
nothin' to be
afraid of.
CARTER: I doubt they speak English.
(A young man approaches them and we realise that this is Katep, the
man whose brother was killed by Ra in the temple in Part 1.)
KATEP: Hello.
O'NEILL: *He* does.
KATEP: Yes. I am Katep.
O'NEILL: I am Jack.
KATEP: O'Neill. (He looks at the other two.) Colonel Carter,
O'NEILL: How'd you know ...?
KATEP: Please come with me. Ra's patrols come through here
They must not see you, (he looks at Teal'c) especially you.
come. (He leads them away.)

TENT. Katep leads the team to a tent.
KATEP: Please. (He stands in the doorway as the others walk in.)
O'NEILL: How do you know who we are?
KATEP: This is not the first time we have met.
CARTER: You knew the other SG-1 team.
KATEP: Five years ago you came. You were witness to the death of my
brother at the hands of Ra. After you were trapped here, we planned
an uprising together.
CARTER: So much for causality!
TEAL'C: Ra is still here. We have seen his ship.
KATEP: Our first attempt at gathering forces for the rebellion did
not go well. We had to expose ourselves to those who proved still
loyal to Ra. You were captured and executed long before the plan
could be finished.
O'NEILL: Really? All of us?
KATEP: All but one.
(A man walks into the tent, his head covered with a hood. He throws
the hood back and we see that it's Daniel. Sam smiles.)
DANIEL: Well, this can't be a good sign.
O'NEILL: Why's that?
DANIEL: Where am I?
O'NEILL: Ancient Egypt?
DANIEL: No, I mean the me from your timeline.
TEAL'C: I killed you.
TEAL'C: You were a Goa'uld spy.
DANIEL (shrugging): Good reason.
CARTER: It was horrible.
DANIEL: Yeah, I'm sure. Why are you here?
O'NEILL: Yes – excellent question.
DANIEL: You don't know?
O'NEILL: Well, I *thought* I did, there, for a while, and then I
realised I ... didn't.
DANIEL: Well, I know why *I'm* here.
O'NEILL: Good! Let's start there.
DANIEL: We came back in time to get a ZPM.
CARTER: Right! It was buried with the tape. Why is it so
important? I think you were about to explain it but the, uh, the-the
batteries on the camera ran out.
DANIEL: Long story. Why don't you take a seat? (Jack and Sam
down but Teal'c remains standing.) Basically we got trapped here
because you (he points to Sam) didn't want to affect the
but ultimately you (he looks at Jack) and you (he looks at
couldn't stand the idea of living out the rest of your lives
Ra's rule without doing anything. We remembered there was a
rebellion here on Earth – that's how the Gate got buried in
the first
place, so we figured what difference does it make if we're
or not? Unfortunately we never got a chance to execute the plan.
O'NEILL: We heard.
DANIEL: Yes. We tried to do too much too fast. Since then, Katep
and I have been slowly building up an underground movement. I can
only assume things don't go well because if you're here, you
saw the
tape and the future still needs fixing.
O'NEILL: Somethin' like that.
CARTER: Oh, we didn't just see the tape. We saw the tablet.
DANIEL: What tablet?
CARTER: Oh. The one you haven't written yet, and put where the
Stargate was supposed to be buried.
DANIEL: "Supposed to be"?
CARTER: In our timeline, the rebellion that you planned actually
works. Ra ends up leaving, and Earth is freed, but, uh, Ra takes the
Stargate with him.
DANIEL: OK, that's a problem.
CARTER: Yes! The Gate is never found at Giza, and none of us join
the Stargate programme – but you left a tablet in an obscure
dialect telling us the date of the rebellion and where to find the
second Stargate in Antarctica.
DANIEL: Good for me! So you're here to make sure Ra doesn't
take the
O'NEILL: It's a plan.
(A young boy runs in.)
BOY: Daneel! Daneel! Jaffa!
KATEP: We must hide.
O'NEILL: Where?
KATEP: In here. (He and the boy pull back a rug on the floor and
start brushing the sand away with their hands. Daniel beckons to
Jack, Sam and Teal'c as Katep and the boy lift up a stone slab.
Underneath is a ladder leading down into a chamber.)

(Outside, a Jaffa patrol walks into the village. They shove the
villagers around and start to search the tents. A Horus guard stands
and watches.)

(In the chamber, Daniel climbs down the ladder and joins the other
three. He takes a burning torch from Jack and shows them what's
the chamber. There are many staff weapons lining the walls, and many
zat guns lying on boxes.)
O'NEILL: Sweet!
(Up above them, a Jaffa walks into the tent and turns to call to his
JAFFA: Kree! Lok'nel!
(As other Jaffa walk in, Katep and the boy surreptitiously step
forward so that they are standing on top of the stone slab, now
covered with a rug again.)
(In the chamber)
DANIEL: We've got secret stores of weapons like this in several
positions throughout the region.
O'NEILL: How many troops?
DANIEL: Uh, a couple of thousand, but that's not really the
According to you, my own account of history says we win the revolt.
CARTER: We just need to make sure that the Gate stays here and gets
DANIEL: Which means we have to steal it and hide it from Ra.
O'NEILL: But it's out in the open, close to a ship.
TEAL'C: Holding such a position against a ha'tak would be
impossible, even for a short period of time.
CARTER: Also, the Gate is kinda heavy.
DANIEL: We also have a ship.
O'NEILL: Yes, but you see, the ship fits in the Gate, not the
way around.
CARTER: There has to be a way that we can cable the Gate to the ship

fly it out.
O'NEILL: Yeah, but we've still gotta get close to it without
DANIEL: Well, that's easy. The ship has a cloaking device ...
others stare at him) makes it invisible.
O'NEILL: You're telling me this *now*?!
DANIEL: I was sure I mentioned it on the tape.
(Jack looks round at Sam, who shakes her head.)
TEAL'C: If we were able to time our approach to co-ordinate with
uprising, we may yet have a chance.
CARTER: We'll need to test the cloak. We took an awful lot of
coming out of Chulak.
O'NEILL (glaring at Daniel): Because we didn't know about the
DANIEL: I was sure I mentioned it on the tape!
(Above their heads, the stone cover to the chamber is lifted. Katep
looks down at the team.)
KATEP: They are gone!

DESERT. Jack and Sam are walking to the time ship.
CARTER: Do you ever wonder what your life's gonna be like in the
O'NEILL: Won't really *be* my life, will it?
CARTER: No, but still. I mean, I've led such a small and
existence, I can't ever imagine being a hero who saves the planet.
O'NEILL: Well, we do have a time machine. We could go check it
CARTER: No way. We've already screwed up enough. Once we're
with the Gate, we need to destroy the ship.
O'NEILL: Seriously?
CARTER: Absolutely.
O'NEILL: You mean we have to stay here?
(Sam nods and they continue walking.)
CARTER: I wonder if the future me has a boyfriend?

TIME SHIP. Jack and Sam walk in and Jack sits in the pilot's
He slaps the edge of the console a few times to activate it.
O'NEILL: So what do I do?
CARTER: Um, try thinking "invisible".
(Jack shrugs, then puts his hands on the console.)
O'NEILL: OK. (He closes his eyes and concentrates. Sam looks
hopefully. After a few seconds Jack opens his eyes.) How do we know
if it's working?
(Sam raises a finger, then trots outside and looks at the ship.)

KATEP'S TENT. Daniel and Katep stand with Teal'c as he
unrolls a map
and looks at it.
TEAL'C: Your strategy is good, but it does not work well as a
distraction in our plan to steal the chappa'ai.
DANIEL: Wait – we know this plan works. If we alter it ...
KATEP: ... we may fail.
DANIEL: With this plan, the uprising succeeds and Ra leaves.
TEAL'C: And Ra takes the chappa'ai. If we are to be
successful in
keeping Ra from taking the chappa'ai, we must focus the efforts
the rebellion on distracting him from it. (Katep looks at Daniel,
who sighs uncertainly. Teal'c looks at him.) Trust me.

TIME SHIP. Sam has opened a panel near the rear of the ship and
takes out a glass panel. A cable is hanging from the ceiling and she
takes the end and starts tinkering with the panel. Jack comes from
the front of the ship and looks at her.
O'NEILL: How's it goin'?
CARTER: I've never seen this kind of technology before.
O'NEILL: Hey, you're supposed to be a genius. That's why
I brought
you along.
CARTER: I'm working on it. I think the power relay was
I may be able to reroute the circuit to the control interface ...
(She looks up and sees Jack staring at her.) What?
O'NEILL: It's just a little weird hearin' that kind of
stuff come out
of someone so ...
(Sam turns and stares at him defensively.)
CARTER: So what?
O'NEILL: ... hot.
(Sam coughs.)
CARTER: Really?
O'NEILL: Yeah.
CARTER: Wow. Um, it's just you ... you're not the kind of
guy that I
usually attract.
CARTER: No. Huh. God. Wow! This is kinda awkward.
O'NEILL: Yeah, it's gettin' there.
CARTER: I'm kind of attracted to ... Daniel.
(Jack stares at her for a moment in disbelief.)
O'NEILL: What?! (Sam shrugs. Jack walks closer to her.)
CARTER: Sorry.
O'NEILL: No, that's OK, n-no problem there, I, it's just,
know ... first impressions, I kinda thought he was ... (He gestures
vaguely as Sam raises her eyebrows at him.) Never mind.
(Sam nods. Jack blows out a breath and turns away from her. Sam
turns back to her work, wincing.)

LATER. From behind a sand dune near the ship, Jack watches through
binoculars as a Jaffa patrol approaches. He activates his radio.
O'NEILL: Carter. How's it goin' in there?
(Sam, still working inside the ship, scrabbles for her radio.)
CARTER: Uh, I think I'm almost there.
O'NEILL: That's good. We're about to have some company.
(He runs
back to the ship and closes the rear door.) We have a patrol on its
way here. (He gets into the pilot's seat.)
CARTER: Try it.
(Jack puts his hands on the controls and they light up. He
concentrates, then looks round.)
O'NEILL: Nothing's happening.
(Sam turns her attention back to the panel above her head.)

KATEP'S TENT. As Daniel, Teal'c and Katep continue to study
the map,
Jack's voice comes over the radio.
O'NEILL (over radio): Hey, guys, we've got a little problem

TIME SHIP. Sam is still tinkering with the panel.
O'NEILL: Carter, forget it. I'm just gonna take off.
(Nearby, we see the Jaffa patrol walking between two sand dunes. In
moments they will be able to see the ship. Inside, Jack tries to get
the ship to take off but nothing happens. He slaps the side of the
control console.)
O'NEILL: C'mon! Now *that's* not workin'.
CARTER: Oh boy! (She reaches for the panel again and makes an
adjustment.) Try the cloak now.
(Jack closes his eyes and concentrates. Just as the patrol rounds
the sand dune, the ship cloaks.)
CARTER: Did it work? (She comes to the front of the ship and she and
Jack look out of the windscreen as the patrol comes into view. They
show no reaction.)
O'NEILL: Apparently.
(Just then, something in the console groans as it shuts off.
Outside, the ship decloaks. The Jaffa run towards the ship and
surround it. Three Jaffa come to the front of the ship, look in at
Jack and Sam and aim their staff weapons.)
JAFFA: Shak'na kree!
O'NEILL (holding a hand up to his ear): What?
(The Jaffa open fire. Although the staff blasts do not penetrate the
windscreen, other Jaffa around the ship are also firing and panels
start to short out. Jack jumps out of the pilot's seat and
Sam towards the rear of the ship.)
O'NEILL: Go, go, go, go! (He closes the door between the front
rear of the ship and pushes Sam down onto her knees behind the time
device before ducking down himself.) Get down! (Panels continue to
short out as the Jaffa keep firing.) Woah!
CARTER: This could be a problem.
O'NEILL: You think?!
CARTER: If they penetrate the hull and hit the engines, the energy
blasts could feed back into the power ...
O'NEILL: Carter!
CARTER: We could explode!
(Jack activates his radio.)
O'NEILL: Daniel, Teal'c.
DANIEL (over radio): We're almost there!

NEARBY. Daniel and Teal'c can hear the shooting. They duck down
behind a sand dune and watch as the Jaffa continue to fire at the
DANIEL: Well, this doesn't look good.
TEAL'C: Indeed.
DANIEL: Though it is quite ironic. This whole thing started because
Sam didn't want to take the Jumper back from a Jaffa patrol.

TIME SHIP. Still hiding behind the time device, Sam stares at Jack
as the panels continue sparking and exploding.
CARTER: Look, if we don't make it ... (She takes his head in her
hands and kisses him. Once she has ended the kiss, Jack stares at
O'NEILL: Wait a minute! You said you liked Daniel!
CARTER: I lied. I just wanted to get to know you better. You see,
usually I'm a very cautious person and I tend to think things ...
(Jack grabs her head and kisses her. Explosions go off all around

(Outside the ship, the Jaffa stop firing as Teal'c calls out to
TEAL'C: Jaffa! (He and Daniel walk into the open. Teal'c
holds his
arms wide to show that he is not going to shoot.) Hear me! Ra is
not a god! You can live free!
(The Jaffa patrol leader raises his staff weapon and points it at
JAFFA: Na'kek, shol'va!
DANIEL: I don't think he bought it.
(Inside the ship, Jack and Sam are still kissing but Jack opens his
eyes and then breaks the kiss when he realises that the firing has
stopped. Outside, Teal'c tries again.)
TEAL'C: Relinquish your weapons and surrender!
JAFFA: Kel'tek trey! Lo t'nak!
DANIEL: Yeah, I thought you'd say that.
TEAL'C (loudly): Shal'tek!
(From behind a high sand dune nearby, Katep appears. He cries out
and other Egyptians appear behind him. The Jaffa turn and stare as,
all around them, hundreds of Egyptians appear, brandishing staff
weapons and zat guns. All of them cry out fiercely. Daniel takes a
P90 from his robe and aims it at the Jaffa. The Jaffa drop their
staff weapons. Daniel activates his radio.)
DANIEL: Sam, Jack – it's all clear. You can come out now.
(Inside the ship, Jack and Sam are gazing at each other.)
O'NEILL (into radio): In a minute.
(Daniel and Teal'c look at each other, puzzled. Inside, Jack
hold of Sam's head and starts to kiss her again. They tumble to
floor, out of view of the camera. Above them, the time device shorts
CARTER (offscreen): I can fix that.

SGC. In Sam's lab, General Jack O'Neill, Lieutenant Colonel
Carter, Doctor Daniel Jackson and Teal'c (with hair) are watching
screen showing the video recording from five thousand years ago.
Jack is sitting at the desk while the others stand behind him. Next
to Jack, nestled inside a wooden box on top of a lot of padding, is a
glowing ZPM. On the desk next to the box is a half-eaten donut on a
paper napkin.
DANIEL (on the screen): Uh, Jack, you should say something here.
O'NEILL (on the screen): Um, college football is played on
pro on Sundays; and there are no fish in my pond ... at all ... where
I fish. (He turns to the other two.) Uh, I think that covers it for
(In the lab, Daniel turns the video off. Sam looks at Jack.)
CARTER: Is that correct?
O'NEILL: If it is, we don't do anything?
CARTER: Apparently nothing we did affected the timeline.
O'NEILL: But we didn't *do* anything.
CARTER: Not *yet*. Apparently we were going to, two weeks from now,
but now we don't have to.
O'NEILL: Excellent! (Daniel and Teal'c nod to each other and
away.) That's it! I like it!
(Sam reaches for the ZPM box.)
CARTER: OK, I'm gonna get this up to the lab for analysis.
O'NEILL: No! I'll take it. (He picks up the box.)
There's a whole
room full of geeks up there just dyin' to get their hands on
You've got *packin'* to do! (He walks away as Sam smiles.)

MINNESOTA. Jack's cabin. A fishing line arcs out into the
The camera lifts up from the water and we see that Jack and Sam are
sitting side by side on the pier, fishing.
CARTER: This is great.
O'NEILL: I told ya!
CARTER: I can't believe we didn't do it years ago.
O'NEILL: Yes, well, let's not dwell.
(Sam giggles as she looks at him. Behind them, Daniel and Teal'c
arrive, carrying a cooler box between them and each holding a folding
chair in their free hand. Out in the pond, a fish jumps out of the
water. Sam looks round at Jack.)
CARTER: Didn't that tape say there were no fish in your pond?
(Jack looks at her.)
O'NEILL: Close enough.
(Sam nods. The camera pulls back as Daniel and Teal'c unfold
chairs. Teal'c sits down, and Daniel walks onto the pier to join
other two.)

Kikavu ?

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