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#920 : La première vague


SG-1 part à la recherche de l'arme de Merlin, et découvre Camelot sur une autre planète. Daniel et Cameron vont tout tenter pour mettre la main sur la fameuse arme dans le laboratoire de Merlin. Pendant ce temps, Les Oris réussissent à mettre en place une nouvelle super porte et s'apprêtent à débarquer dans notre galaxie. Il est temps pour les terriens de regrouper leurs alliés afin de faire face à l'envahisseur, en espérant être en mesure de les empêcher d'atteindre la Terre...


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La première vague

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Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Joseph Mallozzi et Paul Mullie.

Réalisé par : Martin Wood.

Apparitions :

Claudia Black (Vala Mal Doran)

John Noble (Meurik)

Gary Chalk (Chekov)

Peter DeLuise (Voice of Kvasir)

920 - La première vague

Sg-1 est en mission sur la planète où Merlin aurait caché son arme (cf. « Atrhur's Mantle »). Ils arrivent dans une cité médiévale fortifiée. Au milieu de la cour principale, une épée semblable à celle trouvée sur Terre (cf. « Le Trésor d'Avalon ») est scellée dans un bloc de pierre. C'est alors qu'apparaît Meurik, le gouverneur du village, leur souhaitant la bienvenue à Camelot.

Meurik les invite à se restaurer dans une taverne. Là, il leur présente Antonius, l'historien du village. Durant la conversation, Daniel raconte la mort d'Arthur, mais sa version n'est pas la même que celle des villageois qui le pensent toujours en vie. Daniel demande alors des informations sur Merlin, mais cette question est embarrassante pour Meurik et l'homme décide de se retirer. Antonius leur explique que beaucoup de personnes pensent que Merlin était un magicien des ténèbres. L'historien explique que Merlin possédait une bibliothèque dans les murs de la cité, ce qui éveille la curiosité de l'équipe, mais son entrée est protégée par le Chevalier Noir.

Une fois dehors, l'équipe parle de la situation. Cameron ne voit aucun problème à défier ce chevalier, mais l'avis de Teal'c diverge pensant que cette fois-ci, la bataille sera plus ardue. L'équipe décide alors de se séparer pour explorer les lieux.

Alors qu'ils explorent la cité, Daniel et Mitchell rencontrent deux enfants jouant avec des épées de bois. Le militaire prend alors une épée et se mesure à l'adolescente. Puis les deux personnes leur montrent où se trouve la bibliothèque de Merlin. La fille explique qu'il existe une clé permettant d'ouvrir la porte, conservée dans les archives du village.

Quelques minutes plus tard, Daniel demande à Antonius de lui fournir cette clé, mais l'homme s'y refuse. Jackson lui révèle qu'ils ont déjà affronté un chevalier de Merlin, mais l'homme n'y croit pas.

La nuit tombée, l'équipe, assistée d'Antonius, se rend à la bibliothèque. A l'intérieur, parmi les toiles d'araignée, l'équipe trouve plusieurs livres et parchemins. En lisant un livre, Daniel trouve une légende qui lui laisse penser que la bibliothèque cache peut-être un appareil permettant de remonter dans le temps. Par accident, Mitchell ouvre un passage secret dissimulé derrière une bibliothèque. L'équipe part l'explorer, alors qu'Antonius retourne chez lui. La salle s'illumine alors et au centre se trouve une console semblable à celle de Dakara.

Chez lui, Antonius cherche sa femme, en vain. C'est alors qu'apparaît le Chevalier Noir avec la ferme intention de le tuer.

Dans la salle secrète, Daniel travaille sur la traduction de l'appareil. Mais un cri strident les attire vers le village. Là, ils trouvent le cadavre d'Antonius.

Au petit matin, Meurik leur demande des explications. Il sait qu'ils ont visité la bibliothèque, réveillant ainsi la malédiction. Teal'c et Daniel lui expliquent alors la situation et la menace qui pèse sur la galaxie. Une fois Meurik parti, l'équipe se penche sur la situation. Daniel suggère alors de parler à la population pour qu'ils comprennent les enjeux et faire changer d'avis Meurik.

Pendant ce temps, Mitchell regarde l'épée. La jeune fille qui leur a montré l'emplacement de la bibliothèque, Valencia, lui explique alors la légende liée à cette épée. Meurik arrive alors pour leur demander de partir. Daniel essaie de l'en dissuader, mais alors qu'il lui parle, toute l'équipe se fait téléporter à bord de l'Odyssée. Un vaisseau Jaffa a trouvé l'emplacement de la Super Porte des Ori. Le vaisseau russe va les rejoindre sur place, avec des vaisseaux Jaffas et Tok'ra. Daniel demande au Colonel qu'on le laisse sur place car il pense que la clé pour vaincre les Ori se trouve à Camelot. Mitchell décide de l'accompagner. Les russes viendront les chercher une fois leur vaisseau prêt.

Une fois dans la bibliothèque, Daniel cherche un moyen de désactiver l'apparition du Chevalier Noir.

A bord de l'Odyssée, Teal'c demande sa téléportation dans un vaisseau Jaffa pour rallier le plus de personnes possibles.

Dans la bibliothèque, Daniel pense avoir trouvé une piste. Une fois devant la console, avec Mitchell, ils parlent de la tactique à adopter si le Chevalier Noir apparaît. Daniel appuie sur les touches de la console, mais rien ne se passe. Mais des cris à l'extérieur leur font comprendre que le Chevalier est de retour.

A l'extérieur, Mitchell ouvre le feu sur le Chevalier, mais les balles le traversent. Il essaie alors de se diriger vers l'épée, mais le Chevalier le touche à plusieurs reprises. C'est alors que Valencia retire l'épée du bloc de pierre pour la donner à Mitchell. S'engage alors un duel acharné. Pendant ce temps, Daniel parvient à activer l'appareil et un trésor rempli la salle, puis Merlin apparaît. Son message se répète en boucle. Daniel ouvre alors le panneau de contrôle et tire dessus pour couper l'énergie. Le Chevalier Noir disparaît, à la grande joie des villageois.

Pendant ce temps, une armada de vaisseau se tient prête devant la Super Porte. Un vaisseau Jaffa communique avec l'Odyssée pour les informer que leurs tentatives pour détruire l'objet sont restées vaines.

Dans la bibliothèque de Merlin, Daniel résume la situation à Mitchell et lui explique qu'il pense avoir solutionné l'énigme de Merlin. Selon lui l'appareil recherché serait le pendentif de Merlin.

Pendant ce temps, un vaisseau Asgard apparaît prêt de la Super Porte. Kvasir apparaît à bord du vaisseau humain.

Dans un vaisseau de l'Alliance Lucian, Teal'c vient demander de l'aide à se groupe de mercenaires.

A bord de l'Odyssée, Kvasir analyse les informations trouvées par Daniel. Il explique que l'arme de Merlin est une machine qui transfère l'énergie vers la dimension occupée par les êtres élevés. Il pense qu'en ouvrant un vortex par la Super Porte avant les Ori, ils seraient capables de situer leur galaxie, et une fois l'arme trouvée de les atteindre.

Dans la bibliothèque, Daniel et Mitchell ne trouvent pas l'arme de Merlin. C'est alors que Meurik et Valencia entrent dans la pièce, les yeux émerveillés par le trésor de Merlin. Daniel lui montre alors le dessin de Merlin et lui demande si il a déjà vu le pendentif. Meurik lui répond qu'il s'agit du Sangreal, l'équivalent du Saint Graal. Le Gouverneur leur explique qu'il a été emporté par Arthur et ses chevaliers lorsqu'ils sont partis vers Castiana, Sahal et Vagonbrei. Meurik leur dit qu'il n'est plus nécessaire de chercher Arthur, car selon la légende, il sera bientôt de retour. Mais alors qu'il essaie une fois de plus de les convaincre que la magie n'existe pas, les deux terriens sont téléportés à bord du vaisseau Russe : le Korolev.

A bord de l'Odyssée, Sam et Kvasir ont réussi à localiser le cristal de contrôle commandant les adresses de la Super Porte. Sam pense qu'avec l'énergie de cette porte, ils pourront maintenir un passage ouvert indéfiniment vers la galaxie des Ori. Quelques minutes après, l'Asgard téléporte Sam vers la Super Porte.

Une fois sur place, Carter échange les cristaux de contrôle. Mais à bord de l'Odyssée, un technicien détecte une augmentation de l'énergie provenant de la Porte. Un courant se charge autour de la Porte et rompt les aimants qui retenaient Sam à l'appareil. Un passage s'ouvre.

Sam étant trop prêt de la Porte, il est impossible de la téléporter à bord du vaisseau. Au même moment arrive le Korolev. Puis des vaisseaux Ori franchissent la Porte. L'Odyssée reçoit un message des Ori. Daniel y répond par une parabole du Livre des Origines. Les vaisseaux alliés ouvrent le feu, mais les projectiles s'écrasent sur les boucliers. Les vaisseaux ennemis ripostent et font de graves dégâts.

A bord de la flotte alliée, c'est la panique. Mitchell décide d'utiliser les F-302 de l'appareil russe. L'Odyssée se retrouve paralysée. C'est alors que les vaisseaux de l'Alliance Lucian arrivent. Mais les vaisseaux Ori font des dommages de plus en plus importants à la flotte adversaire. Un vaisseau Terrien est détruit. Carter dérive toujours dans l'espace. Pendant ce temps, Vala assiste à la bérézina à bord d'un vaisseau Ori, et ressent les premières contractions.

A suivre...





La Première Vague


SCENE: SG-1 walk through a field away from the gate.

MITCHELL: Hey…has anyone stopped to think how this thing might possibly work? I mean how do you kill something that's pure energy?

JACKSON: well…technically Merlin's research didn't refer to killing…a better translation would be neutralizing or canceling out…

MITCHELL: well it still begs a lot of questions…how do you aim at something you can't see?

JACKSON: clearly it can't be a weapon in the conventional sense…see ascended beings transcend ordinary space-time as we know it…this device would have to do the same thing.

MITCHELL: In other words you have no idea what it might be…

JACKSON: yeah…pretty much…that's it…

CARTER: whoa…this looks promising…*they walk through the tree line, a medieval village coming into view*

SCENE: SG-1 enters the village center, the villagers slowing in their daily routine to look at them. Teal'c smiles and waves at those he passes.

VILLAGER: (in the background) no I've never seen them before

CARTER: well it certainly looks like a place where Merlin might have lived.

MITCHELL: wouldn't get excited just yet… there could be dozens of villages in the area…just like this one. No way to know for sure this is the right one.

JACKSON: Well…there's that…*points, in the centre of the village is a stone with a sword in it, they walk over to look at it as a group of people walk towards them*

MEURIK: *leading the group* Travelers. I am Meurik…Governor of this village…*waves* Welcome to Camelot.


SCENE: SG-1 and Meurik sit at a table in the local inn, food and drink laid at the table. Antonius walks over.

ANTONIUS: These must be the strangers that everyone is speaking off.

MEURIK: this is Antonius, our village historian.

ANTONIUS: Welcome to Camelot, past and the future home of King Arthur and his round table.

CARTER: Sorry… future home?

MEURIK: I…I assume you know the history of the battle of Camlann?

JACKSON: Of course…where Arthur was mortally wounded by Mordred.

MEURIK: Arthur…? Mortally wounded? *grins, nods at Antonius* speak

ANTONIUS: Arthur defeated Mordred at the battle of Camlann, after which he and his fellow Knights set off to find the San Greal.

JACKSON: That's the Holy Grail…

ANTONIUS: that was long ago…but we know in our hearts that one day he will return to us.

JACKSON: uhm…what happened to Merlin…when he left?

MEURIK: *puts down cup, seeming slightly put out* I have matters to attend to… best I take my leave now. *he stands* enjoy your stay with us. *leaves*

JACKSON: *the rest of SG-1 looks at him eyebrows raised* did I…offend him?

ANTONIUS: not at all *takes Meurik's vacated seat* it's just that…Merlin's name is rarely mentioned in public.

JACKSON: why is that?

ANTONIUS: well many believe he was a wizard of darkness, he may have tried to do good but…there was always potential for great mischief in his heart…thankfully…he has neither been seen nor heard of since Arthur's departure…the library where he practiced his strange arts remains sealed to this day…

CARTER: Merlin had a library here?

ANTONIUS: of course…it was his private sanctuary…here in Camelot…

JACKSON: We'd like to see that.

ANTONIUS: well I'm afraid that's…impossible…the library is protected…by a powerful curse. It is said that all those who enter Merlin's sanctuary forfeit their lives to its guardian, the Black Knight. *Carter and Teal'c share a look with Mitchell*

SCENE: SG-1 leave the bar, walking out into the village center once again.

MITCHELL: Ok…so best case scenario this curse of the Black Knight is a story Merlin made up to scare off the locals…worse case scenario he's got another holographic Knight protecting his goods like he did back in England <*does a little dance*> either way I don't see a big problem…

TEAL'C: *raises eyebrow, grumbles, looking away* uummmhmmm

MITCHELL: *frowns looking at him* what?

TEAL'C: Given your ("word?") victory over the Knight in the Avalon cave, it would seem your over confidence is ill-advised.

MITCHELL: did I say anything about me doing the fighting?

JACKSON: the point is last time it was a test designed to measure a challengers worth…this time it sounds more like a defense mechanism set up to protect Merlin's research which means it could be a lot tougher and the same rules might not apply…

CARTER: I think we should split up a look around. *they all slow*

TEAL'C: Indeed. *Mitchell and Jackson head off together, Teal'c and Carter heading back the way they came*

SCENE: A teenage girl and young boy are sparring, Valencia (girl) pretending to be Arthur while Ramus plays Mordred, Mitchell and Jackson approach them.

VALENCIA: Surrender Mordred!

RAMUS: Never. *blocks her blows, she knocks away his arm and holds the wooden sword against his neck*

VALENCIA: yield?

RAMUS: I yield. But next time I want to be Arthur.

MITCHELL: Not like that's going to help if you keep moving around like Grimly. *The two children stare at him* Here… let me show you something. *he takes off his P-90, handing it to Jackson* you mind? *Ramus gives him the sword* Thank you. Try not to bob around quite so much.

He and Valencia begin to battle, Valencia feeling the strain of blocking his swings.

MITCHELL: Nice. *she smiles, Mitchell steps up his speed, taking her sword from her*

VALENCIA: where did you learn to fight?

MITCHELL: Broomstick battles with my kid brother and the Sodan ritual of Kel Shak Low made me the nimble warrior that I am today. *hands them back the sword* so… do either one of you know where we can find Merlin's…uh…

JACKSON: Oh…uh…Library

MITCHELL: Merlin's Library? *Valencia shares a look with her brother*

SCENE: Valencia and her brother, lead Jackson and Mitchell to Merlin's library.

VALENCIA: This is it. The door is magiced. *Jackson tries to open the door but there is a type of shield there.* There is a key…no one dare use it.

JACKSON: where will we find this key?

VALENCIA: it is kept in the village archives…

SCENE: at a fruit stall, Jackson follows Antonius having just asked him for the key to Merlin's library. It has been raining.

ANTONIUS: No. *quietly, trying to ensure no one hears them* absolutely not.

JACKSON: Antonius?!

ANTONIUS: I will not be party to your deaths. Your lives would be forfeit the instant you stepped inside.

JACKSON: we have faced one of Merlin's Knights before

ANTONIUS: what? *tuts* Impossible. If you had…you would not be here to tell the tale.

JACKSON: Well I am because we defeated him…and in defeating him we acquired the treasures he had hidden away on our world. And one of those treasures led us here. To Camelot. Anotnius…you're the village historian…don't tell me you haven't dreamt about what might be inside there…*Antonius thinks*

SCENE: Late at night, SG-1 and Anotnius head for Merlin's library

ANTONIUS: No one must know of my participation in this venture.

MITCHELL: got it.

ANTONIUS: not Meurik…not my fellow villagers…and most importantly not my wife Olivia, who…believes I am reviewing council minutes with Brother Avalar tonight.

MITCHELL: *nods* We were never here.

Anotonius hands his lantern over to Mitchell and pulls out the key. Touching the door once, a blast runs through it. He then tries the key again and the door opens.

SCENE: Inside everything is covered in cobwebs, Mitchell moves in first.

MITCHELL: Ugh…spiders…*They enter, looking around the dark room with their torches*

JACKSON: *blows the dust off a book* yep…this could take a while.

SCENE: Teal'c has lit the candles in the room, making it much brighter; Jackson sits at the desk reading through the books.

JACKSON: This is interesting. *carter moves over to see* this is a reference to Merlin's prophetic abilities…there's a…a similar myth of Earth…that Merlin could see future because he actually aged backwards in time. It's not meant to be taken literally but we have seen that a lot of legends in folklore have a…strong basis in fact…-Avalon, Atlantis…

TEAL'C: *grins* The Easter bunny.

ANTONIUS: Oh…*frowns*

JACKSON: I guess there's a few exceptions…*Teal'c looks Upset by this*

CARTER: are you saying that there's time travel technology here…?

JACKSON: I'm saying there could be anything round here…

MITCHELL: well…I hate to break it to you folks but the only technology I'm seeing is uh…bunch of dusty old books…*pulls book from shelf, the books case moves revealing a hidden passage* and a secret passage. *they all walk over to see* Alright there's another chamber

ANTONIUS: we should not go in there! We've tempted fate enough…for one night.

MITCHELL: well you can stay up here if you want.

ANTONIUS: No…I shall take my leave. *he heads off*

SCENE: SG-1 enter another room, as they move further in the fire place comes to life, setting off a chain reaction lighting up the room. In the center is a ancient device much like the one in Window of opportunity.

MITCHELL: It's not a puzzle is it?

JACKSON: no…it's an ancient control device.

MITCHELL: What does it control?

JACKSON: I have no idea *he moves closer, stepping up on the platform it lights up*

SCENE: At home, Antonius makes his way to the bedroom, looking around. In his arms he carries a book he has taken from Merlin's Library.

ANTONIUS: Olivia?! *he looks round, and as he turns he sees the Black Knight by the window* AHHHHHHH! *the Black Knight raises his sword and moves towards him*

SCENE: SG-1 stand staring at the device

JACKSON: I've seen this type of interface before *carter nods* activating it is a matter of correctly interpreting these symbols…*there a suddenly sounds of screaming, SG-1 hurry off*

SCENE: In Antonius' bedroom and crowd has gathered, SG-1 enter, Carter checking Antonius for a pulse

CARTER: He's dead.

SCENE: Meurik slams a book down on the table pointing at it, and turning to SG-1.

MEURIK: How do you explain this? Antonius had it with him when he was killed…

CARTER: Meurik…we're very sorry about what happened…

MEURIK: You went into the wizard's library didn't you?

JACKSON: yes we did.

MITCHELL: Look…it wasn't suppose to go down like that…we figured if the Knight was going to appear it would be in the chamber…and he wouldn't go after any body but us.

MEURIK: you were warned of the danger and you refused to believe. And you awakened the curse.

JACKSON: Black Knight is not part of any curse…he isn't magical and he isn't unbeatable.

TEAL'C: your world as well as countless others are in danger of being overrun by an enemy far more powerful than you could ever imagine. They are called the Ori. And they will destroy anyone who does not kneel before them

JACKSON: we learned a long time ago Merlin was working on a weapon that could be used against them and the key to finding that weapon is inside that library.

MEURIK: I have never seen nor heard of these Ori… but we have witnessed the power of the Black Knight. Leave this village. Take the curse with you. *he walks out*

JACKSON: well…we can't just give up.

CARTER: Daniel… we're not exactly welcome here anymore.

JACKSON: don't you see this is exactly what Merlin wanted. Why do you think he designed the Black Knight to attack in the village and not the chamber? To insight terror. I mean if he just killed who ever was inside the chamber then, there would be no great public incentive to keep people out…you go in at your own risk and there would always be someone foolish enough to give it a try.

MITCHELL: Yeah…someone like us.

JACKSON: Look the point is he designed it that way because he was worried that someone might stumble on to the solution, which means there is a solution and it's inside that chamber.

CARTER: A shut off switch.

JACKSON: Exactly.

MITCHELL: Well that's great…but how does it help us now?

JACKSON: I don't know… I just…give me a little time to talk to these people… if I can get some of them on our side we might be able to get Meurik to reconsider. *Mitchell waves, letting him go*

SCENE: Mitchell walks over to the sword in the stone, looking at it…

VALENCIA: Only he who is pure of heart and true of spirit can pull the sword from the stone. *she walks over to him* they said Arthur will not return from his quest until one among us succeeds in removing it…

MITCHELL: you ever try it?

VALENCIA: *shakes head* of course not. It is for the young men who are preparing to be Knights to test themselves with the sword, as my brother Ramus will do when he comes of age.

MITCHELL: Yeah… but I've seen you spar…you've got the skills.

VALENCIA: *nods* I only do that to help Ramus train…when Arthur does come back he will need Knights to join him on his next crusade…the men of this village will be ready to serve him.

MITCHELL: and you're not interested in that *she thinks, glancing at him*

MEURIK: Valencia! Leave us...

VALENCIA: Yes Governor.

MEURIK: …*point* you abuse my tolerant nature, Colonel.

MITCHELL: *walks over, biting lip* I take it, it didn't go so well…

JACKSON: Not really.

MEURIK: these men will escort you to the great ring. And ensure that you leave as requested…

JACKSON: okay you're making a mistake…there is no curse…now the Black Knight is a security feature created by Merlin through the use of science and advanced technology…there is no magic involved-*A bright light engulfs SG-1 as they are beamed out, The villager stare in fear*

SCENE:  SG-1 appear on the Bridge of the Odyssey.

EMERSON: SG-1… welcome aboard the Odyssey.

MITCHELL: Colonel. What's going on?

EMERSON: change of plans *gets up from his seat, walking over to a screen nearby* we received a subspace transmission from a Jaffa vessel near P3Y-229…*SG-1 walk over* they were investigating some unusual energy readings…this is what they found, and if we enhance the image…*the image zooms in showing a supergate*

CARTER: A fully formed supergate.

EMERSON: Stargate command tried to dial 229 but couldn't get a lock…

CARTER: planet was probably destroyed in the formation of the micro singularity…

EMERSON: my orders were to pick you up and proceed immediately to the SuperGate, unfortunately the daedalus is still in the Pegasus Galaxy but the Korelev will be joining us as soon as possible…

CARTER: I didn't think it was operational yet…

EMERSON: it's been rushed into service…we're to meet up with as many Jaffa and Tok'ra ships as we can muster…and then destroy that thing by what ever means necessary. *walks over to his chair* set a course.

MARKS: Yes sir.

JACKSON: wait a minute…we …we can't go yet…

EMERSON: we don't have any more time doctor…by all indications that space gate's operational there's no telling when the Ori are going to start sending ships through…

JACKSON: okay…but…go…but leave me behind. Colonel…I believe the key to defeating the Ori is on that planet…I know it.

CARTER: Daniel even if you're right the villagers are never going to let you back in the library…

JACKSON: then beam me in…

EMERSON: alright…you get one more chance.

MITCHELL: I'll go with Jackson…a little quality time… and that Black Knight might show up again.

EMERSON: we'll have the Russians swing by and pick you up on the way through. You have until then…

MITCHELL: Thank you sir. *he and Jackson leave, Carter walks over to look at the monitor with the Supergate on it*

SCENE: Mitchell and Jackson are beamed into Merlin's Library.

MITCHELL: so what now?

JACKSON: *heads upstairs to more books* well all indications are the Black Knight was activated the second I stepped on to that platform…so…my guess  is we can shut him down by inputting the correct code sequence on that control panel…

MITCHELL: Merlin's pin number?

JACKSON: yeah…something like that.

MITCHELL: *looks round* so how do we find it?

JACKSON: by…*waves* analyzing these documents…

MITCHELL: you do realize we're on the clock? Right…?

SCENE: Back on the Bridge of the Odyssey.

MARKS: course is plotted sir.

EMERSON: very well…

TEAL'C: *walks over to Emerson* ColonelEmerson. I wish to be transferred to the nearest Jaffa control vessel.

EMERSON: can I ask why?

TEAL'C: I intend to seek out some much needed allies…*Teal'c nods and leaves.*

SCENE: Jackson closes a book, behind him Mitchell is sitting back with his feet propped up, sleeping.

JACKSON: That's it…*glances behind himself, at Mitchell, lifts the book and drops it on the ground, Mitchell sitting up instantly* sorry… didn't mean to wake you.

MITCHELL: no…uh…I wasn't sleeping… I was kel'noreeming. Teal'c taught me the fundamentals…

JACKSON: *making notes* Did he mention you should remain conscious in the process?

MITCHELL: yeah…I'm still working on the basics *gets up* so…you got something?

JACKSON: yeah…I've cross-referenced half a dozen passages that mention the Black Knight now there's a series of recurring words and phrases that stand out if you know what you're looking for…

MITCHELL: are we talking access codes?

JACKSON: I think so…*Mitchell pats him on the back*

SCENE: Mitchell and Jackson walk into the secret chamber with the ancient device. Jackson carrying a couple of books, he stops short of stepping on to the platform, hesitant.

MITCHELL: what's the matter?

JACKSON: well…If I'm wrong about this then…

MITCHELL: nah…look I'll take care of the Black Knight…

JACKSON: Yeah… how ya gonna do that again?

MITCHELL: I will pull the sword from the Stone just like last time.

JACKSON: Well…I think we've been over this…this is a completely different scenario…see in the Avalon cave it was pulling the sword from the stone that caused the Knight to appear in the first place…here we don't even know if they're connected…

MITCHELL: …we know Merlin put the sword there right?

JACKSON: Probably.

MITCHELL: which means its no ordinary sword and that's good enough for me…besides…do we have a choice?


Mitchell waves and he and Jackson step on to the platform, both looking up waiting for the sound of screaming, nothing happens, Jackson opens up his books and starts inputting the combination…

JACKSON: uh-oh.

MITCHELL: what-oh?

JACKSON: nothing happened.

MITCHELL: is that a good thing or a bad thing? *sounds of screaming*


MITCHELL: You stay…I'll go…*hurries off* make it work!


SCENE: Mitchell runs out to the village centre spotting the Black night, stops.

MITCHELL:  Oh boy… *he raises his P-90* Everybody down! *he fires a round at it, but it goes straight through the Knight* Nope…didn't think so…

The Black Knight does some fancy sword moves and walks towards Mitchell, Mitchell dodges passed the Black Knight, just over a barrel of logs.

VILLAGER: He doesn't stand a chance

Valencia runs out to see what's going on... As Mitchell pulls himself to his feet, the Black Knight takes a swing hitting him. Mitchell falls, crawling away.

SCENE: Jackson grabs his radio.

JACKSON: Mitchell how's it going out there?

SCENE: Mitchell tries to crawl away the Black Knight advancing on him.

MITCHELL: Uhh…*grabs radio* not so good.

Mitchell pulls himself up, grabbing a near by sword, he takes a few swings at the Black Knight, but his blade goes straight through. The Black Knight hits him, knocking him back in the mud.

VALENCIA: *hurries over to Meurik* Do something. Help him.

MEURIK: *Shakes head* he brought this on himself.

Mitchell gets up, his body covered in mud; he glances around not seeing the Knight. He turns, the Black Knight standing right behind him; he's able to dodge a few more swings, before the Knight hits him again. Valencia watches worried she glances back at the sword in the stone, looking back on Mitchell she runs over to the Stone, grabbing it.

MEURIK: *looks after her* what do you think you are doing?

She tugs, and pulls, straining when suddenly the sword comes out of the stone. All the villagers stare in shock.

VILLAGER: She's got the sword!!

Valencia runs past Meurik, as Mitchell is hit several times by the Black Knight, pain searing through him, but no cuts made. Valencia throws him the sword, he grabs it turning and blocking the Knights blow. They spar once again Mitchell blocking each swing. The Black Knight punches Mitchell knocking him over.

SCENE: Jackson tries out another combination on the device…the room suddenly fills with gold and other treasures. Merlin's hologram appears before him, dressed in silver, with a red diamond hanging from his neck.

MERLIN: Greetings friend, I am Merlin.

JACKSON: Yes you are…

MERLIN: the prize you seek…like the pendulum swing marks the passage of all that is before you.

JACKSON: *grabs radio* Mitchell I did it

MERLIN: Greetings friend

JACKSON: Is the Black Knight gone?


SCENE: Mitchell takes a breath and responds, before the Knight takes another shot.

MITCHELL:  Not exactly. *Mitchell defends several more blows, the Knight backing him up.*

SCENE: Jackson stares, grabbing radio, Merlin's hologram repeating.

JACKSON: I don't understand…I got the treasure, activated the hologram…

MERLIN: Greetings…

SCENE: Mitchell drops, rushing to his feet.

MITCHELL: Try a different code. *he attacks the Knight*

JACKSON: (on radio) I already tried all the combinations I came up with.

SCENE: Jackson grips radio.

JACKSON: Mitchell

MERLIN: marks the passage of all that is before you

JACKSON: Mitchell!!!!

MERLIN: Greetings friend I am Merlin.

SCENE: Mitchell is beginning to tire, he blocks a few more shots with some fancy footwork, the Black Knight pushing him and slashing him from behind. Mitchell falls to his knees.

SCENE: Jackson stares at the Hologram thinking.

MERLIN: all that is before you…Greetings friend I am Merlin, the prize you seek…like the pendulum swing marks the passage of all that is before you. *Jackson open up the control panel with the crystals staring at it* Greetings friend I am Merlin-

JACKSON: ah screw it. *he pulls out his 9mil and fires on it. The Hologram shuts down*

SCENE: Mitchell lies defeated on the ground as the Black Knight stands over him, raising his sword and…disappears.

VILLAGER: Oh where did it go? He's done it!!

The crowd cheers, clapping, they all go over to Valencia, clapping her on the shoulder, ignoring Mitchell, who waves, and drops back, resting.

SCENE: The Odyssey drops out of hyperspace just before the super gate, Several Motherships already in formation.

MARKS: Sir…we're receiving a transmission from one of the Jaffa ships.

EMERSON: Put it on screen.

SHER'RA: I am Sher'ra of the free Jaffa…it was my ship that discovered the gate.

EMERSON: I understand there's been no other signs of activity…

SHER'RA: none. You should be aware we've already attempted to destroy the gate…our combined forces had no effect…*Emerson glances back at Carter who swallows*

SCENE: Mitchell looks down at the destroyed control crystals…

MITCHELL: so all you had to do was shoot the control crystals?

JACKSON: *already reading through one of the books* Pretty much…

MITCHELL: sounds like one of my plans…how come you didn't so that in the first place? *stretches*

JACKSON: well…because I had to find the access codes first…if I hadn't…none of this…would have beamed in…and I wouldn't have seen Merlin's hologram message…

MITCHELL: right…what did he say?

JACKSON: well…I think it was a riddle…and I believe I've figured it out…*walks over with the book to Mitchell* now you see…this pendent *points at the picture of Merlin* now in every depiction of Merlin in his library I've seen it and in fact in the hologram message he was wearing it as well… but I've never seen it before…not in any reference material back on earth.

MITCHELL: and you think…that's the device we're looking for?

JACKSON: the riddle mentions a pendulum…now at first I thought that was a reference to a…a passage of time like a pendulum clock…then I realized it was more literal…something that hangs. It also said that it was right before my eyes…

MITCHELL: *points* I don't know… does that seem a little small?

JACKSON: well just remember we're talking about things that transcend ordinary space-time here. Relative size has no meaning…

MITCHELL: *raises eyebrow, shifts* fine let's start looking. *walks over to some treasures*

SCENE: Back on the Bridge of the Odyssey

MARKS: sir…another ship just dropped out of hyperspace, it's an Asgard vessel…

EMERSON: open a channel…this is Colonel Emerson of the earth vessel odyssey.

KVASIR: *appears in a beam of light* yes… I know who you are.

CARTER: Hello Kvasir…

KVASIR: Colonel Carter… there is much work to be done… where is the rest of your team?

CARTER: Daniel and Colonel Mitchell are still looking for the ancient device I was telling you about in our communicate…and Teal'c…*glances at Emerson* well we're not exactly sure where Teal'c is…

SCENE: On board a mother ship, which is surrounded by Hatak vessels, Teal'c is chained and brought before Netan, leader of the Lucien alliance.

NETAN: flying into our territory…in an unmarked cargo ship…? I didn't think you were that stupid…

TEAL'C: I have allowed myself to be captured knowing…that I would be brought before you…

NETAN: really?

TEAL'C: I have come to seek the assistance of the Lucien alliance…

NETAN: I take it back… you're not stupid…you're insane. Kill him.

TEAL'C: *knocks over one of the guards, while grabbing the other a taking his weapon, the first comes back at him and he knocks him out, pulling the gun on Netan* I should kill you where you stand… but as I have said…I have come seeking your assistance… the fate of the galaxy is at stake…

SCENE: On board the odyssey in a type of lab, Kvasir and Carter work.

KVASIR: we have been analyzing the information that Daniel Jackson was able to retrieve from Merlin's phase shifting device…

CARTER: unfortunately he didn't get very far before it permanently ran out of power…

KVASIR: there was enough data for us to summarize what the so called Anti-Ori weapon might be…

CARTER: really? I wasn't able to make heads or tails of it.

KVASIR: Really?

CARTER: *little put out by that* just tell me what you got.

KVASIR: It is an energy transfer device…similar to a zero point Module except that the energy is channeled not from subspace into ordinary space-time but rather into the dimension occupied by ascended beings…

CARTER: and this energy is harmful to them in some way?

KVASIR: it is a form of interference…a simple analogy would be two standing waves canceling each other out. If the weapon indeed works the way Merlin's writings imply…we would simply need to activate it and send it to the Ori galaxy…and they would be eliminated…

CARTER: yeah but how do we do that? I mean we don't even know where the Ori galaxy is…let alone have the ability to send something there…

KVASIR: that is where you're mistaken…

CARTER: *realizing* you're talking about the Super Gate…we dial out before they can dial in.

KVASIR: precisely

CARTER: that might actually work.

KVASIR: of course we will need Merlin's weapon… if Colonel Mitchell and Dr Jackson don't find it…

CARTER: don't worry… they'll find it.

SCENE: Mitchell stands holding a pot.

MITCHELL: what do you mean it's not here?

JACKSON: well we've been through this stuff twice…it's not here.

MITCHELL: It's got to be here…*he drops the pot* Look…I once lost my keys in my apartment for three days…

MEURIK: Colonel Mitchell? *walks in with a small group of people*

MITCHELL: hi…uh…come on in…don't be afraid… Black Knights not coming back…

MEURIK: it's incredible…

MITCHELL: yeah…*smiles* its all yours…

MEURIK: you do not wish to claim a prize for defeating Merlin's champion…?

MITCHELL: well there was one thing…we were looking for…but we can't find it…

JACKSON: actually maybe you can help us…*grabs the book, walking over to Meurik* do you recognize this?

MEURIK: this is San Greal?

JACKSON: This is San Greal?

MEURIK: it is also known as the blood stone…

JACKSON: course…um…blood…blood red for the color of the jewel…

MITCHELL: whoa…whoa…whoa…wait…wait…wait…a minute…we're talking about the Holy Grail right? Every movie I've seen that's a cup…

JACKSON: uh…no the notion that the grail was a cup or chalice particularly the one used by Christ at the last supper was…was uh late addition to the myth… see on rare accounts its described variously as a dish or platter…or in the case Von Eschenbach in outer Middle East influenced chroniclers as a stone that fell from the Heavens…

MEURIK: if this is what you seek…you will not find it among these trinkets…Arthur and his Knights left to quest for the San Greal long ago.

MITCHELL: do you know where they went?

MEURIK: of course…it is said that they journeyed to three distant lands…mentioned in Merlin's prophecy…Castianna, Sahal and Vagonbray…

MITCHELL: any of those spots ring a bell?

JACKSON: no…but if they were part of Merlin's prophecies then any one of his books could hold the key to what we're looking for…

MITCHELL: the books upstairs?! *Jackson nods* Jackson…that's days…weeks to find the proper reference and then there's no guarantee that we're gonna be able to track'em down…

MEURIK: searching for Arthur's whereabouts in this library is not necessary…now… *places hand on Valencia's shoulder* thanks to Valencia, we've been given a sign that Arthur will return soon…and you…are welcome to stay with us and wait as the men that conquered Merlin's curse you will be given a place of honor…

JACKSON: *rolls eyes* look…once and for all there was no curse…okay? *waves* this is a device…it's a machine…it's like a flower mill…or a catapult… it's just a lot more complicated…there is no magic…*He and Mitchell are beamed out, the villager's moving away in fear*

SCENE:  Mitchell and Jackson appear on the Bridge of the Korelev

JACKSON: Boy My timings off today!

CHEKOV: Colonel Mitchell. Doctor Jackson. Welcome aboard the Korelev…

SCENE: Kvasir and Carter are analyzing the Super gate.

CARTER: There it is…

EMERSON: *enters* Colonel Carter…

CARTER: sir…we've managed to locate the dialing control crystals on one particular section of the gate…*holding a control crystal* now Kvasir has already programmed a replacement crystal so it's just a matter of someone getting out there and installing it…

EMERSON: and I suppose you'd like to volunteer…

CARTER: *smiles* Yes sir…

KVASIR: I would go…but you do not have a space suit that would fit me…

EMERSON: …no ones going…we just got word from the Korelev, Mitchell and Jackson didn't find the device

CARTER: sir even without Merlin's device… dialing out is still our best bet because in the very least it will prevent them from dialing in. well…its possible with the power generated by the singularity we can maintain this connection indefinitely…

SCENE: Carter stands in the space suit, as one of the crew place the helmet over her head.

KVASIR: The co-ordinates are set…are you ready Colonel Carter?

CARTER: Ready as I'll ever be. *all her lights are switched on*

KVASIR: initiating transport *She is beamed out.*

SCENE: Carter appears on the part of the gate with the dialing crystal, she pushes herself down.

CARTER: Engaging Magnetic lock. *her feet come firmly down on the large chevron, she walks forward, stopping* I'm removing the panel now…*she removes the panel, letting it float off, she pulls out one of the crystals*

SCENE: On board the Odyssey, Emerson listens to Carter's progress.

CARTER: (On radio) I'm putting in our control crystal

SCENE: Carter pulls out the crystal inserting it.

CARTER: it'll just take a few minutes to initialize *she kits a few buttons on her suit.*

SCENE: On the bridge of the odyssey

MARKS: sir… we're picking up increased energy output coming from the gate…

SCENE: The Stargate starts to surge with energy, the "electricity" flows.

CARTER: Something's happening *the surge cause her to be pushed off* I've lost my magnetic lock…

SCENE: Emerson walks over to his seat.

MARKS: It's an incoming wormhole.

EMERSON: Get her out of there. Now.

MARKS: it's not working…there's too much interference

EMERSON: *hits radio* Sam report. *returns only distortion* Sam…?

SCENE: Carter watches as the gate activate, a huge kawoosh coming out, almost blinding her…the ripples making it look like a huge ocean

CARTER: Oh my god…*stares in fear*

SCENE: Bridge of the Odyssey

EMERSON: can you pick up Colonel Carter's signal?

MARKS: Negative…she's too close to the event horizon *Emerson stands, worried*

The Korelev drops out of hyperspace

MARKS: Sir the Korelev just dropped out of hyperspace

CHEKOV: (on radio) This is Colonel Chekov

SCENE: on board the Korelev

CHEKOV: What is the situation? *Mitchell and Jackson stare out the window*

EMERSON: (on radio) we've got an incoming wormhole…I suggest you prepare for battle



MITCHELL: *Chekov walks over to Mitchell* Here they come…

SCENE: Through the gate comes the first wave of Ori ships, one after the other. Carter watching as they fly by her.

SCENE: One board the Korelev…

MITCHELL: I only count four ships…

JACKSON: It's probably their first wave

MITCHELL: we should see what we can do about discouraging a second one.



SCENE: One board the Odyssey

MARKS: Sir we're receiving a message from one of the Ori ships, Text only.

EMERSON: what does it say?

MARKS: "And those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made onto dust."

SCENE: Back on the bridge of the Korelev

CHEKOV: is that all it say?

MITCHELL: yeah… that's it.

JACKSON: open a channel…


JACKSON: "Then DiTialus say to the people of the low planes…seek not wickedness amongst your neighbors lest it find purchase in your own house."

MITCHELL: what was that?

JACKSON: Book of Origin

MITCHELL: think it will help? *Jackson shrugs unsure*

SCENE: The Ori vessels grow brighter, back on the Odyssey

MARKS: They're powering up their weapons.

EMERSON: *sits* here we go…*turns on radio* all battery's open fire.

SCENE: All the Jaffa, Tok'ra and Earth vessels fire on the Ori ship, but their fire is only defended by their shields. The Ori fire on the vessels, hitting their defenses and blowing away a mother ship in the first wave of fire. The X-304's both take heavy damage, people already being injured.

SCENE: On the Odyssey Marks shifts from some sparks

MARKS: Shields down to 50%. *The Ori continue to fire, alarms going off* Sir we just lost sublight engines…

SCENE: Anther Mothership is destroyed, The Ori ships seeming to take no damage at all.

EMERSON: redirect power to the engines. Begin evasive maneuvers.

SCENE: On board the Korelev

CHEKOV: we've lost power

MITCHELL: we have to scramble the 302S!

CHEKOV: No…they'll have no effect against that.

MITCHELL: hey! We're getting our asses kicked…its time to go all in…I'll draw their fire while you get the ship back online…*heads off*

CHEKOV: Go! go!

SCENE: Sparks flying everywhere on board the Odyssey

MARKS: It's no good sir…we're dead in the water…Sir…picking up approaching ships…

SCENE: From beyond the gate, behind the Ori ships, 3 motherships appear immediately firing on the Ori ships. Teal'c appears on screen on the Odyssey

TEAL'C: Apologies for my late arrival…

EMERSON: better late than never.

TEAL'C: indeed.

EMERSON: Forget the Engines! Give them everything we got!

SCENE: The Asgard ship moves in evasively firing on the Ori ship as they take out another mothership and then another…Teal'c mothership is taking very heavy damage as he stares in great fear…Everything moves into slow motions, Emerson watches as fires break out on his ship, the same happening aboard the Korelev, several men and women injured, Chekov and Jackson take the helms…A blast knocks Mitchell over as he tries to get to the X-302's, Crewmen attempting to put out various fires. Outside the Ori ship's shields hold strong, Firing they destroy one of the X-304's which is unclear. Carter watches helplessly from her stranded position, unable to do anything else. As various ships are destroyed the Camera pans and zooms in on one of the Ori vessels, watching from a window, also helpless, Vala watches in despair, rubbing her stomach, suddenly the child kicks, she gasps staring out in fear.


Kikavu ?

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