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#719 : Résurrection


A Los Angeles, un complexe industriel désaffecté servant de base à une cellule de N.I.D. a été le théâtre d'une terrible hécatombe. Une trentaine de membres du N.I.D., puissante organisation privée, ont été froidement assassinés. Anna, une jeune fille au visage angélique, est présumée coupable. Pourtant elle ne se souvient de rien et prétend n'avoir jamais quitté la cage de verre où elle a toujours vécu enfermée. Appelés en renfort par l'agent Barrett, Sam, Teal'c et Daniel s'attachent à cerner la troublante personnalité d'Anna et travaillent à percer le secret de l'inquiétant docteur Keffler, seul survivant du massacre. Fruit de manipulations génétiques opérées par Keffler, Anna se révèle mi-humaine, mi Goa'uld. Elle est la seule à pouvoir désactiver la bombe qui menace la ville tout entière.


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Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Michael Shanks

Réalisé par : Amanda Tapping

Apparitions :

Peter Flemming (Agent Du Nid Malcolm Barrett)

Bill Dow (Dr Lee)

Martin Novotny (Garde De La Chambre D'interrogatoire Du Nid)

Kristen Dalton (Anna/sekmet)

Brad Greenquist (Dr Keffler)

719/ Résurrection

L’agent Barrett a appelé Sg-1 à Los Angeles, pour l’aider à mener une enquête. Il les amène dans un entrepôt désaffecté qui servait de base à une cellule dormante d’agents corrompus du NID. Il leur explique qu’il y a eu 32 victimes dans cet entrepôt. Il leur précise qu’il connaît déjà l’assassin, mais pas le motif. Ils se dirigent alors vers une grande salle vide. Au milieu, se trouve une cage de verre avec une jeune femme à l’intérieur. Barrett leur dit qu’elle est la responsable de tout ça.

Dans une autre salle, il montre à l’équipe la vidéo de surveillance où l’on voit clairement ce qu’il c’est passé. Barrett explique que la fille ne souvient de rien et qu’elle est enfermée dans la cage par sécurité, mais aussi parce qu’elle dit avoir toujours vécu là. Sam demande si il y a un survivant. Barrett lui dit qu’un certain Keffler est toujours en vie, mais qu’il n’est pas très bavard.

L’agent les amène dans un entrepôt où sont stockés des artefacts égyptiens. Teal’c reconnaît le sceau de Sekhmet, un allié de Râ. Mais ce dernier l’a banni quand elle tenta de comploter contre lui. Barrett suppose que ces artefacts ont été ramenés par les Allemands. Il explique que le père de Keffler était un criminel de guerre nazi. Barrett demande alors au Major de l’accompagner pour interroger le scientifique.

Dans la salle d’interrogatoire, Barrett fait les présentations. Il lui pose des questions sur la fille, mais Keffler refuse de répondre. Barrett essaye de l’intimider, en vain. Samantha lui demande sur quoi portait ses recherches, mais Keffler lui répond qu’elle peut le trouver toute seule. Barrett sort alors une sorte de télécommande. Keffler essaye de jouer au plus malin et ne dit rien. Puis le scientifique réclame ses cachets. Il tend la main, et l’agent les dépose sur la table.

Une fois l’interrogatoire fini, Sam et l’agent du NID se dirigent vers un laboratoire. Sam ouvre un compartiment et elle trouve des fœtus humains en cours de développement, dans des pots de formole. Sam décide d’explorer les fichiers des ordinateurs pour en apprendre plus, mais l’agent Barrett lui dit qu’ils sont codés. Mais Samantha insiste. Puis la conversation dérive sur leur vie privée. Barrett l’invite à dîner, mais elle lui rétorque qu’elle fréquente déjà quelqu’un.

Barrett rejoint le Dr Jackson et Teal’c. Daniel lui explique qu’il n’y a rien de vraiment intéressant. Puis il les questionne sur une arche. Daniel explique qu’ils n’arrivent pas à l’ouvrir. Barrett demande alors à Daniel d’aller parler avec la fille.

Daniel arrive devant la cage en verre. L’intérieur de celle-ci est recouvert de dessin très bizarre. Daniel essaye de nouer le contact avec Anna, la fille dans la cellule. Il essaye d’instaurer une confiance entre eux, mais Anna n’est pas très bavarde. Soudain elle dit qu’elle n’est pas la vraie meurtrière. Daniel choisit alors de lui montrer la vidéo, mais elle persiste à dire qu’elle est toujours innocente. Il lui demande où elle était quand les meurtres ont été commis, mais elle ne répond pas. Il lui demande qui est le Dr Keffler. Elle lui répond alors que c’est l’homme qui l’a créé.

Dans le laboratoire, Daniel informe Barrett et Sam de sa découverte. Carter pense qu’elle est le fruit des recherches génétiques. Barrett pense que cela est impossible car elle semble trop veille. Daniel et Sam lui expliquent qu’il existe plusieurs technologies capables d’accélérer le processus de vieillissement. Daniel explique qu’Anna pense être innocente. Sam suggère alors que le NID a créé un clone d’elle qui pourrait être responsable de la situation.

Daniel retourne auprès d’Anna. Cette dernière est entrain de dessiner. Daniel lui demande depuis quand elle vit ici, et au fil des questions, il découvre que le Dr Keffler ne lui a souhaité qu’une fois son anniversaire, ce qui signifierait qu’elle aurait un peu plus d’un an. Puis il la questionne sur ses dessins. Elle lui explique que ceux sont des flashs qu’elle voit dans ses reves, et que cela l’effraie. Elle lui dit que lorsqu’elle retire les dessins du mur, le Dr lui fiat du mal. Daniel lui demande alors si elle a réalisé beaucoup d’autres dessins de scarabée. Elle fouille dans le tas de feuille et lui remet un dessin.

Daniel apporte ensuite le dessin à Teal’c. On y voit le dessus de l’arche, avec les scarabées dans différentes positions. Teal’c déplacent les scarabées comme sur le dessin et ouvre l’arche : elle contient une bombe.

Dans le laboratoire, Carter explique à Barrett qu’elle est parvenue à forcer le code. Elle a découvert que cette expérience a débuté il y a trois ans. Elle dit aussi que les artefacts ont été retrouvés par l’armée de Napoléon, puis que les nazis les ont volés. Dans le listing des artefacts, elle constat qu’il y avait un vase canope : une urne contenant un symbiote. Elle découvre que Keffler a mélangé les deux ADN pour obtenir les connaissances du Goa’uld. Teal’c et Daniel les rejoignent alors. Sam leur explique sa découverte au sujet d’Anna. Mais Daniel l’interrompt et lui explique que l’arche est une bombe qui explosera dans moins de 16 heures.

Barrett interroge à nouveau le Dr Keffler, mais cette fois ci d’une manière plus musclée. Sam lui demande comment désactiver la bombe, mais il ne savait même pas qu’il y en avait une. Keffler explique que lui aussi veut aider l’humanité à lutter contre les Goa’ulds. Il leur révèle alors qu’Anna n’a pas de symbiote en elle. Cependant, elle présente deux personnalités : celle de Sekhmet, et la sienne. Keffler pense que la personnalité Goa’uld est responsable du massacre et du déclenchement de la bombe. Samantha comprend alors que la bombe est une monnaie d’échange pour que le Goa’uld prenne plus longtemps le contrôle du corps de la fille.

De son coté, Daniel continue toujours d’interroger Anna. Il lui dit qu’il comprend ce qu’elle vit et lui raconte son expérience avec l’harsesis (cf. « Pouvoir Absolu »). Puis il lui demande de l’aide pour désamorcer la bombe. Anna ne sait pas comment faire, alors Daniel lui propose son aide pour trouver la réponse.

Dans l’entrepôt, le Dr Lee a rejoint l’équipe. Il procède aux premières analyses de l’appareil. Teal’c préconise de ne pas déplacer l’objet. Barrett décide de faire évacuer la zone la plus vaste, mais Lee lui explique que la bombe peut faire sauter tout Los Angeles.

De son coté, Daniel montre à Anna des dessins de l’arche, mais elle ne se souvient de rien.

Quelques temps plus tard, Barrett rejoint Jackson dans une salle de visionnage. Ce dernier visionne les entretiens d’Anna avec Keffler.

Puis Barrett part dans le laboratoire. Là, Carter lui explique qu’en aidant Anna, cette dernière pourrait changer d’attitude et collaborer.

De son coté, Daniel fait une découverte intéressante : Keffler utilisait une télécommande pour faire remonter la personnalité du Goa’uld.

Keffler lui essaye de négocier avec Sam et Barrett : sa liberté contre son aide. Daniel entre alors dans la pièce et révèle sa découverte. Il parle de la télécommande qu’il utilisait pour activer le réveil, et Barrett la sort de sa poche. Il lui dit qu’il est responsable du carnage, mais Keffler nie tout en bloc.

De son coté, le Dr Lee dissèque l’arche. Teal’c lui recommande la plus grande prudence. Il essaye de reprogrammer la minuterie, mais au contraire, il accélère la vitesse du compte à rebours. Barrett vient prendre des nouvelles du déminage, mais Teal’c lui apprend que tout va exploser dans deux heures.

De son coté, Daniel parle avec Anna. Cette dernière ne voit toujours pas comment la désamorcer. Daniel lui explique alors qu’il y a quelques temps, sa mémoire a été effacée (cf. « Retour aux Sources »), mais qu’il est parvenu à retrouver ses souvenirs grâce à la méditation. Il lui propose alors d’utiliser cette méthode pour l’aider.

Sam interroge encore le Dr Keffler. Ce dernier lui explique qu’ils n’ont pas isolé le gène de la mémoire Goa’uld car cela aurait pris trop de temps. Anna va mourir dans d’atroces souffrances. Keffler révèle alors qu’il a placé une capsule de biotoxines dans le cerveau de la fille pour lui éviter des souffrances inutiles.

Daniel médite avec Anna. Il la place dans le contexte de l’Ancienne Egypte, dans une scène d’adoration. Le Goa’uld prend alors le dessus. Sekhmet refuse de dévoiler des informations et met le feu à sa cellule. Daniel appelle à l’aide, et des agents du NID viennent éteindre le feu.

Sam et Barrett courent vers la cellule. A leur arrivée, Anna a disparu. Barrett prévient ses hommes de la situation. Dans la salle d’interrogatoire, Keffler entend le message et comprend qu’il risque d’être tué par Sekhmet.

Barrett de son coté fouille les sous sols du bâtiments. Mais alors qu’il descend un escalier, la main d’Anna le saisit et le fait tomber.

Dans la cellule, Daniel comprend qu’Anna contrôle le corps. De son coté, Keffler simule une crise pour obtenir ses médicaments, mais il trompe le garde et s’enfuit.

Daniel lui amène à Teal’c et au Dr Lee le code de désamorçage de la bombe.

Sam fouille le bâtiment à la recherche de Barrett. Elle le trouve et appelle une équipe médicale.

De leur coté, Teal’c et Lee désamorce la bombe.

Keffler lui tente de s’enfuir par les égouts. Mais Anna le retrouve et le tue. Daniel entend le tir et se dirige vers Anna : elle a mis fin à ses jours pour se soulager des ses souffrances.

LOS ANGELES. WAREHOUSE. Agent Barrett walks out of the warehouse to
meet Sam, Daniel and Teal'c, all dressed casually, who have just arrived
in a car.

(N.B. The entire episode takes place inside the warehouse, so this will
not be repeated at the beginning of each scene.)

BARRETT: Major Carter, Doctor Jackson, Teal'c. Glad you could make it.

CARTER: Agent Barrett.

BARRETT: How's Colonel O'Neill doing?

CARTER: Still recovering. He's taking some time off.

BARRETT: Well, we're still putting the details together here. If you'll
follow me, I'll explain as we go.

DANIEL: What is this place?

BARRETT: An abandoned industrial complex. Near as we can tell, it was
home to a rogue NID sleeper cell we've been trying to locate for over a
year now.

CARTER: Still haven't got them all?

BARRETT: No, not by a long shot, Major. Their ties run deep. They seem
to have infinite resources at their disposal.

CARTER: What were they doing here?

BARRETT: We're not exactly sure yet.

DANIEL: What happened?

BARRETT: At approximately 0800 this morning we intercepted a 911 call.
We moved in just after local authorities arrived. We've been in
lockdown mode ever since.

DANIEL: Wait a minute. Someone running a top secret, not to mention
illegal, NID operation called 911?!

BARRETT: It got real ugly. Come on. We got a call from a panicked male
voice. We think it was from a member of the cleaning staff. The call
was cut short. (As SG-1 and Agent Barrett walk into the warehouse, there
are covered bodies everywhere.) Thus far we've counted thirty-two
casualties, which includes a six man security contingent.

CARTER: Who would do this?

TEAL'C: And for what reason?

BARRETT: Actually we know who did it. As for why ...

DANIEL: You know who did this?


(They pass by more covered bodies and come to a door which is being

BARRETT (to the guard): Open it.

(The guard opens the door and the group walk into a large, mostly empty,
room. In the middle of the room is a large glass cage. Standing inside
is a young woman, perhaps in her early twenties.)

BARRETT: It was her.

LATER. Barrett is sitting at a TV screen.

BARRETT: At first we thought she was a survivor. Then we found this.
(He turns on a tape of CCTV footage showing a man lying on the ground
and dragging himself across the floor of a lab. He looks round in
terror and then someone shoots him in the back. The young woman from
the cage walks into view and looks round at the CCTV camera with no
remorse on her face.) We found her cowering in the corner. She seemed
to be genuinely terrified; had no memory of what happened.

CARTER: You put her in the cell?

BARRETT: Yes. She said that's where they kept her. We locked her up
after we found the security tapes. We didn't wanna take any chances.

DANIEL: Who is she?

BARRETT: We're not sure yet. She's been printed. We're trying her
through the system.

CARTER: Any other survivors?

BARRETT: Got one, a scientist named Keffler. We're holding him upstairs.
So far he hasn't been very talkative. Come on: let me show you why I
called you guys down here.

(He escorts them into another room full of Egyptian artefacts.)

DANIEL: Wow. (He and Teal'c look around.)

BARRETT: Recognise anything?

DANIEL: Nothing I've catalogued as coming through the SGC.

TEAL'C (picking up a sceptre): This indicates it belonged to Sekhmet.

BARRETT: Who was that?

TEAL'C: A Goa'uld who at one time was loyal to Ra.

DANIEL: From what we know, she was a powerful ally of his. He would
routinely despatch her to rule planets in his stead, halt rebellions,
oversee mass executions - you know, all fun stuff.

BARRETT: Sounds like a real sweetheart. What happened to her?

TEAL'C: It is believed she was exiled for plotting against Ra.

DANIEL: We also believe that she lived here for most of his dynasty. I
didn't realise this stuff had been recovered.

BARRETT: From what I can gather, it may have come from the Germans.

DANIEL: The Germans?!

BARRETT: The background that I have on Keffler says that he's the son of
a convicted Nazi war criminal.

DANIEL: I guess we really shouldn't be that surprised.

CARTER: Rogue NID really have no limits, do they?

BARRETT: See if there's anything else you can tell me about this stuff.
(Daniel starts to look through the artefacts. Barrett turns to Sam.)
I'm gonna go back at Keffler again. You wanna join me?


BARRETT (leading her from the room): Just thought you might wanna watch
a master of interrogation at work.

CARTER: Huh. You call in someone special?(!)

(Barrett throws her an indignant look. She pats his back reassuringly.)

DETENTION ROOM. Barrett and Sam enter the room where Keffler is being
held. He is smoking a cigarette and looks very relaxed.

BARRETT: Doctor Keffler, this is Major Samantha Carter.

KEFFLER: Of the Stargate programme.

BARRETT: That's right. Are you ready to tell us about the girl?
(Keffler shrugs.) Look, Doctor, do I really need to explain the nature
of your situation?

KEFFLER (sarcastically): Oh, please do. It amuses me.

BARRETT: This was an off-the-books NID operation, which means you
technically don't exist. Which means no phone calls, no lawyers. Hell,
I don't even have to read you your rights. To make matters worse for
you, the people behind the operation are all in jail. Nobody to bail
you out.

CARTER: What kind of work was being done here, Doctor?

KEFFLER: You're a smart girl - you'll figure it out.

BARRETT: Look, do you really think that we are gonna let you walk away
from this? Thirty-two people are dead.

KEFFLER: Believe it or not, I do feel bad about that. Some of them were
not quite as incompetent as the others. Unfortunately the bad ones
always ruin it for everyone, don't they?

BARRETT (taking what looks like a remote control out of his pocket and
holding it up): What's this?

KEFFLER: That unlocks my car.

BARRETT: Don't think you're safe.

KEFFLER: Read the papers, Agent Barrett. No-one is safe these days.
(Barrett turns to leave.) My pills. (He holds out his hand. Barrett
takes a bottle of pills out of his pocket and removes one pill. Instead
of putting it into Keffler's hand, he drops it on the table. Keffler
smiles.) Now, now. You wouldn't want your only witness to die on you,
would you? (He picks up the pill and puts it in his mouth.)

(Sam and Barrett leave the room.)

BARRETT: It's nitro. Says he has a bad heart. I'd say an x-ray would
confirm a total absence.

CARTER: I don't know - I think he's starting to crack(!)

BARRETT: The guy was quoting Hannibal Lector in there!

CARTER: Still, he's obviously no match for a 'master interrogator'.

BARRETT: I didn't see you get all Clarice Starling on his ass. (He opens
a drawer and hands Sam a radio.)

CARTER: I didn't wanna step on your toes.

BARRETT: Right. Come on, I've got one more thing to show you.

CARTER: There's more?

BARRETT: Trust me, I'm saving the best for last.

LATER. Barrett and Sam, holding torches, are making their way into a
poorly lit basement. Another body is being wheeled out.

CARTER: This isn't at all creepy(!)

BARRETT: Oh, it gets better.

(They walk into a lab. Barrett opens a cabinet containing several glass
canisters which contain distorted-looking foetuses.)

CARTER: They look like partially developed foetuses.

BARRETT: They don't look human to me.

CARTER: Failed experiments of some kind?

BARRETT: What kind is the question.

CARTER: Well, there's one way to find out. (She walks over to the
computer console.)

BARRETT: No, forget it. Major, we've already tried that. All the codes
are encrypted. I've requested a data retrieval team.

CARTER (sitting down and starting to type): Present and accounted for.

BARRETT: Right, of course. (A pause while Sam types.) So how've you been?

CARTER: Busy. You?


CARTER: You know, I never properly thanked you for that memo on Woolsey.

BARRETT: Well maybe we could go out for dinner some time.

(Another pause while Sam flinches and Barrett looks embarrassed but

CARTER: It's just that I'm seeing someone right now.

BARRETT: Really?! You?!

CARTER (indignantly): *You* asked me out!

BARRETT: Yeah, right. Sorry. I'm gonna go check in with Doctor
Jackson and Teal'c. (He leaves the room hastily. Sam smiles.)

ARTEFACT ROOM. Barrett has rejoined Daniel and Teal'c.

DANIEL: Most of the artefacts are related in some way to Sekhmet. I'm
guessing they were found here on Earth, possibly in an Egyptian tomb or
crypt of some kind.

BARRETT: Nothing of note?

DANIEL: No, I mean, it's interesting stuff, but, uh, no, not, not really.

BARRETT: What's this? (He points to a highly ornate box with the Eye of
Ra in the centre of the lid and a scarab at each corner of the lid.)

TEAL'C: It would appear to be an ark.

DANIEL: Ordained with the gold motif of Ra, the sun god. Possibly a
gift to Sekhmet.

BARRETT: OK. What's in it?

DANIEL: I don't know. We haven't been able to open it. But, um, these
turn. (He twists one of the scarabs.)

BARRETT: Some sort of combination lock?

TEAL'C: So it would seem.

DANIEL: Any luck with the scientist?

BARRETT: No, not exactly. You know, the girl - she may be on tape
killing everybody, but I'm pretty sure that guy up there's not innocent.

DANIEL: Yeah, what about that girl?

BARRETT: She hasn't said anything since we locked her up. I was kinda
hoping that you'd give it a try.

DANIEL: Umm, m-m-m-me?

BARRETT: Heard you've got a knack for this type of thing.

ANNA'S ROOM. Daniel walks over to the glass cage. Inside the cage is a
bed and some bookcases with books in them. Stuck up on the walls are
many charcoal drawings. All of the drawings are of dark, violent
images. Anna is sitting on the bed.

DANIEL: Hi, I'm Daniel Jackson. (Anna ignores him.) You're Anna, right?
(She still takes no notice of him.) You know, when I first saw you, I
didn't believe that you could do the things they said you did. And even
after I saw it for myself, I still don't believe it. (Finally Anna looks
up at him.) Look, I know you don't know me and you have no reason to
trust me, but I wanna help you. Before I do that, I need to know a few
things first. I need to know who you are; what's happened to you; why
you're here in a cell like this. Do you even understand me?

ANNA: I didn't kill those people.

DANIEL: Well, there's some pretty overwhelming evidence.

ANNA: It wasn't me. (She stands up and walks to the glass wall to face
Daniel.) Please, you have to believe me. It wasn't me.

LATER. Daniel is showing Anna some of the CCTV footage. In a lab, a
couple of scientists try to escape as Anna walks in and cold-bloodedly
shoots them.

ANNA (distressed): Turn it off. Turn it off!

DANIEL (turning off the tape): Sorry.

ANNA: I couldn't do those things.

DANIEL: Looks like you did.

ANNA: It's not me.

DANIEL: Then who is it?

ANNA: I don't know.

DANIEL: OK, where were you when this was happening? If the person on
the tape isn't you, where were you? What were you doing?

ANNA: I don't remember! (She starts to cry.)

DANIEL: Who's Doctor Keffler?

ANNA: He's the one who made me.

LAB. Daniel is talking with Sam and Barrett.

DANIEL: She says that Keffler made her.

BARRETT: What the hell does that mean?

CARTER: Some sort of genetic research.

BARRETT: No. She's over twenty years old. The operation hasn't been
going on that long.

DANIEL: We know the Asgard can rapidly grow a human clone, but ...

CARTER: Area 51 has a sample of Goa'uld nanite technology from the
planet Argos - it can also rapidly grow a human with the ability to
learn very quickly, and the rogue NID would have had access to that.

DANIEL: She also says that Keffler is responsible for everything that


DANIEL: I don't know.

CARTER: Do you think she's telling the truth?

DANIEL: To be honest, I don't know what to think. She certainly
believes she didn't do it - says the girl in the videotape isn't her.

BARRETT: How can that be possible?

CARTER: The NID have cloned a Goa'uld symbiont before.

BARRETT: Right, of course! She could be a clone.

DANIEL: So there could be more than one of her. How well have you
searched this facility?

BARRETT: From top to bottom. I'd better put an APB out to local
authorities. (He heads out of the lab.)

ANNA'S ROOM. Daniel stands outside the cage while Anna does a charcoal

DANIEL: Anna, how long have you lived here?

ANNA (still concentrating on her drawing): Since I remember.

DANIEL: Yeah? How long is that, exactly?

ANNA: I don't know.

DANIEL: You ever have a birthday? You know, a birthday. A cake with
candles on it, funny hats, pin the tail on the donkey, that kind of thing.

ANNA: He gave me this paper and some new charcoal.

DANIEL: Who, Doctor Keffler?

ANNA: He always gave me paper, but once, once he said it was my birthday.

DANIEL: Just once. Have you ever seen anything outside of this room?

ANNA: Just pictures. I've read a lot of books which describe the world
outside. The mountains, oceans, the sun...

DANIEL: But you've never experienced them first hand? (Anna shakes her
head. Daniel points to the drawings stuck up around the cage.) What
about these?

ANNA: Those are the things I see in my dreams. Flashes. They just come
to me.

DANIEL: Do they mean anything to you?

ANNA: Just that they scare me.

DANIEL: If they scare you so much, why do you hang them up everywhere?

ANNA: I don't want them there. He hurts me if I take them down.
They're important to him.

(Daniel notices that Anna is currently drawing a scarab.)

DANIEL: Do you have any more with one of those on it? Maybe on an ark?

(Anna rummages through the pile of drawings on the floor and then holds
up a handful of them for Daniel to look at.)

ARTEFACT ROOM. Daniel puts a sheet of paper on top of the ark. The
drawing shows the lid of the ark with the four scarabs turned to
different positions.

DANIEL: I got it. It's one of Anna's sketches. I think it's a
combination to open the ark.

(Teal'c turns the scarabs on the ark to the same position as they've
been drawn by Anna and the lid immediately pops up. He takes the lid
off the ark. Inside is a device with a large green light in the middle
and a collar around it with flashing indicator lights. As Daniel and
Teal'c look, the indicator lights change.

DANIEL: Did we just do that?

TEAL'C: I do not believe so. It was activated some time ago.

LAB. Barrett comes back into the lab as Sam continues to work on the

BARRETT: I've got a picture out to local authorities. If there's a
second girl out there that looks like her, we'll find her.

CARTER (referring to the computer): I'm in. I have complete access.

BARRETT: Nice work.

CARTER: The files seem to document recent work going back over three years.

BARRETT: Recent work?

CARTER: The artefacts go all the way back to Napoleon. The Nazis
eventually recovered them.

BARRETT: They ended up in Keffler's father's hands.

CARTER: They found a canopic jar. It's a vessel containing a preserved
symbiont. Keffler spliced human ovum with DNA taken from a Goa'uld.

BARRETT: The girl's a human/Goa'uld hybrid.

CARTER: The Goa'uld pass on their knowledge genetically. They were
trying to create a human who could tell them everything the Goa'uld
would know. They didn't want to wait either.

BARRETT: They got the nanite technology from Area 51 ...

CARTER: ... so they could make it grow up quickly. It took them
forty-five failures before they finally got it right. You can call off
that APB.

BARRETT: There's only one of her.

CARTER: According to this. The previous attempts either didn't blend
properly or they grew too fast and died. The technology had to be
modified so that the human could slowly learn to gain access to the
genetic knowledge buried in the DNA. My God - they tortured the poor
girl. Sensory deprivation, electrocution ...

(Daniel and Teal'c enter.)

TEAL'C: Major Carter, Agent Barrett.

CARTER: She's not a clone. There's only one of her and she's got
Goa'uld DNA blended with her own. That could explain her behaviour and
why she doesn't know what she's done.

DANIEL: The ark is a bomb.

CARTER and BARRETT (simultaneously): What?!

TEAL'C: The ark is in fact a Goa'uld explosive device.

DANIEL: And it's been activated.

BARRETT: How much time do we have?

TEAL'C: Approximately sixteen hours.

DETENTION ROOM. Sam and Barrett have clearly just told Keffler about
the bomb.

KEFFLER (calmly): How interesting.

(Barrett grabs him and slams him hard up against the wall.)

BARRETT: Wipe the smarmy smile off your face and tell me what's going on

KEFFLER (showing the first true sign of emotion that we've seen): You're
hurting me.

BARRETT: Nothing I do to you could make up for what you've done here.

CARTER: Agent Barrett!

KEFFLER: Listen to her, Agent Barrett.

BARRETT: You are gonna tell me everything that I wanna know or she's not
going to be able to stop me from beating you senseless.

KEFFLER: What do you want to know?

(Barrett lets him go. Keffler sits back down.)

CARTER: For starters, do you know how to deactivate the bomb?

KEFFLER (lighting another cigarette): I didn't know it *was* a bomb.

BARRETT: So this girl breaks out of her cell, kills thirty-two people,
sets a bomb to go off a day from now and then sticks around. How does
that make sense?

KEFFLER: Your problem, Agent Barrett - one among many, I must point out
- is that you see her as a girl.

CARTER: Look, if you're gonna try and give us some moral justification
for what's gone on here ...

KEFFLER: Please, Major, I know that you have helped orchestrate the
deaths of Goa'ulds before; assassinated them in cold blood, in fact,
without regard for the life of the human host.

CARTER: I didn't create the problem!

KEFFLER: Neither did I! I am merely trying to help solve it. The
Goa'uld are a terrible threat to us all. Anna is a device, a conduit to
the knowledge that could level the playing field, and I think we all
agree that if killing one person could save millions, billions of
innocent lives, you would have no choice. You would do it.

BARRETT: Answer my question.

KEFFLER (smarmily): I'm sorry - I've forgotten what it was.

BARRETT: Why set the bomb and stick around?

KEFFLER: Anna did not set that bomb.

BARRETT: Then who did?

KEFFLER: The Goa'uld. Sekhmet.

BARRETT: Now, wait a minute. (to Sam) She doesn't have a snake inside
of her, right?

KEFFLER: Something we didn't expect. Separate and distinct personalities.

CARTER: Are you saying that Anna's mind has created an entirely separate
personality that acts like the Goa'uld Sekhmet?

KEFFLER: Yes. But I don't know if it is that she is incapable of
dealing with the darkness within her, or that that knowledge is so
powerful that it is capable of manifesting itself as such. I only know
that it emerges and speaks as a unique entity. We have witnessed it
with a growing frequency. Anna has no awareness - to her it is as if
she has blacked out.

BARRETT: OK, so the Goa'uld personality comes out, goes on a rampage,
sets the bomb...

CARTER: ... but can't stay in control of the body long enough to finish
what she was doing.

KEFFLER: Her breakthroughs are sporadic and seem somewhat uncontrolled.

BARRETT: Still, why set the bomb?

CARTER: Leverage.

BARRETT: Against what?

CARTER (to Keffler): Sekhmet only has conscious control of the body for
short periods of time. She wants more. She was going to blackmail you
with the bomb.

KEFFLER (laughs): Ah, the psyche is so simple, isn't it? So single
minded. It's truly fascinating to behold.

CARTER: She thinks you can give her that full control.

BARRETT: Can you?

KEFFLER: She's the experiment. I'm the observer.

CARTER: Still, the Goa'uld personality didn't go do something like this
on a whim. You led her to believe that you have the power to give her
control of her life. And I'll bet you did it so she would tell you what
you want to know.

KEFFLER: How to save us all, Major. I'm not the only one who wants to know.

ANNA'S ROOM. Daniel has apparently told Anna at least some of what Sam
and Barrett have learned.

ANNA: I don't remember anything.

DANIEL: I know this must be hard for you.

ANNA: How can you know what this is like for me?

DANIEL: Cos I knew a boy once who was like you.

ANNA: There are more like me?

DANIEL: Not exactly. He was born of two Goa'uld hosts. They call a
child like that a harcesis.

ANNA: What happened to him?

DANIEL: He was saved by a very powerful being. He ascended to a higher
plane of existence, and when he did, he gained great power himself. He
used that power to show me that all the knowledge and memories passed on
to him by the Goa'uld genetically came with a terrible burden, and how
it was wrong to seek it for any reason.

ANNA: Can I be saved like him?

DANIEL: Maybe. Honestly I don't know. Will you help us shut this bomb off?

ANNA: I don't know how.

DANIEL: You do. You knew how to open the ark, it was in your drawings.

ANNA: I don't remember turning it on.

DANIEL: I know, but somewhere inside your mind is the answer and I can
help you find it.

ARTEFACT ROOM. Doctor Lee has now arrived and is running a scanner over
the ark.

LEE: According to these readings, there's a ten-pound block of naqahdah
in this thing.

BARRETT: What's that supposed to mean?

LEE: It would be very bad if it went off.

BARRETT: Well it's a bomb, right? I mean, usually it's not a good thing
when they go off.

LEE: True.

BARRETT: Can we move this?

TEAL'C: From what I know of Goa'uld weaponry, that would be unwise. It
may have a sensor that would detect such an action.

LEE: Yeah. I don't even wanna go there. Let's see if we can disarm it
here first.

BARRETT: I'm gonna get the local authorities to start evacuating the area.

LEE: Thanks for the vote of confidence(!)

BARRETT: How many miles are we talking about here?

LEE: I don't know. How big *is* Orange County?

BARRETT: You're kidding, right?

LEE (staring at him straight faced): Do I look like a practical joker to

ANNA'S ROOM. Daniel is holding up a drawing of the ark for Anna to look at.

ANNA: Images just come to me. I draw them. I don't know what they mean.

DANIEL: Just relax and think about it. When you look at this, what
comes to mind?

ANNA: The blackouts - they're happening more and more.

DANIEL (lowering the drawing): Do you trust me? Do you trust me? I wanna
help you. I don't wanna hurt you.

ANNA: After I help you?

DANIEL: It's not like that. We have to shut this bomb off.

ANNA: How many birthdays have you had?

DANIEL: That's not important right now.

ANNA: You sound just like him.

LATER, in another room, Daniel is watching video footage of Keffler
standing outside Anna's cage and talking to her. Barrett comes into the

BARRETT: I heard you were here. What are you doing?

DANIEL: I noticed most of the tapes were labelled \"Anna\". It's not just
security video footage, it's actual documentation of the research.

BARRETT: Anything useful?

DANIEL: No, just something she said when we were talking, that I
reminded her of Keffler. I figured I need to learn more about how he
dealt with her before I pressed her too much.

BARRETT: What are the chances you'll find out how to deactivate the bomb
from her?

DANIEL: I don't know.

BARRETT: We're trying to get as much of the area evacuated as we can.
We just don't know how big the blast is gonna be. ... No pressure. I'll
leave now. (He walks away. Daniel closes his eyes briefly, then
restarts the tape.)

LAB. Barrett has rejoined Sam.

BARRETT: You know, I'd feel better if you were down there working on the

CARTER: Doctor Lee is the best we've got for this and Teal'c knows more
than I do about Goa'uld weapons. Besides, I wanted to see if there was
anything more in the research notes that might help.

BARRETT: Like what?

CARTER: Well, if we can offer Anna a cure for her condition, she might
be more willing to help us. She's been horribly mistreated and without
intervention she'd have very little hope of survival. Now, at the time
they made her, they had no idea what her lifespan was going to be.
Based on her current rate of growth, I estimate it won't be more than
three years.

BARRETT: Can you help her?

CARTER: Possibly. We should at least be able to halt the rapid growth
effects of the nanites. Now, I doubt we can unmarry the Goa'uld DNA
from hers, but we may be able to block the knowledge from her conscious
mind, stop it from possessing her. We've had some luck with certain
drugs in similar situations before.

BARRETT: I suppose the fact that you've had similar situations to this
shouldn't come as a total shock.

CARTER: Anything on your end?

BARRETT: Keffler. He wants to chat.

VIDEO ROOM. Daniel is fast-forwarding through footage of Keffler and
Anna when he spots something that makes him rewind. Keffler approaches
the cage as Anna backs fearfully away from him. Keffler aims the remote
device at Anna and she doubles over, clearly in great pain.

KEFFLER (on video): There is a cure, Anna. You can be a normal girl
with a normal life. You can be free, or you can continue to suffer. (He
zaps her again.)

ANNA (doubling up in pain and whimpering): Please stop!

(She whimpers again, then suddenly straightens up and speaks in a much
more domineering voice. Sekhmet has taken over, though she does not have
the dual Goa'uld voice.)

SEKHMET: Stop this at once, I command you.

KEFFLER: Now we're getting somewhere.

SEKHMET: Let me out of here.

KEFFLER: In due time, freedom can be yours.

SEKHMET: You think I will just tell you the secrets of the Goa'uld.

KEFFLER: If you want to live. (He brandishes the remote at her.)

SEKHMET: You will not kill me.

KEFFLER: I can make another as easily as I made you.

SEKHMET: If it were up to me, given the chance, I would rip the beating
heart from your chest and feed it to you.

KEFFLER: Such colourful language. Let's focus on the issue at hand,
shall we?

(Daniel turns the tape off.)

DANIEL: Son of a bitch.


KEFFLER: We have the same goal. I do not wish to see my work go to
waste. Look, I know her. I know how her mind works. I can get you
what you need.

CARTER: Yeah, I've read about your methods.

KEFFLER: I will only talk to her. You are welcome to be present the
entire time.

BARRETT: And what do you want in return? I can't believe that you'd be
doing this solely for the greater good.

KEFFLER: My freedom.

BARRETT: Not a chance.

KEFFLER: I am guilty of nothing more than trying to save this world,
just like you. We are at war.

CARTER: Desperate times call for desperate measures. I've heard that
defence. (She turns and leaves the room. Barrett follows her. Keffler
calls after them.)

KEFFLER: What choice do you have? How many people will die if that bomb
goes off?

(Outside the cell:)

CARTER: Let's just say we're considering this. Do you have the
authority to offer him immunity?

BARRETT: Trust me, no matter what we decide to do, no court is ever
gonna hear about this.

(Daniel walks hurriedly into the room and barges straight in between Sam
and Barrett.)

CARTER: Daniel ...

(Daniel rushes into Keffler's cell. Sam and Barrett follow him.)

DANIEL (to Keffler): You let her out, didn't you?

KEFFLER: You must be Daniel Jackson.

CARTER: Daniel, what's going on?

DANIEL: He can control when the Goa'uld comes out. It's not just
random. He's got himself a little remote control.

BARRETT (taking the remote out of his pocket): This?

DANIEL: Yeah. He uses it to shock her. He can either make the Goa'uld
personality appear, or he can kill it with her. Why? Other scientists
gonna shut down your research, maybe report your little science experiment?

KEFFLER: You have no proof of that.

DANIEL: You used that device to bring out the Goa'uld personality, then
you let her out of her cage. You murdered thirty-two people.

KEFFLER: Speculation.

DANIEL: You can control her with that. If you didn't want the other
scientists dead, why didn't you stop her?

(Keffler just smiles and shrugs.)

ARTEFACT ROOM. Teal'c and Doctor Lee are trying to remove a side panel
from the ark so that they can get to the control crystals.

LEE: Careful. OK. (He prises the panel off and looks inside at the
crystals.) , Now just because the cover wasn't booby-trapped, it
doesn't mean that the crystals themselves are safe to touch.

TEAL'C: That is correct.

(Lee takes out his scanner and runs it over the crystals.)

LEE: There's no energy signatures. I don't think there's any
forcefields or sensors protecting the compartment.

(He reaches out to touch a crystal but Teal'c stops him.)

TEAL'C: I am unsure which of these crystals would control the detonation
of this device.

LEE: Well, blue is typically for power regulation.

TEAL'C: Indeed.

LEE: So if we remove the power regulation from the entire control board ...

TEAL'C: ... the device could explode.

LEE: Yeah, yeah, I suppose. I mean, it's not like I was going to pull
the yellow one.


BARRETT: So obviously letting Keffler anywhere near the girl is out.

CARTER (to Daniel): And if we're going to get the bomb deactivation code
from Anna, you're gonna have to do it.

DANIEL: Right. (He walks away.)

ARTEFACT ROOM. Lee has attached leads from his laptop to a couple of
the crystals.

LEE: OK, so this red crystal seems to control the timer. Now, I should
be able to interface with it and hopefully reprogramme it. (He attaches
another lead to the red crystal and types something.) Anything happening?

(Teal'c looks at the top of the ark. The indicator lights ripple and
the read-out changes.)

TEAL'C: The countdown has begun increasing in speed.

LEE: What?! (He pulls the lead off the crystal.) Did that stop it?

TEAL'C: Yes. However ...

(Agent Barrett walks in.)

BARRETT: Hey, how's it going? (He sees their faces.) Not well, I take it.

LEE: Well, no. We just had a little setback.


LEE: Well, I was trying to interface with one of the control crystals ...

TEAL'C: The time until detonation is now less than two hours.

BARRETT: OK... Well, let's hope that Doctor Jackson is having better luck.

ANNA'S ROOM. Daniel is talking with Anna.

DANIEL: We're trying to evacuate as many people as possible, but if that
bomb goes off, people are still going to die.

ANNA: Including us?

DANIEL: We have a helicopter standing by to get us to a safe distance if
it comes to that. I'm hoping it doesn't, because a lot of others won't
have that luxury.

ANNA: I've been trying. I can't see anything.

DANIEL: You know, not so long ago, I had my memories erased.

ANNA: How?

DANIEL: It's a long story, but the point is I was able to access certain
lost memories by meditating. A friend of mine showed me how to do it.
Now I think that can help you.

ANNA: What I see scares me so much.

DANIEL: I know, and for good reason. Ultimately it's up to you. I
can't force you to do this and I won't. And I promise either way that
we're going to try to help you - make it so that you can live a normal life.

ANNA: He always said he could do that.

DANIEL: Well, the truth is I'm not sure if we can, but we're going to
try anything and everything in our power.

ANOTHER ROOM. Barrett is on the phone.

BARRETT: OK, good. Yep, forty-two minutes, fifteen seconds and
counting. Right, I'll check back. (He hangs up as Sam walks in.) We've
got ten city blocks in each direction fully evacuated.

CARTER: That's nowhere near enough.

BARRETT: I know.

CARTER: I just finished going through the files in the computer.

DETENTION CELL. Sam and Barrett are interrogating Keffler again.

CARTER: Even if we halt the rapid growth effect of the nanites, you
didn't isolate the gene that carries the Goa'uld genetic knowledge.

KEFFLER: We didn't have time to sequence the entire strand. The goal
was to get the intelligence, Major, not to create a viable living organism.

BARRETT: I don't understand.

CARTER: The way he blended the DNA, there's nothing we can do to stop
the Goa'uld DNA from eventually taking over. It will physically
overwrite the human and nothing I know of will stop it.

BARRETT: What's going to happen to her?

CARTER: She'll die, a horrible painful death. There's no cure, there's
no way to save her, that was just another lie.

KEFFLER: I placed a capsule of biotoxin at the base of her brain. The
remote device will activate it. I did this to prevent any undue
suffering when the time came.

CARTER (bitterly): How humane of you.

ANNA'S ROOM. Anna and Daniel are sitting facing each other on each side
of the glass. Both have a lit candle in front of them.

ANNA: What do I do?

DANIEL: Just relax and try thinking of nothing.

ANNA: Nothing?

DANIEL: Try and empty the room ... (Anna and Daniel both close their
eyes and concentrate.) You see a doorway. Go to that door and open it.
Go through. You're inside of a stone room. The floor is made of
polished marble. You're inside of a great pyramid. Ornate carvings of
giant snakes flank a beautiful golden throne. You see a window. You
walk towards it. Outside there are thousands of people, slaves who
worship you as a god. You have great power over them, power to decide
who lives and who dies.

(Anna's eyes snap open.)

ANNA: No! (She stands up and glares at Daniel, speaking in an
authoritative voice.) I will tell you nothing.

DANIEL: Anna? (Anna starts tearing down all the drawings from the walls
of the cage and piling them on the floor.) Anna, stop! (Anna picks up
the candle, looking at Daniel insolently all the time, and sets fire to
the pile of drawings.) NO!! FIRE! FIRE!! Hurry, come on! (Two guards
rush in; one grabs a fire extinguisher.) Hurry! (He looks back at Anna,
who stands calmly and gazes at him as the flames rise in front of her.)

LATER. Sam and Barrett rush into the room to find Daniel and the guards
unconscious on the floor. Anna has disappeared from her cage. Sam runs
over to Daniel.

CARTER: Daniel, you OK?

DANIEL: Where is she?

BARRETT: She won't get far. (He gets out his radio and speaks into it.)
All units, this is Agent Barrett. The female prisoner is currently
unaccounted for. Secure all exits. (In Keffler's cell, Barrett's message
can be heard over the guard's radio. Keffler lifts his head and listens
with interest.) Repeat, secure entire perimeter and begin a full sweep.
Target is armed and dangerous. Use extreme caution.

BASEMENT. Barrett is searching for Anna. He takes out Keffler's remote
and looks at it, working out how to use it if need be. He makes his way
down some stairs but a hand reaches out through the stairs and trips him
up. He falls to the ground and is knocked unconscious. Anna comes out
of hiding behind the stairs, holding a rifle taken from one of the
guards, and takes Keffler's remote device from Barrett's hand.

ANNA'S ROOM. Daniel is looking through the few remaining unburnt
pictures in Anna's cell when he looks at one particular picture and
makes a realisation.

DANIEL: I don't think she's acting as the Goa'uld. (He runs off with the

CARTER (chasing after him): Daniel!

DETENTION CELL. Keffler stands up and walks to the water cooler near
the open door of his cell. The guard watches him cautiously.

KEFFLER: I just need a drink of water. Please, I'm not feeling a hundred
percent. (He stumbles and the guard instinctively holds onto him.
Keffler clutches his shoulder.) My pills ... (He reaches down and
presses the control of the stun gun that the guard is wearing on his
belt. The guard collapses. Keffler takes his pistol.)

ARTEFACT ROOM. Daniel runs in and slaps the drawing onto the top of the

DANIEL: I think it's a deactivation code. (He walks out again. Teal'c
and Doctor Lee look at each other and then at the drawing. Anna has
circled some of the controls on the indicator panel.)

CORRIDORS. Sam is searching for Anna.

CARTER (into radio): Agent Barrett, this is Major Carter, come in?
What's your location? ... Agent Barrett?

DETENTION CELL. Daniel finds that Keffler has escaped.

BASEMENT. Sam finds Agent Barrett lying unconscious on the floor.

CARTER (into radio): This is Major Carter. Agent Barrett needs medical
attention. We are in the north-east corridor, level one.

ARTEFACT ROOM. Teal'c and Doctor Lee have followed Anna's drawing. The
lights on the bomb go out.

LEE: That's it, it's off. I mean, the lights turned off, that means
it's off, right?

TEAL'C: Indeed.

LEE: Well, hey! (He holds up his hand for Teal'c to high-five. Teal'c
just looks at him.)

BASEMENT. Keffler is creeping around. He starts to climb a ladder when
Anna comes out of the shadows behind him, pointing her rifle at him.

ANNA: Drop the gun.

KEFFLER: Anna ...

ANNA: Drop it.

(Keffler drops the gun to the floor and climbs back down the ladder.)

KEFFLER: Come with me now, to the lab. I will help you.

ANNA: You can't help me.

KEFFLER: Whatever they've told you ...

ANNA: It doesn't matter. I never believed you.

KEFFLER: Anna, I did it to help people.

ANNA: All the evil I have seen in my mind, nothing you put inside me
compares to what I see in you.

NEARBY, Daniel hears the rifle firing.

DANIEL: Anna! (He runs in the direction of the gunshots. Anna is still
standing but she collapses into his arms as he reaches her. He gently
lays her down on the ground.) What did you do?

(Anna opens her hand and shows that she's holding Keffler's remote
device. She has obviously activated the biotoxin.)

ANNA: You couldn't help me.

DANIEL: I'm so sorry.

(Anna dies. Nearby can be seen the body of Keffler, riddled with bullets.)

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