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#805 : Le Feu aux Poudres


Daniel est coincé sur une autre planète lorsque l'arrivée de Sg-1 provoque un violent conflit entre deux nations. Il doit alors trouvé un moyen de restaurer la paix au risque de rester coincé sur cette planète pour toujours.


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Le Feu aux Poudres

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Plus de détails

Ecrit par : William Kindler.

Réalisé par : Peter F. Woeste.

Apparitions :

Richard Side (Guide)

Amy Sloan (Leda)

Timothy Webber (Commandeur Gareth)

Matthew Bennett (Jared Kane)

James Kidnie (Soren)

Gary Jones (Sergent Walter Davis)

Chris Redmond (Tian)

Leanne Adachi (Rebel)

Preston Cook, Charles Zuckermann (Rebel)

805/ Le feu aux poudres

Daniel se réveille dans une chambre, où une femme, Leda, lui retire un bandage qu’il lui recouvre le visage. Il lui demande où il est. Elle lui répond qu’il est en sécurité ici. Daniel se souvient que beaucoup de gens sont morts dans cette ville. Il dit que rien ne serait arrivé s’ils n’étaient pas venus ici.

Trois mois auparavant, dans une ville, au milieu d’un musée, la Porte des Etoiles s’active. Une sonde MALP la traverse. Quelques temps plus tard, Sg-1 la franchit. Un commandant les accueille. Carter s’excuse d’avoir effrayé les touristes lors de la première activation. Carter lui explique que les terriens sont prêts à partager leur savoir sur la Porte. Jared, le second du commandant, explique qu’une partie de la population croit que la Porte était la source de pouvoir des anciens dieux.

De retour dans la chambre Daniel, Leda continue à lui porter les soins nécessaires à son rétablissement.

Deux mois plus tôt, au SGC, Daniel fait un briefing sur la situation de la planète qu’ils viennent récemment de contacter. Leur venu a provoqué beaucoup de remous entre les deux nations de la planète : le Protectorat de Rand et la Fédération calédonienne. Mais le plus inquiétant vient d’un groupe de religieux mené par un certain Soren. Ce groupuscule pense que la vie sur cette planète a été créée par des dieux qui vont revenir pour les récompenser. La venue de Sg-1 n’a fiat que donner plus de force aux convictions de ce groupe. Mais Jack pense que cela n’est pas le problème du SGC.

Dans les couloirs, Daniel essaye de convaincre Jack de le laisser repartir là bas. Jack cède et lui dit de revenir des que les choses prennent un mauvais tournant.

Retour dans la maison de Leda. Elle continue de s’occuper de Daniel. Ce dernier lui demande ce qu’il s’est exactement passé sur cette planète. Il se souvient qu’il était avec le commandant Gareth dans un bunker et qu’ils ont été attaqués. Mais elle ne répond pas. Elle dit juste que Jared, son mari, est parti chercher des survivants et qu’il va revenir dans quelques jours. Leda pense qu’il est plus compétent pour répondre à ses questions. Daniel souhaite contacter son monde pour les rassurer, mais Leda lui dit que s’approcher de la Porte est trop dangereux.

Carter et Teal’c reviennent sur Terre. Elle informe le Général que Soren n’est pas très coopératif : il est opposé à ce que les terriens recherchent Daniel.

Six semaines plus tôt, Jared fait visiter les installations militaires à Daniel. Il l’informe qu’ils sont passés en niveau 2 d’alerte. Il l’informe aussi de la progression des forces de Soren. Dans une autre pièce du bunker, Gareth négocie avec le ministre Cadélonnien Triden pour réduire le niveau d’alerte, en vain. Mais le ministre lui lance un ultimatum.

Dans la maison de Léda, Daniel essaye de contacter le SGC en utilisant une vieille radio, en vain. Leda le rejoint. Il lui explique que ses amis pourront recevoir les communications si la Porte est activée au bon moment. Puis ils sortent prendre l’air. Leda le questionne sur les croyances de Soren. Daniel lui dit que d’après son expérience, les personnes vénérées ne sont pas des dieux, et qu’ils cherchent pas à faire le bien autour d’eux. Puis elle lui explique qu’il n’est pas responsable de la situation.

Au SGC, le Sergent Davis essaye de contacter Daniel mais n’y parvient pas. O’Neill arrive en salle de contrôle. Carter lui explique que la manœuvre est délicate car les deux camps ont brouillé les communications avant l’attaque. Elle l’informe que Sg-9 ne parvient toujours pas à négocier avec Soren. Jack décide alors de rencontrer lui-même Soren.

En sortant de la maison, Daniel est saisit par un soldat. Jared et un groupe de soldat sortent du bois. Leda prépare alors à manger pour les troupes. Son mari explique que les troupes de Soren parcourent la région à la recherche de survivants, en exécutant toutes les personnes soupçonnées d’être rester fidèles à l’ancien régime. Jared explique que beaucoup de gens ont perdu l’espoir et ils risquent de jurer fidélité à Soren. Daniel lui demande alors des détails sur ce qu’il s’est passé. Il lui explique alors que la situation était critique. Dans le bunker, Daniel lui a demandé pourquoi la Porte a été déplacée. Jared lui expliqua que les troupes de Soren avaient envahi la capitale de Rand et que Calédonia était prête à ouvrir le feu. Triden a alors contacté Gareth pour le prévenir que son gouvernement a décidé d’agir pour protéger son pays.

Dans le jardin de la maison, Jared explique la situation à Daniel. Puis il lui explique que Daniel lui a sauvé la vie. Alors qu’il le raccompagnait à la Porte, Daniel a défendu la base durant l’assaut de Soren. Jared a été blessé, et Daniel lui a permis de s’enfuir. Il lui dit que Gareth a été exécuté une fois que le bunker fut pris par l’ennemi. Puis il l’informe de la situation actuelle : Soren contrôle la Porte des Etoiles.

Soren se rend au SGC, il salue O’Neill au nom du peuple d’Avidan (le nouveau nom de Rand).

Dans la maison, Jared et Daniel tente de monter un plan pour reprendre la Porte des Etoiles. Le Dr Jackson pense que s’il parvient à contacter ses amis, ils pourront venir en renfort. Mais Jared lui veut jeter l’éponge.

En salle de débriefing, Carter explique à Soren que le SGC peut fournir une aide logistique, en échange de la leur pour retrouver le Dr Jackson. Mais Soren avoue être plus intéressé par des armes : il veut aussi envahir Calédonia.

Dans sa maison, Leda étend le linge. Daniel la rejoint pour discuter. Il lui demande de convaincre son mari qu’il n’est pas trop tard pour reprendre le contrôle. Elle lui dit qu’elle lui parlera mais qu’il ne l’écoutera pas, puis elle s’éloigne.

Au SGC, Carter, Jack et Teal’c sont choqués par l’attitude de Soren. Jack ordonne alors à Samantha de trouver un moyen de contacter Daniel.

Dans la maison, Leda parle à son mari, mais il pense que c’est toujours de la folie. Leda lui dit de faire confiance à Daniel car il est le dernier espoir du peuple de Rand.

Au SGC, Jack essaye de convaincre Soren que les dieux qu’il vénère ne sont pas aussi bons qu’il le pense, en vain. Soren repart alors vers son monde. Carter appelle alors le Général : elle reçoit une communication de Daniel. Jack lui demande quand il rentre à la maison, et il lui répond « dès que j’aurai retrouvé mon Kal’Tesh ». Jack ne comprend pas alors il dit que ça ressemble à son Rin’Kal’noc. Teal’c comprend alors que Daniel d’attaquer le bunker de Soren par les cotés. Jack lui demande s’il a d’autres idées, et Daniel lui répond que quelqu’un doit nourrir son Lar’sac. En salle de débriefing, Carter explique que Daniel a suggéré une tactique pour prendre d’assaut le bunker. Daniel a aussi fourni une évaluation des forces de Soren et une date pour l’attaque. O’Neill autorise alors cette mission.

Dans la maison de Leda, Daniel essaye de convaincre Jared que les renforts du SGC, malgré le petit nombre, sont les plus compétents de la Terre. Leda entre alors dans la pièce pour les prévenir du danger. Une patrouille de Soren s’approche de la maison. Les hommes se cachent alors dans la cave. Les gardes frappent. Leda ouvre la porte. Les gardes fouillent la maison et Leda leur dit qu’elle veut vivre selon les concepts de Soren et ils repartent.

Quelques minutes plus tard, Jared réunit ses soldats dans la cours. Il leur explique la tactique pour prendre le bunker, puis va dire au revoir à sa femme.

A l’heure convenue, les soldats de Jared pénètrent dans le bunker. Les soldats du SGC envoient des grenades. Dans le bunker, Soren est informé de la situation. Il ordonne de reprendre les postes perdus mais son assistante n’est pas de cet avis. Dans le bunker, le combat s’engage entre les troupes de Soren et celle de Jared et du SGC. Dans la salle de commandement, Soren est informé de la situation, mais il ne veut pas se rendre. Les soldats arrivent devant la salle de contrôle et se positionnent pour lancer l’assaut. Dans la pièce, Soren tue son assistante car elle croit que la situation est désespérée. Il ordonne au reste de ses troupes de combattre jusqu’à la mort, au nom des dieux. Mais les soldats ne bougent pas. Il décide alors de leur montrait. Il s’engage dans le tourniquet séparant la salle de contrôle du reste du bunker, mais une fois de l’autre coté, Jared le tue. Daniel le rejoint et lui dit que c’est fini, à condition qu’il n’ait pas fait de Soren un martyr. Daniel lui promet que la Terre les aidera à tout reconstruire, puis il rentre chez lui.

In the bedroom of a house somewhere, Daniel is lying in bed with his
eyes covered with bandages and his left arm in a sling. A woman sits
on the bed and reaches for the bandages around his eyes.
LEDA: It's time.
LEDA: It's OK. Just relax. (She gently removes the bandages.
Daniel's face is covered with cuts. He squints against the
Give your vision a moment to adjust – you haven't used it for
while. How's that?
DANIEL: Better.
LEDA (smiling down at him): Your eyes – it's nice to finally
see them.
LEDA: Welcome back.
DANIEL: Where am I?
LEDA: Many miles from the city. This house belonged to my uncle.
We're safe here.
DANIEL: The city – I remember being there. Something terrible
happened. (He remembers then.) Many people died.
LEDA: There's food, if you feel strong enough to eat.
DANIEL: It's our fault, isn't it? None of this would have
if we hadn't come here.
LEDA: You're alive. And considering what you've been
through, that
alone is a miracle.

On the same planet, in the city that Daniel just referred to, a guide
is taking a group around a museum. They are on a staircase, and he
leads them to a window.
GUIDE: First discovered in the Corillian wastelands over one hundred
and fifty years ago and the highlight of our antiquities collection

the Great Ring of Avidan.
(They look out of the window. In the courtyard outside is a

SHORTLY AFTERWARDS. The group has gone downstairs and walks out into
the courtyard.
GUIDE: Researchers estimate the Ring to be at least several thousand
years old, and while its origin remains a subject of debate, many
believe it was created by ancient worshippers to honour their gods.
It's thought that the peculiar symbols on the Ring itself
the names of the gods. However, no-one has been able to
decipher ... (At that moment, the Gate begins to dial in.) ...
exactly what they mean ...
(He trails off and everyone stares in amazement, backing away
nervously – which is a good thing because when the Gate whooshes,
burst only just misses them. There's a long pause while everyone
gazes at the event horizon.)
TOURIST: Is that part of the exhibit?
(A MALP bursts through, beeping and whirring, and bounces down the
steps towards the group. They flatten themselves against the wall as
it approaches.)

SOME TIME LATER (probably several days). The Gate is active again.
A new group of people is waiting. Sam, Teal'c and Daniel come
through and walk down the steps. Sam approaches the leader of the
CARTER: Commander Gareth.
GARETH: In the name of the people of the Rand Protectorate, I welcome
you. You're Colonel Carter?
CARTER (nodding, and indicating her colleagues): This is Teal'c,
Doctor Daniel Jackson.
GARETH: It is a pleasure to finally meet you all face to face. But
please, come. We have many questions, as I'm sure you do as well.
(They start to walk.)
CARTER: Sorry about scaring the tourists. We've made first
with a lot of planets but this is the first time we've found
ourselves coming out of a museum piece.
GARETH (laughing): One of our artefacts suddenly coming to life was a
little surprising, but that pales in comparison to its purpose. It
is almost beyond imagining.
KANE: As is the fact that you're human.
GARETH: My chief aide – Jared Kane.
DANIEL: Well, believe it or not there's actually a good *reason*
us being human.
CARTER: Which we'll get to in due time.
GARETH: Colonel, I hope that once we gain each other's trust
be able to shed some light on the technology that powers the Great
Ring. It is unlike anything we have seen before.
CARTER: We call it the Stargate, and our people share the same hope,
GARETH: Of course, in due time.
(Daniel has noticed that several members of Gareth's staff are
wearing a chain around their neck with a silver circle hanging from
DANIEL: I take it the Great Ring is a recurring motif in your culture.
GARETH: It is simply a reminder of certain traditions that pre-date
our age of enlightenment. Most people wear them more for the sake of
fashion than for religious belief.
KANE: Our history tells of an age when all-powerful gods ruled our
world. The Great Ring was supposedly the source of their power.
GARETH: Of course, we know these are merely legends from our ancient
past. However, the activation of the Ring may well cause a stir
amongst those few who still follow the old ways.

THE PRESENT. Daniel is lying asleep in bed. Leda wets a cloth and
gently wipes his forehead. He wakes up.
LEDA: Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you.
DANIEL (drowsily): It's alright.
(Leda picks up a small bottle and holds it to Daniel's mouth.)
LEDA: For the pain. (She puts her hand behind his head and lifts it
so that he can drink.) I wish I could give you more but our medicine
is in short supply.
DANIEL: Thank you.
LEDA: I'll leave you alone.
DANIEL (touching her arm): No – please stay.

SGC. BRIEFING ROOM. Jack, Sam and Teal'c come in. Daniel is
already there.
O'NEILL: How did it go with the, uh ...?
DANIEL: Caledonians? Not so well, actually. My time with the
representatives was severely limited by Rand security forces.
Apparently Gareth had national security concerns – mainly that
tell the Caledonians too much about the Stargate.
O'NEILL: Let me venture a wild guess: they don't get along so
DANIEL (indicating a map of the alien world on the screen): The Rand
Protectorate and the Caledonian Federation have been locked in a
state of cold war for decades. Each nation has enough weapons to
wipe each other off the face of the planet.
CARTER: Sounds depressingly familiar.
DANIEL: There's actually a third element which has me a little
concerned – a group of religious fundamentalists led by a man
Soren. Now, these people think that all life on the planet was
created by ancient gods and that these gods will some day return and
reward them for their faith.
CARTER: And by coming through the Stargate, we confirmed their
DANIEL: Because the Gate was activated in a public place, the Rand
government has been unable to prevent the rumours from spreading.
Now, before we made contact with them, these people were considered
zealots who took the ancient texts too literally. The Gate being
activated has given them all they need to prove that they were right
all along. Their numbers will grow.
O'NEILL: That's terrible(!) And yet – not our problem.

LATER. Jack is walking along a corridor. Daniel hurries to catch
him up.
DANIEL: Jack, you *have* to let me go back.
O'NEILL: If what you say is true, things are gonna get a little
of hand over there.
DANIEL: Yes, because of us. If we hadn't chosen to pay them a
visit ...
O'NEILL: ... they'd be far better off, I know. Daniel,
we're always
sticking our collective noses where they don't belong. It's
what we
DANIEL: I could help them understand what they're facing –
make them
see it's not the end of the world. If we leave now, who *knows*
could happen? We have to help them. You know that.
O'NEILL (thinking about it for a moment): Regular contact, no
exceptions. The second things start getting a little squirly ...
DANIEL: Thank you. (He turns and walks away. Jack calls out to him.)
O'NEILL: Daniel! (Daniel turns around again. Jack holds up a
finger.) Squirly.
DANIEL (nodding in agreement): Squirly.

THE PRESENT. Leda comes into the bedroom and finds Daniel standing
at the window.
LEDA: You shouldn't be standing.
DANIEL: Oh, don't let appearances fool you, I still feel
Leda, everything you've done for me ...
LEDA: ... has been for my own sake as well as yours. So much has
happened. Caring for you has helped me continue on.
DANIEL: Yeah – what *has* happened exactly? I mean, uh, I
being in the bunker with Commander Gareth, and we were attacked, and
the rest is a fog.
LEDA: Jared is away searching for survivors. He should be back in a
few days' time. I think it would be best if *he* answered your
DANIEL: Jared Kane. Yeah, I remember him – he was in the bunker
LEDA: My husband was chief aide to Commander Gareth.
DANIEL: `Husband'. `Was'.
LEDA: He insisted I move here when the fighting reached the capital.
He felt you would be safest in my care.
DANIEL: Yeah. Look, no offence, but I've really gotta get back
to my
own world, or at least contact them and let them know I'm OK, so
LEDA: Trying to reach the Great Ring will be impossible. Rebel
patrols have been sighted in the area. Even to leave the estate
grounds would be dangerous. Not to mention the fact that you are far
from healed. You must rest, Daniel.
DANIEL: Leda, what happened to Commander Gareth?
(Leda's expression tells him that it's not good news.)

SGC. GATEROOM. Sam and Teal'c come through the Gate. Jack is
waiting at the bottom of the ramp.
O'NEILL: Give me good news, Colonel.
CARTER: I wish I could, sir. We met with Soren, leader of the
rebels, but it was less constructive than we'd hoped.
O'NEILL: How *much* less?
CARTER: We were only allowed to see him for fifteen minutes.
TEAL'C: After keeping us waiting for several hours.
O'NEILL: Well, important matters of state, no doubt(!)
CARTER: He's managed to unite all the fundamentalist factions in
Rand Protectorate, which effectively puts him in control.
TEAL'C: He was most unwilling to allow us to search for Daniel
CARTER: Before he insisted we leave, he did promise he would look
into the matter on our behalf. Whatever *that* means.
O'NEILL: Right. What about a UAV?
CARTER: He won't give us access to the surface, plus he claims it
would interfere with their own radio communication systems. I'm
sorry, sir, but at this point we have no way of knowing if Daniel is
still alive.

Daniel and Kane are walking through an underground bunker.
There's a
blue light on the wall.
DANIEL: And what does blue mean?
KANE: It's our second-highest level of military alert status.
There's been civil unrest in several urban centres across the
country. Over a dozen municipalities have fallen into the hands of
Soren's troops. Our forces are in the process of pacifying those
areas as we speak.
DANIEL: `Pacifying'?
KANE: Reclaiming our cities from the hands of religious madmen.
DANIEL: So civil unrest means you go to blue.
KANE: Under normal circumstances, no. Unfortunately, the situation
has caused other problems.
(They reach a guarded door. The door revolves and Daniel and Kane go
into the Control Room. There's a lot of activity inside –
basically a war room.)
DANIEL: What's going on?
KANE: We were forced to heighten our alert status to match that of
the Caledonians.
(Commander Gareth is talking to Minister Treydan, leader of the
Caledonians, over radio comms.)
GARETH: ... and I promise you, we will share this technology with you
once we fully understand it.
TREYDAN (via the comms): You mean once you've assessed its
to your national security. You have refused to allow our scientists
access to the Great Ring. You have limited our access to the
offworlders. We do not feel as much a part of this great discovery
as you do.
GARETH: And had the Ring been activated on Caledonian soil, you would
have done no differently. Minister Treydan, I am simply asking your
government for patience. Stand down your high alert. We will do the
TREYDAN: Typically you trust your people too much, Commander.
Caledonia has been under strict martial law since news of the
offworlders' arrival began to spread. Our domestic security
GARETH: The citizens of this world are not children. They just need
time to come to terms with this information.
TREYDAN: Soren and his followers have already seized control of more
than a dozen of your cities. Your people are panicked, and your
country is on the verge of collapse. I urge you to deal with the
situation in a swift and decisive manner. Should control of the Rand
Protectorate fall into Soren's hands, we'll consider it an
act of war.

THE PRESENT. On the Kane estate, Daniel is in a shed or a
workshop. His facial wounds have healed quite a lot. He is
speaking into what looks like a transistor radio set.
DANIEL: This is Daniel Jackson calling Stargate Command, come in,
please. ... This is Daniel Jackson calling Stargate Command, please
respond. ... This is Daniel Jackson calling Stargate Command, come
in, please. ... This is Daniel Jackson calling Stargate Command,
please respond.
(Leda comes in.)
LEDA: Any luck?
DANIEL (switching the radio off): No, nothing yet.
LEDA: You've been trying for days.
DANIEL: Something seems to be jamming all the signals I'm picking
up. I mean, there's people out there but nothing clear enough
for me
to respond to.
LEDA: But you think your friends will be able to hear you.
DANIEL: Yeah ... that's kind of a timing thing. You see, if the
Stargate's open they'll be able to pick up my signal – if
your Gate
isn't buried in rubble, or worse.
LEDA: Well, while you're waiting to be rescued, you could use
fresh air. Do you think you're up to it?
(Daniel leaves the radio, and the two of them go for a walk.)
LEDA: How can you be sure Soren and his followers aren't right?
can you know for certain that the gods they worship aren't ...
DANIEL: Benevolent? Because I've met more than a few of them.
me, they're the opposite. They're definitely not gods.
LEDA: Then what are they?
DANIEL: Short form? They're a parasitical race that steals
technology and rules via fear and intimidation. Has a penchant for
melodrama. Trust me, if Soren ever actually met one, he'd be
a different tune.
LEDA: But you said *you* fought them and won.
DANIEL: Yeah. We got lucky a few times, that's all.
LEDA: There's hope, isn't there? (Daniel looks away and
reply.) You think what happened was your fault, don't you? From
what you've told me, it was better that your people activated the
Great Ring than the Goa'uld.
DANIEL: You think so? Cos right now, I'm not so sure.
LEDA: You couldn't have known what was going to happen. When the
fighting began, you could have gone back to your planet but you chose
to stay.
LEDA: To try and help us.
DANIEL: For all the good it did.
LEDA: Daniel, there has been distrust between our country and
Caledonia for generations. It was only a matter of time before
something set it off. We did this to ourselves. And since
come here, I've begun to think we may have a chance to undo it,

SGC. CONTROL ROOM. Sam and Walter are sitting at the desk. The
Gate is open.
DAVIS (into radio): This is Stargate Command calling Doctor Jackson.
Do you read me?
(No response.)
CARTER: Can you boost the signal?
DAVIS: We're at maximum gain, Colonel. (Into radio) This is
Stargate Command calling Daniel Jackson. Do you copy?
(Jack comes in.)
O'NEILL: Anything?
CARTER: Not yet, sir. We're picking up a lot of transmissions
the planet but none of them are clear enough to tell if they're
Daniel. We think both sides may have employed radio-jamming measures
just prior to the attack, meaning any signals coming from outside the
command bunker are a mess. We're working on it.
O'NEILL: Anything from SG-9 yet?
CARTER: Yeah, they just reported in. Sounds like the negotiations
are going nowhere, sir. Soren is still refusing to allow us to send
any teams to look for Daniel. He said our presence on the planet
would only cause more panic and fear.
O'NEILL: Well, OK. Sounds like I should meet these people myself.
(He walks away. Sam looks worried.)

KANE ESTATE. Daniel comes outside and is grabbed by a soldier with a
gun and pinned against the wall. Jared Kane and some other soldiers
approach. When it's clear that Daniel is meant to be there, the
soldier lets him go.
KANE: Doctor Jackson.

KITCHEN. Leda is bringing food for the men.
KANE: We got as close to what was left of the capital as we could.
Soren and his troops are conducting full sweeps of the region,
searching for survivors. Any suspected of remaining loyal to the old
government are executed on the spot.
LEDA: Haven't enough people died?
DANIEL: I don't think that matters to him. It's about
continuing the
chaos, not peace.
KANE: You're right. People are too afraid to fight back. Most
them have already given up hope. It's just a matter of time
they pledge their loyalty to Soren.
DANIEL: Kane, what the hell happened that night? I remember being in
the bunker and then waking up here.
KANE: It was the end.

FLASHBACK. BUNKER. Daniel walks into the Control Room. Two
soldiers seize him by the arms.
KANE: I'm sorry, Doctor Jackson, you really can't be in here
now. (He gestures to the soldiers to let Daniel go.)
DANIEL: Kane, what's going on? I heard something about the
being moved.
KANE: Rebels have seized control of all of Rand's major cities,
including sections of the capital itself. We had the Stargate moved
into the bunker complex for security purposes.
DANIEL: What are the Caledonians doing?
KANE: Their missile systems are now fully deployed and primed. As a
result, we've done the same. It might be best if you return to
planet now.
(A comms officer turns to Commander Gareth.)
OFFICER: Commander. Minister Treydan for you on a coded frequency.
GARETH: Put him through.
TREYDAN (over comms): Commander Gareth, we've been monitoring the
situation in your country, and we are most concerned.
GARETH: I understand, Minister. However, rest assured, we are close
to reclaiming vital areas ...
TREYDAN: Now is not the time for rhetoric, Commander. Our reports
indicate large elements of your military are on the brink of mutiny.
Your civil unrest has become a civil war. Should any of your weapons
systems fall into the wrong hands, no-one in my country would be safe.
GARETH: That will not happen, I can promise you.
TREYDAN: Just as you promised our scientists full access to the
Stargate. First you hide information about the alien device, and now
you deny your country has slipped into chaos.
GARETH: We respected the guidelines of our treaty to the letter.
(The Comms Officer hands a note to Kane.) Our report to you on the
Stargate outlined everything we know ...
TREYDAN: Except what you deemed advantageous to your national
(Gareth realises that the note is important.)
GARETH: One moment, Minister. (He makes a gesture, and the Comms
Officer cuts off the link to Minister Treydan.)
KANE: Rebel forces just detonated a large explosive device near one
of our missile deployment facilities. As of this moment, we
understand the facility to be compromised.
(Gareth pinches the bridge of his nose, then looks around at his
people. After a moment he nods to the Comms Officer, who reinitiates
the link with Treydan.)
GARETH: Minister, forgive me. I must cut our conversation short.
TREYDAN: Commander, my intelligence advisors have just informed me of
a massive explosion near one of your missile facilities. Is this
GARETH: We are still gathering information. We will contain the
situation ...
TREYDAN: The time for containment is long past, Commander. We cannot
allow your missile facilities to fall into Soren's hands.
GARETH: Treydan, give us time. This need not escalate.
TREYDAN: We are targeting your missile sites only. If you do not
wish a full-scale war, you will not retaliate.
GARETH: Treydan!
OFFICER: Commander, we've detected multiple launch signals from
Caledonian positions.
(The map on the wall shows the launches and their projected impact

THE PRESENT. KANE ESTATE. Daniel and Kane are walking in the
KANE: It's possible the destruction could have been contained if
Soren's forces hadn't gained control of one of our missile
sites and
launched a counter-attack on Caledonia. After that, it evolved into
a full-scale war. Within a matter of days, all our cities were
levelled. From what we can tell, only a fraction of our population
has survived, existing mainly in outlying areas. As for the
Caledonians, I've heard rumours they're trying to rebuild
what they
can. It won't be much. They may have struck first, but our
systems were much more accurate than theirs.
DANIEL: And Soren?
KANE: He used the chaos to make his move on the bunker.
DANIEL: Then how did you save me?
KANE: Actually, from what I understand, it was you who saved *me*.

FLASHBACK. BUNKER. The map on the screen shows the first missiles
arriving at their targets. The bunker shakes from distant explosions.
GARETH: Kane ... (He gestures towards Daniel. Kane, clearly
reluctant to leave his post, walks towards Daniel.)
DANIEL: This is insane.
KANE: Soren's forces are moving in on this facility. I can get
to the Stargate, but we have to go now.
(The two of them leave the Control Room. As they approach some
doors, the doors are blown up from the outside. Daniel, Kane and
other security men duck behind some sandbags. Soren's troops
enter –
Kane starts shooting at them and a firefight ensues. Kane is shot in
the leg. Daniel helps him up.)
KANE: This way!
(They head deeper into the complex as the firefight continues behind
them. They reach a door in a wall.)
KANE: Here. Through that door.
(Daniel opens the door and they go in, Daniel closing the door behind
them. They're inside service tunnels. They make their way
the tunnels, the complex shaking as explosions hit it, and reach an
exit to the outside. Just as they have come out, there's a
explosion nearby.)
DANIEL: Get down! (He pushes Kane down, then dives to the ground
himself just as debris starts falling all around them.

KANE: Loyalist soldiers found us first and got us out of the city.
Your wounds were much worse than mine. Bringing you here was the
only option.
DANIEL: What happened to Commander Gareth?
KANE: He was executed shortly after the bunker fell. Since he took
power, Soren has set up a provisional government – not that
much of Rand left to govern. However, we do know he does control
whatever's left of the bunker complex, including the Stargate.
sorry, Doctor Jackson.

SGC. GATEROOM. The Gate is open, and Soren and two aides come
through. Jack, Sam and Teal'c are waiting for them.
O'NEILL: Howdy, fellas. Welcome to Earth.
SOREN: General O'Neill. It is an honour. I greet you in the
name of
our great nation, Avidan.
CARTER: You changed the name?!
SOREN: Avidan speaks more to our people's beliefs.
TEAL'C: It is from an ancient Goa'uld dialect. It means
`the gods
are just'.
(Soren and his aides each put a hand on their chest and bow.)
O'NEILL: Good choice(!)

KANE ESTATE. Daniel and Kane are in the kitchen.
DANIEL: So you're saying that Soren is still using the bunker as
command centre.
KANE: Damage in the city would be too severe.
DANIEL: Then he hasn't totally consolidated his power yet, has
I'm saying that if we could somehow re-take the bunker, we would
effectively overthrow Soren.
KANE: The bunker's heavily fortified and I have only a dozen men
under my command. It would be suicide.
DANIEL: No, not if we had help. See, if I could reach my friends on
Earth, we could regain control of the Gate.
KANE: If you could reach them. I know that you've been trying to
make radio contact with your planet since you regained consciousness

without success. I understand your wish to return to your world but
it simply isn't possible.
DANIEL: This isn't about that. My people can help you.
KANE: Like you helped us before? I admire your passion, Doctor
Jackson, but too much has happened to fix with one heroic action. We
have to accept the fact that Soren has won. Rand belongs to him now.

SGC. BRIEFING ROOM. Soren stands at the window looking down at the
Stargate. He turns and walks to the table.
SOREN: It is obvious you revere the Great Ring as much as we do,
General O'Neill.
O'NEILL: Oh yeah! We *love* the old gal. Quite possibly for
different reasons than you.
SOREN: We both seek to defend our people's way of life, do we
General? To protect their very existence?
TEAL'C: You do not represent the people of your world – you
kill those who believe differently and would stand against you.
SOREN: You speak what is on your mind. I admire that.
O'NEILL: Actually, in your case, he's holdin' back.
CARTER: Commander Soren, we're prepared to offer you aid in
for help in locating Daniel Jackson: food and medical supplies, plus
support personnel to help you stabilise the situation on your planet.
SOREN: You cannot truly believe that your friend is still alive.
O'NEILL: Oh, he's a resourceful fella.
SOREN: Your offer is most generous, but I'm afraid we must
We are, however, particularly interested in your weapons technology.
TEAL'C: Your people are facing starvation and disease.
SOREN: What has happened to our world is most unfortunate, and yet
vital. Those who refused to believe needed to be purged from
existence so that we could begin anew.
O'NEILL: Y'know, in these parts, we like to call that crimes
CARTER: If all you care about is spiritual salvation, what do you
need the weapons for?
SOREN: The revolution is not yet complete.
CARTER: You mean you wanna take over Caledonia too.
SOREN: As I said, the revolution is not yet complete.

KANE ESTATE. Leda is hanging out washing as Daniel comes over to her.
DANIEL: Leda, you have to talk to your husband.
LEDA: And what am I supposed to say to him?
DANIEL: That it's not too late to regain control, to rebuild your
country, everything you told me before.
LEDA: Daniel, I can't.
LEDA: Because I'd be lying. Jared is right – those of us who
unlucky enough to live through what has happened will die soon
enough, either through disease or one of Soren's purges. There
is no
DANIEL: Leda, you were right – there *is* hope. Don't –
don't doubt
that, please.
LEDA: You believe your people can help us.
LEDA: And what if you *do* overthrow Soren, what then? You simply
leave? (Daniel looks embarrassed, realising Leda's feelings for
him.) When Jared became part of Commander Gareth's inner circle,
changed, became remote, distant. I'd forgotten what it was like
to talk to someone. To feel.
DANIEL: Leda ... (He reaches out to touch her face but she pulls
away, realising that he doesn't feel the same way as she does.)
LEDA: I'll speak to him, Daniel, but he won't hear me.

SGC. JACK'S OFFICE. Jack, Sam and Teal'c walk in from the
O'NEILL: Waste of time. Waste.
(Teal'c goes to the seat opposite Jack's desk and sits down.
looks at him, making an `oh, please, *do* sit down!' type
CARTER: Sir, I think the fact that he hasn't left yet could mean
still willing to deal.
TEAL'C: He has no need for humanitarian aid. The chaos in his
country has only served to strengthen his position.
CARTER: Well, we can't just give up.
O'NEILL: Yes, I *know* that.
CARTER: We're continuing to monitor countless radio signals
from the planet. One of them could be from Daniel. If we can find a
way to contact him ...
O'NEILL (frustrated): *Find* it!
CARTER: Yes, sir.

KANE ESTATE. Leda and Kane are talking.
KANE: I'm telling you, Leda, it's madness. All it will
accomplish is
to wipe out any chance we have to mount a unified resistance in the
LEDA: But what if he's right? What if this is our best
to defeat Soren?
KANE: You would have me throw away my life and the lives of my men so
that Daniel can return to his world?
LEDA: It's not about that – it's about rebuilding our
world. His
friends can help us do that. Jared, our people need this.
KANE: You mean *he* needs this. I'm not blind, Leda – I know
you and Daniel have grown close during his convalescence.
LEDA: Jared, it's not what you think.
KANE: Let me speak. If I could live the last few years differently,
Leda, I would; I would make the time. But we no longer have the
luxury for regrets. I need to know: do you love him? (Leda
answer.) Leda.
LEDA (looking him in the eyes): I trust him.

SGC. BRIEFING ROOM. The meeting between Soren, Jack and SG-1 is
SOREN: Once order has been established, the people of Avidan will
live differently than before – simply, humbly, waiting for our
inevitable return.
O'NEILL: Y'know, we've *met* these gods upon whom
you're so hot, and
trust me when I tell you – they're not what you think they
TEAL'C: They will reward your worship with enslavement.
SOREN: You are not the first to try to sway our beliefs, but I can
assure you our faith is unshakeable.
TEAL'C: This is not about faith – this is about a means to

GATEROOM. Soren and his aides are escorted in. The Gate is active
and Jack and Teal'c are standing at the bottom of the ramp.
a word, Soren and his men go up the ramp and through the Gate.
O'NEILL: That went well(!)
CARTER (from the Control Room): Sir, you'd better get up here.
(Jack and Teal'c go up to the Control Room. The Gate is still
O'NEILL: What?
CARTER: By implementing new spread-spectrum frequency, hopping into
our communications ...
O'NEILL (making a `cut it out' gesture): Carter, Carter,
(Daniel's voice comes over the radio.)
DANIEL: Helloo? Guys?
CARTER (to Jack): We found him.
O'NEILL: Sweet! (Into microphone) Daniel?
DANIEL: Jack? Nice to hear your voice.
O'NEILL: Likewise. You coming home or what?
DANIEL: Trying to. As soon as I find my kaltesh.
O'NEILL: What?
DANIEL: Err, looks a lot like my rin'kalnok. You know, I lent it
the ... uh ... for grel'ka greenor day.
O'NEILL (to the others in the Control Room): He's changed.
CARTER: Sir, he's speaking Goa'uld.
TEAL'C: Rin'kalnok means `strategy'. Kaltesh speaks
of a well-known
Jaffa battle tactic – a flanking attack from two sides.
(Jack pauses for a moment, then clears his throat.)
O'NEILL (into microphone): Yes, Daniel, I remember exactly where
put it. Any other ... thoughts?
DANIEL: No – just that I hope someone's been feeding my
lorsak while
I've been away.

CARTER (handing Jack a file): We've pieced together all the
words Daniel gave us. If Teal'c's translations are correct,
suggesting a strategy to retake the bunker.
TEAL'C: He is proposing a co-ordinated attack against Soren.
CARTER: We come through the Gate at the same time as Daniel and
Kane's men enter from the surface. I'm thinking we take
SGs-3, -6
and -12 as back-up. We go in hot, secure the Gate, then extract
TEAL'C: He has supplied an estimate of the strength of
Soren's forces
as well as a possible date and time for the assault.
CARTER: Our next communication is in five hours. All we need to do
is confirm everything and, of course, get a go from you, sir.
O'NEILL: Alright. Well, not to nitpick or anything here, T, but
you sure you got it right?
TEAL'C: I am certain, O'Neill.

KANE ESTATE. In the house, Jack and Kane are talking.
KANE: Fifteen men? That's hardly enough.
DANIEL: Look, they're some of the best people on my planet, and
they're trained for missions exactly like this. It'll be
trust me. If we're gonna do this, we have to set it up now.
waiting for your response.
(Leda hurries in.)
LEDA: Jared! A rebel patrol is approaching. Hide in the cellar.
KANE: Leda ...
LEDA: I know what to do.
(Daniel, Kane and his men hide down in the cellar below the kitchen.
Up in the kitchen, Leda pushes a cupboard back into place over the
cellar entrance as a loud banging is heard on the door.)
SOLDIER: In the name of Soren, open the door!
(Leda hesitates, too afraid to go to the door. Eventually, the
soldiers open the door themselves and come in.)
SOLDIER: Inspection. Stand aside.
LEDA: Please, just tell me what you're looking for.
SOLDIER: Who owns this house?
LEDA: I do.
SOLDIER: And who else lives here?
LEDA: No-one. (The soldier grabs her arm roughly, driving her to her
knees. She cries out in pain.) You're hurting me!
(In the cellar, Daniel makes a move towards the steps but Kane holds
him back.)
SOLDIER: We know loyalist soldiers are in the area. Collaboration is
punishable by death. (To his men) Search the house!

SOLDIER2: There's no-one else here, but we found some men's
and boots.
SOLDIER (to Leda): Now, who else lives here?
LEDA: My husband did. He died last month from wounds suffered during
the bombings. Please – I only wish to lead a simple life, as it
written in the ancient texts.
(The soldier finally lets go of her arm.)
SOLDIER: There's nothing here. Let's move. (The soldiers

LATER. Out in the courtyard, Kane is briefing his men.
KANE: Once we're close enough, we'll use the city's
tunnel systems to
get us near one of the bunker's access points. After we're
we'll wait for Doctor Jackson's people to make their move,
then we
make ours. Understood? (He walks over to Daniel.) Let's hope
friends keep their end of the bargain.
(Nearby, Leda is standing and watching. Kane walks over to her and
they share a long look full of regrets and, maybe, promises. He
holds her hand briefly, then walks away. Leda whimpers, trying to
hold back her tears. Daniel goes over to her.)
DANIEL: If this works ...
LEDA: You'll be going home.
DANIEL: Leda, I w...
LEDA: No. Go.
(Daniel nods and walks away.)

TUNNELS UNDER THE BUNKER. Daniel, Kane and his men are making their
way through the tunnels.

SGC. GATEROOM. The Gate is open. The SG teams are geared up and
ready to go. They run up the ramp and wait at the top for the
appointed moment.

RAND. Daniel, Kane and his men come out into the bunker complex
through the door that Daniel and Kane used to escape.

SGC. GATEROOM. Sam and Teal'c take the pins out of smoke
and toss them through the Gate.

RAND. BUNKER CONTROL ROOM. Soren and his people are there. A woman
reports to Soren.
AIDE: Commander, several posts are no longer reporting in. Loyalist
troops have entered from the surface and have managed to take several
key sections.
SOREN: Then take them back.
AIDE: We cannot. They've co-ordinated an attack with help from
offworlders. We are losing control of the facility.
SOREN: If you're suggesting that we evacuate, think again!

BUNKER. Kane's men are engaged in a fierce firefight against
men. From around the corner, Sam and Teal'c toss more smoke
grenades. The firefight continues until all the bad guys are taken
KANE: Cease fire!
CARTER (yelling from around the corner): Daniel, you guys OK?
DANIEL (calling back): Yeah, we're fine.
(The two teams walk towards each other, looking at the large number
of dead bodies that have resulted from the firefight.)

AIDE: All stations are dark. The loyalists have us surrounded. They
are calling for our surrender.
SOREN: Engage them.

CORRIDORS. The loyalists and SG teams approach the entrance to the
Control Room. Sam and Kane deploy their troops.
CARTER: Any chance he'll just surrender?
(Kane's look suggests not.)

AIDE: Commander. We are hopelessly outnumbered.
(Soren takes out a pistol and shoots her dead. That gets his
SOREN: We're all here for one purpose – to honour the will of
gods. In their names we rose up. In their names we purged the non-
believers. And in their names we will die if necessary. We will not
dishonour them with cowardice. Now engage them. (His people
hesitate, unsure whether to obey him or not.) Engage them! (Still
nobody moves.) You question your faith? *I* will show you faith.
(He takes a rifle and heads for the door of the Control Room. It
opens and he walks through. Outside are the loyalists and SG teams,
all pointing guns at him.)
CARTER: Drop your weapon. (Soren walks forward, holding his arms and
the rifle out to the sides.) I said drop your weapon, now!
(Soren doesn't move. Kane comes around from behind Sam and
him. He walks over to him and kicks his rifle away. The troops move
into the Control Room, giving commands to the rebels to drop their
KANE: It's over.
DANIEL: I hope so. You may have just made a martyr.
KANE: I had no choice. You can return to your world now.
DANIEL: Kane ...
KANE: What happened to us was not your fault.
DANIEL: I know. We made a promise and we intend to keep it.
be back to help you rebuild.
(Kane nods and moves off to secure the Control Room.)
CARTER: Daniel, are you ready to go home?
(The SG teams move away, heading for the Stargate.)

Kikavu ?

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