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#810 : Sans Pitié


Au SGC, le Sergent Davis et un de ses collègues sont de garde. L'un d'eux s'ennuie car il ne se passe pas grand-chose à la base. David lui dit qu'une équipe peut arriver à tout moment, et par conséquent qu'ils doivent se tenir prêts. Ils se lèvent pour aller boire du café, quand soudain un flash blanc remplit la salle d'embarquement : la Porte des Etoiles a disparu... Cette disparition permet à SG-1 de découvrir que "Le Trust" possède un vaisseau spatial en orbite autour de la terre. Pendant ce temps, Teal'c enquête sur la mort de milliers de Jaffas...


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Sans Pitié

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extrait vo: salle d'interrogatoire

extrait vo: salle d'interrogatoire


Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Joseph Mallozzi et Paul Mullie.

Réalisé par : Peter DeLuise.

Apparitions :

Brandy Ledford (Zarin)

Michael Sorich (Dr Bricksdale)

Mark Gibbon (M'zel)

Rob Lee (Major Pierce)

Gary Jones (Sergent Walter Davis)

Rob Lee (Colonel Pierce)

Chelah Horsdal (Officier)

Barclay Hope (Colonel Pendergast)

Dan Shea (Sergent Siler)

Ed Anders (Type De L'entrepôt)

Ryan Booth (Zarin's Jaffa)

Rob Hayter (Sergent)

Scott Owen (Sergent Mackenzie)

Benita Ha (Brooks)

Peter Bryant (Trust Member (hoskins))

Lucas Wolf (Jennings)

810/ Sans pitié

Au SGC, le Sergent Davis et un de ses collègues sont de garde. L’un d’eux s’ennui car il ne se passe pas grand-chose à la base. Davis lui dit qu’une équipe peut arriver à tout moment, et par conséquent qu’ils doivent se tenir prêts. Ils se lèvent pour aller boire du café, quand soudain un flash blanc remplit la salle d’embarquement : la Porte des Etoiles a disparu.

Le lendemain matin, Daniel interroge Davis et son collègue, seuls témoins de cette disparition. Ces derniers lui disent qu’ils n’ont rien repéré d’anormal avant que la Porte s’évapore. Le second Sergent lui demande si des mesures disciplinaires vont être prises contre eux. Daniel les fait marcher quand il apprend qu’ils prenaient un café, mais il leur dit qu’ils n’y sont pour rien.

En salle de réunion, Samantha, Jack et Daniel observe la vidéo de surveillance. Le flash ressemble à un rayon de téléportation Asgard. La piste Asgarde est vide abandonnée. Daniel pense alors au Prométhée, mais il est en réparation. Carter suggère alors que Baal peut être à l’origine de ce vol. Jack lui ordonne alors de trouver le voleur. Pendant ce temps, il va appeler le Président pour l’informer de la situation.

De son coté, Teal’c a rejoint le site Alpha car, après sa réunion avec les chefs rebelles Jaffas, il ne parvenait pas à accéder à la Porte de la Terre. Là, le Colonel Pierce lui explique qu’il est impossible de se rendre sur Terre. Ils ont réussi à activer un passage, mais l’IDC reçoit un message : « ne traversez pas ». Teal’c décide de retourner sur la planète pour obtenir un vaisseau cargo des rebelles Jaffas.

Au SGC, Daniel rejoint Samantha dans son laboratoire. Cette dernière l’informe qu’elle a découvert que pendant les deux jours précédents la disparition de la Porte, les capteurs ont relevé des mesures anormales. Elle lui montre ensuite une vidéo où l’on voit un scientifique poser un objet derrière la Porte, et cela correspond au début des mesures anormales.

Samantha informe le Général O’Neill de sa découverte. Le Dr Kevin Hartkins a rejoint depuis peu le SGC. Mais depuis la disparition, impossible de le retrouver. Jack soupçonne alors le « Trust » (cf. « Affinity » et « Convenant »). Sam pense que l’anomalie est en fait une balise de localisation pour les rayons téléporteurs Asgard. Elle suggère alors de repositionner le satellite de la NSA pour repérer le signal.

De son côté, Teal’c arrive sur la planète des Jaffas. Mais en guise d’accueil, il voit une scène macabre : les rebelles ont été tués et gisent sur le sol. C’est alors que M’Zel (cf. « La fin de l’Union ») apparaît. Il lui explique qu’à son arrivé, ils étaient tous morts. Puis il décide de lui montrer quelque chose.

Sur Terre, les forces d’intervention encerclent un bâtiment. Jackson et Carter les rejoignent et décident de donner l’assaut. A l’intérieur, ils trouvent un véritable arsenal : roquettes, gaz innervant… un garde ouvre alors le feu. Après quelques échanges de tirs, Samantha le zate. Hélas, des bombonnes de gaz ont explosé. Mais il n’a aucun effet sur les hommes présents dans la salle.

De son côté, Teal’c constate ce que M’zel affirme : au village des rebelles, aucun survivant.

Au SGC, Samantha explique au Général que le gaz trouvé un gaz anti-symbiote développé avec les Tok’ra (cf. « Rencontre au Sommet »). Le Lieutenant-colonel pense que le « Trust » veut lancer une offensive à grande échelle contre les Goa’ulds. Daniel remet ensuite à Jack le badge du garde de l’entrepôt : un badge de la Zone 51.

En zone 51, le Dr Brigsdale reçoit Sam et Daniel. Ils lui disent que la sécurité de la zone comporte une faille car de la technologie extraterrestre a été dérobée. Le docteur explique que depuis les derniers incidents (cf. « Ecran de fumée »), les mesures de sécurité sont drastiques et qu’un nouveau vol de technologie est impossible. Daniel demande alors à voir l’équipement d’Osiris (cf. « Chimère »).

Sur le site Alpha, Pierce confirme à Teal’c que les Jaffas sont morts à cause d’un poisson anti-symbiote. Teal’c soupçonne la Tok’ra. M’zel arrive et explique à Teal’c que trois autres planètes ont été attaquées, faisant des millions de morts.

En zone 51, le Dr Brigsdale les conduit dans la salle où sont entreposés les objets d’Osiris. Sam les examine : ils sont vrais. Le Dr leur explique qu’ils ont essayé d’utiliser les objets mais ils ne fonctionne qu’avec l’ADN Goa’uld. Daniel comprend que le vaisseau d’Osiris est toujours en orbite, mais qu’ils n’ont aucun moyen de le localiser.

Sur le site Alpha, M’zel exige que la Tok’ra soit punie pour ces attaques. Pierce essaye de le calmer. Mais les deux Jaffas sont convaincus qu’il s’agit d’un acte de vengeance à cause de l’échec de l’alliance (cf. « La fin de l’union »). Teal’c décide de contacter la Tok’ra pour en savoir plus, mais hélas il est difficile de les localiser. Il décide de rencontrer un certain Zaren infiltré dans les rangs de Baal. Ils expliquent à Pierce qu’ils veulent se faire capturer pour être sûrs de rencontrer Zaren.

Dans une banlieue, Brigsdale rencontre un agent du « Trust » (cf. « Affinity »). Il leur explique alors qu’il veut faire marche arrière car deux personnes du SGC lui ont rendu visite. Soudain, les forces d’intervention apparaissent : elles ont suivi le docteur pour arrêter l’agent du « Trust ». Ce dernier fuit par un hangar. Le commando le suit. Il sort de l’autre côté du bâtiment, et se cache derrière une poubelle. Il appuie sur une télécommande, mais Sam apparaît et le zate. Elle prend la télécommande et se retrouve téléportée dans un vaisseau Goa’uld. Là, un autre agent du « Trust » la zate. Dans la soute, il y a de nombreuses armes et la Porte des Etoiles volée au SGC.

Dans une pyramide, les Jaffas de Zaren, une femme, l’informe que deux ennemis Jaffas ont été capturés près de la Porte, l’un d’eux est Teal’c. Zaren les félicite de cette capture et demande qu’on lui les amène.

Au SGC, Daniel interroge Brigsdale sur le lieu où est Sam, mais le prisonnier n’en sait rien. Daniel lui dit qu’ils peuvent le protéger du « Trust » et fermer les yeux sur son compte aux Iles Caïman.

Teal’c et M’zel sont amenés devant Zaren. Elle ordonne à ses gardes de la laisser seule avec eux pour le interroger. Elle leur demande ce qu’ils font ici et leur explique qu’elle doit les torturer pour obtenir des informations, en attendant la venue de Baal pour leur exécution.

De son coté, Brigsdale pense que Carter est dans le vaisseau d’Osiris. Il explique qu’un jour, après avoir eu la visite du « Trust », il travaillait dans son laboratoire sur le bracelet permettant d’accéder au vaisseau. Il fut téléporté dans le vaisseau. Daniel comprend qu’ensuite, il a téléporté les agents du « Trust » à l’intérieur. Le docteur lui révèle alors qu’avec la traduction (cf. « Affinity ») il les a aidé. Daniel lui demande alors si il peut refaire fonctionner l’appareil et le docteur lui répond de manière affirmative.

Dans le vaisseau, Sam se réveille. Les Agents du « Trust » s’apprêtent à lancer une roquette via la Porte des Etoiles. L’agent qu’elle a zaté lui révèle qu’ils sont à bord du vaisseau d’Osiris, sur la face cachée de la Lune. Sam comprend qu’ils lancent une attaque chimique contre les Gao’ulds. Un agent lui révèle qu’ils ont déjà commencé par les territoires de Baal. Ils s’apprêtent à lancer un missile sur P3S-114, la planète de Zaren.

Sur P3S-114, M’zel saisit subitement la Tok’ra par le coup pour la tuer. Mais Teal’c lui dit que ce n’est pas la solution au problème et il la relâche. Elle demande pourquoi ils sont ici. Teal’c lui explique que le poisson de la Tok’ra a déjà décimé trois mondes. Zaren leur dit que si de telles attaques étaient prévues, elle en aurait été informée.

Dans le vaisseau d’Osiris, les agents du « Trust » envoient la roquette vers la cible choisie.

Sur la planète, les Jaffas voient la roquette monter dans les airs. A l’intérieur de la pyramide, Zaren entend elle aussi le bruit de l’engin. Les Jaffas reviennent dans la pièce et explique que la planète est attaquée. Soudain, Zaren suffoque et meurt. Teal’c explique aux Jaffas qu’ils doivent partir immédiatement, mais ces derniers les menacent avec leurs lances. Soudain, les Jaffas sont eux aussi pris par la douleur, tout comme M’zel qui porte un symbiote. Tous meurent et Teal’c s’enfuit, comprenant que la Tok’ra n’est pas responsable.

Le Prométhée est en orbite autour de la Terre. Ils inspecte l’espace à la recherche du vaisseau Gao’uld.

Au SGC, Daniel rend visite au prisonnier. Il lui donne le bracelet d’Osiris et lui demande de le faire fonctionner.

Dans le vaisseau d’Osiris, les agents préparent l’attaque d’une nouvelle cible. Sam leur explique que cette planète a été abandonnée par Baal car la mine de naqahdah est épuisée. Un agent lui propose alors de collaborer pour réduire les pertes dans les rangs des Jaffas. Mais elle refuse. L’agent du « Trust » décide d’abandonner cette cible et de passer à la suivante.

Au SGC, Daniel se prépare pour aller sur le vaisseau. Jack est un peu inquiet car il partira seul. Daniel le rassure en lui disant qu’une fois le champ d’invisibilité désactivé, le Prométhée lui viendra en aide. Puis il appuie sur le bracelet et se téléporte sur le pont du vaisseau. Il pirate l’ordinateur et fait exploser les cristaux. L’Alkseh apparaît alors, aussitôt repéré par le Prométhée.

Dans la soute du vaisseau, les agents préparent une autre attaque. Une femme rentre dans la salle et les informe que la consommation d’énergie a baissé de 60%. Un des agents comprend qu’il s’agit du système de furtivité. De son côté, Daniel progresse dans les couloirs du vaisseau. Mais soudain, il se fait zater.

A l’intérieur du Prométhée, l’équipage s’apprête à ouvrir le feu. Le commandant du vaisseau informe O’Neill que Jackson n’a toujours pas confirmé la mise héros service de l’hyperpropulsion. O’Neill ne sait pas si il doit donner l’ordre d’ouvrir le feu ou non.

Pendant ce temps, dans le vaisseau, la femme agent du « Trust » constate les dégâts occasionnés par le Dr Jackson. Ce dernier est emmené dans la soute, aux côtés de Samantha. La femme prévient les autres agents que le champ d’invisibilité est hors service et qu’elle ne peut le réparer. Il lui ordonne alors de changer la direction du vaisseau. Puis les agents décident de ne pas laisser les deux membres de Sg-1 en vie. Mais alors qu’il allait les tuer, la Porte s’active : Teal’c l’a activé et essaye de communiquer avec eux. Profitant de cette diversion, Daniel et Sam attaquent leurs ravisseurs. Daniel saisir la radio est appelle Teal’c à l’aide. Ce dernier franchit la Porte et tue un agent du « Trust ». Mais la femme appelle ses collègues par la radio. N’ayant pas de réponse, elle active l’hyperpropulsion. Sam dit à ses compagnons de se tenir près de la Porte. Le Prométhée détecte la tentative de fuite et demande que faire au Général O’Neill. Sam saisit une petite télécommande. Le Prométhée reçoit un signal : une balise de localisation. Le commandant décide d’activer le rayon de téléportation. Le vaisseau fuit. La baie d’embarquement du vaisseau fait son rapport : Teal’c, Sam, Daniel et la Porte ont été transférés. Le commandant en informe Jack.

De retour à la base, la Porte est de nouveau installée. Sam explique qu’ils ont positionné des brouilleurs pour éviter tout nouveau vol. le problème est qu’un agent du « Trust » possède un Alkseh ainsi que du poison, en quantité importante.


SGC. NIGHT TIME. CONTROL ROOM. Walter is sitting at the control desk looking at some papers on a clipboard. A male technician trots up the stairs. Walter looks round to see who it is, then turns back to the front again, throwing down his clipboard and pen, bored. The technician walks over to him.

TECHNICIAN: What’s going on?
HARRIMAN (in a very bored voice): Not much.
(The technician grabs a chair, rolls it over to the control desk and sits down.)
TECHNICIAN: I hate the graveyard shift. Nothing exciting ever happens on it.
(Walter turns round to face him.)
HARRIMAN: Hey. Just ‘cos it’s three a.m. here, it doesn’t mean that it’s not daylight on other planets. (He leans forward, as if to tell a secret. The technician leans forward towards him.) There could be a team coming in hot – any ... second ... now.
TECHNICIAN: Yeah, that’s true!
(Both of them turn their heads to look at the Stargate. They stare at it for several seconds.)
TECHNICIAN: So – coffee?
(They get up and walk over to the coffee pot at the back of the room.)
TECHNICIAN: Let me ask you something. It’s late at night and there’s not that many people around – do you ever get the urge just to dial up the Gate and check out another planet, just for a few minutes?
HARRIMAN (staring at him sternly): That’d be a no.
TECHNICIAN (nervously): Me-me-me neither.
(They turn to the coffee pot. At that moment a white glow fills the room behind them, then fades away.)
HARRIMAN: What the hell?

(Unseen by either of the technicians, a computer screen starts flashing the message “OFFLINE” over and over again. Slowly, nervously, Walter and the technician turn to look at each other, then turn all the way around to face the Gateroom. The technician stares blankly at what he sees; Walter’s eyes widen and his jaw drops. We finally get to see the Gateroom. Two airmen are standing in the Gateroom staring at the ramp. At the top of the ramp is ... nothing.)

TECHNICIAN: The Gate’s gone!
HARRIMAN (anguished): I can see that!
(The technician looks round at Walter.)
TECHNICIAN: Are we gonna get in trouble for this?
(Walter looks round at him. He clearly has no idea.)


SGC. DAY TIME. INTERVIEW ROOM. Daniel is sitting on one side of a table. Walter and the technician are sitting on the other side. A camera is at Daniel’s side, pointing at the technicians, and a tape recorder is on the table.
DANIEL: What about your instruments? Were you detecting any signs of Gate activity?
HARRIMAN: No, sir.
DANIEL: Did anyone approach the Gate at any time?
DANIEL: So no unusual activity of any kind. (Walter and the technician both shake their heads.) OK. (He scribbles on the paper in front of him and switches the tape recorder off.)
TECHNICIAN: Sir, are we gonna be facing any kind of disciplinary action for this?
DANIEL: No, Sergeant, I think it’s safe to say there was nothing you could have done.
TECHNICIAN: Thank God! I mean, there wasn’t. One minute we were getting coffee, the next minute the Gate was ...
DANIEL (interrupting): Wait a minute! Wait a minute. You were getting coffee? (He stares at them sternly.)
TECHNICIAN: Um ... we... it ... (He and Walter look very uncomfortable.)
(Daniel glares at them for a moment longer, then his face breaks into a grin.)
DANIEL: I’m joking, I’m joking, this is a joke, I’m sorry. OK, that’s all, thank you, guys, I appreciate that. (He stands up and turns off the camera.) OK. (He leaves the room, leaving Walter and the technician looking shattered.)

BRIEFING ROOM. Daniel and Jack are standing at the window gazing down into the Gateroom [or should it now be called ‘the Room’?!]. Sam is working on a computer further back in the Briefing Room.
DANIEL: Well, I’d-I’d hate to be the guy that has to explain this to the President.
(Jack turns and stares at him. Daniel sees his look and shrugs, then looks away and winces.)
CARTER: Sir. I’ve got the video surveillance footage. (Jack and Daniel walk over to her.) The Gate disappeared at oh three oh seven. There were two airmen in the Gateroom and two technicians in the Control Room but none of them saw or heard anything out of the ordinary prior to the flash.
(She starts the video, which initially shows the Gate in its normal position, then white light envelops the Gate and it is whisked upwards and out of view.)
DANIEL: Is it just me or does that look like an Asgard beam?
CARTER: It does – which makes no sense. Why would they take our Gate?
O’NEILL: Yeah. Usually they ask nicely before they ignore us and do whatever they damn well please.
DANIEL: What about the Prometheus? Didn’t the Asgard install beam technology as well as a hyperdrive?
CARTER: Yeah, it’s in the hangar. We’re still making adjustments to the new engines. There is another possibility. We know that Anubis possessed Asgard beam technology. We also know that Ba’al took over much of his fleet.
DANIEL: You think Ba’al stole our Gate?
CARTER: To be honest, right now I don’t know what to think.
O’NEILL: Well, I need some answers.
CARTER: That’s not gonna be easy, sir. Without a Gate, we have no access to offworld intel. We have no way of knowing what’s going on out there.
O’NEILL: You’ll think of something. In the meantime (he throws a black look at Daniel), I have a phonecall to make. (He walks away. Daniel smiles part-smugly and part-apologetically.)
DANIEL (to Sam): Is Teal’c still on P4S-161?
CARTER (checking her watch): Yeah, his meeting with the rebel Jaffa leaders should be over by now. When he can’t contact us he’ll follow protocol and head to the Alpha site.

ALPHA SITE. Teal’c, dressed in a Jaffa robe, comes into the Control Room and walks over to Colonel Pierce.
TEAL’C: Colonel Pierce.
PIERCE: Teal’c.
TEAL’C: What is the situation?
PIERCE: We’ve been out of contact with Earth for seven hours now. We can establish a wormhole but all we get is a “do not proceed” response to our IDC.
TEAL’C: As was the case when I attempted to return from my mission.
PIERCE: We’ve had lockdowns before, but the fact that they’re not responding to any of our radio calls has me concerned. Right now we have no idea what’s happening at Stargate Command.
TEAL’C: I will return to P4S-161. The rebel Jaffa will provide me with a cargo ship which I will then take to Earth. (He nods to Pierce and turns to leave the room.)
PIERCE: Teal’c. (Teal’c turns back to face him.) We’re not jumping to conclusions; this may be just a malfunction – but it’s also possible Earth has been compromised.
TEAL’C: Indeed. (He walks away.)

SGC. SAM’S LAB. Daniel walks in.
DANIEL: Find anything?
CARTER: Yeah, as a matter of fact I have. I’ve been going over Gateroom security tapes and the sensor logs. For two days before the Gate disappeared, we were getting this anomalous reading. (They look at the computer screen showing the reading.) We assumed it was residual feedback from a recent overhaul of the superconductors, but I don’t think so. Look at this. (She shows Daniel one of the security tapes. In fast-forward mode, various technicians and scientists move up and down the ramp until just one scientist in a white coat is left at the top of the ramp. He squats down to the Gate and seems to place something on it before standing up again.)
DANIEL: What was that?
CARTER: I don’t know, but I checked the time code and this corresponds with the exact moment that the sensors began recording the anomaly. (She types on the keyboard and the computer screen closes in on the frozen image of the scientist, then cleans up the picture so that they have a clear image of the man.)
DANIEL: I think we need to talk to this guy.

BRIEFING ROOM. Jack is holding a file with a photograph of the scientist in it.
CARTER: Doctor Kevin Hartkins. He’s been with the programme seven months. Clean record, nothing out of the ordinary – except that he’s gone missing.
DANIEL: He failed to report for duty this morning. When we checked his apartment, it was cleaned out.
O’NEILL: This is starting to sound familiar.
DANIEL: You think it’s The Trust?
CARTER: Well, they’ve been busy lately. They had Teal’c under surveillance, they blackmailed you, and they tried to kill Alec Colson. Obviously the operation is a lot bigger than we first thought. Now, as far as we know, the NID has been clean for over a year but there are still dozens of ex-agents who are unaccounted for – and they continue to receive financing from unknown sources.
DANIEL: If they could take the Gate out from under us, they could empty the vault at Fort Knox.
CARTER: Not necessarily. If they could take the Gate any time they wanted, they would have, but that doesn’t explain what Hartkins was doing, or the anomalous signal.
O’NEILL: Got a theory?
CARTER: The Prometheus has Asgard beam technology but not Asgard sensors, which means that we can’t pinpoint specific targets unless they’ve been tagged in advance. What if whoever did this has the same problem?
DANIEL: You think the anomaly was a locator beacon?
CARTER: Yeah, which Hartkins placed directly on the Gate. I mean, there’s no other way they could pull this off.
O’NEILL: So my stamp collection is safe – how does that help us find the Gate?
CARTER: Well, if they wanna keep using the beam, they’ll have to keep using the beacons. We could request NSA satellite time to see if we could detect the signal.
O’NEILL: Do it.

P4S-161. Teal’c comes through the Gate, then levels his staff weapon at the sight that greets him. Many Jaffa are lying on the ground near the Gate. He goes over to one and bends down to check for a pulse, then stands and levels his staff weapon again as a Jaffa comes out from behind nearby bushes, aiming his own staff weapon. Teal’c then realises who it is – it’s M’Zel, last seen in “Death Knell”.
TEAL’C: M’Zel.
M’ZEL: Teal’c. (He runs towards him.)
TEAL’C: What has happened here?
M’ZEL: When I arrived, they were all dead.
TEAL’C: All?
M’ZEL: I will show you. (He leads Teal’c away.)

EARTH. WAREHOUSE. Two black SGC cars are parked outside. SFs are surrounding the warehouse, weapons aimed, as a third car arrives. Three of the troops run over to the car and crouch behind it. Sam and Daniel get out and crouch behind the car with the leader of the troops as he reports to them.
LEADER: We took out a couple of guards and made the area secure. Satellite intel puts the signal somewhere inside this complex.
CARTER: Alright. You three are with us. Keep your men on the perimeter – no one in, no one out.
LEADER: Understood.
(He gives commands into his radio as they all run towards the warehouse. As they reach one of the doors, he puts explosive on the lock and everybody ducks back. The explosives blow the lock. The leader pulls the door open, and one of his men tosses a smoke grenade inside. It explodes, and smoke fills the air. The five of them run inside, checking out the area. Daniel spots something.)
DANIEL: Sam! (He pulls back a cover from a couple of rockets.)
CARTER: Daniel, these are VX rockets.
(Daniel goes to some glass canisters filled with a glowing blue liquid and picks one up.)
DANIEL: Yeah? What’s this?
CARTER: Methylphosphonothioic acid.
DANIEL: Which is?
CARTER: Nerve gas.
DANIEL: OK – putting that back! (He nervously puts the canister down again.)
CARTER: There’s enough here to kill several hundred thousand people.
DANIEL: What would the ex-NID be doing stockpiling this stuff?
CARTER: I have no idea.
(A member of The Trust, hidden behind some boxes, raises his head into view. One of the SFs spots him.)
SF: Colonel!
(He fires at the man, who returns fire. As the SGC personnel fire at him, he continues shooting back, and some of the canisters are smashed by flying bullets. Sam gets into a position to zat the man and he goes down. The SFs run cautiously towards him. Behind them, unnoticed, the smashed canisters are leaking gas. Daniel turns and sees them.)
DANIEL: Ah – we’ve got a problem here! What do we do?
CARTER: It’s too late.
(They stare at the canisters. After a few seconds Sam tilts her head in confusion.)
DANIEL: Nothing’s happening.
CARTER: This doesn’t make sense. The effects are almost instantaneous. We should all be dead.

P4S-161. M’Zel leads Teal’c to the edge of a Jaffa camp. Teal’c stares at the sight that greets him.
M’ZEL: You see?
(Teal’c walks forward into the camp. The camp covers a large area – and hundreds of Jaffa are lying dead on the ground.)

SGC. BRIEFING ROOM. Jack is looking at photographs taken in the warehouse. Sam hands him a small capsule with the blue liquid in it.
CARTER: We managed to identify the liquid we found in the warehouse. It’s symbiont poison – specifically the new formula we were working on in conjunction with the Tok’Ra. (Jack gingerly puts the capsule down on the table, then wipes his fingers off against each other before wiping his hand on his sleeve.) It’s more stable than the original and easier to produce, but just as deadly to the Goa’uld.
DANIEL: And the Jaffa.
CARTER: Exactly – which is why we agreed not to use it except in defensive situations. Sir, the people behind this have the Gate and they have rockets capable of delivering the poison in aerosol form over large areas. I think The Trust intends to launch a full-scale chemical attack against the Goa’uld without any regard for the millions of Jaffa lives that could be lost in the process.
O’NEILL: So, they didn’t get the memo.
(Sam shrugs.)
DANIEL: The guy from the warehouse isn’t talking but he was carrying this. (He takes an ID badge out of his pocket and hands it to Sam, who passes it to Jack.) It’s an Area 51 identification badge.

AREA 51. Sam and Daniel, wearing overalls, are sitting in a room. A scientist, wearing overalls with a white coat over them, comes in.
BRIGSDALE: Colonel Carter, Doctor Jackson. Sorry to keep you waiting.
CARTER: Doctor Brigsdale. I believe you’ve been briefed on our situation?
BRIGSDALE: Yes, I have.
CARTER: Well, as a result of our investigation, we have reason to believe that your security has been compromised.
BRIGSDALE: With all due respect, Colonel, we’re not the ones who lost the Stargate.
DANIEL: But alien technology has gone missing from Area 51 before.
BRIGSDALE: Yes. However, our security measures have been significantly increased since then. No one’s allowed to bring anything in or out – no computers, no cellphones, not even their street clothes, as you’ve seen. (He looks at their overalls.) All personnel are subject to a thorough search and scan every time they leave.
CARTER: Look, whoever took the Stargate has access to Asgard beam technology. Last year when Osiris came to Earth, she used that same technology, which she activated remotely with a wrist device. After she was captured, that wrist device was brought here, and you worked on it.
BRIGSDALE: And it’s been here ever since.
DANIEL: Well, if you don’t mind, we’d like to see it.

ALPHA SITE. CONTROL ROOM. Colonel Pierce is talking with Teal’c.
PIERCE: Doctor Harris checked out some of the dead Jaffa on P4S-161. You were right – it was the Tok’Ra symbiont poison.
TEAL’C: I would not have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes.
PIERCE: I knew the Tok’Ra had lost patience with the alliance, but I never thought they’d do anything like this.
(M’Zel storms into the room.)
M’ZEL: Teal’c! I have received word from our Jaffa brothers. Three more Goa’uld planets have been attacked. Millions are dead.

AREA 51. SECURITY ROOM. Brigsdale leads Sam and Daniel into the room and puts his hand onto a palm scanner. He then goes over to a bank of drawers in the wall as one of them slides open. Inside are several Goa’uld devices, including Osiris’ hand ribbon device with the wrist device attached to it.
BRIGSDALE: You see? Right where we left it.
CARTER: Sorry if I’m a little sceptical but, uh, we’ve been down this road before. (She places a sensor in the tray and activates it. The sensor beeps. Sam looks round at Daniel.) It’s real. (She takes the sensor out again.)
BRIGSDALE: Like I said. We figured if Osiris’ ship was still up there, we could use the wrist device to get on board. Unfortunately it’s not only keyed to the presence of naqahdah in the blood of the user but also specific Goa’uld DNA. We tried to create an adapter using samples of both elements but we didn’t get anywhere.
DANIEL: So the ship is probably still in orbit but cloaked.
CARTER: In which case we have no way to find it.

M’ZEL: The Tok’Ra will be made to pay for this treachery!
PIERCE: Let’s just calm down a second. We need to figure out what’s going on.
M’ZEL: What more do you need to know?! The Jaffa are being murdered – poisoned, like vermin!
PIERCE: The Tok’Ra have had this chemical weapon for a long time. Why would they suddenly decide to use it now?
TEAL’C (angrily): Perhaps the failure of the alliance convinced them that there is no other way.
PIERCE: There’s something else going on. It’s not a coincidence that this happened immediately after we lost contact with Earth.
TEAL’C (more calmly): It does seem unlikely. (To M’Zel) We must speak to the Tok’Ra directly.
PIERCE: That’s not so easy. Ever since they left the Alpha site, we haven’t had much intelligence on their movements. We have no idea where their new base is.
TEAL’C: We still know the location of some of their operatives. (To M’Zel) I believe our best chance for contact is P3S-114. A Tok’Ra operative named Zaren is undercover commanding one of Ba’al’s garrisons on that world.
M’ZEL: I will come with you.
PIERCE: Woah – hold on a minute here. You’re talking about walking into Goa’uld-occupied territory, and there’s no Jaffa fifth column there to help you out. Without sympathetic warriors in Zaren’s ranks, how do you plan to avoid being captured?
TEAL’C: We do not.
PIERCE: What?!
M’ZEL: Only by being captured will we be brought before the commander.
PIERCE: That’s how you’re gonna make contact?!
TEAL’C: We must speak to the Tok’Ra. There is no other way.
PIERCE: It’s too risky. You walk in there unannounced and Zaren could have you sacrificed just to maintain her cover.
TEAL’C: That is a great possibility.
PIERCE: You realise the second you walk through that Gate, you’re on your own?
TEAL’C: Understood.

EARTH. NEVADA. STREET. Brigsdale is waiting nervously. He opens his cellphone and starts to dial a number, but stops as a car pulls up. Hoskins, the Trust member last seen in “Affinity”, gets out of the car.
HOSKINS: So what’s the big emergency?
BRIGSDALE: I can’t do this any more!
HOSKINS: You’ve already taken the money, Doctor. Little late for cold feet.
BRIGSDALE: You don’t understand! They came to see me! They asked me about the wrist device!
BRIGSDALE: Two people from Stargate Command.
HOSKINS (looking around cautiously): And you arranged a meeting with me?!
(The sound of an approaching engine can be heard, and a black van screeches around the corner.)
HOSKINS: You were followed.
(He pulls a rifle out and fires at the SFs getting out of the van. They dive for cover as Brigsdale cowers. Hoskins throws a dark look at Brigsdale, then turns and fires multiple shots into the lock of a nearby warehouse door, blasting part of the door to bits. As a second van arrives, he pulls open the door and runs inside. SFs run towards Brigsdale, who has his hands in the air. One of the SFs pushes Brigsdale face down onto the bonnet of his car. Other troops run into the warehouse. Inside, Hoskins is reloading his rifle as he walks along quickly. As the SFs come inside, he turns and fires at them. They take cover, then Hoskins runs up some stairs.)
SF: Careful with your fire – we need him alive!
(They run up the stairs.)
(On an upper level, Hoskins blasts out the lock of a door leading to a gantry on the outside of the building. He kicks open the door and runs along the gantry, reloading again. He runs along a couple of roofs, then drops to the ground. Checking the area, he takes a device out of his pocket and presses it. Nearby, Sam, wearing a snazzy black leather jacket, rises up from where she has been hiding behind a car and zats him. He falls to the ground, dropping the device, which is beeping. She picks it up. An Asgard transporter beam envelops her and whisks her away.)

(Sam reappears in the cargo hold of a Goa’uld ship. Behind her, Jennings, also last seen in “Affinity”, takes out a zat gun of his own and shoots her. She collapses to the ground. Jennings picks up a radio as he walks towards Sam.)
JENNINGS (into radio): Brooks.
BROOKS (over radio): Go ahead.
JENNINGS: We’ve got a small problem here. Take a locator beacon and get down to Hoskins’ last position.
BROOKS: What happened?
JENNINGS: We’ve got an uninvited guest.
(A wide shot of the cargo hold shows that the Stargate is at the end of the room. There are several VX rockets nearby.)

P3S-114. PYRAMID. Three Jaffa walk into the throne room and kneel before a woman sitting on the throne.
ZAREN: Speak.
JAFFA: My Lord Zaren, two enemy Jaffa have been captured near the Gate. One of them is the shol’va Teal’c.
ZAREN: Are you certain?
JAFFA: I am. Lord Ba’al will be most pleased, will he not?
ZAREN: Yes, of course. You have done well. Now bring them to me.
JAFFA: Yes, my Lord. (He and his colleagues rise and leave the room. Zaren looks smug until they have left, then looks concerned.)

SGC. INTERROGATION ROOM. Brigsdale is seated at a table in the middle of the room. Daniel is standing on the other side of the table, while two SFs stand nearby.
DANIEL: I’m gonna ask you again – where’s Colonel Carter?
BRIGSDALE: I don’t know!
(Daniel turns to the SFs and jerks his thumb towards the door. The SFs leave the room as Brigsdale looks worried. Daniel closes the door behind the SFs, then comes to the table and sits down.)
DANIEL: You’re gonna need to start co-operating.
DANIEL: A decorated officer of the United States Air Force and a member of one of our government’s most top secret organisations is missing, and you’re implicated. (Brigsdale covers his face with one hand, almost crying.) I don’t think you’re gonna just walk away from this.
BRIGSDALE: They’ll kill me!
DANIEL: We can protect you. (Brigsdale shakes his head, sobbing.) And we can also choose to ignore your two million dollar Cayman Island account. (Brigsdale raises his head and looks at Daniel.) Didn’t think we’d find out about that, huh?
BRIGSDALE: So if I help you, I can keep the money?
DANIEL: We can come to an arrangement.
(Brigsdale sits back in his chair, looking much more confident.)

P3S-114. PYRAMID THRONE ROOM. Teal’c and M’Zel are marched into the room to face Zaren. M’Zel is easily pushed to his knees, but it takes a staff weapon in the back of the knees to get Teal’c down.
JAFFA: The prisoners, my Lord.
ZAREN: Leave us.
JAFFA: My Lord?
ZAREN (standing up): I intend to question them myself. Leave us, now.
(All the Jaffa in the room leave. Once they have gone, Zaren walks forward.)
ZAREN: Are you mad?! What are you doing here?
(Teal’c and M’Zel rise from their knees.)
TEAL’C: We must speak with you.
ZAREN: Speak with me? Do you not realise that by coming here you have placed all our lives in danger?
TEAL’C: Are you not in control of this garrison?
ZAREN: I am – and, as such, it is my responsibility to see to it that you are tortured for information until such time that Ba’al arrives to witness your execution.

DANIEL: So what’s it gonna be?
BRIGSDALE: You said Colonel Carter was missing?
DANIEL: Mm-hmm.
BRIGSDALE: Well, she’s probably on the ship.
DANIEL: Osiris’ ship. So you did manage to get on board.
(Brigsdale nods.)
BRIGSDALE: About a year ago, some men came to see me. They knew everything about my work, the Stargate, Osiris. They knew there was a possibility that a cloaked ship had been left in orbit and they wanted it badly. I told them that the key was the wrist device but I couldn’t get it out of there, at least not through the front door.
DANIEL: What do you mean?
BRIGSDALE: One day I was in the lab working on the adapter. Next thing I know I found myself on the ship. I had remotely activated the transport beam.
DANIEL: Which you failed to report.
BRIGSDALE: It was killing me that I wasn’t able to tell anybody I’d figured it out. I had to keep telling them it wasn’t working. Anyway, after that I went back and forth half a dozen times, but at the end of the day the wrist device was always back where it belonged.
DANIEL: And you beamed the others up using locator beacons.
BRIGSDALE: Well the beam was the only thing that worked without the command codes. And that’s where you came in.
DANIEL: The translation. (He closes his eyes and sinks back in his chair.)
BRIGSDALE: Osiris worked for Anubis, and Anubis had all his command codes translated into Ancient. (Daniel mouths the word ‘Ancient’ along with him.) Once they had full control of the ship, thanks to you, they had no need for me. They kept a permanent presence up there twenty-four seven, worked in shifts. I went back to Area 51 and sabotaged the adapter. The project was shelved and no one was the wiser.
(Daniel has an expression on his face that looks like a bulldog chewing a wasp. After a moment, however, he leans forward.)
DANIEL: Can you get the wrist device to work again?
BRIGSDALE (smugly): Absolutely.

GOA’ULD SHIP. CARGO HOLD. Sam, lying on top of a metal box, wakes up and sits up, to find her hands tied behind her back. Brooks is working nearby and walks over to Hoskins.
BROOKS: Launch window in three minutes. Ready for off-grade.
HOSKINS: Get down to the engine room – check the power relays.
BROOKS: Yes, sir. (She leaves.)
(Jennings notices that Sam is awake and nods towards her.)
JENNINGS (to Hoskins): Sir.
HOSKINS (walking towards Sam): Colonel Carter. Welcome aboard.
CARTER: Where are we?
HOSKINS: We’re in a polar orbit around the Moon – cloaked, of course.
CARTER: This is the ship Osiris left behind.
HOSKINS: We really have to thank you. If you hadn’t caught her, we never would have had this opportunity.
CARTER: You know they’re gonna come after you.
JENNINGS: Prometheus is undergoing a refit.
CARTER: They still have sublight engines. Once they realise you’re in a ship, they’ll launch – and even with a cloak, you’re giving off an energy signature.
HOSKINS: We’re operating at minimal power. Maybe after a year of intensive scans, they might be able to find us, but this won’t take that long.
(Sam sees Jennings take a capsule of symbiont poison and start to put it into the top of a VX rocket.)
CARTER: You’re gonna launch a chemical attack against the Goa’uld.
JENNINGS: We already have. We’re starting with Ba’al’s territory, since he is the most immediate threat right now.
CARTER: You realise you’re killing millions of innocent Jaffa?
HOSKINS: Spare me, Colonel. The Jaffa are a race of warriors, bred specifically to serve the Goa’uld and enslave humans throughout the galaxy.
CARTER: They’re indoctrinated from childhood to believe that the Goa’uld are their gods. They don’t have a choice.
JENNINGS: So they’re just following orders, right? Where have I heard that argument before?
CARTER: What about the rebel Jaffa? They’re growing in numbers every day.
JENNINGS: We consider them acceptable losses.
HOSKINS: It’s very simple, Colonel. Earth faces an imminent threat, and we have a weapon that can eliminate that threat. We intend to use it.
(Jennings has finished inserting the capsule into the rocket, and the rocket now seals.)
JENNINGS: We’re ready. (He goes over to a computer.)
HOSKINS: What’s the next target?
JENNINGS (typing, then looking at the screen): P3S-114.
HOSKINS: Dial it.
JENNINGS: Yes, sir. (He goes to another computer and types. The Gate starts to dial out.)

ZAREN: You force me to choose between abandoning my mission and allowing you to die.
M’ZEL (walking towards her): I would worry more about my own life if I were you, Tok’Ra. (He wraps both hands around her neck and starts to strangle her.)
TEAL’C: M’Zel! (He walks close to him.) I feel as you do, brother, but this is not the way.
(M’Zel continues to strangle Zaren for a moment, then looks round to Teal’c, who nods at him. He lets Zaren go.)
ZAREN: Why are you here?
M’ZEL: We know about the attacks.
ZAREN: What attacks?
TEAL’C: The Tok’Ra have been using the symbiont poison against the Goa’uld. Jaffa of three worlds have been annihilated thus far.
ZAREN: Impossible.
M’ZEL: We have seen it with our own eyes. An entire Jaffa army lying dead on the ground with no wounds, no signs of battle. How do you explain this?
ZAREN: I cannot – but I can assure you that the Tok’Ra are not responsible. If these attacks had been planned, I would have been informed.

OSIRIS’ SHIP. The Stargate kawhooshes.
JENNINGS: Initiating launch sequence.
CARTER: You can’t do this. It’s murder.
JENNINGS: That’s where you’re wrong, Colonel – it’s war. Launching in three, two, one.
(The VX rocket launches and heads into the wormhole. Sam closes her eyes in grief.)

P3S-114. OUTDOORS. A group of Jaffa are walking along. The leader raises his hand as the sound of a rocket can be heard. They stop and look up as the rocket soars into the air. The Jaffa drop to the ground and raise their staff weapons as the rocket starts to curve around and head towards the ground.

P3S-114. THRONE ROOM. Zaren turns and looks upwards as the sound of a distant explosion can be heard.
ZAREN: What was that?
(The sound of approaching feet can be heard. Teal’c and M’Zel sink back down to their knees and Zaren stands imperiously in front of them as her Jaffa enter the room.)
JAFFA: My Lord. We are under attack.
JAFFA: A weapon was fired through the Gate. It exploded over the ...
(Zaren gasps in agony and clutches the back of her neck. She starts to fall to the floor, still gasping.)
JAFFA: Lord Zaren! (He runs towards her.) Lord Zaren. (He holds her as she collapses to the ground in agony. She gazes up at the Jaffa in anguish, then dies.)
TEAL’C: Brothers! We must leave immediately! (He and M’Zel get to their feet.)
JAFFA: Kree! Da’nok! (The other Jaffa aim their staff weapons at Teal’c and M’Zel.) You are not going anywhere, shol’va. (He aims a zat gun at Teal’c.)
TEAL’C: You do not understand.
(M’Zel gasps in pain and clutches his stomach. As Teal’c grabs hold of him and supports him, the other Jaffa also start to collapse in agony. The sound of squealing symbionts can be heard.)
TEAL’C: M’Zel, there may still be time.
(M’Zel collapses to the ground, his symbiont squealing in pain. Teal’c cradles his head. M’Zel gazes up at Teal’c, grunting in agony.)
M’ZEL: I die ... free. (He dies.)
TEAL’C (gazing at him in grief): Indeed. (He stands and looks at the bodies all around him.)

EARTH. Prometheus is in Earth orbit. Colonel Pendergast is in the big chair.
OFFICER: Sensor grid R-14 shows no anomalies, sir.
PENDERGAST: Very well. Proceed to the next grid.
OFFICER: Yes, sir.
PENDERGAST: She’s out there somewhere.

SGC. INTERROGATION ROOM. An SF opens the door and Daniel walks in with a case. He puts it on the table and opens it. Osiris’ ribbon device is inside. He turns the case around to show Brigsdale.
DANIEL: Make it work.

JENNINGS: Our next target is P5R-357.
HOSKINS: Let’s do it.
CARTER: I wouldn’t bother. Ba’al abandoned that planet six months ago when the naqahdah mines went dry.
JENNINGS: She’s lying.
CARTER: Go ahead. Waste another rocket. That’s one less planet you’ll be able to destroy.
HOSKINS: She does have more up-to-date intelligence.
JENNINGS: She’s bluffing.
HOSKINS (to Sam): You can make this a lot less painful if you help us select optimum targets.
CARTER: What are you talking about?
HOSKINS: You know as much about the current tactical and strategic positions of the different System Lords as anyone on Earth.
CARTER: I don’t know as much as you think.
HOSKINS: You know enough to help us get maximum effect with minimum collateral damage. You’re the one who wants to save innocent lives.
CARTER: Nice try.
JENNINGS (to Hoskins): So – are we going for P5R-357 or not?
(Hoskins looks at Sam, trying to gauge what she knows. She doesn’t return his gaze.)
HOSKINS: Go to the next one on the list.
(Jennings shakes his head, annoyed, but moves the cursor on his computer down to the next address.)

SGC. CONTROL ROOM. Daniel is arming himself ready to go up to Osiris’ ship. Siler is working on the ribbon device nearby. Jack comes down the stairs.
O’NEILL: Alright – tell me again why I should agree to this?
DANIEL: Because it’s the only way we have to get on the ship, and if they’ve changed the command codes, I’m the one who has the best chance to decipher the Ancient symbols.
O’NEILL: And if there are ten armed goons when you get there, you’re the only that’s gonna ... get ... (He draws his hand across his throat.)
DANIEL: Better ideas. (He looks at Jack, then across to Siler. Siler looks startled.)
O’NEILL: Look, Daniel, just because I don’t have a better idea is no reason to do anything.
(Daniel looks puzzled. Jack thinks through what he just said and looks confused.)
DANIEL: Look, once I shut down the cloak, Prometheus will be able to pinpoint the ship’s location. Then all I have to do is disable the hyperdrive and wait for the cavalry. They’ll never see it coming!
O’NEILL: Which is one of the advantages of the totally insane idea.
DANIEL: Yeah – where’d I learn that from?! (He looks at Jack, who looks bewildered.) OK. (Siler hands him the ribbon device and moves away towards Jack. Daniel holds the device in one hand, and activates his zat gun with the other. It’s pointing straight at Jack and Siler. Siler moves cautiously behind Jack. Jack looks round at him, then realises what Daniel’s doing and backs away himself. Daniel looks behind him at a scientist standing on the other side of the glass star map. The scientist sees his look and moves away.) See you soon. (He activates the device, and is transported away.)

OSIRIS’ SHIP. Daniel transports onto the bridge. There’s nobody around. He goes to a computer and types on the keyboard. The message “Access denied” appears on the screen. He types again. Again the message “Access denied” comes up.
DANIEL: Come on! (He types again. The message “System error” comes up.) Fine. (He goes to the front of the ship, presses some buttons which open a panel of crystals, and zats the crystals. In space, the ship comes out of its cloak and we see it for the first time. It’s an al’kesh. Daniel leaves the bridge.)

OFFICER: Sir, we have something. Definitely a ship. Bearings 157 by 229, five hundred thousand kilometres.
PENDERGAST: Battle stations! Plot an intercept course.
OFFICER: Yes, sir.
(Pendergast presses a button on the console on his chair.)
PENDERGAST: General O’Neill, this is Prometheus.
O’NEILL (in the SGC Control Room): Go ahead.
PENDERGAST: Looks like Doctor Jackson pulled it off, sir, we have ‘em on our screens and we are moving in.
O’NEILL: Understood.

OSIRIS’ SHIP. In the cargo hold, Hoskins and Jennings are inserting another toxin capsule into a rocket. Brooks comes in.
BROOKS: We’ve got a problem. I just monitored a sixty percent drop in our power consumption.
HOSKINS: The cloak! (He takes a zat gun out of his coat pocket and starts to leave the room with Brooks. He turns to Jennings and gestures at Sam.) Stay with her.

(Elsewhere on the ship, Daniel is creeping around. After a while he is hit by a zat blast and drops to the ground. Hoskins and Brooks walk around the corner, Hoskins still holding his zat gun out in front of him.)
HOSKINS: Get up to the bridge – get that cloak back online.
BROOKS: Yes, sir.

OFFICER: We’re in weapons range, sir.
PENDERGAST: They noticed us yet?
OFFICER: I don’t think so. They seem to be operating at minimal power, no evasive manoeuvres.
PENDERGAST: What about the hyperdrive?
OFFICER: Still no signal from Doctor Jackson.
PENDERGAST (into radio): General O’Neill, we have a problem. The ship’s cloak is down, sir, but Doctor Jackson has yet to confirm whether he has disabled the hyperdrive or not.
O’NEILL (in the SGC Control Room): Just give him a little more time.
PENDERGAST: Right now, sir, they are sitting ducks. If they spot us, they can run, and we won’t be able to catch them. We can’t afford to let them get away, General. I recommend we open fire immediately.
(Jack looks concerned as he considers his options.)
PENDERGAST: General, please advise.

OSIRIS’ SHIP. Brooks cautiously makes her way onto the bridge, then sees the burnt-out panel of crystals.

CARGO HOLD. Daniel joins Sam and sits down beside her. Hoskins stands over them. Jennings comes into the room and sees Daniel.
JENNINGS: Where the hell did he come from?!
HOSKINS: He got the wrist device.
JENNINGS: Any chance there’s more of them on board?
HOSKINS: It only lets one person up at a time.
BROOKS (over radio): Hoskins, this is Brooks.
HOSKINS: (into radio): Go ahead.
BROOKS: The cloak’s been disabled. I don’t know if I can get it back online.
HOSKINS: This position is compromised. We need to get out of here now.
BROOKS: Yes, sir.
JENNINGS (to Hoskins): What about them? (He nods at Sam and Daniel.)
HOSKINS: We can’t take them with us.
DANIEL: I don’t mind going for a little ride.
CARTER: Me neither.
(Hoskins raises his zat gun and aims it at Daniel.)
HOSKINS: Sorry about this, Doctor Jackson.
(The Gate starts to dial in. Hoskins and Jennings turn and stare at it in disbelief.)
JENNINGS: Incoming!
(They drop to the floor to avoid the burp as the Gate kawhooshes. As they start to get up, Daniel jumps up and throws himself at Hoskins. Sam, her hands still tied behind her back, kicks Jennings’ feet out from under him. Hoskins’ zat gun flies across the floor as he and Daniel crash to the floor. Hoskins’ radio also skitters across the floor, then a voice comes from it.)
TEAL’C (over radio): This is Teal’c of SG-1.
(Daniel and Hoskins start to scramble up. Daniel punches Hoskins hard in the face. He tries to punch him again but Hoskins blocks the blow and punches him in the stomach, then in the face. Daniel falls to the floor.)
TEAL’C (over radio): This is Teal’c of SG-1. Repeat, this is Teal’c.
(Jennings is trying to get up but Sam kicks him in the face, knocking him out.)
TEAL’C (over radio): Repeat, this is Teal’c.
(Daniel grabs the radio.)
DANIEL (yelling into the radio): Teal’c, this is Daniel, we need your help, c’mon through!
(Hoskins sees the zat gun lying nearby. He runs over and picks it up, aiming it at Daniel. Behind him, Teal’c comes through the Stargate. Hoskins turns and aims his zat at him, but Teal’c shoots him in the chest with his staff weapon. The Gate deactivates. Teal’c walks forward, looking at Hoskins’ body.)
CARTER: Somebody wanna untie me?
BROOKS (over radio): Cargo hold, what’s happening down there? Cargo hold, respond. (Daniel looks at the radio, knowing there’s nothing he can do.) Jennings, Hoskins, where the hell are you?

(On the bridge, Brooks puts the radio down and starts typing on the computer. She goes to another computer and types, and the engine sound increases.)

(In the cargo hold, Daniel is untying Sam. They look up as the engines fire up.)
DANIEL: What’s happening?
(Sam runs over to the computers and looks at the screen.)
CARTER: She’s bringing the hyperdrive on line. Get to the Gate.
(Teal’c and Daniel run over to the Gate.)

(On the bridge, Brooks goes over to the pilot’s seat and sits down.)

OFFICER: They’re trying to run, sir.
PENDERGAST: Dammit! (Into radio) General O’Neill, they are powering up their hyperdrive – we are out of options.
O’NEILL (in the SGC Control Room): Can you disable the ship without destroying it?
PENDERGAST: I cannot give you any guarantees.
(Jack hesitates.)

OSIRIS’ SHIP. CARGO HOLD. Sam is frantically rummaging through Jennings’ pockets. Finally she finds his locator beacon and activates it as she runs towards the Gate.

OFFICER: Sir, we’re picking up a signal coming from inside the ship.
PENDERGAST: What is it?
OFFICER: Locator beacon, sir. Same frequency.
PENDERGAST: Lock onto the signal – activate transport beam.
OFFICER (typing on her console): Beam activated.

OSIRIS’ SHIP. Brooks finishes her preparations, puts both hands on the steering device and pulls it towards her. Outside the ship, a hyperspace window opens and the al’kesh flies into it.

OFFICER: Ship’s gone, sir.
PENDERGAST (into comms): Cargo Bay, report.
VOICE (over comms): This is Cargo Bay. We have the Gate, sir, as well as Teal’c, Colonel Carter and Doctor Jackson.
PENDERGAST (to his officer): Teal’c?! (Into comms) Acknowledged. (Into radio) General O’Neill, it looks like you were right. We have the Gate and SG-1 aboard. They’re all alive.
(In the SGC Control Room, Jack closes his eyes in relief.)
O’NEILL: That’s good news. Bring ‘em home.
PENDERGAST: Yes, sir. (He smiles, then nods to his officer, who starts to fly the ship home.)
(In the Control Room, Jack blows out a relieved breath.)

SGC. GATEROOM. The Gate is back in place. Sam is supervising various technicians who are reattaching the superconductors. She walks down the ramp to Daniel, Jack and Teal’c.
CARTER: The good news is, the Gate is fully operational again. We can resume offworld missions immediately.
DANIEL: And the bad news is, The Trust now has a fully functional Goa’uld al’kesh.
CARTER: We’ve installed jamming devices around the Gate to prevent any locator beams from operating in the future.
TEAL’C: What of the Tok’Ra poison?
CARTER: Well, they left most of it behind, but they still have enough to wipe out at least half a dozen Goa’uld worlds.
DANIEL (to Jack): In retrospect, maybe you should have destroyed the ship when you had the chance.
O’NEILL: Yeah. Tough choice. (He turns and walks away.)




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20.03.2022 vers 03h

13.02.2022 vers 14h

30.08.2021 vers 21h

19.10.2020 vers 12h

31.05.2020 vers 23h

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Alternative Awards | On compte sur vous !

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sabby, Hier à 11:08

Hello à tous !! Les calendriers sont arrivées à Yellowstone et au SWAT On vous attend

Sonmi451, Hier à 11:33

2 thèmes Gilmore Girls vous sont proposés, entre eux mon cœur et ma tête balancent, vos votes sont donc décisifs. RDV dans préférence, merci.

Aloha81, Hier à 12:16

Aloha ! Nouvelle PDM et le nouveau calendrier est arrivé sur le quartier Magnum P.I. !

Aloha81, Hier à 12:17

Sachez aussi que vous pouvez toujours voter au sondage !! Bon 1er mai à tous !

ShanInXYZ, Hier à 17:45

Nouveau mois sur le quartier Doctor Who, calendrier, PDM, Sondage, Survivor et toutes les infos sur la saison qui arrive, passez voir le Docteur

Viens chatter !