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#818 : Pour la Vie


Oma Desala offre une seconde chance à Daniel de faire l’ascension lorsque la galaxie est une nouvelle fois menacée d’extinction par les Goa’uld. Carter et O’ Neill se battent avec leurs sentiments respectifs.


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Pour la Vie

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Ecrit par : Robert C Cooper.

Réalisé par : Andy Mikita. 

Apparitions :

Gary Jones (Sergent Walter Davis)

Carmen Argenziano (Jacob Carter/selmak)

David Deluise (Pete Shanahan)

Tony Amendola (Bra'tac)

Jeff Judge (Aron)

Cliff Simon (Ba'al)

Mel Harris (Oma Desala)

Isaac Hayes (Tolok)

Rik Kiviaho (Anubis)

Clare Carey (Kerry Johnson)

George Dzundza (Jim/anubis)

818/ Pour la vie

Dans son quartier général, Anubis accuse Baal de l'échec de son plan mais cet échec ne l’empêche pas de penser que son plan est le seul qui vaille la peine. Il maintient sa décision de reprendre Dakara, puis de détruire toute forme de vie dans la galaxie.

Au SGC, Sam rend visite au Général O'Neill dans son bureau et le trouve en charmante compagnie avec un agent de la CIA nommée Kerry Johnson. Après le départ de celle-ci, elle engage la conversation sur Daniel mais Jack refuse d’écouter ce qu’elle a à lui dire puisqu’il persiste à croire que son ami est toujours en vie.

De son côté, Daniel reprend connaissance dans un restaurant, style 1970, et retrouve Oma Dessala. L’Ancienne lui explique alors que le RépliCarter se sert de lui pour accéder au savoir des Anciens contenu dans son subconscient. Ensuite elle lui explique que sa survie dépend de la décision qu’il prendra vis-à-vis de l’Ascension. Un homme les interrompt alors et tend à Daniel un journal dont il fait la Une.

Sur Dakara, Bra'tac et Teal'c sont remerciés et accueillis en héros par les Jaffas et les habitants de Dakara suite au succès de leur révolte.

Au SGC, Carter reçoit la visite de Pete qui est ici pour rencontrer Jacob et voir de ses propres yeux ce que fait sa fiancée et l’endroit où elle travaille. La rencontre avec son père tourne court quand Pete se montre maladroit dans ses propos sur Selmak. Un peu plus tard, Jacob dit à Sam être heureux pour elle mais il ne semble pas convaincu par ses propres propos.

Dans le temple de Dakara, Teal'c et Bra'tac font le point sur la situation et prennent conscience que l’unification des Jaffas, bien qu’entamée correctement, ne se fera pas en un jour. Teal’c doit désormais décider s’il reste auprès des siens ou s’il retourne sur Terre.

Jack est rentré chez lui, avec Kerry, quand il reçoit un appel de la base : Teal’c est de retour et apporte de mauvaises nouvelles. Il part donc sans réveiller la femme à ses côtés. Arrivé au SGC, il se rend au briefing et écoute Teal’c et Bra’tac rapporter les ennuis auxquels ils font face avec l’arme ancienne logée sur Dakara. Jack et Jacob pensent qu’il aurait fallu détruire l’arme quand la possibilité en a été offerte et les deux Jaffas finissent par se ranger à ses côtés non sans avoir précisé que leurs frères défendraient Dakara et ses ruines jusqu’à leur mort. Soudain Walter fait son entrée en annonçant que Pete cherche à joindre Sam à la base vu qu’elle ne répond pas à son téléphone personnel. Alors que Sam quitte la salle, Jacob parle de son prochain mariage à ses amis.

De retour au restaurant, Oma explique à Daniel qu'il ne peut pas partir tant qu’il n'a pas réalisé l'ascension sous peine de mourir. Daniel décide alors d’agir pour regagner le monde tangible et essaye d’attirer l’attention des autres clients du bar mais ceux-ci se montrent réfractaires à ses tentatives. Oma lui explique qu’il s’agit des « Autres » et qu'ils sont là pour observer et s’assurer que tout se passe bien dans les règles. Elle lui explique que s’il avait tué Anubis par le passé, les « Autres » l’auraient détruit et qu’elle refuse de le voir mourir à nouveau même si cela implique d’enfreindre les règles.

Sur Terre, Pete a demandé à Sam de le rejoindre et lui a réservé une surprise : il vient d’acheter une maison pour qu’ils y emménagent au plus tôt à Colorado Springs. Cette annonce laisse la Major sans voix.

Pendant ce temps, au SGC, Bra'tac et Teal'c informent O'Neill que le Conseil des Jaffas a décidé de traquer et d’exterminer Anubis avant d’examiner la proposition des Taur’is de détruire l’arme. Ils annoncent également que, selon leurs informateurs, Anubis réunit ses forces sur Tartarus.

Dans le restaurant, Daniel (délaissé par Oma) part en quête de réponses au bar et discute avec un certain Jim qui, comme son amie, agit toujours comme un funambule c’est-à-dire qu’il joue toujours sur la mince frontière séparant les règles de ce qu’il pense être bien. Il lui remet ensuite un autre journal dont la Une couvre cette fois les plans d’Anubis et lui explique que l’arme protégée sur Dakara a servi aux Anciens pour créer la vie dans la galaxie. Il ajoute ensuite, à demi-mots, qu’Oma a aidé Anubis à réaliser son Ascension. L’Ancienne arrive alors et ordonne à Jim de se taire et de quitter la pièce.

Sur Terre, Sam rend visite à Jack et lui parle de ses doutes quant à sa prochaine union avec Pete mais elle renonce à en dire plus sur ses réels sentiments quand Kerry fait son apparition et qu’elle reçoit un appel de la base. Une fois au SGC, elle se rend au chevet de son père qui lui explique que Selmak est mourant et que ses jours sont comptés.

Dans le même temps, Kerry rompt avec Jack car elle a compris que le Général était amoureux de sa subordonnée et qu’elle pense qu’il devrait prendre sa retraite pour vivre heureux à ses côtés.

Ailleurs, les rebelles Jaffas tombent dans le piège tendu par Anubis en se rendant sur Tartarus puisque le but de ce plan était tout simplement d’attirer les Jaffas loin de Dakara afin de permettre aux troupes d’Anubis de s’approprier l’arme.

Dans le restaurant, Oma avoue tout à Daniel : pour la punir d’avoir aidé Anubis, les « Autres » l’ont condamnée à regarder tous les crimes barbares dont il est l’iniateur. Daniel comprend alors le danger dans lequel se trouve réellement ses amis et essaient de convaincre les « Autres » pour qu’ils agissent et empêchent Anubis mais Oma lui explique qu’ils n’agiront pas et qu’il n’existe aucun moyen de le vaincre.

Au SGC, O'Neill rejoint Sam pour prendre des nouvelles de Jacob et tous deux le regardent partir. Elle annonce ensuite à Pete qu’elle ne maintient plus leurs fiançailles.

Ailleurs, Jim revient au restaurant et explique à Daniel que la ruse d’Anubis a fonctionné et que Dakara est désormais démilitarisée. Le Dr Jackson comprend alors que Jim et Anubis ne sont qu’une seule et même personne. Anubis nargue alors Oma et celle-ci prend des mesures radicales et se lance dans un combat à armes inégales contre lui. Tous deux disparaissent dans un vif rayon d’énergie.

A l’issue de cette bataille, Brat’ac informe Jack et ses amis de la défaite d’Anubis et de la reddition de ses Jaffas. Personne ne comprend réellement ce qui s’est passé mais O’Neill est convaincu que Daniel est responsable de leur victoire et qu’il va leur revenir, bien vivant, sous peu. Soudain, la voix de l’archéologue se fait entendre : Jack avait vu juste ! Il est vivant et est redevenu humain.

L’épisode se conclut sur une partie de pêche, au chalet de Jack, en compagnie de toute l’équipe SG-1.

BA'AL'S PLANET. Ba'al walks into the throneroom to face Anubis, who
is sitting on the throne.
ANUBIS: You have failed me.
BA'AL: We've known for some time that the Jaffa cannot be trusted any
more. The remaining army of Kull warriors stand an excellent chance
of retaking Dakara but ...
(Anubis holds up a hand to stop him. We see that his face already
has lesions around his mouth.)
ANUBIS: Worse than failure, worse than cowardice, (he stands) you
have betrayed me. Did you not think I wouldn't know what you had
done? How can you still underestimate my powers?
BA'AL: Your methods were ultimately unnecessary – not when there was
another way of defeating the Replicators.
ANUBIS: I will spare your life for the moment, only so that you may
witness the fruits of your labours. First, I will retake Dakara;
then, thanks to the modifications you have made to the Stargate, I
will destroy every living thing in this galaxy – including you – all
at once.
BA'AL: I do not understand. You could have modified the Stargate
ANUBIS: You have no way of knowing what is necessary and what is not
in the grand design.
BA'AL: Whose grand design?

SGC. BRIEFING ROOM. Sam comes up the stairs from the Control Room.
She looks into Jack's office and sees him talking with a woman in her
thirties. Sam waits patiently in the Briefing Room until Jack and
the woman have finished their conversation and he has shown her out
of the door into the corridor. He closes the door and, as he turns
to go back to his desk, he sees Sam outside and beckons her in. She
walks into the office.
CARTER: Sorry, sir. I saw you were with someone – I didn't want to
O'NEILL: What's up?
CARTER: Who *was* that?
O'NEILL: Um, Kerry Johnson, CIA.
CARTER: I've heard the name. Oh, yeah, she was heading up the
investigation into, uh, Goa'uld still at large after the incident
with The Trust.
O'NEILL: Yeah.
CARTER: Sir, I wanted to talk to you about ...
O'NEILL (interrupting): Carter.
CARTER: We haven't heard from him in a week.
O'NEILL: Doesn't mean anything.
CARTER: Sir, we know he was captured by Replicators. Chances are he
was on board a Replicator ship when it disintegrated.
O'NEILL: All we know for sure is that he's missing.
CARTER: Sooner or later ...
O'NEILL (interrupting): Forget it! I'm not fallin' for it this time.
CARTER: "Falling for it"?
O'NEILL: Yeah! How many times have you thought he was gone, and then
he shows up – in one form or another. I'm sorry, but we're not
having a memorial service for someone who is not dead. (He turns his
head and calls out to the room.) You hear that?! I'm not buyin'
it! (He and Sam look around the room for a few seconds, then Jack
turns to look at Sam again.) What? He's just waitin' for us to say
a bunch of nice things about him. Next thing you know, he'll come
waltzin' through that door, (he gestures to the closed door) like,
right now. (He and Sam look hopefully at the door for several
seconds but nothing happens.) Waltzing ... now.

We see a pair of legs walking towards a door. The owner of the legs
pushes the door open and a bell attached above the door dings. We
then see that it's Daniel and that he has walked into a diner.
Various customers are sitting in the booths and at the counter.
Waiters are clearing tables and serving coffee. A sign near the door
says, "Please seat yourself". Daniel looks around, puzzled, then
walks slowly to one of the empty booths and sits down. A waitress
walks over.
WAITRESS: So – what can I get for you?
(Daniel looks up at her. It's Oma, dressed in a waitress' outfit.
Daniel stares.)

DAKARA. In the temple grounds just outside the weapons chamber, a
large group of Jaffa have assembled. Standing facing them are Teal'c
and Bra'tac wearing their Jaffa uniforms. Tolok stands in front of
them, facing them and holding a wooden staff.
TOLOK: Brothers Bra'tac of Chulak, and Teal'c of the Tau'ri. For
your enduring courage and vision, for the strength of will that has
brought us to freedom from the Goa'uld, a future we have yet to even
comprehend, but one that will be determined by our own unfettered
will, I hereby bestow upon you the highest honour any Jaffa can
know. (He touches his staff onto both of Bra'tac's shoulders, then
onto Teal'c's.) From this day forward, you shall both be known as
blood kin to *all* Jaffa!
(All the Jaffa cheer, punching their fists into the air. Tolok holds
up his arm for silence, then kneels before Teal'c and Bra'tac and
bows his head. All the other Jaffa follow suit. Bra'tac and Teal'c
look at each other, then Bra'tac steps forward and takes Tolok's arm,
drawing him to his feet.)
BRA'TAC: Brothers! (He gestures to the other Jaffa to rise.) From
this day forward, no Jaffa shall bow before anyone – and never again
before a false god.
(Tolok looks at Teal'c, who nods to him. Tolok turns to the Jaffa
and gestures grandly with his staff.)
TOLOK: Hail, brother Bra'tac! (The Jaffa cheer.) Hail, brother
Teal'c! (Teal'c and Bra'tac give the Jaffa salute (right fist on
heart). A Jaffa sounds a large, ornate horn. The Jaffa continue to
cheer. Teal'c and Bra'tac, their fists still on their hearts, turn
and begin to walk out of the temple.)
BRA'TAC: Be proud, Teal'c. Today we are free.
TEAL'C: This day is not yet over, brother.
(As they walk up the steps of the temple, the Jaffa follow, still
cheering and punching the air. Teal'c and Bra'tac reach the top of
the steps and see the vast amphitheatre outside, which is filled with
hundreds, possibly thousands, of cheering Jaffa.)
BRA'TAC: Then I shall be proud for you – and *of* you.
(They smile at each other and walk out to greet the cheering throng.
Death gliders fly over the crowd in salute.)

SGC. Sam is waiting nervously in a corridor by an elevator. The
elevator arrives and the doors open. Inside are Pete Shanahan and an
PETE: Hey!
CARTER: Hi! Thank you, Airman.
(As the Airman walks away, Pete kisses Sam on the cheek.)
PETE: So, this is exciting! What's the surprise?
CARTER: You'll see. (They start to walk along the corridor.)
PETE: Do I get to go through the Stargate? I mean, what planet are
we going to?!
CARTER: You don't get to go through the Stargate!
PETE: OK – I'm a little disappointed. Still, full security
clearance, an all-access pass to SGC? This must be big.
CARTER: Oh, it's big!
(They reach a door to VIP quarters. Sam knocks and then opens the
door. Jacob is sitting inside. He stands as Sam and Pete walk in.)
CARTER: Pete Shanahan – Jacob Carter. Dad, this is Pete.
(Pete stares.)
PETE: Dad!
JACOB: Not quite yet. You have to actually marry my daughter before
you can call me that.
PETE: I was just ... I meant, duh, (he babbles incoherently for a
moment, then laughs, embarrassed) stammer, stammer! It's an honour
to meet you, sir, really. (He steps forward and shakes Jacob's hand,
then turns to Sam.) Why didn't you tell me?
CARTER: I didn't want you to be nervous.
PETE: D... would I, I wouldn't, I, (he turns to Jacob) I've been
dying to meet you.
JACOB: I think it was Sam that was nervous. (He smiles at Sam, who
PETE (to Sam): How did not telling me help?
CARTER (ruefully): It didn't.
(There's a long awkward pause as everyone smiles nervously at each
other. Finally Pete grins.)
PETE: This is great! You've really got one of those things in your
(Sam's smile drops.)
JACOB: If, by "one of those things", you mean a two thousand year old
Tok'Ra symbiont, yes.
PETE: Seriously?! Go on! (He laughs.) That has gotta freak you
right out sometimes! It's weird!
(Jacob looks at Sam as if to say, "Are you sure you want to marry
this?!" Sam smiles nervously back at him.)

DINER. Oma is still standing at Daniel's booth with her notepad
ready to take his order. A large man in his sixties is sitting at
the counter. He turns and calls out to Oma.
JIM: Hey! What do I have to do to get some more coffee around here?
OMA: Find your enlightenment. (She turns back to Daniel. He stares
at her for a moment, then looks at the table.)
DANIEL: Menus?
OMA: We don't need them here – just order what you'd like.
DANIEL: OK, I'll have the truth, with a side order of clarity, please.
OMA: The Replicator version of Sam was in your head trying to access
the knowledge buried in your subconscious, but you gained control of
her instead. She killed you to stop you. That's where I stepped
in. How's that?
DANIEL: Pretty clear.
OMA: Well, we aim to please. The customer comes first, you know!
DANIEL: So I'm ascended again.
OMA: Not exactly. Sort of a ... stop along the way. You have to
make that choice for yourself.
DANIEL: Waffles.
OMA: Bacon on the side?
DANIEL: No – I remember this place.
OMA: You should – it came from your mind.
DANIEL: My grandfather brought me here after my parents' funeral. I
had waffles.
OMA: Waffles it is. (She turns to walk away.)
DANIEL: Wait. (She stops.) How do I know it's really you this
time? How do I know this isn't some trick Replicator Sam's playing
to stop me from controlling her?
OMA: How deep is the river if you cannot see the bottom?
JIM (turning around from the counter and waving his mug): Deeper than
the coffee in my cup, I'll tell you that!
OMA (to Daniel): Excuse me. (As she walks away, she calls out her
order to the cook.) Frank, I need a nose boy in a blanket, two hen
fruit wrecked on a shingle with a mystery in the alley, a warm mead
with a mouldy lid, and two checkerboards, alright? (She tears off
the order and pins it over the counter.) Oh yeah, hold the pig.

DAKARA. Teal'c is in the weapons chamber looking at the Ancient
console. Bra'tac comes in to join him.
BRA'TAC: We have dreamed of this day for so long, fought so hard for
it, and sacrificed so much. Now that it is here ...
TEAL'C: It is *not* here, brother.
BRA'TAC: The balance of power has shifted, Teal'c. Our victory here
at Dakara has turned the tide. Jaffa everywhere are abandoning the
old ways, coming to see the Goa'uld for the false gods they are.
TEAL'C: We are foolish to rejoice in conquest over the Goa'uld when
they are not all dead. Anubis' claim to be a god is false, but his
powers most certainly are not.
BRA'TAC: It is agreed. He must be dealt with. But for once, there
may be greater concerns than the eradication of all the Goa'uld. So
consumed were we in attaining freedom that we did not plan nearly
enough for its aftermath. The Jaffa have fought with each other for
so long that uniting them as one may prove as difficult a task as
convincing them to free themselves from the Goa'uld. Generations of
war and mistrust will not be healed overnight.
TEAL'C: Indeed. If we do not organise quickly, freedom will become
BRA'TAC: The high priests are proposing a leadership be assembled.
TEAL'C: That is wise.
BRA'TAC: They wish both of us to sit on the Council. (Teal'c nods.)
You know that will take you from the Tau'ri. (Teal'c lowers his
head, bothered by this realisation. Bra'tac puts his hand on
Teal'c's shoulder.) Your purpose in joining them was to one day free
the Jaffa. Now that day is upon us. You must not abandon your
people when we need you most.
TEAL'C: Of that I am aware.
(Bra'tac pats his shoulder and starts to walk away, then turns back
BRA'TAC: The Council will preside from the new Jaffa homeworld where
a great city is to be erected – a haven for all those who have chosen
freedom ... here, on the holy ground of Dakara.

DINER. Jim gets up from his seat at the counter, a newspaper in his
hand. He looks at Daniel sitting in the booth and walks over to him.
JIM: Hey – I know you!
DANIEL: Really?
JIM: Yeah! The guy from the paper! Doctor Daniel Jackson. (He puts
his newspaper down on Daniel's table and points at it. Daniel picks
it up. The newspaper is "The Ascended Times" and the main headline
reads, "JACKSON STILL UNDECIDED." A photograph of Daniel is
underneath. Daniel looks up at Jim.)
JIM: It's OK, keep it – I'm done. (He walks away.)
DANIEL: Thanks!
JIM: No problem! (He leaves the diner.)
(Daniel unfolds the newspaper and looks at the other headlines on the
front page. Some of them read, "Diner to be given *infinite*
status"; "Ethereal Awarness Seminar to be held in Talnak Quadrant"
[note: the misspelling is really there!]; "Yoga *not* the path to
enlightenment"; "Wraith on way to Atlantis" and, at the bottom of the
page, "Anubis plans to retake Dakara". The sub-headlines underneath
that heading read, "Exclusive information on his quest to destroy all
life in the Milky Way galaxy" and "He's back again and he's badder
than ever.")

SGC. COMMISSARY. Sam and Jacob are eating.
CARTER: So, you gonna visit Mark and the kids this trip?
JACOB: Tomorrow.
CARTER: Is everything OK?
JACOB: I'm just not very hungry.
CARTER: You've been pretty quiet.
JACOB: I'm fine.
JACOB: What?
CARTER: It's been two hours since Pete left. You haven't said a word.
JACOB: I did so.
CARTER: "He seems nice"?!
JACOB: I believe that's *three* words.
CARTER: I'm gonna marry him.
JACOB: I know. I just met him – what do you want me to say? I know
how happy he makes you – that's all that matters to me.
JACOB: Selmak really liked him.
CARTER: Selmak?!
JACOB: Yeah – and he's a great judge of character.
JACOB: Look, Sam, I'm tired. It's been a long day. I think I'm
gonna turn in early.
CARTER: Are you sure nothing else is wrong?
JACOB: Yeah. I'll see you in the morning. (He gets up to leave.)
CARTER: Goodnight. (She watches him walk away, then looks concerned.)

JACK'S HOUSE. Jack's phone can be heard ringing. We switch from an
exterior view to Jack's bedroom. He's asleep in bed, but sleepily
reaches down to the floor and scrabbles around for the phone which is
lying on the floor. He finally finds it, picks it up, switches it on
and holds it to his ear.
O'NEILL (drowsily): What?
CARTER (over phone): Sorry to wake you, sir. Teal'c's back, and it
sounds like we have a problem.
O'NEILL: I knew it. Alright – I'll be there as soon as I can. (He
switches the phone off and drops it onto the floor again.) Crap!
(He stares blearily for a moment, then sits up in bed. Kerry Johnson
is in the other side of the bed and sleepily hugs him.)
KERRY: What was that?
O'NEILL: Trouble in Jaffaland. (Kerry groans.) Gotta go. (She
nods.) I'm sorry. (He bends down and kisses her, then gets out of

DINER. Daniel is reading the newspaper. Oma brings over a plate of
waffles and puts them on the table. Daniel shows her the paper,
indicating the article about Anubis' plans to take Dakara.
DANIEL: You know about this?
OMA: Yes.
DANIEL: You're not gonna do anything about it?
OMA: You know I can't.
DANIEL: Well *I'm* certainly not just gonna sit here and let this
happen. (He stands up, taking the newspaper with him, and starts to
walk away.)
OMA: You can't leave – you're not ascended yet. (Daniel stops and
turns around to face her.) You walk through that door, you're
choosing the alternative.
DANIEL: You're saying I'll be dead.
OMA (nodding): Pretty much.
DANIEL: OK – ascend me.
OMA: It doesn't mean you'll be able to help your friends. You know
the rules.
DANIEL: Yes, but once I'm ascended I can choose to take human form
again, just like last time.
OMA: Technically, yes, but you can't take that paper with you. You
won't have any of the knowledge that you've gained here – and good
luck ever ascending again. *I'm* certainly not going to help you a
third time.
DANIEL: So you're saying I can know Anubis is plotting to destroy all
life in the galaxy and all I can do about it is stay here and
contemplate my own enlightenment?
OMA: You can eat your waffles. (She walks away to the kitchen.
Daniel sighs, then calls after her.)
DANIEL: No syrup?! (After a moment he walks over to the counter and
sits down beside an old lady who is eating pancakes while reading a
book.) Hi, how's it going? I'm, uh, Daniel Jackson. (He shows her
his photo in the newspaper. She doesn't even look up from her
book.) Sorry to bother you – I just wanted to know if I could borrow
your syrup. (She turns over the page of her book and continues
reading.) Although technically I know it's not gonna be borrowing,
because I'm not actually gonna be giving back what I use. (He grins
at her, but she still takes no notice. Daniel sighs.) Enjoy your
meal. (He picks up his newspaper, leaves the counter and walks over
to one of the tables where three elderly men are eating their meal.
He puts his paper down on the table and leans down to them.) Hey,
guys! How's it going? (They ignore him. He beats a tattoo on his
paper but they still take no notice. He waves his hand in front of
the eyes of one of the men but still gets no reaction. Oma walks
over with a jug of syrup.)
OMA: They're not going to talk to you.
DANIEL (straightening up to face her): Why not? Who are they?
OMA: Others. You're not one of them yet.
DANIEL: You mean Ancients.
OMA: A couple of them.
DANIEL: What are they doing here?
OMA: Watching.
OMA: Me too. I told you before – they're always watching. (She
hands him the jug of syrup.) You wanted some motor oil?
(Daniel takes the jug and she walks away.)

SGC. BRIEFING ROOM. Jack is sitting at the table with Sam, Jacob,
Teal'c and Bra'tac.
O'NEILL: I still wish you guys had blown that thing up when you had
the chance.
CARTER: We had to at least be sure that all the Replicators really
were eliminated.
JACOB: And even though we apparently *did* get rid of them all in
this galaxy, there may still be more elsewhere that could be a threat
CARTER: So, we wanted to try to figure out how the device worked in
case we ever needed something like it again.
O'NEILL: Great(!) Well, now the Jaffa have something that can blow
up the *entire* universe with the push of a button.
BRA'TAC: The Jaffa will defend Dakara with their lives.
O'NEILL: You wanna explain to me why they don't wanna wreck it?
BRA'TAC: The ruins at Dakara have become a symbol of freedom.
TEAL'C: Much more, the Jaffa believe that the device's power helped
free them by destroying the Replicators. They also believe that
controlling this power will help ensure their freedom in the future.
O'NEILL: *And* get them virtually *anything* they want.
BRA'TAC: The Jaffa would never use it to that end.
JACOB: Jack is right. No-one should have that kind of power at their
(Sam's cellphone rings. She gets it out of her pocket, cringing.)
CARTER: Sorry – thought I'd turned it off. (She opens it and
switches it off, then puts it away, still cringing with
O'NEILL: So – we're all in agreement? One way or another, it's gotta
go, correct?
TEAL'C: Indeed.
O'NEILL: Thank you.
BRA'TAC: If you are suggesting we destroy this device against the
wishes of the High Council, I must point out that would not be a good
first step in relations between the Tau'ri and the newly formed free
Jaffa nation.
(Jack turns to Jacob.)
O'NEILL: Why don't *you* do it? They already hate the Tok'Ra.
JACOB: To be honest, a plan may already be in the works, but as you
know, Selmak and I aren't fully in the loop any longer.
(Walter comes into the room and stands at Jack's side.)
O'NEILL: Mmm. (Walter clears his throat. Jack looks up at him.)
HARRIMAN: Sorry to interrupt, sir. (He turns to Sam.) Colonel,
there's a call for you. Apparently it's urgent.
(As he leaves the room, Sam looks round at everyone and
mouths, "Sorry" before getting up and going over to the table at the
far end of the room. She picks up the phone there.)
CARTER: Carter.
(Back at the main table, the conversation continues.)
BRA'TAC: Teal'c and I have arranged another meeting of the Jaffa
TEAL'C: Our hope is to continue strengthening the bond between
previously warring Jaffa by focusing on our common enemy.
(Jack looks over to Sam as her phone conversation continues.)
CARTER (into phone): Yeah, I know – it's just that it's not a good
time right now.
TEAL'C (at the main table): There are still many Goa'uld who remain a
CARTER (into phone): I know, I'm sorry. ... I don't know – it could
be an hour, it could be all day. ... Yeah. ... OK. ... Yeah, me too.
Bye. (She hangs up and walks back to the main table. Teal'c and
Bra'tac stand respectfully.) Sorry about that, sir.
O'NEILL (also standing): Emergency?
CARTER: No, no. Just a, um, misunderstanding.
(Jacob stands.)
JACOB: Hey, weren't you supposed to meet Pete at the florists' this
(Sam shakes her head.)
CARTER: No, Dad.
JACOB: No, I'm sure that's what you said – for the wedding.
CARTER (through gritted teeth): I know. (She shakes her head
minutely at him.)
O'NEILL: Go ahead, Carter. It's supposed to be your day off anyway.
CARTER: It's OK, sir.
O'NEILL: Well, Teal'c and Bra'tac are meeting with the Jaffa –
there's nothin' to do around here. Go pick flowers.
(As he walks away, Sam sighs and glares at her father. Jacob shrugs.)
JACOB: What?

DINER. Oma brings a pot of coffee over to Daniel's booth.
OMA: More coffee?
DANIEL: Sure. (She pours him another mug of coffee.) Can you sit a
OMA: OK. (She sits down opposite him and sighs in relief.) Oh – how
am I supposed to put it? Man, are my dogs tired!
DANIEL: That's good!
OMA: How are your waffles?
DANIEL: Best I ever had. Can you tell me why you stopped me from
killing Anubis the last time I was ascended?
OMA: Because if I didn't stop you, the Others would have, and they
wouldn't have been as nice about it.
DANIEL: You mean they wouldn't have erased my memory and left me
naked on a planet?
OMA: That was your choice. (Daniel raises his eyebrows at her. She
smiles.) OK, maybe not the naked part. But I didn't totally erase
your memory, even though I was supposed to.
DANIEL: There – OK, why is it OK to break *some* rules and not others?
(The bell over the entry door dings. Daniel looks round to see Jim
strolling in, whistling and carrying a newspaper. As he heads
towards the counter, Daniel turns back to Oma.)
DANIEL: Look, if you knew I had a problem following the rules the
last time, why offer me ascension again?
(Oma watches Jim as he sits down at the counter, still whistling.
Finally she turns to Daniel again.)
OMA: Because I didn't wanna see you die without at least giving you a
second chance. Look, I have trouble following the rules. I'm not
really supposed to help people ascend. You're supposed to do it on
your own.
DANIEL: But you do it.
OMA: I walk the line. Believe me – I crossed it a few times and paid
for it dearly. My point is, you just need to be willing to put your
prior human existence into the proper context. Sorry – I gotta get
back to work. (She gets up, picks up the coffee pot and walks back
to the counter.)
JIM: Coffee, please.
(Oma ignores him.)

COLORADO SPRINGS (presumably). Sam and Pete are driving along in
Pete's car. Sam is gazing out of the window, apparently lost in
PETE: Chocolate or vanilla?
CARTER: I'm sorry – what?
PETE: Chocolate or vanilla – the cake, just in case you can't make
the meeting with the caterer.
CARTER: Oh! I'm sorry. I really do wanna be a part of this.
PETE: I hope so! It's your wedding too.
CARTER: I know! (They both smile.)
PETE: I realise this must be weird for you, worrying about place
settings when we could be destroyed by aliens at any minute.
CARTER: A little.
PETE: We're not about to be destroyed by aliens, are we?! (Sam looks
at him and mouths, "No.") Cos you seem a bit distracted.
CARTER: I'm sorry.
PETE: So – did your dad like me?
CARTER: Of course! Why wouldn't he?
PETE: Tough guy to read.
CARTER: You just have to get to know him.
PETE: How `bout ... Selmak?
CARTER: Ah! *He* thought you were very charming.
PETE: For a human.
CARTER: Well, generally speaking, that's my type!
(Pete laughs.)
PETE: Good! Did I tell you I also have a surprise for you?
CARTER: No! What is it?
(Pete almost answers, then looks at her.)
PETE: Tricky! (She grins at him.) You'll see.

SGC. JACK'S OFFICE. Jack is talking with Teal'c and Bra'tac.
BRA'TAC: The Council remains unwilling to destroy the weapon for fear
it will weaken the resolve of the Jaffa to stand united against the
remaining Goa'uld.
O'NEILL: You realise we have to consider that thing a threat to our
TEAL'C: Indeed.
BRA'TAC: The Council recognises the danger and has decided to take
action by aggressively seeking out and killing Anubis. Once that
threat has been eliminated, they will reassess the decision to
destroy the device.
O'NEILL: Well, we don't even know if Anubis can be killed yet, do we?
TEAL'C: We must not suggest to the Jaffa that he cannot be. At the
very least, we can eliminate the remainder of the forces of Anubis.
BRA'TAC: I believe this quest will unite the remainder of the still-
fractured armies by giving them focus on a common goal.
O'NEILL: Got anything to go on?
TEAL'C: Many of the Kull warriors were killed in battle with the
Replicators, but intelligence gathered indicates that Anubis may be
marshalling the remaining Kull warriors on Tartarus.
BRA'TAC: A pre-emptive strike is being prepared.

DINER. Daniel, bored, is holding a sugar pourer over his mug of
coffee and pouring loads of sugar into it. He looks round at the
sound of Oma's voice. She is standing at the counter arguing with
Jim. Daniel can't hear what they're saying but she's obviously
angry. Finally she walks away. Daniel picks up his coffee mug and
walks over to the counter where Jim is leaning back in his seat
staring at the ceiling, looking either tired or angry at the
conversation he has just had with Oma.
JIM (looking round at him): Hey! Daniel! How's it going?
DANIEL: Do we know each other? I feel like I know you.
JIM: Call me Jim. We ran into each other last time you were ascended.
DANIEL: Ah. Nice to meet you ... again! (They shake hands, then
Daniel sits down on the stool next to Jim.)
JIM: Still haven't made up your mind, huh? Death – or everlasting
enlightenment. I don't really see the choice, myself.
DANIEL: Of course I don't wanna be dead – it's just that, uh ... (He
sighs.) Listen, the reason I came over here was to ask you – why are
you talkin' to me?
(Jim looks puzzled for a moment, then realises what Daniel means and
gestures round the diner.)
JIM: Oh, you mean because these other snobs won't even look at you?
Well, I'm different, like Oma.
DANIEL: Really? Cos I kinda had the impression that you two don't
quite see eye to eye.
JIM: What, that little ...? (He laughs.) Oh, that was nothing. (He
looks around the diner again, then leans closer to Daniel and talks
quietly.) We both operate somewhat outside the normal rules and
regulations. Sometimes we disagree on how far outside we should go,
that's all.
DANIEL: Really?
JIM: Yeah. As long as these other guys don't strike me down, I
figure I'm OK.
DANIEL: See, I guess that's what I'm tryin' to figure out. I mean, I
feel like if I agree to ascend, I'm signing a contract that I don't
even know what it says. Now, obviously I had a little trouble with
the fine print the last time.
JIM: You sure did!
DANIEL: You know about that?
JIM: Well, it's all *out* there. (He gestures upwards.)
DANIEL: I just don't see how I can agree to stand by and let Anubis
destroy every living thing in the entire galaxy.
JIM: I know. That's a tough one. (He slides his new newspaper
across the counter to Daniel.) Speaking of which, have you seen the
latest? (Daniel opens the new copy of The Ascended Times. The main
headline reads: "Secret Plan Revealed. Anubis' dastardly plot to
regain Ancient Weapon of Destruction".) He's a crafty one. Really
knows the ins and outs of the rules. I give him three to one odds to
succeed. Wanna know the irony of it all? That device was originally
used by the Ancients to *create* life in the Milky Way ... well,
*recreate* it after the whole plague thing. No kidding. Now it all
gets undone with the push of one button, leaving Anubis to recreate
things all over to his own liking. *There's* a waste of a million-
odd years of evolution, huh? (He turns around to the customers in
the diner and calls out to them.) I say someone should really *do*
something to *stop* him! (The customers take no notice. Jim waves
his hand dismissively at them and turns back to Daniel.) But no-one
will. (He calls out to the kitchen.) Can I get a coffee?

COLORADO SPRINGS. Pete pulls up outside a house with a "For Sale"
sign in the garden. Sam opens the car door and gets out with her
eyes shut.
CARTER: Can I open them now?
PETE (getting out and hurrying round to take her hand and help her):
Almost. (He leads her a few steps forward.) OK. Now. (Sam opens
her eyes and gazes at the house.) What do you think?
CARTER: Uh ... well ... uh ...
PETE: Speechless, huh?!
(Pete laughs in delight.)
PETE: Yeah! Isn't it *great*?! (They start to walk towards the
house, Sam gazing at it in amazement.) Remember our first night
together? You described the house you always wanted?
CARTER: I can't believe this.
PETE: The kitchen isn't yellow, but we can paint. C'mon – I'll show
you. And you're not gonna *believe* the back yard! The dog's gonna
love it! (He heads towards the house.)
CARTER: Dog? (She sighs to herself, not looking too happy.)

DINER. Daniel is still sitting at the counter with Jim. Daniel is
reading the paper while Jim eats a piece of pie.
DANIEL: This is bad.
JIM: Yeah. And this pie is great, (he holds up his empty mug) but
there's nothing to wash it down with.
DANIEL: Is there anything *you* can do to stop Anubis? I mean, you
did say someone should do something.
JIM: I did, didn't I? (He shrugs helplessly.) Well, as far as what
*can* be done, it's kinda complicated.
DANIEL: Yeah, so Oma tells me.
JIM: Yeah, well I don't think she's told you everything.
DANIEL: What does *that* mean?
JIM: I'm sayin' ... (He trails off.) I've already said too much.
DANIEL: No, you haven't – in fact, you've hardly said anything at all.
(Jim looks nervously round at the other customers, then turns to
JIM: You gave up eternal enlightenment – all the knowledge and power
of the universe. (He looks round for a moment as Oma takes some
plates of food over to a table, then turns back to Daniel.) Why do
you think you did that?
DANIEL: To fight for humanity any way I could.
JIM: Yes, very big of you. You rejected *everything* Oma offered you,
and now she just gives you another chance, based on the goodness of
her heart?
DANIEL: Well, that *is* the point, isn't it? I mean, she is
ascended – she is good.
JIM: Sure, best intentions.
DANIEL: Do you know what happened between me and Oma? Why did I
choose to take human form again?
JIM: You should ask Oma.

JACK'S HOUSE. Sam is sitting in the driveway in her car, gazing at
the house. She sits there for a while, almost getting out and then
stopping, before finally making a decision and getting out of the car.
(In the back garden, Jack is burning the heck out of something on the
barbecue. He pours some of his bottle of beer over it to dispel the
smoke. Sam comes around the side of the house.)
CARTER: Hi, sir.
O'NEILL: Carter!
CARTER: Look, I-I'm sorry to bother you at home like this, but, uh ...
O'NEILL: How'd you know I was here? (He glances nervously towards
the house for a moment.)
CARTER: I saw the smoke.
O'NEILL: Oh, yeah. (He brushes ashes off his jumper.)
CARTER: Look, is this, is this OK? I mean, I could have called
first, but ...
O'NEILL: No ... yeah ... I mean, it's fine. So, um, (he glances
towards the house again) what brings you to this neck of the woods on
such a fine day in my back yard?
CARTER: Well, actually, I've, um, (she clears her throat) I've been
sitting in your driveway for the last ten minutes trying to work up
the nerve to come and talk to you. (Jack raises his eyebrows at
her.) The truth is, I've been trying to work up the nerve for a lot
longer than that. (She smiles nervously.)
O'NEILL: Oh? (He gestures for her to continue.)
CARTER: Pete put a down payment on a house.
O'NEILL: Well, that's great!
CARTER: It's a beautiful house.
CARTER: The-the truth is, I'm having second thoughts about the
O'NEILL (gazing at her, puzzled): Why?
CARTER: See, the ... the thing is, the closer it gets, the more I get
the feeling that ... I'm making a big, huge, mistake.
(Jack looks at her for a moment, then glances towards the house
O'NEILL: Look, Carter, the ... I don't know what ...
CARTER: Look, I'm sorry to bother you with this, but, uh ... see,
there's actually a very good *reason* that I'm bothering you with
this, and if I don't tell you now, I might never ...
(At that moment, Kerry comes out of the house with a salad bowl in
one hand and a dish of something in the other.)
KERRY: Jack, I looked everywhere – I could not find ... (She stops
dead at the sight of Sam standing there. Sam closes her eyes in
disbelief, then winces before turning towards Kerry.) Colonel Carter.
(Sam nods to her, then turns towards Jack again.)
O'NEILL: Ms Johnson.
CARTER: Yeah, I didn't – I didn't ...
O'NEILL: We were just ... meeting here in my back yard on this fine
day to discuss the state of affairs.
(Sam nods, not believing a word of it.)
KERRY: Well, this is awkward!
CARTER: Ya think?!
KERRY: Jack didn't want anyone at the SGC to know about us.
(Jack goes over to her to take the bowl and dish off her.)
CARTER: No, look, I, uh, uh, I'm sorry, this is my fault, I really, I
shouldn't have come by unannounced like this.
KERRY: Well, y'know, now that the cat's out of the bag, you're here,
why don't you just stay? I'm sure there's enough charred meat on the
grill for all three of us.
(Jack gestures at her with a piece of the charred meat. Sam laughs.)
CARTER: No – thank you – I, um ... (At that moment her cellphone
rings. She gets it out and looks at the Caller ID.) It's the SGC.
(She answers the phone.) Colonel Carter. (Kerry smiles at Jack and
walks over to him. He offers her his bottle of beer.) What?
When? ... OK, I'm on my way. (She hangs up.) I-I gotta go. Uh,
it's my dad. (She hurries away.)

DINER. Daniel is sitting at the counter reading the newspaper. Jim
has gone. Oma comes out of the kitchen.
OMA: Well, you can't stay here forever, you know. Actually, I
suppose you *could*, I just don't know why you'd really want to –
except for the great service! (She gets the coffee pot and pours him
another mug of coffee.)
DANIEL: Look, obviously I don't wanna just die. I don't suppose
there's any other options?
OMA: I can't get into it. What's stopping you from ascending?
DANIEL: I don't know.
OMA: Must be *something* holding you back – making you doubt yourself.
DANIEL: Maybe it's not *me* I'm doubting.
OMA: Look, whether you choose to accept living on a higher plane of
existence has nothing to do with me or anything that I can or can't
tell you. It's all up to you.
DANIEL: But there *is* something you're not telling me.
OMA: Is that what Jim said? You shouldn't be listening to him.
DANIEL: Why not?
OMA: Because.
DANIEL: Good answer!
OMA: Yes. (She smiles and walks away.)

SGC. ISOLATION ROOM. Sam, still in her casual clothes, comes in to
find Jacob in bed.
JACOB: I'm sorry, kiddo. We both are.
CARTER: About what? What's going on?
JACOB: I don't wanna ruin everything like this.
JACOB: It's Selmak – he's dying.
CARTER: Oh my God. I'm sorry.
JACOB: It's OK. He's OK. He led a pretty full life.
CARTER: I didn't live with Jolinar that long, but I think I have
*some* idea what it's like.
JACOB: Well, this is a little different, Sam. As you know, when a
Tok'Ra symbiont dies, they can prevent their host from dying as
Jolinar did with you. The problem is, that last selfless act
requires a certain amount of energy and a conscious effort.
CARTER: What are you saying?
JACOB: By all rights, Selmak should have been dead weeks ago. I
wouldn't let him go. I thought we needed him – that *I* needed him
to help you stop the Replicators.
JACOB: He hung on as long as he could, then he slipped into a coma
just after we activated the weapon on Dakara.
CARTER: You've known all this time since then?
JACOB: I didn't wanna spoil your wedding. Now, I thought we could
make it.
(Sam stares at him, her eyes filling with tears.)
JACOB: He's barely alive. I'm gonna die with him, Sam.
(Sam starts to cry.)

DINER. Jim returns to his stool beside Daniel.
JIM: Where is she?
DANIEL: I dunno. Off doing whatever it is she does when she's not
JIM: You ask her?
JIM: Wouldn't tell you?
JIM: Had to find out for yourself last time, too. Man, were you
DANIEL: About *what*? Tell me.
(Jim glances around the diner, then leans close to Daniel.)
JIM: What do you know about Anubis?
DANIEL: I know he's half-ascended, whatever that means.
JIM: There are many planes of existence between human existence and
ascension. Basically, the Others use their collective powers to keep
him from affecting anything on a grand, cosmic level.
DANIEL: But it's OK for him to destroy an entire galaxy?
JIM: It's OK for him to do anything he could have done back when he
was a regular old Goa'uld.
DANIEL: OK, I see. What does this have to do with Oma?
JIM: Goa'ulds are bad. Anubis is as bad as they come.
DANIEL: *And*?
JIM: *And*? (He gestures to Daniel to work it out himself.)
DANIEL: *And* ascension requires that somebody be pure of spirit.
One must be good to the very core to achieve enlightenment, so how
did someone like Anubis ascend?
(Jim claps his hands.)
JIM: Now he's getting it!
DANIEL: Oma helps people ascend, but she'd never help somebody like
JIM: Maybe not on purpose.
DANIEL: What, you're saying he tricked her somehow?
JIM: Rule Number One! No lone ascended being shall help a lower
ascend. "Lowers" are what we call humans and such. If you deserve
to be here, you should be able to get here on your own. If there's
an exception – for whatever reason – a majority vote by the
collective can get you in, but Oma thinks she knows better – and
she's taken her licks for it. Now I admit, for the most part, she's
brought good people on board but, as the old saying goes, nobody's
perfect – not even us higher beings.
(Daniel stares at him.)
DANIEL: Oma helped Anubis ascend.
(Jim clicks his fingers and points at Daniel. At that moment, Oma
walks over.)
OMA (to Jim): Get out. (Jim looks at her.) Get out now.
(Jim looks at his watch.)
JIM: Well, look at the time. Gotta go, kid – uh, business to attend
to. (He pats Daniel's leg.) It was nice talking to you, though.
(He gets up and walks away, whistling. At the door, he stops and
looks back at Oma and Daniel for a moment, then leaves the diner.)

SGC. ISOLATION ROOM. Sam, now in her black jumper, is sitting at
Jacob's bedside, holding his hand.
CARTER: A number of the Tok'Ra have responded. They wanna pay their
JACOB: They can come. (His voice is quiet and he looks very weak.)
CARTER: I can't believe there's nothing they can do. They can remove
a Goa'uld. In the last few years you've almost perfected the process
of saving a host.
JACOB: That process instantly kills the symbiont before it releases
toxins. It's too late for that, Sam. I'm sorry. I hate to do this
to you, but I should have been dead four years ago. Since then, I've
been all over the galaxy. I've done things most men never dream of.
CARTER: Where have I heard that before?
JACOB: I just wanna know you're gonna be happy.
CARTER: I *am*.
JACOB: Don't let rules stand in your way.
(Sam looks puzzled.)
CARTER: What are you talking about?
JACOB: You joined the Air Force because of me.
CARTER: I *love* my job.
JACOB: Mmm. (He reaches out and strokes her cheek.) You can still
have everything you want.
CARTER: I do, Dad. (Jacob sighs, frustrated that she doesn't
understand or refuses to understand what he's talking about. She
takes his hand again.) Really.

JACK'S OFFICE. Jack is sitting at his desk, lost in thought. Kerry
comes to the door and knocks.
KERRY: How's Colonel Carter's father?
O'NEILL: Doesn't look good.
KERRY: Sorry to hear that. (She comes into the office and closes the
O'NEILL (suspiciously): Closing the door.
KERRY: Yeah. Deeply symbolic.
O'NEILL: Really?
(Kerry smiles at him awkwardly.)
KERRY: I really like you. We're good together.
(Jack stands up.)
O'NEILL: Yes. We are. But?
KERRY: You have issues. It's OK – we all do. There's just one big
one in particular that I don't think I can love with. (Jack raises
his eyebrows. Kerry flinches and corrects herself.) *Live* with. I
need to get out before I get more involved. We can still work
together, can't we? I'd *hate* to have to ask for reassignment.
This is really important to me. We agreed this would never affect
the job.
O'NEILL: We did.
KERRY: Good. (She smiles and walks towards the door, then turns and
puts her hands on her hips.) You know, there's just one thing I
don't understand.
O'NEILL: Just one?
KERRY: Is the Air Force the only thing keeping you two apart? Rules
and regulations? Cos if it is, you're making a very big mistake.
O'NEILL: And you know what I should do?
KERRY: Retire.
O'NEILL: Again.
KERRY: Don't get me wrong – you are considered invaluable to the
programme by the Pentagon, but the President has appointed a civilian
to run the SGC before. (Jack nods.) Just a thought. (She leaves
the room, leaving Jack looking pensive and bothered by what she's
made him think about.)

SPACE. A large fleet of free Jaffa ships is heading towards
Tartarus. Teal'c and Bra'tac are on the pel'tak of one of the
BRA'TAC: The time has come for this ancient warrior to fight one
final battle.
TEAL'C: I think not, old man. This victory will present us with many
new challenges that will require your wisdom and sound judgement.
BRA'TAC: What our people will require is a youthful, vital,
leadership, and that is something others are better suited to provide.
TEAL'C: You are only as old as you believe yourself to be.
BRA'TAC: Talk to me in fifty years!
(Teal'c looks round at him.)
TEAL'C: Indeed I will.
(Bra'tac looks at him. Teal'c nods. Bra'tac looks away and smiles.)

DINER. Daniel and Oma are now sitting facing each other in the booth.
DANIEL: So it's true.
OMA: He tricked me.
DANIEL: How? You couldn't tell?!
OMA: No. He must have found some old Ancient research on ascension.
When he came to Kheb, he knew what he was doing. When I realised the
horrible mistake that I had made, I tried to undo it, but I
couldn't. That's when the Others stepped in.
DANIEL: I don't understand – they only sent him halfway back. Why
not all the way?
OMA: It's complicated.
DANIEL: Yeah, what *isn't* around here?
OMA: They warned him – he wasn't allowed to use any knowledge or
power unless he otherwise would have gained it as a Goa'uld.
DANIEL: I don't understand. They let him wreak havoc. They don't
care if he destroys all life in the galaxy – life they themselves
OMA: They haven't stopped me from continuing my work. I've tried to
make up for it – help when I can.
DANIEL: It's your punishment. You're forced to watch, powerless to
interfere, and let Anubis do whatever he wants just to punish you?
OMA: I told you before – the galaxy you're from, the plane of
existence, is so small and insignificant compared to the rest of the
DANIEL: I don't care. It's wrong.
OMA: That's what you said last time.
(Daniel stands up and calls out to the other customers.)
DANIEL: Excuse me? Isn't it enough already? I mean, a whole galaxy
of innocent people enslaved and tortured for generations, now on the
verge of being destroyed for nothing? For what? For *one* mistake a
good person made trying to do a good thing. (The customers ignore
him.) C'mon, the least you could do is listen to me. (shouting)
That can't be against the grand high-falutin' cosmic rules! (He
turns to a man sitting in another booth.) Hey! I'm talkin' to
*you*! (He tries to grab him by the throat but the part of the man
he grabs morphs into white light. Daniel steps back, surprised, and
the man becomes solid again.) OK. OK. Well, I know you can hear
me. Hasn't she suffered enough already? And certainly enough other
people have suffered to punish her. Don't you think you've made your
OMA: That's the thing, Daniel. They don't. I keep breaking the same
rule – helping people ascend. That's why *you're* here.
DANIEL: What if you stopped?
OMA: Wouldn't undo the problem. That's why I keep doing what I do.
Anubis can't be killed – not by you, not by me.

TARTARUS. Inside Anubis' base, Jaffa are milling around. Teal'c and
Bra'tac meet up.
BRA'TAC: He is not here. *No-one* is here! The defences we fought
through were automated.
TEAL'C: We have been deceived.
BRA'TAC: Anubis fled us, to lure us here. Our forces defending
Dakara are depleted.
TEAL'C: We could not have known, brother.
BRA'TAC: You were right, old friend. The device at Dakara should
have been destroyed at all costs.

SGC. ISOLATION ROOM. Jacob is being visited by a couple of Tok'Ra.
Sam sits in the Observation Room watching them talk. Jack comes in
and sits down next to her. He looks down at Jacob for a while, then
speaks to Sam.
(Sam has obviously been crying a lot but for the moment her face is
CARTER: Actually, I'm fine. Good, even, strange as that sounds. I
thought I lost him four years ago. Since then, we've been closer
than we ever were in my whole life. In a way, Selmak gave me the
father I never thought I'd know.
(Jack looks at her for a moment.)
O'NEILL: C'me here. (He puts his arm around her shoulder. She
reaches up and takes his hand and snuggles into his shoulder, rubbing
her thumb against his hand. They sit and look at Jacob for a moment.)
CARTER: Thank you, sir.
O'NEILL (quietly): For what?
CARTER: For being here for me.
(Jack looks at her for a moment, then speaks quietly.)
O'NEILL: Always.
(Sam looks at him, then rests her head on his hand as she gazes at
her father.)
(In the Isolation Room, Jacob speaks weakly to the Tok'Ra by the side
of his bed.)
JACOB: I'm ready.
(The Tok'Ra puts his hand on Jacob's shoulder, then looks up at Sam.
Sam gets up and hurries down into the Isolation Room. She goes to
Jacob's bedside, takes his hand and kisses him on the forehead. He
opens his eyes one last time and gazes at his daughter.)
JACOB (weakly): I love you. (He closes his eyes and dies. Sam shuts
her eyes in grief. In the Observation Room, Jack gazes at them

DINER. Daniel and Oma are sitting in the booth. Jim comes in again,
holding another newspaper, and walks over to the booth to talk to Oma.
JIM: Can I get a coffee?
OMA: Get it yourself.
JIM: Don't mind if I do! (He walks behind the counter, tossing his
newspaper down onto the counter.) Ooh! Hey, Danny boy, you see the
DANIEL: No, what's it say?
JIM: The trick worked! (He helps himself to a mug and a pot of
coffee.) Those stupid Jaffa took half their ships to hunt down
Anubis. Meanwhile, his army was poised to attack Dakara. The
remaining rebel Jaffa guarding Dakara are being slaughtered. It's
only a matter of time before old Anubis gets his hands on the weapon.
DANIEL: I'm sorry – you sound almost happy about that.
JIM: Who, me?
DANIEL: Yeah. What do you have against Oma?
OMA: Daniel.
DANIEL: No – I wanna know. (He turns towards Jim.) I mean, you're
not just watching – you're coming in here to rub it in. Why are you
taking such pleasure in her punishment?
JIM: Me? I don't have anything against Oma. I think she's great,
don't I? (He looks at Oma. Daniel turns and looks at her as well.)
Hell, she's the one that helped me ascend. (Daniel turns and stares
at Jim. Jim smiles evilly, then points at Daniel.) You got it, huh?
DANIEL: You *are* Anubis.
(Jim laughs raucously, then lifts his coffee mug and toasts Daniel.)
JIM/ANUBIS: Cheers. (He drinks, then continues laughing.)

COLORADO SPRINGS. Pete and Sam are sitting on a bench in the front
garden of the house he has bought. The "For Sale" sign now
reads "Sold".
PETE: I knew from the beginning. Guess I just thought when you said
yes that ... (He sighs and trails off, then looks at Sam.) You were
worth the risk. Don't say I deserve better. Can't get much better
than you.
CARTER: That's not true.
PETE: I wish I could believe this had something to do with your
father – you needed some time to just work things out. I guess all I
can say is: I hope you get what you want.
CARTER: That's it?
PETE: What do you want? You want me to get down on my knees and beg?
CARTER: God, no! Of course not! I just ... I thought you would
react differently.
(Pete's eyes fill with tears.)
PETE: Goodbye, Sam. (He stands and starts to walk away.)
CARTER: Pete ...
(As he walks across the garden, Pete wipes tears from his eyes. He
stops at the sign to peel off the "Sold" sign so that it reads "For
Sale" again, then walks away.)

SGC. BRIEFING ROOM. Jack and Teal'c are standing near the window to
the Gateroom.
TEAL'C: The rebel fleet guarding Dakara has fallen to the forces of
Anubis. Bra'tac and the remaining rebel ships will not arrive in
time. (Sam comes in and joins them.) Anubis now controls the weapon.
O'NEILL: Well then, we find the biggest damned nuke we can and we
shove it right through the Gate now.
TEAL'C: Anubis will certainly have the Gate shielded. The nuke will
not arrive in one piece.
(Sam nods in agreement.)
CARTER: If we can dial the Alpha site, we may be able to prevent the
weapon from connecting the wormhole to either planet. It may only
buy us the thirty-eight minutes that the Gate can ...
O'NEILL (interrupting): Go, go, just go.

CONTROL ROOM. Sam comes down the stairs and walks over to Walter,
who is sitting at the control desk.
CARTER: Sergeant, dial the Alpha site now.
(Walter types and the Gate starts to dial. Walter looks at his
HARRIMAN: Wait a minute – that's not me.
HARRIMAN: I don't know. (As Jack and Teal'c come to join them, the
Gate continues to dial and alarms sound.) Incoming wormhole! (He
closes the iris.)
CARTER: That's not gonna stop the energy from the weapon.
O'NEILL: If it *is* the weapon.
(Behind the iris, the Stargate kawhooshes. Walter checks his
HARRIMAN: No iris codes.
(Sam looks at Jack.)
CARTER: We're too late.
O'NEILL: Self destruct.
CARTER: That's not gonna destroy the Gate, and theoretically there's
only a remote chance it would disengage an active incoming wormhole.
O'NEILL: Carter! (More quietly) Carter.
(Sam bends to a console and starts to type in her code to activate
the emergency self destruct. Jack does the same at another console.)

DINER. Jim/Anubis is standing at the counter.
ANUBIS: Oh, you make a *great* cup of coffee. (He puts the coffee
pot and mug down and walks out into the restaurant.) Well, gotta
go. (He waves sarcastically to Oma.)
(Daniel looks at Oma and sees that she's not going to do anything.
He jumps up and runs at Anubis, but runs straight through him. He
stops and turns around to face him again. Anubis chuckles.)
ANUBIS: There's nothing you can do. You don't have the power.
OMA: But I do.
(Anubis turns to face her. As she stands up, she briefly morphs into
white light. As the light fades, she is no longer in her waitress
uniform – she is now in the white trouser suit she wore
during "Meridian". For the first time, all the other customers in
the diner take notice, turning round to look at her. Anubis chuckles
a little nervously.)
ANUBIS: You can't kill me either.
OMA: I can fight you.
ANUBIS: Well, you can't win.
OMA: It won't matter. You won't be able to do anything but fight me
ANUBIS: Well, what are you gonna do?
OMA: Something I should have done a long time ago. (She starts to
walk towards him.)
ANUBIS: Oh, no. No. No! No!
(He raises his hands to try to stop her. She morphs into white
light. As she reaches him, he too morphs into white light. They
merge, and the light rises up and goes through the ceiling of the
diner. Daniel and all the customers stare up at the ceiling. Daniel
walks to the spot that they disappeared from and looks around at the
customers, bewildered.)

SGC. CONTROL ROOM. The self destruct has reached 7 seconds.
Everyone is staring around anxiously. As the self destruct reaches
1:30, the countdown starts to slow down. It takes an age to tick
from 1:27 to 1:26. A couple of seconds later, the Gate shuts down.
HARRIMAN: Wormhole disengaged.
CARTER: What's going on?
HARRIMAN: I don't know. Must be some kind of ... system malfunction.
CARTER: That's impossible!
O'NEILL: Shut it off.
(Sam reaches down and types.)
CARTER: Aborting self destruct. (She finishes typing and the self
destruct shuts down. She looks at Jack, who blows out a relieved

BRIEFING ROOM. Bra'tac has now arrived and is reporting to Jack, Sam
and Teal'c.
BRA'TAC: The Kull warriors became ... disorganised, confused, as
though they no longer knew what to do.
TEAL'C: They no longer had a master to serve.
BRA'TAC: After that, they were easily defeated.
TEAL'C: Many Jaffa lost their lives at Dakara. Those that survived
are united as never before, and we are in agreement – the weapon must
be destroyed.
O'NEILL: Well, that's good.
BRA'TAC: A new memorial will be erected in its place so that our
triumph over the Goa'uld will never be forgotten.
CARTER: I still don't quite understand what happened. One minute
Anubis is about to push the button that ends all life in the galaxy,
and the next minute he's just ... gone.
TEAL'C: Indeed. It is a great mystery.
BRA'TAC: One can only assume he was vanquished by some beings. If
not, why would he forfeit the weapon and his army?
(Sam looks at Jack.)
CARTER: You think?
O'NEILL: I do.
CARTER: It's the only thing that would explain the self destruct not
going off.
BRA'TAC: Of what do you speak?
TEAL'C: O'Neill believes that Daniel Jackson was somehow responsible.
DANIEL (offscreen): No! It wasn't me.
(Everyone looks startled.)
O'NEILL: Anybody else hear that?
(Sam nods.)
DANIEL (offscreen): I'm in here! (Everyone turns towards Jack's
O'NEILL: That's Daniel! (He gets up and walks to the door of his
DANIEL (offscreen): No! *Don't* come in!
(Jack recoils at what he sees.)
O'NEILL: Ho! Hey there! (He backs out of the room again.)
DANIEL (offscreen, quietly): Can you get me ... something?
(Jack looks around the Briefing Room and spots the SGC flag on its
pole at the side of his door. He rips it off the pole and hands it
to Daniel. A moment later, Daniel comes out of the office, wrapping
the flag around his waist. He is bare chested. Jack fiddles
awkwardly with the flag pole. Sam's jaw drops, then she looks away.
Bra'tac gazes at Daniel, grinning widely.)
DANIEL: It's, uh, a long story.
(Sam glances at him and smiles, embarrassed. Behind Daniel, Jack has
turned to look at him. Daniel glances round at him and Jack looks
away again.)

MINNESOTA. Jack's cabin. A fishing line arcs out into the water.
The camera lifts up from the water and we see that Jack and Sam are
sitting side by side on the pier, fishing.
CARTER: This is great.
O'NEILL: I told ya!
CARTER: I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
O'NEILL: Yes, well, let's not dwell.
CARTER: There are no fish in this pond, are there?
(Sam giggles as she looks at him. Behind them, Daniel and Teal'c
arrive, carrying a cooler box between them and each holding a folding
chair in their free hand. Jack launches his line out into the water
O'NEILL: Nice!
(The camera pulls back as Daniel and Teal'c unfold their chairs.
Teal'c sits down, and Daniel walks onto the pier to join the other two.)

Kikavu ?

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