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#905 : Proselytisme


SG-1 et Vala se rendent sur une planète où Vala est encore considérée comme étant Qetesh. Dans l'espoir de prouver à son peuple que les Oris ne sont pas des Dieux, Vala décide de leur dire la vérité à son sujet. Cette révélation va la mener à un procès et à une possible exécution... 


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The Powers That Be.

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Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Martin Gero

Réalisé par : William Waring.

Apparitions :

Cam Chai (Azdak)

Pablo Coffey (Vachna)

Chad Hershler (Village Aide)

Matt Johnson (Village Player)

Nicole Correia Damude (Village Player)

Michael Coleman (Med Tech)

Lexa Doig (Dr. Carolyn Lam)

905 : Proselytisme

Au SGC, Vala rejoint Cameron au mess. Pendant que ce dernier se restaure, elle essaie de lui faire la morale sur les Prieurs. Elle essaie alors de convaincre le Lieutenant-colonel qu’elle pourrait être un bon élément pour une équipe SG. Elle prend alors un dossier posé sur la table et dit que les habitants de P8X-412 lui font confiance, Mitchell se lève alors pour aller en dire deux mots au Général Landry.

L’équipe arrive alors sur P8X-412, une planète désertique avec une pyramide. Une fois à l’intérieur, Vala s’isole pour changer de vêtement. Pendant ce temps, un habitant entre dans la salle, mais il fuit aussi vite lorsque Cameron le salue. C’est alors qu’un petit groupe d’individu arrive menaçant l’équipe avec des lances Goa’uld. Les hommes disent qu’il s’agit des armes de leur dieu : Quetesh. Mais subitement il se prosterne implorant le pardon de Vala qui leur parle alors comme un Goa’uld.

Quelques temps après, Vala assiste à une pièce de théâtre en son honneur. Teal’c pense qu’il faut dire la vérité à ce peuple sur la chute des Goa’ulds. Daniel va alors parler avec Vala pour savoir ce qui se trame. Cette dernière veut protéger ce peuple des Prieurs. Une fois la représentation finie, elle demande à Azdak, un autochtone, de lui parler de la visite du Prieur sur cette planète. L’homme lui explique que certains ont cru les paroles du visiteur, mais il implore son pardon. Vala leur demande alors de se retirer.

Une fois les personnes parties, Teal’c demande à Vala pourquoi elle continue de mentir à ce peuple. Lorsque la Tok’ra a enlevé Quetesh de son corps, Vala fut torturé par ses anciens fidèles. Mais la nouvelle de sa chute n’arriva pas à cette petite planète minière, et elle utilisa ce peuple pour se fournir en naquadah. Daniel décide alors de mener son enquête auprès des habitants de la planète et de dire toute la vérité sur la nature de Vala.

Au SGC, Landry demande à sa fille, le Dr Lam, comment se passe les évaluations du personnel. Après une petite discussion, il invite sa fille à déjeuner.

Sur P8X-412, Daniel discute avec un villageois. Ce dernier lui apprend que le Prieur qui leur a rendu visite l’a guéri de ses maux. En échange, le Prieur lui a demandé de prêcher la parole des Oris jusqu’à son retour qui doit s’effecteur le lendemain. Mais un autre villageois le prend à parti et fait l’éloge de Quetesh. Daniel pense que le moment est venu de parler à Vala.

Dans la pyramide, Daniel fait la morale à Vala, car elle récupère ses anciens trésors. Mais le reste de l’équipe lui explique que la planète risque de tomber très vite dans les mains des Prieurs, croyant que les Oris sont de vrais dieux. Teal’c la menace alors de dire toute la vérité aux villageois. Vala les écoute alors et ils essaient d’établir un plan pour contrecarrer le Prieur. Daniel veut que Vala dise qu’elle est un faux dieu et qu’elle explique pourquoi elle a agit de cette manière afin qu’ils soient plus septiques face au Prieur.

Quelques temps après avoir dit la vérité, Vala est jetée au cachot. Elle demande alors à l’équipe de l’aider, et Daniel lui promet de la sortir de là sans utiliser les armes.

De leur côté, Mitchell et Teal’c essaient de convaincre les autochtones de ne pas exécuter Vala. Mitchell essaie de culpabiliser Azdak et ce dernier leur demande si ils veulent organiser un « maldoran », un procédé mis en place par Quetesh pour régler les différents entre deux parties.

Dans son cachot, Vala fait des pieds et des mains pour essayer de s’enfuir. Cameron lui explique alors qu’un procès est prévu le lendemain. Au petit matin, le maldoran débute. Le verdict sera pris suite à un vote général, après l’exposé des faits. L’énoncé des charges contre elle commence : génocide, crime contre l’humanité. Daniel l’interrompt alors pour expliquer que Vala n’est pas responsable de ces actes car elle ne fut séparée de son hôte qu’il n’y a que quatre ans. La liste des charges se réduit alors à quatre.

Quelques temps après, Azdak prend la parole pour dénoncer l’abus de Vala, l’accusant alors d’être responsable de leur pauvreté. Daniel se lève et prend la parole. Il confirme les propos précédents, puis explique à l’audience que Vala a révélé son secret pour les protéger de la menace que sont les Oris. C’est alors que la voix d’un Prieur résonne dans la pièce. Il s’agit de l’administrateur qui les avait condamné lui et Vala à une certaine mort (cf. « Avalon, part 2 » et « Origin »). Il essaie alors de convaincre les personnes de rejoindre les Oris, en expliquant que le jour du jugement dernier approche.

L’homme qui fut guéri par le Prieur s’agenouille devant lui et dit que beaucoup de gens croient en eux. Mais Daniel insiste sur le fait que beaucoup n’y croient pas. Daniel dit que l’homme ne fut pas soigné grâce à une intervention divine, mais grâce au savoir. Mais le Prieur retourne la discussion à son avantage en expliquant que les Oris veulent partager eux aussi leur connaissance. Daniel explique alors l’histoire des Anciens. Le Prieur rétorque que les hommes sont la création des Oris et que ceux de cette galaxie ont été élevés par le mal. Daniel lui répond alors que la façon dont ils utilisent leur savoir est le mal. Puis le Prieur s’en va, suivi par quelques fidèles. C’est alors qu’Azdak demande à ce que les délibérations commencent.

A la base, Landry déjeune avec le Dr Lam, dans une ambiance est un peu froide. Mais très vite la conversation tourne mal et Landry quitte la table.

Dans sa prison, Vala revient sur les évènements de la journée, et explique à Daniel qu’il en demande un peu trop au peuple de la planète. Elle lui dit qu’ils auraient pu tuer le Prieur, mais Daniel lui explique que ce n’est pas en tuant le messager qu’on tue le message. Mais ce qui gène le plus Daniel dans cette menace c’est ce que les Oris comptent faire de leurs fidèles. Azdak arrive alors dans la salle : Vala est condamné à la prison à vie. Soudain, un messager arrive en expliquant que l’homme soigné par le Prieur est à nouveau malade.

Au village, Vala essaie d’utiliser un appareil Goa’uld pour le soigner. Une fois rétabli, Daniel lui explique que Vala a utilisé un appareil et que ce n’est pas parce qu’il ignore comment il fonctionne qu’il s’agit d’un objet divin.

Azdak demande alors à Daniel comment ils doivent agir devant le Prieur. Cameron insiste sur le fait que quoi qu’il arrive ils seront là pour les aider. Azdak annonce alors à Vala que tous ses biens seront confisqués, mais qu’elle retrouve sa liberté. Un homme vient alors le chercher car beaucoup de personnes sont tombées malades.

Quelques heures plus tard, Vala essaie de soigner les malades.

Pendant ce temps, Cameron contacte le SGC pour les tenir informés de la situation. Lam pense que cette maladie se transmet dans une chose en contact avec les habitants de la planète. Puis le Général envoi une équipe en renfort.

Daniel rejoint Vala dans la salle du trône. Cette dernière pense qu’elle ne pourra pas sauver tout le village de cette mystérieuse maladie apportée par le Prieur. Mais le Lieutenant-colonel appelle le Dr Jackson via la radio : l’état de santé des villageois s’aggrave de plus en plus.

Au SGC, l’équipe médicale s’apprête à partir.

Sur P8X-421, Vala tente de soigner les gens, mais la maladie est de plus en plus forte. Puis l’équipe médicale arrive.

Quelques temps après, Vala dit à Daniel que l’appareil curatif des Goa’ulds n’a plus d’effet, et commence à se sentir coupable du sort qui attend ces gens. Le Dr Lam interrompt alors leur conversation et s’isole avec Jackson, Teal’c et Vala. Elle leur explique la situation et comment elle compte contrer la maladie. Daniel pense alors qu’il peut s’agir d’un virus similaire à celui qui a frappé les Anciens (cf. « Prisonnière des glaces »).

Lam contacte alors la base pour faire le point, et constater l’échec des médicaments.

De retour à la pyramide, Lam constate, que selon les analyses, le virus s’attaque aux organes vitaux, et Cameron souffre lui aussi de la maladie.

Quelques temps après, Caroline constate la première victime de ce fléau. La mort de ce villageois affecte beaucoup Vala. Daniel essaie alors de la réconforter, quand un villageois annonce l’arrivée du Prieur.

A l’extérieur, un villageois implore le pardon auprès du Prieur. Daniel lui demande alors pourquoi il agit ainsi. L’homme lui répond en utilisant des métaphores. Vala arrive et lui ordonne de soigner les gens sinon elle le tue. Elle ouvre le feu, mais le Prieur arrête les balles. Les villageois s’inclinent alors devant le Prieur et se mettent à croire aux Oris. Une lumière bleue sort du bâton du Prieur et s’entend sur la planète. Elle a pour effet de soigner tous les malades.





SCENE: Open on the entrance of the SGC, then to Vala sitting down
next to Mitchell in the Commissary. She has a file at hand and he
was just about to finish his second bowl of Jello. An SF (the woman)
stands watching at side.

VALA: What are you doing here?

MITCHELL: Having lunch. *Eats*

VALA: Don't you care that there could be priors out there taking
advantage of poor. Innocent. People. *he's reading some other file*
Luring them into an Oppressive religion or worse…Killing them for
rejecting it.

MITCHELL: Are you bored of bothering Jackson?

VALA: Hey. You're supposed to be going out on missions through the
Stargate. So let's go. Let's rid the galaxy of evil doers. *when he
doesn't answer* Look despite what Daniel might think I really can
help…*h obviously doesn't believe her* I know how things work out
there. I'm physically capable, I'm good with weapons…Not to mention
*louder* seductively attractive *two airman behind her turn to look,
she laughs and waves* make a fine asset to any SG team.

MITCHELL: You left out selfish and untrustworthy. *eats*

VALA: How about independent and *grins opening file, waves at it*

MITCHELL: *quietly* that is a classified file. *definitely not happy*

VALA: *turns pages pointing* Priors have been reported on forty
three different planets already.

MITCHELL: Yeah that's what the file says.

VALA: Well it just so happens that I have a very good relationship
with the people on the one you've designated *reads* P8X 412

MITCHELL: *turns to her* Define… "Relationship"

VALA: They trust me. *Mitchell nods, gets up.* what? Where are you

MITCHELL: *heads for door* I'm going to go Talk to Landry

VALA: Why? *makes a face, worried, makes fists with her hands*

MITCHELL: *Comes back taking file* because anyone who trusts you…is
obviously in a great deal of danger.

He heads for door again, and she goes to taken his unfinished bowl
of Danger, but he goes back and grabs it off her.


SCENE: Planet with e Pyramid, settlement of people just outside. The
team (Vala, Teal'c, Mitchell and Jackson) head into the pyramid,
which shows a large room, with a throne.

VALA: Oh good…no one's here.

MITCHELL: I thought these people trusted you…why are we sneaking
around? Avoiding everybody?

VALA: I already told you, they won't recognize me dressed like this.
Fortunately I left a couple of spare outfits behind. *Heads for a
side room*

MITCHELL: What is it with her and her wardrobe?

JACKSON: *follows her* Look I think we could probably explain to
them exactly—

VALA: *stops, turning to him* It'll only take a second. *stops him*
can a Girl have a little privacy?

JACKSON: No. Besides I think I've seen just about everything there
is to see.

VALA: *grins, Jackson really not liking the look she's giving him*
right. *after a minute* Look there's no other way out of this room.
I'm just going to change. Be right back. *she heads off*

A man walks in carrying an offering.

MITCHELL: Hey *waves*

The man runs off, and hurries back with a group of friends with a
bunch of staff weapons. Mitchell and Teal'c pull up there P-90s.

AZDAK: These are the weapons of our God Qetesh! Who are you?

MITCHELL: Just take it easy

AZDAK: What are you doing here?

JACKSON: *walks forward, hands raised* we mean no harm.

Azdak Sees something behind them, mouth hangs slightly open in
shock. They all drop their weapons and fall to their knees, heads
resting on the ground.

AZDAK: Please. Forgive us. It has been so long we began to fear you
would not return.

Vala walks out from behind the sg-1 guys, wearing a very goa'uld-ish

VALA: (her voice is altered sounding like the Goa'uld) Then you are
foolish. I would not abandon you. I am your God.

Vala looks at the Guys, Daniels Mouth is hanging open staring at
her, Mitchell is shaking his head, Teal'c looks disgusted. (You know
in his Teal'c way.)

CREDITS: (apparently the Sci-Fi channel is cutting the actual

SCENE: The large room. A crowd sits watching a play being enacted.
Vala sits on the throw with Jackson, Mitchell and Teal'c sitting at
the side.

MALE1: (playing Ba'al) I have pillaged the galaxy many times over.
And made slaves of all the mortals I have encountered. This world
pleases me and I shall take it as my own.

MALE2: (playing a villager) The benevolent god, Qetesh, will never
allow such treachery.

JACKSON: *whispers to Mitchell* Not exactly Shakespeare

MALE1: ----slave I am Ba'al---

MITCHELL: *whispers* How is it these people don't know the Goa'uld
have fallen?

JACKSON: Most of these worlds are pretty isolated and I would be
very surprised if anyone here actually knew how to operate the Gate.

TEAL'C: These humans must be told the truth.

JACKSON: I know. *looks at Vala*

MALE2: *a woman now stands by him* Oh merciful. Beautiful Qetesh.
Have mercy on him…he knows not your power.

JACKSON: *Walks up to Vala, whispers* What are you doing?

VALA: (Goa'uld voice) It's a play. Don't worry…I think it will be
over soon. Then we will eat.

JACKSON: That's not what I'm talking about.

VALA: We want to stop these people from falling victim to the
priors, that's what I'm going to do.

JACKSON: This is not what I had in mind.

VALA: What your mind may or may not be able to imagine is really
none of my concern. Now kindly get out of your God's face. *He gives
her a look, she glances at him and he heads back to Mitchell and

MALE2: ---You have never met the likes of Qetesh

WOMAN: (as Qetesh) No man shall lay claim to my world. And no man
shall bring harm to my children. Rises hand over Male1*

Male1 slowly falls pulling out a lot of red cloth

MALE2: Thanks be to you Qetesh. All hail and Glory be to you.

The Play ends. The three Actors turn and Bow to Vala.

VALA: hmm…

AZDAK: *stands* we had little rehearsal my lord, but I trust it
pleases you?

VALA: Yes *Azdak grins* as always Azdak, you please your God greatly.

AZDAK: Thank you my lord. You have been greatly missed.

VALA: *grins* Now. I would like to hear about the visitor who
arrived through the Chappa'ai *After a lot of whispering* It is
pointless lying to your God, Azdak, I am all knowing as well as all
Beautiful *Mitchell and Jackson give her a look*

AZDAK: He said that he was here to save us. That our true Gods await
our devotion

VALA: Lies. *nods* meant to deceive you.

AZDAK: I-I- I did not believe a word he said my lord. I swear it.

VALA: Some of you did,

AZDAK: You have been absent for so many seasons. Some had thought
you had abandoned us. They were weak my lord. Please…forgive them?

VALA: Have I not always been merciful to those who deserve
forgiveness? *he nods* Now go while I consider your punishment.

AZDAK: Yes. Of course *bowing as he and the others leave*

VALA: *once they've all gone (still in Goa'uld voice)* Well that was
easy. *stands stretching*

JACKSON: Shut that thing off.

VALA: mmm *hits a button*

TEAL'C: Why must you continue to deceive these people?

VALA: (normal voice) This was one of the many planets that Qetesh
ruled over when I was her host. *more stretching* as you know a
Tok'ra eventually removed the symbiote but not before her people
rebelled and tortured me thinking we were one in the same.

MITCHELL: *stands* And they couldn't tell the difference? *mutters
to Jackson and Teal'c* Why am I not surprised?

VALA: I had nothing. I was desolate. *sits by Jackson* Fortunately I
discovered that news of Qetesh's demise had not reached this little
mining outpost.

JACKSON: SO you kept them mining naquadah for you?

VALA: Just a tiny bit. *Jackson Can't believe it* No—the mine was
practically barren by the time I got here but this planet acted as a
safe haven for me until I got back on my feet. *Teal'c groans,
turning away* Look I never killed anyone; I never tortured them I
was a wonderful God. Just ask them.

JACKSON: I think we will *gets up*

VALA: *Jumps up following* why? You don't believe me?

JACKSON: *stops turning to her* That. And I'm not totally convinced
they're gonna follow your command nor should that be the only reason
they don't follow the priors. *starts to head off again*

VALA: *follows* I am still supposed to be there God *he stops* I
can't exactly go out there and ask them is they're going to listen
to me.

JACKSON: I wasn't expecting you to. *starts off again*

VALA: *follows* what makes you think they're going to tell you the
truth *he stops getting a little wound up* you're suppose to be my
faithful servants.

JACKSON: Then I'll just have to explain that we're not as faithful
as you might like to believe and if necessary I'll also tell them
we're plotting to. Kill. you. *he heads off, she stares shocked*

VALA: hu-I— *shouts after him* I have heard better plans.
MITCHELL: *walks up to her* I kind of like it.

VALA: Shut up *storms off to throne.*

SCENE: SGC, Lam and Landry walking down corridor

LANDRY: How are the staff Evaluations coming?

LAM: *pulls off stethoscope putting them in her pocket* They're
done. They'll be on your desk by tomorrow morning. that's when
they're due right?

LANDRY: yes. *nods* I have uh—Lunch with uh…the heads of my
departments once a month…just to stay in touch…uh get any
housekeeping done…it helps me get to know them a lot better…I know
in our case uh…

LAM: *she stops* what? *waits* in our case what?

LANDRY: well…it's just that we know each other better that I say do…
Colonel Garret, the ammunitions supply officer.

LAM: really? I actually doubt that. Colonel Garrets been here longer
than I have.

LANDRY: *glances at a passing airman, quieter* do we have to do this

LAM: You wanna have lunch? Fine. Tomorrow noon…I will be there as

LANDRY: It's not an order.

LAM: ok. *walks off*

Landry watches he go with a sigh.

SCENE: On planet. Daniel walks with a man through the settlement.

THATCHNAR: I have been sick for some time now, the past few harvests
I've been more of a burden than a help to my family. I had even lost
the ability to stand.

JACKSON: You're standing now.

THATCHNER: The prior. He cured me. *some of the villagers look over*
Said that it was the will of the Ori.

AZDAK: *rushes for him* Blasphemer. *Teal'c and Mitchell stop him*

MITCHELL: Just take it easy…

AZDAK: I'm sorry…but I will not have him speak against Qetesh like
that in my presence.

JACKSON: Look we're not out to get anybody here…we just want to hear
what he has to say. *to Thatchner* go ahead.

THATCHNER: The Jewel in his staff glowed *a crowd gathers listening*
He waved it over me and I felt better than I ever have. All he asked
in return was that I tell others. That I spread the word of the Ori.
Then upon his return…

TEAL'C: When is this prior to return?

THATCHNER: Tomorrow. The prior said that Qetesh is a false God. That
if she ever returned he would expose her weakness.

AZDAK: You're a fool. Speak no more or I'll shall strike you don' in
the name of our true God. *goes to hit him*

MITCELL: *stops him* I said take it easy.

AZDAK: You should be thankful that Qetesh is so forgiving. And pray
that when she slays the prior for his wicked lies. She won't do the
same to you.

JACKSON: Oh boy.

AZDAK: Glory be to Qetesh!! Glory to the one true God! G-

MITCHELL: Ok…you have made your point. Know when to stop.

JACKSON: I think I need to talk to our one true god. *Mitchell nods*

SCENE: Back in large room

JACKSON: This is why you wanted to come back to this planet?

Vala checking a bunch of cases with jewels and Gold.

VALA: All of this is mine. I earnt it. These people have just been
keeping it safe for me. *Jackson not happy* and as you said we can't
be 100 percent certain that they're going to obey me so if this
planet does fall to the priors…

MITCHELL: Hello. *picks up some gold* You stealing this planets most
valued treasure is the least of our concerns right now. *drops gold*

VALA: I like your attitude *grins at him* I was thinking of cutting
you boys in at 10% but now I'm thinking *grabs his nose, pulling it*

TEAL'C: Despite your return many of the villagers believe the Ori to
be true gods and worthy of their loyalty.

VALA: all the more reason why we should pack all of this up right
now and get out of here. Are you gonna pitch in or what?

TEAL'C: Others believe you will slay the prior in a show of power
upon his return tomorrow.

VALA: Tomorrow hmm…tomorrows no good for me.

JACKSON: You need to tell these people the truth.

VALA: I have a lot of needs Daniel but I assure you that is not on
of them.

TEAL'C: If you do not tell them the truth, we will

VALA: Yes…and who do you think they're actually going to believe?

JACKSON: Look commanding these people to obey you and not the Ori is
not going to work. Especially once that prior comes back.

MITCHELL: And we do not want to get into a God-Off. Especially since
we know you're not even close.

VALA: Forget what I said about the 20%

JACKSON: Yes he's right we can't just trade one lie for another lie.

VALA: *turns to him* Alright…what can we fight with then? How can we
stop this prior from corrupting these people?

JACKSON: ok…we have a very limited window of opportunity here. If
you expose yourself as a false God… *She paces* if you tell these
people how you fooled them and why…we might be able to make them
skeptical about the prior.

VALA: *comes back* or it could push them to believing in the Ori as
rue gods even more.

JACKSON: No. The only chance these people have—the only chance any
of us have against the priors is to show them we will not accept the
Ori as Gods. No matter what happens we must reject them. True
enlightenment must begin with the truth.

VALA: Oh please…the truth is so overrated.

JACKSON: Look *steps forward grabbing her shoulders* for once just
do the right thing here…ok? You're gonna feel so good about it
afterwards. Trust me. *smiles*

SCENE: Vala back in SG uniform, the cell door closes leaving her

JACKSON: (on the outside) really this…this is unnecessary.

AZDAK: You will be executed first light tomorrow. Imposter *spits at
her feet, leaves*

VALA: So…Daniel *motions him over with her head, he steps closer*
when does that warm and glowy feeling from doing the right thing
kick in…cause…not there yet. *forced smile*

SCENE: Vala bashing at the bars. Jackson trying to calm her down

VALA: I can't believe you all just stood there *gets up on bench
pulling top bars* and let them imprison me.

JACKSON: Well what were we suppose to do?

VALA: You have guns don't you?

JACKSON: There's like over 100 people there

VALA: and? *jumps down walking over to other side*

JACKSON: Well…Just relax…we're gonna get you out of this

VALA: *walks back over, calmly* Oh you are…? I feel a lot better…
I'm sorry I…I…I got a little nervous what with the whole *shouts*
Execution looming and all.

JACKSON: Would you just…believe me…it's not gonna come to that.
Mitchell and Teal'c are talking to them right now.

VALA: *walks over* Have you forgotten that if I die…you die?

JACKSON: Believe me it is not gonna come to that. Trust me. *Vala
Gasps, turns her back to him and sits.* this time

SCENE: In large room

MITCHELL: Fine she made a mistake. it was a big mistake. It was a
whopper…but you can't just kill her.

AZDAK: Why not?

MITCHELL: *quiet, then* a little help?

TEAL'C: Does she not deserve a trial? To explain the things that she
has done?

AZDAK: I think we all have a pretty good idea of what she did and
why. *walks past Mitchell*

MITCHELL: *grabs him* Your people are looking for leadership. They
are looking to you. So you've got to decide. What kind of society do
you want to have? One where people get executed without having a
chance to explain their actions?

AZDAK: *realizing* you want to hold a maldarran?

MITCHELL: *to Teal'c* ain't that her name? *holds hand up to Azdak*

AZDAK: Qetesh established a process several years ago. A way to
settle disputes between two parties.

MITCHELL: Fine. That sounds…fitting we're gonna hold a Maldarran.

SCENE: Back where Vala is being held. She is attempting to squeeze
through the bars, Jackson just standing there watching, not helping.

JACKSON: *spots Mitchell* hey. How'd it go?

MITCHELL: well you know…*Vala can't do it, gets up.*

VALA: what's the plan? You gonna blow up this door, lay down
suppression fire, so that we can…rush out through the hidden escape
passage. *Jackson looks at her* It's in the room I told you had no
other exit *he bashes his hand on the door*

MITCHELL: They're going to pt you on trial tomorrow.

VALA: *thinking* I like my plan better.

MITCHELL: Kinda is your plan. It's named after you.

VALA: really? *excited* a Maldarran. *grins* they going to let me be
the judge?

MITCHELL: Don't think so.

VALA: Then it's not a real maldarran is it?

JACKSON: Actually this couldn't have worked out better.

VALA: Actually I think it could have

JACKSON: No a trial is public. We can use the form to expose what it
is to be a false god and warn the community about the priors

VALA: You're right actually. We could get them all worked up about
false God's and then they can kill me as an example to the others.

MICHELL: Look…I persuaded them to let you stay here for the night…

JACKSON: right…thanks…

MITCHELL: Yeah…*heads off, waving* well I'll see you guys in the

VALA: *shouts after him* Th—th-Thank you! I apologize for ever
doubting your masterful skills at negotiations.

JACKSON: He's doing the best he can.

VALA: Oooh. That's what terrifies me

SCENE: Next day on planet. The trail begins. Two tables have been
set either side. A crowd surrounds them

AZDAK: *Get up, walks to the centre…* Welcome and thank you all for
coming…unlike in the past…the final decisions of …this Maldarran
will be yours, my friends. A general vote. After both presentations
have been made we shall all decide what is to be done to the false
God Qetesh

VALA: *a lot of muttering by the crowd* we're pleading innocent

JACKSON: *disbelieving* You already confessed.

VALA: a girl can change her mind.

AZDAK: *a villager hands him a scroll, he opens it up* we shall
begin as always…with a reading of the claims. The first claim of
seven. Mass murder.

VALA: uhm-- *turns to Jackson* Wait a second

AZDAK: The second claim of seven. Mass Torture.

VALA: *to Jackson, whose nodding* I never killed…I never Tortured…
that is Qetesh.

AZDAK: The third claim of seven—

JACKSON: *stands* uh…excuse me…Hi…sorry to interrupt. Um…the person
seated before you didn't do those things…*Vala waves*

AZDAK: You will have your chance to make your presentation.

JACKSON: yes…um…I'm…I'm sure we will. I just wanted to make
something very clear as we discussed when she confessed…Vala was a
host…to a Goa'uld…a parasite that controlled her actions for many
years. It was that Goa'uld symbiote named Qetesh that committed the
atrocities that you are talking about…Vala herself can only be held
responsible for the actions she did after that Goa'uld was removed…

AZDAK: When exactly was that?

JACKSON: Um…*looks at Vala, leans down so she can whisper in his
ear* four ye---four years? *quieter* four years.

AZDAK: *goes to whisper with his co-council, comes back* very well.
Assuming your assertion to be true. We shall begin again. *Vala
grins at Jackson, who seems happy they've let her off* the first
claim of four. Planetary wide forced labor. *Jackson's face falls,
looks at Vala, who nods*

MITCHELL: *to Teal'c*…this is gonna be a long day.

TEAL'C: Indeed.

AZDAK: I…perhaps more than any of you, feel great sorrow…at the fact
that I devoted my love…and faith so freely to *turns to point at
Vala*…an imposter, Who cared only for the naquadah in our mines.
With every breath… she lied. With every effort… she stole. At every
chance she betrayed us. The conditions of poverty that we now suffer…
are her fault and her fault alone. That is what you must consider!
*the crowd starts whispering*

MITCHELL: *to Vala* he's good.

VALA: I'm dead.

JACKSON: *takes a deep breath stands*…yes. She stole. She betrayed
you. She used you as slave labor. All this is true.

VALA: *Confused* not the opening statement I would have gone for.


JACKSON: but the only reason you know about this is because she told
you. She came forward knowing full well how you would feel…what the
consequences would be…ask yourselves…why would she do this? She did
it because there is a greater threat in this galaxy she thought you
deserved to know about. She told the truth in order to open your
eyes…to show you the dangers of giving away your freedom, your
freewill…in the hopes…that given another chance you wouldn't make
that same mistake twice. *Vala holds her head higher* we know that a
prior of the Ori has come here, he's been sent to this village to
convince you to worship beings more powerful than all of us, but you
must know…that like Vala they are not gods.

PRIOR (Ambassador from Avalon Part2): You speak well Daniel Jackson
*Teal'c stands raising P-90* of the planet Earth. What is a god?
What power is great enough to make you bow down in humble reverence
*Jackson look at Vala*

VALA: *whispers to Mitchell* that's the one that tried to burn us to
death. twice

PRIOR: There is only one measure. The only question you may ask
yourself is why must I believe? What is there for any or all to gain
by choosing the path of origin? Those seeking eternal salvation can
follow the word of the Ori. Those that do not shall die as mortals.
It is as simple as that. The day of reckoning approaches. *grins*
your destiny awaits.

MITCHELL: He's pretty good too…

VALA: We are so dead.

Shot of pyramid, and back.

THATCHNER: *steps forward, dropping to his knees*I have told them of
the Ori Prior. Many of us believe.

JACKSON: But not all of us.

PRIOR: You doubt the power of the Ori?

JACKSON: No. but I understand how they got it…and because I do I'm
not willing to abandon my own freewill and worship them for it.

PRIOR: The Ori healed this man. This man that was sick. This man
that could barely walk.

JACKSON: This man was healed through Knowledge. We have medicine. We
have…tools that can do much the same thing. This device *picks up
healing device from other table* has the power to heal…if you know
how to use it. But not by power *holds it up* it's called technology.

PRIOR: Technology.

JACKSON: yes. Knowledge. Understanding. Of the way things work. Of
the science… of the universe.

PRIOR: Maybe so…but consider this. There are two men. One is
starving and the other has a plentiful crop. Is it not wrong…for the
fortunate man to hoard his harvest? *the crowd whispers* should he
not share with his hungry brother? It is the same with knowledge and
understanding…as you have said the Ori have a greater understanding
of the universe but most importantly they are willing to share it
with us. Out of their love for us…their creation…only a fool would
turn away.

JACKSON: Just because the Ori know more than we do, doesn't make
them gods…they are beings who were once like you and me…but they
evolved…they learned of humanities potential…eventually over time
they used that knowledge to shed their physical bodies and live as
energy on another *raises hand* higher plane of existence.

VALA: *mutters to Mitchell* which side is he on?

PRIOR: you are all children of the Ori! But you've been raised by
evil…the true nature of the universe has been kept from you by
powers that would have you stray from the path of origin…it is time
to open your eyes…let origin show you the way.

JACKSON: no…you're right…*walks* maybe hoarding the knowledge is
wrong. Or maybe its not…maybe learning for yourself is part of the
journey to enlightenment. But killing someone for not worshipping
you…regardless of your power. Is wrong. Very wrong. Knowledge is
power…but how you use that power defines whether you are good…or

PRIOR: The choice is yours.

THATCHNER: Give us another chance I beg you. Please…spare us all

PRIOR: *puts hands on Thatchners head* Believe in the power of the
ori…or be laid down in the dust *smirks at Vala*

The prior leaves some of the crowd following.

AZDAK: Escort the prisoner back to the cell…

JACKSON: wait…

AZDAK: we're done with the Maldarran…we must vote now on her
punishment and…discuss other issues…we now face…

JACKSON: wa—Azdak…I know what the Ori seem to be offering you might
sound very tempting…

AZDAK: We are poverty stricken, as a society we may not be able to
survive much longer…we thought our god *waves at Vala* would provide
for us. Why should we reject the knowledge and education to better

JACKSON: But you can have all that without giving up your freedom.
Don't you see how wrong it is to enforce belief by threatening your
people with their very lives?

AZDAK: As the Ori said…would we not be ignorant and deserving of
punishment for failing to see the plain truth before us? *looks at
Vala shaking head* Leave us…we shall deliberate.

SCENE: Commissary. Landry and Lam sit across from each other eating
lunch (Lam in a sort of rush to finish).

LANDRY: Comfortable where you're living?

LAM: I kind of like the place I'm renting in Cimarron hills

LANDRY: that's nice… you ought to buy.

LAM: well…just wait and see…I don't know how long I'm going to be

LANDRY: *nods, shifts* how's your mother?

LAM: why don't you call her and find out yourself? *eats*

LANDRY: why does everything have to be so hostile? I'm trying. To
tell you the truth I don't really know where to start…

LAM: start what? The long road back to happily ever after? her hehehe>

LANDRY: I had a job to do.

LAM: as I do. Now I though this was suppose to be a professional
meeting about my staff? That's why I'm here.

LANDRY: excuse me. *gets up leaves*

Lam, drops head in to hand.

SCENE: Vala back in cell sitting on ground, Daniel on other side,
sitting facing her. A little further near entrance Mitchell and
Teal'c are sitting playing cards…I think Snap?

VALA: You need to work on your anti-Ori speech…that prior almost had
me believing…well not so much believing as willing to say I believe…

JACKSON: I know…

VALA: you are asking people to stand up and put their lives on the

JACKSON: I really believe it's the only way we're gonna have to
defend ourselves against them…

VALA: we could try shooting them…*he grins* you said the priors are
human…right? A few well aimed shots might…at least get there

JACKSON: well…you study enough religions you find that killing the
missionaries doesn't combat the overall philosophy.

VALA: The problem is that what the priors are offering sounds quite
good…until you get to the whole prostrating and burning people alive

JACKSON: There's that…and I don't think any of us have read the real
fine print yet.

VALA: Meaning?

JACKSON: Well…I personally know without a doubt, the priors are bad…

VALA: So creepy…

JACKSON: And…believe or die is an archaic moral standing… No the Ori
are wrong for doing what they're doing but the part I haven't
figured out yet…the part that's really bothering me is…why they're
doing it? I mean what do they care if people worship them or not?

Azdak walks in, They all stand. Vala with a sigh, preparing for the

AZDAK: We have decided to spare your life…*Both Vala and Jackson
sigh in relief*

VALA: Really? Thank you.

AZDAK: Your punishment…will be imprisonment for the rest of your

VALA: What? Azdak…after everything we've been through *waves between

AZDAK: you made me rub your feet

Jackson groans and makes a face, Vala hitting him through the bars.

VALA: Weren't you justly rewarded? Anyway the odd massage here and
there hardly warrants life imprisonment…

AZDAK: You lied and abused the people of this planet.

JACKSON: What about the prior?

VALA: Wait a minute…we're not done with me yet. *hits Jackson again*
AZDAK: Yes we are. As for the Prior the settlement is divided. Many
believe the Ori are worthy of our devotion.

JACKSON: and you?

A man runs in.

MAN: Thatchner has fallen ill.

JACKSON: that's the man the prior healed…

AZDAK: yes

MAN: Please hurry….we fear he may be close to death

JACKSON: *Azdak moves to go* wait Azdak……um…maybe we can help.

SCENE: Thatchner lying down, Vala goes to move healing device over
him but he stops her.

THATCHNER: I do not want you near me.

VALA: Take it easy.

JACKSON: Its ok….she's not gonna hurt him.

Vala activates the hand device over him.

VALA: there. *she stops it* how do you feel now?

THATCHNER: What have you done to me?

VALA: Hmm…*grins* making people feel good is a natural talent of mine

JACKSON: *bends down helping Thatchner* can you sit up?

THATCHNER: I do not understand. How did she do it?

JACKSON: *takes healing device* well…this is a tool. Like a hammer
or a shovel just a lot more complicated. Just because you don't
understand something at first does not mean it's the magic of the

SCENE: Azdak, Jackson, Vala and Mitchell walk along the settlement…

AZDAK: You think…that if we are united and tell this prior that we
will not heed his word he will merely go away and leave us alone?

JACKSON: Well I wish I could say for sure what would happen, all I
know is you have to make a stand.

MITCHELL: Whatever happens we'll be here to back you up.

JACKSON: But ultimately it's gonna be up to you and your people.

AZDAK: *stops turns to Vala* in exchange for saving Thatchners life
I have decided to reopen the issue of your life imprisonment…

VALA: Thank you. I have to admit it did make me feel rather good.

JACKSON: I'm sure you thought there might be a reward…

VALA: That's not what I did it *Jackson gives her a disbelieving nod*

AZDAK: Speaking of rewards…the entirety of your property will be
kept here as payment for your crimes.

VALA: Now hang on a minute…*Azdak almost faints they grab him,
pulling him upright*

JACKSON: You alright?

AZDAK: yeah yes… its just been a long day.

MAN: *runs up to them* Azdak! You must come quickly

AZDAK: What is it?

MAN: Many have fallen ill.

Azdak goes to follow the man and then faints.

SCENE: The ill have been brought into the room the trial was held in…
Vala uses the Healing device on Azdak.

AZDAK: *sits up* Thank you…you are truly blessed…

VALA: Oh I don't know about that…I'm just doing the best that I can…

AZDAK: How many have fallen ill?

VALA: I've lost count…but it's a lot

Jackson comes over to Vala and Azdak.

JACKSON: Well whatever this thing is it's spreading like wild fire…
come on we need you over here…*leaves*

VALA: We'll talk about my treasure later *Follows Jackson*

SCENE: Control room. Lam and Landry watching and speaking with
Mitchell on screen

MITCHELL: We're doing our best to quarantine the sick, Vala's using
the healing device…to cure them as they come in…but they're piling
up pretty quick…

LAM: Symptoms?

MITCHELL: Weakness, high fever…chest and stomach pains…um…they have
trouble breathing…some of the extreme cases have gone into shock
before Vala can even get to them

It doesn't sound like we're dealing with something transmitted from
person to person…not that fast we could be looking at a common
source…possible water or food…

MITCHELL: Oh…I'd…I'd say we know the source…

LANDRY: Looks like these priors want to show us they're gonna play

MITCHELL: Well they're definitely trying to establish some
credibility sir.

LAM: how are you and you're team colonel.

MITCHELL: yeah we're fine…but I reckon we could use some back up

LANDRY: On the way colonel.

MITCHELL: Thank you sir.

SCENE: Vala sitting in the large room in the pyramid. Jackson enters.

JACKSON: You alright? *Sits next to her*

VALA: no.

JACKSON: you can do this

VALA: I'm not so sure.

JACKSON: Look I know using that hand device must be taking a lot out
of you but we really…really need your help right now

VALA: Each one is getting harder…Each time it takes longer and they
keep coming I don't think I can save this whole village Daniel

JACKSON: You have to keep trying…

MITCHELL: (On radio) Jackson we have a problem here…

JACKSON: *grabs radio* Give me a minute

MITCHELL: Now please…

Jackson stares at Vala, send her a silent sorry heads off.

SCENE: Azdak has fallen ill again.

JACKSON: He was just fine.

MITCHELL: Well he's not fine now.

VALA: *drops down beside Azdak* I healed him…*looks at Jackson* if
they can get re-infected this will never end…

AZDAK: We must give in…they are too powerful

VALA: No…*she uses the healing device on him* its ok…I'm here.

SCENE: A med team in Hazmat suits gets ready to leave. Landry stops

LANDRY: Caroline

LAM: I'm chief medical officer on this base. Its my call who goes on
this mission. Given my work with the CDC infectious disease is my
specialty. *stops* I am easily the most qualified for this.

LANDRY: I know. I'm your dad. Just came by to wish you luck
and be careful

LAM: thank you. I will. *heads off*

SCENE: Azdak still really Ill

JACKSON: Hang in there. Don't give up yet. *looks over at Vala, who
is healing a woman, shaking her head*

MITCHELL: Hey…*spotting Lam, walks over, he looks a little hot…*
thanks for coming…

LAM: This is worse than I thought

MITCHELL: Yeah…they're falling pretty fast

LAM: we're gonna need a place to work.

MITCHELL: *nods, points* this way.

SCENE: Vala, motions to Jackson with her head to come over, he drops
what he's doing and goes

JACKSON: *quietly* what?

VALA: this *holds up healing device* is not working anymore…*hands
it to him* I'm sorry

JACKSON: *sighs* you have to keep trying…I mean…at least put on a
show keep their hopes up…we know you can do that

VALA: see this is exactly why I don't even think about trying to
help people. *jumps* I'm terrible at it, because of me…these poor
souls are either gonna die horribly or they're gonna give into the
prior in the hopes that he'll heal them

JACKSON: *snaps quietly* that's not because of you!

VALA: I cannot make them better! And if I hadn't have been so
worried about my precious treasure I would never have opened my big
fat mouth and we never would have come here.

JACKSON: Then these people would still have to either convert to
origin or face the consequences. And that's a dilemma the rest of
our galaxy is going to have to worry about.

LAM: *Walks over to them * May I speak with you?

Jackson gives Vala back the hand device follows Lam. Vala and Teal'c
follow too. They walk into the large room in the pyramid.

LAM: I've pretty much ruled out bacterial infection at this point
I'm treating with an antiviral cocktail, we're just gonna have to
wait and see

JACKSON: any idea why the hand device seems to have lost its

LAM: *they stop* First I'd have to understand even remotely how that
thing works. I do know its not unheard of for viruses to mutate and
become immune to whatever's trying to attack it

JACKSON: alright…I don't know if this helps or not but we know the
ancients were almost wiped out by a similar plague *Lam nods* I'm
just bringing it up in case there's something in the research that's
already been done.

VALA: You think the Ori gave it to them? *he shrugs*

LAM: I am aware that sg-1 was infected with a virus and then cured
by an ancient found frozen down in Antarctica. Now…the symptoms and
rate of progression here…are remarkably similar.

TEAL'C: Do you have any hypotheses as to why we have not been

LAM: No…we're still looking at your blood work…excuse me *she leaves
Teal'c follows*

VALA: *to Jackson * feel my forehead am I hot? Hotter than usual
*takes his hand* well *puts it on her head* you know what I mean…

SCENE: Control room. Lam reporting back to Landry and Harriman.

LAM: I'm sorry…I'm sure you know how much I wanted to walk in here
and solve this.

LANDRY: Hey you wanted to be a doctor

LAM: I've seen some bad situations before but nothing like this…

LANDRY: And based on that comparison what's that prognosis?

LAM: If we don't make a big breakthrough really soon…these people
are going to need a miracle

NURSE: (on radio) Dr Lam. You're need immediately

LAM: I have to go. Lam out.

SCENE: In the large room, in pyramid, Lam walks in; Vala passes her
computer hand held

VALA: This is bad right

LAM: The virus is shutting down his internal organs. He can't
process toxins within his own system…he's essentially being poisoned
to death.

VALA: Can't you give him more medicine

LAM: As it is this may be the virus bouncing back against treatment…
I hate having to say this…but there's nothing I can do.

Camera pans down to reveal Mitchell. Team looks worried.

SCENE: Opens on Lam

LAM: Time of death. 14 hours 18 minutes after preliminary symptoms
were first noted. *Its Azdak, they cover his head* remove the body
and prep him for autopsy. *heads off*

VALA: *stops nurse* can I have a minute with him first?

Vala pulls down the cloth, and bites back tears. Lam walks up to

JACKSON: This is the first. not the last. I've got to get back to
Colonel Mitchell.

Jackson Walks over kneeling behind Vala, she stares off trying hard
not to cry.

JACKSON: You did everything you could.

THATCHNER: *SHOUTS* He has returned! The prior of the Ori has

VALA: You go ahead Daniel. *he heads off*

SCENE: The prior is stopped by Thatchner.

THATCHNER: Please you must save us. Forgive those blinded by
ignorance. People are dieing. Our children are dieing. They will
believe. They do believe.

PRIOR: Still…not all of you. *looks beyond him*

THATCHNER: *Jackson and Teal'c walk over* they are not of us. They
do not speak for us.

JACKSON: Why are you doing this?

PRIOR: From the smallest seeds of doubt springs forth a mighty
poisonous tree of evil.

JACKSON: Yeah alright. Cut the crap. This is my fault alright. I'm
the one who told these people that if they didn't bow down to you…
bow down to the ori. You might just give up and go away. Well I was
wrong. I understand now. You don't have to kill them to prove a
point to me.

PRIOR: Do you truly understand?

JACKSON: I understand this isn't about you and me.

PRIOR: it is about all the children of the Ori.

VALA: Enough. *she walks up next to Jackson, holding P-90* heal
these people now.


VALA: No Daniel I've had it with the Ori I think its time we sent
them a message. Or will you heal them

PRIOR: Only their faith can heal them now.

VALA: Then you are useless to us *pulls p-90 up firing at prior, the
bullets stop just short of his body and drop to the ground*

THATCHNER: Stop at once. Please do not let their evil deeds doom us.
*he kneels* we all bow to the power of the Ori. *the other follow
and Bow too*

PRIOR: Hallowed are the Ori

CROWD: Hallowed are the Ori

He hits the ground with his stick; it glows and passes over the
whole settlement. As the light fades, Mitchell wakes, Lam sitting by

LAM: Colonel.

MITCHELL: Ugh…wow. Have you got a couple of aspirin?

MALE NURSE: *runs in* Dr Lam!

LAM: *waves him off* how are you feeling.

MITCHELL: Tingly…how about we pretend I didn't say that

LAM: Ok…you hang on…and I'll be right back. *She and male nurse run

MITCHELL: Hey what did I miss?

Lam and male nurse hurry out all the sick have been cured and are
getting up.

LAM: Oh my god.

MALE NURSE: That's not all. *points*

Azdak, is alive and sitting up.

SCENE: The prior walks up to Jackson

PRIOR: Tell others what you have seen today. *he leaves, the crowd
bowing to him*

The end

Kikavu ?

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