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Retrouvez dans cette rubrique quelques unes des citations récoltées à droite et à gauche, mais principalement sur josh-jackson.net, touchant de près Joshua Jackson. Il s'agit souvent de mots de collaborateurs comme des citations propres à l'acteur.

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"I'm much more interested in becoming a good man than in becoming a good actor." Joshua Jackson

(un de ses personnages) and I don't have too much in common...
other than the fact that we're both fabulously good looking"
Joshua Jackson

 "I'm just trying to be all the leading man you're used to..." Josh to Katie Holmes 

I've got to find myself a nice southern belle."  Joshua Jackson

"Josh Jackson is a goofball. He's funny. He's Crazy. He's a lot of fun to be around". - Meredith Monroe

"I can flirt and have fun, but at the end of the day, I'm not Tom Cruise. Girls are not falling all over me."
Joshua Jackson

"He's a lover. He wants to know how you are and what's going on in your life." Ali Larder 

One moment, he's making you laugh, the next he's talking about authors & books and these theories. You never know what to expect.

Meredith Monroe

 "Once you've seen my ass, there are really no secrets between us"
Joshua Jackson

 "If girls were going after me, I would not only admit it, but I would probably exaggerate about the swarming masses. At this point it is narrowed down to my little sister and a couple of girls I grew up with, but they don't exactly swarm."
 Joshua Jackson

"When I [met Josh], I realized that he encompassed it all, he had the magnetism and the charisma and the sex appeal. He was perfect."
Kevin Williamson

 "I like blond girls. I like brunette girls, too. I am a fan of women; hair color is negotiable."

"He's just Josh Jackson, a really talented, kind, giving person."
Leslie Bibb

"Josh? One word...gorgeous."
Meredith Monroe 

 "Josh is a very good actor and a great friend. I respect and love him very much. We even have sort of a 'Dawson-Joey' type of relationship, so I'm very fortunate."
Katie Holmes

"I don't think you'll ever have to worry about me playing the stud. I don't think that's ever going to be a concern."
Joshua Jackson

I like laughing when I'm at work; I like falling in love with the girl. Maybe I'm just a big softie. 
Joshua Jackson

 "I would say Josh is, well, we're going to see a lot of him, a very talented actor and very fun to work with"
Katie Holmes

"I think he has a sort of Tom Hanks/George Clooney-esque quality. He gets more and more charming by the day."
Kevin Williamson

"I'm not a flagrant consumer. No Mercedes for me. But I definitely like having cash in my pocket."
"Jackson has an Everyman quality like Spencer Tracy and Tom Hanks that makes him appealing to all."
Rob Cohen

"I'm pretty far from being voted Sexiest Man Alive."

"Let's be honest, I'm happy cause I got the girl."

"The only thing that I've noticed, is that there is a pitch to the screams of the young girls that can't possibly be simulated in labs."

"Josh is the man. He's very good at what he does...he's hilarious. He's just crazy. He gets all of the ladies but other than that.. I'd definately work with him again." -
Paul Walker

"Josh has it. He has intelligence, charm and humor, and I predict great stardom for him."
Rob Cohen, Director

"Josh is the most comfortable person I know. I think that's why women like him."
Ali Larder

You want to compare me to the Brat Pack, feel free, I mean I don't have a problem with that. If you want to compare me to Joe, the guy who fixes your plumbing, that might be a different story."

Quelques traductions
"I'm much more interested in becoming a good man than in becoming a good actor."
Josh Jackson

je suis davantage intéressé par devenir un homme bon que par devenir un bon acteur

"He's just Josh Jackson, a really talented, kind, giving person." - Leslie Bibb
"il est juste JJ, un mec vraiment talentueux, gentil et (bon textuellement "qui donne de sa personne" pour giving enfin vous comprenez le sens!)

Josh is a contradiction. He's older than his age, but he's still a kid - co-star Lena Headey
Josh est une contradiction. il est plus vieux que son âge mais c'est toujours un enfant (en gros il est super mature mais il reste un gamin dans l'âme, enfin moi j'interprete ça comme ça de ce que j'ai lu ailleurs) .

He may wear the same T-shirt for seven weeks, but he's a real sweetheart & will try anything. - co-star Lena Headey
il peut porter le même t-shirt pendant 7 semaines, mais c'est vraiment un coeur et il serait prêt à faire n'importe quoi.

 "Josh is a very good actor and a great friend. I respect and love him very much. We even have sort of a 'Dawson-Joey' type of relationship, so I'm very fortunate." - Katie Holmes
Josh est un très bon acteur et un merveilleux ami. je le respecte et je l'aime beaucoup. Nous avons une relation du type Dawson-Joey, donc j'ai vraiment de la chance.

I like laughing when I'm at work; I like falling in love with the girl. Maybe I'm just a big softie. - Josh
J'aime rire quand je suis au travail, j'aime tomber amoureux. je suis peut-être un gros sentimental.

 "I would say Josh is, well, we're going to see a lot of him, a very talented actor and very fun to work with" - Katie Holmes
Je dirais que Josh est, euh, nous allons bcp le voir, un acteur très talentueux et c'est vraiment marrant de bosser avec lui.

One moment, he's making you laugh, the next he's talking about authors & books and these theories. You never know what to expect. - Meredith Monroe 
A un moment il vous fait rire, juste après il est en train de vous parler d'auteur et de livres et de leur thèses. Vous ne savez jamais à quoi vous attendre.

"I think he has a sort of Tom Hanks/George Clooney-esque quality. He gets more and more charming by the day." - Kevin Williamson
Je pense qu'il a une espèce de T.H/GC qualité. il devient de + en + charmant chaque jour.

"I'm not a flagrant consumer. No Mercedes for me. But I definitely like having cash in my pocket." - Josh
je ne suis pas un énorme consommateur. pas de mercedes pour moi. mais j'aime définitivement avoir de l'argent dans ma poche

"I've never slept with any English teachers, but if any English teachers want to come forward now..." - Josh
je n'ai jamais couché avec une prof d'anglais (surement une réponse à une question concernant la relation pacey/tamara) mais si une prof d'anglais veut venir me voir maintenant...

 "He's the everyman. But special. The best hopes we have for ourselves. I think what makes him so special is that, inside that body, is a thousand-year-old soul. And a gigantic heart." - Rob Cohen
il est monsieur tout le monde. le meilleur espoir que nous avons pour nous même. je pense que ce qui le rend si spécial c'est quand dans ce corps il y a une âme de 1000 ans. et un gigantesk coeur"

"I'm pretty far from being voted Sexiest Man Alive." - Josh
je suis assez loin d'être élu "sexiest man alive"

"Let's be honest, I'm happy cause I got the girl." - Josh
laisse moi être honnete, je suis heureux parce que j'ai LA fille

"Josh is the man. He's very good at what he does...he's hilarious. He's just crazy. He gets all of the ladies but other than that.. I'd definately work with him again." - Paul Walker
josh est le mec. il est très bon dans ce qu'il fait...il est hilarant. il est tout simplement fou. il tombe toutes les filles mais à par ça...j'aimerai vraiment retravailler avec lui

"Josh has it. He has intelligence, charm and humor, and I predict great stardom for him." - Rob Cohen, Director
josh l'a. il a l'intelligence, le charme et l'humour et je lui prédis une grande carrière

"Josh is the most comfortable person I know. I think that's why women like him." - Ali Larder
josh est la personne la + "confortable" que je connaisse (donc en gros il prend pas la tête au gens) je pense que c'est pour ça que les femmes l'aiment

"You want to compare me to the Brat Pack, feel free, I mean I don't have a problem with that. If you want to compare me to Joe, the guy who fixes your plumbing, that might be a different story." - Josh
tu veux me comparer à Brat Pack, fais comme tu le sens, je veux dire j'ai aucun problème avec ça. si tu veux me coparer à Joe, le mec qui fixe "ta plomberie" (ou tes raccords...) là c'est une autre histoire

 "You know, at the end of the day, I can only be me. I could try to convince you that I'm Leonardo DiCaprio...but I'm Josh. And I don't want to spend my time projecting a false image."
tu sais, à la fin de la journée, je peux simplement être moi. je pourrais essayer de te convaincre que je suis LD...mais je suis josh. et je ne veux pas passer ma vie à projeter une image fausse 

He's a lover
. (ça vous comprenez) He wants to know how you are and what's going on in your life." il veut savoir comment vous allez et ce qui se passe dans voter vie- Ali Larder
en résumer, il demande pas "ça va" par politesse comme tout le monde, il s'intéresse à la réponse  

Ecrit par abiramy 
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