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#317 : Une question d'éthique

Une journée de repos à priori tranquille se transforme en succession de drames après une explosion dans la cité.


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Une question d'éthique

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Scénariste(s) : Martin Gero
Réalisateur(s) : William Waring

L'épisode commence par une discussion entre Teyla et une scientifique (le docteur Houston). Elles parlent des amours de Teyla qui a apparemment quelqu'un en vue mais refuse de faire le premier pas. Ne voulant pas en parler davantage, Teyla change de sujet et dérive sur la journée de repos collective du personnel d'Atlantis. Le docteur Heightmeyer (la psychiatre) a, en effet, préconisé une journée de repos hebdomadaire pour reposer les troupes.

Houston propose à Teyla de déjeuner, ce que l'Athosienne accepte mais elle a oublié ses bâtons d'entraînement au gymnase. Elle y retourne pour les chercher tandis que la scientifique avance vers le mess. Teyla a à peine le temps de faire quelques pas qu'une explosion retentie, la projetant à quelques mètres de là. Quand elle reprend conscience, elle voit qu'un débris s'est planté dans son abdomen.


Trois heures plus tôt.

Dans son bureau, le docteur Weir travaille. Un scientifique (Mike Branton) l'interrompt et lui propose de déjeuner avec lui. Elle commence par refuser, ne voulant pas mélanger travail et plaisir, mais Branton l'embrouille en lui affirmant que ce n'est pas un rendez-vous mais un simple déjeuner. Il ne lui laisse guère le choix, sortant tout en lui disant qu'il l'attendra une heure plus tard, à l'entrée du mess.

Plus tard, le docteur Weir va voir Teyla dans ses quartiers. Les deux femmes avaient prévu de manger ensemble. Le docteur Weir informe Teyla qu'elle a été invitée à déjeuner par Mike Branton, elle lui demande donc si ça ne la dérange pas d'annuler leur déjeuner. Teyla la rassure : le docteur Houston lui a demandé de lui donner un cours de combat aux bâtons, elle aura donc de quoi occuper son après-midi.

Un peu plus tard encore, Weir - qui s'est changée - croise le docteur Carson Beckett dans un couloir de la Cité. Il lui fait remarquer que c'est la première fois depuis longtemps qu'il la voit autrement qu'en uniforme. Il lui demande si elle veut se joindre à lui et Rodney McKay pour une partie de pêche sur le continent, elle refuse. Beckett lui demande alors avec si elle a un rendez-vous galant et avec qui. Elle ne lui répond pas, il fait alors la remarque que ce ne sont pas ses affaires et la laisse partir pour le mess tout en lui disant, sur un ton taquin, qu'elle sent bon. Ce à quoi, Elizabeth répond par un "La ferme".

Au mess, Le docteur Weir et le docteur Branton se chamaillent à propos de deux films : "Quand Harry rencontre Sally" et "Annie Hall". Elizabeth aime tout particulièrement le premier, tandis que le docteur Branton préfère le second. Vu leur divergence d'opinion, le docteur Weir pense que leur "relation" va se limiter à ce déjeuner. Branton l'emmène alors sur l'un des balcons de la Cité pour finir leur repas en profitant de la magnifique vue. Après un débat sur les bienfaits et les méfaits des interruptions, Mike Branton embrasse le docteur Weir. Elle se lève et essaye de lui faire comprendre en douceur qu'entre eux, ça ne va pas être possible. Ils sont interrompus par Chuck, le technicien canadien en charge du DHD qui demande par radio à ce que le docteur Weir se rende en salle de contrôle.

En salle de contrôle, Chuck informe le docteur Weir qu'il y a eu une explosion près du gymnase. Il y a trois morts et une douzaine de blessés graves. Elizabeth demande s'il y a eu un dysfonctionnement quelque part, mais d'après Chuck, ce n'est pas le cas. Weir pense alors à une bombe.

Cinq heures plus tôt.

Teyla se trouve dans un couloir où John Sheppard et Ronon Dex la rejoignent. Sheppard lui demande si elle n'a pas oublié le cours de golf qu'il devait leur donner à elle et à Ronon Dex. Teyla n'a pas oublié mais trouve un prétexte pour y échapper : elle doit déjeuner avec le docteur Weir et rattraper son retard dans ses rapports de mission. Elle les laisse la-dessus en tapotant le bras de Ronon dans un signe d'encouragement. Ronon tente la même excuse que Teyla : les rapports. Mais John n'est pas dupe et l'entraîne pour le cours.

Sur l'un des balcons de la Cité, John et un scientifique (le docteur Watson) frappent quelques balles sous l'oeil de Ronon. Sheppard lui explique le principe du jeu et Ronon prend la place du scientifique. Il tient son club d'une seule main et frappe une balle que les trois hommes ne voient même pas atterrir. John est jaloux et souligne que le golf est un jeu de précision et non de distance. Le docteur Beckett les rejoint. Watson en profite pour lui faire part d'une douleur bizarre qu'il ressent dans la poitrine. Beckett lui dit qu'il est en congé et que s'il ressent le besoin de voir un médecin, le docteur Cole est de garde à l'infirmerie. Le scientifique comprend et les laisse. Beckett demande aux deux hommes restant s'ils veulent venir avec lui et McKay pêcher sur le continent. Sheppard et Ronon refusent, Beckett n'insiste pas plus et les abandonne. Sheppard reprend son jeu mais Ronon dit qu'il est l'heure pour un vrai sport, il repart à l'intérieur de la Cité suivi par Sheppard.

Ils se retrouvent dans le gymnase où Ronon initie Sheppard à un jeu Satédien. Il s'agit en fait plus d'un entraînement où à chaque manche le niveau de difficulté augmente que d'un vrai jeu. John perd évidemment toutes les manches. Finalement, Sheppard - dépité - a une autre idée.

Sheppard et Ronon sont dans les quartiers du colonel où ils écoutent de la musique et boivent des bières tout en discutant de leur vie sentimentale. John demande à Ronon s'il sort avec quelqu'un (femme ou homme). Ronon répond qu'il n'est pas encore prêt, il a laissé une fiancée sur Satéda. Pour changer de sujet, Ronon demande à John quand il se mariera. John lui répond qu'il a déjà donné et que ça n'a été un de ses meilleurs moments. Ronon lui dit alors qu'il pensait que lui et Teyla finiraient ensemble. John semble y réfléchir mais il est interrompu par un bruit d'explosion.

Ils se rendent dans le couloir où s'est produite l'explosion. Beckett, qui s'y trouve déjà, les informe des morts et blessés. Un brancard passe à proximité d'eux, il s'agit de Teyla. Sheppard demande à Beckett si elle va s'en sortir, Carson ne répond pas disant juste qu'il doit l'emmener à l'infirmerie. Après le départ de Beckett, Sheppard aperçoit Radek Zelenka qui analyse la situation. Il leur fait part de ce qu'il sait, c'est à dire que les témoins affirment que le docteur Houston a simplement " explosée ". Sheppard demande s'il s'agit d'un attentat suicide, mais Zelenka en doute, il n'y a aucun résidu d'un quelconque explosif.

Quatorze heures plus tôt.

McKay est dans l'infirmerie où il passe un savon aux docteurs Houston et Watson. Il les avait envoyés cataloguer un laboratoire Ancien mais les deux scientifiques ont allumé un des appareils qui s'y trouvaient. Ils l'ont éteint dès qu'ils se sont rendus compte qu'il émettait des radiations, ce qui n'empêche pas Rodney de leur faire un sermon sur le potentiel de dangerosité des artefacts Anciens. Cependant, d'après le docteur Beckett, leurs analyses sont correctes, ils devront juste revenir dans vingt-quatre heures pour un contrôle. En attendant, ils peuvent tous repartir à leurs occupations.

Plus tard dans la journée, McKay se rend au laboratoire de botanique où il retrouve le docteur Katie Brown qui s'occupe de bébés fougères susceptibles de guérir la leucémie. Rodney lui demande de l'aide pour échapper à la partie de pêche avec Carson Beckett. Katie est désolée, mais elle est coincée avec ses fougères. Rodney lui dit alors qu'ils peuvent très bien manger dans le labo, il n'a qu'à aller chercher du ravitaillement au mess et revenir aussitôt.

Au mess, McKay croise le docteur Beckett et lui annonce qu'il passe la journée avec Katie Brown et qu'il ne pourra donc pas venir pêcher avec lui, en revanche, il lui promet de remettre ça la semaine prochaine. Beckett est déçu mais ne le montre pas trop. Il va partir à la recherche de quelqu'un pour l'accompagner. Il sort après avoir pris de quoi manger.

De retour dans le laboratoire de botanique, Rodney et Katie discutent tout en mangeant. Rodney explique qu'avoir vu sa soeur si heureuse avec sa famille lui donne des envies de mariage et qu'il se sent prêt pour cela. S'en suit un léger quiproquo entre lui et la botaniste qui pourrait penser que McKay lui fait une proposition. Ils sont interrompus par le bruit de l'explosion. McKay sort voir ce qui se passe.

Nous revenons à la scène où Sheppard et Ronon demandent des explications au docteur Zelenka dans le couloir où il y a eu l'explosion. McKay contact par radio Zelenka qui lui dit être avec le colonel et Ronon. McKay a quelque chose, il leur demande de venir à son labo.

Dans le laboratoire de McKay, celui-ci expose ce qu'il a trouvé. Les docteurs Houston et Watson devaient cataloguer un laboratoire Ancien récemment découvert. Ils ont allumé un appareil et l'ont éteint immédiatement lorsqu'ils se sont rendus compte qu'il émettait des radiations étranges. Beckett les a auscultés mais n'a rien trouvé d'anormal, il les a donc laissés partir et McKay a décidé de reporter l'analyse de l'appareil Ancien. Il n'aurait pas dû. En effet, cet appareil est en fait une arme destinée à combattre les Wraiths, mais les Anciens l'ont abandonnée quand ils se sont aperçus qu'elle affectait toute personne à proximité en créant des tumeurs explosives au niveau des poumons ! Ce qui explique le sort fatal subi par le docteur Houston. Or, le docteur Watson a été irradié lui-aussi, il doit donc avoir également une de ces tumeurs prête à exploser. Il faut le retrouver rapidement.

A l'infirmerie, le docteur Beckett examine la jambe d'un patient inconscient. Ce n'est pas très grave mais il doit s'en occuper tout de suite. Beckett demande le nom du patient : James Watson.

Deux heures plus tôt.

Retour au mess où McKay se défile auprès de Beckett pour sa partie de pêche. Rodney lui dit qu'il trouvera certainement quelqu'un pour l'accompagner, Beckett n'en doute pas et après avoir pris de quoi manger par à la recherche d'un second pêcheur.

Dans un couloir de la Cité qui sert de salle pour le club d'échec, Beckett retrouve Zelenka (en pleine partie) et lui propose de venir pêcher avec lui. Zelenka refuse, il joue pour un massage suédois gratuit auprès du docteur Ambrose et comme personne ne peut le battre... Il propose en revanche au médecin d'aller pêcher la semaine suivante. Beckett accepte et laisse Zelenka à sa partie qu'il gagne aussitôt après.

Sur l'un des balcons de la Cité, Beckett retrouve cette fois-ci le major Lorne en pleine séance de peinture. Beckett ignorait que le militaire peignait, et il est plutôt doué. Lorne explique que sa mère était professeur de peinture et qu'ils peignaient ensemble le week-end. Comme le militaire a l'air pris par sa toile, Beckett n'espère pas trop qu'il l'accompagne pêcher mais lui propose quand même. Comme il s'y attendait, Lorne refuse, il voudrait terminer son " oeuvre ".

Beckett va par la suite voir le docteur Biro dans ses quartiers. Il tente de lui demander quelque chose mais la légiste lui coupe sans cesse la parole. Beckett fini par abandonner en lui souhaitant une bonne journée de repos.

Finalement, Beckett retourne à l'infirmerie où il retrouve le docteur Cole. Celle-ci lui demande ce qu'il fait là. Il lui explique que sa journée de pêche étant tombée à l'eau, il vient rattraper le retard qu'il a dans ses dossiers. Beckett remarque que sa collègue n'est pas très en forme et pour cause, elle a une migraine. Beckett lui dit d'aller se reposer, il va la remplacer, de toutes façons, il n'a que ça à faire. Le docteur Cole le remercie chaleureusement et s'en va.

Beckett termine de soigner une jeune femme qui s'est foulée la cheville en faisant du volley en sandale quand l'explosion retentie. Beckett prend la direction des opérations médicales et donne l'ordre de réquisitionner les infirmiers et médecins disponibles. Par radio, il demande le lieu de l'explosion et s'y rend.

Dans le couloir de l'explosion, nous revoyons la scène où Beckett briefe le colonel Sheppard et Ronon sur le nombre de morts et de blessés. Il accompagne Teyla jusqu'à l'infirmerie et lui explique qu'elle a un débris dans l'abdomen mais qu'ils vont l'emmener au bloc pour le lui enlever.

Dans le bloc opératoire, Beckett a fini d'opérer Teyla, Il ordonne qu'on la transfert en réanimation et son infirmière lui indique qu'un autre patient l'attend : il a eu la jambe touchée dans l'explosion.

Après un rappel de la scène dans laquelle McKay explique à Sheppard, Ronon et Zelenka qu'il faut absolument trouver le docteur Watson, nous revenons à l'infirmerie où le docteur Beckett et son équipe s'apprêtent à opérer le-dit Watson. Juste avant qu'ils commencent, McKay appelle par haut-parleur le docteur Watson en lui demandant de signaler immédiatement sa position. Beckett demande à son infirmière de voir de quoi il s'agit. Dans son labo, McKay apprend que Watson est avec Beckett. Rodney demande à parler avec le médecin. Au bloc, l'infirmière met sa radio à l'oreille de Beckett. Rodney lui explique qu'ils doivent quitter les lieux car son patient a une tumeur explosive dans la poitrine. Sheppard a envoyé une équipe de désamorçage, mais l'équipe médicale doit se rendre en lieux sûrs en laissant le docteur Watson là où il est. Beckett ordonne à son staff de quitter les lieux, il met en place un protocole 7 pour tout le niveau. Voyant qu'il reste, son infirmière en chef reste aussi car il ne peut pas opérer tout seul. Beckett lui ordonne de partir mais elle refuse, il cède et va activer son code personnel d'identification pour boucler le niveau. Il remercie la jeune femme puis lui demande d'installer le scanner : ils ont une tumeur à enlever.

Nous avons ensuite une série d'aller-retour entre le laboratoire de McKay et le bloc opératoire. McKay et Sheppard tentent de raisonner Beckett en lui disant que la tumeur peut exploser à tout moment, il est trop dangereux de l'opérer. Beckett ne veut rien entendre, pour lui, ne rien faire reviendrait à un meurtre. Sur-ce, il coupe la communication.

Dans le laboratoire de McKay, le docteur Weir a rejoint les quatre hommes déjà présents. Cela fait déjà dix minutes que Beckett opère Watson et la tumeur n'a toujours pas explosé. Weir demande à Rodney s'il peut craquer le code de Beckett, mais Rodney répond que ça lui prendra une demi-heure, la tumeur aura certainement explosée d'ici-là.

Au bloc, Beckett retire enfin la tumeur et la place dans un conteneur médical. Il informe Sheppard qu'il déverrouille le niveau, l'équipe de déminage peut enfin passer. Mais, elle met trop de temps à arriver au goût du médecin, il demande alors à Sheppard d'informer l'équipe qu'il les retrouvera à mi-chemin.

Beckett avance lentement dans les couloirs. Il arrive au niveau de l'équipe de déminage et leur passe le conteneur. Il en informe Sheppard et se retourne pour s'occuper de son patient.

Malheureusement, la tumeur explose alors qu'il n'est pas encore en sécurité, tuant l'équipe de déminage et Beckett.

Dans les quartiers de Beckett, McKay range les affaires du médecin dans des cartons. Ronon entre et lui demande s'il veut de l'aide. Rodney répond que ça va aller, Carson n'avait pas grand-chose. Ronon demande ce qu'ils vont en faire. Rodney répond qu'ils vont renvoyer le corps sur Terre et qu'il préviendra la mère de Carson mais pour ce qui est de ses affaires, il n'en sait rien. Il enchaîne sur le fait qu'il aurait dû aller pêcher avec le médecin, qu'il n'aurait pas dû envoyer deux novices pour cataloguer le laboratoire Ancien, qu'il aurait dû examiner la machine plus tôt... Ronon lui dit de ne pas s'en vouloir, ce qui est fait est fait. Rodney réplique qu'il sait, et que c'est ça qui le tue. Ronon, le laisse finir de rassembler les affaires de Carson.

A l'infirmerie, Sheppard vient voir comment se porte Teyla. Elle veut se rendre à la chapelle ardente mais Sheppard ne pense pas que ce soit une bonne idée. Elle insiste. Il va pour prendre une chaise roulante mais Teyla refuse, elle veut se tenir debout en hommage à Beckett. Elle demande à Sheppard comment il va. Celui-ci élude en lui disant que ce n'est pas lui qui sort d'une opération. Teyla lui redemande. Il répond que pour l'instant, il n'a pas encore réalisé, alors il va bien, puis il l'aide à se lever.

Devant la porte des étoiles, le cercueil a été installé, un drapeau écossais le recouvre. Tout le personnel d'Atlantis est rassemblé pour rendre hommage au docteur Beckett. Après un émouvant discours du docteur Weir, la porte des étoiles est activée et Sheppard, Ronon, McKay, Lorne, Zelenka et le docteur Cole emportent le cercueil sur Terre au son d'une cornemuse.

Sur une des plate-formes d'Atlantis, McKay regarde l'horizon. Beckett le rejoint et lui demande comment s'est passé le retour sur Terre. Pour Rodney, ça a été horrible. Il lui dit que sa famille est extraordinaire et que l'église était pleine. Carson trouve cela agréable à entendre. Rodney fait la réflexion que l'univers est immense, ils se reverront peut-être un jour. Puis il lui demande pardon. Carson lui répond que ce n'est pas de sa faute et lui demande de prendre soin de lui. Rodney lui dit au revoir puis la caméra fait un zoom arrière alors que Carson disparaît.


Source Gateship-one

ATLANTIS. Teyla Emmagan and a young female scientist, Doctor
Houston, are strolling through the city. They are wearing sweatpants
and tops and both have a small backpack.
TEYLA: I could *never* just say that to him!
HOUSTON: Why not? You like him, don't you?
TEYLA: That is not the point.
HOUSTON: I think that's *exactly* the point, actually.
TEYLA: The ways of my people are different. I would *never* ...
HOUSTON (interrupting): He's not gonna make the first move.
TEYLA: We shall see.
HOUSTON: Look – you know him better than I do.
TEYLA: I would hope so!
HOUSTON: But I wouldn't be surprised if he was oblivious to the whole
TEYLA: It bears no further discussion.
HOUSTON: Alright! I'm just saying, if you want me to have somebody
drop some hints ...
TEYLA (interrupting): Do you remember the last time so many people
had the day off?
HOUSTON: Yeah, it's all Heightmeyer's doing. She insisted that the
brass order some sort of mandatory rest day. I guess downtime here
doesn't really happen organically. Hey, and don't think I haven't
realised you've changed the subject.
TEYLA: My people have a day of rest every four nights.
HOUSTON: Ooh, now *that* is civilised!
HOUSTON: Hey, wanna grab a late lunch?
TEYLA: I would like that. (She stops and hesitates.) I forgot my
bantos while I was at the gym.
TEYLA: Can I meet you there?
(She grins as Teyla turns and heads back in the direction they just
came from. Teyla walks away smiling. A couple of seconds later, a
massive explosion goes off just behind her. The blast wave throws
her forward as a fireball envelops the corridor. People scream.
Alarms start to go off. Teyla, dazed by her fall, raises her head
groggily. As secondary explosions go off, a man enveloped in fire
runs towards her screaming. As he stumbles around the corridor
burning, Teyla tries to get up to help him but gasps in pain and
looks down her body. A large sharp chunk of metal has hit her and is
buried deep in her side. She lays back down in shock, then passes

ELIZABETH'S OFFICE. Doctor Elizabeth Weir is sitting at her desk
working on her laptop. A good looking casually-dressed young man
with dark hair and a beard comes to the door.
BRANTON (walking into the office): What are you, uh, what are you
doing here?
WEIR: I work here. (She smiles at him.)
BRANTON: But it's our day off.
WEIR: Well, shouldn't *you* be enjoying your leisure time, then?
BRANTON: I got a little behind on my research this week. (He jerks
his head towards the Control Room to indicate where he has just
been.) Just wanted to drop off some results for the next Earth
WEIR: Great. Good. (Smiling, she starts to type again.)
BRANTON: I was thinking about grabbing some food. Care to join?
WEIR: I can't. I've ... (She gestures at her laptop.)
BRANTON: You're not capable of having lunch?
(Elizabeth laughs.)
WEIR: Yes, I'm capable.
BRANTON: Are you planning on eating today?
WEIR: Of course.
BRANTON: Great. Eat with me. (He smiles down at her.)
WEIR: Look, it's nothing personal, but I make it a point to not have
relationships with people who work for me.
BRANTON: I don't work for you.
WEIR: I'm your boss.
BRANTON: Well, you're my boss' boss, actually.
WEIR: Still, however indirectly ...
BRANTON: Yeah, but with that thinking, everyone on this entire planet
works for you. You're not gonna be friends with any of them?
WEIR: Friends is one thing. (Nervously, she starts typing again.)
BRANTON: Oh, you think ... Oh, wait a second, I see what's happening
here. You think I'm asking you out on a date. No-no-no-no, this
isn't a date. This is ... (he sits down opposite her) ... this is
lunch. This is the mandatory refuelling of our bodies. This is
putting food in your mouth and chewing it and having something more
engaging than a wall sitting across from you. That's all it is.
(Elizabeth can't help but smile.)
BRANTON: I mean, come on, you've gotta admit, I am much more
appealing than a wall, no?
(Elizabeth looks at him.)
BRANTON: Well, you don't *have* to admit it, but it'd be a massive
blow to my ego if you thought otherwise.
WEIR: You are more appealing than a wall.
BRANTON: Great. Now what say we go grab some grub? (He stands up.)
WEIR: Oh, I still have an hour of work to do, and then ...
BRANTON: An hour, then. I'll see you in the Mess Hall.
(He turns and leaves the office. Elizabeth looks confused.)

TEYLA'S QUARTERS. Teyla's doorbell beeps. She goes to the door,
passes her hand over the wall panel and the door opens. Elizabeth is
standing on the other side.
TEYLA: Elizabeth! You're early. Just give me a moment. (She turns
to go back into the room.)
WEIR (coming in): Um, how set on lunch were you today?
WEIR: Well, something's come up.
TEYLA: Elizabeth, surely whatever work it is you feel you *must* get
done can wait.
WEIR: I was invited to lunch by Mike Branton.
(Teyla grins.)
TEYLA: Oh, really?
WEIR: You and I, we had plans.
TEYLA: My friend, Doctor Houston, just radioed me. She wants me to
teach her some bantos fighting this afternoon. So do not worry – I
will have something to occupy my time.
(Elizabeth smiles a little nervously.)
WEIR: OK. (She starts to walk towards the door, then turns back
again.) Are you sure?
TEYLA (firmly): Yes!
(She smiles encouragingly at Elizabeth, who smiles back, still
looking a little nervous.)
(She passes her hand over the wall panel. As the door opens she
smiles nervously back at Teyla. Teyla waves to her, then giggles.)

LATER. Elizabeth has changed into casual clothes – slacks and a pale
green top which is lower cut than her usual tops – and is walking
along the corridor. Doctor Carson Beckett, also dressed casually,
comes along the corridor from another direction.
BECKETT (to someone passing by): Hullo.
(He spots Elizabeth and stops her.)
BECKETT: Oh! Don't *you* look lovely!
WEIR: Thank you, Carson.
(She looks a little embarrassed as she starts to walk again. Carson
walks with her.)
BECKETT: That's the first time I've seen you out of your base uniform
in quite some time now.
WEIR (awkwardly): No, I don't know about that.
BECKETT: Off somewhere special?
WEIR: No, just getting some lunch.
BECKETT: Ah. Rodney and I are going fishing on the mainland this
WEIR: I know – I cleared the use for the Jumper.
BECKETT: Care to join us? Who knows what kind of wonderful fish
we'll find.
WEIR: That's very kind, but some other time, maybe.
(Carson takes her arm and stops her.)
BECKETT: Oh! What, do you have a hot date?!
WEIR: What?! Who told you that?
BECKETT: No-one. I was joking. I was right! Who is it?
(Elizabeth hesitates. Carson smiles.)
BECKETT: None of my business. (He gestures for her to continue on.)
Have a lovely afternoon, Elizabeth.
WEIR: Thank you!
(She starts to hurry away.)
BECKETT (to her departing back): You smell good, too.
WEIR: Shut up!
(Carson chuckles.)

MESS HALL. Elizabeth and Mike are sitting opposite each other at a
table eating a sandwich lunch.
BRANTON: And you believe that?
WEIR: Yes.
BRANTON: Truly and in your heart you believe that?
WEIR: I do.
(Mike shakes his head in disbelief.)
WEIR: What?
BRANTON: I just don't know that I can ever respect you again.
WEIR: Come on.
BRANTON: You think "When Harry Met Sally" is better than "Annie
Hall"? You're a crazy person.
WEIR: It is.
BRANTON: "When Harry Met Sally" is essentially a re-make, a cheap
imitation, a bad cover song version of "Annie Hall". You realise
that, right?
WEIR: I disagree.
BRANTON: I know you do, but that's what makes you crazy.
WEIR: Well, I guess this'll never work out, then.
WEIR (covering quickly): Lunch.
BRANTON: Ah. Does that mean you don't believe that men and women can
be friends?
WEIR: I never said that.
BRANTON: Hmm. You didn't have to *say* it. Any lady that
likes "When Harry Met Sally" that much thinks men and women can't be
WEIR: Fine. Maybe I do.
BRANTON: So where's that leave me?
WEIR: I guess that leaves *you* at lunch!
(Mike smiles, then gestures to her.)
BRANTON: Come on. (He stands up.)
WEIR: Where?
BRANTON: If lunch is all I get, I'm gonna get as much bang for my
buck as possible.
(He grins at her and jerks his head for her to come with him.)

LATER. Mike has brought Elizabeth to a small area open to the
ocean. They're sitting on a bench gazing out at the sea – although
Mike is looking more at her than at the water.
WEIR: It really is beautiful here, isn't it?
(Elizabeth has brought a bottle of water with her and now opens it
and drinks. Mike watches her as she finishes the last of the water.)
BRANTON: All done?
WEIR: All done.
BRANTON: I guess lunch is over.
WEIR: I guess it is. (She puts the lid back on the bottle and puts
it down.)
BRANTON: Should have brought dessert – would've lasted longer.
(Elizabeth looks at him for a moment, then turns away.)
WEIR: I should really get back anyway.
BRANTON: What are you doing tomorrow?
WEIR (turning to look at him): Mike ...
BRANTON: Look, I like you, and I'm extremely charming. (They both
laugh.) I'd like to see you spin those into negatives.
WEIR: I just don't think ...
BRANTON (interrupting): It's probably best you don't think.
WEIR: Would you *stop* interrupting me? You have a tendency to do
BRANTON: I do not!
WEIR: Yes, you do. I *hate* it when people interrupt me.
BRANTON: Well, if I hadn't interrupted you, we would never have had
lunch. Life needs a little interrupting every now and again.
WEIR: Alright, I don't completely disagree.
(Mike leans towards her and kisses her softly. Elizabeth responds,
then pulls back a little.)
BRANTON: Was that way out of line?
(Elizabeth gazes at him for a moment, then stands up and looks down
at him sadly.)
WEIR: I can't do this.
BRANTON: Just because we work together?
WEIR: This would split my focus.
BRANTON: Give it a chance – see if it ...
WEIR: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done this in the first place. I
thought maybe I ...
(The Canadian technician's voice comes over the comms.)
TECHNICIAN: Doctor Weir. Please report to the Control Room
(Elizabeth shrugs at Mike. He nods, and she leaves.)

CONTROL ROOM. Elizabeth comes in.
WEIR: What's going on?
TECHNICIAN: There's been an explosion at the base of the tower near
the gym. Early reports have at least three dead and there's about a
dozen or so that are severely injured.
WEIR: An explosion? Was there some sort of equipment malfunction?
TECHNICIAN: We're still going over the data logs. We're pretty sure
it wasn't a malfunction.
WEIR: So it could have been a bomb.
(The technician nods.)

Teyla is walking along a corridor when Lieutenant Colonel John
Sheppard and Ronon Dex meet her. John is holding a golf club.
SHEPPARD: Oh, hey, there y'are. Been lookin' all over for you.
(Behind him, Ronon waves to her in a sort of "Look out, here comes
trouble" kind of way.)
SHEPPARD: What, did you forget?
TEYLA: Uh, no.
SHEPPARD: You forgot!
(Ronon smiles at her ruefully. Teyla, finally remembering, looks at
TEYLA: You were going to teach Ronon and myself how to play golf.
SHEPPARD: That's the plan.
TEYLA: I am afraid I have made other plans.
SHEPPARD: *What* other plans?
TEYLA: Having lunch with Elizabeth.
SHEPPARD: Well, you've still got time.
TEYLA: ... Yes, true. However, I am afraid I have been quite
delinquent in filing my mission reports. I had hoped to get caught
up before I met with Elizabeth.
(John smiles cynically at her, obviously not believing a word.)
TEYLA: If you would like, I could cancel ...
SHEPPARD: No, no, no, no. She could use a little time out of the
office. Some other time.
TEYLA: Some other time.
(She smiles at him, then turns to Ronon, whereupon her smile becomes
a little triumphant. Ronon smiles bitterly back at her, obviously
peeved that she has found a way to get out of this. Teyla pats his
arm sympathetically as she walks away.)
DEX (to John): You know, uh, John, I've got mission reports too.
SHEPPARD: Nice try. It's gonna be fun.
(He turns and leads Ronon away.)
DEX: Fun(!) Uh-huh.
(Resigned to his fate, he trudges after John.)

GOLF DRIVING RANGE. In the area where John has set up a driving
range on the edge of the city (last seen in "McKay and Mrs Miller"),
a golf ball soars out and splashes into the ocean. Two small pieces
of Astroturf have now been laid out on the floor of the range. John
is standing on one and Doctor James Watson is on the other. Both
have a bucket of balls nearby and their golf bags are behind them.
Ronon is leaning on John's bag, looking bored. John has just struck
his ball out into the ocean.
WATSON: Nice shot.
SHEPPARD: Thank you, Jim. It *was* pretty nice, though, huh?
(Jim tees up his shot and hits his ball out into the ocean.)
DEX: So that's the sport? You just hit a little ball as far as you
SHEPPARD: First, it's a game; and no, it's a little more complicated
than that.
(As Jim hands his golf club to Ronon, John belts another ball out
into the ocean.)
SHEPPARD: See, there are eighteen holes all made of varying lengths
and dimensions. The first goal is to hit the ball through a series
of water and sand hazards `til you land on the green. Then you putt
the ball into the hole.
(Ronon looks out at the ocean.)
DEX: So this is a water hazard.
SHEPPARD: Well, we don't have a course yet. All we have for now is a
driving range where you ...
DEX: ... just hit a little ball.
(John hesitates for a moment.)
SHEPPARD: Pretty much, yeah.
DEX: What's so hard about that?
(John hits another ball out into the ocean as Ronon takes a ball out
of his bucket and puts it onto his tee.)
SHEPPARD: Well, I make it look easy but I've been playing since I was
DEX: Uh-huh.
SHEPPARD: So, although it seems simple, developing a sweet swing like
mine takes years ...
(Ronon flexes his golf club and then, single-handed, casually swings
at the ball and hammers it out into the ocean. John gazes in shock
as the ball disappears into the distance. They wait for the splash
but the ball goes so far that they can't tell when it finally drops
into the sea. Behind them, Jim stares in amazement.)
(Ronon smiles smugly at John.)
DEX: Like that?
SHEPPARD (trying to sound casual): That was OK.
WATSON: OK?! You can't even see where it landed!
SHEPPARD: Well, it's not a distance game – it's an accuracy one.
DEX: Well, pick a spot. I'll hit it there.
SHEPPARD: First off, your grip – it's all wrong.
(Carson comes in.)
BECKETT: Oh, yes, of course. There y'are.
WATSON: Hey, Doc. I want to come see you. (He gestures to his
midriff.) I've been having this weird pain right ...
BECKETT: Hold on, sorry. Let me stop you right there. This is the
first day I've had off in over a month. (He puts his hand on Jim's
shoulder.) Doctor Cole is in the Infirmary and will be more than
glad to help you out.
WATSON: OK, fair enough.
(He pats his shoulder as Jim leaves. John does a practice swing with
his club.)
SHEPPARD: What's up, Carson?
BECKETT: Fishing.
DEX: What?
BECKETT: Rodney and I are heading to the mainland to catch a fish
that seems to be just like a trout. Care to join us? Sport of kings.
SHEPPARD: I thought horse racing was the sport of kings?
BECKETT: For the boring kings, maybe.
SHEPPARD: Carson, you're Scottish. This is your game – wouldn't you
rather be on the driving range?
BECKETT: Ach, it was never my thing. Come on – last chance.
(John and Ronon exchange a glance.)
SHEPPARD: I think we're gonna pass.
BECKETT: Alright – but don't be jealous when I return with a record-
breaking space trout.
(He holds his hands out in front of him to indicate the size of the
fish he's going to catch, then widens the gap between his hands
before clicking his fingers and looking triumphant.)
BECKETT: Thank you!
SHEPPARD (teeing up another shot): We'll try to contain ourselves.
BECKETT: Oh, aye!
(He grins and leaves. Ronon nonchalantly hammers another ball out
into the ocean single-handedly, then drops the club to the ground.)
DEX: Time for a real sport. Come on.
(He turns and leaves. John frowns and tries to hit his ball single-
handed. He does make contact but the ball splashes into the water
just a few yards away. Looking grumpy, he turns and follows Ronon.)

GYM. John is standing holding a stick similar to an Athosian
fighting stick except that it's a little shorter and has a hand guard
partway up it. He frowns as Ronon, holding a similar stick, brings
him a blue piece of rag.
SHEPPARD: Grab the other guy's flag, huh, that's it?
DEX: That's it.
(He tucks the end of his own `flag' into the back of his trousers as
John does likewise.)
SHEPPARD: No penalties and stuff?
DEX: What?
SHEPPARD: Well, if the other guy pulls your hair or tries to bite
you ...
DEX: Bite back.
DEX: You ready?
SHEPPARD (unenthusiastically): Ready as I'll ever be.
(Ronon attacks him. They exchange three or four blows with their
sticks, then Ronon spins around John and pushes him forward, grabbing
his flag as he goes.)
DEX: That's one for me.
(John sighs.)
SHEPPARD: Two out of three.
(He snatches his flag from Ronon and walks back into position,
tucking his flag back into his trousers.)
DEX: Round two – one-handed. (He puts his left hand behind his back.)
DEX: After every round, the level of difficulty's increased. It's to
simulate battle. After every encounter there's the possibility of
injury. Round two – one-handed.
SHEPPARD: Why don't you let me get better at round one before we move
onto the harder part?
(Ronon just looks at him.)
SHEPPARD (resigned): OK – round two.
(He puts his left hand behind his back. The two men square up to
each other for a moment, then start to fight. John holds his own for
a few seconds, then Ronon brings his knee up into John's midriff. As
John doubles up, Ronon reaches over the top of him and grabs his
flag. John stumbles forward, groaning. [And Shep fans get a massive
squee moment as they get a glimpse of his underpants peeking over the
top of his trousers – though their enthusiasm may be a little
curtailed by the fact that they're *pink*!!])
DEX: Oh. That's two for me.
SHEPPARD (still doubled up and winded): Three out of five.
DEX: You know, I could do this all day. Haven't even broken a sweat
SHEPPARD (straightening up and snatching his flag off Ronon in
irritation): Yeah, yeah, yeah.
DEX: Round three.
(Putting his left arm behind his back again, he lifts his right leg
and puts his foot against the side of his left knee.)
SHEPPARD: Oh, come on! Oh, you are making this stuff up! This is
not a traditional Satedan sport – this is an excuse to make me look
dumb and kick my ass.
DEX (shrugging): If you wanna quit ...
(John sighs, puts his left arm behind his back, then bends his left
leg behind him. They hop towards each other and exchange a few blows
with their sticks. Ronon aims a blow at John's head. John ducks
underneath it and Ronon hops in, spins around and rams his shoulder
into John's face as John is still trying to straighten up. The blow
sends John crashing backwards to the floor.)
DEX: Um, sorry.
(John lies on his back on the floor and glares up at him.)
SHEPPARD: This game sucks!
DEX: Well, you need to focus.
SHEPPARD: I don't know if that's gonna be possible yet.
(He looks up at Ronon a little cross-eyed.)
SHEPPARD: Here, help me up. I've got an idea.
(Ronon reaches down and hauls John to his feet. Once up, John whacks
Ronon's arm with his stick.)
DEX: Ow!
SHEPPARD: Hurts, doesn't it?

LATER. JOHN'S QUARTERS. Groaning partly with effort and partly with
pain, Ronon slams the end of an empty beer can into his forehead to
flatten the can. He looks at John with tears in his eyes.
DEX: That?
(John is sitting on his sofa with his feet up while Ronon is sitting
on the end of the bed. He has a half-drunk glass of beer beside him
and is holding a magazine. Music is playing quietly in the
SHEPPARD: Yeah, you've gotta hit it, ungh ... (he demonstrates with
his empty hand how it should be done) ... straight on, hard as you
(He puts the flattened can down. John reaches forward to a plate of
nibbles and takes one. Ronon also takes and eats one.)
SHEPPARD: You know, *this* is what I'm talkin' about. *This* is how
you spend a day off. Kick back, eat some junk food, listen to some
DEX: You like this music?
SHEPPARD: What, you don't?
(He picks up an ice pack and puts it on his cheek to soothe the spot
where Ronon clunked him earlier.)
DEX: It's fine.
SHEPPARD: I'm gonna stick to golf. Your game's a little too much
like my day job.
(He eats another snack while Ronon takes a drink from his beer.)
SHEPPARD: So how long have you been here now? A year?
DEX: Year and a half.
SHEPPARD: Year and a half? You ever hang out with anyone else
besides me and Teyla? I'm not saying we're sick of you or anything.
I dunno – are you datin' anyone?
DEX: You mean like a woman?
SHEPPARD: Or a man. (He shrugs.)
DEX: No. I'm not ready yet.
(John looks up from his magazine.)
SHEPPARD: Not ready yet? Did you leave somebody behind on Sateda?
(Ronon nods.)
DEX: Close enough.
(Ronon takes another drink from his beer, grimacing slightly at the
DEX: What about you?
SHEPPARD: What about me?
DEX: When are you getting married? (He grins.)
SHEPPARD (laughing ruefully): Already done that. Not very good at
it. Besides, there really isn't anyone here that ... you know.
DEX: I always thought you and Teyla would, uh ... you know.
DEX (grinning): Yeah. Why not?
(A distant explosion can be heard and the room shakes slightly. The
men jump to their feet and hurry out as alarms start to sound.)

EXPLOSION SITE. Carson is supervising the removal of injured
people. He goes over to two men carrying someone on a stretcher.
BECKETT: Right, lads, go, go. Move it.
MAN: Alright, let's get these two to the OR right away.
(John and Ronon hurry in.)
DEX: What happened here?
BECKETT: Some sort of explosion. At least three dead; maybe a dozen
or so severely injured.
MAN 2: Doc?
(Carson turns, and he and the other two hurry over to another
stretcher being brought out of the damaged area. Teyla is lying on
the stretcher, her midriff bandaged.)
SHEPPARD: She gonna be OK, Doc?
BECKETT: She's lost a great deal of blood. We're gonna need to get
her to the Infirmary stat.
SHEPPARD: Is she gonna be *alright*?
(Carson looks at him but doesn't answer.)
BECKETT: Let's go. Let's move!
(He and the stretcher bearers hurry away. John stares after them for
a moment, then turns to see Doctor Radek Zelenka nearby, removing a
breathing mask from his face. He is standing in front of the area
where the explosion happened. John and Ronon stare in shock at the
state of the wall which, being metal, is warped, twisted and ripped
SHEPPARD: What the hell happened here, Radek?
ZELENKA: There was an explosion.
SHEPPARD: I get that, but why?
ZELENKA: Well, I'm not sure yet. I wasn't allowed on the scene until
the emergency crews cleared the floor. What took you so long?
SHEPPARD: The transporters are down and there's a lot of stairs.
ZELENKA: McKay is in his lab. He thinks he might have a lead.
SHEPPARD: What kind of lead?
ZELENKA: He didn't say. The good news is, though, the structure is
intact, so there's no danger of the tower falling down. There *is*,
however, something very odd.
DEX: What?
ZELENKA: Well, the few eye witness reports that we have say that
Doctor Houston just ... blew up.
SHEPPARD: What the hell does *that* mean?
DEX: It's not even possible.
ZELENKA: Yeah, normally I would agree with you but from what we can
tell, she was standing right in the middle of the hall here and just
SHEPPARD: So, what, a suicide bomb?
ZELENKA: Well, see, no. That's what I thought too originally, but
I've scanned the area with my equipment and there isn't even the
slightest trace of explosive residue. We have no idea what we're
dealing with here.

NIGHT TIME. In the Infirmary, Carson is checking monitors. Doctor
Rodney McKay, wearing a bathrobe, is pacing up and down in front of
Doctors Houston and Watson, both of whom are looking guilty.
McKAY: You know, I think I am a pretty easy guy to work for.
(Behind him, Carson turns and throws him a disbelieving glance.)
McKAY (to Watson and Houston): I am usually too busy doing all the
really important stuff to micro-manage all the little things I need
you people to be doing. Now, because of that, you have a fair amount
of freedom. That does not, however, mean you can do whatever the
hell you please. There are rules; there are protocols in place not
only to protect this city but your sorry little existences.
HOUSTON: Look, if I could just say ...
McKAY (interrupting): Oh, no you cannot. You cannot interrupt me,
OK? I was having a perfectly wonderful dream before I got this call,
so you can just stand there and listen. You were sent on a routine
cataloguing of one of the abandoned Ancient labs, and you activate
some alien device without having the first clue what it was?!
WATSON: We thought it was ...
McKAY (interrupting): Yes, well you thought wrong.
HOUSTON: Yeah, but just the other week you did the exact same thing,
so I don't ...
McKAY (interrupting): Well *I* am *me*. If I make a mistake, I can
fix it. *You* are *you*, and when *you* make mistakes, you don't
have to fix them. *I* do.
HOUSTON: The second we realised it was emitting radiation, we turned
it off.
McKAY: So what?! What, you want a medal? Look, my four year old
niece could figure out to turn something off if it was emitting
radiation. That does not make you smart – that just makes you a
little less stupid.
BECKETT: Rodney, be nice.
McKAY: So, are they gonna live? More importantly, can I go back to
BECKETT: Well, according to their body scan and blood tests, they'll
be alright, yes ... (he looks at them) ... although you should check
back in the next twenty-four hours and we'll run some more tests,
just to be certain.
McKAY (wagging his finger at the two of them sternly): Well, you were
lucky, because we are in a place where something as simple as
flipping a switch can domino out into thousands of people dying. You
need to be more careful.
(Houston and Jim look at each other in a guilty way.)
McKAY (relenting a little): OK, just ... take tomorrow off, alright?
HOUSTON: We already *have* tomorrow off. It's the mandatory rest day.
McKAY: It is?
(Jim nods.)
McKAY: Already?
(Carson backs behind a column so that the other two can't see him.
Clearing his throat to attract Rodney's attention, he mimes casting
out a fishing line and then reeling it in. Smiling, he points at
Rodney, then walks away. Rodney turns away, obviously not happy.)
McKAY: Oh, great(!)

DAY TIME. Rodney, dressed in casual clothes, is standing outside a
closed door. He holds his hand to his mouth and breathes out to
check his breath, then passes his hand over the door panel and goes
inside. The room is full of plants, so it's presumably a botany lab.
McKAY: Katie? Hello, Katie?
(Katie Brown calls out from deeper in the lab.)
BROWN: Rodney!
(Rodney follows the sound of her voice.)
McKAY: There you are.
BROWN: What are you doing here?
McKAY: Hey, it's your day off. What are *you* doing here?
BROWN: Well, I'm nursing these little baby ferns we found on M4L-
279. At this nascent stage they're very fragile and if I leave them
for too long, they'll die.
McKAY: Ah, so what? They're ferns. (Katie looks at him.) Oh, which
is to say, you know, you need time off just like everyone else does.
BROWN: I know. It's just, they produce this special enzyme that we
think might cure leukaemia.
McKAY (pointing at the ferns): What, these guys? Really?
BROWN: Yeah. So what are *you* doing with your day off? I thought
you had plans.
McKAY: Oh, I do, with Beckett. That's, um ... that's kind of why I'm
McKAY: Yeah. I need an excuse to break those plans.
BROWN: Why's that?
McKAY: Well, because we're going fishing. And to be honest, I cannot
think of a more torturous way of spending a day than, you know, up to
my ... hips in water trying to get worms on hooks and having all the
time in the world to listen to Carson's many views on what I'm sure
are a vast number of impossibly boring subjects. I mean, it is
unappealing in every way.
BROWN: Then why did you say yes in the first place?
McKAY: Oh, because he said, "D'you wanna go fishing next month?" It
sounded so far away, I figured something'd come up, I'd be able to
get out of it, but here we are a month later and ...
BROWN: ... nothing's come up! (She laughs.)
McKAY: Exactly! So I figured if I told him we finally had an
afternoon where I could take you out to lunch or something, then he'd
have no choice but to let me out of it.
BROWN: I can't. I need to babysit the ferns.
McKAY: Right. Well. If I had a nickel for every time a girl used
that line!
(Katie giggles. Rodney gets inspired and clicks his fingers several
McKAY: You know what? Let me bring lunch to you. We can eat here.
BROWN: Rodney, you wanna babysit ferns with me?
McKAY: Hey, in the battle between ferns versus fish, ferns
continuously win a decisive victory.
BROWN: That would be lovely.
McKAY: Great! OK, I'll be right back.
(Rodney hurries out. Katie watches him go, smiling fondly.)

MESS HALL. Rodney, carrying a couple of trays of sandwiches, sees
Elizabeth and Mike sitting at a table talking. He looks thoughtful.
McKAY: Hmm!
(He puts the trays down on the food table to collect a few more items
just as Carson walks in.)
BECKETT (smiling): Would you look at that! Great minds think alike.
I thought I'd pick us up some snacks as well.
McKAY: Yes. Umm, about that.
(Carson's smile fades.)
BECKETT: Rodney.
McKAY: Look, here's the thing. You know I would love to go with you.
BECKETT: No, I don't.
McKAY: Ah, I would, I do. I just, um ... I ran into Katie Brown ...
(Carson rolls his eyes and sighs) ... and she started to lay the
guilt on, you know, how I never get to see her and how the one day I
get off, I'm jetsetting off to the coast to sport fish with my best
buddy. I mean, she and I see so little of each other, I'm not sure
we even count as a couple. Anyways, look, long story short ...
BECKETT: Too late.
McKAY: ... I told Katie I would spend the day with her.
(Carson laughs ruefully.)
BECKETT: Alright.
McKAY: You know, if it was *anybody* else ...
BECKETT: No, no. I understand.
McKAY: Yeah, next week, I'm one hundred percent there.
BECKETT: You promise?
McKAY (unable to look him in the eyes): Absolutely.
McKAY: Yeah, and it's still early, so I'm sure you'll find someone
else to go with you.
BECKETT: Oh, you can bet on that. (He takes a few items of food and
a bottle of water from the table.) Well, tell Katie I said hullo.
McKAY: Mmm, will do.
BECKETT: Enjoy. *I* will.
(He leaves. Rodney clenches his fists triumphantly.)
McKAY: Yes!
(He looks across to Elizabeth and Mike again, then turns back to the
food table with his eyebrows raised and a quirky smile on his face.)
McKAY: Hmm!

LATER. BOTANY LAB. Rodney and Katie are sitting at a table eating
BROWN: Oh, this is lovely.
McKAY: It *is*, yes.
BROWN: I've gotta say, after all the Cadman craziness last year, I
figured there was no chance for us.
McKAY (awkwardly): Oh, why's that?
BROWN: Well, you had another consciousness in your body – one that
took over during our first date and *made* you kiss me. It was ...
awkward. And so you ignored me for a few months.
McKAY: I did not!
BROWN: Yes, you did. I mean, it's OK, I guess. I can't imagine
going through something like that, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't
wanna be reminded of it either.
McKAY: Yes, well, it was a little weird there for a bit.
BROWN: For the last little while, you've really made an effort to
make time for me, and it has been lovely.
(She smiles at him.)
McKAY: It's funny, you know? I mean, much as I hate to admit it,
seeing my little sister so happy with her family, I just ... Well,
it kind of made me realise that, uh ... well, I'd like to get married.
BROWN: You would?!
(Rodney's eyes widen in horror as he realises what he just said.)
McKAY: Oh, no, not to you.
McKAY: Oh, no-no-no-no-no-no. No-no-no, not *not* to you ...
BROWN: No, I ...
McKAY: Look, I was just ...
(They both stutter at the same time for a few seconds.)
McKAY: No, that was not a proposal – I was just ... I was just
talking, you know?
BROWN: Right.
McKAY: I just don't want you to get the wrong ... It's not that I
wouldn't be interested in-in-in getting married to someone, I mean,
someone *like* you, I mean someone *just* like you – *you* even,
maybe one day – I just, uh ...
BROWN: I know, I know. It's OK.
McKAY: I like you a *lot*. I mean, I *do*.
BROWN: I know you do, and I like you a lot too.
McKAY: I know. And to be honest, I find that just baffling.
BROWN: Come on, now ...
McKAY: No-no-no-no-no, it's other people too – they find it baffling
BROWN: I guess they just don't know you like I know you.
McKAY: Yeah, but, you see, that's what scares me. I mean, at some
point, you're gonna know me the way *they* know me and then ...
BROWN: Rodney, I think I know you pretty well. There's not a lot of
subtext with you.
(Rodney looks at her for a moment, then stands up and walks close to
McKAY: I am *really* sorry that I ignored you all that time.
(Katie smiles up at him.)
BROWN (softly): I bet you are.
(Rodney smiles down at her. Just then a huge explosion goes off in
the distance and the lab shakes.)
BROWN: What was that?
McKAY: I don't know. Look, I've gotta go.
(He hurries away as alarms begin to sound.)

SHEPPARD: So, what, a suicide bomb?
ZELENKA: Well, see, no. I thought so too originally, but I've
scanned the area with my equipment now – there isn't even the
slightest trace of explosive residue. We have no idea what we're
dealing with here.
McKAY (over radio): Zelenka, do you read?
ZELENKA: Yes, McKay, I'm here with Sheppard and Ronon. What have you
McKAY (over radio): You're all gonna wanna see this.
(The three of them hurry off.)

McKAY: Alright, I am digesting this as I go, so forgive the rough
SHEPPARD: What've you got?
McKAY: Last night, Doctor Houston and her partner Doctor Watson were
cataloguing a new Ancient lab we uncovered. They inadvertently
activated this machine.
(He pulls up an image of the machine on his computer screen.)
McKAY: It started to emit a very odd type of radiation, but they were
able to turn it off right away. Now, Doctor Beckett examined them
that night and gave them a clean bill of health, so with no immediate
apparent danger, we decided to figure out what the device was, well,
whenever we had time. That was a mistake.
SHEPPARD: What is it?
McKAY: Well, the science of it is ... well, it's spectacularly
complicated, but it appears to be a weapon – one created by the
Ancients to battle the Wraith and one that was abandoned fairly early
on as it affected everyone in proximity, including Ancients and
ZELENKA: Affected them how?
McKAY: Ah. Well, long story short, it creates explosive tumours.
DEX: Explosive tumours?
DEX: Are you kidding me?
McKAY: Yeah, I wish. Look, it's actually quite ingenious. The
device emits millions of irradiated particles that have been
genetically programmed to enter into our systems and gather behind
the lungs. Now, as they go, they collect trace elements from our
body that they need to complete an explosive compound which, once in
place, the tumour reaches critical mass and explodes.
SHEPPARD: So, wait, this guy Watson ...
McKAY: ... has almost definitely been exposed, yes. Look, we need to
find him before that tumour ignites, which could be any minute now.

OPERATING ROOM. Carson and a medical team are wheeling a patient
into surgery. Carson is examining the man's leg which was apparently
injured in the explosion.
BECKETT: Well, it's not good but it's not awful. We need to start
right away. What's his name?
(A nurse looks at her computer pad.)
NURSE: Um, James. James Watson.
(The camera pans up to show that it is indeed Doctor Watson lying
unconscious on the gurney.)

MESS HALL. As Elizabeth and Mike eat their lunch, Rodney and Carson
are talking at the food table.
McKAY: Next week, I am one hundred percent there.
BECKETT: You promise?
McKAY: Absolutely.
McKAY: And besides, it's still early. I'm sure you'll find someone
else to go with you.
BECKETT: Oh, you can bet on that. (He takes a few items of food and
a bottle of water from the table.) Well, tell Katie I said hullo.
McKAY: Yeah, will do.
BECKETT: Enjoy. *I* will.
(He leaves the room.)

SHORTLY AFTERWARDS. GAME ROOM. Carson walks into a room in which a
chess club has been set up. Several pairs of people are playing
games of chess. Carson walks along the row of tables until he
reaches Radek playing against a man.
MAN: Son of a bitch! Stop that!
ZELENKA: Stop what? Winning?
MAN: You haven't won yet.
(Radek jumps up to greet Carson.)
ZELENKA: Carson! You've come to join the chess club.
BECKETT: Uh, not quite.
ZELENKA: You've come to watch?
BECKETT: Well, uh, no. Actually, Radek, I'm looking for someone to
come fishing with me. Rodney bailed at the last minute.
ZELENKA: Surprise, surprise.
BECKETT: I know. Any interest?
ZELENKA: I would, but we're playing for trades today, you know? And
no-one can really beat me so ... I've already won Doctor Mallozzi's
animé DVD collection ... (he lowers his voice and looks at Carson
suggestively) ... *and* I got a coupon for a free Swedish massage
from Doctor Ambrose.
BECKETT (admiringly): Ouch!
(Radek nods and clicks his tongue.)
ZELENKA: Perhaps we can go fishing next week?
BECKETT: OK, alright. Well, uh, best of luck to you. (He turns and
walks away.)
ZELENKA: Oh, I don't need luck.
(He looks down at the board and makes his move.)
ZELENKA: Checkmate.
MAN: Son of a bitch!
(Angrily, he lays his king down in defeat.)

On a pier some distance away from the central area of Atlantis, Major
Lorne is painting a picture of the central towers. Carson comes over
to him.
BECKETT: You paint!
LORNE: Hey, Doc. Yeah, I paint.
BECKETT (looking at the painting): And you're good, too.
LORNE: My mom was an art teacher. It's what we did on weekends.
Stopped for a while – didn't really have time for it during basic
training, first couple of years on duty – but I'm picking it up
again. Hard not to with views like that, huh?
BECKETT: Aye. Um, I don't suppose there's any chance you'd like to
come fishing with me on the mainland, is there?
LORNE: If you'd got to me earlier, maybe, but I kinda wanna finish
this up.
BECKETT: Och, it looks done to me.
LORNE: That is why *I* am the painter and *you* a doctor.
BECKETT: Very good point. Enjoy the rest of your day, Major.
LORNE: You can count on it.
(Carson leaves.)

DOCTOR BIRO'S QUARTERS. Doctor Biro is sitting on her bed reading
something. Carson comes to the open door and coughs. She looks up.
BIRO: Oh, hey there, sir.
BECKETT: Hullo, I was just ...
BIRO: You know what's crazy? I was just thinking about you. (She
giggles and stands up.) Has that ever happened to you? You know,
you're thinking about something and then, boom! There it is!
(She laughs again. Carson laughs falsely, already realising that
this is someone he does *not* want to take fishing with him.)
BIRO: It's not like I'm psychic or anything but, who knows?
BECKETT: Well, actually, I ...
BIRO: You know what? I am sorry. You were trying to say something
and I interrupted you.
BECKETT: Enjoy your day off, Doctor Biro.
BIRO: Absolutely.
BECKETT: Bye-bye.
(He turns and leaves, sighing.)

INFIRMARY. Carson walks in and finds Doctor Cole sitting at her desk.
BECKETT: Slow day?
COLE: Carson. What the hell are you doing here? It's supposed to be
your day off.
BECKETT: Well, my fishing trip is officially a bust, so I figured I'd
come in here and actually catch up on some paperwork for the first
time in over a year.
COLE: That's a shame.
BECKETT: Aye, it is.
(Cole shakes her head as if in pain and gets back to her computer.)
BECKETT: You alright?
COLE: A migraine. It's a bad one, actually. I took some stuff, but
I can't take any more, with me being on call and everything.
BECKETT: You should have radioed me.
COLE: Are you kidding? There's no way in hell I was gonna let you
miss that fishing trip. It's all you've been talking about for two
BECKETT: Well, I'm not going now, so off you go. I'll cover your
COLE: You sure?
BECKETT: Aye. There's nothing happening here anyway. You go – take
a horse pill and rest.
COLE: Oh, you're a life saver.
BECKETT (smiling): I know.
COLE: Thanks, Carson. (She stands up and hugs him.) Thanks.
BECKETT (hugging her): You're welcome.

LATER. Carson is bandaging the ankle of a female marine.
BECKETT: If you're going to play volleyball, you're going to need
proper gym shoes.
MARINE: I know. I've put an order in for a pair but it takes forever
to get things from Earth that aren't vital to the success of the
BECKETT: Well you, young lady, are vital to the success of the
missions, so don't play sports in sandals, OK?
MARINE (smiling): OK, Doc.
BECKETT: Alright. We're all done here. We'll fix you up some
crutches and ...
(A distant explosion can be heard and the Infirmary shakes. Carson
jumps to his feet and turns to one of his staff.)
BECKETT: Myers, call in every available nurse and doctor
immediately. (He turns to two other staff members.) You and you,
grab two field kits and a couple of stretchers and follow me.
(He runs to a desk, picks up his headset radio and puts it on.)
BECKETT: This is Beckett. What happened and where are we needed?
(Without waiting for the reply, he grabs a field kit and starts to
run out of the Infirmary.)

EXPLOSION SITE. John and Ronon run in and go over to Carson.
DEX: What happened here?
BECKETT: Some sort of explosion. At least three dead; maybe a dozen
or so severely injured.
MAN 2: Doc?
(Carson turns, and he and the other two hurry over to another
stretcher being brought out of the damaged area. Teyla is lying on
the stretcher, her midriff bandaged.)
(Teyla looks up at him weakly and lifts her hand towards him.)
TEYLA: Carson.
BECKETT (taking her hand): I'm here. You've been in an explosion,
Teyla, and a piece of debris has impacted your side. We're headed to
the Infirmary to take it out and patch you up. Easy-peasy – I can do
this one in my sleep.
(Teyla closes her eyes.)

LATER. OPERATING ROOM. Carson is just finishing surgery on Teyla.
He holds a suture taut for a nurse.
BECKETT: Alright? All set? (The nurse cuts the suture.) Thank you.
NURSE: Can't believe you got the artery cleaned up.
BECKETT: Well, they typically don't make you head surgeon if you're
all thumbs. (He smiles.)
NURSE: You have another patient waiting for you. He got his leg cut
up pretty bad in the blast.
BECKETT: Alright. We're all done here. Let's get her down to the
recovery level and we'll get him in here.

McKAY: Long story short, it creates explosive tumours.
DEX: Explosive tumours? Are you kidding me?
McKAY: I wish I was.
SHEPPARD: So, wait, this guy Watson ...
McKAY: ... has almost definitely been exposed, yes. Look, we need to
find him before that tumour ignites, which could be any minute now.

OPERATING ROOM. Jim is just being wheeled in while Carson looks at
his leg.
BECKETT: Well, it's not good but it's not awful. We need to start
right away. What's his name?
(The nurse looks at her computer pad.)
NURSE: Uh, James. James Watson.
BECKETT: Watson? Poor lad was in here last night. Looks like he's
had a run of bad luck.
McKAY (over comms): Doctor Watson. Doctor James Watson. Report your
whereabouts immediately.
BECKETT: Well, aren't *you* popular?! (To the nurse) Go see what
that's about, please.
(The nurse heads off.)

RODNEY'S LAB. Rodney is talking with the nurse over the radio.
McKAY: He's in the OR right now? I need you to get Beckett back on
his radio.

OPERATING ROOM. Carson has already started surgery on Jim's leg.
The nurse attaches Carson's radio headset to his ear.
NURSE: It's Doctor McKay.
BECKETT: What is it, Rodney? I'm a little busy right now.
McKAY: Carson, the man you are working on right now has been infected
with an explosive tumour. We think it's what killed Houston and
caused the explosion.
BECKETT: What are you talkin' about? That's not ...
McKAY (interrupting): It *is* possible, Carson. Look, you need to
get you and your team out of there. Sheppard has an ordnance
disposal crew on the way.
BECKETT: Well, he's too fragile to move right now.
McKAY: *He* doesn't have to move. *You* do.
(Carson sighs and thinks for a moment, then addresses his team.)
BECKETT: Alright, listen up. I need everyone to clear the floor
right now. I'm enacting a Protocol Seven for this entire level.
(The team stares at him in surprise.)
BECKETT: *Move* it, people!
(As the team starts to leave, he takes hold of the nurse's arms and
starts to steer her away from the bed.)
BECKETT: Right, he stays, you go.
NURSE: What about you?
BECKETT: I'm staying put.
NURSE: Then so am I.
BECKETT: Look, I don't have time to fight about it right now.
NURSE: Then don't. You can't do this on your own.
(Carson looks at her for a brief moment, wishing he could persuade
her to go but knowing that he doesn't have the time to argue with
her. He hurries over to a computer and types on it. The screen
shows "ACTIVE LOCKDOWN. PROTOCOL SEVEN." He types in his password
and the computer shows a demarcation line about two thirds of the way
up the central tower of the city. He turns and goes back to the
operating table, takes the nurse by the shoulders and turns her to
face him.)
BECKETT: Thank you.
(The lockdown alarms start to sound.)
BECKETT: Alright, let's get the scanner in place. We have a tumour
to remove.

RODNEY'S LAB. John is looking at a computer screen which shows what
Carson has done.
SHEPPARD: He's used his authorisation code to seal off the whole
level. We can't get to him.
McKAY (into radio): Carson, you cannot seriously be considering
operating on this guy.
BECKETT: Exactly how much time do we think I have?
McKAY: There is no way to know for sure. Look, Houston was infected
at the same time that Watson was and her tumour's already exploded.
(In the Operating Room, Carson nods to the nurse, who hands him a
BECKETT: No time to waste, then. Making first incision.
McKAY: OK, look, this is all very brave and all, but ...
SHEPPARD: ... what if the explosion causes structural damage? What
if the tower comes down with everyone in it?
McKAY: Exactly.
BECKETT: Sending him to the other side of the city and just leaving
him there is tantamount to murder, Colonel.
McKAY (frantically): The man is already dead!
BECKETT: Like hell he is.
SHEPPARD: Carson, I can't order you to stand down, but ...
BECKETT: That's right, you can't. Have your men standing by. I'll
open access to the floor once I've extracted the tumour. Beckett out.
(He and the nurse exchange a glance as he continues surgery.)

ELIZABETH'S OFFICE. John and Rodney have joined Elizabeth in there.
WEIR: How long has he been at it?
SHEPPARD: About ten minutes. I've got an emergency crew standing
by. Either way, we're cut off.
WEIR (to Rodney): Can't you bypass his access code?
McKAY: Yeah, but it'll take half an hour. Look, if he's not done
removing it by then, then ...
WEIR: This is crazy!

OPERATING ROOM. Carson gently extracts the tumour with a pair of
forceps and slowly turns around to take it to an organ transplant
transportation box. He very slowly lowers the tumour into the box,
sighing softly as he gently pulls the forceps out again. Putting the
forceps down, he lightly takes hold of the lid of the box and begins
to slide it shut.
BECKETT (quietly into radio): Colonel Sheppard. I've extracted the
tumour ...
(Once the lid is shut, he takes off the protective plastic shield
that was covering his face and removes his surgical hat.)
BECKETT: ... and I'm opening up the OR level.
(Stripping off his medical gloves, he goes over to the computer,
selects "OPEN O.R. LEVEL" and types in his password. Some distance
away, a door slides open in front of the waiting ordnance disposal
crew. A marine dressed in heavy protective gear and helmet wheels in
a large container on a trolley. He starts to run towards the OR,
pulling the trolley behind him.)
SHEPPARD: He's on his way. Sit tight.
(In the OR, Carson thinks for a few seconds, then makes a decision.
He stands up, taking off his medical gown.)
BECKETT: Dammit. Tell him I'll meet him halfway.
SHEPPARD: Just stay put, Doc.
BECKETT: The sooner I get this thing out of my sight, the better.
(He walks over to the organ transportation box and puts his fingers
gently on either side.)
BECKETT (to the nurse): If you'll finish in closing him up, please.
(He looks across to see her confirmatory nod.)
BECKETT: I'll be right back.
(Swallowing nervously, he gently lifts the box and carries it slowly
out of the room. He walks carefully along the corridor.)
BECKETT (quietly, reminding himself to take his time): Easy. Easy.
(The marine wheels the trolley towards him, stops and holds up his
hand to Carson. Moving the trolley into position, he slowly reaches
out towards Carson and gently takes the box from him.)
BECKETT (quietly): Thank you.
(He turns and activates his radio as he starts to walk back towards
the OR.)
BECKETT: We just made the hand-off.
(Behind him, the box explodes. A massive fireball erupts from the
box and envelops the trolley, the marine and Carson.)

[Your transcriber breaks off for five minutes for a bloody good cry,
then gets back to work.]

Rodney, dressed in black trousers, a plain pale blue shirt and a
black tie, is packing the last of Carson's belongings into crates.
He sadly picks up a framed photograph of himself and Carson in their
offworld gear walking along together and smiling. As he continues to
gaze at the photograph, his face full of grief, the door opens and
Ronon walks in.
DEX (quietly): Hey.
McKAY (turning to face him): Hey.
DEX: You OK?
(Rodney nods.)
McKAY: Mmm. ... Uh, not really.
DEX: You need some help?
McKAY: No. No, I'm almost done. He didn't have a lot of stuff here.
DEX: You sending it all back home to his family?
McKAY: Yeah. I mean, we will. They don't know yet. We're going to
send, uh ... (he trails off for a long moment) ... the body back to
Earth and, um, I'm gonna tell his mother. (He looks at Ronon for a
moment.) I should have just gone fishing with him.
DEX (his voice almost breaking): Don't.
McKAY: No. If I'd gone fishing ... if I'd checked the machine ... if
I hadn't assigned two junior guys to catalogue the lab ...
DEX (gently): Rodney. What's done is done.
(Rodney's eyes fill with tears.)
McKAY: I know. And that's why it's killing me.
(He gets back to packing Carson's belongings. Ronon, helpless to do
anything to comfort him, leaves the room.)

INFIRMARY. Teyla is in one bed while, in the bed next to her, Jim
Watson is lying either asleep or still unconscious. Teyla sits up in
bed and tries to get out. John, wearing his dress blues, walks in.
SHEPPARD: Where do you think you're going?
TEYLA: I would like to go to the memorial.
SHEPPARD: I don't think you should be going anywhere.
TEYLA: I am fine.
(She tries to stand but grimaces with pain.)
SHEPPARD: Alright. I'll get a wheelchair.
TEYLA: No. I would like to stand. As a testament to him.
(She looks into John's face.)
TEYLA: How are *you* doing?
SHEPPARD: Me? I'm fine ... but I didn't get major surgery two days
TEYLA: That is not what I meant.
SHEPPARD (quietly): Well, it hasn't hit me yet. I'm not looking
forward to it when it does.
TEYLA: I feel a great sadness. He ... (She trails off and looks
away, unable to complete what she was going to say.) I feel a great
(She sighs. John steps towards her.)
SHEPPARD: Here. I got you.
(He puts his arm around her waist and helps her to her feet. They
slowly walk off.)

GATEROOM. On a trestle in front of the Gate is a coffin draped in
the saltire – the Scottish national flag. At the bottom of steps
facing the Gate are John, Elizabeth – wearing a black trouser suit,
Teyla – wearing a mid brown outfit, Ronon – who is wearing dark
clothes and a jacket with long sleeves, Radek – wearing a black suit,
Lorne – in his dress blues, and Doctor Cole in a black skirt and
jacket. All around the room, up the stairs and on the Control Room
balcony are members of the Atlantis team, either wearing military
uniform or their expedition uniforms. Rodney, now wearing a black
jacket, walks back from the side of the coffin. He may have just
made a speech. As he joins John and the others, Elizabeth walks over
to the coffin, then turns to face the gathering.
WEIR: We've said goodbye to a lot of friends today. Our mission is a
dangerous one. We lose people – a fact we're all painfully aware
of. But Carson was ... (She trails off for several seconds,
temporarily lost for words.) I can't remember anyone coming to me
with a complaint against him – ever. He was a kind soul. He was ...
he was a healer. And he will be very deeply missed. George
Fabricius said, "Death comes to us all, but great achievements, they
build a monument which shall endure until the sun grows cold." (Her
voice begins to break.) Every single life Carson saved is a monument
to him. And that gives me great comfort.
(She stands silent for a moment, then nods up to the Control Room
balcony. The technician turns to go to the control console. On the
opposite balcony, bagpipes begin to warm up. Elizabeth puts her hand
gently onto the coffin for a moment as, on the balcony, a Scots piper
in full regalia begins to play a lament while the Gate dials.)
(The Gate activates. John, Rodney, Ronon, Cole, Lorne and Radek walk
towards the coffin. Elizabeth walks over to Teyla, whose eyes are
full of tears, and they share a sad smile. John and Rodney take up
position at the front of either side of the coffin. Cole and Ronon
line up behind Rodney; Lorne and Radek behind John. John and Rodney
look at each other for a moment, then the six pallbearers lift the
coffin and slowly walk forward towards the Gate. As the piper plays
on, the team carries Carson Beckett home.)

Some days later, Rodney stands on the end of a pier at the edge of
Atlantis, gazing out over the ocean. Carson walks over to stand by
his side.
BECKETT: How'd it go back on Earth?
(Rodney smiles softly.)
McKAY: It was, um, it was awful. (He turns to Carson and smiles at
him.) Your family was amazing, though.
(Carson smiles.)
BECKETT: Aye, they are. Good turnout?
McKAY (looking out over the ocean again): Oh, packed the church.
BECKETT: Oh, that's good to hear!
McKAY: It's not gonna be the same round here without you.
BECKETT: Oh, you're tellin' me!
McKAY: You know, the universe is a big place. (He looks at Carson.)
Who knows, maybe we'll bump into each other again.
BECKETT: Aye, who knows?
(Rodney looks away, on the verge of tears.)
McKAY: You were the closest thing to a best friend I ever had. I'm
really, really sorry. (He looks at Carson wistfully.) I should have
just ...
BECKETT: Hey. This isn't your fault.
McKAY: You're just tellin' me what I wanna hear.
BECKETT: Well, that's what best friends do sometimes. And in this
case it also happens to be true. (He smiles at him.) Take care of
yourself, Rodney.
(Rodney raises his hand to him.)
McKAY (softly): Goodbye, Carson.
(Carson smiles at him one last time, then fades out of existence.
Rodney stands alone at the end of the pier.)

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !