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#318 : Submersion

Une équipe de la Cité part en exploration sous marine, dans une station geothermale abandonnée par les Anciens. Ils se croient à l'abri, mais la station n'est peut-être pas aussi déserte qu'elle n'y paraît.


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Scénariste(s) : Ken Cuperus
Réalisateur(s) : Brenton Spencer

Après un rappel du lien qui existe entre Teyla Emmagan et les Wraiths, l'épisode commence par une vue lointaine de la Cité avant que la caméra ne "plonge" dans l'océan d'Atlantica. Un jumper descend dans les profondeurs. A son bord, John Sheppard, Ronon Dex, Elizabeth Weir, Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan et Radek Zelenka, accompagnés d'une dizaine de scientifiques. Ils sont visiblement là depuis plusieurs heures et les esprits commencent un peu à s'échauffer. Il est reproché à McKay de n'avoir pas su localiser avec précision ce qu'ils cherchent. Ils sont effectivement à la "poursuite" d'une plateforme de forage mobile (ce qui explique que Rodney n'ait pu la localiser) qui serait une alternative potentielle au ZedPM. L'un des scientifiques présents fait cependant remarquer que le docteur McKay a considérablement réduit la zone de recherche. McKay le remercie de ce compliment mais après que le scientifique lui ai rappelé sont nom (Graydon) Rodney se demande brusquement s'il n'a pas recruté la mauvaise personne (confusion avec un Grayson). Ses réflexions sont interrompues par Sheppard qui a détecté la plateforme. A l'approche du jumper, celle-ci s'éclaire. Il ne reste plus qu'à s'arrimer et à aller voir ce qu'elle renferme.

Le plan suivant montre le haut d'un visage Wraith dont les yeux s'ouvrent soudainement.


Dans la salle de contrôle de la station, McKay informe le docteur Weir que tous les systèmes sont opérationnels et fonctionnent à pleine puissance. Elle lui demande s'ils produisent déjà de l'énergie mais McKay lui répond par la négative, cependant, ils pourraient apparemment le faire. Elizabeth lui conseille d'attendre et de découvrir d'abord la raison pour laquelle les anciens ont abandonné le projet quelques dix mille ans plus tôt.

Sheppard, Ronon et Teyla parcourent les couloirs de la station. Teyla pense qu'ils tournent en rond, tout comme Ronon. Sheppard les rassure en leur vantant les mérites de son sens de l'orientation (or, nous savons depuis l'épisode Apparence que ce n'est pas tout à fait le cas). Ils continuent néanmoins leurs progression quand Teyla s'arrête brusquement : elle sent la présence d'un Wraith. Il serait sur la plateforme. Sheppard ordonne par radio à tout le personnel de stopper ce qu'ils font et de retourner à la salle de contrôle.

Sheppard et ses deux équipiers sont de retour dans la salle de contrôle. McKay les assure qu'il n'y a pas de Wraith à bord de la station, il a fait un scan des signes de vie : à part les leur, il n'y a rien. Sheppard lui demande de recommencer, McKay s'exécute en soupirant. Les détecteurs ne trouvent rien de suspect. Pourtant, Teyla sent la présence d'un Wraith, plus fort encore à présent et elle ne s'est jamais trompée auparavant. Elle propose d'entrer en contact avec le supposé Wraith afin d'être sûre. Sheppard trouve cela risqué mais Teyla lui oppose que s'il n'y a pas de Wraith alors il n'y a rien à craindre mais que si au contraire il y en a un ... Ils doivent en avoir le coeur net.

Dans une pièce rappelant un dortoir, Ronon, Sheppard et Weir assistent à la tentative de contact de Teyla. Après quelques secondes de concentration, Teyla s'excuse : il n'y a rien, elle s'est trompée. Les trois autres la rassurent, elle n'a pas à s'excuser et s'il n'y a pas de Wraith, tout va bien, l'incident est clos. Le docteur Weir se propose pour explorer la station en attendant que le docteur McKay ait fini ses analyses préliminaires. John Sheppard scinde alors leur petit groupe en deux équipes : Teyla ira avec Ronon, Elizabeth avec lui.

Sheppard et Weir marchent dans un couloir, Elizabeth revient sur ce qui vient de se passer. Elle trouve cela bizarre et espère que c'est la pression (ils sont très, très loin de la surface) qui est la cause de la confusion de Teyla. Sheppard fait une petite réflexion sur le film Abyss : il espère que la pression ne les rendra pas aussi fou que le type du film !

De leur côté, Ronon et Teyla progressent eux aussi dans un couloir. Teyla ne dit rien et Ronon lui en fait la remarque. Elle lui demande si son silence le met mal à l'aise. Il lui répond négativement. Teyla enchaîne sur le fait que son amitié est très importante pour elle et qu'elle ne ferait jamais rien qui le mette mal à l'aise. Puis juste à la fin de sa phrase elle lui donne un coup de genou (à l'entrejambe visiblement) et enchaîne une série de coups de poing qui font tomber le Satédien. Elle finit par une série de coups de pied et l'abandonne pour continuer seule jusqu'à une salle contenant un panneau et une console de commande.

Nous retrouvons Sheppard et Weir qui sont toujours dans un couloir quand les lumières s'éteignent. Sheppard demande par radio à McKay ce qui se passe. Rodney ne comprend pas pourquoi Sheppard lui demande cela, eux ont toujours de la lumière. Il va vérifier sur son écran de contrôle, effectivement, 40% de la station n'a plus de courant. Rodney contacte Zelenka et lui demande ce qu'il fabrique et s'ils ont toujours de la lumière là où ils sont. Effectivement, ils en ont toujours. Rodney pense que la panne est due à l'âge de la station. Il indique à Sheppard et Weir qu'il va leur rétablir le courant. Sheppard essayent de contacter Ronon et Teyla pour savoir où ils sont mais Ronon est inconscient et Teyla ne répond pas. Nous la voyons d'ailleurs toujours devant la console qu'elle manipule.

N'obtenant aucune réponse de ses coéquipiers, Sheppard demande à Rodney s'il peut les localiser mais les détecteurs sont hors service. Cependant, il a pu déterminer l'origine de la coupure de courant : une salle de contrôle annexe, située dans le secteur que Ronon et Teyla exploraient. Sheppard et Weir décident de s'y rendre, ils retrouveront Rodney là-bas. Avant de partir, Rodney chrage deux de ses hommes (dont le Graydon du début et un nommé Dickinson) de retourner au jumper de manière à utiliser les capteurs du vaisseau pour localiser chaque membre de l'équipe sur la plateforme.

Après un bref plan de la station vue de l'extérieur où l'on peut distinguer une forme qui nage dans sa direction, l'image se concentre sur McKay. Il n'a pas l'air très rassuré mais heureusement, Sheppard et Weir le rejoignent, ils continuent tous trois leur progression. Dans la salle de contrôle auxiliaire, Teyla ouvre un panneau et tire sur les cristaux qui s'y trouvent. Dans leur couloir, les trois Atlantes entendent les coups de feu et s'y dirigent (ce qui nous vaut une petite réflexion de Rodney : Oh oui, précipitons-nous vers les coups de feu, quelle charmante idée !)

Dans une salle servant de sas, une femelle Wraith sort de l'eau lentement et pousse une espèce de feulement caractéristique des Wraiths.

Retour dans les couloirs de la station. Sheppard, Weir et McKay retrouvent Ronon qui revient tout juste à lui. Il leur apprend que c'est Teyla qui l'a attaqué. Weir demande alors à ce que toute l'équipe sur place se retrouve en un même et unique lieu, à savoir, la salle de contrôle. Entre-temps, Teyla manipule encore un système de la console et nous voyons différents couloirs, dont celui où se trouvent les deux scientifiques envoyés pas Rodney. Ils se retrouvent bloqués par un champ de force. Zelenka en informe l'équipe par radio. Sheppard lui demande s'il peut retourner à la salle de contrôle, Zelenka pense que c'est faisable, Sheppard lui ordonne donc de s'y rendre. Il ordonne également à Rodney et Elizabeth de rejoindre Zelenka là-bas, pendant que Ronon et lui vont chercher Teyla.

Dans la salle de contrôle auxiliaire, Teyla semble revenir à elle mais ne pas comprendre ce qu'elle fait là. Son arme est posée sur la console, elle la prend juste avant de sentir une présence derrière elle. Elle se retourne en pointant son pistolet vers l'entrée de la salle : il s'agit de Sheppard et Ronon. Sheppard lui demande ce qui se passe. Teyla n'en sait rien.

Dans la salle de contrôle, McKay informe le docteur Weir de l'étendue des dégâts provoqués par l'action de Teyla. Elle a coupé plusieurs systèmes clés, modifier des codes, le système de communication est fichu, les champs de force d'urgence sont activés et la moitié du courant est coupé. Rodney ne peut pas réparer car les cristaux ont été détruits. Ils sont interrompus par Sheppard, il les informe qu'ils ont Teyla mais qu'elle ne se souvient pas de ce qui s'est passé dans la dernière heure. Ils se dirigent vers les quartiers du personnel. Elizabeth les y rejoindra. Mais avant, elle demande à Rodney de se concentrer sur la désactivation des champs de force qui les coupent du jumper et d'oublier momentanément leur but premier : produire de l'énergie.

Dans les quartiers du personnel, Teyla s'excuse auprès du docteur Weir avant de relater ce dont elle se souvient : la tentative de localisation du Wraith puis la sensation d'un grand pouvoir, de la faim et de plusieurs siècles d'expérience puis Sheppard et Ronon braquant leurs armes sur elle. Elle leur apprend que c'est une Reine qui se trouve sur la plateforme, Ronon veut (évidemment ...) partir la retrouver. Teyla veut aider mais Elizabeth ne préfère pas prendre le risque.

Dans un des couloirs bloqués, les deux scientifiques essayent de désactiver le champ de force tout en pestant contre McKay qui ne se souvient jamais de leur nom. Ils entendent un bruit, Graydon va voir de quoi il s'agit. Près du jumper, il remarque des traces humides, il regarde autour de lui mais ne voit rien ; quand il se retourne vers l'intérieur du jumper, il se retrouve nez à nez avec la Reine Wraith.

Dans la salle de contrôle, McKay et Zelenka débattent de l'intérêt que peut bien représenter la plateforme de forage des anciens pour les Wraiths. Sans tenir compte de ce que lui dit Zelenka, McKay demande à l'une des scientifiques, Coleman, d'activer les détecteurs externes de la station et de voir ce qu'ils trouvent.

Dans les quartiers du personnel, Teyla est seule avec le docteur Weir. Teyla voudrait retenter d'entrer en contact avec la reine et Elizabeth a bien du mal à la convaincre de ne pas le faire.

Dans les couloirs, Dickinson entend des bruits de pas derrière lui, il croit qu'il s'agit de Graydon. En réalité, il s'agit de la Reine. Il tente de fuir mais le champ de force est toujours en place. Il contact Sheppard et lui demande de l'aide puis ne répond plus aux appels de Sheppard. Celui-ci demande à Rodney s'il lui manque des hommes, Rodney répond qu'il en a envoyés deux au jumper. Sheppard demande si les champs de force sont abaissés, Zelenka fait signe à McKay que non. Rodney répond à Sheppard qu'ils y travaillent.

Dans les quartiers du personnel, Teyla ressent la présence de la Reine plus fortement encore, elle est sûre que la Wraith est à bord de la station. Elizabeth prévient Sheppard. Celui-ci dit à Ronon qu'il retourne au jumper et de l'y retrouver là-bas. Sheppard arrive devant un champ de force et s'arrête à temps avant de le toucher, en revanche Ronon lui se prend le champ en pleine figure. Les deux hommes menacent par radio McKay pour le faire travailler plus vite. En effet, Dickinson a repris contact pour implorer de l'aide.

Zelenka s'acharne sur la désactivation des champs, mais il ne peut en faire qu'un à la fois. Finalement, il réussit à stopper celui qui retient Sheppard, le militaire peut donc passer. Il arrive au jumper et trouve Graydon sur le siège du pilote : il ne reste qu'un cadavre preuve que la Reine est effectivement à bord. Il en informe le docteur Weir qui demande ce qu'il en est de Dickinson. Pour l'instant, Sheppard n'en sait rien, il pense que les détecteurs du jumper pourraient servir mais il ne finit pas sa phrase. Elizabeth l'appel par radio mais il ne répond pas. Quand Sheppard se retourne, la reine Wraith bloque la sortie du jumper. Elle contrôle son esprit, il ne peut donc pas tirer sur elle. Elle sait qui il est et qu'il peut piloter le vaisseau. Elle veut qu'il la ramène à la surface pour qu'elle retrouve son peuple. Entre-temps, Ronon a pu franchir le champ de force, Sheppard l'aperçoit à l'entrée du jumper. La reine le sent et se retourne esquivant le tir de Ronon qui va heurter la vitre du jumper la faisant exploser. L'eau se déverse à l'intérieur emportant Sheppard, la reine et Ronon.

Un peu plus tard, Sheppard est réveillé par les appels radio de McKay. Ronon est avec lui. Ils ont été projetés hors de la salle du jumper et Zelenka et Rodney ont enclenché le champ de force de la salle pour éviter que toute la station soit inondée. Un peu plus loin de Sheppard et Ronon, la reine Wraith est sonnée. Ronon veut la tuer mais John l'en empêche. Ils sont coupés du jumper et ne peuvent communiquer avec Atlantis, elle leur sera peut-être utile.

Un peu plus tard, la reine revient à elle. Elle est allongée sur une table et fermement maintenue par des liens ; par ailleurs, un puissant sédatif lui a été administré. Weir, Sheppard et Ronon l'interrogent sur la façon dont elle est arrivée sur la plateforme et s'il y a d'autres wraiths avec elle. La Wraith ne répond rien sinon qu'ils vont tous mourir.

Dans la salle de contrôle, Zelenka informe McKay qu'ils devraient pouvoir maintenir le champ de force jusqu'à ce qu'Atlantis envoie des secours. Rodney s'en veut de ne pas avoir écouté Teyla et se reproche la mort des deux scientifiques. Zelenka lui dit qu'il ne doit pas s'en vouloir, les détecteurs n'indiquaient rien de suspect. Coleman les rejoint et leur dit qu'elle pense que la reine n'était pas là quand ils ont fait les premiers scans. Les détecteurs externes ont trouvé quelque chose : un vaisseau Wraith coulé à quelques kilomètres de la station. McKay appelle Sheppard et Weir dans la salle de contrôle pour les informer de cette nouvelle.

Devant l'écran montrant le croiseur Wraith et la station, Sheppard, McKay, Zelenka et Weir se demandent comment la Reine a pu venir jusqu'à la station. Weir émet l'hypothèse qu'elle est venue à la nage. Sheppard en doute en raison de la pression qui serait beaucoup trop forte pour un humain. Rodney lui fait alors remarquer que justement, elle n'est pas humaine...

Dans les quartiers du personnel, Sheppard et Weir mettent au courant Teyla des dernières découvertes. Teyla demande s'il y a d'autres Wraiths à bord et Sheppard lui répond que la Wraith refuse de répondre à leurs questions, se contentant de les menacer de mort. Teyla veut alors sonder son esprit à nouveau. Sheppard et Weir s'y opposent, comment savoir que la Reine ne la contrôlera pas à nouveau ? Teyla les rassure en leur disant que la Reine est droguée et donc affaiblie, et qu'en plus maintenant, elle sait à quoi s'attendre.

Nous les retrouvons tous les trois dans la salle où ils détiennent la Reine, Ronon est avec eux. Teyla se concentre et entre dans l'esprit de la Reine. Elle nous relate son histoire (nous avons alors des images de la Reine sur son vaisseau, en flash back). La Wraith est arrivée avec la première vague de vaisseaux Wraiths qui ont attaqué Atlantis. Gravement touché, son vaisseau s'est écrasé dans l'océan et pour survivre en attendant des secours (étant trop profondément dans l'océan, elle ne pouvait remonter à la nage) elle s'est nourri de son propre équipage. Et elle a attendu. Elle s'est réveillée à leur arrivée à bord de la plateforme. Elle est donc venue sur la station à la nage et y a trouvé le jumper. Mais elle ne pouvait le faire voler, elle a donc utilisé Dickinson pour faire venir Sheppard. Arrivée à cette étape du récit, la Reine prend le contrôle de Teyla et leur dit par son intermédiaire qu'ils vont tous mourir. Sheppard enjoint Teyla de se réveiller et Teyla répond avant que Ronon ne la paralyse. Elle a vu dans l'esprit de la Reine que celle-ci a enclenché le système d'auto destruction du croiseur wraith : il va exploser (et eux avec) dans deux heures !

Retour dans la salle de contrôle. McKay et Zelenka informent Sheppard et Weir qui viennent de les rejoindre que la croûte terrestre sur laquelle se trouve la plateforme est très fine et que si le croiseur explose, l'énergie thermique ainsi libérée créera une vraie catastrophe : Atlantis sera touchée sans même qu'elle s'en aperçoive. Sheppard déduit donc qu'il faut désamorcer l'auto destruction du croiseur. Mais un problème se pose : comment aller jusqu'au croiseur ? Il se trouve à moins d'un kilomètre de la station mais ils n'ont plus de jumper. Rodney a alors une idée.

McKay emmène Sheppard et Weir dans la salle du sas où se trouvent deux scaphandres utilisés pour les réparations externes de la plateforme qu'ils pourront mettre pour se rendre au croiseur. Rodney n'avait pas l'intention d'accompagner Sheppard, mais celui-ci ne lui laisse pas le choix. Nous les voyons peu après dans leurs scaphandres. Sheppard et McKay se chamaillent puis sont interrompus par Weir qui leur demande où ils en sont. Ils sont presque arrivés mais ils craignent de ne pas avoir assez de temps. Sheppard pense que Teyla va devoir entrer à nouveaux dans l'esprit de la Reine, ce que Weir aimerait éviter : elle pense que c'est trop dangereux pour Teyla. Weir revient vers la Reine et lui demande comment désactiver l'auto destruction. La Wraith ne répond rien et le fait qu'elle ne survivra pas non plus à l'explosion ne la gène pas plus que cela. Teyla retourne alors dans son esprit.

De leur côté, Sheppard et McKay sont arrivés au vaisseau. Il est remarquablement bien conservé et éventuellement récupérable (s'il n'explose pas). Ils partent à la recherche de la salle de contrôle.

Retour du côté de Teyla, elle perd un instant sa concentration et doit arrêter sa tentative. Elle veut recommencer immédiatement mais Weir l'en dissuade, lui demandant de donner une chance à Rodney.

Dans le vaisseau, Sheppard et McKay sont arrivés devant le système d'auto destruction. Rodney tente de le désarmer mais il doit y avoir un code qu'il ne peut pas craquer. Il ne leur reste plus que trente minutes avant l'explosion. Sheppard en informe le docteur Weir.

Teyla essaye de convaincre le docteur Weir qu'elle est en état de retenter l'expérience. Weir refuse en lui signalant que Rodney a eu une idée et qu'il faut lui laisser du temps pour la concrétiser. Weir s'éloigne, Teyla retourne alors près de la Reine gardée par Ronon. Teyla dit à ce dernier qu'il y a une urgence en salle de contrôle et qu'il doit y aller, elle gardera la Reine. Une fois seule, Teyla recommence à entrer dans l'esprit de la Reine. Mais elle est trop faible et la Wraith prend son contrôle, lui faisant détacher ses liens. La Reine pense d'abord la consommer mais sent que Teyla lui cache quelque chose. Nous avons alors un flash back : Sheppard est revenu sur la station et expose avec Weir le plan de Rodney à Teyla. Ils vont brancher un générateur à naquadah sur le croiseur et le faire voler pour limiter les dégâts dus à l'explosion. La reine est ravie, elle abandonne Teyla qui s'évanouie.

Dans le vaisseau Wraith, Sheppard est devant le système d'auto destruction. Il se retourne et voit la Reine qui lui demande s'il a remis en route l'alimentation de son vaisseau. Sheppard s'éloigne prudemment d'elle tout en lui répondant qu'il volera. Elle désamorce le compte à rebours. Une fois l'auto destruction désactivé, McKay apparaît à l'entrée de la salle et tire sur la Reine qui se retourne vers lui et s'en approche. Sheppard l'achève avec son arme. Ils n'ont en fait jamais eu l'intention de faire voler le croiseur, ils ont juste manipulé le Wraith à travers Teyla, pour qu'elle désactive elle-même l'auto destruction.

Toute l'équipe se retrouve dans les quartiers du personnel. McKay arrive en les informant que Zelenka a rétabli les communications. Atlantis a envoyé un jumper à leur recherche, il devrait arriver dans l'heure. Ronon est ravi, il a hâte de retrouver le soleil. Rodney lui répond qu'ils n'ont pas fini, qu'ils ont a peine commencé et qu'ils devraient pouvoir remettre les systèmes auxiliaire en marche d'ici deux jours. Il sort en compagnie du docteur Weir à qui il explique ses projets pour la station. Ronon, Teyla et Sheppard, eux vont passer l'heure qui vient à se reposer.

Source Gateship-one

ATLANTIS. Some distance from the city, a Puddle Jumper heads down
into the ocean. On board, Doctor Elizabeth Weir is sitting beside
Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard as he pilots the ship towards the
ocean floor. Behind Elizabeth, Ronon Dex sits and yawns in boredom.
Teyla Emmagan comes forward from the rear compartment, where several
Atlantis crewmembers are sitting, and walks over to Doctor Rodney
McKay who is sitting behind John. She glances back at the team in
the rear, obviously bored with having had nothing to look at for
ages, then looks at Rodney.
TEYLA: Um ... shotgun ... is it?
McKAY (exasperated): Oh, come on.
(Teyla smiles at him. Annoyed, he picks up his computer tablet and
stands up.)
McKAY: I don't know why I have to do this.
(He walks into the rear compartment and sits down on one of the side
benches. There are seven other people back there, including Doctor
Radek Zelenka. All of them look really bored. Teyla takes Rodney's
seat in the front compartment. Rodney looks down at his computer
tablet for a moment, then looks up at Radek and the other people
opposite him.)
McKAY: What?
ZELENKA: Nobody said anything.
McKAY: You don't *have* to, do you? Look, it's not *my* fault things
are hard to find on the bottom of the ocean.
ZELENKA: Rodney, you said you knew where it was.
McKAY: I *said* I knew its last known location. It is a *mobile*
drilling station, remember? Obviously that's gonna take a few hours.
DEX: If we don't find it soon, this is gonna be *your* last known
McKAY: Oh, zing!
SHEPPARD: OK, kids. Do I have to pull this thing over? It's hard
enough being in this damned thing for hours without listening to you
GRAYDON: Actually, Doctor McKay has managed to narrow the search
field to a remarkably small area.
McKAY: Hmm, finally! The voice of reason! Thank you, Doctor ...
um ...
GRAYDON: Graydon.
McKAY: Yes, yes, of course. (He smiles insincerely at Graydon.)
Well, welcome to the team.
(Graydon's smile fades.)
GRAYDON: Uh, I've been here almost eight months.
McKAY: Really?
(Graydon nods.)
McKAY: Oh. It's been that long, has it? (Awkwardly) Time certainly
ZELENKA: Of course, not sitting in a Jumper looking for a needle in a
McKAY: You know what? Shut up!
DEX: You know what? *You* shut up, OK?
McKAY: Hey! I don't hear Grayson complaining!
GRAYDON: Uh, it's Graydon, with a `d'.
McKAY: What? You sure?
GRAYDON: It's my name.
McKAY: No-no-no, `cause I could have sworn that the guy I wanted from
your department was called Grayson, `cause I remember thinking Dick
Grayson, Bruce Wayne's ward.
GRAYDON: Well, it's Graydon.
McKAY: Oh. Perhaps that means I hired the wrong guy.
SHEPPARD (to Elizabeth): Well, still glad you came?
(Elizabeth, who had been lost in thought until now, jerks out of her
WEIR: Oh, sorry. (Sarcastically) I was preoccupied thinking about
the geothermal drilling platform.
SHEPPARD: Shouldn't take us much longer. We just passed the thermal
layer and I'm getting some readings a couple of hundred feet ahead.
WEIR: If we did manage to find an alternate and potentially limitless
power supply, that would make even this insufferably long search seem
(The heads-up display comes up on the windshield.)
SHEPPARD: OK, kids, we're here.
(Rodney and Radek come into the front compartment. The other
scientists also stand up and come forward to take a look at the
SHEPPARD: Well, hopefully it won't take too much longer to power up
the station.
(The Jumper flies towards the drilling platform sitting on the ocean
floor. As the Jumper approaches, lights on the outside of the
platform come on automatically. Elizabeth smiles at John.)
WEIR: That wasn't so hard.
SHEPPARD: Now all I've gotta do is dock this thing and we can find
out what this place is all about.

Somewhere nearby, a female Wraith – and therefore probably a Queen –
opens her eyes as she becomes aware of something approaching.

SHORTLY AFTERWARDS. The Jumper has backed into the platform's
docking port, leaving its nose sticking out into the ocean. The crew
is in a Control Room of the platform and they are hooking up their
laptops to various consoles. Rodney reports to Elizabeth.
McKAY: All systems are online and functioning at full capacity.
WEIR: You mean we're generating power already?
McKAY: Well ... no. No-no, but we probably could if we wanted to.
WEIR: No, slow down. The Ancients abandoned this project for a
reason. Let's try to find out what that reason might be *before* we
start drilling into the planet's crust.
McKAY: Yes, well, fair enough.

CORRIDOR. John, Ronon and Teyla are walking around the base checking
the place out.
TEYLA: Have we not been down this hallway before?
DEX: Every corridor looks the same.
SHEPPARD: Don't worry. I have an uncanny sense of direction.
DEX: I think she's right. We've been down this way before.
SHEPPARD: That's impossible. We took a left, and a left, and then a
DEX: Hey, look, all I'm saying is ...
(Suddenly Teyla stops and gasps. Ronon turns back to her.)
DEX: What?
TEYLA: I am sensing a Wraith presence nearby.
SHEPPARD: Are you sure? We're pretty deep underwater.
TEYLA: I cannot be certain, but I believe it is onboard the drilling
(John looks around nervously, then activates his headset radio.)
SHEPPARD: This is Sheppard. Everyone drop what you're doing; get
back to the Control Room immediately.

McKAY (tetchily): We did a complete life signs scan. It's the first
thing we did when we stepped aboard this station. Look, I promise
you, there is nobody here but us.
TEYLA: I know, Rodney, but I am sensing it even closer now.
McKAY: Well, maybe it's the pressure. It's been known to do things
to the mind.
SHEPPARD: Just humour me and check again.
(Rodney sighs in irritation. He turns to his computer and activates
the life signs scanner. It shows twelve life signs.)
McKAY: There. All of these life signs have been accounted for. (He
turns and looks smugly at John.) Humoured?
WEIR: Wraith don't show up on life signs detectors if they're
TEYLA: I know what I am sensing.
McKAY: There is no Wraith here! I'm telling you!
DEX (to Teyla): Has your sense ever been wrong?
TEYLA: Never. And I cannot shake this feeling.
DEX: I trust her.
McKAY (pointing to his computer): As opposed to irrefutable fact?
DEX: Your machines don't know everything.
McKAY: I never said that they did.
TEYLA: There is a way for me to be sure. If I can reach out with my
mind and establish a link ...
SHEPPARD: Whoa. That's a little reckless, don't you think?
TEYLA: If there is no Wraith, then there will be no mind for me to
link with, and therefore no risk. But if there *is* a Wraith
nearby ...
WEIR: ... we need to know.

CREW QUARTERS. John, Teyla, Ronon and Elizabeth have gone to a room
which has bunks around the wall. Teyla is sitting cross-legged on a
bench in the middle of the room with her hands upturned on her knees.
TEYLA: I am ready.
SHEPPARD: You sure?
TEYLA: The briefest contact will determine whether or not I'm right.
SHEPPARD: That's all we need, so don't stick around any longer.
(Teyla nods.)
WEIR: And we will bring you out of it at the first sign of trouble.
(Teyla nods again and closes her eyes. John turns and whispers
quietly to Ronon.)
SHEPPARD: Just to be sure ...
DEX: It's already set to stun.
(Teyla opens her eyes and rolls them at the boys, more at the
distraction than what they've said.)
(Teyla exhales deeply and closes her eyes again. Ronon puts his hand
onto his blaster. Teyla concentrates for several long seconds,
turning her hands over to place them flat on her knees. She
continues to concentrate as Ronon fidgets nervously. John puts his
hand on his pistol. After a while, Teyla opens her eyes. Elizabeth
steps closer to her.)
WEIR: Teyla?
(As Teyla looks up at the others, looking a little bewildered, John
and Ronon also take a step closer to her.)
TEYLA: I was mistaken. There's nothing there.
SHEPPARD: Well, that's *good*.
(Teyla stands up.)
TEYLA: I'm sorry.
SHEPPARD: No reason to be sorry.
TEYLA: Perhaps it *was* the effect of the pressure at this depth.
SHEPPARD: Well, if you've ever seen "The Abyss," pressure can make
you nuts.
(Teyla frowns at him.)
SHEPPARD: Not that I think you're nuts.
TEYLA: It's alright, John. (She smiles.) I am relieved.
WEIR: So am I. Well, we have a lot of exploring to do.
WEIR: Until Rodney delivers the preliminary status report, I'm all
yours. Put me to work, Colonel.
SHEPPARD: Alright, let's make up some time. Break into teams.
Ronon, you're with Teyla. Elizabeth, you're with me – or I'm with
you, however you wanna put it.
(Ronon hands him a rifle and he walks off, Elizabeth following him.)
WEIR: Either [ee-ther] way ... or either [eye-ther] way.
(Ronon hands Teyla a pistol and they too head off.)

SHEPPARD: That was weird.
WEIR: Well, we *are* at the very bottom of the ocean. Maybe you're
right. Teyla's just experiencing the effects of the pressure.
SHEPPARD: Hopefully not as bad as that guy in "The Abyss."

DEX: This place is big, huh?
(Teyla doesn't answer him. He looks round at her.)
DEX: What's wrong?
TEYLA: Nothing. Why?
DEX: You just haven't said a word.
TEYLA: Have I not?
DEX: No.
TEYLA (stopping): Has my silence made you uncomfortable?
(Ronon stops and turns to face her.)
DEX: No.
(Teyla walks closer to him.)
TEYLA: Your friendship is very important to me. I would hate to do
anything that made you ... (she puts her hand on his shoulder) ...
DEX: OK. Well ... (he looks at her hand on his shoulder) ... good.
(Teyla knees him hard in the groin. As Ronon groans and starts to
double up, she punches him hard in the face twice. The second blow
slams his head into the wall and he falls to the floor. Teyla kicks
him brutally three times, knocking him unconscious. She looks around
for a moment, then heads off. She finds another Control Room, looks
at the control panel for a while, then activates some crystals. In
John and Elizabeth's area, the lights go out. John switches on the
light on top of his rifle.)
SHEPPARD: Rodney. What's going on?
(In the main Control Room, the lights are still on.)
McKAY: What do you mean, what's going on?
SHEPPARD: We just lost the lights.
McKAY: What?
(He goes over to a control panel and looks at it. It shows that
several areas of the base are in darkness.)
McKAY: Huh. You're right.
WEIR: Yes, we can see that!
McKAY: We just lost power to forty percent of the station. Sensors
are currently offline. Zelenka, what are you doing?
ZELENKA (from another Control Room): Uh, what do you mean, what am I
McKAY: Have you lost power where you are?
ZELENKA: No. Have you?
McKAY: No.
SHEPPARD: *We* have. I wanna know what's going on.
McKAY: You know, this station *has* been lying idle down here for a
few millennia. We're bound to blow a few fuses. Look, I'll have
power back online in a minute. Just hang tight.
SHEPPARD: Ronon, Teyla? Report your position.
(There's no reply. Ronon is still unconscious.)
SHEPPARD: Ronon, Teyla? Come in.
(Again there's no reply. John looks suspiciously at Elizabeth.)
(In her Control Room, Teyla is still activating controls. In the
corridor, Elizabeth looks back down the dark corridor nervously.)
SHEPPARD: Ronon. Teyla. Rodney, we've lost contact with Ronon and
Teyla. You know their position?
McKAY: No, negative. Internal sensors are out, but I have determined
the location where the power went down. It's an auxiliary control
area, search grid six. It's the deck that Ronon and Teyla were
SHEPPARD: We'll meet you there.
McKAY: OK. (He looks at one of the scientists.) Davidson.
DICKENSON: It's, uh, Dickenson, sir.
McKAY: Yeah, well, I was in the ballpark. Just give me a break
here. Look, get back to the Jumper – see if you can use its sensors
to determine the location of our people within the drilling platform.
McKAY: Gray*DON*, you go with him.

Out in the ocean, a figure is swimming towards the platform.

CORRIDOR. Rodney walks nervously along a dark corridor, shining his
flashlight around. A light flickers behind him and he turns quickly
towards it, sighing with relief as he sees John and Elizabeth walking
towards him.
McKAY: There you are.
(The three of them continue on. In the Auxiliary Control Room, Teyla
activates a control that opens a panel containing some crystals.
Stepping back, she draws her pistol and fires repeatedly into the
panel, destroying the crystals. Nearby, John and the others hear the
WEIR: Weapons fire.
SHEPPARD: Nine mil. This way.
(He and Elizabeth hurry towards the sound. Rodney hesitates.)
McKAY: Oh, yes. Let's race *towards* the gunfire!
(Nevertheless, he follows the other two.)

In another part of the platform is a room with a moon pool – a round
opening in the floor which allows instant access to the ocean. The
Wraith Queen – for she is indeed a Queen, as indicated by her dark
hair – surfaces and snarls.

CORRIDOR. John, Elizabeth and Rodney are still making their way
towards the area where they heard gunshots.
SHEPPARD (into radio): Ronon, Teyla, come in.
(As they turn a corner, Ronon groans. John and the others run
towards him as he tries to sit up.)
WEIR: Are you alright?
DEX: No!
WEIR: Did you see who attacked you?
DEX: Yeah, it was Teyla.
McKAY: What?! Why?
WEIR: OK, until we know what's going on, I'd like everyone in one

AUXILIARY CONTROL ROOM. Teyla continues activating controls.

CORRIDOR. Graydon and Dickenson are walking along. Suddenly a
forcefield activates in front of them. All around the base,
forcefields activate, blocking corridors. Back at John's position,
Ronon is on his feet and the four of them are walking along.
ZELENKA (over radio): This is Zelenka. Someone has just activated
emergency forcefields throughout the station.
SHEPPARD: Can you make it back to the Control Room?
ZELENKA: Yes, I think so.
McKAY: That doesn't make any sense. What's she doing?
SHEPPARD: You and Elizabeth go back to the Control Room. Ronon and I
are gonna check up on Teyla.
WEIR: Be careful.
DEX: No kidding!
(Drawing his blaster, he follows John as Elizabeth and Rodney head
off in a different direction.)

AUXILIARY CONTROL ROOM. Teyla gasps and slumps over the control
panel. Standing up again, she looks around the room in confusion.
She notices her pistol lying on top of the panel and picks it up.
She backs away from the panel, still looking around bewildered.
Suddenly she senses something behind her and turns, aiming her
pistol, only to find John and Ronon both aiming their weapons at her.
SHEPPARD: Drop it.
(Teyla drops her pistol to the floor.)
TEYLA: John.
(She slumps against the control panel again.)
SHEPPARD: What the hell's going on?
TEYLA (anguished): I do not know.

WEIR: Rodney, what's the status?
McKAY: As far from the "quo" as it gets. Look, Teyla didn't just
shut down several key systems; she scrambled the existing operating
ZELENKA: This is going to take a while.
WEIR: Can we contact Atlantis?
McKAY: The station's communication system is just gone. I can't even
patch it. She's blown the control crystals – *and* shut down half
the power to the station *and* set up a series of emergency
WEIR: To what purpose?
SHEPPARD (over radio): This is Sheppard. We've got Teyla.
WEIR: And?
SHEPPARD: And nothin'. She has no memory of anything that happened
the last hour. We're on our way to Crew Quarters.
WEIR: I'll meet you there. (To Rodney) OK, let's forget about
restoring the station to its former glory. Concentrate your efforts
on internal sensors and disabling the forcefields that are cutting us
off from the Jumper.

CREW QUARTERS. Teyla is sitting on the bench with the two men
standing nearby and watching her closely. Elizabeth comes in. Teyla
stands up.
TEYLA: Elizabeth, I'm so sorry.
WEIR: Don't worry about that. How are you feeling now?
TEYLA: I'm fine, but to hear of the damage I caused and yet to have
no memory of my actions ...
WEIR: Just tell us what you *do* remember.
TEYLA: I was attempting to seek out the Wraith presence with my mind,
and then ... (She trails off.)
WEIR: There *is* a Wraith?
TEYLA: The most powerful mind I have ever encountered. (She sits
down again.) I tried to shut her out ...
SHEPPARD (sharply): *Her*?
TEYLA: Yes. I believe this Wraith is a Queen.
SHEPPARD (grimacing): I *hate* Queens.
TEYLA: In that brief moment, I sensed great power; the experiences of
many centuries; hunger ... and then nothing. My next memory is of
Colonel Sheppard and Ronon aiming their weapons towards me.
WEIR: So there *is* a Wraith aboard the drilling platform.
SHEPPARD: If that were the case, why'd she use Teyla to do all that
damage, and why didn't the life signs detector pick up a signal?
DEX: Doesn't matter. If she's here, I'll find her.
SHEPPARD: *We'll* find her.
TEYLA: I would like to help.
(The other three look at her awkwardly.)
WEIR: I'm sorry, Teyla, but until we can determine exactly what ...
(Teyla lowers her head, realising that her team can't trust her yet.)
TEYLA: Yes, of course. I understand.

CORRIDOR. Dickenson and Graydon are kneeling by a panel near the
floor of the corridor. Dickenson presses some symbols on the cover
and the panel slides open.
McKAY (over radio): Dickenson. Any progress on disabling those
(The scientists look at each other as if to say, "Give us a minute,
will you?!")
McKAY: I'm getting indications that some of them are going up and
down. We could really use the Jumper's sensors.
DICKENSON: I'm doing my best, sir.
GRAYDON (to Dickenson): One of these days I'm just going to call him
Doctor McCoy.
DICKENSON: I'd love to be there for that!
GRAYDON: Well, the next time he calls me Grayson ...
DICKENSON (getting to work on the panel): Actually, I know a Grayson.
GRAYDON: There really *is* a Grayson?
DICKENSON: Yeah. He's a damned good scientist, too. I'm surprised
McKay didn't hire him.
(Graydon looks hurt. Just then, a sound comes from around the
corner, as if a forcefield has just lowered.)
GRAYDON: Did you do that?
DICKENSON: I don't know – but I'm happy to take credit for it. Check
it out.
(He heads off around the corner as Dickenson gets back to work on the

SHORTLY AFTERWARDS. At the docking port, Graydon frowns as he spots
a small puddle of water on the floor. He walks over to the Jumper
and stops again at the sight of another small puddle on the ramp. He
bends down to touch it, then stands up and looks around the area.
Seeing nothing, he turns to go into the Jumper only to find himself
face to face with the Wraith Queen.

ZELENKA: I don't understand. What could the Wraith possibly want
with an Ancient drilling platform? For that matter, how did they
even get here?
McKAY: Maybe on a ship nearby.
ZELENKA: Underwater?
McKAY: Look, who knows? Teyla's spidey-sense works for miles. Look,
are the external sensors up and running?
ZELENKA: Uh, yes, they're operational, but they're designed to scan
the ocean floor.
McKAY: Doesn't matter. Coleman, take a look at the drilling
platform's external sensors – see what you turn up.
COLEMAN: What am I looking for?
McKAY: Anything.

CREW QUARTERS. Teyla is now sitting on one of the bunks while
Elizabeth wanders around the room.
WEIR: How are you feeling?
TEYLA: I have never been more ashamed.
WEIR: Oh, you can't blame yourself.
TEYLA: I should have been more careful.
WEIR: A Wraith Queen's mind is extremely powerful, Teyla. You know
that better than I do.
TEYLA: Still, if my actions while under her control result in people
getting hurt ... (She trails off, shaking her head.)
WEIR: If you hadn't done what you did, who knows *what* could have
happened? At least now we *know* what we're dealing with. If
anything, I should thank you. I *certainly* don't blame you.
TEYLA: I would like to help them find her.
WEIR (awkwardly): Teyla ...
TEYLA: There is no risk.
WEIR: I don't *know* that.
TEYLA: Unless you suspect I am still under her control even now.
WEIR (deliberately sitting down opposite her): Would I be alone with
you if I did?
TEYLA: Then you think I am somehow vulnerable to her.
WEIR: I think it is best to keep you away from her for the moment,
yes. Look, I don't fully understand this capability you have of
linking with a Wraith mind, but if it's even remotely possible
that ...
TEYLA (interrupting): She was only able to control me because I
opened my mind to her. (She stands up.) If I choose to do so again,
I will be ready.
WEIR: Teyla, I know you wanna help.
TEYLA: I do.
WEIR: The best way for you to do that is allow Ronon and Colonel
Sheppard to find her.
TEYLA (reluctantly): As you wish.

CORRIDOR. John and Ronon, their weapons aimed, walk cautiously along
a corridor. A Wraith "ghost" flits past the end of the corridor.
Ronon hangs back, covering the corridor with his blaster, as John
proceeds forward carefully. He gestures to Ronon to head off down
another corridor.

ANOTHER CORRIDOR. Dickenson is still working on the panel but raises
his head briefly as he hears footsteps approaching behind him.
DICKENSON: It's about time. (He gets back to work on the panel.) I
was beginning to think you'd gotten lost. Listen, did you manage to,
uh ...
(He turns around to see the Queen standing behind him. As she
snarls, he scrambles to his feet and runs off but crashes into a
forcefield just a few yards down the corridor. He is thrown to the
floor and drags himself into the corner, terrified.)
DICKENSON: Oh no! Oh! (He activates his headset.) Colonel Sheppard!
(The Queen walks towards him and bends down to him.)
DICKENSON (into radio): If you can hear me, please ...
(The Queen slams her hand around his throat. In another corridor,
John hears the voice over the radio.)
DICKENSON (over radio): Help me!
SHEPPARD: Who am I talking to? (There's no reply.) What's your
location? (Still no reply.) McKay. Do you have any men unaccounted
McKAY (from the Control Room): Two guys I just sent back to the
SHEPPARD: I think they're in trouble. Can you get those forcefields
(Near Rodney, Radek looks across at him and raises his hands in
McKAY (into radio): We're working on it.
(He clicks his fingers at Radek to indicate that he needs to work

CREW QUARTERS. Teyla is pacing, with her fingers to her head as if
in pain.
TEYLA: The Wraith presence is even stronger than before. She is
aboard this station. You must warn them.
WEIR (into radio): Colonel Sheppard. Teyla's certain the Wraith is
aboard the station.
SHEPPARD (over radio): Understood.
(He starts to race back down the corridor.)
SHEPPARD: Ronon, I'm headin' back to the Jumper. Meet me there.
DEX (running down another corridor): I'm on my way.
(John screeches to a halt as he reaches glowing panels on the walls
that indicate that the forcefield is active.)
DICKENSON (over radio): Sheppard! Help me! Please!
SHEPPARD (into radio): McKay!
(Nearby, Ronon runs around a corner so fast that he can't stop from
running into another forcefield. He cries out in pain and recoils
DEX (angrily): McKay!
ZELENKA: Yeah-yeah-yeah. Almost there. (He looks up at Rodney.) I
can only do one at a time.
(He and Rodney continue working. A few moments later the forcefield
in front of John drops and he races off.)
McKAY: The Jumper's sensors should be able to locate them.
(John slowly approaches the Jumper. Noticing the puddles on the
floor, he checks around the area carefully, then quickly swings
around and aims his rifle inside before going in. Graydon is sitting
in the pilot's seat facing the front of the ship.)
SHEPPARD: Graydon?
(He walks to the front of the ship as Graydon doesn't respond. John
swings the seat around and sees that Graydon is skeletal, having been
fed on by the Queen. Startled, John jumps back. After looking at
him for a few seconds, he activates his headset.)
SHEPPARD: Graydon's dead. Fed upon.
WEIR: What about Dickenson?
SHEPPARD: No sign of him yet. Let's see if we can find him using
the, uh ... (He trails off, looking around vaguely.)
WEIR: Sheppard? (There's no reply.) Sheppard, come in.
(In the corridors, Ronon makes his way cautiously towards the docking
port. In the Jumper, John spins round and sees the Queen standing in
the doorway of the ship. He raises his rifle and tries to shoot her
but the Queen exerts her mental powers and John is unable to pull the
trigger. He groans with effort as the Queen forces him to drop his
QUEEN: You are Sheppard. The one who can fly this ship.
(John continues to groan as he tries to break her mental hold on
him. The Queen walks towards him.)
QUEEN: You will return me to the surface.
(She points at him.)
QUEEN: Kneel.
(Struggling to resist her, John falls to his knees. The Queen grins
in delight.)
McKAY (over radio): Sheppard, this is McKay. What've you got?
(John tries his hardest to speak but can't.)
McKAY (over radio): Sheppard, can you hear me?
(In the Control Room, Radek rises to his feet in consternation.
Rodney continues trying to contact John.)
McKAY (into radio): Is something wrong?
(In the Jumper, the Queen runs a finger down the side of John's face
as he gazes up at her helplessly.)
QUEEN: You will fly me to the Stargate and return me to my people.
(Ronon races around the corner of the Jumper and aims his blaster at
the Queen with both hands. John can't help but look at him. The
Queen sees his gaze shift and, snarling, turns around just as Ronon
fires. The blast goes past her, over John's head and smashes the
windshield. Instantly the ocean starts to rush in. John and the
Queen are knocked over by the water as it races through the ship and
heads towards Ronon.)

SOME TIME LATER. John recovers consciousness lying on a corridor
floor. He and the floor are soaked with water. Rodney's voice comes
over his radio. From the urgency in his voice, he has been calling
for some time.
McKAY: Sheppard, this is McKay. *Please* respond. Sheppard, come in!
(John raises his head.)
SHEPPARD: I'm here.
(In the Control Room, Radek sighs in relief.)
ZELENKA: We had to throw the emergency forcefields up. The section
you were in was flooding.
SHEPPARD: I noticed!
McKAY: See, you were thrown by the force of the water clear of the
forcefield bulkhead.
(John looks over to Ronon who is just regaining consciousness.)
(Groaning, Ronon lifts his head. He hauls himself to his feet and
walks over to the forcefield. The field is holding back the ocean on
the other side. He puts his fingers against the field and it
sparks. He looks round to John.)
DEX: I missed.
SHEPPARD (tetchily): I noticed that too!
McKAY: Everyone else is accounted for. Any sign of Dickenson?
SHEPPARD: Stand by, McKay.
(He looks around the area, then his eyes widen and he draws his
pistol and points it at the Queen as he sees her lying some yards
away. She doesn't move.)
McKAY: Look, I don't know what just happened, but we are now cut off
from the Jumper.
(Ronon walks over to the unconscious Queen and aims his blaster down
at her head.)
DEX: I won't miss now.
SHEPPARD: Wait! (Having finally got to his feet, he comes over to
join Ronon, aiming his pistol down at the Queen.)
DEX: What for?
SHEPPARD: Well, we lost the Jumper, we lost communications with
Atlantis. Maybe she can help us get out of this place.

LATER. The Queen has been taken to a room and strapped by the wrists
and ankles onto a table. She is now conscious and struggling to pull
her hands free. Elizabeth walks over to her.
WEIR: Welcome back. I trust you're comfortable.
SHEPPARD (to the Queen): That groggy sensation you're feeling are the
sedatives we're pumping you full of. Just a precaution. As for the
other precautions ...
(Ronon lifts his blaster up so that the Queen can see it and
pointedly switches the setting from stun to kill. Elizabeth walks
closer to the table.)
WEIR: Now, you're gonna tell us everything we want to know.
QUEEN: In exchange for ...?
WEIR: This is *not* a negotiation.
(The Queen grins.)
QUEEN: I disagree.
DEX: Let me get this over with.
(He charges his blaster and aims it at the Queen. She surges up into
a sitting position and snarls into Elizabeth's face. As Elizabeth
steps back nervously, Ronon rushes over, grabs the Queen by the
throat and shoves her back down onto the table, aiming his blaster at
her head with his other hand. John also aims his pistol at her.
Elizabeth catches her breath, then nods to Ronon who releases the
Queen and steps back, he and John still aiming their weapons at her
head. Elizabeth steps closer to the table again.)
WEIR: How did you get aboard this station?
(The Queen smiles but doesn't respond.)
WEIR: Are there any more of you?
QUEEN: You are all about to die.
WEIR: Really? (She smiles disbelievingly.)
SHEPPARD: You care to elaborate on that at all?
(Deliberately, the Queen turns her head away from them.)

ZELENKA: We should be able to keep the forcefields up until Atlantis
sends a rescue Jumper, but station communications are still down,
so ...
McKAY: I should have listened to Teyla. This wouldn't have happened.
ZELENKA: Don't worry about it, Rodney. It's not your fault.
McKAY: I'm the one who sent those men back to the Jumper.
ZELENKA: Well, the sensors indicated that there was nobody here,
so ...
COLEMAN: I don't think there *was*, sir. I think the Wraith arrived
here *after* we did the initial scans.
McKAY: What?
COLEMAN: You asked me to do a search with the remote sensors. I
found something.
(She activates the control panel. The wall panel shows an overhead
image of the drilling platform, then pulls back to show the ocean
surrounding the area. A familiar shape can be seen some distance
away from the platform.)
COLEMAN: We didn't notice it on the way down because it's radiating
very little E.M.
(Rodney activates his headset.)
McKAY: Guys? Head back here. I think I have a few answers.

LATER. John is looking at the image.
SHEPPARD: A Wraith cruiser.
McKAY: It's almost completely buried in silt.
ZELENKA: Which means it's been here a very, very, very long time.
McKAY: Yes, give or take a "very."
SHEPPARD: That doesn't explain how she got here.
WEIR: Maybe she swam over.
SHEPPARD: No, no. The pressure at that depth is ...
McKAY: ... is deadly to humans, but she's not human, remember?
ZELENKA: Yes, it's difficult to imagine, but with the Wraith's
ability to heal itself ...
(He and Elizabeth look at each other.)

CREW QUARTERS. John and Elizabeth are telling Teyla what's been
TEYLA: And there are no other Wraith on board?
SHEPPARD: No way to know for sure. Our prisoner isn't talking, other
than "You're all about to die."
WEIR: Which may or may not be an empty threat.
TEYLA: Then you have no way of knowing?
SHEPPARD: Well, she said it with a lot of confidence.
TEYLA: There *is* a way to find out.
SHEPPARD: We've already been down that road.
WEIR: And what is to stop her exerting control over you again?
TEYLA: She's heavily sedated. And this time I know exactly what I'm
dealing with.

SHORTLY AFTERWARDS. Elizabeth and John bring Teyla into the room
where the Queen is lying. Teyla walks over to the Queen's side. The
Queen's eyes widen as she realises who Teyla is.
TEYLA: I was caught offguard the first time. That will *not* happen
QUEEN (grinning): It does not matter.
SHEPPARD: Well, *we* think it *does*.
QUEEN: Your fate is sealed.
(Teyla looks at Ronon.)
TEYLA: If you have any reason to suspect that I am not myself, do not
hesitate to use that. (She nods towards his holstered blaster.)
DEX: I won't.
(Teyla turns back to the table and takes a preparatory breath.
Breathing out, she closes her eyes and concentrates for a few
seconds. The Queen snarls as she tries to keep Teyla out of her
TEYLA: I see her ...
(In her mind she sees the Queen as she looks out the windshield of
her ship. Several Wraith hive ships fly past.)
TEYLA: ... leading the first wave of ships that attacked Atlantis
during the war. Queen of a great alliance. Her ship was damaged
during the battle. (She gasps with the effort.) It crashed into the
(On the table, the Queen writhes as if disturbed by the memories.)
TEYLA: She fed upon her own crew to survive. Too deep to ever swim
to the surface ... waking between centuries ... waiting for rescue
that never came ... until finally she was alone. She sensed our
presence during our descent. She sensed ... *me*, and saw us as her
one chance of freedom from her prison.
(In Teyla's mind, she sees the Queen walk along the corridors of her
cruiser, then she sees an image of the ocean.)
TEYLA: The water was ... crushing ... but she was determined.
Finally, after all these millennia, a ship!
(In Teyla's mind, the Queen tries to activate the controls of the
Puddle Jumper.)
TEYLA: But she did not possess the gene to fly it.
(In the Puddle Jumper, the Queen snarls in frustration.)
SHEPPARD: She used Dickenson to call for me.
(On the table, the Queen writhes as she tries to keep Teyla out of
her mind, but Teyla sees her activate some controls on her own
cruiser. Teyla gasps and slumps onto the edge of the table.)
WEIR: Teyla ...
(Teyla raises her head, her eyes still closed.)
TEYLA: You are all about to die.
SHEPPARD: That does not sound like Teyla.
(He raises his pistol.)
TEYLA: You are all about to die.
(Ronon activates his blaster and aims it.)
TEYLA: You are all about to die.
SHEPPARD: Teyla, snap out of it!
TEYLA: Wait!
(She forces herself to continue her probe of the Queen's mind, and
sees a red light begin to pulse on the control panel of the cruiser.
Teyla raises her head, her eyes open.)
TEYLA: She has activated the self-destruct device of the Wraith
cruiser. It is set to detonate within two hours.
(The Queen looks round at John and grins.)
SHEPPARD: So – *not* an empty threat.

CONTROL ROOM. John and Elizabeth walk in.
McKAY: How's Teyla?
WEIR: She's resting. I think it took a lot more out of her than
she's willing to admit.
SHEPPARD: What's the news?
McKAY: OK, well, it looks like the Ancients chose this section of the
ocean floor because the planet's crust is remarkably thin right below
us, allowing them to drill directly into the magma and maximise the
geothermal power output.
ZELENKA: Which means there's a great deal of potential energy
directly beneath this station.
SHEPPARD: That's the news? That this place works as advertised?
McKAY: No. No, the news is that if they were to detonate, say, the
self-destruct of a Wraith cruiser on just such a wafer-thin crust ...
WEIR: Oh my God.
ZELENKA: ... all that thermal energy directly beneath us will be
released all at once.
SHEPPARD: So, bad news.
McKAY: Yeah. The initial explosion will be magnified a thousand
times. We're talking catastrophic.
SHEPPARD: So it won't just be us that's affected.
ZELENKA: No. Atlantis will be affected as well. It's well within
the blast radius.
WEIR: And we have no way to warn them?
McKAY: They'd never even see it coming.
SHEPPARD: So we disarm the self-destruct.
McKAY: That's brilliant, but we still need to get there.
WEIR: And how do we do that without the Jumper?
SHEPPARD: We're way behind schedule. They're gonna send a rescue
Jumper any minute now.
McKAY: Even if they've left already – I mean the *moment* we were
overdue ...
ZELENKA: No, they won't make it in time.
SHEPPARD: How far is the cruiser?
ZELENKA: Um, less than a kilometre.
SHEPPARD: She swam that far?! What *is* she?!
ZELENKA: A formidable enemy.
McKAY: I have an idea.

MOON POOL ROOM. Rodney leads John and Elizabeth over to a couple of
bulky diving suits.
McKAY: I found these in the database when we first got here. They
were used primarily to make repairs to the exterior of the station.
SHEPPARD: Very cool!
McKAY: Yeah. You should be able to traverse the distance between
here and the cruiser.
SHEPPARD: You mean *we*.
McKAY (reluctantly): Um, yes, of course. We.
(Elizabeth walks across to the edge of the moon pool.)
WEIR: This must be how she got in.
SHEPPARD: Probably. Alright. Let's get suited up.
(Rodney stares down into the water in dread.)
McKAY (unhappily): Right.

LATER. John and Rodney are walking slowly across the ocean floor.
Rodney is breathing rapidly.
SHEPPARD: You're breathing too hard.
McKAY: Oh, forgive me for being aware of exactly how much pressure is
being exerted on this suit right now.
SHEPPARD: Just think of it as a walk on the beach – a beach that's
about to explode.
McKAY: That's supposed to make me feel better?!
SHEPPARD: No, it's supposed to make you walk faster. We're on the
clock here.
WEIR (over radio): This is Weir. How close are you?
SHEPPARD: Almost there, but we're runnin' out of time. We may need
Teyla to do her Kreskin act again.
WEIR: I'd rather not have to. I think it could be much too dangerous
for her.
SHEPPARD: So is exploding magma.
McKAY (sighing irritably): I am walking as fast as I can.

DRILLING PLATFORM. Elizabeth walks back to the Queen.
WEIR: How do we disarm the self-destruct? You won't survive the
blast any more than we will.
(The Queen grins and turns her head away.)
TEYLA: I can get the information we need.
QUEEN: If you are strong enough, you would have done so already.
(She looks at Teyla.) I can feel how weak you are.
TEYLA: We shall see who is stronger.
(She prepares herself, then closes her eyes and reinitiates mental
contact with the Queen, who gasps as she struggles to keep her out.)

WRAITH CRUISER. John and Rodney are inside the ship and have taken
their suits off.
SHEPPARD: Hey, that took too long.
McKAY: Yeah, well, I probably won't be able to disarm the self-
destruct in time anyway, so we're really not in a rush.
SHEPPARD: Why don't we find it first, and *then* you can be negative?
McKAY: The ship is remarkably preserved.
SHEPPARD: You'd think after ten thousand years, she'd want to
McKAY: I'm serious. The hull damage is minimal. They probably just
lost their main drive.
SHEPPARD: You're saying this thing is salvageable?
McKAY: Hmm, I'd have to assess damage to primary systems but it's not
completely out of the question. Of course, you'd probably just go
and blow it up or slam it into a hive ship or something, and all that
work'd be for nothing.
SHEPPARD: Tick, tick, tick.
(Rodney sighs and looks at an Ancient device he's holding. He
McKAY: This way.

DRILLING PLATFORM. Teyla's eyes are closed in concentration. The
Queen writhes gently as she struggles to keep her out.
WEIR: Teyla?
(Teyla gasps and clutches her head, crying out in pain.)
QUEEN (triumphantly): You are weakening.
WEIR: Teyla, I think you should stop.
TEYLA: My concentration slipped for just a moment.
QUEEN: And in that moment, I could have crushed you with a single
thought. (She looks at Teyla pointedly.) Perhaps next time, I will.
WEIR: There isn't gonna *be* a next time.
(She pulls Teyla away from the Queen.)
TEYLA: Elizabeth, I am fine.
WEIR: No, you're not. I can see what this is doing to you. Let's
just give McKay a chance.

WRAITH CRUISER. John and Rodney walk onto the Bridge and see the
console that Teyla saw in the Queen's mind. The red light is
flashing ominously.
SHEPPARD: There it is.
(Rodney walks over and looks at the controls.)
McKAY: Huh.
McKAY: Well, I'm pretty sure this is the device, and I'm pretty sure
it says we have less than half an hour.
SHEPPARD: So turn it off.
(Rodney takes hold of a control device and pushes it forward. He
pulls it back again and pushes a button but nothing happens.)
McKAY: Huh!
SHEPPARD: What does *that* mean?
McKAY: It's not accepting commands of any kind. There must be some
kind of a command code that needs to be entered first.
(He experimentally pushes a few buttons.)
SHEPPARD: Can you figure it out?
McKAY (sarcastically): Yes, well, command codes are usually quite
simple, like the number one or the letter A, like, in Wraith, which
would be, umm ...
SHEPPARD: Can you figure out the code or not?
McKAY: No! Not if I stood here and tried for a million years, and we
have ... (he looks at his watch) ... just under a million years less
than that.
(Exasperated, John turns away and activates his radio.)
SHEPPARD: Elizabeth, you there?
(Back at the platform, Elizabeth walks out of the room and activates
her headset.)
WEIR: Any luck?
SHEPPARD: Negative. If we don't get the command code in less than
thirty minutes, we're dead.

DRILLING PLATFORM. Elizabeth and Teyla are just outside the Queen's
prison room. The Queen can hear them as they talk.
TEYLA: This is the only way.
WEIR: I told you, Rodney has another idea.
TEYLA: That may or may not succeed. There is only *one* way to be
WEIR: She said she would kill you next time.
TEYLA: I will not let that happen.
(Elizabeth considers it for a moment, then makes a decision.)
WEIR: No. We're gonna give them more time.
(She walks away. Teyla watches her go, then turns and goes back into
the room.)
TEYLA: Ronon. There's been an emergency in the Control Room. Doctor
Weir needs your help.
DEX (gesturing to the Queen): What about her?
(Teyla draws her pistol and aims it at the Queen's head.)
TEYLA: I'll watch the prisoner. Hurry.
DEX: Watch yourself.
(He leaves the room. Once he has gone, Teyla lowers her pistol and
holsters it.)
QUEEN: Are you fool enough to try again?
TEYLA: I have very little to lose.
(The Queen grins as Teyla closes her eyes and concentrates. Another
mental struggle ensues between the two of them. After several
seconds the Queen gasps and her eyes snap open. Teyla opens her own
eyes and stares at her in horror. The Queen grins triumphantly and
stares at Teyla, who reaches down and pulls out the I.V. in her arm,
then goes to the foot of the bed and undoes the tethers around her
ankles before returning to the other end of the bed and undoing the
tethers around her wrists. The Queen sits up and raises her right
hand ready to strike at Teyla and feed on her, then she hesitates and
looks at her closely.)
QUEEN: You're trying to hide something from me.
(Teyla stares at her wide-eyed, trying to keep her out of her mind,
but the Queen gets through her defences and sees a flashback of an
earlier conversation.)

FLASHBACK. Teyla meets with Elizabeth and John.
WEIR: There's been a development.
TEYLA: Were you able to disarm the self-destruct device?
SHEPPARD: No, but Rodney thinks if we can tie in a naqahdah generator
he can still get the Wraith cruiser to fly.
TEYLA: After all these years?
SHEPPARD: Yeah. The damage is superficial. The problem was the
engines. McKay's already restored power and I think I can fly the
ship to a safe distance.
TEYLA: That's a suicide mission.
SHEPPARD: Well, if I can ditch the ship on the mainland, maybe I can
get far enough away from the explosion. I gotta go now.
(He turns to leave.)
TEYLA: Wait. Let me try again. If I can get her to give up her
command code, you won't have to risk it.
SHEPPARD: You're in no condition to do that. (He and Elizabeth
exchange a glance for a moment.) Sorry. (He turns and leaves.)

The flashback ends. As the Queen grins, Teyla drops to the floor,
unconscious. The Queen leaves the room and heads for the moon pool.
Shortly afterwards, she is swimming through the ocean towards her

WRAITH CRUISER. The self-destruct light continues to pulse. John
stands watching it with concern, then turns as the Queen enters the
SHEPPARD: Well, you're a hell of a swimmer, I'll give you that.
QUEEN: You have restored power?
SHEPPARD (backing away from the console): It'll fly.
(Hissing in delight, the Queen walks across to the console and
punches her code into it. The red light goes off.)
QUEEN: You shall be rewarded ... with a quick death.
(Behind her, Rodney raises a P90 and fires a hail of bullets into her
back. The Queen convulses, then turns to face him, snarling.
Rodney's eyes widen.)
McKAY: She's not dying according to plan here!
(He cowers out of the way as the Queen walks toward him. John draws
his pistol and fires eight more bullets into her back. She finally
drops to the floor. John walks toward her, still aiming his pistol
cautiously, as Rodney straightens up.)
SHEPPARD: I thought you'd forgotten about me!
McKAY: Of course not! I just had to wait for her to disable the
device. Hey, just be thankful she didn't feed on you before she
entered the command code.
SHEPPARD: Oh, *that's* why you didn't wanna be bait!
McKAY: No-no-no-no. *You* had to be bait because she was expecting
you to be the one trying to fly the ship.
(John narrows his eyes at him. Rodney looks down at the Queen.)
McKAY: She *is* dead, right?
SHEPPARD: Let's get outta here.

CREW QUARTERS. Ronon goes over to one of the bunks and puts his
blaster down. John walks across the room, looking at Teyla who is
sitting on the side of another bunk with Elizabeth.
SHEPPARD: How're you feelin'?
TEYLA: Much better now that I no longer feel the constant presence of
a Wraith.
(John sits down on another bunk.)
SHEPPARD: That was no ordinary Wraith. It took a lot of bullets to
take her down.
DEX (unstrapping his holster): I wish I was there.
WEIR: He's right, you know. I mean, deceiving a Wraith *Queen* –
that's no small feat.
TEYLA: Well, when there are so many lives at stake, it's easy to
summon the strength.
(Ronon sits down on the edge of his bunk. Rodney comes in just as
Ronon lies down.)
McKAY: Well, Zelenka's finally got communications back up. Turns out
Atlantis *had* sent another Jumper. Should be here within the hour.
WEIR: That's good news!
DEX (lying face down on his bunk): Yeah, no kiddin'. I can't wait to
see the sun.
McKAY: What? No-no-no – we haven't finished what we came here for.
Look, the Wraith's gone – we've got a ton of research to do.
WEIR (picking up her jacket and standing up): Yes, we do.
McKAY: In fact, I'm pretty sure we should be able to come up with a
way to get auxiliary power online in a couple of days.
(As she follows Rodney out of the room, Elizabeth throws a rueful
smile back at Teyla, who grins.)
DEX: Is he serious?
SHEPPARD: Yeah. He is.
TEYLA: Well, I for one intend to spend the next little while resting.
(She bundles up her jacket and puts it at the head of the bunk to use
as a pillow.)
DEX: Same here.
SHEPPARD: Yeah. Same here.
(He lies down on his bunk and settles down.)

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !