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#807 : Monde cruel


Teal'c a obtenu l'autorisation de s'installer dans un appartement à l'extérieur de la Base. Malheureusement, le valeureux guerrier a du mal à passer inaperçu au milieu des humains et inquiète sérieusement les autorités supérieures. Notamment après avoir fait la connaissance de sa charmante voisine, Krista James : il disparaît avec la jeune femme en laissant le cadavre de son petit-ami derrière eux. Un mandat d'arrêt est lancé contre lui. Pendant ce temps, Pete Shanahan demande Samantha en fiançailles. Mais à la grand joie dissimulée de O'Neil, cette dernière n'est pas prête à mettre sa carrière entre parenthèse...


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Monde cruel

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extrait vo: Teal'c, Daniel et Sam

extrait vo: Teal'c, Daniel et Sam


Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Peter DeLuise.

Réalisé par : Peter DeLuise.

Apparitions :

Erica Durance (Krista James)

Derek Hamilton (Doug Mcnair)

Gary Jones (Sergent Walter Davis)

David Deluise (Pete Shanahan)

Brad Kelly (Ami De Thug)

Christopher Attadia (Eric)

Lucas Wolf (Jennings)

Judith Berlin (Mme Conners)

Sean Millington (Ami De Thug)

Peter Bryant (Trust Member (hoskins))

Adrian Hughes (Paul)

Kate Mitchell (Femme Au Sac)

Brad Sihvon (Joe)

Rob Hayter (Sergent)

Benita Ha (Brooks)

Michael Rogers (Colonel Richard Kendrick)

Clay Virtue (Voleur)

807/ Monde cruel

Dans la rue, un accident se produit. Trois gros bras sortent d’une voiture et s’énerve contre le conducteur de la voiture qui les précédait. L’un d’eux le saisit par le col de sa chemise et s’apprête à lui décocher un direct. Mais Teal’c intervient et lui rappelle ce qu’il doit faire selon la loi, mais l’individu n’en a que faire. Puis la bagarre éclate entre ces personnes et Teal’c. Après quelques coups bien placés, Teal’c parvient à les mettre KO.

Au SGC, le Sergent Davis indique, au Général O’Neill, que le Colonel Kendricks des « enquêtes spéciales » veut le voir. Il entre de force dans la pièce. Il est là pour discuter du comportement de Teal’c, qui vit depuis peu hors de la base.

Dans son appartement, Teal’c reçoit la visite de Daniel. Ce dernier plaisante un peu sur la décoration de l’appartement. Puis il lui parle de la bagarre de l’autre jour. Daniel lui explique qu’il devrait mieux s’occuper de ses affaires avant de se mêler de celles des autres. Puis quelqu’un frappe à la porte. Il s’agit de Krista, sa voisine. Teal’c lui présente Daniel, le docteur qui a poussé Teal’c à quitter le Mozambique (il s’agit de la couverture de Teal’c pour cacher qu’il est un Jaffa). Krista demande de l’aide à Teal’c pour sa tuyauterie. Teal’c refuse, mais Daniel, en quittant la pièce, lui dit que chaque règle à ses exceptions.

Dans un parc, Samantah et Pete (cf. « Chimère ») achètent des hot dog. Il lui demande des nouvelles sur son job, mais Sam ne peut répondre, alors il plaisante un peu sur la situation. Ils s’assoient sur un banc pour manger. Pete lui annonce qu’il a demandé son transfert au département de police de Colorado Springs pour se rapprocher d’elle. Puis il sort une bague de sa poche et la demande en mariage.

De son coté, en marchant dans la rue avec Krista, Teal’c est témoin d’un vol de sac à main. Teal’c hésite à se lancer à la poursuite du voleur, mais il décide d’intervenir en lui lançant une pierre qui l’assomme aussitôt. Mais de l’autre coté de la rue, un photographe, caché, a pris des photos de la scène.

Le soir tombé, Teal’c entend des bruits dans le couloir. Il sort et constate que le petit ami de Krista, Doug, dans un état d’ébriété avancé, la harcèle. Teal’c intervient. Le petit ami essaye de le ridiculiser et le menace de le frapper. Mais Krista le supplie de partir, et Doug s’exécute.

Plus tard au SGC, Teal’c raconte ce qui s’est passé à Daniel et lui dit qu’il ne comprend pas le comportement de sa voisine. Mais Daniel lui dit que sur Terre, les relations entre les hommes et les femmes sont assez complexe selon les cultures. Sam profère un discours assez pessimiste sur la vie de couple. Daniel lui demande alors comment elle va, mais elle ne répond pas. Elle demande à Teal’c comment on règle une telle situation sur Chulak. Teal’c explique que la rupture est la seule solution.

Dans le parc prés de chez lui, Teal’c s’entraîne au lok’nel, un art martial Jaffa. Krista l’interrompt et lui dit que sa relation avec Doug est finie. Teal’c la rassure un peu. Elle lui demande alors s’il peut lui enseigner, et il accepte. Pendant plusieurs jours, et nuit, tous deux s’entraînent. Krista parvient à un bon niveau.

Quelques jours après, Teal’c va rendre visite à Krista. Elle lui dit qu’elle ne veut plus s’entraîner avec lui. Teal’c remarque alors une trace de coup sur le bras de sa voisine. Doug ouvre alors la porte de l’appartement. Il fait son petit numéro de caïd et Teal’c le prévient que s’il porte de nouveau la main sur Krista, il n’hésitera pas à le tuer.

Au SGC, Jack rend visite à Carter. Il vient pour prendre de ses nouvelles car il sent qu’elle lui cache quelque chose. Elle lui montre alors la bague que Pete lui a donnée. Elle lui dit qu’elle n’a toujours pas donné de réponse, et elle lui demande ce qu’il se serait passé avec lui si les choses étaient différentes. Jack lui répond qu’il ne serait pas là, dans cette hypothèse.

En rentrant chez lui, Teal’c trouve Krista en pleur sur le pallier. Elle lui dit qu’elle doit partir pour se changer les esprits, et lui demande de l’accompagner.

De son coté, au SGC, Daniel reçoit la visite de Sam. Elle est porteuse de mauvaises nouvelles : le petit ami de Krista a été retrouvé mort dans son appartement et selon les indices, Teal’c en serait le responsable.

Dans la voiture de Teal’c, lui et Krista roule vers une destination inconnue. Teal’c remarque qu’ils sont suivis, et décide de semer ses poursuivants. Ils arrivent dans une chambre de motel. Krista lui demande qui il est réellement, mais Teal’c ne peut pas divulguer de telles informations. Puis Krista l’embrasse.

Au petit matin, Pete rejoint Sam dans sa voiture. Elle lui demande plus de temps pour réfléchir à sa demande. Elle lui demande de l’aider pour innocenter Teal’c.

De son coté, Teal’c se réveille seul dans le lit. Il cherche Krista. Soudain, quelqu’un frappe à la porte de la chambre. Teal’c ouvre et la police l’arrête.

Au SGC, Jack informe Kendricks que Teal’c est retenu dans ses anciens quartiers au sein de la base. Jack lui dit qu’il le pense innocent. Kendricks lui dit qu’il l’avait prévenu mais qu’il n’en a fait qu’à sa tête. Jack lui rétorque qu’il méprise complètement ses recommandations.

De son coté, Daniel reçoit un message en Ancien sur son ordinateur, suivi d’un coup de téléphone. Une personne aurait la preuve de l’innocence de Teal’c. Il lui offre en échange de la traduction de ce texte en Goa’uld.

Sam et Pete, de leur coté, inspectent l’appartement de Krista. Pete pense que là disposition du corps de Doug est une mise en scène pour accuser Teal’c. puis ils se rendent dans un appartement de l’immeuble voisin pour chercher des indices sur les personnes qui ont surveillé Teal’c. Mais hélas la pièce a été extrêmement bien nettoyée et aucun indice n’est détectable. Sam pense que c’est sans issue, mais Pete croit que le gérant de la pizzeria du quartier pourrait leur donner de précieuses informations.

De son coté, Daniel rencontre un homme dans un parc. Il lui demande la traduction, mais le Dr Jackson explique qu’il a besoin du contexte pour affiner la traduction. Mais l’individu ne le croit pas. Il menace de tuer Krista. Puis il invite Daniel à le suivre. Daniel fait demi-tour mais son interlocuteur lui dit que trois snipers sont prêts à ouvrir le feu. Mais Jackson n’y croit pas. Alors l’homme pose son gobelet sur une table et un des snipers tire une balle qui le transperce de part en part. Daniel décide donc de le suivre.

Au SGC, Sam informe Teal’c de ses récentes découvertes. Ils ont quelques indices pouvant mener à une piste sérieuse. O’Neill les rejoint dans la cellule et leur dit que Daniel a disparu.

De son coté, Daniel est amené dans un hangar. Daniel comprend qu’il a affaire avec des membres du « Trust ». L’homme lui dit que Teal’c est partiellement responsable de la mort de Doug car c’est lui qui a appris à Krista à se défendre. Puis ces personnes amènent Krista à côté de Daniel.

De son coté, dans son laboratoire du SGC, Samantha reçoit un appel de Pete. Il informe que la piste de l’homme de la pizzeria mène à une personne décédée il y a 6 mois.

Dans le hangar, un homme demande au Dr Jackson la traduction. Daniel refuse. Son interlocuteur menace alors Krista avec son arme. Daniel cède et donne la traduction désirée. Une personne scanne le papier et le transmet à une autre via un ordinateur. La traduction est bonne. A l’extérieur, les forces de police encerclent le bâtiment pour le prendre d’assaut. Dans le Hangar, Daniel et Krista sont placés face contre le mur. L’homme leur tire dessus avec un zat. Puis les agents du « Trust » se regroupent et sont téléportés. Sam donne l’ordre de prendre le bâtiment d’assaut. La police pénètre et ne retrouve que Krista et Daniel inconscients au sol. Pete ne comprend pas comment les autres ont pu disparaître. Pendant que la police saisit le matériel, Samantha accepte la demande en mariage de Pete.

Quelques temps plus tard, Teal’c déménage pour retrouver ses quartiers au SGC. Krista s’excuse de l’avoir embarqué dans cette histoire et elle lui dit au revoir. Avant qu’il ne parte, Eric, un de ses jeunes voisins, lui montre sa planche de skate où il a dessiné le tatouage qu Teal’c porte sur le front, pour lui montrer qu’il ne l’oubliera pas.

A street somewhere. A car, driving somewhat too fast, slams into the
rear of a car in front which has slowed down ready to park at the
kerb. The rear car's bonnet buckles and steam starts coming out.

Out of the rear car get three men who can best be described as
looking like thugs. Loud music is coming from the car. A young man
gets out of the front car.
THUG: What the hell were you doin'?!
YOUNG MAN (looking at the damage to his own car): I was trying to
THUG: Did you ever hear of signalling, pal?
YOUNG MAN: I *did* signal.
THUG: Listen, man, if you don't know how to drive, maybe you
try stayin' off the damn road!
YOUNG MAN: Well, maybe if you hadn't been tailgatin' me, this
wouldn'ta happened.
(The thug laughs indignantly, then grabs the young man by the jacket.)
THUG: Oh, no, you didn't just say that! (He slams him against
YOUNG MAN: Look, man, I don't want any trouble.
THUG (ominously): Too late. (He draws back his fist and goes to
punch the young man, but his hand is caught by someone. It's
wearing casual clothes and with no hat on so that his tattoo is
clearly visible.)
TEAL'C: This is unlawful behaviour.
THUG: Who the hell are you?
TEAL'C (still holding the thug's wrist): Collision procedure
that you exchange insurance information and if necessary notify the
(The thug looks round at one of his friends, who laughs
THUG (also laughing disbelievingly): What?!
TEAL'C (indicating the young man with his head): This gentleman
indeed signal (the man nods in agreement), which would indicate that
it was you who was at fault.
(The thug tries to tug Teal'c's hand free without success.)
THUG: Pal, you'd better learn to mind your own damned business.
(He goes to punch Teal'c with his free fist but Teal'c grabs
it with
his own free hand, then headbutts the thug who falls to the ground.
The second thug swings a punch at him but Teal'c ducks, then
him twice and he falls. The third thug swings a punch but Teal'c
lowers his head so that the punch goes straight into his tattoo. The
thug cries out in pain, then Teal'c punches him to the ground.
first thug gets up onto his hands and knees, then roars in rage as he
starts to throw himself at Teal'c, but Teal'c punches him
down again
before he can even get off his knees. Bystanders move slowly closer
as Teal'c stands in the middle of the three downed men. A young
skateboarding kid, Eric, looks on in awe.
ERIC: Woh!
TEAL'C (to the young man): I believe it will now be necessary to
notify the police.
YOUNG MAN (gazing at him respectfully and gratefully): Yeah. Thanks.
(In the background we can still hear the music coming from the
car – the lyrics go, "Who's the man?")
(Teal'c bows his head to the young man.)

SGC. JACK'S OFFICE. Walter, looking nervous, comes to the door
HARRIMAN: Sir, uh, Colonel Kendrick from the Office of Special
Investigations is here to see you.
O'NEILL (pointedly): Does he have an appointment?
HARRIMAN: No, sir ...
(Kendrick pushes Walter out of the way and barges in.)
KENDRICK: You wouldn't return my phone calls, sir.
O'NEILL: I was busy; didn't think it was important – take
your pick.
KENDRICK: You know as well as I do there's been another incident.

(Jack looks at Walter, who holds up his hand placatingly and backs
out of the office.) When you petitioned the OSI to allow Teal'c
live off-base, your request was approved under certain provisions.
These provisions have clearly been violated.
O'NEILL: Oh, come on, Colonel. If you had saved Earth from total
annihilation a couple of times and your government told you *you*
couldn't go out to play, wouldn't you consider it more a ...
guideline than a rule?
KENDRICK: We all appreciate what Teal'c has done for us, sir, on
numerous occasions – but that doesn't change the fact that
he's a
liability, and every day he's allowed to roam around in public
jeopardises national security.
O'NEILL: Oh, don't be so dramatic, Dick – it'll give
you gas.
KENDRICK: Either you take action to ensure these provisions are met
or the OSI will.
O'NEILL (interrupting): Hey. (He holds up a finger warningly.)
Watch it. I'll look into it.
KENDRICK: Yes, sir. (He turns and leaves. Behind Kendrick's
Jack continues to wave him away.)

TEAL'C'S APARTMENT BLOCK. Inside the building, someone
knocks `shave
and a haircut' on Teal'c's door. Teal'c opens the
TEAL'C: Daniel Jackson.
DANIEL: Just wanted to come by and see how you're settling in.
TEAL'C: Please enter.
(Daniel comes in and looks around.)
DANIEL: Wow – I like what you're doin' with the place
– sort of, um,
Jaffa chic with, er, East African flair.
TEAL'C: I have discovered there are many programmes on television
which offer advice in the area of home design and decoration.
DANIEL: Yeah, I'm a little more into the History Channel myself.
TEAL'C: Can I offer you anything?
DANIEL: No, I'm fine. Um, how's the fern doin'?
(Teal'c blinks,
then gestures to Daniel's side. Daniel turns and walks over to a
very sad-looking fern in a pot. He lifts a few of the fronds, which
sound very dry.) Don't suppose you've tried talking to it.
TEAL'C: I have not. Perhaps you should tell me why you are here.
DANIEL: A guy just can't come by and visit his friend? (He sits
down. Teal'c looks at him. Daniel taps his hands on his knees
for a
moment, then stands up again.) Yep – I heard what happened the
day. Three KOs, first round.
TEAL'C: O'Neill sent you to speak with me.
DANIEL: No ... yeah.
TEAL'C: I broke no law. I intervened to prevent a criminal
and was forced to defend myself.
DANIEL: You see, that's kind of the point. Look, there's no
why you shouldn't be allowed to live off-base, I mean, especially
when you're not carrying a symbiont any more, but –
you're supposed
to be keeping a low profile.
TEAL'C: That is not always easy.
DANIEL: Yeah, I'm not just talking about the tattoo, although I
see how that could be a problem.
TEAL'C: I often cover it to avoid stares in public but I tell
who have seen it that it is a tribal mark from my home land.
DANIEL: Yes, this is less about appearance than it is about behaviour.
TEAL'C: Have I not conducted myself as a typical member of this
DANIEL (looking as if he's going to nod `yes'): No –
no, actually,
no, you haven't. Um, besides the other day, there was the
with the old man and the teenagers in the park; there was that thing
with the guy with the pit-bull ...
TEAL'C: In each case, I was only attempting to render assistance
where it was needed.
DANIEL: See, that's kind of the problem. Um, normally human
are a little more ... careful about getting involved in business that
isn't theirs. I know – that sounds bad but it's just the
way it is
and, um, you can't afford to be drawing attention to yourself.
TEAL'C: I understand. (Someone knocks at the door.) Excuse me.
goes and answers it. A young woman is standing there.)
TEAL'C: Krista.
(Krista holds up a plastic bag.)
KRISTA: Made you cookies.
(Teal'c takes the bag and bows to her.)
TEAL'C: Please come in.
(Krista comes in and sees Daniel.)
KRISTA: I'm sorry – I didn't realise you had company.
TEAL'C: Krista James, this is Daniel Jackson.
DANIEL: Hi! (He and Krista shake hands.)
TEAL'C: Krista lives in the apartment next door.
KRISTA: Wait a minute – *Doctor* Jackson? You're the
who hired Teal'c to come over from Mozambique.
DANIEL (quickly covering his surprise): That's right!
KRISTA: Well, then I should thank you. It's been great having
here. It's nice to have a man around who cares about his
DANIEL: Actually, we were just talking about that.
KRISTA: In fact, that's why I'm here. (She turns to
Teal'c.) The
cookies were a bribe. My pipes are doing that thing again.
TEAL'C (uncomfortably): Normally I would be happy to provide
assistance. However ...
DANIEL (interrupting): Nonononono – no, don't-don't let
me interrupt –
I've gotta be going anyway, so, um ... (He heads for the door.)
It's very nice to meet you.
KRISTA: Nice to meet you.
DANIEL: Uh, Teal'c, that other thing we were talking about, um

every rule has its exceptions. (He waves to Teal'c and Krista,

PARK. Sam and Pete are buying hotdogs, then stroll towards some
picnic tables.
PETE: So – how are things in the galaxy?
CARTER: You know I can't talk about work.
PETE: Sorry – I'm still getting used to the fact that my
a super-hero.
CARTER (laughing): Bit of an exaggeration.
PETE: The super-hero part or the girlfriend part? (Sam grins at
him. They sit down at a table.) You travel to other planets to do
battle with alien creatures bent on galactic domination. Just
because you don't wear a tight spandex outfit doesn't mean
you're not ... although – it's an idea you might wanna
(Sam giggles.)
CARTER: Look, I know this is hard for you. I mean, any other guy
would have just freaked out and run away.
PETE: *You* didn't run away when I stalked you. Anyway, I just
you to appreciate the position I'm in here.
CARTER: I *do*, believe me. And I'm really glad you stuck around.
PETE: I'm glad to hear you say that, because I put in for a
to Colorado Springs PD.
(Sam smiles and kisses him.)
CARTER: Are you sure?
PETE: I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life.
That's why I got you this. (He reaches into his pocket and takes
a small box. He opens it – inside is a diamond engagement ring.)
CARTER (staring at it in amazement): Oh my God.

NEAR TEAL'C'S APARTMENT BLOCK. Teal'c and Krista are
walking along
the road with bags of shopping.
KRISTA: I'm sorry to keep asking you to help with my plumbing but
super's never around and my boyfriend's not very handy.
TEAL'C: There is no need to apologise.
(They walk past a woman getting out of her car and putting her
handbag on the roof.)
KRISTA: Anyhow, you'll forgive me once you've tasted my
TEAL'C: I am looking forward to it.
(Eric, the skateboard kid, comes over.)
ERIC: Yo, T!
TEAL'C: Greetings, Eric. (They do a street handshake.)
ERIC: I saw you take out those three gorillas the other day. Nice
TEAL'C: In retrospect it may have been unwise to intervene.
ERIC: Are you kidding? They deserved it.
(Behind Teal'c and Krista, the woman is putting some lipstick on.
teenage boy grabs her handbag off the roof of the car and starts
WOMAN: Hey! Hey, stop that guy, he's got my purse! Hey!
(The boy pushes past Krista, knocking her bag of groceries to the
ERIC (to Teal'c): Aren't you gonna do anything?
TEAL'C: I must not intervene.
ERIC: What?! You're just gonna let him get away?
(Teal'c looks at the boy as he runs down the street. Then he
down, picks up an avocado, tosses it in his hand and then hurls it
hard towards the fleeing boy. The avocado hits the boy hard on the
head and he falls to the ground.)
ERIC: Oh-ho-ho, *man*! What a shot!
KRISTA: How did you *do* that?
ERIC: You the man, T!
(The woman whose purse was stolen turns to him.)
WOMAN: Thank you! That was amazing.
(Teal'c bows to her.)
KRISTA: That *was* amazing!
ERIC: T-money, you are the *man*! Gotta give the man his cross. (He
shakes hands with Teal'c, who looks proud but also concerned at
having once again drawn attention to himself.)
(Nearby, we see that a surveillance camera is taking photographs of

TEAL'C'S APARTMENT. Night. Teal'c hears someone
pounding on
Krista's door.
DOUG (offscreen): Krista! Krista! C'mon, Krista! Listen,
just let me in.
(Teal'c opens his door and walks out into the hallway.)
KRISTA: Doug, I have to work tomorrow.
KRISTA: So, you're drunk. Just go home, please.
(Teal'c walks down the hallway to Krista's doorway. Doug is
against the doorjamb. Krista is standing in the doorway.)
DOUG: No, no, no, honey, I ain't goin' nowhere.
KRISTA: That's ...
TEAL'C: Is there a problem?
(Doug turns and looks him up and down.)
DOUG (slurred): Oh, this-this is a private conversation.
TEAL'C: If it were private you would not be conducting it in the
hallway, nor speaking so loudly.
(On the other side of the hallway, the door to another apartment
opens. An elderly lady holding a cat stands there.)
KRISTA: It's alright, Mrs Conners – just go back inside.
(Mrs Conners looks disapproving, but closes the door again.
turns back to Krista.)
TEAL'C: Do you require assistance?
DOUG (stepping towards Teal'c): Who the hell is this guy?
KRISTA: His name is Teal'c – he's my neighbour.
DOUG: Teal'c. (He snorts derisively.) What kind of a crazy name
KRISTA: He just moved here from Mozambique.
DOUG: Oh. No doubt.
TEAL'C: Krista has requested that you leave. I suggest you
DOUG: You'd better check yourself before you get hurt.
TEAL'C: I *have* checked. I suggest you leave, before it is
that gets hurt.
KRISTA: Doug – go sober up.
DOUG: You know what? (He turns to her and takes her by the chin.)
I'm gonna call you tomorrow. (He turns and looks dismissively at
Teal'c, then walks away.)
KRISTA: I'm sorry about that. I hate when he gets that way.
TEAL'C: This is not the first time. (Krista shakes her head.)
you have stopped receiving him.
KRISTA: Not exactly. He's not always like that. Since he lost
job he's just been ... y'know.
TEAL'C: I do not.
KRISTA: It's been hard on him.
TEAL'C: And has it not been hard on you?
KRISTA (looking flattered at his interest): I'm fine.
(Teal'c nods and bows his head.)

SGC. DANIEL'S OFFICE. Sam, Daniel and Teal'c are talking.
TEAL'C: I do not understand Krista's behaviour.
DANIEL: Yeah – that's a common problem. Most cultures on
recognise it as a significant gap between the experiences of men and
women. Among the Masai of East Africa each newly-wed man is actually
required to wear his wife's clothing for a month as a way of
insight into her life.
CARTER (looking bothered by the conversation): If only it were that
(Daniel throws her a look, then continues.)
DANIEL: The point is, while rituals and customs may vary, almost all
cultures put significant pressure on single adults to form bonding
pairs. In ancient Persia, if a girl died a virgin they would go so
far as to marry her corpse off before burial.
CARTER: That's horrible!
DANIEL: The groom was usually quite well-paid.
CARTER: It's bad enough being on your own without every TV show
commercial and magazine ad trying to tell you how abnormal it is.
DANIEL: I think that's what I just said.
CARTER: I mean, they make you afraid of being alone but at the same
time tell you not to settle for anything less than the perfect
romantic ideal, like that actually exists *anywhere* in the real
world. I mean, either way you can't win. (She sighs irritably.
Daniel raises his eyebrows at Teal'c, then turns to Sam.)
DANIEL: How's things?
CARTER: Good. (She glances between Daniel and Teal'c.) We were
talking about Teal'c's friend, right?
DANIEL: I *thought* we were.
CARTER: Teal'c, how do Jaffa couples handle their problems?
TEAL'C: On Chulak, a dispute between a man and a woman that
cannot be
resolved necessitates a pledge break. It must be requested by one
and granted by the other.
DANIEL: And if that doesn't work?
TEAL'C: A weapon is required.

out, doing tai-
chi-like moves. During one of the moves he turns around and finds
Krista standing nearby watching him.
KRISTA: Sorry – I don't wanna interrupt you. I just came out
for a
little air.
TEAL'C: Are you alright?
KRISTA (walking closer): I had another fight with Doug. I told him
it's over – that I don't wanna see him any more.
TEAL'C: Are you not happy with your decision?
KRISTA: I guess it was the right thing to do, but he's not a bad
person. He's just going through a tough time.
TEAL'C: You have no cause to feel guilty.
(Krista smiles.)
KRISTA: What *was* that you were just doing?
TEAL'C: It is called lok'nel – an ancient form of martial
KRISTA: You think you could teach me?
(Teal'c nods and gestures for her to stand at his side. He
doing moves and she copies him.)
(A montage of scenes follows as many days pass and Teal'c
to teach Krista his routines. As time passes she gets more
proficient. In the final scene, they are working out in
apartment. As they finish one move they turn to face each other, and
gaze long and deeply into each other's eyes.)

TEAL'C'S APARTMENT BLOCK. Teal'c comes out of his
apartment and
walks along the corridor to knock on Krista's door. She opens it.
KRISTA: Oh, hi.
TEAL'C (smiling): You are late for your next training session.
KRISTA: Yeah, I meant to tell you – I don't think I'm
gonna be able
to train with you any more.
TEAL'C: You have been making tremendous progress.
KRISTA: Well, I just don't have time, y'know?
TEAL'C: Has something transpired?
KRISTA: No, everything's fine. Look, I've gotta go.
(She puts her hand on the door to close it, but Teal'c slams his
hand onto the door to stop her when he sees that her wrist is badly
TEAL'C: You are injured.
KRISTA: It's nothing. Please.
DOUG'S VOICE (from inside the apartment): Krista, who is it?
KRISTA: It's just my neighbour.
DOUG (coming to the door): Oh yeah? Ah, the plumber, hmm. I'll
handle this.
KRISTA: Doug, it's noth...
DOUG: I *said*, I'll handle it.
(Behind Teal'c, Mrs Conners opens her door and peers out. Krista
reluctantly walks away into the apartment.)
DOUG (to Teal'c): Don't think I don't know what's
been going on
around here. She told me everything.
TEAL'C: Were you the one who injured her?
DOUG: What goes on between me and Krista ain't none of your
TEAL'C: If you *ever* injure her again, I will kill you where you
(Doug nods sarcastically. Teal'c walks away towards his own
apartment. Mrs Conners stands in her own doorway, having heard the
entire conversation.)

SGC. SAM'S LAB. Sam is sitting looking at her laptop. Jack
to the door.
O'NEILL: Carter.
O'NEILL: I never thought I'd hear myself utter these words: I
that report.
CARTER: Right! Um, I just need to, er, finish typing up my notes.
(She rummages through the paperwork on the desk.) Uh, yeah,
have it for you first thing tomorrow.
(Jack looks at his watch.)
O'NEILL: It *is* tomorrow.
CARTER (looking at her own watch): Oh.
O'NEILL: I'm joking! I don't need the report!
CARTER: Well, then, why ...?
O'NEILL (interrupting): Because something's going on with
you. You
haven't tried to confuse me with any scientific babble for the
couple of days and that's a red flag to me.
(Sam sighs, then picks up the box containing the engagement ring and
hands it to Jack.)
CARTER: Pete gave me this.
(Jack takes the box, opens it and looks at the ring, then looks at
O'NEILL: People normally wear these on their fingers.
CARTER: I haven't said yes.
O'NEILL: And yet – you haven't said no. (He snaps the
box shut.)
CARTER: I told him I needed to think about it.
O'NEILL: And? (He puts the box on the desk.)
CARTER: That was two weeks ago.
CARTER: Y'know, all these years I've been concentrating on
work – I
just assumed that one day I would ...
O'NEILL: Have a life?
O'NEILL: Yeah.
CARTER: And now it comes down to it, I don't know. I mean, every
time we go through the Gate, we risk not coming back. Is it fair to
put somebody else through that?
O'NEILL: Pete *is* a cop – I think he could handle it.
CARTER: What about kids?
O'NEILL: What about `em?
CARTER: Do I take maternity leave and then come back? What, do I
drop the baby off at daycare on my way to some unexplored planet on
the edge of the Crab Nebula?
O'NEILL: Carter, there *are* people on this base who have
(Sam thinks for a moment, then looks into Jack's eyes.)
CARTER: What about you? If things had been different ... (she trails
(Jack looks at her for a moment.)
O'NEILL: I wouldn't be here.

TEAL'C'S APARTMENT BLOCK. Teal'c returns home to find
Krista sitting
on the floor by his apartment door.
TEAL'C: Krista! (He hurries towards her.)
KRISTA (wiping her eyes and standing up): Hey – I was waiting for
TEAL'C: Has something happened?
KRISTA: No, I'm fine. It's just ... it's over, with Doug
– for real
this time. I'm sorry about what happened before. (Teal'c
out and strokes her tear-stained face.) I need to get out of here.
I can't even think in this place. Will you come with me?
TEAL'C: Perhaps tomor...
KRISTA: No, now, tonight. We'll just get in the car and drive.
We'll take the whole weekend. It doesn't even matter where
we end
up, as long as it's away from here. Please.

SGC. DANIEL'S OFFICE. Daniel is working on his computer. Sam
in, looking worried.
DANIEL: Hey. What, uh, what's going on?
CARTER: General O'Neill just got off the phone with Colonel
Kendrick. Krista's boyfriend was found dead in her apartment.
DANIEL: What?! What happened?
CARTER: We don't have all the details yet but according to
preliminary evidence indicates that Teal'c may have been
DANIEL: That's impossible.
CARTER: That's what *I* said. Unfortunately we can't ask him
it because he's missing. So's Krista. As of right now,
Teal'c is
wanted for kidnapping and murder.

CITY. Night. Teal'c is driving Krista.
KRISTA: Thanks for getting me out of there. I just couldn't be
that place tonight.
TEAL'C: Where do you wish to go?
KRISTA: Just keep driving. (Teal'c checks his rear-view mirror
looks concerned.) What? What is it?
TEAL'C: I do not wish to alarm you but I believe that we are
(Krista looks over her shoulder at the car behind them.)
KRISTA: Who would be following us?
TEAL'C: Perhaps Doug.
KRISTA: No. (Teal'c looks at her.) He doesn't know I'm
gone yet.
TEAL'C: Then they are most likely following *me*.
KRISTA: You? Why would anyone be following you?
TEAL'C: It is difficult to explain.
(Krista looks over her shoulder again as Teal'c turns a corner.
car behind them follows.)
KRISTA: Can you lose them?
TEAL'C: I believe so. However, it will require me to violate
speed limits and several of the safe driving regulations.
KRISTA: I'm OK with that.
(Teal'c nods and smiles at her.)
TEAL'C: Hold on. (He floors the accelerator.)

MOTEL. Krista and Teal'c walk into a motel room. Krista checks
of the window and then draws the curtains.
KRISTA: Don't tell me you learned how to do that back in your
TEAL'C: There are aspects of my life which I am not at liberty to
KRISTA (teasing): What are you – a spy or something? (More
seriously) One thing's for sure – you're not really
Doctor Jackson's
research assistant. That much I figured after about thirty seconds.
TEAL'C: Krista, I ...
(Krista puts a finger over his mouth.)
KRISTA: It's OK. For now, I'm just glad you're here.
(They gaze at each other for a moment, then start to kiss.)

COLORADO SPRINGS. Morning. Outside the police station, Sam is
waiting in her car as Pete walks over and gets in.
PETE: Hey.
CARTER: Thanks for meeting me.
PETE: No problem. (He smiles at her expectantly. Sam looks serious
and shakes her head.)
CARTER: Pete, I'm sorry. (Pete's smile fades.) I need a
little more
time. Look, you know how I feel about you. It's just –
there's some
things I need to work out.
CARTER: Anyway, that's not what this is about.
PETE: It's not?
CARTER: No. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't so important.
PETE: What's going on?
CARTER: I need your help.

MOTEL. Teal'c wakes up and turns to the other side of the bed
Krista isn't there.
TEAL'C: Krista? (He gets up.) Krista! (He goes to the bathroom
switches on the light but she's not in there either. There's
a knock
on the door. He goes to the door and opens it, to find four SFs,
fully geared-up, pointing rifles at him.)
SF: Police! Turn around, lace your fingers behind your head.
(Teal'c complies.)

SGC. Jack and Kendrick are walking along the corridor towards
KENDRICK: Well where is he being held?
O'NEILL: He's in his old quarters.
KENDRICK: Is he at least under guard?
O'NEILL: He's not going anywhere.
(They reach Jack's office and go in.)
KENDRICK: He's a *murder* suspect.
O'NEILL: Y'know I talked to him. He said he didn't do it.
KENDRICK: That's good enough for you, is it?
O'NEILL: Pretty much. (He sits down at his desk.)
KENDRICK: Well unfortunately you're not in charge of this
O'NEILL: Yeah. He also said he felt like he was being followed
KENDRICK: The OSI did not have Teal'c under surveillance.
O'NEILL (not convinced): Yeah. How'd you find him?
KENDRICK: We received a tip.
O'NEILL: That didn't strike you as ... odd?
KENDRICK: I told you something like this might happen – you
ignored my warnings.
O'NEILL: Not so much ignored as ... completely disregarded.
KENDRICK: With all due respect, General, I'm gonna have to insist
that Teal'c be placed in confinement immediately or I *will*
recommend that he be held elsewhere.

SGC. DANIEL'S LAB. Daniel is going through paperwork and
coffee when suddenly Ancient symbols start popping up on his computer
DANIEL: What the hell?
(Another window pops up on the screen and the words "Look
appear. Then the phone rings.)
DANIEL (answering it): Daniel Jackson.
(The male voice that comes from the other end of the phone sounds
almost like a Goa'uld voice, but is probably someone using one of
those voice distortion devices.)
VOICE: Did you get my message?
DANIEL: Who is this?
VOICE: The symbols, Doctor Jackson, do you recognise them?
DANIEL: Uh, I don't know who you think this is ...
VOICE: We need them translated into Goa'uld.
DANIEL: I have no idea what you're talking about.
VOICE: We know it's the language of the Ancients but the dialect
obscure. You're the one man on Earth who can translate them.
friend Teal'c is in trouble.
DANIEL: How'd you know about that?
VOICE: We can help him. We've been watching him. In fact, we
the whole thing.
DANIEL: You witnessed the murder.
VOICE: We've got it all on tape – concrete evidence that
Teal'c's innocence, and it's yours in exchange for the
Of course, if you tell anyone, we'll know, and the deal's
off. (He
hangs up.)

TEAL'C'S APARTMENT BLOCK. Sam and Pete are in Krista's
White tape on the floor outlines where Doug's body was found at
foot of a wall. Pete is looking at a photograph of Doug's body
it was found.
PETE: The investigator who checked the position of the body concluded
that the victim was pinned and choked against this wall (he
demonstrates) and then fell to the floor.
CARTER: So ...?
PETE: So I'm not so sure. The proximity of the body to the wall
supports that but the position of the body suggests otherwise.
CARTER: What do you mean?
PETE: If he fell into a slump, his legs and arms would be bent. (He
points to the tape outline and the photograph.) His legs are
straight, and his arms are placed by his sides, suggesting that the
body was dragged here and placed in this position.
CARTER: Why move the body?
PETE: Well, dying against the wall suggests that the victim was
attacked by somebody bigger and stronger.
CARTER: Like Teal'c. So it was a set-up?
PETE: It's possible. Now, you said that Teal'c thought he
was being
CARTER: That's right.
PETE: The Air Force denies having him under surveillance?
PETE: If *I* was staking out Teal'c's place (he walks to the
and opens the curtain), that's where I would be. (We see the
of an apartment opposite.)

THE OPPOSITE APARTMENT. Pete picks the lock and he and Sam walk in.
PETE: Hello?
(As they go further in, we see that the apartment is empty of
furniture. Pete and Sam walk to the window of the living room.)
PETE: From this vantage point you can easily see into both
apartments. (He looks down, then squats down and points at the
carpet.) Three indentations.
CARTER: A tripod.
PETE: Unfortunately I think they cleaned the place up pretty good. I
doubt we'll find anything.
CARTER: So it's a dead end.
PETE: Not necessarily. Is there a pizza place nearby?
PETE: One thing about a stake-out – you never eat healthy.

PARK. Daniel is walking in a park, looking around nervously. A man
walks over holding a carton of coffee.
JENNINGS: Doctor Jackson. Keep walking. (He gestures the direction
to go. They walk towards a picnic table.) You came alone –
impressed. I like a man who can follow instructions.
DANIEL: You're the one who called me?
JENNINGS: It doesn't matter. Have you completed the translation?
DANIEL: Yeah, see, that's why I wanted to talk to you – I
need more
JENNINGS: You're playing with your friend's life here, Doctor.
DANIEL: I can't translate something unless I understand the
context –
where they were found, what they're for.
JENNINGS: You think I'm stupid.
DANIEL: I'm not lying.
JENNINGS: I can see we're going to have to do this the hard way.
DANIEL: What does *that* mean?
JENNINGS: Either you give us the translation now, or I'll be
to take this to the next level.
DANIEL: So, beyond kidnapping and murder.
JENNINGS: We didn't kill the boyfriend – but we'll kill
the girl if
we have to.
DANIEL: How do I know you even *have* her?
JENNINGS: Come with me and I'll show you.
DANIEL: Yeah – you know, I've got a thing, so ... (he turns
to go)
JENNINGS: I have three snipers targeting your position at this very
moment, Doctor.
(Daniel stops and turns back.)
DANIEL: You're bluffing.
(Jennings places his cup of coffee on the picnic table and steps
JENNINGS: Position one – go for the coffee cup.
(Nearby a silenced shot can be heard and a bullet pierces the coffee
DANIEL: So are we gonna take your car, or mine, or, uh, shall I just
follow you?

SGC. CONFINEMENT ROOM. Sam has come in to talk to Teal'c.
CARTER: We checked a couple of pizza joints and all-night delivery
places near your apartment to see if there'd been any sudden
TEAL'C: An interesting investigative method.
CARTER: Yeah – I thought it was a little crazy at first too, but
actually got a lead at one place. The owner reported a Caucasian
male who'd been in half a dozen times during the last two weeks.
TEAL'C: Is that unusual?
CARTER: Not necessarily but we thought it was worth checking out. We
got a licence plate from the security camera out front and we're
running it down.
(From outside, an airman swipes the door opens and Jack walks in.)
TEAL'C: O'Neill.
O'NEILL: Well, Kendrick is finally convinced something else is
on here.
CARTER: What changed his mind?
O'NEILL: Daniel's missing.

GREY VAN. Inside the van as it drives along, Daniel has his hands
handcuffed together. He sits between Jennings and another man.
DANIEL: So you guys are ex-NID. You call yourselves The Trust now,
JENNINGS: We want the same thing you want, Doctor Jackson –
trying to protect the planet.
DANIEL: That's why you were watching Teal'c – you thought
he was a
significant threat to planetary security.
JENNINGS: Stargate Command may think it's OK to let the alien
the streets unsupervised. We beg to differ.
DANIEL: And never mind the fact that he's helped save the Earth
times than I can count.
JENNINGS: He is an alien. Their motives can never be trusted.
Anyway, he *is* partly responsible for the boyfriend's death. If
hadn't shown the girl how to crush a man's windpipe, none of
would have happened.
DANIEL: So *she* killed him.
JENNINGS: It was self-defence, really. He was getting out of hand.
DANIEL: And that's when you guys moved in and planted evidence to
make it look like Teal'c did it.
JENNINGS: We saw an opportunity and we took it.
(The van arrives at a warehouse and drives in. Daniel is taken out
of the back of the van and marched towards several tables holding
different types of computers. As he's bundled down onto a chair,
of the other people in the warehouse grabs Jennings' arm.)
HOSKINS: What the hell's going on here?
JENNINGS: The situation is under control.
HOSKINS: You were supposed to get the information and leave.
JENNINGS: He wasn't going to co-operate.
HOSKINS: He's a member of SG-1. Do you have any idea what kind
resources they'll mobilise to get him back?
JENNINGS: Once we get the translation, it'll be too late. (He
to another man.) Bring the girl. (The man moves off.)

SGC. SAM'S LAB. The phone rings. Sam answers.
CARTER: Carter.
(Pete is leaving the police station.)
PETE: Sam, it's me. I traced the car from the pizza place.
It's a
rental. The name on the agreement's a fake I.D.
CARTER: That's our man.
PETE: Whoever set this up knew what they were doing. I've got a
account, social security number and credit cards, all from a guy who
died six months ago.
CARTER: OK, let's focus on the car. Find out if the rental
has satellite tracking.
PETE: I'm on it. I'll call you as soon as I have something.

WAREHOUSE. A woman is working on one of the computers. She reports
her progress to Hoskins.
BROOKS: Uplink is established. We're ready to transmit.
(Hoskins turns to face Daniel.)
HOSKINS: We need those symbols.
(Krista, also handcuffed, is brought in.)
KRISTA: Daniel! (She is dragged across the room and forced into the
chair next to Daniel.) What's happening? Who are these people?
DANIEL: It's gonna be OK.
(Hoskins holds out a clipboard with a sheet of paper on it towards
JENNINGS: The symbols, now – or we kill the girl.
DANIEL: She's got nothing to do with this.
HOSKINS (lowering the clipboard): Look, Doctor Jackson, if it *had*
been up to me, things never would have gone this far. (He throws a
black look at Jennings.) It was supposed to be a simple surveillance
operation, but then this little domestic dispute happened, Teal'c
involved, we knew you weren't going to help us voluntarily ...
DANIEL: So you decided to try a little blackmail instead.
HOSKINS: Let's just say one thing led to another. But in any
it's too late for all that now (he takes a pistol out of his
so either you give us what we want (he points the pistol at Krista)
or I will kill her.
(Daniel looks at Krista for a few moments, then looks at Hoskins and
holds up his handcuffed hands for the clipboard. Hoskins gives it to
him and Daniel starts writing.)
HOSKINS: Oh, and by the way, we'll know immediately if the
are incorrect.
(Daniel looks up at him for a moment, trying to gauge whether
telling the truth, then bends his head to the clipboard again and
continues writing.)

LATER. Daniel finishes writing. One of the men takes the clipboard
from him, takes it over to the tables and puts the sheet of paper
into a scanner. Brooks checks her screen as the scanned image comes
up on it.
BROOKS: Scanning. Translating symbols. (A message comes up on the
screen.) Translation confirmed.
HOSKINS: Good. (To Daniel and Krista) Get up.
(Outside the warehouse, a black van with fully geared-up SFs hanging
on the outside drives up. A second van follows. The troops jump off
and spread out, surrounding the perimeter.)
HOSKINS (gesturing with his pistol): Over there. Face the wall.
(Daniel and Krista look at each other, Krista obviously terrified.
Eventually two of The Trust seize them and bundle them over to the
DANIEL: I gave you what you want.
HOSKINS: *Move!*
(Krista stands half facing the wall but Daniel continues looking at
Hoskins. Hoskins raises his pistol.)
HOSKINS: I said face the wall.
(Reluctantly, Daniel and Krista turn and face the wall.)
DANIEL: Look, you don't have to do this.
(Over at the tables, Brooks and a man are removing disks from the
computers and burning the hard drives.)
(Outside, the troops, together with Sam and Pete, are getting into
final position.)
(Inside, Krista, terrified, turns her head to Daniel.)
KRISTA: Daniel?
DANIEL: It's gonna be OK.
(Behind them, Hoskins raises a zat gun and zats the pair of them once
each. They collapse to the ground. Hoskins goes over to the table
where Brooks is just finishing dusting off the computer drive as the
screens go to static. Hoskins, Brooks and the other three men stand
close together, as if waiting for a ring transporter. Hoskins
activates a small device, which starts beeping.)
(Outside, a sergeant reports.)
SERGEANT (into radio): Team two in position and ready.
(Inside, we see Daniel and Krista unconscious on the floor.
Offscreen, we see the edge of a large white flash and hear the sound
of a transporter, though it sounds more like an Asgard transporter
than a ring transporter.)
(Outside, Sam speaks into her radio.)
(Explosives blow the doors open and the teams rush in. There's
sign of The Trust. Several people, including Sam and Pete, go over
to Daniel and Krista. The sergeant checks Daniel while Pete squats
down to check Krista.)
SERGEANT: He's unconscious. There's no-one here. We've
got all the
exits covered – there's no way they could have gotten out.
PETE (standing up): How is *that* possible?
(Sam looks around, unsure.)

LATER. The SFs are clearing up. Daniel and Krista are now conscious
and sitting in a couple of chairs. Someone hands Krista a cup of
water. She nods her thanks to him, then turns to Daniel.
KRISTA: Thank you.
(Nearby, Sam and Pete are standing near one of the black vans which
has now been driven into the warehouse.)
PETE: So, it's normal for the bad guys just to disappear into
air, right?
CARTER: Not really – although now I think about it it's not
the first
time it's happened.
PETE (laughing): Just another day at the office.
PETE: Well, I figure you should be used to it by now.
CARTER: No, I mean – yes.
PETE (staring): Yes, as in ...
(Pete pulls her behind the van so that nobody can see them and holds
her by the arms.)
PETE: Are you messin' with me?
PETE: Which means ...
PETE: You don't need more time?
PETE: Enough already?
(They hug, and then kiss.)

his stuff
into his car. Eric rolls a box on top of his skateboard towards the
TEAL'C: Be careful with that package, Eric, its contents are ...
that moment Eric reaches the kerb and the skateboard and box bump
down off the edge of the kerb. There's a sound of breaking glass
from inside the box) ... fragile.
ERIC: Sorry.
TEAL'C: There is no need for an apology. (He bends down and
picks up
the box.) I am grateful for your assistance.
(He turns to put the box in the car but stops when he sees Krista
standing there.)
KRISTA: Hey. (Teal'c bows to her, then puts the box in the car.)

So – you're really leaving.
TEAL'C: Indeed I am.
KRISTA: Y'know, you don't have to do this. The whole thing
was my
TEAL'C: There is no need to blame yourself.
KRISTA: The men in the warehouse – I didn't know who they
were. No-
one told me anything, but I know they were using me to get to you.
TEAL'C: If it had not been you it would have been someone else.
would not hesitate to exploit any relationship to their advantage.
KRISTA: What did they want?
TEAL'C: That I cannot say.
KRISTA: Right. So – where you gonna go?
TEAL'C: Back to where I came from.
KRISTA: What does that mean?
TEAL'C: It means I must say goodbye.
(They gaze at each other for a moment, then Krista looks over his
shoulder. Teal'c turns and sees Eric, who has gone back and
collected the fern.)
ERIC: This is all that was left.
TEAL'C (taking the pot): Thank you.
(Eric bends down and picks up his skateboard to show Teal'c the
ERIC: Check it out.
(He has painted Teal'c's tattoo symbol on the end.
Teal'c smiles.)
TEAL'C: I am honoured.
ERIC: Later, T.
(Teal'c nods and puts the fern into the car, then closes the
He and Krista share another long look, then he turns, pats Eric on
the shoulder, and gets into his car. Krista and Eric stand side by
side and share a sad smile as Teal'c drives away.)

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