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#10.14 : Question de confiance

Quand les membres de SG-1 apprennent qu’un nouveau Prêcheur répand la parole des Ori de façon plus humaine que ce qu’ils connaissent, ils décident d’investiguer. Cameron, Vala, Teal’c et Carter se rendent sur la planète qui a été visitée et y font une découverte surprenante. ce Prêcheur n’est autre que Daniel Jackson !



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The Shroud

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Question de confiance

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extrait VO: Jack

extrait VO: Jack


Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Robert C. Cooper

Réalisé par : Andy Mikita

Apparitions :

Robert Picardo (Richard Woolsey)

Richard Dean Anderson (Major General Jack O'Neill)

Morena Baccarin (Adria)

Christopher Gaze (Tevaris)

1014 : Question de confiance

Sg-1 est en mission sur une planète ayant récemment reçu la visite d'un Prêcheur. Mais, selon les dires du représentant de la population, ce dernier tenait un discours différent de ceux auxquels fut confrontée l'équipe par le passé. Samantha lui explique que s'ils choisissent de s'opposer à cette personne, ils feront tout leur possible pour les aider. Soudain l'annonce de l'arrivée du Prêcheur résonne dans le village et Sg-1 se cache. A la stupeur générale, l'équipe découvre qu'il s'agit de Daniel.

De retour au SGC, en salle de briefing, l'équipe essaie de trouver une explication à ce soudain revirement de la part de Daniel, et élaborer un plan pour le sauver.

Pendant ce temps, Daniel continue la lecture des écritures saintes aux villageois. Une fois son discours fini, il se retrouve téléporté à bord de l'Odyssée. Là, le dispositif bloquant les pouvoirs des Prêcheurs permettent de révéler le vrai Daniel, mais par acquis de conscience, Mitchell le zate pour le neutraliser. Puis le vaisseau file en hyperespace.

Une fois réveillé, Daniel essaie de convaincre ses amis qu'il ne représente pas une menace, loin de là. Il leur explique qu'il a mis au point un plan avec l'aide de Merlin. Il raconte alors ce qu'il a vécu aux côtés d'Adria.

Cette dernière a, à de maintes reprises, essayé de le convaincre du bien-fondé du dogme Ori, insistant même sur l'ambiguïté du comportement des Anciens. Daniel a donc décidé de la duper. La conscience de Merlin prend alors le dessus et explique qu'il a pu protéger Daniel, allant jusqu'à se rapprocher intimement d'Adria. Puis, un jour, elle le transforma en Prêcheur dans l'espoir de convertir la Terre. Pour éviter une guerre, Merlin lui proposa de finir son arme. Mais pour l'instant cette dernière reste inachevée, et il doit être libéré pour la terminer. Il leur fait part alors de son plan : terminer l'arme, voler un vaisseau Ori et lui faire franchir la Superporte. Mais pour réussir, l'équipe doit d'abord couper le vortex.

De retour à la base, l'équipe fait un point avec les Généraux Landry et O'Neill. Jack reste perplexe face à ce plan, et suggère même qu'il s'agit d'une manipulation de la part de Jackson pour détruire les Anciens.

Plus tard, Jack décide de s'entretenir avec Daniel. Ce dernier essaie de le convaincre de l'efficacité de son plan, mais Jack est assez mitigé, surtout lorsqu'il apprend qu'ils n'ont plus qu'un jour pour l'exécuter.

Au SGC, Carter examine le plan de Daniel pour couper le vortex de la Superporte et il semblerait qu'il soit réalisable.

A bord de l'Odyssée, Teal'c se lance dans un interrogatoire du Dr Jackson. Il lui révèle qu'Adria l'a stoppé en pleine construction de l'appareil de peur que les Anciens interviennent. Elle l'a alors envoyé en mission pour que les Ori puissent accroître leur pouvoir.

Une fois revenu à la base, Teal'c exprime sa foi en Daniel. Hélas le CIS a décidé d'annuler l'opération et Woolsey leur explique qu'ils ont décidé de supprimer Daniel.

Plus tard, c'est au tour de Vala de discuter avec Daniel pour lui expliquer les plans du CIS. Cependant, elle lui promet de se battre pour lui laisser la vie.

Dans le bureau du Général Landry, Jack exprime son désaccord avec la décision du CIS. Landry suggère alors de garder Daniel avec eux, le temps qu'il redevienne lui-même. Dans le cas contraire, ils le placeront en stase.

Puis le Général O'Neill se rend dans le laboratoire de Carter, où l'équipe lui fait part de leur dernier plan : récupérer un vaisseau Ori.

Jack s'empresse d'aller récolter les informations nécessaires auprès de Daniel, mais ce dernier ne voit qu'un plan suicidaire.

Une fois les renseignements obtenus, Sg-1 élabore un plan pour réussir la mission. Bien qu'il y soit réticent, Woolsey donne son feu vert.

Puis il rend visite à Jackson, qui lui réserve un accueil assez froid. Il lui explique qu'ils vont le plonger en stase le temps de vérifier la véracité des informations données. Puis il donne l'ordre de téléporter Daniel. Hélas quelques problèmes techniques empêchent l'opération et Jackson en profite pour se libérer de l'emprise de l'appareil anti-prêcheur et de ses liens.

Woolsey se trouve alors téléporté en plein SGC, et O'Neill se retrouve à bord du vaisseau terrien, vidé de son personnel et aux ordres de Daniel.

De son côté, l'équipe infiltre le vaisseau Ori, en éliminant toute résistance. Sam se dirige dans la salle de pilotage, pendant que Mitchell et Vala vont dans la salle renfermant l'arme de Merlin. De son côté, Teal'c monte la garde dans le couloir. Puis le vaisseau part en hyperespace.

Pendant ce temps, l'Odyssée file lui aussi en hyperespace. Les deux hommes s'expliquent, avec humour, sur la situation.

Vala termine la construction de l'arme. Le vaisseau sort de l'hyperespace juste devant la Superporte, mais hélas un autre vaisseau Ori se tient devant eux. Des soldats Ori ont réussi à pénétrer à bord du vaisseau, accompagnés d'Adria.

C'est au tour de l'Odyssée, d'arriver sur les lieux. Jackson comprend alors qu'Adria avait des soupçons sur sa loyauté. Daniel se téléporte alors à bord du vaisseau ennemi et fait croire à Adria qu'ils vont pouvoir anéantir les Anciens. Il en profite alors pour utiliser les pouvoirs de Merlin pour la neutraliser. Mais cette opération a affaibli Daniel. L'équipe active l'arme, et le vortex de la Superporte est coupé, avant d'être de nouveau ouvert vers la galaxie des Ori. L'équipe est téléportée juste avant que le vaisseau ne franchisse la Superporte.

Daniel se réveille à l'infirmerie de l'Odyssée. Là l'équipe lui fait part du succès de la mission, bien qu'une inconnue demeure : l'arme a-t-elle fonctionné ? Mais c'est alors que la Superporte s'active et que plusieurs vaisseaux Ori la franchissent.




SCENE: SG-1 walk through a village with Tevaris, the village leader who is carrying the Book of the Ori.

TEVARIS: He was very persuasive.

MITCHELL: Convert or die. Yeah, I'd say that's got some bite.

TEVARIS: He said nothing of death…Only salvation. Life eternal. The blessings of the Ori.

VALA: He didn't threaten you.

TEVARIS: He spoke of…the religion. Left this book with us to read and consider… Said he'd be back today to hear our answer.

CARTER: Well you're not alone. This is happening all over the galaxy.

TEVARIS: You're saying this Priors claims are false?

MITCHELL: We're saying that book's got about as much truth in it as the Da Vinci Code.

VALA: Hey *taps Tevaris' arm* that's what they want you to think.*smiles at Mitchell*

MITCHELL: They? They who?

TEVARIS: I do not understand.

MITCHELL: It's a book from our planet. It's very entertaining, but it is *looks at Vala, who gives him a "whatever you say" look* fiction nonetheless.

VALA: *small laugh* hmmm I wouldn't be so sure.

CARTER: Ok *stops in front of them, waving her hand* I think we've gotten a little off-point here.

TEVARIS: What evidence do you have to support your position?

CARTER: Well… we really don't…have any. And we can't tell you what to do. Obviously subjugating people by threatening their lives is wrong. So if you choose to resist, we'll do our very best to try to help you.

MITCHELL: Not that we can make many promises… but we've seen a number of villages, just like this one, wiped out.

TEVARIS: As I have said, the Prior made no such threats and spoke upon the positive merits of Origin as true salvation.

MITCHELL: *whispers to Carter* Soft sell. That's a new approach.

CARTER: mmmhmmm VILLAGER: The Prior of the Ori returns!!

MITCHELL: *turns to Tevaris* Listen, no matter which way you're gonna come down on this, it's probably best if that Prior doesn't know we're around.

TEVARIS: *nods* You can hide here.

He moves them to the doorway of a house; they peek out behind it watching as the Prior walks through the Village. Tevaris walks up to him.

TEVARIS: Welcome back PRIOR: *His face covered by the hood of his robes* Thank you Tevaris. Have you contemplated your divine right?

TEVARIS: We have, Prior. We wish to hear more of your wisdom.

PRIOR: It is not my wisdom *move to pull his hood back* but the wisdom of the ages passed onto us *as the hood is removed, we see its Jackson changed into a prior* by the only true Gods. Hallowed are the Ori. *SG-1 stare from their hiding place*

CREDITS SCENE: SG-1 sit round the briefing table with Landry.

VALA: Adria must have done something to him. I mean…before turning him into a Prior.

LANDRY: You mean she brainwashed him somehow.

CARTER: Well Daniel would never willingly become one of them like that. Preach their beliefs.

MITCHELL: He's damn good at it. Had those people eating out of his hands without issuing one tiny, little genocidal threat.

VALA: That's what makes me think there's still a little part of Daniel in there somewhere. He's better than all this!

CARTER: Yes! But we still have to face the very real possibility that it's not even really Daniel anymore. Having Merlin's consciousness downloaded into his mind, could have overshadowed Daniel completely. Weakened him to the point where Adria could do this.

TEAL'C: Still…we cannot abandon him.

LANDRY: So what do we do?

MITCHELL: We go get him. Try to figure out what happened, try to undo it. Turn him back.

LANDRY: That's going to be very risky.

VALA: Could be exactly what Adria's hoping for. She might be using him to get to us.

CARTER: Still…it's Daniel. If there's any chance.

TEAL'C: We have no choice.

SCENE: Back in the Village, Jackson stand in the centre on a platform as the villagers gather round him.

JACKSON: Aridan then took off the mask and revealed his face. "Your appearance matters not," he said, "Only the truth of spirit in your heart." *closes the book* Blessed are those that follow the path to Origin. *Suddenly Jackson is beamed out, the Villagers gasping*

SCENE: On board the Odyssey, Jackson appears before Mitchell and Teal'c both holding Zats aimed at him. Also the Anti Prior device sits nearby active.

JACKSON: *very un-prior like* Hey! What took you guys so long?

Mitchell and Teal'c share a look before Mitchell zats him.

MITCHELL: *grabs radio* Carter, we got him.

SCENE: On the Bridge, Carter sits in the Captains chair.

CARTER: Great! Take us into hyper-space.

The odyssey jumps into hyperspace.

SCENE: Carter walks into the room where Jackson is being held. He's tied to a chair, TWO Airman armed at the door.

CARTER: I take it the Anti-Prior device is working.

MITCHELL: Well, he didn't stop us from zatting him.

JACKSON: *waking* Guys?

CARTER: *walks over* Daniel?

JACKSON: What's going on?

VALA: We could be asking you.

JACKSON: Ok, this is not necessary *pulling a little at the restraints*.

MITCHELL: No offence, but have you looked in the mirror lately?

JACKSON: I'm not a threat to you.

MITCHELL: In case you change your mind, you should know there is someone poised with a finger over a button, waiting to beam you out into space.

JACKSON: *drops head back against the chair* We had to let this happen. It's part of the plan.

CARTER: I'm sorry…we?

JACKSON: oh…Yeah, myself and Merlin.

VALA: Oh…so he's still inside you.

JACKSON: Ya! You remember back on the planet when Adria and I were fighting it out?

MITCHELL: Yeah. Thanks for that, by the way.

JACKSON: Yeah and it's a good thing you guys got out too, she was…way to powerful for me. But I couldn't just let Merlin's weapon fall into her hands. I know it's our only chance of destroying the Ori.

VALA: You gave in.

JACKSON: *looks up* More or less.

FLASHBACK SCENE: On board an Ori Vessel, Jackson and Adria walk down a corridor, Jackson dressed in the Ori attire still human.

ADRIA: Of course, Origin is designed to channel the energy of it's followers to the Ori. It's that selfish act of giving that leads one's soul to salvation and ultimately to ascension. This is no great secret. The Book Of Origin says, make yourself one with the path and the journey will lead you…to eternity. Were it not for the power the Ori draw from our belief, the Ancients would have wiped them out long ago.


ADRIA: You know the answer. You were once ascended.

JACKSON: Because they won't tolerate anyone or anything that doesn't follow their collective rules.

ADRIA: They claim not to interfere, but they do manipulate. They use their power to hoard their knowledge and prevent those beneath them from reaching their level.

JACKSON {VOICEOVER}: *Jackson and Adria continue to walk and talk* She seemed to know everything about me. She had a… tremendous power of persuasion. It was almost as if I could hear her voice inside my head, telling me what to believe.

SCENE: Back on the Odyssey JACKSON: So I let her believe that she was getting to me. Turning me.


JACKSON: Because I needed her to trust me.

VALA: And did she? *Small laugh, waving* Well I mean, don't get me wrong, you're not a terrible liar, but you're nowhere near as good as me.

MITCHELL: *mumbles* Who is?

VALA: *shrugs* And Adria could see right through me, so how did you manage to fool her?

JACKSON: I was able to protect Daniel. Make Adria think he had succumbed to her will.

CARTER: Merlin?

JACKSON: It was necessary.

FLASHBACK SCENE: Jackson and Adria sit in her quarters, candles lit everywhere, meditating.

ADRIA: *opens her eyes* In our time together, I've really come to see in you what draws mother's affection.

JACKSON: *looks up* Affectio-…what?

ADRIA: *gets up on knees, shuffling towards him* It's very important to me that we save her together.

JACKSON: Of course.

ADRIA: I can feel the difference in you.

JACKSON: It's because you've done so much for me. Showing me the true path.

ADRIA: I'm glad. And there's so much more I can do for you. And you for me.

She leans in kissing him . A light starts to glow from her necklace; it grows brighter surrounding Jackson and turning him into a Prior. She touches his face.

SCENE: Back on the Odyssey VALA: So…she trusted you enough to turn you into a Prior?

JACKSON: She had to.

MITCHELL: Why exactly?

JACKSON: Because she knew I was her best chance of converting Earth.

VALA: *to Mitchell* And me?

CARTER: Well that would explain why she wanted to believe you, not why she had to.

JACKSON: She had Merlin's weapon, she just didn't know how to finish it.

MITCHELL: I thought she knew everything.

VALA: She's Human. Her knowledge is still limited.

CARTER: But Merlin knew how.

JACKSON: It was a quick and easy way to avoid an all out war between the Ori and the Ancients. She knows…the device can be used to wipe out the Ancients, so I told her I would finish it for her.

MITCHELL: Did you?

JACKSON: Not exactly, but close. I needed to have the rest of my plan in place before I finished it.

MITCHELL: Which is?

JACKSON: I needed her to make me a Prior.

VALA: Hello.

JACKSON: So I could steal an Ori ship and fly it through the super gate to the Ori galaxy with the weapon on board and destroy them.

CARTER: Ok…uh, one small, flaw in that plan.

JACKSON: I know there's a wormhole blocking the super gate and that's why I'm here. I need you guys to shut it down. *They all stare at him*

SCENE: Briefing room at the SGC, SG-1 sit round the table, Landry at the head. And sitting next to Landry facing Carter is none other the General Jack O'Neill.

CARTER: He knew he was no match for her. He couldn't let Merlin's unfinished weapon fall into her hands, so he and Merlin came up with a plan to fool Adria into thinking that he had succumbed to her power.

MITCHELL: So he could continue to work on the weapon. Ostensibly, this time for her to use against the Ancients.

O'NEILL: Merlin?

VALA: He says he still has Merlin's consciousness in his mind.

CARTER: Merlin even seemed to be speaking on occasion. Daniel says that's what's protected him from Adria's influence and what's allowed him to convince her to make him a Prior.

O'NEILL: Why did he need her to make him a Prior?

VALA: So he could steal the Ori ship with the weapon onboard and fly it through the super gate.

CARTER: He wants us to shut down the incoming wormhole so he can dial out.

O'NEILL: Yeah… so he says.

TEAL'C: You do not believe Daniel Jackson is being truthful.

O'NEILL: Oh, I wanna believe him… MITCHELL: That could be exactly what they expect of us.

CARTER: If Adria really did somehow manage to brainwash Daniel, then… LANDRY: …This whole thing could be an elaborate plot to get us to shut down that wormhole, so more Ori ships can come into our galaxy.

VALA: *after a few shared glances, she leans forward* So what do we do?

SCENE: O'Neill walks into the room where Jackson is being held aboard the Odyssey. He waves the guys at the door off and they leave the room.

O'NEILL: Fellas. *walks over to Jackson, looking at him* This is new!

JACKSON: Yeah, it's always something isn't it?

O'NEILL: Gotta tell you though… not your look.

JACKSON: Oh, it is just temporary.

O'NEILL: Really?

JACKSON: Yeah! Yeah… You see when Merlin programmed the Ancient device to download his consciousness into my brain; he gave it a time limit. See, he knew I could only survive so long with the knowledge and consciousness of two distinct people in one mind, so… O'NEILL: *grabs a stool dragging it over to Jackson* And when he goes?

JACKSON: He's genetically programmed my body and mind to revert back to the state it was in before he was downloaded.

O'NEILL: He can do that?

JACKSON: Yeah, I'm hoping so… I won't look like this anymore. I won't have any Priors special abilities. Unfortunately, I'll just be little old me again.

O'NEILL: But that's good news.

JACKSON: Yeah, except I won't be able to fly an Ori ship, it'll be too late to execute the plan and Adria will have Merlin's weapon.

O'NEILL: I thought that wasn't finished yet.

JACKSON: It's very close. All the pieces are there, it just needs to be assembled. Adria will figure it out.

O'NEILL: And just when does your chariot turn back into a pumpkin?

JACKSON: I don't have much time. A day or so.

O'NEILL: A day?! Kind of risky leaving it this late in the game!

JACKSON: Well I didn't have much choice. And it took you guys a little longer to capture me, than I planned, so… O'NEILL: Right…Why did we have to do that, again?

JACKSON: Well I couldn't exactly just come to you; I think Adria might have suspected something.

O'NEILL: Yes, I see.

JACKSON: Jack, you have to believe me!


JACKSON: Why? Well, because…oh, I don't know, the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance?

O'NEILL: You know that old chestnut's getting a little…old.

JACKSON: No, no, that part never gets old! Now, you have to shut down that supergate and you have to let me go!

O'NEILL: You know how much I hate being told what to do.

JACKSON: Jack, it's me!

O'NEILL: What, that's supposed to convince me?! Look at you!

JACKSON: Have I ever let you down?! No, don't answer that. Have I ever let you down when it really mattered?

O'NEILL: I don't even know who I'm really talking to, right now!

JACKSON: Not when you were being tortured by Baal, killed, brought back to life, over and over again. I stood by you the whole time!

O'NEILL: Alright, just stop! I don't need to be reminded of that! We've been around this barbecue a few times. Just because you know the stuff Daniel knows, doesn't mean you're him. Doesn't mean you're telling the truth. I mean, come on, you've got to know what you're asking me to do.


O'NEILL: You know, there's a bottom line here. Carter doesn't think it can be done!

JACKSON: Yes it can! A mark nine beamed directly behind the gate in the Pegasus galaxy will destroy that gate. The wormhole connection will be broken.

O'NEILL: How do you know that?

JACKSON: Hello! Merlin! *shakes the seat, getting angry*

O'NEILL: Oh yes, Merlin!

JACKSON: *sighs* Jack, I wish I had proof. I wish I had a way to convince you, but I don't! Now this was the only choice I had and I took it! It's a good plan. It-it…it just happens to hinge on you guys believing in me. Having a little faith. Now I thought, you of all people might!!

O'NEILL: Why?! You of all people should know that I don't believe anything anybody says, even if I understand what they're talking about! *frowns not sure if that made any sense*

JACKSON: Jack! It's me!

O'NEILL: Yeah?! *Jackson shakes the seat again, O'Neill stands waving his hand at him, leaves*

SCENE: Back at the SGC, Carter and O'Neill lean closely together on her desk, just like old times.

CARTER: He's right, sir. A mark nine gate buster beamed directly behind the event horizon, so the force won't be absorbed by the active wormhole… would destroy the gate and sever the connection.

O'NEILL: Yeah. I should have known that.

CARTER: *smiles* So, do you believe him now?

O'NEILL: I honestly don't know.

CARTER: Well unfortunately, I don't think a polygraph would work in this case.

O'NEILL: No, but I'm not worried about that, cause I think we've got something better.

SCENE: On board Teal'c walks enters walking over to Jackson.

JACKSON: You know, Teal'c, the longer I'm gone, the more suspicious Adria is gonna become.

TEAL'C: Why were you preaching to the villagers on that planet?

JACKSON: What? Uh… I told you, I found out you guys were gonna be there, so I set myself up to be captured.

TEAL'C: You misunderstand me, Daniel Jackson. Why is Adria not suspicious of your actions? You attempt to reform a meaningless planet of people instead of completing the weapon.

JACKSON: Actually, she was the one who stopped me before I completed the weapon.

TEAL'C: Why?

FLASHBACK SCENE: Jackson works in room with a device similar to the one in Merlin's cave, a hologram of the device being built hovers over the table, before materializing. Adria walks in, running a hand over his shoulders.

JACKSON: I'm almost done.

ADRIA: I know. You must stop for now.

JACKSON: *walks away from the device* You're afraid the Ancients will take the device away from us before we can use it.

ADRIA: They've interfered once before in its creation. You're using Merlin's knowledge. Knowledge he kept from when he was ascended.

JACKSON: But if I don't finish it… ADRIA: For now, you must help bring the energy of more followers into the fold.

SCENE: Back on the Odyssey JACKSON: The original plan was for the Ori to convert our whole galaxy, so that they could build up their power enough to attack the Ancients. *Teal'c walks round him* But even then, a conflict on that level was gonna be costly. But now they have a weapon that could destroy all ascended beings within the scope of an entire galaxy in one fell swoop. They just need to distract the Ancients for long enough so that they can use it.

TEAL'C: Engage them in battle long enough to complete the weapon.

JACKSON: and back off to safety while Adria detonates it.

TEAL'C: If the Ancients perceive this weapon as a threat, why not intervene and simply take it now?

JACKSON: I have no idea. I mean, maybe they wanna give my plan a chance to work. Either way, the Ori believe they still need more power to maximize their chances for success.

TEAL'C: More power. That means they will need more followers.

JACKSON: Exactly. Adria's out working hard for the cause, which leaves me the perfect opportunity to steal the ship with the weapon on it. If you guys would just believe I am still on your side! We're running out of time.

SCENE: Teal'c walks into the briefing room where the other wait.

TEAL'C: I believe Daniel Jackson speaks the truth.

O'NEILL: Lot of good it's gonna do us. *motions to Landry's office, just as Landry and Woolsey walk out towards them*

LANDRY: *opens the door* I'll let you tell 'em yourself, because I don't have the stomach for it.

MITCHELL: That's alright sir, General O'Neill filled us in. The IOA has nixed the whole thing.

LANDRY: No, I don't think you know everything. *They all look up, O'Neill frowning*

WOOLSEY: *hesitates, then walks over to the table* I…You have to understand. We've considered all the evidence at our disposal. But more than that, as difficult as this is, I feel very strongly that we have no viable option.

MITCHELL: *stands* You wanna get to the point?

WOOLSEY: I assure you, this may be the hardest decision I'll ever make…but I take full responsibility for it. Based on my recommendation, the IOA has proposed to the President that Daniel Jackson's life be terminated. Immediately.

SCENE: On board the Odyssey, Vala sits in Jackson's lap.

JACKSON: So…what the hell is going on?

VALA: This and that. You know…the usual. You'll never believe what's happening on One Life To Live.

JACKSON: You know, I really hate to press the issue here, but I do have a deadline.

VALA: Oh… so do we.

JACKSON: Oh yes…I know… before I figure out how to overcome the effects of the Anti-Prior device. Ooooh! I thought Teal'c believed me!

VALA: Oh he does.


VALA: No, he's on your side too. That…little weasel man who somehow represents your government?

JACKSON: …Woolsey?

VALA: I-I… can't be certain, but I think he might not like you.

JACKSON: He wants to have me killed, doesn't he?

VALA: Well, I'm not sure how serious he is. He seems quite the prankster to me.*smiles*

JACKSON: You know, I was afraid of that. He was the one who argued to keep Kalek alive and got burned for it.

VALA: Kalek?

JACKSON: Uh… Anubis' highly evolved half breed son. Two people died as a result. It could have been much worse.

VALA: *looks down, he watches her* Now that you mention it, that seems to be in play. *pats his arm* But not to worry, if it comes down to it, I have a plan. *gets down*

JACKSON: Oh, you have a plan! Great. What is it?

VALA: *lets out a deep breath* Well… when I said that I had a plan, I meant that I have to plan the plan. So when o-or…or rather if it comes down to it, I will have a plan. I've…um… cleared my whole afternoon…for planning. *he watches her closely…*

JACKSON: You believe me, right?

VALA: *nods, chewing inner lip* Mmmm Hmmmm *looks away*

JACKSON: Ok...now I don't believe you… VALA: *she takes a deep breath, rolls the stool over to him, sitting down* Imagine our positions were reversed. What would you do?

JACKSON: Hmmm… VALA: I know you've trusted me even when you've had every reason not to. But perhaps I'm the only one who knows how dangerous and powerful Adria is. There's no evidence. Only your word. And that should be enough…but this is so big.

JACKSON: Well I wouldn't let them kill you.

VALA: Of course not. *voice trembling slightly* I won't let that happen to you. But would you support me…if what I was proposing, could finally open the door to the final Ori victory? Not…if there was the slightest chance that I wasn't on the level. Even if it was the tiniest nagging doubt? *she leaves, Jackson watching her go, sadly*

SCENE: Landry's Office, O'Neill and Woolsey sit across from him.

O'NEILL: That's a load of crap! You're wasting our time!

WOOLSEY: Doctor Jackson was the one who suggested we should kill Kalek.

O'NEILL: He was the demon spawn of Anubis!!

WOOLSEY: And Doctor Jackson is now potentially an even bigger threat.

LANDRY: I think the operative word there is, potentially. We don't know exactly what's going on yet.

WOOLSEY: And by the time we do, it may be too late! We know that Anti-Prior device will only subdue his powers for a limited time. After that, you won't be able to control him.

O'NEILL: Alright… listen to me closely, cause I'm only gonna say this once. You kill Daniel… over my dead body!!

LANDRY: Obviously, we need to discuss some realistic options.

WOOLSEY: *sighs* We can't hold Doctor Jackson long term and we can't release him, given what he knows.

LANDRY: well…If he has fallen under their influence, the Ori most likely know everything they can learn from him, already.

WOOLSEY: What are you suggesting?

LANDRY: Doctor Jackson claims he'll revert back to his old self in short order. We only need to hold him long enough to see if that's true. If it's not, we still have the option of placing him in stasis.

WOOLSEY: If he hasn't already caused a major catastrophe by then.

O'NEILL: Oh, will you stop it!! If he is telling the truth, then we've blown the best chance we've ever had of beating the bad guys.

SCENE: O'Neill walks into Carter lab, where she, Mitchell and Teal'c wait.

CARTER: How's it going, sir?

O'NEILL: Longing for the days when I actually carried a weapon. What do you got?

CARTER: A crazy idea.

O'NEILL: I'm down with crazy. I like crazy. Crazy and I are like *crosses his fingers, then uncrosses them* that!

CARTER: *glances at Mitchell* Cam likes crazy, too.

MITCHELL: Listen, if what Jackson is saying is true, there is an Ori ship out there with a near complete weapon on it that could prove useful against the Ori. I think we should go after it.

O'NEILL: You're right. that's crazy!

MITCHELL: I'm just saying, if they're not gonna let Jackson complete his mission, there is no reason that we shouldn't try.

TEAL'C: Daniel Jackson may be able to provide us with the intelligence required to ensure the success for this mission.

MITCHELL: He might be able to tell us where the ship is and how to get aboard undetected.

CARTER: And he must have enough knowledge of their technology by now to provide me with what I need to interface with the ships control systems.

O'NEILL: Assuming he tells you.

CARTER: Well why wouldn't he?

MITCHELL: If he knows he's not going anywhere.

SCENE: Back on the Odyssey, O'Neill walks round Jackson.

JACKSON: That's crazy!

O'NEILL: That's what I said. It's crazy, it's nuts, it's wacko! But let's be honest, what isn't.

JACKSON: Jack, I'm the only one who should be going. It's too dangerous for anyone else.

O'NEILL: Not if you give me the Intel we need!

JACKSON: It's my plan!

O'NEILL: It was a bad one! Come on Daniel! You had to know we weren't gonna shut down that supergate for you.

JACKSON: We had no choice.

O'NEILL: Oh, now it's weee…!

JACKSON: You've been in my position before. Well, not this one, but…similar!!

O'NEILL: Yes, I'm sure I have, but my brains been messed with so much over the years, I don't remember.

JACKSON: Wait a second! With your way, you'll still have to shut down the supergate.

O'NEILL: Come on! Where's the ship! *Jackson stares straight ahead* How does Carter fly it? Give me any other Intel I might need to make this op a success. Come on! *he leans forward* I'm trusting you.

JACKSON: Oh yes, I really feel the faith *pulls at the restraints*!

O'NEILL: Well now you have to trust us. Let us finish what you started.

SCENE: Back in the Briefing room, SG-1 brief Woolsey and Landry.

CARTER: The Ori ship containing Merlin's weapon is parked in orbit around a planet with a gate.

MITCHELL: We gate to the planet, use the rings to get aboard.

TEAL'C: There is a Prior in charge of the ship, but he preaches to the masses on the planet daily.

WOOLSEY: I thought only a Prior could fly one of their ships.

CARTER: The systems are activated using mind control. Daniel's given me what I need to get around it.

VALA: He's also given us instructions on how to put the final pieces together.

LANDRY: Daedalus will be standing by in Pegasus to shut down the wormhole.

CARTER: We use the Ori ship to dial out and we send the weapon through.

MITCHELL: But not before the Odyssey beams us off.

O'NEILL: Now that's a plan!

WOOLSEY: That depends entirely on Daniel Jackson's word.

MITCHELL: We will know whether he's on the level, before we shut off the supergate. So at this point, the only thing at risk, is us.

Woolsey looks at O'Neill, who smiles at him, he then glances round the table before glancing down.

SCENE: Jackson stares at the Anti-Prior device, but looks up as Woolsey enters.

JACKSON: No gun. Hm…Did you bring lethal injection, high voltage or just gonna have them beam me out into space.

WOOLSEY: I think you understand my position.

JACKSON: I gave Jack the information you asked for.

WOOLSEY: And you will be frozen in stasis until such time that SG-1's mission is deemed successful.

JACKSON: I take it then, you're not gonna allow me to just turn back into my old self.

WOOLSEY: If the Intel turns out to be reliable, you will be unfrozen and allowed to resume transforming. If that indeed, is…going to happen.


WOOLSEY: *walks over to him* I'm here out of respect for you. I wanted to explain personally that we're about to beam you into the Ancient Pod in Antarctica. *Jackson's eyes are shut, screwed tight in concentration* Ok. *walks over to the intercom* You're clear to beam the prisoner out now. *nothing happens* What's the hold up?

CREWMAN: We're having some technical problems. We can't seem to get a lock.

Woolsey stares at Jackson as his restraints suddenly open up. The guards try to walk in but are thrown backwards and the doors close behind them, before Woolsey can get out. He suddenly rises off the floor as Jackson walks towards him.

JACKSON: Not part of my plan.

SCENE: Back at the SGC, Landry and O'Neill walk up the steps from the control room towards the Briefing room.

O'NEILL: I've always been the one that caused the worry, not the worrier.

LANDRY: It's not easy. Don't second guess yourself. This is the best possible course of action.

O'NEILL: Exactly! Action… good! Sitting around…bad.

LANDRY: If it makes you feel any better, I still worry sometimes, too. About you.

O'NEILL: Well thank you, sir.

LANDRY: Don't mention it. *suddenly Woolsey beams in behind them, they turn*

O'NEILL: I thought we fixed this thing so that wouldn't happen anymore. *Landry laughs but then O'Neill disappears in a beam of light*

SCENE: On the Bridge of the Odyssey, Jackson sits alone in the Captains chair. O'Neill appears before him.

O'NEILL: Daniel? *turns*


O'NEILL: What's up?

JACKSON: Oh, I'm taking the ship.

O'NEILL: oh… I see that.

JACKSON: Yeah, I've beamed the crew safely to the surface.

O'NEILL: Nice for them.

JACKSON: But as you probably figured out by now, I'm going to need you.

O'NEILL: You know, I was just thinking how much I missed being needed.

The Odyssey goes into Hyperspace.

SCENE: Aboard an Ori ship, which is in orbit around a planet. The Rings are activated and SG-1 appear in an empty room. As they head out through the corridor, they meet some guards and immediately take cover. The Ori soldiers firing on them. MITCHELL: *shouting* Alright fellas, here's the deal. We are commandeering this ship! We'd like for you to throw down your weapons and surrender please! *they continue to fire* That's a no.

They open fire on the guards, killing them all.

MITCHELL: We asked nicely.

SCENE: Teal'c and Carter walk into the bridge of the ship, Carter heading over to the control centre while Teal'c watches the door.

SCENE: Mitchell and Vala enter the room where the device lies, almost complete, on a separate tables are a number of crystals.

VALA: Ok…*walks over to the table* Huh… this shouldn't be too bad.

MITCHELL: I don't know. For me, whenever there's some assembly required, I inevitably find some part missing. A screw, widget, what have you.

VALA: hmmm…Well, according to Daniel's instructions, it all seems to be here.

MITCHELL: Ah well, never follow instructions. *picks up a red crystal* Think that could be part of the problem? *Vala takes the crystal very carefully from him.*

SCENE: Some guards head for the bridge, Teal'c immediately opening fire on them. Encouraging Carter to work faster.

CARTER: we clear?

TEAL'C: For the moment.

CARTER: Ok, I've locked out the rings and secured this level. We shouldn't have any more company. *grabs her radio* Hang on guys.

SCENE: Mitchell watches as Vala walks to piece the device together.

CARTER: {On Radio} If this works, we're about to jump into hyperspace.

The Ori ship jumps into Hyperspace.

SCENE: On board the Odyssey, as it moves through Hyper-space, Jackson and O'Neill sit on the bridge.

O'NEILL: Yep! Just like old times. Except, I'm here against my will and you look like Marcel Marceau.

JACKSON: Yeah. You know, some things change, but others stay the same.

O'NEILL: very good. Why did you bother giving me the Intel if you were gonna bust out anyway?

JACKSON: *turns the seat to face him* Well obviously I'm improvising at this point. I had no idea when or even if I was going to be able to overcome the effects of the Anti-Prior device. Time was running out. Adria was gonna notice my absence and become suspicious, so…sending the rest of SG1 to get the device was my only choice at the time.

O'NEILL: Then why do this now?

JACKSON: Because I'm afraid the rest of the team won't be able to complete the mission without me.

O'NEILL: Oh! Aren't we full of ourselves.

JACKSON: That and I wasn't about to let Woolsey freeze me.

O'NEILL: *nods* That I understand.


SCENE: Vala place the last crystal in the device, pulling back.

VALA: Okay…. I think…that's about it.

MITCHELL: Hang on…*picks up a piece* What's this?

VALA: Oh, I'm not sure about that one.

MITCHELL: You see? There is always a widget left over.

VALA: I thought you were always one short?

MITCHELL: Well you'd think both was impossible, but it's not.

VALA: Right. Actually…I'm pretty sure that's a timing crystal that sets the detonation of the weapon five minutes after it's inserted.

MITCHELL: Right, hold on that. *puts it down, grabs radio* Carter, status.

CARTER: Vala, Cam, we're moments from exiting hyper-space.

MITCHELL: Roger that, we're almost done here. *Vala looks at him, waving the red crystal* Check that, uh, Vala's almost done, I still have my doubts. *he waves, she places the red crystal on top and it starts to glow*

MITCHELL: And that means?

VALA: That means the weapon's ready to be activated. *she quickly turns looking round the room*


VALA: Oh, I was just…wondering if an ascended being was gonna swoop down and take it away.

MITCHELL: I guess they don't mind us doing their dirty work for 'em.

VALA: Or… MITCHELL: Or what?

VALA: Or there's no point because I've assembled it wrongly and it's not going to work. *she smiles at him*

SCENE: The Ori ship drops out of Hyperspace. Teal'c immediately moves to the window.

TEAL'C: Colonel Carter.

CARTER: Yeah, I see it. It just came up on the ships sensors. *grabs radio, walking over to Teal'c* Cam…Vala… We have a problem.

In front of the SuperGate sits an Ori Vessel, guarding the Gate.

SCENE: Mitchell grabs his radio MITCHELL: What's it doing? CARTER: I… It seems to be just sitting there blocking our way. I'm trying to raise shields.

SCENE: Several Ori soldiers enter the room in which Vala and Mitchell stand with the device they immediately raise their weapons.

VALA: Hi there!

MITCHELL: *grabs radio* Carter, I thought you sealed off this level

SCENE: in the control room, Carter and Teal'c stand, weapons on the table, hands raised.

MITCHELL: *On Radio* and locked out the rings.

CARTER: *grabs radio* Me too.

The two stand before Adria, whose eyes glow with a deep fire.

SCENE: The Odyssey drops out of hyperspace.

JACKSON: I was afraid of that. Adria must have anticipated my plan.

O'NEILL: They're gonna detect us.

JACKSON: We're cloaked.

O'NEILL: This ship doesn't have that.

JACKSON: It does now. Having a ZPM helps… *Looks at O'Neill* When the time comes, give the order to Daedalus. *He stands walking over to the window*

O'NEILL: We'll see.

SCENE: Jackson beams on to the Bridge of the Ori vessel.

ADRIA: I should never have trusted you.

JACKSON: They're about to shut down the supergate and allow our ships through. They've assembled the weapon and the Ancients didn't interfere. *looks at Carter* Right? You did exactly as I said, right?

CARTER: Daniel, what are you doing?

JACKSON: *looks at Adria* We can destroy the Ancients right now and the Ori won't even have to fight. I've done all of this for you.

ADRIA: Your mind is closed to me.

JACKSON: Yeah. *he throws his arm at her, a burst of energy hitting her and knocking her out*

CARTER: *Teal'c quickly grabs his P- 90, aiming it at Jackson* What the hell is going on?

JACKSON: ah… *breathing heavily*Sorry about that. I had to be sure this *pulls out the Anti Prior device* was working on her first.

CARTER: You got past her personal shield.

JACKSON: Yeah. That took a lot. *he starts to fall, leaning on the chair, Carter helps him to sit on it*

TEAL'C: Are you alright, Daniel Jackson?

JACKSON: Yeah. A little dizzy. Look, I don't have much time left. Go arm the device. Jack's onboard Odyssey, he's gonna shut down the gate. Now go! *They leave the room, Jackson leans back against the seat* Jack, give the command.

SCENE: On board the Odyssey, O'Neill sits listening, hesitant to make a move.

JACKSON: *on radio* Please! I'm running out of strength to do this.

O'NEILL: *after a moment* Daedalus. This is General Jack O'Neill.

SCENE: Carter and Teal'c enter the room zatting the Ori soldiers as they enter.

MITCHELL: So what's going on?

CARTER: Daniel's flying the ship.

VALA: Daniel?

TEAL'C: He wishes us to arm the weapon.

CARTER: General O'Neill's onboard the Odyssey.

VALA: And?

CARTER: Do it.

Vala walks over to the weapon, inserting the final piece, it activates. Outside, the gate is shuts down as Jackson concentrates and dialing it up, O'Neill watches from the Odyssey, the rest of SG-1 running through the corridors of the ship. The Gate activates, the Ori ship that was guarding it moving away, as the Ship with the device aboard moves towards it. As SG-1 enter the bridge of the Ori ship, Jackson returns to his original form exhausted. They watch as they continue to move towards the wormhole.

MITCHELL: We gotta go!

CARTER: Sir, if you can hear me, we need to beam out now!

VALA: *leaning down beside Adria* What about Adria?

Too late, the team is beamed out, leaving Adria behind as the Ori ship moves through the gate.

SCENE: On board the Odyssey, in the infirmary, Jackson lies in bed, Vala sitting beside him, O'Neill and Teal'c sitting on the opposite bed, Mitchell standing at the foot of the bed. Jackson wakes, O'Neill leans forward rubbing his head.

O'NEILL: Hey sleepyhead! What took you so long?

JACKSON: What happened?

O'NEILL: Nothing. Why?

MITCHELL: We armed the weapon, you dialed the gate and sent the Ori ship through.

TEAL'C: Assuming it is you.

JACKSON: No…it's me. Merlin's gone. He sacrificed himself for this to work.

O'NEILL: *stands* Yeah? Prove it! *Jackson waves his hand at him, looks down at himself * What the hell was that?

JACKSON: If I was Merlin, you would know. *turns to Vala* What about Adria?

VALA: Still on the ship.

MITCHELL: Alright, here's a question. How do we know it worked?

JACKSON: AH… we don't. Not yet.

O'NEILL: I think, if it did work, the Ancients would feel obligate to …give us a fruit basket or like, a gift certificate or....something like that.

VALA: Maybe the reason why they let us do it is because they knew it wouldn't work.

JACKSON: Or maybe because they knew it would and wanted it to. There's no point in guessing. *He watches her, she gives him a very small smile, looks at Teal'c*

TEAL'C: Even if it is successful, there are still a great many Priors with great power and vast armies of warriors bent on converting this galaxy. It will be very difficult to convince them that their Gods are dead.

VALA: If they're dead.

MITCHELL: *walks over to the intercom* Carter! Sunshine is awake!

SCENE: Carter sits on the bridge CARTER: That's good. Is he ok?

MITCHELL: *on radio* Well he's grumpy.

CARTER: Can you ask him how he managed to cloak the ship?

SCENE: Mitchell waves a hand at Jackson, but he shrugs.

MITCHELL: He said, Magicians don't reveal their secrets.

SCENE: Hey…Is that Ori ship still hanging around out there?

CARTER: Yeah, it's still out there. I sent a message to Earth, telling them that we were going- *staring*…uh, guys? You'd better get up here.

SCENE: The supergate dials up before them, activating. SG-1 and O'Neill walk onto the Bridge.

CARTER: Incoming wormhole The Gate activates and 6-8 Ori vessels exit the wormhole.

O'NEILL: yeah. I think that went well!

MITCHELL: We knew…eliminating the Ori, might not stop their followers.

JACKSON: I still think it was the right thing to do.

MITCHELL: We may have made things worse, right now. But in the long run, it could be our only chance to win the war.

The Ori ships, including the one originally guarding the Gate, jump into hyperspace.



Transcribed by TARA


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